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Review of Farewell My Child  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Shoot, even I didn’t even believe me--take out one 'even'

I didn't look deeply for typose etc. I read mostly for the flavor of your piece. I enjoyed it very much. You had realistic dialogue, good descriptions and didn't bog down in maudlin emotions. You pulled them through it and gave a satisfactory ending.

When my youngest moved out and to another state with my grandson, that we'd worked so hard to keep alive for over a year, I went into a deep depression and cried my eyes out for a year. I can totally relate to this piece.

If this is based on real experience...it gets better when the grand kids some along. lol
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Rated: E | (4.5)
"I'm storing food if Winter came,--IF? It doeesn't fit. It seems incomplete. If windter came what?

Winter comes and food is nought
Dying is he, a lesson taught--nicely done! I like the way you use nought to rhyme this. Unfortunately lessons learned at death are a bit late.

Isn't the original, or maybe just one I hard, the squirrels have him fiddle through the winter to earn his food, after all he did fiddle all summer and fall for them while they worked, I like happy endings. What can I say, lol

You did well and I enjoyed it.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Review of The Fig Tree  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm not sure of your rhyming pattern. It threw me off while reading. I enjoyed the poem except my brain was cllued in to the rhyme, but it wasn't in a consistant pattern I could quickly get intot he groove of.

But we can do the small things each day.--Such a very true statement

Bake cookies for the guy next door. --actually it's muffins for the family across the street, and the paper lady, lol

I enjoyed your poem, it was sweet and refreshing.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Hollow Pails  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
...selfish shouting...a babble of disinformation attempting to bind the listener to the same unworthy cause.--very well put. All designed to bind and destroy

fervent believers, fresh converts...empty pails' brimming with projectile notions.--I don't get this. "When though art converted, strenghten thy brethen' So your sentence here seems to negate the scripture

I'm not sure what church you are talking about. At first I thought you were talking about the cacaphony of all that satan throws at us via tv,movies, music etc then your last part, totally confuses me, sorry.

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don't know that I'm qualified to critique a letter to an agent or publisher, but I will try to help.

a powerful mafia family. How about--the powerful Cannan mafia family--

she clings to the one person in the world lacking the temperament to put up with her--You hint that it's Evelyn but I'm not sure as you didn't say Evelyn was her friend until the last line.

a beacon of curiosity--I presume you mean the Cannan family, but you don't clarify, and how does it get out that she has the talent?

I hope this helps you some.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of The Haunted Room  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nicely done. Tight and yet conveys the fear and suspense

"Liar." the whisper slithers --I like the 'slithers' lol

It doesn't mention seeing a display of room keys with one still hanging, so it adds to the suspense, how does he know?

Cold, peculiar eyes pierce the owner's heart. A chill creeps up his spine.--perfectly done, not to melodramatic, just the right amount to pull off the eerie feeling.

"I know." and long after the stranger disappears --Again , just rightly done. Did he disappear down the corridor, or fade into nothing.

Absolutely wonderfully written scene.
love, LinnAnn
Review of My Poetic Mind  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Reactions, frustrations, different times, many places.--I'm not sure if this is about the writer or those the poem is read to. As a writer I can empathise with that frustration.

Or just wanting the words to touch you deep to your core.--Whether it's a novel, short story, esssay or poetry I think this is what all of us strive so desperately for.

Your poem struck a chord.
love, LinnAnn
Rated: E | (3.0)
You have an interesting bit here, I have made some suggestions and comments for you to consider. I think it would be nice if you started sooner and let us know why he is doing this. What set him off? Maybe he could be tgalking to himself or even earlier to whoever gave him the potion?

to kill and with a bundle of blankets, I set off towards--comma

Had it not been for the concealed passageway hidden beneath the daunting gargoyle, I might not have made it---You don't say why? it's still a climb, so there must be another reason?

, for my mind was wandering out of my bod--Was he truly having an out of body experience or were you meaning something else?

