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A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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May 4, 2009 at 9:29am
May 4, 2009 at 9:29am
A Farewell Acrostic
by Steve Cope

Alas an angel is flying away
Now the WDC will be dimmer.
New, old, or in between
All will miss one who has meant so much on the WDC.
Lord we pray that You will watch over her and lay
Your healing hands upon here if her health is a problem.
Nearer to Your heart may she draw Lord and see
Newer and greater evidences of Your work in her life.
Etch upon her heart and mind the good times she's had on the WDC.

Annalynne, farewell but not goodbye, may your days be filled with grace, peace, and love from all around. Your influence on the WDC will not be forgotten and you will be remembered fondly by so many here. Blessings in the Lord over you and yours.
Copenator out!

Anna in the German means "gracious"/"full of grace"
Your scripture verse is in Luke 1:28
"And having come in, the angel said to her, Rejoice, highly favored one,
the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women."

Lynne in the English means "clear pool"/"holy"
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)

April 19, 2009 at 12:37pm
April 19, 2009 at 12:37pm
This is a collaborative write I did in 2008. Haven't shared this one here yet.
Copenator out
Life is Found Here
by Steve Cope
a.ka. Copenator

"Warm Summer Days"
Hazy skies created by the heat and pollution,
And romantic walks on the beach after lunch
Takes me back to the good ole days.

To a world that was bound by a simple handshake
And our word was our bond of integrity
Days of innocence and wonder--
When we two first met and instantly fell in love.

Let’s build sand castles the rest of the day
In that little cove down at the bay
Let's meet together and come what may
Homemade lemonade and swinging in the swing.

Moonbeams dance as we breathe in life
As shooting stars light the way for our dreams to take flight
Enjoying life's beauty while singing and laughing
We laugh as the fireflies circle us
Unaware of life's rapid passing,
We seek to fill every moment with enough love to make it through,
Winters creating snow angels in the yard and
Warm summer days gathering the memories of our life that is oh so special.

In the midst of the days, weeks, months, and years
Life taking it's toll through the days of happiness, sadness, and mediocrity.
Days of health and months of illness untold and through it all
The one thing that remains constant is our love that has lasted for twenty years.

Let us make a trip down memory lane when things were just beginning and we tried to make
Homemade ice cream in an old hand crank machine
if you turn the handle I will add the rock salt,
and together we will make cream as we sit and talk,

and hope we will eat ice cream like this together again
Ohhhhhh! What's this cramping I feel? The ice cream is good
But what a time for me to find that I am lactose intolerant!
Will you bring the Pepto and wait outside cause it's gonna be quite stinky.

"Aaaaah, that feels better now" (I say, as the hiss of the air freshener fades away).
How about another bowl just for the road?
Oh look there's a new invention for the lactose intolerant,
It says "a pill before the milk, and it goes down like silk."

"Warm Summer Days" (Lady "Cheryl" Death)
Hazy skies created by the heat and pollution,
And romantic walks on the beach after lunch
Takes me back to the good ole days.

In these lines shared by a bunch of pals
Can be found the seeds of romance, life, ups, downs, and even fails.
Eleven-hundred lines and on any given day
It can take weeks and weeks to cull through them all.

Wednesday through Saturday is the time alloted
To come up with a poem created by collaborating partners,
And in the end it all brings you back to
Warm summer days and nights spent under stars.

Life is happening here in these lines.
There is happiness, sadness, anger, and forgiveness too.
Sickness, wellness, and periods of mediocrity
Until ones niche in life is found.

"Nowhere else I'd rather be
only beside you is all that I want to be
Holding me close for eternity.
Sharing with you all the love inside me."

With my bug spray, beef jerky and my handy dandy camera
Life will be recorded and memories will be made,
And then when all is said and done we can
Look back on the pictures and remember the good, bad, and ugly.

"Will you stay with me for another twenty-years?
"Why sure I will you my little chickadee."
"Then all is well in the house of the Copes and come what may
Let the warm summer days come and go for we will be together soaking in the rays."

Life is found within these lines and to the pals who continually amaze and daze this writer with the volume of talent including these who have provided a line in the life of the Copes on a warm summer day. Cheryl, me the Copenator, Medusa, sparkles, Margie, Sheila A, Donna B, princess Divine, Luna, Raiden, Troy, Faye, Mike "kit" Carson and last but not least the ever present "Kat". <u>Rhonda</u> is found in these lines as is <u>your servant in Christ</u> and beloved you who share these lines are appreciated and to all of you this collab is dedicated, and to the Lord may the glory be forever and ever. Amen.

