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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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November 24, 2009 at 9:28am
November 24, 2009 at 9:28am
Update on condition of arms and flashbacks

I did strain, sprain my arms while in the midst of the robbery. The doc has me on Naprosin and icing. Right now the pain level is such that I still do not think I will be able to work tonight but I have to try.

I won't be on after this I have to work tonight and the pain level from arms is too much to continue typing. The meds are on board so I should be able to sleep but I'm kind of worried about how I will function at work tonight when I still have restrictions that will not allow me to do any pulling, pushing, etc. The flash backs are persisting too so I may well be very skiddish about being on the register tonight.
Later on the www.
Copenator out!
November 23, 2009 at 2:53pm
November 23, 2009 at 2:53pm
The Lord knows the days of the upright; and their inheritance will be for ever.
Have a happy Thanksgiving and may the blessings of the Lord fall fresh on you in the days ahead. He is concerned about you, reader, and for that reason I am care for you as well.
Copenator out!
November 22, 2009 at 1:39am
November 22, 2009 at 1:39am
The Lord raises those that are bowed down.
Thank You Lord for Your strength that brings us life. Are you burdened, are you heavy laden, do you feel as if it's all coming down?
Turn your upon Jesus, look full into His face and He will always be there picking us up.
This is true even after you've been robbed and had a co-worker basically make fun of you for getting robbed, and being told to get over it.
The Lord is lifting us up, let us stand and go further with Him than we may have been before we were bowed down and heavy laden.
Copenator out!
November 20, 2009 at 2:44am
November 20, 2009 at 2:44am
The pain in my arms is still pretty high so I will be going to the doctor later today to see if they can do anything to ease the pain. It's so odd that I could be hurting so much over something that happened so quickly.
I wrote a poem that I think the Lord used to help me with processing some of the emotions. It's in my static items if you are interested in viewing it. I still have to deal with the issue of one of my co-workers pretty much making fun of me over getting robbed and when I told here it hurt my feelings all she said was "get over it." That still hurts and I am wondering if the flashbacks are over.
So there is some progress of getting over the robbery but still some things I need to work out.
Copenator out!
November 15, 2009 at 10:40am
November 15, 2009 at 10:40am
For the first time in 5 years and 7 months I was robbed at the Walgreens I work for, it was a snatch and grab, no weapon involved. I kept trying to pull the drawer from her reach but still she got away with over 200 which makes it a felony I believe.
In the process I wound up having my tendonitis flare up and overnight the pain in my left arm has gotten worse with shooting pains and spasms right in the arm area where the tendonitis located.
I was angry for awhile and then finally got over that part but still through the night I was feeling sad to know that someone I pray for every day (I pray for the staff, the customers, and the troops represented by the every day) would so brazenly do this with customers in the building. Mostly I seek peace to fall upon my heart and mind after this harrowing experience and the pain the ease from the tendonitis.
I missed church and even now it hurts typing this here so I'll be copying it to post on the other internet presence sites I frequent.
You are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
November 13, 2009 at 9:00pm
November 13, 2009 at 9:00pm
Sing over us oh Lord and teach us to seek You at every turn. You are more than worthy to be praised.
Grace and peace to You oh King of kings.
Amen and amen.
November 8, 2009 at 12:55am
November 8, 2009 at 12:55am
Beloved this is a response to the shooting at Fort Hood, using lines supplied by other writers in collaboration format. I frequent myspace and in that community is Cheryl's Pals Creative Collab Corral. This is the result of the lines and the spacing will be off because some of the lines are longer than will fit in this space. Please bear with that problem and read the cries of the hearts of those who write.
No one had any ideal these lines would be used in this way and in fact I providentially copied the wrong weeks lines but I believe it was in the Lord's will for me to see those lines in such a time as this.
13 people have lost their lives at the hands of one who was there to help some recover from stress of being on the front lines. A fellow soldier did this!

Waking up in a cold sweat,
Sweaty hands and palms, I'm so terrified.
This just has to be a nightmare, please let it be so, oh God so sweet
Surely it did not happen, the loss of life the screams so - rarefied, shots fired! shots fired!

How did this happen? How could this ever be? I am shocked and awed don't you see?
A fellow soldier using a semi-automatic weapon takes out his colleagues
And all I want to do is sink him under the sea ten-thousand leagues.
The bloody battles he'll never forget

As in prison or at last to death the shooter does submit.
Lord dispense Your justice for it is truly legit.
Echoes of the lost were drowning my ears
Voices in my head, telling me all my fears

Waiting for the next sunset to ease my fears
I could but once again awaken with pillow soaked in tears.
One returned from duty loses life in a place that is supposed to be safe.
Another is poised to be shipped out, but alas one lone man takes life number two.

