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I try to be honest and positive. My Christian faith is an important background factor. I hate rating low but have a system that determines how I grade.
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#2259390 by LightinMind
I'm good at...
More interested in the content of what you write than the style. Theological, political, historical, scientific, or experiential, or indeed anything that paints a vision of the future. A good grammar checker will tell you about spelling and commas.
Favorite Genres
Not entirely sure as I like most stuff. I prefer something with a soul rather than purely secular. But I like Sci-Fi, anything Christian, and also 'What-if' type speculations with plausible plots.
Least Favorite Genres
Anything that fails to look for a way out of the darkness. You can be dark, just don't wallow in it. Generally, I try to steer clear of Fantasy, and most Dark or Horror stories just make me laugh or grimace due to their ignorance of the dark side.
Favorite Item Types
I have really liked some of the heartwarming dramas I have read here particularly personal stories. Thought-provoking poems or stories are cool also though I am no expert on poetical forms.
Least Favorite Item Types
Anything that is just an affirmation of the dark side. I hate empty words. I always look for human intelligence. I try and avoid Fantasy and Horror where there is no metaphorical resonance or connection with real-world truth.
I will not review...
I mainly review at random and just see what grabs my attention. I will usually skip stuff I do not like unless it gets me riled or if it is interesting for other reasons.
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Review of Walking the path  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Received this via random review and liked the title

Reader Commentary
The reader is presented with a choice between two paths

It is a great theme but poorly executed in this case.

Many of the sentences require proof reading and correction. For example:

it maid me feel safe and sound = it made me feel safe and sound,

keeping me form looking ahead,= keeping me from looking ahead,

This Line does not make sense:
It's feeling of familiarity was suffocating as if keeping me form looking ahead, though hidden under comfort; but looking forward?

it was terrifying but also exiting = it was terrifying but also exciting

away for are dreams = away from our dream

wall the other was shrouded in fog = but the other was shrouded in fog

goal seamed not existent = end seemed not to exist

Line makes no sense: To walk that path before it so fallow the blind truth we are given?

Witch do you walk? = Which do you walk?

Please do not be discouraged about the 3 stars, with a bit of proof reading this would be vastly improved. Keep on writing.

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Review of The Rook  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause the whole hunter prey theme appealed.

Reader Experience
A mysterious creature with feathers, black with silver eyes, that croaks, rasps and barks and hunts at night stalks the writer with a thought. The writer concludes the chase is on.

Thanks for the poem which has great potential. The description here was powerful but made little sense to me. There is no bird that barks so this is a composite of mythical proportions exacerbated by fears in the night. But if this is a product of fear then the line "So, I say now, the chase is on." makes little sense. It is not the way prey talks or thinks

This line should probably use the plural for talons: And a thought alone, as sharp as talon = And a thought alone, as sharp as talons

Thanks for sharing and please ignore any rubbish above

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Received this via random review and chose to stay

Reader Experience
A man at a bus stop misses the last bus. An old man asks for a cigarette. He has a near death experience, learns some lessons and wakes up

The underlying story of a near death experience and lessons learnt at a bus stop is a good one. But this was not well executed with many inappropriate choices of words. I would recommend proof reading this again:

but I'll I could think of was = but all I could think of was

I paid him now mind = I paid him little attention

"Ha... thoughts things will kill you?" = Ha..thought these things could kill you

well you've already have one foot in the grave = well you've already got one foot in the grave

as I shrug in annoyances = as I shrug in annoyance

The bus wont be hear till four in the morning = The bus wont be here till four in the morning

Please... not yet... not know? = Please... not yet... not now!

I could feel my mind growing fuzzy as I feel the last bit of my life taking away. = I could feel my mind growing fuzzy as I felt the last bit of my life slipping away.

Also you call the old man Hugh at the beginning, but only the one time. Did you know him or not. If so the relationship needed explaining. If impersonal then better to lose the name.

Thanks for the read and please persevere with the writing.

