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In my view, the primary focus should be on encouraging the writers to write. I do not review items I don't enjoy anymore because I see it as a waste of my time. So, if you get a review from me, I enjoyed reading your work. The amazing thing about this whole process is that reading an inspiring review usually leads to me reading more of a reviewer's work also. So, it's a win-win.
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encouraging others to write because I love to read.
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something I do not like. I do not enjoy writing hyper-critical reviews. I do NOT believe that "honesty" is a synonym for "mean." If I see someone being "mean" here on the public reviewing page, in group behaviors, or just acting as a bully I will not send them my reviews. The only exception to that would be judging a site contest - there all items get honest (and hopefully diplomatic) reviews of the work from me with no exceptions.
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for entry "Blame Game
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The Usual Suspect is not always Kevin Spacey!


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw you had updated your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review your way.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* The blame game can be very destructive. Well it is good to own up when we make mistakes as we all do. When people insist that they "did nothing wrong" then I know that they never own up to any mistakes.

I make mistakes all the time in my judgment and otherwise.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

That thing you said about people grabbing credit for the work of others really hit home. I think that happens too much, along with those who take ideas and projects and appropriate them for their own betterment. Sometimes it catches up to them and sometimes it doesn't. Life is peculiar in its timing sometimes.

When I make a mistake I feel bad about it. I also feel bad when other people insist that they are never wrong. That can be very disappointing, but we all know how humans can be at times I guess. It is best not to forget that.

Nice entry, Megan!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt in The Writer's Cramp, earlier in the week, that you wrote this for. I like to read what you writers do with my prompt ideas. It is always great reading for me.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about my niece, who died September 25, 2011. Her birthday would have been tomorrow.

She used to run in marathons. This really did make me think of her and her focus on all that and what it meant. It was a lifestyle choice, as you say. In the end, I am not sure if it was a positive one or not.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This part really stuck with me:

"the marathon you finished last in."

It could be argued that my niece (who was very successful in everything she did by most standards) came last in the marathon of life. I have not thought of it in those terms until now.

Wonderful poetry - I think that when poetry is heartfelt, it takes on a different sort of life for every reader. I certainly brought my own baggage to the station here.

Well done, indeed! So awesome to read your poetry here! Way to go!

I will, no doubt, think of this tomorrow when I look at her photos.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Today  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt that this was written for in The Writer's Cramp, earlier in the week. I was not the judge, but I like to come and read the writing that is inspired by my prompts, if I have a chance. I am always amazed at what you writers do with my prompts.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is about living life in a way that life would teach us to do. Life is hard and it beats us up at times. We all have these times when we are passive observers to our own lives. We may want to take charge, but again and again, life comes along and smacks us down in discouragement.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part of your poem:

"Carpe diem they yell at me.
Me, hidden under the covers.
No new day shall find me unafraid.
This fear forever above me hovers."

I think it is really brave to stand alone for something you believe in. You stand alone and take charge - that's being very courageous. Not that many people can truthfully say they stood up to much in life. It is all herd mentality and go along to get along.

Fine poem! Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw in my favorites that you had updated this, so here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This sounds like quite an adventure, starting off with the flying car. Well, that would certainly take them where they want to go in order to explore and get the map all sorted out.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I liked the leopard being there with the treasure items. The leopard was welcoming and not mean. That was nice because the leopard knew he was among friends.

Nice entry for your prompting thing, Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
An Unusual Suspect of The Bovine Kind


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I received my wonderful Jane Austen newsletter in my e-mail! It perked me up so much to log in and see it. I have been feeling so sad for a while now here and this and a couple of other things boosted my spirits tremendously.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* It is great how you are always learning new things about Jane Austen so that you know more and more about her. Thank you so much for sharing what you learn with the other fans of her work on this site.

I read a lot about Ernest Hemingway. I am always learning new things about him and his writing. Their lives are so interesting when they write like they do, enthralling so many people.

