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9,045 Public Reviews Given
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In my view, the primary focus should be on encouraging the writers to write. I do not review items I don't enjoy anymore because I see it as a waste of my time. So, if you get a review from me, I enjoyed reading your work. The amazing thing about this whole process is that reading an inspiring review usually leads to me reading more of a reviewer's work also. So, it's a win-win.
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encouraging others to write because I love to read.
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something I do not like. I do not enjoy writing hyper-critical reviews. I do NOT believe that "honesty" is a synonym for "mean." If I see someone being "mean" here on the public reviewing page, in group behaviors, or just acting as a bully I will not send them my reviews. The only exception to that would be judging a site contest - there all items get honest (and hopefully diplomatic) reviews of the work from me with no exceptions.
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Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Photo Taken By My Human June 2009

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was clicking on the Random Review thing on left and it brought me to your poem. I see that you are new to the site so I would like to moo a warm welcome to you!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that a house does come alive at times. You bring up some interesting things that are characteristic of a lived in abode over time.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This part was my favorite:

"I think that the dim light settles the dust on top of us
I think that the fireplaces’ chimney makes the attic birds peep."

I like to blame things for the dust that I don't get when I dust. Also, I have had a squirrel and a bat (at different times and houses) come in through the chimney. I am always on critter alert for the invaders.

Your fine poem captures the spirit of the house over time. It also reminded me of the home I grew up in.

I liked it very much. You should check out "The Writer's Cramp since you are new to the site. I am a judge there and it is a great way to meet other people on the site and write for daily prompts. It is (I think) the longest running contest here. You might enjoy it - check it out!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.


Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Lightening Rider  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Christmas tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about Johnny and how the young are more curious then their elders sometimes. Kids are also less judgmental than adults so it makes sense that this Grayson would tell Johnny his story. The dialogue was well written and the description of the area took me there, in my mind, as a reader. You set the scene very well for what was to follow in terms of resolution.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I especially liked how Johnny knew to keep a secret is a good thing to do in the end. No one really needed to know the story and Grayson shared it with him to strengthen their bond of friendship.

Nice work with the prompt!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. Reading should be a thing that we enjoy doing or else why do it? I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wee (Wee) Stairs  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A beautiful image for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* You visited me with a nice review recently, so here I am to visit you!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about potty training my pup. Sometimes now that she is a senior we have days where she can't wait to go outside so it's like it all comes back and goes around in a circle.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I loved the picture. They look so well behaved and angelic there riding around. I am sure they have a lot of puppy in them still.

This was very entertaining. I would take a puppy over a guppy any day, just to see that wagging tail! Your limerick is clever and flows very well!



THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences and thoughts when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of The Lucky Penny  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Signature For November for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about how this older fellow knew things as if they were meant to be. When people pass on, I think they are still around guiding things at times, so it played well into that notion/belief.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I always enjoy any story that involves coin collecting since it is a hobby I shared with my Dad. Maybe Josh is on his way to doing some collecting now that he has such an interesting and mysterious start there.

I thought you did a fine job of incorporating the prompts! Nice work!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and life experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. If I didn't enjoy reading and reviewing, I wouldn't do it. The way I do it is uniquely me and not anyone's set idea of what anything should be. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Signature For November for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I agree with you. I like to know as much as possible about a character. Then, I know when they change it for the movies like they do sometimes. I get a definite picture in my head as I read.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I think you are right here that the more we know, the better. It is a good thing to do, to practice describing our characters.

Fine entry, as always, Megan! *Heart*

THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. Long reviews sometimes get on my nerves, especially when I'm the one who writes it. I get on my own nerves sometimes, I do confess. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Summer Harvest  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Signature For November for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw your poem featured in last week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter! *Thumbsup*

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about autumn, which is my favorite time of year. This year a dumb election sort of threatens to ruin the time, but I think that nature and its splendor always win out in the end.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

Your poem flowed very well. This was my favorite part as it really brought it to me in a soothing way, this season that I love most:

"My summer tapestry is nearly done.
Toward autumn's beauty I must run,
Where deep, rich colors hide decay,
And frost on the crops I can't delay.
As fall gives way to winter's chill,
Memories of summer will linger still"

I found this poem to be very eloquent and moving.


