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9,045 Public Reviews Given
12,765 Total Reviews Given
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In my view, the primary focus should be on encouraging the writers to write. I do not review items I don't enjoy anymore because I see it as a waste of my time. So, if you get a review from me, I enjoyed reading your work. The amazing thing about this whole process is that reading an inspiring review usually leads to me reading more of a reviewer's work also. So, it's a win-win.
I'm good at...
encouraging others to write because I love to read.
I will not review...
something I do not like. I do not enjoy writing hyper-critical reviews. I do NOT believe that "honesty" is a synonym for "mean." If I see someone being "mean" here on the public reviewing page, in group behaviors, or just acting as a bully I will not send them my reviews. The only exception to that would be judging a site contest - there all items get honest (and hopefully diplomatic) reviews of the work from me with no exceptions.
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Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Queen of the House

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a link, so I'm here in a wink. My hound at the ready, she's snoring quite steady! lol

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think Charlie seems like a delightful traveling companion. Yes, I could relate because they do what they want to do and will not perform.

Mine is a girl named Boo, and she is the ten year old queen of the house. I am a devoted servant as is Mr. hooves. *Delight*

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I loved it all, especially this part:

"Unlike Charlie, I am O-C-D
so I always check everything twice.
As I run through my final checklist,
his snores are his only advice."

Sometimes snoring and staying home is the best advice there is! *Laugh*

Boo has this thing where she licks the floor. It's her hobby, she wouldn't be happy to leave that floor for long.

Keep those ears nice and clean and everything is grand in Basset Hound ville.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I like to read and send reviews. It is basically what I do here. Seems to be of a long duration so far. And it seems to have worked out okay.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your poem featured in this week's Poetry Newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* YOu really set the scene well with your awesome title and your repeated refrain.

The picture reminds me of a beach I visited many years ago. It certainly evokes some wonderful memories.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I love how you launch into it:

"A thousand miles and more,
To the wheat and velvety plains.
A thousand miles and more,
Where wind, snow and hailweather reigns."

There is an intensity and an eloquence to the words you have selected and the flow of your poem. It is as if a storm sweeps in as the excitement builds and carries the reader along.

I enjoyed reading it very much! Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I like to read and I do not listen to the nay sayers. Works for me as far as dedicated reading and reviewing goes.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* So, you take three random things. I wasn't sure what they were.

I would lose my temper too. I always lose my temper when I think people are being unfair.

If I really lose my temper, I usually turn away. I might yell, but I withdraw and take my support and business elsewhere.

I think I get that from my mother. She wouldn't speak to whoever or have anything to do with them if they went too far with her. That even extended to her older sister. When that sister crossed a line, my mother was done. Luckily, I never went that far although she was angry with me at times. She was much smarter than I was about reading people.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Your antics sound funny. We have to have a sense of humor or we are lost. It is fun to sometimes let the kid in us, or the calf, out to play.

Fine entry! *Smile*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and if people are mean here, I turn away from them. So, I end up doing my thing which seems to work so far after all these many years.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Celtic Curses  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* Happy 13th Account Anniversary! I saw your poem reviewed on the Public Reviewing page and the title attracted my attention because I am Irish.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This made me think of my Aunt who used to do curses. She had one where she would get something personal (like a strand of hair) and put it in a drawer in a handkerchief wrapping sand inside.

I think she scared herself with how well that one work. Then she did some research and sure enough there was the family tree leading back to Salem.

I loved her very much - she taught me a lot, but I'm not really into the whole thing much. *Laugh*

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like this a lot:

"Our curses can be gentle,
The kind that last and last
Or they can be so harsh you'll wish
Your life would soon be past!"

It is fun to think we might have that power. Well maybe we do and maybe we don't. The thing about power is to pick your battles and know when to use it. I don't think most people ever figure out what there power is or how to harness it.

Very thought provoking poem with a catchy, effective rhyme!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically do what I enjoy. That seems to work mostly when everyone plays nice here.

Well done and, again, Happy 13th! You're a teenager!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am looking for things to review that would benefit from being publicized on the public reviewing page. This is something I participate in so I figured I would send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This activity is very well organized and by doing this (reviewing newbies and posting about it) I have met many wonderful new writers on the site. I guess it could be used to recruit members too by some who have groups and engage in that sort of thing. Well it seems good to me.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I think this is good work and I didn't know how to do it until Tiggy showed me. I didn't realize I could review for a great group like Simply Positive, for instance, and also get credit when I review someone who has been here for less than six months. Or I can review for the Yahoo group that I belong to. It is all good with Newbies being reviewed.

It is the same sort of system that works well with the Anniversary reviews for members celebrating the day they joined.

I am just sorry I didn't think to review this before now as I have been posting in here for more than a year. Nice work, as always!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year. I do what I enjoy doing here mostly now. It seems to work as an encouraging strategy as I am someone who is discouraged when goals aren't clear. This is a clear, goal oriented forum that I enjoy. No one is playing hide the ball here like they do sometimes in other endeavours and groups. Well, it's all good when things are out in the open in my books.