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Review of The Crash  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Received this via random review and liked the simple story

Reader Commentary
The scene is an ambulance speeding away from a crash scene. Their patient is hanging on by a thread until a comment by one of the paramedics releases him with a smile.

It is short but very powerful. A good death, he saved the life of another at the cost of his own. I wonder if the baby in the stroller will ever know.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received this via random review and was captivated by the power of the feeling behind it.

Reader Experience
The poem describes the feelings of a wife in the cruel grip of a powerful, heartless, evil and oppressive King. She has stars in her eyes as she gazes out at an open sky but she is caged. She dances alone to express her rage when he is not looking. Nonetheless she is a prisoner held by icy iron bars, her years dragging as the King lives on and on.

This was structurally very good, with rhyming and choice of words expertly implemented. The theme of an oppressive tyrant holding his wife in talons of iron, also holds the reader in its grasp from beginning to end. One can understand the rage and imagine the star lit dance of one who would be free lined by the shadows of the bars of her cage.

Found a small mistake on one line:
Through the long live reign of the Black King = lived

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Received this via random review and stayed because I was impressed.

Reader Experience
The poem describes each of the features of the picture drawing them into a coherent narrative of feelings and impressions and observations that make sense of it.

Underlying the picture is a sense of menace, of an escaped lion prowling somewhere in the background. The diagonals of the deserted street are angled against a sick sky and a small horizon. The shadow of a statue protrudes like a dark stain and the author is the girl rolling her hoop through the harsh sunlight of the siesta hour. But she to is only a shadow, everything alive is off camera hidden from direct view.

Not sure I could look at this picture again without thinking about how you drew out its multifaceted meanings so expertly and with such exquisite style.


"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of The Hermit's Tale  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received by random review and this made me laugh.

Reader Commentary
Amilcar is a Holy man type figure called to a life of meditation. He goes up the mountain and finds a cave in order to do that. But followers come after him showering him with gifts and questions. Finally he decides to leave and climb another mountain to seek some peace.

There is a long tradition of Holy Men going out to remote places to be with God, to escape the noise and corruption of normal society. Essenes, Desert Fathers and Monks all modeled this kind of behaviour. The association of high places with revelation is also quite deep in culture. Jesus was transfigured on a high mountain. In popular literature Muhammad climbed to his cave in Hira and Nietzsches Zarathustra is associated with mountains.

But when Jesus went out to the desert to pray the crowds followed him, so he had to feed them. When he appeared in a place they mobbed him , hoping for him to heal their sick. Amilcar is no Jesus but he desires to escape the noise and in classic introvert fashion he climbs another mountain hoping to escape the crowds.

The age 30 is also important as this is about the time that ones brain finally becomes fully developed. It is also the age of manhood in many cultures including the Jews. It was the age when Levites were permitted to practice in the temple.

I found your piece very funny and pregnant with insights. Thanks for sharing.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Time  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause I liked the topic.

Reader Experience
The poem describes a demented Grandmother who continually asks what time is it, but never retains the answer. The carer was away for much of her life and now guards the empty shell of the woman she once was, whom they never got to know properly before. There is a measure of incredulity that the last question in this woman's mind is "What day is it?"

Dementia is no joke and an increasing problem in the aging populations of the Western world. But the personal tragedy is felt most keenly by those who care for these people directly, often related to them. This poem communicates that waste, that loss of connection and the perception of futility in these cases very well. There is a horrible waste of memories that could have been handed down, imparting wisdom and experience and sharing the family story, there is the loss of connection to those we loved. If ever we get demented what will be our last question? What is the one thing that will stick in our heads when all other sense is lost. In this ladies case time was the structure in which her life ran and when her time ran out and all use of time was lost, with one day blurring into another, she continued to ask for the day.

Thanks for the well written, thought provoking poem.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Waterlily  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Received this via random review and was deeply impressed.