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. If you get people nitpicking, just take it in your stride. Sometimes they are right here and sometimes not so much. I just try to share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Signature For November for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* Thanks for sending me the link to your next issue of the Jane Austen Newsletter, Megan!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I always enjoy learning more about Jane and her times. Did she go to France or serve on the homefront? I am guessing she stayed in England.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

The Hillary quote about Jane Austen was funny. It wouldn't surprise me if Hillary used anything and anyone to get where she wants to go. I guess people in Minnesota can make up their own minds about things. That was funny that Hillary tried to use her that way and that Jane Austen made an appearance in the 2016 Presidential campaign speeches though.

Jane Austen lived in a time before negative ads so she was fortunate in that way.

Another great newsletter - thanks so much Megan! *Heart*


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or anything really. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. My reviews are what I think when I read something so they are unique to me in that sense. If I didn't enjoy doing them, I'd go play with my pup, something I do enjoy. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Angel, Valkyrie
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Christmas tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw you had updated in your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I am not sure about what a Valkyrie does. Guardian angels are around us, I can feel them at times. I don't know about the middle of the night stuff.

When I miss someone who has died and I am thinking about how much I miss them sometimes I feel a warmth around me. I get that when I think about my Aunt a lot. She was a firm believer in the afterlife so I know if anyone could do it, she could.

My parents both thought that the afterlife was a load of you know what so I'm not as sure they are around. I think they went to their own versions of Vegas heaven and are having fun there.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

Why does your cat stare at you. Boo stares at me if I fall asleep on the couch. Sometimes she will come up real close to me and breathe in my face, being careful not to touch and scare me awake. I wake up and she is staring at me and wagging her tail.

That always makes me smile. I bet your kitty makes you smile, too.

Fine entry, as always! *Heart*

THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I have noticed that some people stress really long nitpicky reviews, but then they don't do very many of them. If everyone does one review a month because it is too taxing then no one would get their stuff read. There are a lot of avid readers here like me who do it because we enjoy it. I have a lot of books so I could do this there or on the Kindle or anywhere. I have started giving reviews of things I've read on Amazon as Hooves. That is a lot of fun and some people seem to appreciate it when I do it, so that is nice. I enjoyed visiting with you, as always!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Christmas tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw you added to your Blogging prompted thing so here I am to read.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Do they mean the actual song. I like that song a lot, but I don't remember much about the movie except it was funny.

So, where was this Jimmy really - did anyone ever find out?

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I thought it was funny when you said you are more afraid of the patients then the ghosts. That makes a lot of sense to me. I don't know about lights under beds. Maybe a flashlight rolled or something. I wouldn't look under a bed like that until it was daytime.

Very haunting entry! *Heart*

THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I do what I enjoy here and am not too bothered about other things or people, anymore. I enjoyed visiting with you, as always! *Heart*

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Halloween Plans
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Christmas tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw that you updated in your Blog City Journal so I came to read and send a review.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Your plans sound awesome. I would love to watch candy being made. They used to have that (maybe they still do) at the Candy Factory in Hershey Pa. You could watch them pour the chocolate.

Yum yum!

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

We get too many trick or treaters. They were driving them in - We got more than 150 one year and that was that. Now I make bags to give to the kids on my street and we go and deliver them to them before they start out. Then we turn the lights out and put Boo to bed.

We started not giving the candy out as of five years ago when Mr. hooves was in the hospital for Halloween and I was alone here with Boo. I turned the lights out and the little and big urchins respected it. Dressing up for work is neat - I hope you do that and take lots of photos! I bet your outfit is lovely - I like all the Downton Abbey fashions!

Nice entry!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Nice Signature Made For Me by b.meridith!

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw your poem featured in this week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think this poem explores the struggle between faith, (or lack thereof) fate and destiny. There is a frustration at trying to overcome that which seems to be preordained.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I especially liked this part:

"If I could only storm that place,

To rend the chains which guide my hands;

And from that task, return with grace,

My feet again on earthly sands,"

There is a vulnerability in this part that I found entrancing.


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. With regard to poetry, I look for a section that moves me in the sense that the use of language is eloquent and unexpected (by me anyway). I enjoy myself as I hunt for things that move me along my reading journeys. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Nice Signature Made For Me by b.meridith!

