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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Liuba

I found your request on "Please Review

This is a good scene. Well written!
I didn't notice any typos or other problems, you proofread don't you? *Smile*

He said he was Death, but I got the impression it was her. She seems wicked. *Smile*

This held my interest all the way and I could see the scene clearly. You're good with the imagery/descriptions. It reads smoothly.

You did a wonderful job with this scene.

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Review of Regretful hearts  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is an emotional poem, I can hear the pain behind the words. You did a good job with it.

I did find a bump. [for me]

They think she can do it,
But she?s not
I know you know what you meant, but I don't, as a reader.

It would better to go through it all at once Did you leave the word --BE --better,,, off on purpose?

Unspeakable things she?s done
They won?t go --these are typos. You can catch them by opening the page after you've pasted it from your computer, and reading it.

These things happen to us all. *Smile*

I enjoyed reading this.

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Review of 89 cents a day  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Tyler

welcome to Writing.Com!

I guess we've all seen this commercial, and it is a heart-grabber, isn't it. *Smile*

You've written your own little commercial here, and you did it pretty well.

Some things I noticed.

child like Rosie here in Uganda has little food, no education, and no
There is a word missing here. The sentence is not complete.

you were in there shoes
spelling error -- their--

I will read some more of your work in a day or two. I think you're going to like it here, I hope so anyway. *Smile*

Good job!

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Review of The Intervention  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Chief.

I found your request on "Please Review

This is a great story! The emotions, fear and suspense are strong throughout.

The main character is well developed and I followed the scenes well through his eyes. You did a good job!

Some things I noticed.

Three years ago, after learning that Katie was pregnant with Cole

The boy is said to be five years old in several places. Did I miss something important, or is this an error? It is a big bump in consistency.

She was in another part of the state;

a drive that usually ate up a half hour or more

Another part of the state implies hours away to my mind. It is a small distraction only, but still a distraction. Another 'town' would work just as well and make the fast drive more believable.

then you find yourself in front of the bullet that wouldv’e killed Cole.
--I can't find this in Dic.com or my dictionaries. I think if you used 'would have' it would say the same, and read smoother. If you have it in your dictionary, leave it.


This is a well done story and I enjoyed every bit of it. The descriptions are all done well, I could feel the cold and his fear.

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Review of Ethnic Hair?  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Citygal

I found your request on "Please Review

This is a good read, it's humorous in it's realistic telling of the problems of the hair.

It reads easy and is enjoyable.

I noticed one bump that I just can't figure out.

Only my maternal grandmother was 100% 'african american'. My paternal grandfather was 100% Filipino. All my other grandparents and great grandparents were multi-racial.

If maternal grandmother was 100% black, her parents, [your great-parents] would be too.
My paternal grandfather was 100% Filipino. Your great-grand parents would not be mixed. From these two.

It isn't important and I do understand what you're saying when you say 'other then these' But to include 'all' it bumps a little.

Genealogy trees can be so hard to figure out sometimes. lol I have one of these in my port. *Smile*

This was a good read, thank you!
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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a sad story, and realistic. You did well with it.

Some things I noticed.

keep it down without know if my mom will be fine ---spelling --knowing--

This place is a prison and the two bracelets that I'm assuming this is still the friend's house? Can you make that clearer?

I whisper the greatest words a mother could ever hear from her daughter
I wondered why the words were whispered so the mother couldn't hear them. You're right, they are the greatest words and they should be spoken outloud.

the hard like I did by being scared
A word is missing here. --hard way--

I enjoyed reading this one. It read fast and easy. Clarifying is needed in a couple of areas but it is basically well done. Good job!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.0)

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Well, this could be quite interesting if it was finished.

Some things I noticed.

You need to go into EDIT and place a content rate on this so it will go on the public lists. Your readers can't find you if you're not on the lists. This can be rated 13+.

It's a surprise visit. As I walk into the cafe somewhere near Frank's Slide, Alberta, I spot him at a table speaking French with a group of five

Your first sentence. You never say who 'HE' is.

His hiking shoes are actually in pretty good shape. Yes I am surprised with all the stories I'd heard
What were the stories? You need to include the details for the readers and let them in on what's happening.

I feel like I came in in the middle of the story and was expected to know what was going on. Are you going to continue working on this one?

If you start at the beginning and follow a sequence of events to a conclusion you would have a complete story. I would be glad to read it again if you worked on it some and let me know. I want to help, but I don't know where to start.