Well done!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me another issue of your wonderful Newsletter so here I am. I always learn a lot by reading and paying attention.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I just watched P&P (Colin Firth version) recently, but I'm going to watch it again soon. Mr. hooves likes to tease me about going to Pemberly when I do it. It's all in fun. I love feeling like I'm back there with them and recently we've had the subtitles on with it, as well as the other British stuff that we watch. That makes it all the more understandable when they talk fast or use unfamiliar phrases.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I liked Matthew Rhys, also. He is in the tv show called The Americans with Keri Russell and he's very good in that. I had no idea he was British until I saw Death Comes to Pemberly. I read the book of that first. I thought they did a good job with the movie, although, I did not think that the actress who played Elizabeth really looked like I picture her. I had a lot of trouble with that.

The thing that most caught my beady little eye spy eye was the coin. If you find out where we can get those, let me know. I am a coin collector. I would love to have that coin. I wonder if people traveling through Heathrow can buy it.

For one of the Queen's anniversaries in the 90's were were there and I got a set of commemorative coins for that at a Heathrow shop for me and for my Dad. We were just going through there on the way to Ireland or Portugal (can't recall which now) Now I have all Dad's coins and mine too and sometimes it is hard to carry on with it. But I would love to have a Jane Austen coin for my collection. I will keep checking on Amazon to see if they get one on there and if they do, I'll email and let you know.

Great newsletter, as always, my friend! Good luck at the upcoming quills! Ihope you win again - you make learning about Jane Austen so much fun for your readers! Hooves and fingers crossed for another well-deserved win! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like in the way that fits for me. It may not be someone else's way, but diversity and our differences are what makes the world go round in my opinion.

I absolutely love reading about things relating to Jane Austen and you have taught me more than I ever got in school.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **
What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you added so I came to read in your Blog City Journal some more and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This all sounds good to me as far as your choices go. They make a lot of sense.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like that you start with your wedding day. I would go there too as it was the happiest day of my life. Well, it is almost that date now. We go out for Cheeseburgers (shhh, don't tell hooves) and fries on our anniversary just like we did on the wedding day as we drove to the Poconoes. The travel time was longer than we thought so we ate at about 9 pm, but it was nice.

It still is nice to have our burgers and fries on our special day. It will be 33 years a week from tomorrow. Where does all the time go?

Lovely entry, Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and read who I like to read. It works out pretty well so far for 15 plus years.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your poem featured in this week's poetry newsletter and came to read. Congratulations on being selected to be in the Newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought you made good and effective use of the prompt words you were given. You set the scene for a cold, scary time.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

by the frost bitten winds of winter
the Ode Master's
arthritic handwriting trembles."

When I was little, I loved winter. Now, I dread it. Getting older makes everything scarier every day. I can picture him going to window and fearing what is going on outside with that siren. When I hear a siren, I sort of hold my breath for where it will go.

You capture the fear of being lonely and aging very eloquently.

Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

My philosophy now is to Pay it Forward with reviews and reading. That is what I enjoy and I do what I enjoy, as opposed to what is demanded or expected. Seems to work out well that way.

Lovely work here, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of White Balloons  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* You sent me a very fine review recently, so here I am moseying over to read and send a review to you on a Thursday in February. It is overcast.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I thought about how we see things and then sometimes we have a story in our minds, or at least questions about what goes on. Sometimes it is an intuitive thing and sometimes deductive from the evidence presented.

The poem flows very well in free verse.

This brought tears to my eyes for so many reasons, one being my own mother's fondness for cloud formations. She disliked cows, but loved clouds. Pretty funny she was!

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was the part that lingered in my head:

"They stand like sentries,
awaiting one whose fight was lost
and who will sit amongst the clouds,
so young, yet
stealthily spirited away."

When you lose someone you love who is younger is is quite a shock to the system. Images fill my head about the spot where my parents are buried (it is an actual park outside Washington, DC called Parklawn). However, I cannot bear to see where my niece lies. Maybe someday, but it is so different when it is someone dying out of the order of things.

Images will stay with me and I am afraid of them.

I like the idea of those sentries though, standing with so much love in their hearts. There is a lot of love in standing and saying goodbye, however one chooses to do it.

Beautiful poetry - eloquent and from the heart. Can't get much better than that! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I basically read and review what I enjoy and try to give my somewhat unique and world worn point of view. Works sometimes better than others.

Loved your poem!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Poetry, Myth
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2108870 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This in interesting. I think that you are on to something in that you feel better with prose. I think some people think in prose and maybe others think in rhyme. So, it is whatever is going on at the time that works well.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I think in rhyme a lot. I don't always get to a place where I can write it all down. My mind races and it's gone before I can capture it at times.