In the darkness of the night, in solitude I wept
Even when this was being written the tears from my eyes leaped.
Three lives were lost, nay four because one was pregnant!
How can any punishment be any more just than to squash the shooter like an ant?

A dark pall must have descended upon the whole place, such a horrific sight
And through the darkness came a twinkling of light
A rainbow of hope, a glorious sight
A valiant and brave officer does take aim and at last the shooter, of reality loses sight.

How can it be oh Lord, oh King of kings that one would turn on his fellow comrades
I know in Your Word is the tale of one who did just that and in his pride went to war
Only to bring into the fray the very ones You created, a third following the angel of vanity.
Never have these eyes seen such chaos at a military base before, how much insanity!

A candle light vigil held by their fellow soldiers to remember the fallen, the wounded, the sad
Just going through the motions, hoping to keep in check their emotions, Oh God this is bad!
Candles dancing around us like fireflies, floating and blinking
There is hope in this standing firm of resolve to carry on in spite of the devils slinking.

There were lightning bugs dancing into the night
Wishing I could join them in their fanciful flight
If only to get lost in the freedom found to forget the reality.
But alas and alack that cannot be the case, soldiers lie wounded such a cruelty.

War. What the heck good has it every brought!
War. What can be said? Has any good ever been wrought?
No! But daily the men, the women, are called to the front lines
And gladly, bravely, patriotically to the tops of the hills they will climb.

Many are afraid and "slowly sinking and trying to hide"
But in the end there is a sense of national pride.
A duty they have been called to, a line they are drawing in the sand
Oh the tragedy it is even more greatly for some to lose their lives on our homeland.

Let us remember, let us never forget that safety comes at a price
And even sometimes that cost comes to ones own front door, once, twice, no thrice!
Remember and let not this atrocity unbend our resolve to stand and again to stand
Even when it has to be against one of our own who's lost the desire to serve this homeland.

The collaborators who brought this to a close include Cheryl, Poetic Soultress, Michelle K, Miz Nancy, Sheila A, Cherie, Alba, vivi, and your servant in Christ Copenator.
Cold Sweat
by Steve Cope
A Remembrance Collab in the CPCCC
August 4, 2009 at 2:33am
August 4, 2009 at 2:33am
Today when I checked the email I found that an entry I placed in Stormy's contest won 2d place. It's called "The Barrell Roll" and this selection made my week.
The points are appreciated and will be used to encourage others to write on in the WDC!
You are important to God; therefore you are important to me.
Copenator out!
July 22, 2009 at 10:18am
July 22, 2009 at 10:18am
I was covering this weekend (Satuday, Sunday, Monday) for a fellow worker who's son was struck by a car and dragged for a long while. It brought back the memory of when I was struck by a car while walking to work on April 2, 2006. I know the pain that boy is going through and although his injuries are far worse than mine and will need more time to recover, the trauma will be so much alike. The flash backs, the scenes in movies that other people laugh at, the news reports of pedestrians being hit and often times killed take on new meanings.
They serve as reminders that life is too short to take for granted and the world just does not seem to take enough time to slow down and even look both ways before barreling on to their next destination that they must get to as quickly as possible.
Haste be the day when we can answer the question in the title in this way.
Life is precious and needs to be taken seriously. Life is a gift of God and only He knows when it is our time to be taken up into the heavenlies again. Life is too short to spend it in petty arguments and meaningless spats that will ultimately be worth naught save another incident to remember and fret over in the future. Life is worth the living and may we all live it to the fullest for we never know when our last day on earth is or when our lives will be drastically and dramatically changed in the blink of an eye.
July 16, 2009 at 9:00am
July 16, 2009 at 9:00am
May the Lord keep you and bless you.
In the short time you were with us, you
Covered the globe with music that changed lives.
Here and now, after your passing, controversy reigns.
All I can remember is the passion you had for your art,
Even the single gloved signature became a part of society.
Let the world roil, rant, and rage. All this writer knows is that

Michael you will be missed.

Just take a moment to remember the King of Pop
And in the midst of the controversy, turn a deaf ear.
Couple your love for this performer with the
Knowledge that none of us are perfect and our faults make us human
See his family, his chldren, and his love for music.
Oh stop the finger pointing, the accusations, the speculations.
Now is the time to let him rest in peace for it is apparent that in life

Michael Jackson never found the one thing he craved all his life.

by Steve Cope
A tribute to one who touched me with his music.

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