April 13, 2009 at 8:27am
April 13, 2009 at 8:27am
The Alphabet of Christ Part 2
Category: Religion and Philosophy

To recap beloved, we have used the first thirteen letters of the alphabet to launch a treatise on Christ's ministry on this earth. Here are the topics we shared with you.

Alpha and Omega
God's plan
Holy, holy, holy
King of kings.
Lord of lords

Now beloved without further ado, The Alphabet of Christ - Part 2.

No other name by which me might
Be saved. Often spoken of as
Exclusivistic in nature, the opposite
Rings true for salvation is open to all who believe.

Omnipotent, along with Omniscient
As well as Omnipresent equals a
Formula that tells us Christ is
All seeing, knowing
And powerful! Whoo, whoo!

Powerful, in the Greek, "dunamis"
Is where we get our word dynamic and dynamite.
The power in this word is an
Active power and explosive as the money changers found out.

Quiet! Can you hear that?
A still small voice is speaking.
Oh Lord what would You have me
To do for You? Will you hear and obey?

Redeemer means we have value.
Sin has corrupted our lives and God
Sent His son to the cross to
Redeem us so we might have fellowship with Him anew.

Savior! Jesus served as our redeemer and
The cost was such that His life
Was required to pay for them.
He becomes our Savior when we repent and turn from sin.

Tenacious; keeping at it; Jesus
Stayed the course even unto death.
For this sacrifice, your servant
Pens this treatise the Alphabet of Christ.

Uniquely God and man. Yes, Jesus
Sent from heaven is fully God and
Fully human in all the frailty
Associated with this body.

Verily, verily, I say unto you.
His humanity makes Him qualified
To serve as an advocate so
We might be saved! He is

Wisdom in flesh and how
Blessed we are by this.
Knowledge is from Gnosis, the
Type you can count on for life.

'Xcelleent is His bedside manner.
Extending a gentle hand or asking
For the healed one to go to Temple.
Why? To bear witness to a miracle!
Now beloved is
Your chance to put forth
Your two-cents. Do you believe
Jesus is all this and more or
Is He just a good man? He is

Zealous in His love for us
And urges us to test Him.
Will you do this and lsiten
With an open heart and mind?

If your answer is yes beloved
Then the Alphabet of Christ
Has touched your life and
You will never be the same again.

Beloved this concludes part two of the Alphabet of Christ. It is the prayer of your servant in Christ that you will read this list and look at Him in a new way. Perhaps you are a new Christian and this list provides you with witnessing opportunities.
Whatever your position is on Christ, Jesus, the Lord, Messiah, you are presented with the challenge of seeking to know Him better.

Steve C
servant in Christ,
His Servant Ministries.
Copenator Crew leader.
April 13, 2009 at 6:37am
April 13, 2009 at 6:37am
The Owl Named Poot
by Steve Cope
A Friday Fling Seussercize

There once was an owl named Poot.
How he got that name I don't give a hoot.
Every day he did sleep, sleep, sleep.

Oh it was quite a sight, and then at night
Well things were different.
Look, Poot is wondering how he's going to pay the rent!

Now you might wonder why an owl named Poot has
A concern to pay the rent, I mean come on
Man everybody knows they live in the trees my son.
Every time you hear the owl you wonder "whoo is that"?
Don't you see! There are no more trees!

Poot is forced to co-habitate
On a farm with the chickens who now rule the roost.
Oh poor Poot, don't you folk give a hoot?
That in this day and age the trees are gone and there's nowhere else for

The Owl Named Poot to be but up the creek on the fringes of a civilization
that is evicting wildlife one HOOT at a time.

Doctor Seuss was a great poet
And so many people know it.
He invented so many characters
Like Horton who heard a whoooo.
This got me to thinking, what would he say
About the environment and the deplorable way
So many habitats are being devastated.
Poot, the owl, has a life turned upside down, delapidated.
The Owl Named Poot
Wants you to give a hoot.
And stop mucking up the planet
While there still is an earth, so lets plan it!
April 9, 2009 at 3:27am
April 9, 2009 at 3:27am
The Alphabet of Christ
Part 1
by Steve Cope
01-04 to 05-2008
Post to WDC 4-9-09

Beloved, the alphabet is the foundation upon which we build words. What better way is there to praise the Lord for His life, than using the alphabet to discusss the Savior and Lord Jesus; the Christ; Messiah.