Keep on writing, I'll be back.

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Review of untitled  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)

I found your request on "Please Review

This is an interesting beginning. I can feel the sadness, loneliness of the girl well. She's fearful of the move but can't speak of it. Develope this character more so the readers can sympathize with her.

The plot isn't clearly set out yet, we know something of the background though.

You described the social worker very well indeed! Is she going to be an important character?

If you make a habit of reading your work aloud, it will get easier for you to make your sentences clear to the readers. You'll also find many of your typos yourself. *Smile*

I've been starring outside the car

So much has changed since changed this year. This line needs rewritten for clarity.

she doesn't get out asked out much
An extra word?

I hope you continue on this one, it is a topic for today, I think it would be a popular story once you finish and shine it up. There is lot's of work to do. Keep at it! You're doing good. I see a few adventures ahead for this girl. *Smile*

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Review of Old Sewer-Man  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
Hello. Emma

I found this on "The Shameless "Plug" Page

This is an interesting story, a good topic. I found it held my attention very well.

I found the ending difficult though. I suggest more clarity there.

It showed no fear of him at all, which was rather amazing
Beginning with this line I became confused with whose point of view I was reading.

But then, if humans had disappered entirely ten years ago, when he first sought refuge in the dark damp of the sewer system, whole generations of animals would have grown up without fear.
Clarify this. I can't tell who --'he'--is.

Now this thing here seemed rather like a dog, though it had bizarre purplish fur

Do you see the problem? The thing from the sewer had no hair, and was tall. Who is describing the dog creature? What would the disappearance of humans do with having no fear? If he killed all he found, they would know fear. [of him].

I am assuming the sewer creature is a man from the title.

This is a good concept and you're making it interesting. I suggest you continue to work on it. You don't have to spell everything out, I know you're leaving some to the reader's imagination, that's good. But be clear enough so the readers have a good trail to follow.

Good job! I liked it.

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Review of Bounty Hunting  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello, Lothmorwel

I found this on "The Shameless "Plug" Page"   by Writing.Com Support

It's a good story. It is interesting and it held my attention well.

If you could work more emotion in it would be more exciting I think. I felt no fear or relief. I believe it's going to have to be longer to allow you to show more. Both character and setting is very sparse. This is the 'telling' of an event without clear images.

It works this way as a short short, it is complete and reads well, but if you decide to work on it, I suggest working on emotion. For instance, show the murder's face as he is struck. Surprise, disbelief, fear? Give the reader something to identify the bounty hunter. A full beard? Red hair? A scar? Only one thing would do it. We want to see him, show him.

and filled a bucket by the fountain
This may what you meant, but I wondered if maybe you meant--at--the fountain?

people still sheering --typo --cheering

I have the impression the ending is a twist. I won't mention it for the sake of other readers, but am I right or wrong? *Smile*

I liked the story very much!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Prinian

I'm roaming the site tonight and happened upon this piece. I'm glad I did. It's a very interesting and informative article. I enjoyed reading it.

You've made some good points, and I agree with needing to know how to write before you can write creatively. That's a big one. *Smile*

The was an interesting, easy to read essay. You wrote it well.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)

Hello, Lean

You have quite a unique style of your own. It's quite formal.

Though they may be 'correct', I found that attempting to read through and understand among numerous quote marks, parentheses and slashes, made this a very difficult read for me.

also driven by the desires: pleasure, acceptence, identification, and connection);
--spelling typo--

I'm sure your intended audience won't have any trouble with it, so don't mind me. It's just a little too complicated for easy reading.

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Review of Jeremy  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Christine

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a sweet, loving poem for your brother. You did a good job with it. I like the words you chose, they show the imagery well.

Some of the lines don't have the same rhythm though, did you notice that? it's not off much, only a syllable or two, but it makes a difference in the sound.

I like it, I can feel the emotion of love in here. Have you thought about framing it for him? It would be a wonderful keepsake. Good job!

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Review of Plenty of Purple  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi again,

This one has such a different tone then the first. The imagery is wonderful!

The rhyme and rhythm are both good, and so the piece reads smoothly to me.
Good job with this!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Emma

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I really enjoyed reading this piece. It was friendly and open. You write well.

This was interesting and your descriptions made me cold. *Smile* Good job!