Reader Experience
You describe the growth of Chromatella Water Lily from small Winter beginnings to Summer glory

Absolutely loved this and am not going to pretend to be your league when it comes to descriptive power and the way you evoke the feeling of this growing Water Lily to its full splendor. It is hard to critique perfection. There is however almost a blasphemy in its full glory as these lines make clear:

For I am the orb that sings on the waters
to bring down the sun, stars and moon
I, Chromatella,
bearer of light,
bring forth the zenith of noon.

The last of Gods creations to claim that title of Light bearer also has the prospect of the return of Winter to dull his ambitions. Maybe the reconfiguration of the universe around the gravitational pull of this one place and one time with all its beauty is still on hold. The particular shall not triumph over the eternal however beautiful its singular moment.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Foot buddy  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause liked the concept

Reader Experience
Brianna needed a miniature person to clean her toes and do her nails. So she invents a magical serum that shrinks people and shrinks a boy in her school who is then assigned to feed off her dead cells. He adapts to his new role and even does her friend Brook also. he is given spider abilities. Brianna then shrinks herself also joining the boy and realises this was not the nicest thing she ever did and almost gets killed by her friend Brook. Using the serum Brianna shrinks Brook and leaves with the boy still small leaving Brook 3 inches high.

Hilarious concept well executed. A mobile Lilliputian nail salon. Never realised teenaged girls could be so cruel and brilliant at the same time. Inventing the serum for Antman and then using it create a slave workforce to paint their nails! I shall have to watch out what science experiments my daughter is up to in her room. This piece was also I suppose an exploration of power and weakness in school relationships. How would we have used such power had we had it, on the school bully or simply on a random kid in our school?

You might want to run a spell checker on this as there are some mistakes e.g.relized, permenatly

Also some sentences towards the end need checking: she was scare to death = she was scared to death.

Thanks for an enjoyable read.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of The Seventh Son  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Received this via random review and got hooked by your engaging style.

Reader Experience
You get hooked in the first verse by the mystery of the seventh sons origins. When asked about his father the mother would cross herself. Clearly she was tormented turning to gin, but she used her sons powers to do some good healing people in his childhood years. Then the boy turns 14 and adopts his fathers vampire form and drinks his mothers blood in celebration

The end was truly shocking and I almost resent you for me hooking me in and then dumping me in its darkness *Wink* You are an excellent writer and I excuse myself for reading what you wrote on that basis. Thank God there are no such thing as human vampires and this was just a cleverly crafted myth. Cannot find anything to critique about your style. Brilliant but awful.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Received this via random review and stayed cause it is an interesting live topic right now.

Reader Experience
The author is happy that Joe Biden is now President-Elect having beaten Trump in the American Election of 2020. COVID-19 figured highly in the style of campaigning and in its result, with Trump himself contracting it. The author is also enthused that Kamala Harris has been elected VP because of her unique racial heritage. He prays for the wisdom of Solomon to guide the new administration and a restoration of Gods glory.

This is a political piece and not an attempt to exhibit some kind of literary style. To interact with it and share reflections on it requires some kind of political awareness and opinion. To help you understand what your writing sounds like to someone else I am happy to oblige (actually I need little excuse to talk politics). The beauty of a Democracy is that you are free to disregard everything that I say or simply take the good bits and ignore the rest.

That said, here goes! As an outsider to the American political process, I must admit, this election was very exciting to watch from afar but has gotten very bitter. I see not only the smiles on the faces of the Biden supporters but so also the outright anger and disbelief on the faces of the Republicans at having lost. America seems hopelessly divided and partisan, torn apart by a tribal warfare, in which context bipartisan attempts seem suicidal. Neither side have a monopoly on God and both need prayers, from my perspective. Kamala Harris is breaking new ground though I worry at her "attack dog" lawyer style and wonder if that will help or hinder the healing process between the two Americas. The anti-masker tendencies in the Republican party are nonsense and have helped magnify the pandemic. That the president has still not conceded is a mark of dishonor and dishonesty in my view. Personally I worry how Biden will choose to frame his new globalist foreign policy and especially with regard to the ongoing BREXIT issue between Britain and the EU. Britain was hoping for a trade deal and Trump looked like giving them one, however now this is uncertain again. But the prayer for Solomon's wisdom, for the new leadership, is one I can say Amen to.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Grim Reaper  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Received this via random review and stayed cause it was brilliant.