Alpha and Omega, in the Greek,
Means the beginning and the end.
Jesus becomes our beginning
And our end when He is our Savior.

Brilliant and oh so wise was
Jesus in the days He walked
The earth doing the work of
His Father so we might be free.

Caring about His disciples
A prayer He did raise to God.
Seeking their protection from
Satan, the enemy of all that is good.

Daring was Jesus, for His message
Shook the foundation of the
Pharisees and Saduceees. His
Desire was to save one-and-all.

Elegant is His presentation of
The Gospel message, every Word
Was filled with the promise
Of grace, peace, and love for eternity.

Furious was the Christ upon
His arrival at the Temple. A righteous
Anger did explode until the house
Became once again a "House of Prayer".

God's plan was set in motion on
Christmas morning with the birth
Of Jesus and He was loyal to
Conveying His Fathers plan for 33 years.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Oh for all to say that with a
Loving and all knowing smile
Yes to acknowledge His holiness!

Indescribable is the power.
At His spoken word demons fled.
Eyes were opened, water became new wine,
And Lazarus was raised from the dead.

Joyful was He in His time on earth
When He did see the message
Change a life, heal a bleeder,
And even feed five-thousand!

King of kings. This means He is
Soverign and rules in love and deed
By example. His rule is the
Example others must needs follow.

Lord of lords. He is the Master
We are His servants. No middle
Ground to tread, we must decide to
Follow Jesus or Satan. I choose Jesus!

Master craftsman trained
In the art of carpentry, His
Talent was honed under the eyes
Of Joseph, the dad of a King!

Beloved, this concludes part one of THE ALPPABET OF CHRIST, Tomorrow we will begin with the letter "N" and end with the letter "Z". Almost every civilization has a written form of communication and this dear readers is your servant in Christ's attempt at using his skill of writing to praise the Lord.

Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C,
servant in Christ.
His Servant Ministries.
Copenator Crew leader.
March 30, 2009 at 7:04am
March 30, 2009 at 7:04am
<center>W hat is Love? I
H ave seen that question a lot lately.
A television station riddled with love equations.
T owering amounts of words have been written to

I nstitutionalize, compartmentalize, and just down right limit love.
S tringing along a dictionaries length of definitions a question remains

What Is

L ove to you? Do you see it as an instrument
O nly used to reach a goal you have in mind? What
V alue do you place upon love as a commodity you can sale? Do you
E ver see yourself getting any closer to the meaning to the question

What Is Love?

I cannot speak for you beloved who read this now.

H owever I can lay the ground work for what love is in my eyes.
A plate of beans and franks, served with ketchup and a squeeze of the hand.
V aluable gems that pale in comparison when reflected in the heart of another.
E ach and every time you return from an excursion and a smile says welcome.

What is Love? I Have

N o clue what it means to you, but
O h when I see my Rhonda resting comfortably, I know God's love is real.

What Is Love? I Have No

A nswer for you except to say God Is Love. A
N ew kind of love that is unmerited and cannot be purchased.
S ealed upon a cross many centuries ago,
W hen you think of Love, do you see He who died for our sins?
E ver ready to scour the four corners of the earth seeking.His He so loves.
R inging the bell to announce lunch-time I realize the question is;

What Is Love? I Have no Answer but I can tell you what love means to me. Can you tell me what love means to you? I really want to know.{/center}
Copenator out!
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March 29, 2009 at 3:08am
March 29, 2009 at 3:08am
Spring Has Sprung
a continuation of Change Is Coming
by Steve Cope
a CPCCC Collab
Chimes making music in the wind
Can bring a smile to any ones face.
Gentle winds softly caressing my skin
I can but fall to my knees in awe akin

To a rapturous experience. The pace
Does build and my mind it does race.
I can feel the very fiber of the earth.
I want to sing a song with glee and mirth.

Leaves swirling with the dust devil that just blew in
Nature's dandruff in my hair
The sky filled with little flecks of gold in the sunlight
And the tinging of the chimes brings a feeling of such delight.

Oh gee, oh my gosh, could it be? I feel happy!
Change has come and spring has sprung,
The rains they are pouring down and the old is becoming new.
As I tumble in love with you end over end, with Rhonda dew.

Oh the earth, the sky, the moon and the stars
All have a new sheen about them, even the old beat up cars.
The lions, the tigers, and the bears, oh me!
Sauntering too and fro with their prides, cubs, and babies for all to see.