Jennifer Ehle was in The King's Speech. I didn't realize it was her the first time I saw that. She played the speech therapist's wife. I would never have recognized her without someone telling me that was her. She's a really talented actress and I think she could play any part and do it well.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* It is nice to read that she had a brother that looked out for her and gave her proper credit. Since she died so young, I suppose he could have grabbed a lot of credit for himself. He took it upon himself to protect and preserve the memory of a beloved sister. And he presented her in a positive light. I feel like we all know her best from her own words, but the brother's portrayal of her certainly seems to fit.

Wonderful work with the Newsletter, as always, dear Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a very nice review, so here I am moseying over to read and take a walk in Web Witch's woods in my head.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* What a beautiful dragonfly. I think we find things and see things when we are meant to do so. The timing is up to a force beyond us. You saw and were unable to photograph the Dragonfly at first. This lead to some reflection and contemplative thought about everything going on.

You were open to seeing what the dragon fly meant. I think sometimes, I am more open than others to this sort of introspection.

Then, in time, you were able to get your photograph, but you had something in mind that was a lot more valuable.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"The dragonfly with its delicate wings and powerful flight couldn’t help but give me a peaceful feeling and at the same time renewing my strength so I could handle each project one at a time, and without stressing over it."

Inspiration is all around us, if only we open up our minds and let it in.

Brilliant writing, as always! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Forgive me  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I often read in The Writer's Cramp and I was struck and immediately engaged by the title of your poem.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is a poem about one of the worst things there is and that is living with regret. I think that those we love and who love us would forgive us anything if the feelings are genuine. That's just the way love is.

We have to find it in us to forgive ourselves because none of us in perfect in our reactions to hard times.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This part at the beginning was the part that sticks with me:

"I couldn't go,
I refused to.
It was selfish of me
I know.
I wouldn't bring myself,
to remember you
like so."

We all choose how to remember those we love, I think. Going to one of those services (which I have trouble with too) usually has nothing to do with the person or the life that is gone. It's like a separate entity in and of itself. It helps some people and others, not so much. My Dad always refused to go along with a lot of that and he was scolded by a bunch of his sisters over it.

I think we all find our way when there is a loss, in our own time.

Brilliant poem - well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscokPhoto Taken By My Human June 2009Toupee & All Image #2088239 over display limit. -?- Image #539336 over display limit. -?- Image #539339 over display limit. -?- Image #2019483 over display limit. -?-

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt earlier this week in The Writer's Cramp. Sometimes, I come and read what people do with my prompts when I am not the judge. I was curious to see what would develop. Congrats on your win there, also!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I should have known with the government anything is possible. And, it usually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I could feel the mounting frustration on all sides.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

Being shut in is one thing, but being under government control is the real horror. You did a fine job with the prompt - very chilling and imaginative!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added here, so I came to read. You remember a lot more than I do about that time.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I felt like college was when my life began. Do you ever look back and feel like that?

I remember lying out in the sun and spraying that Sun-In stuff on my hair. When I combined that with something else, I became a blonde for a good long while from 18 - 23 yrs old.

I worked two jobs that summer so the rest is a big blur to me really except being dopey about things.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Sometimes, I look back and think what a dumb move I made in this case and that case. I never regretted going to school or learning things though. That was always a highlight and fun to learn new things.

Life was a lot more simple before cell phones and computers, wasn't it?

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
An Unusual Suspect of The Bovine Kind

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am reading in the Fluffy Unicorn Archives! Congratulations on your achievement!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I like the message here to never give up. We all struggle with what to write, but you have captured the frustration of that quite well.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part because I could identify strongly with the emotions expressed here:

"I could not stand it anymore.
“You will not mock me!” thus I swore.
Pen in hand, I scrawled some doodles
which looked like a nest of noodles."

No matter how much I moo about not mocking me, the mocking persists.

Fine work - your rhyme flows very well and all the words seem to me to be well chosen. Bravo!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am reading some of the entries listed in the Pink Fluffy Unicorn Archives.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This lovely poem asks if the unicorns were there all along and somehow missed. I think this is the nature of all magical creatures and things in our lives We only see them in hindsight, if at all.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"Kids playing near the sea
The beach roars, the water waves
Was there a unicorn? A tiny one
that I overlooked in the sand?