Reader Experience
This is an amusing conversation between the Grim Reaper and the latest victim of his "day job". In his off hours he enjoys bowling and organising writing contests. Despite various attempts to circumvent the demand to die, nomlet is unable to convince death to let him stay, and he is cut off just short of the 500 word limit, for this entry to the contest.

Simply brilliant, hilarious, well written - I loved it. Could not find anything critical to say about it.

This line was genius: "That was horrible! Who writes your material anyway? That's the guy you should be after!"

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Review of Father in life  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Received this via random review and being a father was attracted by the theme.

Reader Experience
This writing praises the little discussed nature of fatherhood. Characteristics of fathers listed here include: self-control;peacemaker and provider of consolation;bread winner who does finances; no public displays of emotion; self-sacrifice regarding money, clothes,self-care; pays for family health care and education; maintains the infrastructure of the home.

This was a heart warming piece filled with a list of experiential observations. The content is the focus here and the language functionally descriptive.

It is also a very culture laden appraisal of fatherhood. In Germany or the UK (my 2 countries), health care is paid for by the state and in Germany university education also. Women work here and sometimes earn more than the men. But the themes of self control, sacrifice, putting others emotional well being before your own and keeping the home functioning are universals. There is a strength and affirmation that only a father can impart and his moral character and example is repeated in the lives of his children. If he messes that up he can damage the children in his care. Spiritual headship implies love and sacrifice rather than control and brutality. No one is really interested in daddy's problems but he has to be there for everyone else. His strength has to come from somewhere to be able to keep on doing that.

I liked this and it prompted thoughts about what is a very important topic of great personal interest to me. Anyway please ignore any nonsense in what I wrote and remember only what has value to you.

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Review of When  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause I liked the theme.

Reader Experience
2 people are contrasted in a series of prosaic verses. The one loved by all and known to all the other hidden away, caged and stifled, their voice unheard or not listened to. There seems to be a control dimension to this with the famous one actively suffocating the expression of the unknown one.

The battle between the famous oppressor and the anonymous caged soul could be the story of our times. This person has a million followers and that one is liked by none. This one says anything, however inane and is lauded for their wisdom, the other quotes the wise and is ignored.

Sometimes we need a higher reference point that such a broken world. God hears our souls sing from the deepest and the darkest pits. I wonder what liberation looks like in this situation. A raised voice, an escape from prison or just someone ignoring the famous and asking to hear from the anonymous instead.

Anyway ignore the unhelpful in my waffle and thanks for your writing

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause it was a cool concept.

Reader Experience
Hilarious take on Shakespeare's Hamlet. Hamlet phones up a telephone counselor to work through his 'to be or not to be' soliloquy. The Counselor tries to translate his thoughts, to demonstrate his understanding, into more modern and understandable English.

Obviously a counselor may well interpret a speech like this to anticipate a planned suicide, but Hamlets dilemma is deeper than that. Is it better for anyone to be alive or dead, given all the troubles of this life. The main issue for him is what comes next and since he does not know he cannot say that to die would be better. "Conscience makes cowards of us all"

I loved the contrast between the two ways of thinking and reflecting on reality. The one apparently verbose but engaging with life, death and the hereafter with a thoroughness alien to secularized modern man. The other action focused, attempting to show understanding but with a view ultimately of dissuading suicide. These are two different language cultures using the same words and missing the meaning in each others responses.

Anyway thanks for this deeply provocative and interesting piece.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Lovers' Fights  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Received this via random review and stayed cause I remembered the original.

Reader Experience
Describes an abusive man with a woman he loves in a relationship that was tragically doomed. All set to the John Travolta- Olivia Newton John song Summer nights. After various abusive exchanges where the man was mainly at fault he ends up killing her and going to prison crying for his lost love.

