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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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July 25, 2015 at 7:30am
July 25, 2015 at 7:30am
DAY 982 July 25, 2015

Prompt: What book did you read most recently? Would you recommend it to a friend?

the book I have read, and am reading, is one about 'the mercury 13" astronauts. the first female pilots wanting to be astronauts back in 1960 and 1961... they are a fantastic group of girls... more brave than most I know.

I love hearing about their struggles to be astronauts... and the fact that they tested out just as good, if not better than the original 7 mercury astronauts.

God bless,
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July 24, 2015 at 7:32am
July 24, 2015 at 7:32am

DAY 981 July 24, 2015

Prompt: Why do people join groups and then not participate? What do you think is the reason for the non-participation?

Well, honestly, I think that sometimes people see a group and say " oh that'll be good to get into." and ask to join it. Well then they get run over by life, and in my case, it backed up and ran over me again, then went forward and ran me over a third time, and the idea that got that person to join that group gets forgotten, or gets pushed behind something else that this person feels is more important than the group is.

I know, Im not condoning it, mind you, I speak of myself... I get so deep into something that Sometimes I shouldn't, as I get easily distracted and never finish it.( story of my life)

July 23, 2015 at 7:08am
July 23, 2015 at 7:08am
DAY 980: July 23, 2015

Prompt: Have you ever been on TV for anything? If not, how do you think you would do?

Nope never been on television, an image of the original Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory crept into my mind and the character Mike Teevee was in there( sheeesh!). as for how I would do, would be dependant on why I was on television. I think I would do fine answering questions, but to strike up a conversation or start a conversation, ya that aint happening!
July 23, 2015 at 7:04am
July 23, 2015 at 7:04am
DAY 979: Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow." - Louis L’Amour
Do you agree or disagree? Does this work for you?

this sometimes, or rather most times works for me. I let my characters partly determine where the story goes, even if I have an idea where I want it to go, and sometimes I end up so far away from where I wanted it to go that I couldn't even see it anymore.

I usually go with it, because the characters know better than I where the story is going to go. That goes for any genre, nothing specific with any one particular one.

I have run across many times i thought of an idea, and started to write it but the characters took over and made this a huge multilayered story, too much to keep up with, or too busy of a story, which is difficult to keep up with. so...Yes, I could say I agree with it whole heartedly.
July 21, 2015 at 7:58am
July 21, 2015 at 7:58am

DAY 978 July 21, 2015

Prompt: Do you believe the adage that bad news sells better than good news? Do you find yourself getting more responses to negative posts than positive ones in you blog?

I believe that humans are genetically drawn to the horror that occurs in this world. I think that all the war and suffering and death in this world fuels our passions, whether the passion is for national loyalty(such as being an American), religious belief( Christian, non-Christian), racial( white, black , or blue polka dot), or any other passion we may have.

that has happened since the beginning, look at WW2, the german people fought for the german army because they fought for their country, just as ours did, and japans. so who was wrong in that situation,( and no I wasn't talking about what the Nazi's did to the jews.)

Look at the world today, do you honestly believe there will ever be real peace on this planet? I believe there will be, but only after one group has obliterated the other. then once that belief system, what ever it is, is in place then there will be peace, but not a lasting peace. why? I think the answer is simple. its us.... humans. we do this to ourselves.

we publically say we are working for peace, but privately we are working for our own selfish goals.
July 20, 2015 at 9:51am
July 20, 2015 at 9:51am
DAY 977: Monday, July 20, 2015
July 20 is Moon Day it commemorates the day in 1969 when Man first landed on the moon. On that day the Apollo 11 lunar module touched down on the moon. At Tranquility Base Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. He said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind".
If you're old enough to remember this event write about the memory. If you're too young to remember the event then write your thoughts on this event.

I was too young to remember it, as I was only one year old when it occurred. But my thoughts on this event are simple I feel that this is a historic journey that did showcase America's abilities to accomplish certain goals, mainly beating the Russians. How ever what a lot of people don't know was the untold story which could have lead to us beating the Russians with women in space by nearly 2 years.

many people don't know about "The Mercury 13". What is that? that my friends was a group of 13 women who took the same astronaut tests that the mercury 7 did, and passed them, in 1961. I say it that way because had NASA seen past their sexist position on women, they would have the first woman in space in 1961, nearly 2 years before the first Russian woman went up in 1963. These women fought long and hard to get into space and never gave up. Their battle took 20 years, the battle ended with Dr. Sally Ride, the first American Women in space went up on sts-7, however she was just a mission specialist, it wasn't until several years after that the first women shuttle pilot Eileen Collins went up, then she became the first woman commander on the space shuttle.

So, On this momentous occasion of the moon landing, which is a great accomplishment in itself, let us not forget those who tried before that happened.
July 14, 2015 at 8:48am
July 14, 2015 at 8:48am
DAY 970 July 14, 2015

Prompt:Which do you prefer: dinner out with a big group of interesting people or dinner out one-on-one with a friend?

that depends on the situation I'm in.... if its a date a one-on-one situation is best. If im hanging out then a group setting is ok.... unless there are other plans going on here, which could be fun as well.

God bless,
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July 13, 2015 at 9:40am
July 13, 2015 at 9:40am
DAY 970: Monday, July 13, 2015
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Vincent Van Gogh
Prompt: What does the sight of stars do to you?

For me, the sight of the stars always has been a thing of wonder. It makes me think of deep thoughts and meaningful lessons, to think of things man has thought about since the beginning of time about our place in this big beautiful place. My mind drifts off to strange and unusual places, and it watches a sun rise, or a sun set, on a strange new world. It walks through jungles and unseen forests of worlds we never thought existed.

My mind meets other beings in this universe that we could only imagine, and that most think they know don't exist, and would not want to know existed.

For me the stars bring a whole new realm to my mind ... one of wonder, amazement, and beauty.

God bless,
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God bless,
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God bless,
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July 7, 2015 at 10:52am
July 7, 2015 at 10:52am
Prompt: If given the opportunity would you participate in the running of the bulls? Why or Why not? How do you feel about this tradition? Do you think it is cruel to the bulls? Why or Why Not?

I realize that this running of the bulls is something of a celebration, but NO I would not run this. I think anybody who does is crazy, these are big animals with horns, accidents happen but I will not tempt fate. I feel this tradition takes unnecessary risks, as life is full of enough risks no need to take risks without need to.

As far as the cruelty to the bulls. Really? how is it cruel? they open the doors and let them run through the streets, they are doing what comes naturally to them. How is this cruel? if it is cruel to anything it would be the idiots who run it and get engorged on the bulls horns. Pulleease!
July 6, 2015 at 12:56pm
July 6, 2015 at 12:56pm
yes this is a second blog entry for today... This one has nothing to do with the blogging circle of friends prompts. I was researching historical fiction stories ideas. I came up with a few really good ones like the JFK assassination, Apollo 1 incident, challenger disaster and Columbia disasters, project mercury and Gemini programs( yes if you didn't know I'm a really, really big geek and nerd.), maybe even 9/11 attacks.

I mean I have a few space programs I can use: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Space shuttle, and stuff before mercury, some even going back to the first rocket ever launch to the defection of a German rocket scientist(The one who made the German V-2's) or should I say captured?

Hell I even have a few ideas that are during the cold war(Hint,hint-U-2). I got lots of ideas.

Am I a conspiracy theorist? oh hell yes, with in reason. I can follow the clues, and the facts, as to whether I come up with the same conclusions as others do.. I don't know. but I love having fun with it.

I love this stuff.

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