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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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August 21, 2015 at 7:06am
August 21, 2015 at 7:06am

DAY 1009 August 21, 2015

Have you ever created a list of the things you are proud of in your life? Create a list of ten things... now look at your list. You don't have to share your list.
What does your list say about what you value? Are you adventurous? thoughtful? Do you need physical or intellectual stimulation?

Knowing what experiences were important to you is a clue... should you do more of something to expand your writing knowledge?

not sure what the list says about me? am I crazy? foolish? insane? or whether I just need to get laid more often...
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August 20, 2015 at 7:53am
August 20, 2015 at 7:53am
Day 1008: August 20, 2015

prompt: Do you think people really change during full moons? Do you notice people acting crazier when there's a full moon?

personally, I know I do, my wild, evil, playful side comes out. and sometimes my apathy and compassion goes away during this time. I'm not sure whether or not it is a physical or a psychological thing, but there definitely a change in some people, they do have a tendency to get more animalistic.

I think being more animalistic is very different from acting "crazier", in the past it all was considered the same, but it really isn't. I'm not sure about the physical part of it.
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God bless,
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August 19, 2015 at 6:51am
August 19, 2015 at 6:51am
DAY 1007: Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Prompt: The first star you see at night is a wishing star. Have you ever made a wish on a star? What happened after you made the wish? If you've never made a wish on a star then write a story or poem about someone wishing on a star and the wish comes true.

dream? wishes? I say poppycock... dreams and wishes belong with the morons over in Disney( cheap people too), and they can have it too. dreams and wishes are for people whop don't have enough in them to make things happen... I don't believe in them any more... wishing upon a star? really? do you really think anybody is listening? or caring? Its more like laughing at you because your standing there looking at a star in the sky, and hoping you will get something given to you, even though you didn't earn it.

I call people like that foolish and childlike... if your an adult it is time to put the big boy pants on and act like an adult.... STOP WISHING AND START DOING!

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August 18, 2015 at 7:27am
August 18, 2015 at 7:27am

DAY 1006 August 18, 2015

When you write what's at stake? What is in jeopardy? What is at risk?

well when I write, personally I really risk nothing but my sanity, and since that has been gone for a while, what am I really risking?

but sometimes when I write about certain subjects like the JFK assassination, or 9-11 attacks, or other sensitive subjects, I risk making certain people very angry because the facts that I bring to light, they truly aren't willing to see, or even think about. In other words, they are part brain washed. and yes I have lost some respect from my friends because of certain subjects... but I don't care what anybody else says or does... I will do what I need to do, and if that means either stepping on someone's feet, or even running someone over.... then so be it.

what's in jeopardy? what little I have of my sanity... that's all.