, I noticed the foolish vigilar, asleep at the entrance --This word vigilar isn not in my dictionary. maybe...I notice dthe foolish guard lacking in vigilance?

a stormy, cloudy night, --This is considered a no no. Too similar to 'it was a dark and stormy night' which is considered a cliche opening

lurking through the open window.--I do however like this part of the sentence, lurking is good! lol

her bed, barely breathing--sounds like she is already nearly dead. You may want to state "her chest hardly moved as if she were barely breathing

order to eradicate those too close to perfection --so your opening 'she was too close to perfection' lays the premis that because she is too close she has to die?

first blanket landed with a thud on her head--that is one heavy blanket!!

. “Que haces aqui?”--You use Spanish here, but earlier you used Canadian or Europian spelling in your narrative. her pristine (splendour)

“It is nothing mi princesa, go back to sleep,” --you speak half in English and half Spanish, if she is Spanish, you may want to make it in Spanish for her, and then again in English for your reader But--Reassuring someone you are killing that it's okay while you kill her doesn't work for me, lol Unless you make it totally clear that he is nuts

atop her head, covering her face, her lips.--they were already covered, so you may want to say you add the extra one to muffle her screams

She was struggling to breathe now, as I restrained --take out the 'now' as she was struggling the whole time I'm sure.

The next blanket came down fiercely and she was buried beneath its mass, -- It doesn't take three to suffocate someone

She let out a bloodcurdling scream of fury.--put thtat sooner where she was stuggling to breath, other wise she will already not have air and couldn't scream

Hush my dear, I am doing this for your own good, but alas, you are too naive to understand.” --okay this added to the previouse deffinately tells us he is totally bonkers

After a great many interminable minutes--you only get one set of interminable minutes, not breathing she could only last about 3 minutes or less, especially struggling.

her chest rose and she uttered through her teeth with her last breath, the sound muffled by the impenetrable blankets.--her chest would not raise with breath as she should be nearly dead by now and she would not be able to speak the lines you have for her.--“My father will have revenge! You will never sleep in peace until the day of your death!”--she has been oxygen deprived for 'minutes' as you said, she would hve to say this much earlier. And since you said the blankets were impenetrable, she CAN'T get air.

I backed away trembling with a deep satisfaction--she just spoke forcefully so is not dead yet

blankets lay still and flat as stone --they can't lay flat as she is under them

the smell of death already audible to my pulsing nostrils. --audible means hearable, he is not listening with his nose. how aout already reeking to my sensitive nostrils. I can't figure out why of how his nose is pulsing.

Why does she stink already? That usually takes a few days.

A celestial glow seemed to be escaping---This is a nice touch!! creepy in an interesting way.

They were after me with pitchforks--She was found very quickly!

off the evil beings--ther is something there more evil than he is?

Be gone you wicked demonios--again half in English and half in Spanish. I know it's hard to incorporate both languages I've done it and it took a couple of critiques for me to get it good enough.

the staccato of my voice --staccato if a musical term 'abrupt tones,' like when singing and punching each note a bit

. Eyes reeling in shock, --what shocked him? do you mean terror? amd eyes don't usually reel, like stagering back and forth, but they can be"opened wide in terror. Or eyes jerking back and forth loking for the demons. just suggestions

They could not possibly be already aware of the murder,they must be or why are they chasing him?

. It would be my last defence, --defense

not at the mercy of her father and his pack. --I don' tthink they'd be merciful how about-not at the vengeful hands

the merciful vial which I found --comma after vial

why didn't he take it while they were still a long way away?

my darling’s earlier predicament--if he consideres it something that is going to save him, it's not a predicament like she was in, ...deep slumber as I had left my sweetheart in. (again just a suggestion)

perishing at once in a final spasm of pain.--it would still take at least one minute to get to stomache and work

but I would like you to consider, would you be able to dig in a pocket , uncork and drink the potion whele people are stabbing you with pitchforkds and beating on you?

I hope you continue to work on this. Keep on!

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am not one to shrug when I replace th flowers in my vases. I appreciate them as they live. As I'm sure you appreciated the life of Chinaski. I don't know if this person is male or female, or your relationship. It's too bad you did not include that in your poem as it would help draw the reader in and help us to identify with him/her.

Today, we live in silence,
Our screams are gone forever now, failing.
For Chinaski has died.

