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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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October 12, 2012 at 9:40pm
October 12, 2012 at 9:40pm
Money. What did we do before it?
Oh I know, got by with what we had.
No worries about debt, bills we can't pay, and the next payment to be made.
Enter the rich, affluent, and "haves" of the world.
Yes they do exist and seem to get richer by the minute.

Money; when used for the right reasons; is good for a whole lot!
Can you think of some of the right uses for money?
I'll add to this soon.
Copenator out!
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#1891634 by Not Available.
Come and get some bargains in the last two days of this auction full of care packages so others will benefit in the days ahead in the WdC.

September 19, 2012 at 1:17am
September 19, 2012 at 1:17am
Learning to Cope in this world is often one hard things to do.
Everywhere you turn there is distress, trouble, trials, and yarn too.
As you approach a new day let us attempt to change the way we see it.
Revel in the small things. See the trials as opportunities. Call Him King of kings, it does fit.
Nearer to the Lord we do need to draw.
In a world of strife and turmoil, listen for His call.
No fear, doubt, or trepidation will help.
Give them to Him and forget the yelp!
Learning is essential in our world today.
Take that to heart and seek to find the right source of wisdom.
Oh you don't have to look all that far, just pick up the Bible and you find some.

Learning to

Cope is easier when we realize we re not alone.
Only then will we stop, think, and upon the Lord lean.
Please beloved, slow the world down and seek His face.
Every day is a new opportunity to slow down the pace.

Learning to Cope and listening to the still small voice within our hearts can and will make a world of difference in the way our day goes.
Copenator out!

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

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#1886284 by Not Available.

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
September 2, 2012 at 7:23am
September 2, 2012 at 7:23am
Generosity in the WdC is evident in many ways.
Every turn you make here, you see another raffle, auction, activity.
Not to wholly line the pockets with GPs, but to help others.
Either dedicated to groups who "give so others might receive"
Retained memberships upgraded by the anonymous donor.
Only to return the favor by donating to a Raffle to help others.
Spirit of giving is becoming legendary on the WdC.
It is a most tangible way to see the world change for the next great artist.
Taking the small donation, the large, the in-between, sprinkled with love.
Year by year in it's 12 year history, the WdC has proven that when one gives from the heart the GENEROSITY it inspires causes a ripple effect and in the end more and more are taught the importance of generosity and the need to keep it alive.

Generosity is a WdC Staple. If you have been a recipient of any generosity here in the WdC, chime in and let us know.
Serving Him by serving you,
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
August 16, 2012 at 2:49am
August 16, 2012 at 2:49am
Phooey on pain.
A whack here and there.
It's enough to drive you crazy.
Now it stops, only to return later.

Pain! Darn. Haste be the day when our faith is made sight and the Lord comes to call His beloved home. Pain free and no memory of the former pain. The rest of eternity to spend worshiping the King of kings and Lord of lords in our glorified bodies. Yeah!

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

The Little Bite  (18+)
Weekly, short piece contest.
#1874993 by Witchjy

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
August 8, 2012 at 11:04am
August 8, 2012 at 11:04am
Scripture Is Alive!
an Acrostic of Hope
by Steve Cope

Scripture is alive,
coming from the heart of God.
Reminding us, reproving us, lifting us up.
Inspiring us to new heights!
Paving the way for us in dark days.
Teaching us about the Son.
Utilizing the Holy Spirit to grow us.
Respect and awe is the fear of God.
Elevating His name for all to hear and see.
         Scripture is this and and so much more. Amen.

In times of toil and labor, comfort is found.
Seasons come and go, time passes like clock work.
         Scripture is this and so much more.

Alive! Breathing, coursing through our hearts and minds.
Love personified in the glorious Lord of lord.
It is more than we can describe.
Vital, essential, vibrant. These words are appropo.
Every jot, tittle, and word God breathed.

This is why we can say Scripture is Alive!

Thank You Lord for the gift of writing and the inspiration to write about the Holy Word of God that is alive and dally leads us. Amen and amen.

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

The Little Bite  (18+)
Weekly, short piece contest.
#1874993 by Witchjy

Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C, BA, MDiv
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
July 21, 2012 at 2:33pm
July 21, 2012 at 2:33pm
This is life.
Here is some strife.
Inside and without,
Struggles will come about.

In the meantime life goes on.
Seeking a way through, you continue on.

Lifting your hands heavenward,
In supplication you appeal to His Words.
Freedom from toils and labors, He does not promise.
Every step of the way He does promise to be with you, oh so wise.

This Is Life and in His hands there is rest.
In His hands there is hope.
In His hands; through thick and thin; this is life.

Thank You Lord for reminding us that This Is Life, and we are not alone in the daily living, when we acknowledge You and rest in Your promises. Amen and amen.