Stars twinkle in the heavens like winking eyes

The beauty of it all leaves my heart sighing .
How awesome, oh how marvelously pleasing
Is the change that has come over one and all.

Change is coming, it once was said and here now it be.
True it is there are still many hints of old man winter,
But as time goes by and the world ticks on over, you will see
The blossoms and the blooms will become new live and leaves and tree!

Change has come and it is our joy to see
The end of one season and the beginning of another.
It is how God planned it and in His perfect economy
Here and now it can officially be said, that Mother

Nature has heeded the words and stepped into the fore
Ready to blow the world away with March winds,
April Showers, May flowers, and June brides and bugs too!
Oh spring has sprung and what can it be, it appears that I am happy?

As deep as the ocean as wide as the sea
Love goes far deeper than skin
Please don't confuse me with my twin
It floats in our hearts and hovers above our souls within

And the season is upon us for new things to blossom
For new thing to bloom and old things to be renewed.
Oh darn, I forgot my AARP.
Oh well it'll come around again and then it will be as new as spring!

Change has come and Jesus is still the same
His love for us keeps Him forever interceding for our name.
At the throne of God, He does petition, He does plea
Father forgive them, for they are my beloved and you must surely see

In them the glee and the optimism that appears to be growing.
They sense that something has changed, and looking at the calendar
Oh now the know that change has come and their hope is bearing
Fruit. Haste be the angels dashing here and there, even up to Hallendar.

Everything is new and the chimes are making music in the air.
The wind is singing a refrain oh so clear, to the Spring we now must repair.
Thank You Lord for a renewed vigor, hope, and life
And if for but a day we can leave aside all the strife.

The Spring has come and to Austin we did drive
To see my star and her brother too, the Dynamic Duo from Cali.
Rhonda was there making it all complete for you see this spring a dream came true.
I get to say "I saw Amanda and Travis Marsh in concert." With Rhonda at my side my happiness is complete.

Spring has sprung.
Change has come.
Dreams have come true,
And Jesus, you must know loves you!

Thanks to the collabers who helped me continue Change Is Coming and cap it off with Spring Has Sprung.

Cheryl, sheila A, seeturtle, budding artist,united majority, Ev and your servant in Christ, Copenator out!

March 26, 2009 at 3:47am
March 26, 2009 at 3:47am
T hank You Lord for strength that
H as evidence of Your hand in it.
A moment in time when we see You are there,
N ot a figment of our imagination or fantasy.
K indness and love from You are felt so completely.


Y ou Oh Lord for evidence that life matters
O n so many levels when all we may see is despair.
U ndeniably Lord can it be said You are concerned for our every hair.

Thank You

L ord of lords for the sacrifice You did make
O h so many centuries ago on a cross so
R eviling meant for the vilest of criminals. Not one
D ross, not one flaw did they find in you, yet fear of Your influence

F orced others to fall in with the cadence "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
O n that day Lord the world changed and new life was set in motion.
R esurrection was just around the corner even as You said "Itisover!

Thank You Lord For the

S acrifice that so many choose not to understand and others
T ake as a fable and for the weak minded who need a hero.
R evering Your name in this day and age is oftentimes scorned,
E ven to the point of imprisonment some have been taken.
N ow even speaking out against what You despise - sin - is wrong?
G ive us the wisdom, strength, and courage to boldly say
T his is my Lord and Savior, I will not be silenced, even in the end
H ere will I stand for all to hear and say with a happy heart

Thank You Lord For Strength that led you even to the foot of the cross where you freely gave your life so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

This just came to me this morning and I have learned to listen to the still small voice that says to write as He leads. I praise the Father for the gift of writing and the Acrostic that He enables me to utilize to send a message, speak a word, or even just to be ministered to by as I read over what has been laid out in cyber-ink. You are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
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March 25, 2009 at 12:20pm
March 25, 2009 at 12:20pm
So I've been offline for a bit. Back on and finally off work for six days so I can catch back up on things.
You are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
March 15, 2009 at 1:39am
March 15, 2009 at 1:39am
These eyes are important to me.
They are attached to my purple princess.
When the sun is not so bright.
All I have to do is look into those eyes
And the sun is a little brighter!
Those are my purple princesses eyes!

Purple Princess Eyes
by Steve Cope
A PN2 Eyes Write

The pic n poem I did for this is too large to share here. You can find it on my myspace page at this link


Click on (View More) button in the blog list on the left side of my profile on myspace. If I shrink it too much it will not be legible.

Copenator out!

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