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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Morning, arakun the twisted raccoon

I just finished reading the third part of the Witch's Diary. And once again I'm touched with emotion after reading it. It is well written and captures the reader's attention. There is enough details scattered throughout to paint a vivid picture of the characters and scenes. I like this in a story.

I want to be able to see and hear the characters, and see where they are. And in a short piece that is difficult to achieve sometimes.

You did a great job once again. I look forward to reading the rest of this tale.

Proud member of the TGDI, Supernatural, WDC Power Reviewer & CSFS Groups

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Coffee Shop for the Fantas...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Top of the Morn, Mrs. Populatery,

I just read the inforduction to your novel, Galaxy Guardians. You have an interesting concept here. I like the way you took the time to tell the reader where this idea came from. I usually write reviews on Wdnesday unless something catches my eye when I'm poking around on the sight. I found yuor request on the request page for CSFS. I shall try to read as much of this novel as I can. It may take awhile.

I did notice a few minor spelling and grammar mishaps that a good rereading shall catch. Your have a good idea for the novel and you did a great job with this intro.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!


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Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Top of the Morn,

You have an interesting tale here and a good idea. Yet it's a bit disappointing. There are several mishaps that a good reread should catch.

First, at the end we find out that the whole was nothing but a dream which sort of cheats the reader.
Next, the story is more told than shown.

I realize this sounds like I'm being mean, yet I only what to be honest and helpful.

For example: The first three sentences could be rewritten as

Felix Erchoq wanted to burst with pride. He just won the tournament of the feast. All the mighty warriors couldn't believe that a mere lad of fifteen could accomplish such a feat.

I know it's difficult to write a clean first draft. After completing the first draft, put it aside for a day or two before rereading. You'd be surrpise at all the omitted words, wrong words and misspelling that glare out at you. I usually leave out words or use the wrong spelling of a word. Sun when I wanted son.

Proud member of the TGDI, Supernatural & WDC Power Reviewer Groups

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review of Snowy Nights  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bravo, Puzzle Poet,

Nice handle by the way. Your wee poem SNowy Nights is well written. And captures the falling snow beautfiully. Your choice of words paints a vivid picture for the reader to see. The pace and rhyme move it along at a nice pace.

Great job.

Proud member of the TGDI & Supernatural Groups

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Top of the Morn, Night Wolf,

Whoa! What a beginning for a novel. You have plenty fo details to paint an awesome picture in the reader's mind. The story moves along at a good pace. The battle is a tad confusing yet well written.

Proud member of the TGDI & Supernatural Groups

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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You have a nice little poll here. Simple and straight to the point. And you're right most people never stop to think about how happy they are. Everything seems in order with spelling and grammar. Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Darkness  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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What a dark and sad poem. I can feel the lady's pain and distress and her fear. I can also hear the hope in her voice as she wonders if she'll be saved. Everything seems in order with the spelling and grammar. Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Candle  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Oh how clever, shaping your wee poem like a real candle. Great idea!

I love it. It has a great rhythm and moves as a quick pace. It brought a smile to my face. It seems as if the candle was a living breathing character. You did a great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Whisper  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Magnificant. Your poem speaks from the heart to the heart. I can hear the pain and longing in the words. It has a nice pace and gently tugs the reader along line by line.

It is well written. You did a wonderful job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Fairies  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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WHat a sweet wee poem. I love fairies and this is a delightful read. It has a wonderful rhythm to it and draws the reader deep line by line. It makes one wish that they could see a fairy or two.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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WOW! What a powerful poem. It speaks to my heart and I feel her pain. Your words paint a vivid picture of the lady in distress. It also makes me angry with the gent who broke his lady's heart. SHame on him.

This is well written. You did a great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of My favorite name  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Very nice. Your wee poem has a lot of emotion pack within such few words. I never really gave my name much thought until now. Names are more important than most people realize. Your name does follow from birth to grave.

This is well written and you did a great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Why Aren't You  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Very nice. This tiny poem paints a wonderful picture of budding love that may never be. It moves along at a wonderful pace and pulls the reader gently along. It touched my heart for it made me remember my first love. Thank you.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of beyond the gates  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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For only thirty-six words, you revealed a lot. This tiny poem is packed with emotion and a longing for death unless I miss the point of this poem. Those few words also paint a vivid picture.

This is well written. Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Your muse speaks words of wisdom that are inspiring. His steady voice calms the nerves and opens the gates to imagination. Your muse paints words that are magical to the ear and makes me what to cheer.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of The Dragons Creed  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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Fantastic. Your wee poem paints a vivid picture of a fledgling dragon flipping pages in a book. This piece has a nice beat to it and gently pulls the reader along.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review of Lightning Strike  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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I'm sorry to hear about your 100 year old tree. I bet it feels as if you've returned to the stone age without phone or internet. For such a tiny piece it makes its point. Storms and lightning are dangerous things.

You did agood job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Slowly remove your hands from the keyboard and careful step away from it.

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You have a nice wee tale here. It's well written without any spelling or grammar mishaps. And in a few words it paints a vivid pciture of someone with a broken heart.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!


Review of Kite Tails  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your wee tale is quite interesting. It has a nice pace and is easy to read. I can hear and see the excitement in your character as he goes hunting for the perfect kite tail. I was a bit disappointed when the tale ended abruptly when the girl told him where to find the kite tails in the store. I was hoping for a detail or two about that special tail he sought so desperately.

Did he find the perfect tail?

This is well written for such a short piece.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh wow! What a powerful piece on the fear of being fat. My whole insides are shaking at the mere thought of someone being that desperate to be so thin that they believe they're fat at ninety-eight pounds. My heart goes out to the character. This hits close to home. I've never wanted to lose weight that I wanted to end it all, yet I have struggle since a teen with being over weight. I know it's no picnic for those who struggle with a weight issue. Whether it's a few pounds or a 100 plus.

This tale is well written and a bit heart breaking. Well done.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Closing In  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with The Central Bank  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very nice. I love the way your description paints a vivid picture of rainbows and stars. And how time sometimes seems to stand still and at others, fly by that one almost misses the change. Do I hear a note of sadness and longing within these words?

Your poem flows along at a nice pace which makes it a delight to read. It also touched my heart.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Help Me  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW! What an emotional little poem. Your details describe Autism extremely well and paints a vivid picture. I can see this teen's fear and hear the longing in his voice. This poem pack a wallop. I can tell this piece was written from the heart. It made my eyes tear. Those who've never been around an autistic child or teen don't alway understand his or her reaction to them.

You wrote a beautiful piece. Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Chameleon  
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a neat little poem about your muse. I love the way you describe how she inspires you through your dreams. WHat a clever wee muse you have.

Mine is like that, waits until I'm on the brink of sleep then hits me with inspiration.

I can see your muse in my mind's eye scampering through your dream and leaving nuggets of inspiration behind.

Great job. This is a well written poem.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a nice wee poll you have here. What a dilemma? Both Spike and Angel deserve to be the ultimate vamp. Angel, dark and broody. Spike with his bad boy additude.

YOu have a simple questionnaire with no spelling or grammar mishaps. I like the fact that it's straight to the point. Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

Ladybug ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by Ladybug
In affiliation with TGDI Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bravo! You definately got my attention. You give just enough to whet the appetite making it impossbile not to want to read more about Serrius and just what he's up too. I usually don't read things like this, but I'm glad I took the time.

I didn't spot any mishaps with spelling or grammar.

This part of the story flows along smoothly and leads the reader deeper into the tale.

Great job.

Keep unleashing your imagination and let it fly where it wishes!

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