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Review of Story of my life  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Toney.

This is pretty interesting. Sounds like you and your sister had some memorial times. *Smile*

Tell me, you didn't actually push her out the window, did you? You say no, but later it sounds like you did. You might want to check on that.

I like the relaxed style you used here, it's easy to read.

that is not even my fought. --spelling-

window off the buliding of the --spelling

and I wacked Thyri in head with the boot. Ouch!! A word is missing between these two.

I don't know I would do without her.
A word is missing.

are no wonderful but I love them dearly
I think you meant --not--

Hunter is my micarle baby. --miracle

Sounds like a wonderful family. I hope you write about them to share with us.

Well done!

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Review of Deteriorated  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Creating characters is not easy. You've got a good start here, but she isn't quite there yet. The only problem is her age.

I should see an old woman who is distracted, but what I see is a middle-aged woman who has aged unusually young. She graduated thirty years ago? That would make her about forty-eight? She wouldn't have cataracts, or loose, wrinkled skin. [or the rest of it] This describes an eighty-year-old with dyed hair, and a wandering mind.

burning filter and lit a new cigarette. I suggest removing this word. You've just said it in the previous line. Just say, 'lit a new one.' You will be avoiding repetition and telling the readers something they will already know.

If you can change her age, this character will look more real.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)

I found this on Request a Review page.

This is a good beginning. It has a melancholy tone that I can hear as I read. I am a little confused as to who is leaving who, though, so I can't really feel the emotions of either one.

Please remember I'll always love you,
even if I sometimes disappear.

I only do it for our sake,
To help us go our separate ways.

You see?

I noticed the rhyme is not consistent, nor the thythm. I do believe though, that the theme is worth the time you'll put into this to make it better.

May Christmas bring you love and serenity,
and hope for all mankind;
And God be generous and help you, in whatever problems you may find.

This verse is good. The rhythm is almost perfect. If you used the same for the other verses, it would be great.

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Review of Misunderstood  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)

I saw another review of this on the public review page and it caused me to want to read this myself.

You've written it well! There are a few typos yu'll find as you read it aloud.

But, the style you've written in is good. It has a natural, down-to-earth tone that is plesantly easy to read.

Your points are clear with good imagery. I think my grandaughter is in your group. *Smile*

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Well done!

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Review of I Feel for You  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Elsie

Welcome to Writing.Com

You have a good outline here, it needs a bit more work though. In my opinion.

It has some confusing lines and thoughts. It doesn't really seem to be about Grandmother, but more about the narrator.

The rhyme is not consistent. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

Another to my best friend and my grandmotherthis sounds like two different people. If you removed the word --and--and added a comma instead it would fix it.

Going no where. ---This is one word.

But yet you others, I feel so alive.
Confusing. What is meant here?

Or just to not be known alive.
A confusing thought. Can you make it clearer?

I have met a new.
A beau,

--a new--this doesn't sound too good. If you removed the period and made this one sentence, it would be clearer. a new beau.

A good start. If you work on it, I would be glad to read it again. My rate will change as the work does.

Well done!

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Review of Stubbed  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Gambit

This is a good start, a little more work and it will shine!
I like the message and the tone of this. It's friendly and nice to read. Nothing dark here!

I walk along through ghosts
when I first ran into you you stubbed my toeYou might to clarify these lines more to give a clearer image. Explain the 'ghost' reference.
How did the ghost stub someone else's toe? I can't imagine this.

me ever sense ---spelling--since--

Eventhough love didn't first exist
These are two separate words.

somthing honest and real --a typo--

As I take a continue through other towns
This line is awkward to me. Try taking out the bolded words and read the line. Does it make more sense? It reads smoother I think.

I hope you continue with this, I like the theme and believe it's worth any extra time to perfect it. If you do, and let me know, I'll come back and read it again. My rate changes as the work changes.

Well done!

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Review of Undeniable  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is very well done! The format too, is attractive and creatively laid out. I enjoyed reading it.

