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9,044 Public Reviews Given
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In my view, the primary focus should be on encouraging the writers to write. I do not review items I don't enjoy anymore because I see it as a waste of my time. So, if you get a review from me, I enjoyed reading your work. The amazing thing about this whole process is that reading an inspiring review usually leads to me reading more of a reviewer's work also. So, it's a win-win.
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encouraging others to write because I love to read.
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something I do not like. I do not enjoy writing hyper-critical reviews. I do NOT believe that "honesty" is a synonym for "mean." If I see someone being "mean" here on the public reviewing page, in group behaviors, or just acting as a bully I will not send them my reviews. The only exception to that would be judging a site contest - there all items get honest (and hopefully diplomatic) reviews of the work from me with no exceptions.
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Review of Moon River  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt in "The Writer's Cramp yesterday. Although I am not today's judge, I wanted to read the entries.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I like the romantic sonnet you have crafted using the prompts. It is very much in keeping with the Valentine's Day theme!

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup*I particularly like how you launch into your poem:

"When I think of Moon River
I think of you and I
You are my joy giver
It does not matter why."

Happiness and romance go hand in glove. Nicely done!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically just write my reactions to the reading, which I enjoyed.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of ROSA PARKS  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You visited me recently with a nice review, so here I am to visit you.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea*This is a fine tribute poem to a very brave lady who was tired of not being able to sit down on a bus after a long day of work.

She is the only regular person (not having served in Congress) to be memorialized by statue at the U.S. Capitol and rightly so. At the time she did that, people on the bus could be a very threatening force. She was really brave, not like people who just talk about doing things, and tired of the way things were. She really risked her own life that day to lift people up. Very heroic individual.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like this part:

"Rosa Parks, at forty two,
Travelling in a bus,
Refused to get up for a
White man and caused a fuss."

She did cause a fuss, but the Congress and our government still didn't "get it" for almost ten years. Once again, a brave woman, supported by Dr. Martin Luther King, led the way.

Good poem in her birth month!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically look at my reviews as a reaction to what I read. It is ultimately your work to control.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was looking at your Blog City Journal and saw that you updated so I decided to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I don't think by that definition I would qualify.

I have a bad temper and am very slow to forgive. One of my parents was that way and the other was quick to forgive. Luckily, they never got really mad at each other. If I believe someone is genuinely sorry for hurting another, I would forgive. I have a history of doing that. But I don't think that forgiveness is warranted when there is no remorse. I agree with you about people who hurt animals and anything helpless. I would make the penalties for that much more severe than they are now.

And, for instance, my niece's death. The guy she was married to the day before she killed herself married the woman he was fooling around with at that time of his wedding to my niece. As far as I know this guy has no remorse. I don't think he could really apologize for what he did, only to God. Well, you know about that because you are one of the few people who bothered to read all that thing I wrote about it.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I don't think the internet is the answer usually, either, so I totally agree with you there. Making connections means meeting in person. Well, I am someone who met and married before the Internet came into being so that's probably why I'm in the dark ages there. I do not know how kids today will be able to cope with relationships if all they have is this online nonsense to go by. Scary world ahead.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I just try and write what I feel about what I read. It is as simple as that. Seems to work mostly, but not all the time.

I enjoyed my visit with you, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Dear Sweetheart  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about the loss of someone held so dear. The letter is written to someone who is hospitalized in a coma. So, a loss is felt dearly even though the physical presence is still there.

This is a hard state to be in as every memorable day would be painful because of not being able to share it.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I applaud this bittersweet approach to the prompt. It is original and heart wrenching. We all fear such a separation from those that we love most. Some of us, who have lost our loved ones, will readily identify with the pain and the longing that each holiday brings that focuses on that word you left out (love) and togetherness.

You did a fine job with the prompt - nice work indeed!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically do what I enjoy here and I don't worry about the nay sayers too much. They can entertain themselves by looking in the mirror, I reckon.

I enjoyed my reading visit with you today!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* At first this appears to be a letter from a husband to his wife as they are forced (by circumstances) to be separated. It soon becomes clear that it is a letter from the great beyond that we will all go to some day.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I loved the reference to the movie, "Ghost", using the word, "ditto" for love and how you hinted at things by saying she would never read the letter.

There is a lot of sadness in the longing in this. I thought it was very well done.