This is such an extreme telling of abuse that it is quite funny in a dark kind of way. Even so this kind of stuff happens for real too often in peoples experience, so I feel a little guilty for laughing at it.

It is set in real time, but they and their singing friends talk in past tense and then she is dead. So you kind of wonder how she could sing reflectively on his abuse from the grave.

I had to read the original lyrics again to check it was not advocating violence against women, there was just one lyric - "did she put up a fight". But overall those were different times and the language, at least, was cleaner and more innocent then.

Anyway thanks for the song which was very well done, albeit a little jarring.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of A Campfire Tale  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Received this via random review and was intrigued by the Afrikaner reference.

Reader Commentary
Molly and Van are camping and Molly has just cooked a meal. But since there is a counter top, a stove, tables and chairs and a living room with a fake fireplace, it seems this was not a back packing camping trip. They get to talking about a potjie or Dutch oven as Molly describes it. After dinner Van relates a tale of his own experience of a potjie and how it was used by a Zombie in the area to cook human brains.

The story captures something of the Wilbur Smith feel for the outdoors of Southern Africa in the park ranger experience but the story is set in a holiday home type set up. There is still a lot of empty space in the nature reserves and different kinds of wild animal out there, but the threat of a Zombie clearly puts Molly off camping and they pack up and return after a sleepless night following the story telling. The contrast between Van who had been the Zombies lair and Molly in her closeted Holiday home yet still scared out of her wits could not be more marked.

I am not sure why Molly was so scared when they were behind locked doors.

You write well and your style is engaging and keeps people hooked into the story line. You kept the suspense by delaying the Zombie element till after dinner and saving the horror till the end.

Thanks for the story which was entertaining, and please ignore any unhelpful comments from the above.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Received this via random review and stayed cause it was topical.

Reader Commentary
The SARS-COV-2 virus lurks in the darkness outside the lights of home, it waits like a stranger to be invited in. Those who show hospitality to this pale parasite see the colors of their home bled faint, until life itself is drained away and the paint of empty homes starts crumbling on the walls. Then it picks itself up and moves on to the next house where there is life still.

Dark and scary stuff and captures the sense of menace that comes from covid-19 very well. Covid spreads more from unmasked crowds carelessly singing anthems to idols together, without a care for who they breathe on. But the imagery of the stranger at the door bringing disease is deeply embedded in most cultures and is a powerful way to communicate the danger.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Bible Imps  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Received this via random review and stayed cause it was an anti-Christian diatribe which I usually find quite amusing.

Reader Commentary
There is a long list of reasons why Christians are vile and despicable including:
- some of them are fat and ugly , with puffy lips, double chins
- they use threatening,flippant and toxic language to discuss the fate of those who are not elected.
- they do not know how to use evidence, and scientific forms of argument, instead relying on the revelations of their book. So they are disconnected from reality.
- they believe in shooting gay people

The author suggests the Romans were right to burn Christians.

I found this an angry and passionate piece of writing pointing out observations and expressing bitterness in the authors own relationship with Christians. It was well written even if its content was ignorant of much of what constitutes true Christianity.

For example a gay man, is made in Gods image with that essential dignity and has the free will to choose his own path. That does not mean Christians have to agree with his choices but the notion that he should be shot for being gay is not a correct interpretation.

A great many atheists, agnostics and even gay people are also fat and ugly, while some Christians are quite beautiful to look at. This seems a superficial reason to base a judgment on.

A great many Christians and indeed some of the most prominent scientists in the world have been Christians. While some atheists play with horoscopes and Ouija boards. This observation works both ways.

It is God's choice who goes to hell and we all stand on his grace and mercy or not at all. Self righteousness and spiritual pride are particularly dangerous sins. It is not our choice who goes to hell and who not, so humility before God is a better default position and to be extremely careful in how we judge others.

