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Review of Soul For Sale  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was a little afraid to read this because I am very careful about reading things that might be totally against the Bible, but I loved it. It reminded me that God did bid and pay the ultimate price for each of us.

I loved this peice, and the message was so important as well as entertaining.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Review of Memories Unmade  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love this poem. The flow and ryhme makes it a very good and easy read. I love the story, and the way you take us into the story with you is great.

This is my favorite part,"Touches missed, misses touched only by regrets not known. Were you meant for me? Yes, you knew more than I. Still, I knew." It makes me think of all the times that I have thought that same thing in more than one relationship. I still wish that one was the right one.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Rated: E | (5.0)
I was invited to join, and I would love to. I have just moved, and I have missed writing.com so much. I just got my internet back on. Please don't let this opportunity have passed me by. I love this site and adore the people here. I have missed them greatly.
Please let me know if this invatation is still available.

Thank God for his blessings. I have my daughter home, a new job, and this offer.

Thank you anb the friend who found my port and told you all about me.

Thank you
Review of A shopping bag  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you for reading my Christmas,the review, and the kind remarks. I am so sorry that I am so late reading yours. I have moved, got a job, and I just got the internet back on. Again I am so sorry.

I found that your story brightened a very hard day, and I loved the special feelings that it brought out. I nearly cried when the tv and new clothes spilled on the sidewalk.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Rated: E | (5.0)
In the first stand you have the word whay. It needs to be why. I can see my Charity asking these questions at the age of three when her first dearest friend Rayvon died in the fire.

This poem has a very good flowing rhyme, and the story is great. Thank you for sharing this with WDC.

Review of Celestials  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this poem. It has one thing that I really enjoy in my life, and gives me inspiration. This is a very well written peice with a wonderful message. I love a very large moon. I love the one that seems gaint and seems orange.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Review of Poetry #1  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your work, and I find your poems to have good rhyme. They have a great flow, and what I think makes them super is that they carry wonderful messages.

You are a talented writer that shows skills carring the reader through your work.

Thank you for sharing your poem with us.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Right now I am getting ready to place my order in to use. I really appreciate the time that goes into making these, and using the proceeds for others. Each one that I ordered has my children's name. My daughter Charity, my son Christian and Noah, and a Daughter that I wished that I would have had An-jewell. Thank you so much.
Review of sacrifice  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have felt this many times times I have so many times just wanting to make death my best friend. I have written poems about my need for death.

This is my favorite part of the poem,

"Come silent,
Come loud,
I stand, oh death,
in wait, I stand proud."

This is a feeling that I have entertained during many sleepless nights.

Thank you for sharing this with us, and it will help all other hurting people by allowing them to know that they are not alone.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Review of A Constant Fight  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very well flowing poem. I enjoyed the read, and think that it has a good message. This is the way my life is most of the time. I think that you have captured the feeling of depression and battling the wars of this life. It tells that we can't run from the fight.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so funny, and this is great. Someone has a since of creation with humor. Thank you for a great read. I like where the potty gets to go to a different home, and how he talks about how different it is. I like the potty worring man talking to him.

This was a well written hoot.

Thank you for sharing it with us.
Review of Inside Of Me  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very great poem, and I believe that we all have this poem in our hearts at time. I love the way that you wrote this, and I am impress that you have chosen to write it for us to read.

I hope to see you in my port soon. Thank you for the read. I will be back around.
Review of Her  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this poem. It shows the whole world the discription of someone you love. I think that you have captured the great work, and it was so special. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Her teeth sparkle like
Diamonds when she smiles

is my fav part of the poem. I love a person's smile and eyes.

Thanks again
Review of Dad's Wedding  
Rated: E | (4.5)
These are the little mistakes that I have found.

But wel all trust.. should this be.. But we will all trust

Achoice-- A choice


This is a poem that is after my heart. I look for love, but I love to fish. You have pretty covered the essences of who I am.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Review of My Love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a great poem, and I love the message that it carries.

This is the best part that I can relate to..

So reconsider
Look out
And find me

I have been lost so far away from love so many times, and I find this to be an emotional work. I love that this is a fine work to share with us.

Review of War of Ages  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very good poem, and it has a great flow to it. My favorite part is. I loved its message, and think that it is well written. I think that it is too hard to find any mistakes when I am following such a great story in the poem. Thank you for the great read.

Review of Preservation  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This brought tears to my eyes. I am about to visit my aging mother tomorrow, and I haven't seen here in a while. You did a good job with this poem. I was in the kitchen, and watched the corners of your mouth turn up at the memories that ran through your mine. Your eyes closed you relived your life and your relationship with your mother, while breathing those sweet fruity memories.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Isn't it wonderful when they are that age, and we can imagine the things they say. We watch them coo, and we just know that they are speaking to their angels. I love this poem. I love the tribute that you gave to the child. Very good read, and it has made its way to my fav's list.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

By the way, could you check this peice out for me. I have to submit it to the publishers tomorrow. It has to be on God's guidance, and writter for the ages of 6-12. Please let me know.

 Family Guided By A dream  (E)
story written for publishing..
#1382154 by Ida_Matilda_Wright Help

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Review of Lady In Waiting  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smile* Hi my name is Ida and I am here to review your work. I am sure that I will love each and every word that is written. So with an open mind and kind heart here we go!*Smile*

My comments about this poem/story!