Nice work for the Writer's Cramp.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically do what I like to do here, which is mostly read. Well done here!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111916 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added and noticed the title.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I guess the bad things about winter make us appreciate our summers more and vice versa. I am not a fan of extremes either way. My favorite is autumn, but I have not figured out why yet besides Halloween.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like your movie list a lot. Some of ours are the same and some different. But it is differences that make the world go round.

My list has changed a lot over time. I have discovered that some movies that are old are my favorites really. Well, I should make a list, but you have a lot of good reasons for yours. You have given it some good thought.

I guess that Johnny Depp is your favorite actor. Who would be the ultimate favorite actress you like? For me they are all dead pretty much. But I would have to really give it some thought like you did.

I forgot to tell you that I commissioned a badge that is coming that you might like. It is Breakfast at Tiffany's. For some reason, it sticks in my head that you might like that movie. I am rediscovering a lot about it.

I made it so anyone can get it and of course I will give it to you as soon as I am here and see it is up. I approved it yesterday, which was my 33rd wedding anniversary. I thought that was cool.

You did a nice job of telling the reader why you pick what you did.

I enjoyed reading it very much!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year. I do what I like to do and I hope that is okay. I never know for sure, but I am hopeful.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Old Stories
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Maybe reading the stories helps us make up our minds to find our own answers. I don't really believe someone else would have the answer for me.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I think that stories help us to get to the truth of the matter. Sometimes when you organize something in your mind to write about it, you see things that might not have occurred to you before. Well, it's interesting to think about how stories develop over time.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and visit who I like. So far, that seems to work out okay mostly.

Great entry, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Spirit Dance  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I saw your poem featured in this past week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I wasn't really familiar with this form, but I admire it because of that consistent 8 syllable count per line. That really makes it flow well when I read it to myself and then aloud. The refrain adds emphasis in just the right place.

The tie in with nature and love is timeless.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* This was my favorite part:

"In the night sky, a last embrace.
The morning sun cannot erase
this union that will always be.
The wind sings of your love to me."

What a perfect poem to read leading up to the big Valentine's Day deal next week!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically write my reactions and thoughts because that's the only thing I really know. I am not sure I qualify as an expert, even there. You are the expert on your writing, here, not me.

I enjoyed reading the work that you shared. Thanks for doing that!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of What Love Is  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your and Espero 's poem featured in this week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think you two have captured what love is or should be when it's for real. I like the way your poem seamlessly flows from one writer to the other. If I didn't know it was two writers, I wouldn't have guessed that.

You seem to both be on the same wavelength, which is that love isn't a selfish thing when it's real.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* These are my favorite 4 lines, which flow right together even though you wrote them separately:

"Plays music soft and light
Brought together in ballet.

Teaching us to sacrifice
Instead of first, going last"

The comparison to a piece of music is very apt. Of course, we defer to the composers as to who takes the lead and with regard to the timing of that. Well done.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I enjoy and it seems to work out that I read more when I do that. I hope that is a good thing. I think that it is.

Enjoyed my visit with you, as always and please pass along my kudos to Espero !

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of CRY  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #2111255 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a nice review this week, so here I am to read and review your poem.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* The title of the poem attracted my attention. Sometimes, crying can be a natural and good release. Sometimes, though, it just leads to more crying. I think that the key to any relationship (and the unspoken requirement) is devotion.

If there is true devotion on both sides it is hard to break that sort of bond apart.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup*This part was my favorite:

"Cry of hearts is silent but
It reaches quite afar.
If the two hearts are in love,
Then distance is no bar."

I honestly believe that people are capable of loving each other more when there is a distance because more is required of them in terms of self control and loyalty. But, the irony is that you never really understand that which you have until you lose it.

I found your poem to be thoughtful and moving - well done.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy now. It seems to work so far. I enjoyed my reading visit with you today.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Spring Romance  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I clicked on that Random Review double the prize thing that is ongoing and it brought me to your fine poem.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I am thinking I want it to be Spring now, so this fits right into my mood these cold winter mornings. Although, where I am it will be in the 70's tomorrow, which is really weird.

I notice that the first word in the third line might have been intended to be "tremble" instead of "trimble". I am not positive about that, but thought I would mention it just in case it might be a typo.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I always love when a writer personifies the trees. I think that the trees hold many mysteries to be unfolded and have definite personality traits.

Lovely poem!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

Your poem is short, so it wouldn't make sense to write a treatise about it. I enjoyed my reading visit and hope I have conveyed that message to you.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Scars
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111389 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* These seem like some emotional prompts. Scars, you are right, are both physical and emotional.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I think that the scars from surgeries remind us sometimes (me at least as I have had a bunch of surgeries) that we are lucky to be alive and not in the position we were in when we got the scars.