Anyway thanks for articulating your thoughts with so much passion and please reconsider burning me and all my friends alive, or indeed feeding us to lions, for the entertainment of a baying mob.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Headstones  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Received this via random review and was interested by the theme.

Reader Commentary
The poem describes someone who has never been to these people graves. These people sound like family though it is never said. Some relational drama prevented them attending. But that still cuts them deep and there is a smoldering anger there that might yet inspire them to visit the grave site at Fairview before they die.

This is too non specific to engage with the content and I think that diminishes the poems bite. The guy seems unreasonable or justified but since there is no detail he could be either and you wonder what the poem is trying to say as a result.

I thought it was well written though.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Received this via random review and liked the theme.

Reader Commentary
Poem describes the actions of a boss to focus the team on his goals. The team learn how to smile in front of the boss but they mourn the loss of colleagues along the way.

Having worked in some ruthless work environments in which 90% of my colleagues were fired, or moved on, over a ten year period I can really relate to this. Very often bosses are disconnected from the actual skills and experience necessary for the tasks they set and fire the most expensive guy cause he answers back, or the best guy cause he does not appear to listen to the bosses instructions, when the problem was actually with those instructions. But that is life. Liked the second verse which reminded me of all those smiling generals in North Korea hanging on Kim Jong uns every word and reflecting his every emotion as if he were a god. You learn how to act in a work place and loyalty to the boss, and making him look good, is often more valued than honest proficiency.

Liked the rhyming and choice of words. You used nixed , to imply being fired. Its real meaning is probably closer to to refuse to accept or allow (something) but I knew what you meant.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Humility  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Received this via random review and stayed cause I liked the way you wrote this.

Reader Experience
The writer expounds on the humility of direct human experience of a thing in itself. It is a fresh and new perspective that utilizes no categories of understanding or accumulated experiences. Even the worship of God and the life of a saint is excluded by this definition of humility which is also regarded as a completely non intellectual, like love.

The Hermeneutical task of interpreting words or things is a much discussed modern topic. In practice we always bring the categories, preferences and training we have accumulated to the task of seeing. We always interpret and the question is really do our interpretations help or hinder our seeing. Humility is more the acceptance of a need to change and to revise, to accept improvements against the demands of our ego to be right all the time. To exclude the experience of God from a definition of humility is highly controversial as our experience of an infinite, holy, eternal, almighty Being can never be exhaustive or comprehensive or indeed fixed. The writer expresses almost Buddhist worldview which excludes the other in its definitions and prefers direct experience and dissolves rational categories and structures that could be used to facilitate the communication of experiences and insights to others. If we were all humble as the author describes the world would fall into the silence of people meditating under trees and words would cease as a brain is required for words and to impart the secret, unique experiences of first contact with reality.

Anyway you inspired a great deal of commentary with your words. Please ignore the unhelpful and thanks for your words. Obviously I radically disagree with what you wrote but I thank you for writing it.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Him and Her  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Received this via random review and found the poem interesting

Reader Commentary
The poem describes a couple who both have the ghosts of previous relationships to haunt their current one. The man is choosing to move on into the new reality of their own romance and his words endeavor to banish the other man from her life also.

This is a free form poem with no clear structure or rhyming scheme. It expresses the feelings involved quite well. I liked the sentiment of the poem.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Union of Two  
Review by LightinMind
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Received this via random review and liked the theme.

Reader Experience
The poem describes the one flesh unity and togetherness of a couple sealed in love.

The marriage of two people creates a greater whole and cements the choice to love in a greater unity. You use an almost religious language to describe this unity: "Love Everlasting"; "We...are unstoppable"; "Blessed Be". This might exaggerate what a marriage can do and is, while describing the feeling and triumph of that union. Replacing the Trinitarian worship of God with the Biunity of Romance - You - them (2 distinct persons in the same whole). The complementarity and completeness of two people in the same whole connected and sealed in love is something I will never tire of hearing about. Keeping these relationships real might be a key to their success.

This is a free form poem with no clear structure. Its power comes entirely from its content and its repetition of the 2=1 theme.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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