Did I forget this sweetest of animals?"

I could identify with looking back in time and seeing some of that magic that I missed, living in the moment. Such is the nature of memory, I guess.

Lovely poem - well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Love and Rules
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The Usual Suspect is not always Kevin Spacey!


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* You have a lot of good things going, but most of all a positive attitude. You are positive and you keep trying. I think that as long as we keep trying we will reach at least some of our goals.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I agree that God takes a vacation at times. But it is good to refocus our energies on what makes us happy, instead of what isn't working.

At the beginning of the year here, I was told that my reviews counted for nothing because I hadn't agreed to do this and that with fund raising and supporting someone else's endeavor and being on a certain game team. I did do a lot of reviews over time, but those weren't important. Other people, who are never here, were counted as more loyal because they hosted this or that years ago. It made no sense.

Not to mention it is kind of dopey for this person to discourage a financial supporter on a site where this person is continually trying to raise funds for their endeavors.

Nothing I was told made much sense then.

I ended up feeling that reviewing is really why I'm here. I enjoy it and what I do. I like visiting my friends and I enjoy judging The Writer's Cramp. So, I do what I enjoy and I try to avoid the mean people who act like a bunch of bullies when they run in a herd. Have you ever noticed that when three or more get together they have to be mean to someone else. That is a group dynamic I have seen here again and again. Right now I am the designated object of their snorting wrath. I have big shoulder blades and I can take it and also I am a hard worker and I have a big mouth. Well, they should have thought of that.

And how many times can they stomp on me before they get bored and move on. Well, a lot apparently, but eventually even that will get old to those with a lick of sense.

I can afford to be here and be independent in some ways. There are still lots of ways a loner, like me, can enjoy oneself here on the site. I don't have to be a herd member propping up someone else's dream.

We do our own thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

With your Prince activity, you gave me a chance to write and do something I enjoyed. I had to do the work on it, but you didn't make it conditional on anything but me doing the required work. That is the way all activities and groups should be run in my opinion. I will always work to support those things that are positive and forward thinking. I don't really enjoy supporting dictators and despots much. Just not in my nature.

You set the example and know how to make this place fun for those who are smart enough to see it.

Great work always Megan! Keep on doing your thing! You set the bar very high, my friend! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Harry Potter prompt journal deal, so here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Do you still have your diaries from when you were young? I don't know what happened to mine.

I didn't write much except I love so and so, he's so dreamy. I used to write that about famous singers and actors, mainly John Lennon and then Dustin Hoffman. I don't remember throwing them out, but I don't remember ever reading through them either.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

Anything online is not a secret anymore.

Well, that works so that you are informed about people too. My niece's sister-in-law did something very awful and dishonest when my niece was missing and then after it turned out she had died. Everyone in the world knew about that who knew her. I didn't ever go to facebook (I look at Phoebe's page now to make sure she is okay) before the past couple of years, but someone copied me on the stuff this (no-ex) family member was up to. Karma is in the process of fixing her wagon.

I would never join any site, but this one and Amazon for buying stuff. But it's not like anything is really secret anymore anywhere.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
An Unusual Suspect of The Bovine Kind

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was tagged. Mention me and I charge over if I am awake and MOOving.

Yesterday, it was funny. Mr. Hooves (who is rarely here and was not here from 2007 - 2017) logged in and yelled at me why did I tag him. I said, I didn't tag you, what's up. Well, he looked closer and I tagged him in 2014. How the heck am I supposed to remember why. I tagged him in an item and said something cryptic like he knows why. Well, who knows what that's about, eh? Fun with tagging over the years story is over.

I can hear the sigh of relief from here. *Laugh*

Well, here I am to rate and remoo.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is timely, I think I will go through and read these all. I have read some and they are delightful - all the ones I have read.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Great work with this - timely and encouraging for writers I think. Well, that's the point and you certainly got us writing and creating.

That is what contests are supposed to do (as opposed to just being about raising funds for tycoons, but that's another story)

I might delete my poem as I put it in a journal, but I won't do it yet. Quite a few of us do that and it is not tantrum over not placing, but making way for other members of the herd of writing items. When I get over 250 items (and I'm about at 248 or something) I start deleting when I add. But I put the poems in my journals.