Mr. hooves has some reminders of his ordeal and I am so thankful that he is here to look at them, if you know what I mean.

Well, you do know what I mean because you, also, were on a breathing tube and you have gaps when you don't remember stretches of time like he does.

Well, the emotional scars are different when our feelings get hurt. Some people lash out. I sort of get quiet and retreat when that happens. If someone attacks me and hurts me, it just reinforces my decision to get away from them. Well, scars can be a good reminder in this way. If someone has hurt your feelings on purpose and then isn't sorry and then yells at you, the scars tell me to run. Run as far away as possible.

So, scars can be good reminders as well as sad ones, I guess.

Good entry, as always, (((Megan))! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I try and do what I enjoy and hope that it is the right way to go. I am never sure of what is the right path, but sooner or later I get nudges from upstairs on my way.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is an action packed adventure that all starts with the theft of a candy bar, as per the intriguing prompt.

You take it to great heights of political intrigue and suspense as the first person narrative takes the reader at a breathless pace in desperation to clear things up.

The no peeking instruction was amusing. Of course, when someone tells me no peeking, I'm going to peek as soon as I can. *Laugh*

This is a brilliant commentary on human nature: "Being poor forced you to forge relationships with people you normally wouldn't."

For a lot of the time, it is hard to tell who are the bad guys and who are the not as bad guys, with all the shooting and chasing. I like that you gave Mr. Mason that name. It says "Cult" to me like in masonic lodge.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I especially like the title of the story, and the way you launch right into it. Who knew that something so innocent could turn into something so dangerous and sinister with repurcussions for the whole world. The elements of coercion and blackmail are ripe with drama and conflict.

I think this is very clever and fast paced and reads like the beginning of a series of stories or even a novel, a la Jason Bourne.

Fine work!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically give you my reactions as that is pretty much all I am an expert about (and I'm not too sure about being expert). *Headbang*

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Fear, Hate
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111389 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

I think you are very right. Hate and fear are intertwined. I also think that people hate what they can't understand and control, too. It is not a good climate when people are fearful. The leaders should do everything they can so that people are reassured. I don't think it is good when they aren't believable about it.

I still remember the 60s when I was a kid and how scary that time was. So far, it was a lot worse than now, but now reminds me of then when Nixon was President.

Young men used to be drafted to fight in Vietnam during that time. My brother went to Vietnam. I was scared for him. I hope they never bring back that draft for the military to force young guys (who don't have the money or influence to get out of it) to serve. I am sure it was scary for all the families at the time, too.


"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111255 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was looking for a newly created poem to read and your title caught my attention.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* My dog is a girl. She has three beds and is low to the floor as she is a Basset Hound. She cannot get up on furniture. I think the getting down of it would be what would do her in (and us too!)

She brings us such joy that I wouldn't want her to be burdened with the worries of the world. I try to be more like her, and I'm getting better about shrugging things off. But it is a lesson of long standing as she is now 10 years young.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* This was my favorite part:

"Yet sleeps soundly in his lack of control,
Losing nothing, effected not,
Oblivious to our trials.
Untroubled by his."

We would all sleep better, I believe if we were not worried about that which is to come. I hope in the next life to be less the worrying kind and more the dog kind.

Fine poem!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy here. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. Maybe I am more like a dog than I thought. *Laugh*

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2111255 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Your snacks sound good.

I don't like football on the professional level, either. I used to enjoy it some, but Michael Vick changed all that. When they let him back in, I decided something about the league and I haven't changed my mind so far. High school football (before they get to being thugs and spoiled with all the money) is more interesting to me than pro sports.

I was interested in Lady Gaga, but not enough to watch it. We watched our usual Netflix instead. I looked at it for about 5 minutes at the beginning and I thought the commercials I saw (Google and another I forget what it was) were dopey.

I guess I missed the good ones. Well, I'll find them on the Internet sometime I suppose.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I liked your treats. I always make chili on Superbowl weekend and sometimes Con Queso dip. This year, it was just chili. We didn't eat that much really - we didn't pig out. Interestingly in the Wal*Mart it was packed yesterday. Also, the grocery stores prepackaged Wings and they were almost sold out even by 10 in the morning. I hope next year I remember not to go to the grocery store on Superbowl Weekend because it was a madhouse.