The only suggestion I may make is placing space between each para. to make it reader friendly. Personally, I think it looks better too. Big blocks of text are not very attractive for a reader to face, kind of intimidating. *Smile*

The read smoothly and stayed interesting. I enjoyed the read. You did well. No typos that I noticed, but I may have missed them.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Takumi

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You have the basic storyline draft here, and it will be good when it's finished, if you work on it. It does need work.

The first thing I would suggest is to take the reference to the baby out. It isn't comedy, it isn't funny. You will lose your readers.

Some things I noticed.

The dialect is hard to write well, and it's hard to read. I suggest lightening up on it for the ease of reading the story itself.

and the same to the likes of yourself, if I may be darin' to say so."
This line is not replying to anything as far as I can tell.

"Why well why I do say so if it is, myself. You might want to rewrite this line for clarity.

You do have some funny incidents happen. The descriptions are done well so the readers can visulize the scene. I don't know why Aunt Lucretia hung up the phone. There may be a few too many characters for such a short piece.

I don't feel as if I've read a story, it sounds like a stand-up comic telling a joke that isn't funny. It could be though, just revise to take the baby character out. My opinion of course. I think you've just written this for fun or a writing exercise, so it's probably not that important.

Enjoy the site.

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Review of Escape  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, Lothmorwel

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a great story! Well written, wonderful imagery and a surprise ending. Good stuff!

I didn't notice anything technically out of place. It read smoothly and held my interest. I could feel the tension. The ending made me gasp and feel sympathy for the character.

The path spread out as the trees thinned, and presently they found themselves back in the open again, rough moor-land highlighted in silver by the waxing moon. This is very good imagery! I can see this clearly.

This is a tense, fast moving, well written piece.

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Review of The Mission  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Super Dave
Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a great story! You sure had me going.
I like the twist at the end. Good imagery too, the scene shows up well.

Some things I noticed.

The darkness below him gave no hint as to the landscape below.
I want to give you a tip here. *Smile* Be aware of using the same word too close together. It's not a good idea. I suggest cutting one of them, your choice.

He was only a few minutes from completing his mission and getting back to safety. Max was nearly finished planting
These lines are saying the same thing. Try to say it only once.

Max just stood there frozen with fear
These are extra words. They aren't needed for the image. Extra words cause writing to become 'wordy', which leads to 'boring'. Avoid at all cost! *Smile* Cutting these will give you a tight, smooth line. Read it aloud without them and see what I mean.

Your imagery is very good! I felt the tension of the character too, and was completely surprised at the end. Good job!

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Hi, Jerry

Welcome to Writing.Com

Yes, you can write about what's going on in your head here. That's what we all do, more or less. Remember, though. If you post it, we will read it and we'll review it. *Smile* I hope that's okay with you. If you want it private or no reviews, you have the choice to make it private or not.

If you have any questions, just ask. We're here to help.

Oh, and your last line? I do too. *Laugh*

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)

Hello, Oza

Welcome to Writing.Com

I found your request on "Please Review

You've managed to put a slightly different twist on this story. It's a good idea.

I think if the story was tightened it would read smoother. Right now it jumps around quite a bit. It is also very wordy. Go through and remove each word that doesn't do anything to move the story forward.

You've written a good draft here, now it's time to revise.

Some things I noticed.

I walked down the street and looked at the pure white clouds of dust.
Were they really dust?

How God has made them so that they form objects unto our eyes.{c"red
This sentence isn't completed. Maybe saying something like, It's wonderful how God made...

I slowly walked to the subway station under the light of the sun while staring at the cloud the whole way, until it went out of sight.
The bolded areas are examples of wordiness. None of these are necessary to the story, are they? Read the line without them and see how lit sounds to your ears. You decide.

I walked into the underground house of odors, which was the subway station.
This is a good bit of description!

if you litter there your not hurting the environment

I saw an ant walk right past my leg, You can remove the word - right- it isn't being useful here. I question the bit 'past my leg'. The reader takes your words directly to his brain and sees the picture you have described.
I can see the ant walk past his --foot--, but not past his leg. Unless he is sitting on the floor, and he's not.

I was wondering why people invented rush hour, because they were really annoying.
The people or rush hour were annoying? Or both?
If it is rush hour, try changing the word --they- to --it was really annoying. The thought would be clearer.