It's been six years since Chinaski died, I hope screams of laughter have come back to you. I hope silence no longer fills your lives.

do consider adding to the poem. Maybe enough time has passed you can help us connect to this person you obviously loved.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Rated: E | (3.5)
You did get an emotional response from me, so tht is good,

Only one way to go, down--this was depressing, that you could feel durring the high point, that it wouldn't last

Were the uneven number of lines in your poem meant the be that way? I am not familiar with all sorts of types of poems.

You had to sets that rhymed---

Blind sighted, lost in a haze

Your love surrounded my days

Now rejected, lost in a maze

Your betrayal left me dazed

but the others didn't, was that just accidental?

I was totally intrigued by the---Snow white has cut her finger
I have no idea what that means, but it was very interesting.

Love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Wild Weeds  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really liked this! It reminded me of my wreaths I make. I go out and gather weeds, grasses and things people do not hold in high regard, lol But I put them together with dried colorful blossoms with sharpened thorns. --roses, also dried and instead of ugly weeds, people see beauty and grace.

Your poem made me smile!
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Fear Itself  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Nicely done!! You actually had my chest tightening in anxiety as I felt her panic.

At first I thought she was kidnapped when you mention the man, and buried alive.

when you hve her reviewing her day, the apartment, cats, i'm again thinking she is buried alive.

My only concern is that you give a great description of a trapped person, her pain, trouble breathing, the gauze she feels, her thoughts as she tries to recall what happened, then they say she is in a coma.

Of the people that I have known that have been in comas they don't recdall anything or at the most, being above their bodies in the hospital rooms.

Since she can hear them, I have every confidence that she will awaken, lol

Again, nicely done, you got an emotional response and that is great.
love, LinnAnn

Review of The Day Called D  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
The sixth early bright.--I didn't get this reference, I'm old enough I should.

Forth the Pearl at bay,--this made me think about Pearl Harbor, not D-Day, with the 'pearl' mentioned But this 'forth' means to go forth, so I'm confused

Those marines; vernal,
Too young to see their last sight,
To hold a trigger,

The commander’s nod
Gave a hint to deliver
Pain and infliction

these last two verses I do understand! And they did touch my heart.

I'm sorry I was too dense to get most of your poem. But I did get the last, and do appreciate your effort.

Love, LinnAnn

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
You have ten minutes, or I am leaving you," I--I can take a fast shower, but to get undressed, get the water temp decent, get washed, shampooed, dried and redressed in 10 minutes??? Plus she is probably sore from being raped, not to mention traumatized. do you think 10 minutes is reasonable? I was enjoying the story until that spot and I thought , "Where is the compassion? She just rescued the girl and then threatens to leave her if she can't do this that fast?" just a thought. I totally didn't understand the coldness of the woman, drowning out th egirls screams?

It was well writen. My shock at the callousness of the immortal does not detract from what you have written. It's just my own tender heart.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You made me wonder how you knew he had been 'king' for three years. I also wonder about the two young brothers and their ganging up on the older lion. I didnt think the lions would act so devious, and wonder if they eventually fight for a larger share of the spoils. I felt very sad for the older lion. I never knew the winning lion would kill cubs too young to run away!

I take ilt you live or have lived there to know all this? I bet you have a fabulous photo album if you do live there.

Nicely done, you got an emotional response from me. That 's what it's all about, right?
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature. I made sure it's all there
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
faculty is full of Marist Brothers?--I am unfamiliar with this term. It was not in my dictionary. Did you mean Marxist? And if so, what did you mean by it?

even though only thirteen--they can tell at thirteen this guy will be a super star as an adult? Or was he so good they already had him playing in jr. varsity?

yet favored her Native --yet favored his mothers' Native--for clairty

referring to the sovereign symbol, the ( ), used to denote her ancestors’ --I'd like to know the common name of the tree and it could be inserted easily here. There may be others who would like the education you are in a uniquie situation to provide.

genteel grin--polite-who was his polite grin for?

sentient mind-state--conscious mind state, why put it that way? It was odd enoug to pull me out of your story.

a zealous Pied Piper plying his own tune upon student lemmings.---A very well crafted sentence! I'm impressed!