The imagery and the message is good. It reads fast and smoothly, with no bumps.

I noticed no typos at all. Good job of proofreading.

but love pounding from your heartbeat would send ripples of calmness to me


Well done!

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Review of LOST LOVE  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Welcome to Writing.Com

This is a good poem, I enjoyed reading it.
I think with more imagery, or emotions, it would be so much better, though. It needs to be brought to life.

The there was me and there was you
I think you intended to write --Then--?

The words are good and tell the story of lost love, can you make the readers feel it too?

Well done!

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Review of The Magic 21  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, Flip

I found this on
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

I am in the mood for comedy this morning. This is pretty funny, but the actions were too serious to be laughed at. There could have been tragedy. But, you know that already.

I like the way it all spins from one event to the next, like a movie. You did good with the telling and the readers are able to see this played out clearly. The imagery is excellent.

One thing I missed though, Who is Woody?

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Review of Coffee Stains  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My goodness, what good emotion you have here!

This story builds slowly to a dramatic climax that I didn't see coming. Well done!

The character's are well developed and realistic, again, the dialog is perfect.

I like the tone, descriptions, setting, theme and conclusion. It all works well together. No problems at all. Personally, I would like to see a second chapter showing her leaving him. *Smile*

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Bekah Aura

This is a good poem! The emotion is strong and the imagery is pretty good. It tells a true story that many can feel through your words.

a spirit forms, further broken
as growing numbness rejects all pain.

This word threw me off balance a little. It sounds like a 'new, separate' spirit. I wonder if working with the word, --forms-- would clarify? So the reader would see one spirit, not more. the spirit 'bends--deflates, aches,,,? I'm not a poet, so I may be way off here, but the word forms gives me the image of a new spirit each time its hurt. That's not what you meant.

Good luck in the contest, well done!

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Review of I am  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)

This is a well done personal poem. Many can relate to these words I think.

The words rhyme and the rhyme is consistent. It's easy and smooth to read. Enjoyable. *Smile*

I found two spelling typos for you.

I am very }difrent
Thinking this way
I am definetly unique

I am a peot writing

Well done!

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Review of Deep Shade  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)

I enjoyed reading this, even as I felt the sad emotions come through strongly. All memories cannot be happy, can they?

I love biographical pieces, I have some too. I have been very careful to only tell the good stuff though. Not very honest, I guess. But, I'm not very brave.

Tod, my Mother’s new husband
Is this a typo? He is called Ted further on.

You wrote this well.
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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Lexi Joy.

This is delightful! You know it is the thought that counts, right? You did a good thing and should not be embarrassed.

This was funny though!

This is written very well. No typos, no confusion, and it was easy to read and understand. I didn't have to read any sentence twice! Good job. *Smile*

Well done!

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Review of Natures Bed  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Lauryn

Welcome to Writing.Com

I like this poem. It is thoughtful, and everyone can relate to it because everyone has watched the clouds float by.
It has good rhyme and rhythm too.
Good imagery!

I found a couple of typos for you.

The coulds float by
Whatching the coulds

---clouds--[two times ] --watching--

You can be proud of this one, it's good!

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Review of Dexe Dream  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, Lexi Joy

Welcome to Writing.Com

I see nothing wrong with this poem, no typos.
It rhymes and the beat is consistent. It reads smoothly and tells a story. I enjoyed reading it.

I see a talent here.
If you have any questions about the site, please ask.

Well done!

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Review of Peacenik Prose  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I found your request for a review. I'm not a poet, so will make no suggestions. I don't think you need any, anyway. *Smile*

I began reading this as a poem and couldn't. The rhyme and rhythm are both off beat. Then I checked the genre and sure enough, its prose. Good.

I don't think anyone wants war.

"Would YOU give it all up
To preserve what freedom means
In the US of A,
Our way,
Today, to be alive and okay?"

My personal answer to this is, Yes.

I can't quite decide what this means to you. As this is listed as opinion, it should be clear to the readers, but it isn't to me. Reading this, I can't tell which way you're leaning. Obviously, I'm missing something. Sorry.