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August 17, 2015 at 10:26am
August 17, 2015 at 10:26am
The ship had crashed. I at that time didn’t know why, I think we got hit by a meteor. But it had come to rest in the middle of a strange unusual forest. I quickly tested the air, and it was passible, although it was slightly thicker than ours was on Earth. It wasn’t a real issue from a safety standpoint, it simply means that I will just get winded more easily. I opened the airlock and stepped out on to the unusual soil for the first time. I took my first deep breath of real fresh air that I had taken in nearly ten years. It was refreshing.
The flora and fauna on this planet had a red color to it, unlike out planet which had a green color. I’d be willing to bet it was the color of the chlorophyll on this planet. Everything felt the same as on earth, just a different color.
The air was filled with silence; a few animal sounds could be heard in the distance, but nothing else. I closed my eyes and opened them again; thinking this truly was paradise for me, as I always wanted to be away from everybody. You see Earth is now so crowded there are no woods anymore, nor wild animals, it was all cities. Living quarters were stacked one on top of another for nearly five hundred floors, and that was a small apartment building. I was in heaven.
I turned around and surveyed the ship. It wasn’t anything that I couldn’t have repaired, given enough time, and materials As I walked around the ship, the ‘grass’ seem to be making a crunching sound under my feet, yet it had a softness to the touch. I pulled out a tool kit and began to do some repairs.
While I was working, a soft sound, hit my ears. It wasn’t much more than a whisper, but I heard it clearly. I looked around and saw a bush near the edge of the forest move a bit, as if someone had brushed up against it walking by. Not wanting to be surprised about anything, I grabbed the survival kit from the ship, strapped it to my back and began to pursue the unknown thing that seemed to be watching me.
As I came to the edge of the forest, I found a light trail. So I followed it and disappeared from sight of the landing site, not the best Idea I have ever had, but I wasn’t thinking. I was concerned for my safety; after all I was alone here.
No matter how fast or how far I went into this forest, the thing seemed to stay ahead of me.
“Hello,” I called out, with no answer.
I kept on trying to catch this thing I was chasing, but I was getting winded so I slowed down and stopped by a tree of some sorts, and rested, when I heard some rustling behind me as well as in front of me. I knew know that ’it’ wasn’t alone; it had the advantage over me. I removed my pack and retrieved the weapon from the outside pouch and strapped it to my side for emergencies and emergencies only.
I picked up the pack, put it back on, and slowly proceeded forward, being careful to watch behind me as well. I felt like I was being stalked by someone or something, I didn’t quite know which one. The trail was winding through the forest, it was extremely thick with underbrush, I couldn’t even see through it. I continued slowly, resting every twenty or thirty minutes before continuing.
I came to a clearing; a break in the forest, its red sand glistened in the sunlight, which was about thirty percent worse than earth’s sun, so I stayed in the shaded area of the forest. The sign was staked into the ground, the strange thing is it was written in my own handwriting.
It was about forty feet from where I was standing but the wind in there was considerably stronger that it was in the forest. I pulling my desert mask out of the bag and donned it.
Once I was ready I stepped out into the desert like area and came closer to the sign and saw a piece of paper that at one time had been attached to the sign, but had fallen off, from what it looks like a long time ago. The wind shifted a bit and it uncovered something buried in the sand about one hundred feet behind the sign.
I walked over to it unburied it and it was a note, on bright yellow paper, explaining to me where I was. I think the most disturbing thing is that it was written by me to me. The letter went on to explain that this place was at the center of the past, present, and future, all converging on the same place. It was a sort of cross roads of time, and that I really am alone here, and what I have been chasing is me from the future, and me from the past was the thing following me. And that there truly was no way out.
As I made my way back to the ship as I was out of water, I rested at the fallen tree I rested at before. I took my last gulp of water from the bottle, and put the bottle back into the holder when I caught sight of something metal in the forest not too far off the trail. Once I was rested enough I investigated it, as I drew near what I saw cemented my mind as to the idea that I wasn’t getting out of this place. What I caught sight of was the body of a space traveler from Earth in his flight suit, with a back pack on his back. I really didn’t need to check because I knew it was me, and I will die here, but at the same time I will live here as well, either way. I’m here…
August 17, 2015 at 9:11am
August 17, 2015 at 9:11am
DAY 1005: Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17 is National Thrift shop Day. Write a story or poem about something found in a thrift shop.

John was out on a nice bright sunny Saturday morning, with his girlfriend, Sarah, doing the thing she liked doing best, going shopping in thrift shops. John never really liked doing it, but it made her happy, and to him that was the thing to do, besides on a Saturday morning what else would he be doing.
They parked the car and walked in the downtown area, which was actually chock full of thrift shops, she took his hand while they strolled slowly down the mile and a half road, going into, around and then back out of each and every isle in every shop on the street. It was obvious to john, that if there was something that caught her eye in any of those shops, she would have surly found it. She was very meticulous when she was in her thrift shop mode.
They came upon this little out of the way shop that actually sat behind another shop on the street. She yanked his arm, and he willingly followed her into this shop. Once in there her eyes got even wider as she found treasures the kind of which she had never seen before. Even john saw things in this shop he liked, which is unusual for him.
Together they moved slowly up one isle, and down the other, just to go back to the isle again, they were not missing anything. They looked for about an hour, all under the eye of the shop keeper, an old man who seemed to be content with his lot in life. At the end of that hour, Sarah found a pendant, she just couldn’t live without.
The pendant sparkled with a deep array of blue’s and greens, the deepness of which she had never seen before. She stood there mesmerized by its sparkle.
“Wow,” she whispered as she stared into its deep beauty.
“That’s a nice pendant,” the shop keeper said, coming out of his semi trance,” I hear it gives the one who wears it their hearts desire.”
John, who was down the row from her, heard the shop keeper speak, and moved to Sarah’s side.
Once John laid eyes on the pendant, he , too, succumbed to its beauty. Becoming as entranced with it as Sarah had been.
“Wow,” He whispered before looking at the old man,” We will take it.”
The old man smiled the biggest smile John had ever seen, quickly fished some money out of his pocket handed it to the old man, who could wait to take the money put it in his register and rush the couple out of the store. I guess the term is he was overly eager to do that.
Over the next few days, Both John and Sarah got everything they ever wished for in life. John got a promotion, and a huge pay raise, and a nice corner office, and with those things he was satisfied.
Sarah on the other hand, she had an affair with the next door neighbors son and husband, and got pregnant by one of them. No one to this day ever knew which one it was. The son ended up killing the father over her, and ended up on death row for the crime. They electrocuted him last year some time.
John and Sarah ended up getting a divorce. It was a very messy divorce, you see John found out about the affairs with the neighbors after the son tried to attack him. John refused to support a child that wasn’t his, and Sarah ended up a black widow, because she slit his throat after he left his sliding glass door in his apartment open.
Sarah finally had the child, and it turned out to be john’s after all. She had been arrested for the whole thing, and was convicted for John’s murder. After three years on death row, she finally met old sparky, but by then she was completely gone.
After it was done, the guards of the long mile prison cleaned out her cell. And in amongst her belongings was a sparkling pendant, the only thing she held onto from the divorce. It all went into a box and that box was put into a storage room with lots of other boxes, as the only family she had was the child and he was too young for those memories…Yet!