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am reading your entry in your Blog City Journal that has Bob Dylan in the title.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is a good quote and you have interpreted it in a very interesting way. You did a good job of explaining and giving examples.

Did you hear that Bob Dylan didn't thank the Nobel Prize guys like they liked being thanked. So then they started calling him names like "arrogant".

He said something about how he was an old guy and isn't about to change and did they know who they gave the thing to in the first place.

They wait 50 years after he is young and relevant and throw him an award and he's supposed to kiss their you know whats I guess.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I think, like you say, it is all about common sense. You can't push the envelope too far. Neither Hillary or Donald live with reality that we do. They are in a bubble that is protected already. They are like cartoon characters to me, who lie and cheat to get their way and then expect everyone to go along with it.

Dream world there.

Great entry, Megan!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I always enjoy visiting with you! That's why I do it on a regular basis.


*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #2014981 Unavailable **

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am reading your blog entry that you wrote about the candidates.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* You have captured the essence of both of them in their own way. This is the meaning of the clown sightings. They are both clowns! I totally agree with that. I had to flip a coin to decide who to vote for. Heads Hillary. Tails Trump.


What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

Wow, will this election ever be over. He has that poodle hair and she has the Chairman Mao pantsuits from Hades. They both scare me, each in their own way.

I don't think he molested those women though. That sort of thing would have come out before now with all his fame money. That's just a Clinton hail mary pass.

Great entry, Megan- You made me laugh about the election that makes me feel queasy every time I think about it and that's a good thing!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I read because I enjoy doing it and you are always so nice to me. I try not to read people who aren't nice. It makes for a more enjoyable time. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My Halloween Image for 2013 created by Kiyasama


What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is about a lonesome jack-o-lantern longing for his other half. I thought it was poignant and moving as I thought about some lonesome Halloween times I have spent. It is always a lot more fun when shared with someone who is simpatico.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"to keep me company
on these brisk fall nights
when the only lights
I see are those inside of me"

There is something so moving and haunting about that light burning inside for the unknown.

I thought you did a wonderful job with the prompt!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read and the judge for today in The Writer's Cramp contest. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

That section I quoted above was among the best poetry I have read here. Brilliant work!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Another Awesome Signature for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought of your pumpkin, just doing his job as required by the holiday mood. It seems like a gray area to cross the line into scary and I felt for the pumpkin's dilemma! We all long to be admired and loved even if we are required to be scary by our jobs.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

This part was my favorite:

"Why does this seem such a shock?
Am I not c-carved to scare?
Is it creepy I can talk?
Shriek, moan, groan, b-boo, beware."

The idea of flickering candlelight within adds to the notion of insecurity and hesitancy. You personified your jack-o-lantern very well. Nice work!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read and the judge for today in The Writer's Cramp. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

Keep entering and keep up the great work!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Autumn Leaves  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2059233 Unavailable **


What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am participating in the Power Raid of spookiness that is going on. Also, I would like to wish you a very Happy Account Anniversary Month, as I see you are about to turn 14! Yay!!!!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* It brought to mind how my Basset Hound used to go through leaves when she was a puppy. She would burrow into them, run through them, disappear and come out the other side smiling with leaves all over her. That is a picture in my mind that brings a smile to my face every time. We used to praise her to the skies, doing that. Now, she is way too big to disappear and probably not as fast at 10 years of age.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I also think about my Aunt and how she raked leaves every year up into her 80's. I don't think I will be doing that the way she did it. She loved doing that, it was like her mission in life. In later years she did it sitting in a chair and moving the chair around. One time she saw a neighborhood child roaming off in the direction of a very busy road in Washington, D.C. So, she struggled to rescue him, even though her walking then wasn't the greatest. She did it and brought him back home. His parents credited her with saving him as the Nanny wasn't watching him the way he should have been.

That is a lot that I associate with raking leaves and disappearing in them. I know, but it really does bring it all to mind when I read such wonderful words.


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


This is not a disclaimer as it changes with every thing I review. This is just me telling you what my limits are and what I'm trying to accomplish.

I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and personal experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

I hope you will keep on writing and sharing your poetry here! It's always nice to visit with you! Happy 14th! *Balloonv*

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thing Signature Made For tHiNg!

