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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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June 2, 2015 at 1:47pm
June 2, 2015 at 1:47pm
usually I follow the prompts for the blogs, but today.. I will not. I will be me..

I am doing the game of thrones competition, and yes its a pain in the booty, what with the high word count and low number of points is troubling, but I did promise to do it and I will. I enjoy reviewing anyway. so its is fun to me, regardless of it being a PITA( figure it out!).

I will do what I promised... or is it what I want? either one... I AM THE DARK ONE! dearie!!!
June 1, 2015 at 10:56am
June 1, 2015 at 10:56am

DAY 927: Monday, June 1, 2015

Prompt: Write a story or poem about the full strawberry moon (It occurs on June 2 this year). Be creative and have fun.

The blood moon hags low on the horizon, a few clouds float by its face. I feel its pull on me. I know the change is coming! I can't fight it, the beast in me starts to claw and fight its way to the surface.

It starts with a simple cracking noise and then the excruciating pain sets in. I collapse as I can no longer support my own weight standing on my feet. I watch as my hands begin to become more paw like, as do my feet. within seconds my hands form sharp claws I proceeded to rip off my clothing as my body feels as though is was set ablaze in the moonlight.

Then without warning, everything goes black. The last thing in my memory is looking at the claws of a monster, a mindless monster. One who doesn't do evil things, but only knows how to survive.

When I awake, the sun is up and I find myself on a rock outcropping over a river, by a waterfall. I am completely naked, my face covered in blood which has run down my chest leading to a pool beside me. And beside that pool a lifeless corpse of some sort of beast, beyond recognition of what kind of man or beast it was.

My head throbs as if I had gone out drinking last night and tied on the worst hangover I have ever had. My body doesn't seem to want to obey me and I have a hard time getting to my feet.

I scurry as best I can over to the edge of the waterfall area on my side, literally dragging myself over there by my hands, where I find a bag of clothing, in which to put on so I mar return to regular life.

know what I am. I know what I do when I am not me, and I cannot control it nor stop it... but I still try. each and every time I fight the beast with in I gain a bit of my humanity back. How many of you fight your inner demons and win? Not many, I would guess. but then again, I was chosen to be part beast for a reason. What's your excuse?
May 29, 2015 at 8:39am
May 29, 2015 at 8:39am
Day 925 May 29, 2015

What do you do when your travel plans change erratically? Tell us about one of your crazy experiences.

In all honesty I have no crazy experiences with travel plans changing... Im easy going, and always have my laptop, or book with me to keep my mind busy. I also do a lot of people watching, and let my mind wander to see where it goes which to me is sometimes surprising where it leads me, so much so that it sometimes makes me wonder where this thought came from... It could be anything from science fiction thoughts to erotica( yes! that one gets me in trouble all the time) and anywhere in between.

God bless,
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May 28, 2015 at 6:51am
May 28, 2015 at 6:51am
DAY 924: Thursday, May 28, 2015

Prompt: If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down. Ray Bradbury Do you agree or disagree

That's a hard thing to answer, as it is a double edged knife or sword if you prefer. I say that because doing that could help you or harm you while its helping you, or someone else. If you are willing to risk the pain you will endure for the success... that's honorable and pure, while risky at the same time, for both sides.

Being a former us marine, I was taught hand to hand combat, both armed and unarmed. They taught us a simple thought to keep in our minds, if you fight with a knife, you must accept that you will be cut, probably badly, you may not survive, but the thought is that the other guy can't be allowed to survive if you don't. The point being, that if you are willing to jump off a cliff for something, or someone, you must realize that while you will win what you needed to there is certain risks to yourself you must be prepared to endure to get what you want... so ask yourself, do you want it, if so is it worth it?

God bless,
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May 27, 2015 at 7:53am
May 27, 2015 at 7:53am
Normally, I follow the blogging prompts giving to me through email on WDC, But I read todays prompt and thought... OH Hell no! So I thought Id strike out on my own today, with some private thoughts of my own. So... here goes!

this is my first day back to work after attending the Florida grand communication of the Grand lodge of masons. It is my first, so I went in with no ideas or anything, looking to find out everything I can about it. I enjoyed the experience, I would definitely like to do this again, next year its in Jacksonville, and in the middle of no where USA, not sure though as to whether I will go, but I want to.