August 15, 2015 at 8:06am
August 15, 2015 at 8:06am

DAY 1003: August 15, 2015

Prompt: Do you think our society has gotten too politically correct? Is there even such a thing as being too politically correct? Share your opinions on this topic.

politically correct... that is a term that really has no place in any society, anywhere. I think the term itself is offensive to me, and those who stick by it are complete idiots for believing in such a stupid,and useless, term.

Do I care wether someone is offended if I use the greeting 'Merry Christmas' because someone of another belief doesn't believe in it? nope... not in the least. I know the politically correct term is 'happy holiday's' is what they want us to use, but I say no way ion hell.

Because the term itself is offensive, and should be to any Christian, or anybody for that matter. I believe that if you are easily offended... get used to it.

I feel that is what is wrong with todays society, too many people are taking it easy on things like children... we as a society are in trouble, the old saying is to spare the rod spoil the child is the correct saying I believe, that goes for the politically correct crowd as well... And if you are part of that crowd... I have 3 words for you....GET OVER IT!
August 14, 2015 at 12:40pm
August 14, 2015 at 12:40pm

DAY 1002 August 14, 2015

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly had a dream in the summer of 1816 that later became the story for Frankenstein. Have you ever said, done, or written something that you say in a dream? If so, what was it and how did you use it? If not, what kind of creation do you think you could come up with in a dream and why?

My dreams... are different to say the least... yes I do use some of them in stories, not all monsters, or at least monsters like Frankenstein's monster( remember Frankenstein was the good Doctor), or Dracula, but mostly monsters nonetheless. Some times I use them, but there are dreams I do use and never published, more of an adult type of stuff, and some I look at and say, to their faces, straight away, "NO!"

I could come up with aliens, or superhuman, or what ever but I take each one individually and decide whether or not to make them a character or even a storyline.

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August 11, 2015 at 6:45am
August 11, 2015 at 6:45am
Being who I am.. a normally forgiving, loving person, I normally don't get upset when things happen , as they happen for a reason and today was no different. I came out today and found my car had been gone through in my driveway last night. I didn't call the cops because I accidentally left my car doors unlocked. Now I don't keep anything of value in my car, unless you feel some trashy cheap plastic hard hat and some trash that I just haven't thrown away yet valuable.

Im more pissed at myself for leaving it unlocked like that, but I will say that they couldn't have done it to the more wrong person. You see, Being a former US Marine, 6'4" and 375 pounds, I am not the person you want to run into in the dark. Especially with the knowledge and powerful friends I have in high places. If I catch him, I will turn him over to the cops, but ONLY after I have explained a few things to him, in no uncertain terms.

All I can say is trust me, he will regret it. to be more correct about it he may beg for the police to come and get him, but it wont happen till I allow it to.

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August 10, 2015 at 7:51am
August 10, 2015 at 7:51am
I'm going to forgo the prompt for today, yet again(Yes I'm a repeat offender), Even though I don't have a clear direction to take the blog this morning.

I'm back at work today( OH Joy!), and am waiting for the stupid stuff to begin, Been here 3.5 years and I find the job ok, but the way it is run is a total cluster f*&^, if you understand that. The management here couldn't find there ass with both hands, if they had a MapQuest guide for them to use. It gets frustrating, sometimes, and then other times I want to bang my head against the wall, not sure of which time is the best of the two.

I have three appointments this week, one with the cable guys, one the house alarm company, and one at my friendly local VA hospital for a sleep study. Oh joy. not much time for me in there.

I was told that I would someday make someone a good wife..... Now I can see what they mean, I work all day, come home and take out garbage, cook, clean up, do laundry, cut grass. all the while she gets home and plays video games... sheesh!
no wonder I have no time to do much at WDC at home!
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