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Review of fairy heart  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening ,
A Love Poetry.
Fascinating and amusing in your own unique way especially the last Three lines that serve as a conclusion to
Possess the patience to wait and see.
Nice poem all the way.
Thank You for sharing
Fairy Heart
Thank You for the read too.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
A nicely written acrostic poetry.
Magic BeanstalkIt
Nice lesson that this poem shares.Jack's was not wise then.
It can only ruin his reputation.
The poem hss a good flow and is well written and nicely presented.
Thank You for sharing and for the read.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
For me, it is the best place to travel and make each moment counts.
Morgan surely loves this particular place, The Library..
Very nice short story..
Reading between the lines I was wondering if where will this 6 year old go ?
Then the words of her Mom me makes a brilliant conclusion.
Write On m
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
A lovely poem that shows the poet's loving and caring heart and the prayerful soul too..
You are one of the reasons why this world is such a beautiful place.
I admire the poem all the way.
This is well written and nicely presented.
Thank You for sharing and
Thank You for your.prayers.
God Bless You Always.
Write On.
Review of Pink Cranes  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
Very nice poem about this very special art by the Japanese popularly known as Origami..
The making of Cranes using paper as the materials and individually done by the hands.
I wish to learn that one of these days as I was and I am contemplating..in
Making happy baskets.
I can vividly picture of beautiful.pink cranes that this.poem.nicely.disctibed.
Thank you for the read.
Review of The Jump  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
Oh...I was excited with the result too as i read between the lines and the 1, 2, three. Jump.!
Full of suspense and you did it and no that matters a lot.
I am happy for you the
Somthing to celebrate ,,
Cheers ,!
Thank you for sharing and thank you be for the be Great read.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
This is wonderful and fun to read.it i is a nicely written poetry but I wish it is a reality for you to win the lottery.
Great lines that completed this.
Written for a prompt and this is remarkably done.
The rhythm and rhyme is awesome,
Write On.
Review of Commitment letter  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning
This is a writing that makes something fruitful of the time that you have.
As in you work your plan and you plan your work to achieve your goals and realized your dreams.
Wise and nice thinking.
Surely You Can.
Thank You for sharing.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
A nice morning read.
The words are like a sweet music that sooths to the deepest nerves and make the reader smile and feel so blessed to read a poem who gives importance to others as well as value oneself.
I love this
Loving You , Loving Me
The presentation is great.
Thank You for the read.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
And You are the Sweet Darling.
I enjoy reading this quality family
Bonding time which will become a Sweet Memories tomorrow.
Time flies so fast the next thing we know our children will have a family of their.own...so.enjoy the moments.
Cherish your loved ones.
Thank you for sharing
Write On.
Review of Plainclothes  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
A beautiful Christmas Story.
About the kindness of heart, forgiveness and most of all, Love.
A wonderful way of spending Christmas and the story shares a great lesson to one and all.
Precious Plainclothes
Thank You for sharing and for the worthwhile read.
Write On.
Merry Christmas...
Review of A Daughter  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening,
A lovely and very meaningful poetry.
I admire each line that completed this beautiful poetry.
It expresses your very loving and caring heart.
The presentation is great.
.You are truly blessed and You are a blessing to yourself and a blessing to others.
Thank You for sharing
A Daughter
Write on.
Review of A World of My Own  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening,
I admire the positiveness in this well written and nicely presented free verse poetry.
The lines at the fourth stanza are my favorite lines.
Highly impressive lines that makes life worthliving.
Thank You for sharing
A World Of My Own
And it is a wonderful world.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening,
A free verse poetry that expresses a political message in a philosophical way.
It is well written and nicely presented.
Each line fits for the given title.
This is well written and nicely presented.
Thank You for sharing
A Trickle Of Feathers: Well Desired.
Review of Wala Ko Nagmahay  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Evening,
Nindota aning kantaha.
A composer. A writer.
Igsoon mo ni Gervic ?
I enjoy reading the lyrics of this song especially this line..
Bahalag pobre Basta kusgan
Kon ako ang mokanta ani ako ning ilisan ang kusgan
Bahalag pobre Basta dato
Lingawa as in Nalingaw man ko diri sa
Taga Cebu ko
Ganahan pud ko mokanta
Thank You for sharing your Music.
Write on.
God Bless.
Review of Many Goodbyes  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,

The poem about the unkind old man
A cannibal on the loose
And now looking for victims
You better run for your life so
There is no goodbye.
The story is in sad and horrible
Better stay as far away at sll.
Thank You for sharing and for the read.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
The given title shares a story behind the poetry
Mirrors, Portraits, Pictures
These three can serve as best evidence about what is going on in a particular situation and location.
Reading between the lines makes me wonder if there was a crime committed.
Whatever it was. I believe it is worth Writing a poetry.
Thank You for sharing.
Review of I Believe  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
I love the given title. It expresses great expectations.
Believing the truth, believing in love, believing in values and believing oneself surely matters and make life most meaningful and fulfilling.
Thank You for sharing I BELIEVE.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Good Afternoon,
A legal case.
Fiction or non fiction this is well written and nicely presented.
Very convincing.
Mr. Coyote lost this highly publicized case.
Can he appeal ?
That remains to be seen.
I admire this writing all the way.
Thank You for the worthwhile read

Write On.

Review of Dear Delilah  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
A letter from Delilah to Delilah.
Written in the depthness of thoughts releasing what is in the heart soul as expressing all that has been going on with clearness and clarity to let go and let live.
Yes..Writing it all is a special form of healing to move on with life releasing all the baggages to live life with meaning and fulfillment.
Thank You for sharing.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
An unforgettable experience more than two decades ago and is now being documented through this writing..
Yes high technology is improving year after year snd honestly I am not very good at it.
My 12 year old grandson is more updated with this modern technology than myself.
Every day is a learning process by too.
Thank You for sharing and for the read.
Write On.
Review of The mind's eye  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
Dreaming or hallucinating and wondering.
This is how I understand the story behind this well written and nicely presented free verse poetry with a good flow.
Something unusual is happening as in a product of an imagination.
I admire the creativeness.
Write On.
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
A First Place Winner
A poem about seeking forgiven
ess for a grave mistake being committed to a person who truly loves you.
The realization at the end
A deeply emotional piece that shares a great lesson too.
Thank You for sharing.
Write On.
Review of A Boy and his Dog  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
What a great surprise.. ollie the dog can talk.
Interesting story behind the poetry.

Good question... for a conclusion.
The poem has a good flow and i
s well written and nicely presented.
Ollie can be very famous.
Thank You for sharing
A Boy and His Dog.
Write On.
Review of Unfinished  
Review by Naomi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning,
Captivating title
This is a nicely written free verse poetry with a good flow.
There is much action here as the given picture offers such.
Yes.. the picture adds more meaning into this work of art.
Thank You for sharing.
Write On.
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