I have been neglecting my writing for the past four days, actually more than that but I couldn't quantify that much time. I have a few ideas floating around inside my head i'll put them on paper soon so I don't loose them

Never thought writing would be so addictive nor so easy to break the habit of writing every morning, which I was doing but stopped due to other things going on. Once I have the habit, I must keep it up, or loose it, and once I loose it Its hard to get back.

guess that's it for now maybe I'll add more later.
May 23, 2015 at 6:29am
May 23, 2015 at 6:29am

DAY 919 May 23, 2015

Prompt: Did you deal with bullying in your childhood? If so, what effect did that have on you? Were you ever the one doing the bullying? Why or why not?

Well being as I stopped growing before I got into high school, and I'm six foot four and definitely NOT the type of person you want to meet in a darkened alley, for the most part I didn't have to deal with bullying. There were a few times it reared its ugly head and looked my direction but thought better of it. So I think I can say without a doubt that didn't have an affect on me for having been bullied, but I did witness other who have been bullied and what it did to them, so in that respect... yes it did have some affect on me.

I never did, and never will be a participant in bullying, I find it to be cruel and degrading to try to bully someone for my own faults, thinking that I am better than they are at any point.
May 22, 2015 at 8:22am
May 22, 2015 at 8:22am

DAY 918 May 22, 2015

Write about a simple board game that turns its players into pie-eyed cutthroats...

not sure where this one came from, but the board game clue or battle ship or a game I used to play... I think it was called war would work best. so here goes a short piece:

My friends had came over after I called them about finding this board game stuffed in a box under the stairs leading to the basement of the new house we moved into across town. When they all arrived, I told them about it.

"what's it called?" Sally said her short blond pig tails swung in time with her head movements she made when talking.

"War," I replied.

" oh , I've heard of that game," Billy spoke up trying to sound like the 'know-it-all' we all knew he was," It's made by Milton Birdly."( to save the trade marked name)

"I've seen and played that game," I said," and this is not it, at least it doesn't look like it. And the Birdly name isn't even on the box of the game."

"So where is this 'game' you keep talking about." Sean asks, a little skeptically.

"It's in my room," I state," I'll go get it."

I get up and leave the room quickly, almost in a jog. Go up the stairs by the front door, grab the game and run back down stairs in, what seemed to me to be, in record time. I place the box on the coffee table in front of the couch, everyone gathered around, and I opened it up.

The first thing they noticed is its definite smell.

"that game even smells old," Sally said covering her nose.

"It sure does," Billy spouted," It smells like old people."

"What are you guys into?" My mom popped into the room when she heard the comments from us," And what do you have there?"

"It's a game I found in the cellar." I answered.

"Game?" she queried and came in to get a closer look at it..

"Yup," I answered," A game."

She picked up the top of the box that I had put on the floor while we pulled out the other pieces.

"I've never seen this game before," She said.

"Of course you haven't " I said trying to be as smartassed as possible," I just found it."

"Don't be smart, David." She continued," What I meant was that before you were born me and your dad used to play lots of board games, but I've never seen this one before. How do you play? there are no instructions on the box"

" I think its played the same way the Birdly game is played," I answered looking to billy who had grabbed the instructions just before my mom entered the room.

I set the board down onto the table top, and a cloud of dust rose from it. We all started coughing and trying to fan the dust away.

"Yup," I said coughing a few more times," This is an old, old game."

Everyone nodded as they tried to cough away all the dust that came up.

Billy had stopped coughing and began to read the instructions for playing. Mom listened for a bit, but lost interest quickly and disappeared as she left the room, to continue what ever she was doing before hand.

We seemed to understand the game rules, as Billy read them. They were quite easy to understand.

We spent a few minuets setting up the game board. Then we began the game, with the first roll of the special dice that came with the game, we all felt like we couldn't stop playing, it was almost like we had no choice but to play the game. The regular game play lasted about an hour, and once we got close to finishing the game, with me in the lead, it took a big turn for the worse.