The train was already packed with people; there were no places to sit and barely any place to stand.

but it wasn’t my choice when I fell asleep just as we passed the first stop

I find it hard to visualize him being able to sleep, standing on a crowded train, and not awakening until the last stop. How much time would that take? People would be pushing around him. How would he be able to remain standing? I can't see this. Unrealistic.

brakes because I had barely slept the night before. ---breaks--

I slowly exited through the doors and then went a little quicker and got up the stairs. I quickened my pace a little more and walked through the ‘exit’ turnstile and went up the stairs that led out of the station.
All of this could be cut. The readers will know he left the train at his stop.

and I could smell smoke, and burning metal. I had never smelled burning metal before, so this new smell was pretty perplexing.
Can it be indentified so readily if he hadn't smelled it before?

I didn’t think that it could have been something that big
Unrealistic to me. A building of this size shakes, and he isn't concerned?

saw something fall right down to the ground from out of my window, and then when it fell to the floor it became a red dot. I recognized it a few minutes later as a person who had jumped out of the building.
A 'floor' is inside a building, so when this word is used for outside it immediately is confusing.

He can recognize a red dot as a person from 47 stories up? Did he stand at the window and look at it for several minutes even as people were runnng and screaming through the hallways? Is this realistic?

This is a good outline, and it has possibilities of becoming an engaging story. It has most of the elements, just tighten and give it some details. Give the reader more time with Thomas, since he is important. Let's get to know him so we can mourn him too. Slow down the action inside the building. Take us to the coffee breaks, some dialog.

Read this aloud and take out everything that isn't really necessary for this story. Add what is needed to complete it. If you can, print it and work on the paper copy.

Let me know and I will come back to read and rate this again. Don't stress the rate at this point! The rate means it needs work, and you already know that.

Keep working on it.

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Review of Remember?  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)


I found your request on "Please Review

For a first short story, you've done very well!

This reads smoothly all the way through. The setting is clear. The little we know of the characters is enough.

The emotion is quiet, realistic and very well done.
It holds the readers attention as it moves along quickly. An easy read.

I do suggest space between the paras. for a better look and readers will be happier. *Smile*

You've done well with the tone, it matches the sadness of the topic.
I see no errors and have no suggestions. I enjoyed the read.

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Review of Time enough  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, Daetrin.

Welcome to Writing.Com.

You definitely have the imagination for writing! I enjoyed this read.

It began a little slow, but picked up just fine; and it held my interest.

You don't say if it will be continued, but you left this reader with a cliffhanger!

A few things I noticed.

Or worlds, when hurricanes of frozen instants swirled across the world.
More clarity is needed in this line. What are 'frozen instants'? Swirled across 'which world?'

The starship hulks disintegrated very quickly, leaving only holographic memories

for those ships vanished utterly without a trace.
Does this mean they left no holographic memories? I think clarity is needed to define the difference between 'disintegrated' and 'vanished utterly', so the readers will know immediately with no questions.

used as oubliette I suggest adding the word -an--in front of this to make it correct.

And so through the centuries it was forgotten, verboten, used as oubliette for governments too insecure with their own morality for long-distance executions, or suicide missions.
This line is difficult to understand. Used by...too insecure...for long-distance executions...--This is what they are doing, isn't it? How would that make them too insecure? I can see it used by those too insecure for home executions. But, I will read on and see. Whose suicide missions? For what purpose? Is this thought needed here for the story?

So silently, slowly, millimeter by millimeter, fraction by slow fraction, Time fell on a vacant world.
Did it cease to be used as an oubliette completely during this time? Sounded like a good storyline if it was still used.

the massive bolt that had whelmed them crossing through armor, engines, equipment, weapons, and out the other side, where it vanished on a trajectory into infinite space.
Wow! What a picture this makes! Good imagery!

She trailed off, and he imagined a four-limbed shrug
This is a good job of 'showing' the readers how she looks without 'telling' them.

The scene is well written, with good description. It needs work in some areas. If you let me know when you've worked on it I will read it again. My rate is flexible and will be changed. All they mean is that this one needs a bit of work. Don't tress the stars. They'll come. *Smile*

I look forward to reading more of your work. I enjoy sci-fi and this is one to be proud of.

Well done!

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Review of Annie's Christmas  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi, Aunty Nelly

I found this on "Please Review

It is sad piece. You did pretty well with the emotions, considering it is a personal write.

The setting scenes are clear, I can see them well.
The father is seen too. You did well with his descriptions.

Some things I noticed.