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I gave the prompt for that day in The Writer's Cramp. Although I was not the judge, I am interested to see what you writers did with the prompt. Congratulations on your win!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that's awesome - congrats on being selected for such a great program. I am sure you will do great things with the opportunity!

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I like that you are putting your doubts aside and going for it and taking a chance. Every time I've done that here, I've learned something and been happy (in the end) that I did it. Acme is one of the best writers I've ever read here so I know she will be a great mentor.

Awesome and congratulations again on everything! I am glad the prompt led to you writing such an inspirational piece!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or even responses to my own prompt ideas. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Image Designed For tHiNg!

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I gave the prompt for this in The Writer's Cramp. I wasn't the judge for it, but I wanted to see what you all did with my prompt. Also, I am waving an ongoing warm welcome to the site to you as I see you are new! *Hand2*

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This was very amusing as it had two detectives more focused on the news of the day then on solving the crime. I bet that is how it really is a lot of the time.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

Although I didn't share Perry's views, I was interested to hear his thoughts on the matter. He seems very cheesed off about it. The whole thing is something that is odd after all this time, isn't it?

Well, odd makes for the best humor. You did a fine job with this! Well done!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or funny detective stories. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Nice Signature Made For Me by b.meridith!

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw that someone else had reviewed this and the title intrigued me, so here I am to read! I would also like to warmly welcome you to the site!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Bullying is something that happens to more people than one might think. I don't know if I ever had the courage to do what Jane did in the end. I think it is the right thing to do - to stand up to bullies, but somehow it never seems the right time to do it in reality.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?th

I liked that Jane's friends were all supportive of her. Even though they spoke up to the bully, no one seemed to take charge of the situation until she did it herself. I think we all really have to fight our own battles in our own time.

Bullying goes on, even on this website when those with what the perceive as power abuse it.

Most bullies are big chickens who are more afraid then their victims are, though. I thought your story made that point very effectively!

Nice work!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose or short stories. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you! Your story is your own and you have done a fine job with it! Well done!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Day At The Zoo
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
My Halloween Image for 2013 created by Kiyasama

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I was reading in your Blog entries as I see I have missed some over time.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* It sounds like a fun day at the zoo. I wondered about what might have happened to Gunther. Did you see any wolves?

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I used to like to go to the National Zoo when I grew up in the D.C. area and then we had moved back there from 2003 - 2006. They had the panda bears and the baby panda that was born on my birthday. I loved going to see them and taking pictures of them. I have framed some of the pictures I took then. The giraffes were right across the way from the panda area. The pandas were the biggest attraction so they had the biggest area with their bamboo and stuff.

The zoo is a free thing to do and it is a lot of fun. You learn a lot if you are open to it. I am glad you got to go and had such a fun time.


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose, or even journal entries. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A Count who Counts lol

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* You told me that you wrote about a date with Poe and you told me where to find it in your Blog City Journal, so here I am reading and sending a review.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think the date sounds realistic.

Well, Poe died and was buried in Baltimore. Maybe you knew that and that's why the Baltimore Ravens Football team are called that for his poem.

I found out some stuff about Poe in studying about him.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I like that you portray Poe as nice, even if he likes to do creepy stuff. I think he was nice. A guy who hated him wrote all the biographical stuff about him. But Poe founded the Detective story and was a really interesting guy who only lived to be in his early 40's. He was the first guy to write critical reviews of others and be successful at it. A lot of literary types were jealous of his fame.

He died October 7, I think unless I'm remembering wrong. He's creepy, but he belongs to Maryland since he died there even though he was born in Massachusetts.

Interesting guy. Great imagination with the entry, Megan!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Another Awesome Signature for tHiNg

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I saw that you added again as this went to the top of my favorites so I am over here to read and send a review.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Right away with Avista, I am picturing Samantha from Bewitched.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

It makes sense that a witch wouldn't be patient with doing things the old fashioned way. She has her life to live and must move along I guess. I really did picture Elizabeth Montgomery playing this part. The other witches seemed very personable too!