Things got evil, and there was some blood flowing onto the table and thus the game board. We turned into violent little things fighting each other. the first one to attack was Sally, she had attacked me with the fire place poker, which was behind her on the fireplace.

"You can't rule me or anybody!" she screamed as she lunged at me.

She never reached me as billy grabbed her and foiled her attempt saying," You haven't learned yet, Marcus. You will never get to the throne to rule."

What followed was a mêlée of fighting, which ended with both billy and sally both lying in a pool of their own blood, with me standing over them holding the poker sally had picked up. When mom came into the room when she heard the fight we were having.

"What the fu.."

She never got the rest of that thought out of her mouth as I turned and lept at her, aiming the weapon I had in my hands right at her eyes. And it struck its target, but I didn't stop there. I kept pushing it till it came out the other side of her head.

When her life had gone I turned back to the game board, as it sat on the table in a pool of blood, and remarked that it had no blood on it. I realized then at that moment what had happened. The stark realization that I killed everyone I cared for, and that they were laying around me in the room lifeless.

"Nnnnooooo!" I screamed, then looked to the game board on the table and moved to it to get rid of it, or maybe to hide it for me later, I'm not quite sure. Once my fingers touched the board, it burst into flame. I stood there unable to release this board as the flames burned it and then spread to the floor, through me but I was not on fire. The flames climbed the walls like a spider, moved across the ceiling and finally engulfed the house.

Once the firefighters arrived, it only took about and hour to put out the house, however it was burned to the ground, leaving only me standing there with two handfuls of ashes from the game board in my hands, unblemished, staring off into space. My next stop after that was a mental facility with padded rooms where I stood day after day after day staring at the walls, never sleeping, eating or moving. yet all the while I was conscious of what was going on about me, unable to do or say anything.

The happy ending is that I did come out of it eventually, but with full memory of what I had done and the game. I grew up normal, well, as normal as I can be anyway, I served no time in jail or anything. And gradually the memory of what happened slipped from everybody's memory, except mine. It always remained burned into my memory of what that game did to me and my family.

I eventually moved out of the treatment facility into my own apartment, found a girlfriend, started a new life in that new apartment. That is until one day, my girlfriend had found something in the closet of this new apartment, and called out to me to come see it. I entered the bedroom where she had found it. She was sitting on the bed looking at what she had fouond, I froze completely still when I saw what she had found... It was the Game!

May 21, 2015 at 10:45am
May 21, 2015 at 10:45am

DAY 917: May 21, 2015

Prompt: What was the coolest thing you ever saw with your own eyes?
oh that's an easy one, when I was younger a long time ago( NO I'm NOT TELLING HOW LONG) I was invited to go over to the space coast by my uncle and watch a shuttle launch. Me being me, of course I say yes without thinking. It was then, and still is now, the best and coolest thing ever to feel the heat, feel the ground shake and the wind blow past you as it slips its surly bonds and goes on to touch the face of god.

May 17, 2015 at 7:45am
May 17, 2015 at 7:45am

DAY 912 May 16, 2015

Prompt: Do you find yourself modeling your writing style after your favorite authors? How do we create our own unique voice?

Actually... no I don't pattern my writing style after anybody but myself... Although I d like some authors, I don't pattern my writing style, or voice as it were, after anyone. Why? Because they aren't doing my writing... I am. and If I want me to shine, I must be able to be seen.
While I don't think there is anything wrong with modeling my writing style after a favorite author, as there are people who do that, its just not my style. I may take some phrases from other writers, but rephrase them into my own voice.

I always fear loosing myself in amongst the other writers I may model my style after, and after so many year of personally loosing myself by doing that outside of writing. I vowed never to do that again in any way.
May 17, 2015 at 7:38am
May 17, 2015 at 7:38am
Ok... I have been working in a different location for the last week, and will be until Wednesday, so I haven't been keeping up with this blog or wdc in general as this place im working in is 110% busier than my normal place is... I know that's no excuse. but im trying. Once I get back to the slow place I was in ill be more on here doing what I do..... sorry.

Into everyone's life a little darkness must fall.


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