One sad day, Natale was rushed into hospital with severe breathing problems, but even then, he couldn’t be persuaded to sit still, and set about helping the other patients in whatever way he could. In fact, he didn't consider his own serious reason for being there.
This shows very well his natural unselfishness. Good job with that! The problem I get is the image of someone unable to breath moving around like this. Even if they wanted to, it would be impossible. I'm not doubting it happened, but maybe the severity became worse after helping others, or after he'd been there half-an-hour, or?

Annie couldn’t bear to see all those tubes poking out from his now thin body.
This word breaks the flow of the line. It could be cut safely.

It broke her heart to see him with an oxygen mask on his face, to help with his breathing.
This 'tells' the readers the obvious. It can be cut to avoid wordiness.

that it was much too soon for him to be taken, and prayed at the same time, that he wouldn’t be taken away from
Take another look at this sentence and see if it can be trimmed. It is pretty wordy. There is repetition too that can be avoided with trimming. If the bolded words were cut, it would still say the same thing, but smoother.

where there was hope for his survival, he was now reduced to this state through negligence.This might be explained. Whose negligence? The doctors?

she knew he had understood how she felt. Annie had always been his favourite, but strangely in his last days, he had asked for Robert
Do you see where you use some words quite a bit? When they are used so often that they become noticeable to the readers, they become wordy and bumpy. Try to cut or change a few. The first could be cut out; the third could be changed to 'he'd', and presto! There is only one!

“Your father is dying. I thought you’d be prepared.” Annie felt so angry; she wanted to punch the nurse for her insensitivity.
Oh wow! I want to punch her too! This sentence brings strong emotion into the piece. Simple and straight to the point. Good job!

She was devastated, that her mum and brother arrived
They were both very sad, that they didn’t get

I usually don't advise on puntuation, because I use it wrong too, but both of these need to come out. You don't want pauses here. They cause bumps.

This is a slow, gentle read of sorrow. It has a light dose of emotion, like it was hard to write and you held back. I think you did a grand job with it.

The tone was consistent with the content. It is a pleasant; though sad piece, to read. If you let me know, I will be glad to read it again. You know my rate is flexible. Don't feel you have to use all my suggestions to get a higher rate. Use the ones you agree with, and change it to suit yourself.

The reasons for the rate is explained.
Good job!

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Review of Mothers  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

I found your request for a review on "Please Review

Should I continue,
Only you can answer this question. I think it is definitely interesting enough.

Your descriptive skills are very good. I could see this setting well, and the crowd gathered round. Good job with this!

The “Mellvilles” he would whine with distaste, “were useless – the lot of them!” Is whine the tone you wanted? He doesn't sound like he's 'whining' to me.

Referring to my grandmother’s only sister’s eight children and their subsequent broods, which continued to expand at alarming rates.
This sentence is a little complicated and busy.

The sudden sound of bagpipes made me groan aloud,
This is good. It 'shows' her feelings well. Simple and clear.

be Scottish and why when whenever someone passed on, bagpipes
This causes a small bump when read. You could cut one I think, the line would still be clear.

You have some long, complicated sentences that are a little stumbling to read. There isn't anything wrong with long lines, but make sure they read smoothly. I noticed sometimes, several thoughts are included in one line. For instance, the last sentence in the second paragraph.

I could feel the affection between the narrator and her grandmother well.

I was surprised that she mentioned attending the reception after letting the readers know she really didn't care for the family.

This is a quietly told story, gentle with its topic of sorrow; but I felt no sorrow from the narrator. Just acceptance. I think it's realistic.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, Kendall! Welcome to Writing.Com.

Pretty cool idea, naming this setting by your handle! *Smile*

Your imagination was working full throttle with this one! It has action, suspense, danger and a wonderful conclusion!

You've described the horror of depression exactly.

This is a good first post.

When I got to my car; he was in the driver’s seat.
I can see this, and it's scary! I would be scared to death seeing someone in my car!

All of a sudden, he looked to his right; the back at me, with those eyes, --A typo--

“I’ll be back for you, but right now I have another job to do.”
Scary! Suspenseful! Good line.

taunting him so he would chase me could and not my sisters. Once he started to chase me, I ran
I think this is a word you forgot to delete while working on this.

Go into edit and hit the enter key once after each paragraph. Spaces help the readers a lot. You don't want them to lose their place. *Smile*

I like the turn-a-round ending of this. I feel his relief. I think he just grew up a little more. Good job!

Well done!

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