The chili I made was using ingredients from a little box called Wick Fowler's 2 Alarm Chili. Well, mr. hooves is from Texas. We would have watched all of the Superbowl if it had been the Cowboys playing. But they didn't make it all the way this year. Maybe next year.

Nice entry for your blog, Megan! *Hug*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Connie's Corner  
for entry "Fruits and more
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw you had added to your Blog and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Enjoy the tempting fruits! We had some blackberries (I think they came in from Mexico so who knows how long that will last) that we got from Wal*Mart not too long ago and they were delicious!

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* The privacy thing is a consideration. Our next door neighbor years ago did memoirs just for his family. He published them himself and had a good time with it and the family had it to enjoy specially for them. It is something to consider if you don't want to share everything with the world.

Or, you could write it all and separate it into what you want the general public to see and what's otherwise.

Whatever gets one to writing is what works, I guess. I haven't done it, so what do I know? Not much. *Laugh*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I enjoy and send my thoughts mostly, which has worked okay for a long time. I do some tweaking with my style now and then, though. Gotta keep it fresh!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Parking  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was looking at new poems and your title and item description caught my interest. I have an aversion to hospitals and have spent too much time in them and traipsing around them.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think you have captured the range of drama that transpires every day in those awful places. I know that wonderful things like births happen there, but to me the whole health care system is a horrific abuse of power waiting to happen.

Well, when you've had bad experiences at the hands and hooves of vicious health care workers, it is hard to see them objectively. But you present a good picture of the ups and downs and the different people that run around these places (or wheel around) every day.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part at the end:

"And the stories will circle
Round the portico
The young, the aged
The healthy, the dying
Sorrowing and celebrating
Stories not being told here
But I see them all
As they circle"

I would much rather be in your shoes/hooves observing than living any of it. Horror show.

Wonderful poem and welcome to the site! *Cow**Balloons*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy here, which is mostly reviewing. It seems to work as I still enjoy it after more than 15 years of evolving review attitudes and styles.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Chocolate Bliss  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your poem featured in the Romance Newsletter and came to read. Great job on editing this past week's newsletter! I learned a lot about the history of Valentine's Day! I am somewhat hungry so your title attracted me also!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I am a fan of white chocolate more than milk chocolate although I didn't say no to about 8 chocolate chip cookies last night.

What this poem says to me is don't take the people you care about for granted and just pay attention to them on special days. Be nice all the time if you can, I guess.

My wedding was 4 days before Valentine's so we celebrate that more than the Valentine's deal. We give each other cards and send them to others.

I don't think the Valentine's thing should be in schools, though. There is too much potential for hurtful exclusion of some. I know how damaging that can be to be relegated to the list of rejects when it comes to childhood list making. Recent experience with a big group here has retaught me that painful lesson once again.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"So, don’t take bliss for granted.
It never lasts;
nor does chocolate
on Valentines Day."

Take care of things while we have the chance is the big message to me.

Lovely poem and fine job with teaching us in the Newsletter!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Queen of the House

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a link, so I'm here in a wink. My hound at the ready, she's snoring quite steady! lol

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think Charlie seems like a delightful traveling companion. Yes, I could relate because they do what they want to do and will not perform.

Mine is a girl named Boo, and she is the ten year old queen of the house. I am a devoted servant as is Mr. hooves. *Delight*

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I loved it all, especially this part:

"Unlike Charlie, I am O-C-D
so I always check everything twice.
As I run through my final checklist,
his snores are his only advice."

Sometimes snoring and staying home is the best advice there is! *Laugh*

Boo has this thing where she licks the floor. It's her hobby, she wouldn't be happy to leave that floor for long.

Keep those ears nice and clean and everything is grand in Basset Hound ville.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I like to read and send reviews. It is basically what I do here. Seems to be of a long duration so far. And it seems to have worked out okay.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your poem featured in this week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* YOu really set the scene well with your awesome title and your repeated refrain.

The picture reminds me of a beach I visited many years ago. It certainly evokes some wonderful memories.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I love how you launch into it:

"A thousand miles and more,
To the wheat and velvety plains.
A thousand miles and more,
Where wind, snow and hailweather reigns."

There is an intensity and an eloquence to the words you have selected and the flow of your poem. It is as if a storm sweeps in as the excitement builds and carries the reader along.

I enjoyed reading it very much! Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I like to read and I do not listen to the nay sayers. Works for me as far as dedicated reading and reviewing goes.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* So, you take three random things. I wasn't sure what they were.