I noticed no typos. You might think about how you could make you opinion clearer to the readers, if that is what you're trying to do.

As a thinking piece, this is good. It will cause some to stop and think about the important things, like freedom.

Nice job!

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Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is a great, well written story! I enjoyed it very much.

The imagery is good, and allows the reader to see the setting well.
The beginning is exciting and the content has the action to catch the readers and hold them. It reads fast and easy.

The ending is a surprise that works.

Nothing wrong with this one.

Well done!

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Review of The Welcome Wagon  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Destino.

This is a great idea! I'm going to make a note to add this to my Newbie Newsletter's list of helpful places.

You're right, this site can seem quite complicated on first approach. *Smile* It isn't really, but it can seem that way.

Well done, and good thinking!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, Reese,

Welcome to Writing.Com

My goodness, this is a sad one. The emotion and imagery is good.

I enjoyed reading this and it made me feel sad for the narrator. You're a pretty good poet.

Very Well done!

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Review of Red Rose  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hi again, Jordan

I love ghost stories, *Smile* and I couldn't resist reading just one more.

This one too, has most of the work done. The story is told, and it's good. Now, it's time to revise, then tighten. The work begins. If you want to. You have to like it well enough to be willing to work hard though.

I noticed a lot of use of the word 'graves'. Be careful of repeating the same word too often, readers become annoyed and bored easily. You know that, you're a reader. Try to get rid of some of them.

You forgot the paragraphs again!

I jerked my head towards the direction of the sound in which I heard it.
These bolded words are not needed. They tend to make the work 'wordy'. Wordy can equal 'boredom'. You can cut them out to tighten the line.

“Crunch” went something under my left foot. I picked up my left foot and gasped.
This is repeating the information. You need to be careful of that too. No need to repeat. Just cut it to say something like; 'I looked at it and gasped.' Be sure it makes sense though.

I was like a football player dodging tacklers.
This is good! It 'shows' clearly what the character is doing. The readers can see this. Good job!

These are just a couple of tips for you, keep writing, it's good practice and the only way to learn. I can tell you love to write, and you're pretty good at it.

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Review of Rose Red  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

I checked your port and found this one. The theme is very well thought out, and the storyline is good.
Are you going to be working on this one more?

I think you could work with this and have yourelf a wonderful ghost story. The makings are here, they just need to be worked with.

I would be glad to try to help if you're interested. I won't suggest anything until I know if you want to revise though. It'll be a lot of work and you may want to go on with your other writings. That's okay, everytime you write something new, you're learning too.

Well done!
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Review of osiris 2  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi again,

This is the same as the first, why do you have two posted? *Smile*

I noticed tortured is spelled correctly here, is this the corrected copy? You know you can edit without writing a whole new piece, don't you? Just go into EDIT and fix it, then scroll down and click the Complete Edit button. Presto, it's fixed.

Good job!
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Review of Pharynx Alove  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Miss Waters,

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like the beginning of this story!
It is showing with good emotion and good dialog.

With just a few words these characters are brought to life, and I can see them in their setting very well. You're going to be a good writer!

This begins with action and mystery and it holds the attention of the reader. I am anxious to read the next intstallment. Good job!

No typos, and no suggestions. *Smile*

light of the lone candle that shimmered merrily on the wooden table.
Wonderful imagery!

Well done!
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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)

I'm having a hard time trying to figure if this piece is a journal/diary entry or the beginning of a short story. I assume it's not fiction, but you've given no genre to help the reader know what this is. 'Other' doesn't help. *Smile*

seem it will burst from my chest

chest and fly ring into his waiting hand.I don't know what this means.

right into his waiting arms.

If this is a personal journal entry, I wouldn't comment on the thoughts at all. You might want to clarify the genre.

If his hand and his arms are waiting, what is the problem? I assumed there was a break-up of some kind, but this is a bit confusing to an outsider who only has the information that is written. If the readers are to understand, you will need to make it clearer.

Keep writing,

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