Well, too much information Hooves.

This was a fun contest that produced a lot of great reading. Can't do much better than that, my friend.

You have done first class work here, plus you have given me a wide open reading list for my pasture.

Well done.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or contests or fundraising or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I GO ABOUT  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a nice review, so here I am to read and review you in return.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is the mind trying to reason with the heart. I have found that the mind never wins in this situation.

Love is about doing what the heart dictates and somehow the mind must follow along and deal with the consequences.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"A few letters, couplets, photos,
cherishing these I go about."

Life is brightened by the feeling of infatuation and love. I think that it is the "cherishing" that is more prone to be lasting.

We all have to find our way to what makes us happy in life. That is the quest of existence.

This is well written poetry about the nature of the human condition when one is emotionally attached to another.

Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a nice email, letting me know and at the same time this Blog went to the top of my favorites. So, here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Lisa had a hard life but those around her worked to make things better. Sometimes, the people who truly care are not even family for people who have so-called big families. Sometimes a family can be the ones who are giving the bad experiences in life, too.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I liked that Lisa learned how hard life could be. So, she went on to make things nice for those around her. That is a part of the Pay It Forward spirit or movement. It is making things nicer for other people.

There is a lot of movement on this site to grab credit and for people to give to themselves. Well, I know that is not what you are about. You are all about paying it forward and having things be nice for others. You are a bright light in the forest for the other kind hearts to follow.

You are a shining star.

The selfish people around will always try and step on others, but then there are those who lift others up. Bless your heart for all that you do out of the goodness in your heart and soul. *Heart* The truth always comes out sooner or later, doesn't it.

But, Lisa knew the secret to true happiness, didn't she.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to this, so here I am. What is this challenge about - writing about Harry Potter to prompts? Sounds intriguing.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that Harry should think when he loses his temper. I didn't realize I had that in common with Harry Potter.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Thinking things through is always a good lesson to learn, as well as foreseeing the consequences of behavior over time. Well, that's what makes us human and sometimes wizards, I guess.

I commissioned a Harry Potter badge that should be ready soon. You should be able to give it out as you are level 14 in Movie Lovers. Well, I hope it works right.

The badge is called "Hedwig & Harry" after the white owl. I love that white owl the best of all the characters that I know in the story.

Great entry, as always, Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Lawn duty  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Based on a television series on BBC/Netflix

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought that you did a fine job with evoking memories of lawn duty over the years. I was reminded of my own Dad and how long and tirelessly he worked on his own lawn and my mother's flowers. It was truly a labor of love with him.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"The vague whiff of a thunderstorm seemed almost menacing
But the fragrance of my childhood ran by like a rushing stream."

That is very eloquent and reminds me of the memories that flow back at times. Well done. You have definitely written with the spirit of Sophie's prompt in mind.

Way to go!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read and the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. I look at a review as my personal and unique reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

This site is open to all sorts of writers and reviewers. I like to keep an open mind about reading and reviewing. My own personal preference for reviews is that they be concise and more about the writing than the knowledge (or lack thereof) of the reader.

My goal is to encourage you to continue your writing adventures. You are the ultimate judge as to whether I have been successful in that endeavor.

Be true to yourself and you can't go wrong. Over the many years I have been here, I have finally learned to be myself and let the cow chips fall where they may.

Either way, I enjoyed my visit with you immensely.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Based on a television series on BBC/Netflix

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about how when I was young and scared of the world, sometimes it was things like the smell of waffles that reminded me (in a comforting way) of home.

It is natural to hold on to those things as we go through life, I think. Sometimes, the small things are more important than the big events.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup*This was my favorite part:

"in a blue dress,
the smell of waffles and maple syrup
drifting from my hair all day
with the promise of home again."

Sometimes, when bullies would strike that promise of home again was very comforting, indeed. It's even comforting to me today when bullies strike here as they periodically do.