I would lose my temper too. I always lose my temper when I think people are being unfair.

If I really lose my temper, I usually turn away. I might yell, but I withdraw and take my support and business elsewhere.

I think I get that from my mother. She wouldn't speak to whoever or have anything to do with them if they went too far with her. That even extended to her older sister. When that sister crossed a line, my mother was done. Luckily, I never went that far although she was angry with me at times. She was much smarter than I was about reading people.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Your antics sound funny. We have to have a sense of humor or we are lost. It is fun to sometimes let the kid in us, or the calf, out to play.

Fine entry! *Smile*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and if people are mean here, I turn away from them. So, I end up doing my thing which seems to work so far after all these many years.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Celtic Curses  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* Happy 13th Account Anniversary! I saw your poem reviewed on the Public Reviewing page and the title attracted my attention because I am Irish.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This made me think of my Aunt who used to do curses. She had one where she would get something personal (like a strand of hair) and put it in a drawer in a handkerchief wrapping sand inside.

I think she scared herself with how well that one work. Then she did some research and sure enough there was the family tree leading back to Salem.

I loved her very much - she taught me a lot, but I'm not really into the whole thing much. *Laugh*

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like this a lot:

"Our curses can be gentle,
The kind that last and last
Or they can be so harsh you'll wish
Your life would soon be past!"

It is fun to think we might have that power. Well maybe we do and maybe we don't. The thing about power is to pick your battles and know when to use it. I don't think most people ever figure out what there power is or how to harness it.

Very thought provoking poem with a catchy, effective rhyme!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically do what I enjoy. That seems to work mostly when everyone plays nice here.

Well done and, again, Happy 13th! You're a teenager!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am looking for things to review that would benefit from being publicized on the public reviewing page. This is something I participate in so I figured I would send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This activity is very well organized and by doing this (reviewing newbies and posting about it) I have met many wonderful new writers on the site. I guess it could be used to recruit members too by some who have groups and engage in that sort of thing. Well it seems good to me.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I think this is good work and I didn't know how to do it until Tiggy showed me. I didn't realize I could review for a great group like Simply Positive, for instance, and also get credit when I review someone who has been here for less than six months. Or I can review for the Yahoo group that I belong to. It is all good with Newbies being reviewed.

It is the same sort of system that works well with the Anniversary reviews for members celebrating the day they joined.

I am just sorry I didn't think to review this before now as I have been posting in here for more than a year. Nice work, as always!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year. I do what I enjoy doing here mostly now. It seems to work as an encouraging strategy as I am someone who is discouraged when goals aren't clear. This is a clear, goal oriented forum that I enjoy. No one is playing hide the ball here like they do sometimes in other endeavours and groups. Well, it's all good when things are out in the open in my books.

Well done!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me another issue of your wonderful Newsletter so here I am. I always learn a lot by reading and paying attention.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I just watched P&P (Colin Firth version) recently, but I'm going to watch it again soon. Mr. hooves likes to tease me about going to Pemberly when I do it. It's all in fun. I love feeling like I'm back there with them and recently we've had the subtitles on with it, as well as the other British stuff that we watch. That makes it all the more understandable when they talk fast or use unfamiliar phrases.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I liked Matthew Rhys, also. He is in the tv show called The Americans with Keri Russell and he's very good in that. I had no idea he was British until I saw Death Comes to Pemberly. I read the book of that first. I thought they did a good job with the movie, although, I did not think that the actress who played Elizabeth really looked like I picture her. I had a lot of trouble with that.

The thing that most caught my beady little eye spy eye was the coin. If you find out where we can get those, let me know. I am a coin collector. I would love to have that coin. I wonder if people traveling through Heathrow can buy it.

For one of the Queen's anniversaries in the 90's were were there and I got a set of commemorative coins for that at a Heathrow shop for me and for my Dad. We were just going through there on the way to Ireland or Portugal (can't recall which now) Now I have all Dad's coins and mine too and sometimes it is hard to carry on with it. But I would love to have a Jane Austen coin for my collection. I will keep checking on Amazon to see if they get one on there and if they do, I'll email and let you know.

Great newsletter, as always, my friend! Good luck at the upcoming quills! Ihope you win again - you make learning about Jane Austen so much fun for your readers! Hooves and fingers crossed for another well-deserved win! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like in the way that fits for me. It may not be someone else's way, but diversity and our differences are what makes the world go round in my opinion.

I absolutely love reading about things relating to Jane Austen and you have taught me more than I ever got in school.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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