Is this a writing prompt? You did a fine job with it!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
My Halloween Image for 2013 created by Kiyasama

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* I am reading in your Blog City Journal since I saw that you updated.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think the no reflection thing is scary. Well, that is how you find out you are a vampire, but there are other clues to it. I think if it goes to looking in the mirror it is probably a dopey vampire. Well, I guess it takes all kinds of them.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I love pumpkins, too. I love everything about them, and eating them in pie and ice cream. Yum yum. It is my favorite thing to eat any time of year. Lately I have been getting that pumpkin spice latte drink at Starbucks. That and their pumpkin scone they have for October. The scones they have are delicious and sometimes if I buy one in the drive thru, I get a coupon for one the next day after 2 pm for a dollar.

I am going to be very fat if this keeps up.

I don't decorate much anymore since we don't give out the candy. I make candy for the kids in my neighborhood and we go out and deliver it to them before dark. That works out better than me hopping up and down with Boo to answer the door with mobs that come through the neighborhood. Now it's lights out for us.

Sounds like your place looks very festive. I love looking at the houses who do decorate for it like we used to do.


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I don't pretend to be someone who knows everything, that's for sure. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of THE HOME  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Thing Signature Made For tHiNg!

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost* You sent me an invitation to read your story so here I am. From what you wrote to me, I gather this was inspired by some real happenings. I am sorry for what your Dad and you must have gone through to inspire this.

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I have been down the road of having to have a parent be in one of these places. You never forget the goings on, once this happens. My own Dad died suddenly, like someone turned off a switch and he died at home at a relatively young age. I thought that was a horrible tragedy for a long time (and it was, although a different sort of thing) until I experienced having my mom at two of these they really don't "care" places over the course of a month and a half.

I don't blame them for not caring because how could you work at such a place and get invested in the residents? That is a special sort of hell I would think. I admire those who manage to be pleasant and kind, despite what they face every day.

You never realize how weird it can be until you are within the confines of such a place where death is an almost daily occurrence.

I went there every day or my brother did.

One thing I remembered was the televisions being so loud in the afternoon when all the sick people were watching THe Price is Right and then at night for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. It always gives me a chill when I see those shows on TV now, like it takes me back there.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

You have really captured the essence of impending doom that swirls around these places. Weird things happened to us like a choir came in and was singing one afternoon in someone's room. And dogs and cats visited, that was pretty weird, too.

My very strong Aunt is the only person I know who went into these places several times and came home from them. She had a very supportive group of kids. One of those kids died right after she died, partly from the strain of worrying about his Mom so much, I think.

Life is a hard journey when it's a long thing. It is hard and sad for anyone who cares and for the person living it. It feels like a horror show anyway, dealing with doctors and modern medicine. I think that Doctors are evil arrogant monsters who hate people, for the most part.

This gave me chills all the way through and brought back disturbing sights and sounds. I think you have captured the experience masterfully well. Hopefully Rose found some way to forgive in the afterlife as it sounds like her husband really did suffer just as much or worse than she did.

Great writing, as always!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. No one here that I ever met was really an expert, although some like to pretend they are. I have seen some bad advice given over time so I don't really take criticism seriously that I get. It's your story and it's my story and either the masses get it or they don't. The heck with them if they don't get it these days, though. I share my thoughts and experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A beautiful image for tHiNg

Greetings Espero !

What brought the Hand of THiNG to your port?

*Ghost*I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What Does THiNG think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that this family history is quite amazing and full of people who stood up for their beliefs. It was not an easy thing to do in those days and that hasn't really changed. To go against the tide of public sentiment is a difficult thing to do. To do it publicly is even more taxing.

What does THiNG applaud about while reading your item?

I like how you write that you felt that things were one way and then with research you learned that things were another way. The surprise was not unwelcome and gave just as much pride to the storyteller as the original story did.

i think you did a good job of writing about tracing a family tree back to its roots. Nice work!


THiNG a.k.a. HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. 4ps


I am not an expert on poetry or prose. I am merely a reader who loves to read and the judge for today in The Writer's Cramp. I am not a proofreader and would rather do most anything else rather than proof read. That is what proofreaders get paid to do. I share my experiences when I read and try not to blabber on too much. I enjoyed visiting with you!

*Leaf*END OF SometHiNg*Leaf*

Ta Ta until we meet again....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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