Fine work!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read and the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. I look at a review as my personal and unique reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

This site is open to all sorts of writers and reviewers. I like to keep an open mind about reading and reviewing. My own personal preference for reviews is that they be concise and more about the writing than the knowledge (or lack thereof) of the reader.

My goal is to encourage you to continue your writing adventures. You are the ultimate judge as to whether I have been successful in that endeavor.

Either way, I enjoyed my visit with you immensely.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a review recently, so here I am to read and review in your portfolio!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is a great tribute poem to the sport of cricket. I once had a friend who was a great cricket enthusiast. She sent me some tapes with her written explanation of what went on. I found it most enjoyable to watch, with a great deal of similarity to baseball.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This is my favorite part:

"In thy name forget nations,
inimical relations.
Thy name can thaw up the heart,
and friendly talks can restart."

It is not who wins, it is how they play the game. The gentleman's game of cricket is a model of competition with manners.

Fine poem!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Shame, Trigger, Anger
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw you had added to this since I was here last week and I came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that shame and embarrassment can lead to anger at times so I agree with you.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup*That is scary about what these people have done that you work with. Hopefully, they are medicated and under control and safety procedures will work. That would scare me a lot so I think you are very brave in trying to help them cope with the world.

Thanks for sharing this, Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of The Gold Rush  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt in The Writer's Cramp. I was curious to see what you all would do with it, even though I was not the judge.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is a very imaginative Sci Fi Tale about the consequences of jumping to conclusions. I think they are intergallactic results when that happens.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like how you subtly alluded to tax day and how it makes all of us a little crazy and out of sorts to deal with that stuff.

Very imaginative and entertaining! Thanks for entering!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of City Lights  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt for this in "The Writer's Cramp and was curious to read the entries! Thank you so much for entering! I was not the judge, but just an interested reader.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is very profound and eloquent. You have taken the title and worked your poetic magic with it. We all go through things in life that will lead us to identify with these well written words. I don't think anyone gets to middle age without wandering this way, at least for a time.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I thought it was all brilliant, especially this part:

"I cannot get home, there isn't a door left I haven't tried,
its perhaps, to be caught between the folds, in the thick white cloth that ties the blood with the
the rush of dead things,
the beautiful is always buried here
in the soft curve of the night - "

It's kind of amazing that the movie, City Lights, moved me in a similar way. The ending did, anyway. Well, this is quite something and I am so impressed with how you took the title and made it your own.

Bravo and congratulations on your win!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You are the ultimate judge on the review, in my opinion. I hope it was helpful, or at least encouraging and maybe a little entertaining.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of The Gold Rush  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Toupee & All

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt for this in "The Writer's Cramp over the weekend. I was not the judge, but I wanted to read the entries as much as possible. I like that you picked this title and drew that comparison with California.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about how it wouldn't be the first time that politicians built everything on a falsehood. Not by a long shot.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like the First Secretary and her boldness and confidence. Of course they are more than willing to go along with her plan and take credit for it and blame her. She seems like she's smart enough to find a way to twist it around on them if things don't pan out.

Well, it's tax day and politicians make up things. That is a good thing to remember whilst filing one's taxes, I guess.

Nice work with the prompt - I enjoyed reading it.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You are the ultimate judge on whether my review has been helpful or entertaining. I enjoyed my reading in your portfolio, either way.

Happy Tax Day! *Cow**Balloons*


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Queen of the House

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt for this in "The Writer's Cramp. I wasn't the judge, but I thought I would come and read what you had written in response to my prompt!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* How imaginative a tale you have woven about the lovely, Shunlee! I think in the movie, the Countess was played by Sophia Loren. I was imagining her as I read. Chinlu sounds awesome, too.

It sounds like something right out of a Chaplin fantasy movie!

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I loved this part at the end:

"Shunlee's land is called Everdorn and she welcomes all good people.
She helps those in need and will shift for those who love dragons. Come
visit Everdorn, meet the Countess and her husband, dragons, pandas.
You will be glad you did. Just ask Charlie Chaplin! He was there once."

I can imagine the Little Tramp being there and getting his idea for the movie. Love the notion of the two pandas, also!

Very imaginative, Megan! Loved what you did with the prompt title! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
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