This is a very well written poem that is much like my life has been. I am still in waiting for love, the lasting kind.

My favorite parts!

She waited for the day
That he would come back to her
Just a thought of a faded moment
And how her mind would stir

I am glad that I will not wait for the one that walked away from me and my children. I am glad that I choose not to be in that kind of bandage.

Changes that I think should be made!

I don't see any changes need. I don't do checking grammar unless it is just out there. Most of the time if the rhyme and story catches me up, I don't see any of the other changes. This is a great job.

*Smile* Thank you for sharing this with us. It was a pleasure to visit you. Ida*Smile*

First I want to allow you the opportunity to check out an interesting place. I know that I just found it so interesting that I wanted to show you. I now that I was excited by it, and saw it as an opportunity to enhance my writing. I hope that you will enjoy it.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1089561 by Not Available.

He is also becoming a part of A1. I am a student here.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1089561 by Not Available.

I would like to introduce you to a new contest, and this guy does get the poem.

Wes Hall has started a poetry contest called the Mended Heart. This is the first round of the first contest. You may be the first winner of the first contest of Wes Hall, a very talented writer, poet, reviewer, and I know fair judge.

"Invalid Item

"Invalid Item

I can see that you have met the challenge. This is a very good read.

Thank you for sharing your work with us, and check out this new contest.

There is also a forum that is ran by some very faithful prayer warriors, and you can leave a request without leaving a name. The place is The Open Door to Grace or the Prayer Hotline.


"Invalid Item

"Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line

"Open Door To Grace ♥

"The Christian Writing Contest

"Invalid Item

This group is a very new and is growing every day. Each person prays for the needs of others. Sherri b is called to keep the little prayer wheels turning. They are there when you need them.

Also if you have time could you check this out for me, I am entering it in a contest. Let me know my chances.

"LOving Me

Review of Words  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love this poem, and I believe that it carries such a large message. I have had so much pain by words: by my dad, school, and by my exhusband (who keeps giving and giving). I try to teach my children not to say things to each other that will hurt, but there is a time that I make them to write letters saying that they are sorry.

Thank you for such a good poem.
Review of promises  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This sounds as if someone is looking for honesty. I have been there. My exhusband had left me so many tiems, and I just wanted him to be honest. NOw he is married to the girl just four years older than our marriage was. Now my daughter has chosen to live with them becuase of his new baby, and they are having another baby. THis poem is what I want from a relationship, and it was very well written.
Thank you
Review of Hope  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very great poem that conveys a great message in such a few words. I think that can relate to your poem.
I think that it takes talent to create such a great message in such a few words. I think that it can touch some people that maybe a longer peice would be able to.

Thank you again for sharing this peice with us.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, I am so happy that I have read this. I have tears in my eyes and chills all over me. I love this poem, and I feel that God lead you to write it. I think that it is a great peice, and I am lucky that you have posted it.

I have a daughter, and she chooses to live with her dad. It breaks my heart, but I love her so much. I could not imagine loosing her

Thank you
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Boy you have a lot to explore here. I will try to check it out. I love the pictures. Someone is so talented. This is one of the most beautiful pages that I have seen. I look forward to exploring this place. I may, however, have to spread the bread crumbs out to find my way out. Kiddning. I think that this is a beautiful place.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Review of Melancholy Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smile* Hi my name is Ida and I am here to review your work. I am sure that I will love each and every word that is written. So with an open mind and kind heart here we go!*Smile*

My comments about this poem/story!

This is a poem with a good rhyme, and I can relate to it.

My favorite parts!

I just smile dully,
and hurt so silently

I have felt this when I see my ex husband kiss a woman he left me for who was only four years older than our marriage.

By the way, I am visiting my class mates' poets. Feel free to visit mine or email me.

Changes that I think should be made!

I don't see any changes need. I don't do checking gramer unless it is just out there. Most of the time if the rhyme and story catches me up, I don't see any of the other changes. This is a great job.

*Smile* Thank you for sharing this with us. It was a pleasure to visit you. Ida*Smile*

First I want to allow you the opportunity to check out an interesting place. I know that I just found it so interesting that I wanted to show you. I now that I was excited by it, and saw it as an opportunity to enhance my writing. I hope that you will enjoy it.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1089561 by Not Available.

He is also becoming a part of A1. I am a student here.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1089561 by Not Available.

I would like to introduce you to a new contest, and this guy does get the poem.

Wes Hall has started a poetry contest called the Mended Heart. This is the first round of the first contest. You may be the first winner of the first contest of Wes Hall, a very talented writer, poet, reviewer, and I know fair judge.

"Invalid Item

"Invalid Item

I can see that you have met the challenge. This is a very good read.

Thank you for sharing your work with us, and check out this new contest.

There is also a forum that is ran by some very faithful prayer warriors, and you can leave a request without leaving a name. The place is The Open Door to Grace or the Prayer Hotline.


"Invalid Item

"Open Door To Grace Prayer Hot Line

"Open Door To Grace ♥

"The Christian Writing Contest

"Invalid Item

This group is a very new and is growing every day. Each person prays for the needs of others. Sherri b is called to keep the little prayer wheels turning. They are there when you need them.

Also if you have time could you check this out for me, I am entering it in a contest. Let me know my chances.

"LOving Me

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