Love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Mein Schatz  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
When I think about you
my treasure,...
I think of
all the time

that surrounds us.--I added a period as you started a new sentence.
wakes us each morning.--same thing
when I would rather--no cap as it's the same sentence

Your third sentence is full of similies. How about...

Yours eyes are
sparkling jewels
your teeth are rare pearls
and your hair is
glimmering gold
mein one and only Schatz

I was wondering if you could work the explanation into the poem?
Mind you , these are only suggestions. I think you have done well for the most part in creating a love poem.

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Dead battery  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
You definitly evoked a feeling, which is what we as writers are supposed to do. but it felt like Satan was ranting and raving not like it was the Christ. I think I missed something here. It was Satan who's plan was to make everyone obey, and the cussing...again sounds like Satan. I guess when you said 'a savior' you didn't mean 'the' Savior. lol My goof, sorry. lol
love, LinnAnn

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
On the other hand, if the stone had notbeen born, you would not have this poem, lol.

That no one has ever spied.--I added a period because it seemed as if you started a new sentence.

On a relic from the ages--didn't want to add a comma as there are already several. but a dash might work.

The rythm made me want it to rhyme, but it was good, and I liked the ironic twist, lol

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Review of Our Lord beckons  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The following lines are too long for the pattern and meter you've chosen. I've made suggestions, you could probably do better than what I suggest. You have talent and I"m sure you will be able to find a way.

I’ll place in you a bond with me, that no one will break--that can not break(or even can't)but you need to cut out at least one syllable

Come to me when the world vexes you-(I'm not as talented as you, so I have no suggestion, sorry)

You will feel my presence and I’ll light your way back home--presence and find your way...

But if you look at it as a whole you will see that those three lines stick out. There are others that are bit long, but not glarinly so.

Some of your lines are in rhyming pattern and others are not. This does distract a bit but as a whole I find your poem encouraging and uplifting! I hope I have been of some help.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Feel  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Rest your head upon my shoulder--this evokes such a tender picture.

You don’t have to be alone
Rest a while and share your burden----this reminds me of scripture, taking our burdens

In my arms safe and secure
Feel our souls healing together--the sould healing together. It's a nice thought that two wounded souls can bind together and heal, filling the emptyness in each others hearts. Nicely done

This is love true and pure
--I have a quote on my desk, 'Attention is a pure form of love" and giving one another total attention and support, how rich an experience

love, LinnAnn
Review of Love No More  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
good rythm beat

No half of any whole.--I like this line

with time and grind--I can see the grind as it rhymes and she 'wore you down?" but the word grind has a harsh feel

I cannot cry, but can't deny,
In truth, I love her still--Again nicely done on word choice.

If I can't have her in my life,
I'll keep her in my dreams...--again nice word choice, I would consider taking the s off dreams since the rhyming word beam ends in singular.

You have some good word choices, I like ti when I'm surprised by words that are not so predictable! lol

Love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

Review of Moon  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Lurking beneath
the sheer sheets of clouds,--I"m not sure I understand this, the moon 'beneath' the 'sheer' clouds?

like a tanod1 with his silent alarm---I don't know wha ta tanod 1 is, does the average person know?

You must be a science buff. You definately don't come from my town, you have too high of an IQ! lol

This was very interesting. I as wondering what prompted you to use such large words? My dictionary didn't have tanod let alone a tanod1

Ihope ou post more poems.
love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Abiku  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
mock his indolent form--lazy?

chirp of crickets, a forest then?--If he is pondering where he is, you might want to put a dash instead of a comma after crickets, to show a pause as he makes his conclusion.

and rubbed at the crescent-shaped scar on his forehead--did hs scar hurt?

forgotten to the floor--ground? or was there a floor out in the forest?

abiku--I don't know what this means, but this was a great ending! Especially since ti's been three years since his death! lol nicely done!

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
Review of Goodbye  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
"I'm sure this is going to be harder for me than it is for you", she said --famous last words, lol

she said as the words she were about to say--she was about (she is a single entity so it's was)

Very nicely done. You have good dialogue, and have included tactil sensations. You did well drawing in the reader. I have a feeling fro mthe words ou wrote, he felt it more than she, lol

love, LinnAnn

A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.
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