This Is Life{popnote:"I wrote this on lunch at work. He showed His presence in the midst of it all.}
by Steve Cope

Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
July 18, 2012 at 12:24pm
July 18, 2012 at 12:24pm
Listen to the still small voice.
It may take some effort, make it a choice.
Sit quietly and hear with your heart.
Take the steps that you feel Him impart.
Even when it seems to take you out of your comfort zone.
Nearer to the heart of the Lord draw and take that step, you won't be alone.

Look at what can occur when you listen.
In a matter of time your perspective changes.
Seeing the results of your action; or not; you feel fulfillment.
The knowledge of knowing you obeyed His leading brings peace.
Everything that is piling up on you in life, appears less significant.
New desires blossom in your heart and doing His will becomes paramount.


Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
June 10, 2012 at 5:31am
June 10, 2012 at 5:31am
In the world there will be many obstacles.
Myriads of problems will assail and try to cut down.

There are all kinds of ways to deal with these problems.
It depends on the character of those going through them.
Reeling and hiding in a corner, in a fetal position.
Emerging from the fray and standing tall.
Dealing with the circumstance without reservation.

Of this you can be sure.
Flat out and real is the seriousness of pain.

Pain that persists, lingers, continues, fades.
All too well is this kind of pain known.
It can cause one to go insane or out of control.
Now; before that happens; stop in the middle and simply say for all to hear "I'm Tired of Pain and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Why? Because when you think about it; saying this out loud takes a lot of the control the pain has over your person. That's not to devalue the severity of pain, or to say that it is merely mind over matter. What it is, is you taking a conscious step to do something about the pain that is there in your life.

Physical pain is what mankind can identify with most readily. No matter the cause of that pain, it is real and needs to be dealt with, so the pain does not have control over you. Even as I type this, the pain in my knee, legs, and other areas of my body are real. There is nothing trivial about it. It is not a figment of my imagination, but real, penetrating, and lasting pain that has at times caused me to writhe and cry out wanting it all to end.

But through it all I know that there are things I must do to survive in this world, and that I cannot do it alone. Where is my help? Where is your help? Where is the hope of the world? It's in the cross. It's in the pain, agony, and utter extinguishing of life's breath from the heart of Jesus. This is where we can take control of the pain that seems to be persistent, penetrating, lasting, and just so far out of control.

God is in control. God is in control of the heavenly realms, the universe beyond our comprehension, and He cares so much about His creation, humanity. That's you; beloved; that's me, that's everyone who has faced the pang of pain. It was my mom, Betty, who suffered with emphysema for years. We are His creation and He cares for us. He does not want us to suffer, but to prosper and enjoy the life that He has planned for us.

I'm Tired of Pain and give it up to the Lord so He may deal with it in the way He sees fit. It can be miraculous healing or the wonders of modern science that He enables humanity to formulate, either way placed in His hands our pain is not in control of us any longer.

I'M TIRED OF PAIN AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'M GIVING IT UP TO THE LORD AND TRUSTING IN HIS CONTROL OVER PAIN. What about you beloved? Will you join in the campaign to end pain's control over you, me, and literally the whole of humanity? Or will you give in and be controlled by pain over and over again?
You are beloved!
Copenator out!
leader of Copenator's Crew
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May 10, 2012 at 3:32am
May 10, 2012 at 3:32am
The Bucket List is about to be completed when I ride an elephant in the third week in May.
So adding another item to the list seems logical and here it is.

A cascading of water and energy.
Taking ones breath away in awesome wonder.
Every waterfall is unique in and of itself.
Reminding us of God's power in many ways.
Fallible man seeks to understand how it works.
Ah, would that we could but enjoy the majesty of it all.
Large, small, and miniscule in size, the water provides the needs of flora and fauna.
Let the world see that here and now the WATERFALL is on my bucket list.

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Cross Timbers Academy  (NPL)
The Official Cross Timbers Craft Room
#1759573 by Carol St.Ann

Need Help With An Upgrade???  (E)
An upgrade donation foundation.
#1139671 by ~WhoMe???~

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Learning to Cope - an ebook by Steve Cope  
Serving Him by serving you,
Steve C
servant in Christ
His Servant Ministries.
April 3, 2012 at 10:41am
April 3, 2012 at 10:41am
"Bye Prince!"
Yes he was our prince.
Every day he reigned over his territory.

Please beloved, know the condition of your pets.
Raised at first in the pits of hades; 2 months with his sisters nearly alone.
It brought tears to the eyes to see them there.
New home Prince did find here among his king and queen.
Crashing, running, romping, video starring fun he did have.
Even in this time we did not know that disease was tearing at his body.

Bye Prince I did say so many times when we left for a time. Now that phrase shall not be heart again in this place. Except to pay tribute to the Lord God almighty for the gift of having our Prince for the short time we were able to have him in our lives.
Yes he was our Prince, we were his king and queen, but God the Father is the King of kings and Lord of lords we all did follow until the very end.

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