It might have something to do with being read poetry as a little kid, the thinking in rhymes or in being part Irish. The Irish are always making little songs and rhymes to entertain themselves.

I wonder how much we hear as a child as an impact. It is interesting to think about it all.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and review people who are nice. I give new people a chance and mostly I stay away from those who I know are not nice here if I can avoid them.

Nice entry, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I figure to send a public review in order to promote your awesome February activity!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea*You've got a smooth operation going here, all positive with a lot of community support.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?


If you want to thank me do it by paying it forward by reviewing someone else. You do it all the time as it comes naturally to you.

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading or visiting experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a master's or even doctoral dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

Keep being an inspiration and don't get perspiration. My version of an early morning poetic spurt. LoL

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of The Green Fairy  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I wanted to visit you and read your poem because I saw it entered in a contest and you were listed to be reviewed. Hi! Nice to meet you!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that sometimes you can't tell who is nice or who isn't. Sometimes they get in packs and act like things that aren't even them. Well, it is a herd mentality then.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I especially liked this part:

"is she a fairy or is she a witch
I do not know but she gives me an itch.
I will not fear
for she will come here
but I shall flee from the face of she.
because of her I am scared."

People don't always admit when they are scared. Maybe the courage is in the trying. I try but sometimes I don't succeed.

I enjoyed your poem very much and have always loved the color green.

Nice work.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy and it seems to work well. I highly recommend it.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog Challenge Blog and came to read.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* You have had a lot of good prompts this month from Harry Potter.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

There are too many tragedies in the world. If we do the right thing we hope for the best, but it is hard to live with being nasty and hateful. From both sides of the fence I think there.

On the Harry Potter front, I just read the first book and watched the first movie this year. I like it because it takes an underdog type character of Harry and makes him a wizard in training. I like the owl, Hedwig and all the characters. The movie had a lot of good actors like Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman in it. My grandson told me to read the book first and then watch the first movie and that worked out good. I will probably try and keep reading them one a year or something, unless something hooks me in. I enjoyed it, but it's not my favorite kind of reading. Still, it's imaginative and it's a woman writer who was told no a lot of times by a bunch of stupid publishers. I like that she triumphed in the end in a big way.

Fine month of Harry Potter, Megan!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do and that way I look forward to it instead of dreading it. If anything becomes a chore, I end up trying to avoid it. Well, that's life, isn't it?

Fine entry, as always Megan! *Heart*

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you added to your Blog City Journal, so here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* What a great list of shows you have compiled! I would add "That Girl", Addams Family and Munsters to your list

I was trying to think of what my Dad watched Well, he watched Cheers, Mash and Seinfeld. But those came later. I wish I could remember all that he liked to watch. My mother didn't watch TV all that much - she was more of a reader.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I know what you mean about the over the air channels with the antenna. That is what we have now that we got rid of Direct TV and Cable. Sometimes on the weekend I see old things on like Rawhide (which I can't remember watching when it was on) with Clint Eastwood.

Something I remember seeing (I think it was reruns or later on tape) was Soupy Sales. Do you remember his sock puppets, White Fang and Black Tooth? My brother used to do those puppets with a white sock and a black sock and I would howl laughing at it. That language they had was so funny. Luh uh uh (if you don't remember that won't make you laugh - if you do remember Soupy Sales, is will) *Laugh*

I had troll dolls, too, that I took to school. Now I have a big collection of Cow Parade figures. When the kids or niece or nephews want to get me a gift and don't know what else to get, they give me Cow Parade which I love. So I have quite a few in my herd. My niece who died was sent in the military overseas and she traveled to Transylvania. She took a picture of cows in Transylvania and framed it and gave that to me. I love things like that.

You have written a fine entry to a great prompt! Well done! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy doing and I give myself the positive reinforcement now, along with whatever else develops. I always know I can count on me. It seems to be a good plan.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I was looking to read a poem written recently. I see you are new to the site and I would also like to wave a warm welcome to you!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* This is so typical of politicians, isn't it? I mean why not just get it done and not talk about it. That rarely happens as people scramble around to take the credit for this and that. Who even does the thinking or the hard work anymore and when they do it, who makes sure it is right.

It sounds like everyone had plenty of warning that this was about to happen, yet nothing smart was done for years. Sounds painfully familiar when it comes to any sort of planning these days.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This was my favorite part:

"Swiftly the council was called
but it didn't want to know,
like celebrities they visited,
but only to pass the blame."

They want to pass the blame and grab the credit and, somehow, not have any of the in between stuff touch them. No one with half a brain buys that, do they?

In the next stanza after the quoted one, you have the word "nothing" written as "noting". I think it's about the 9th stanza down from the top.

Otherwise, good work and a fine analytical statement on what goes on when there is a legitimate (and not manufactured because they do that here all the time) emergency.

Fine poem!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy here now. It works for me and I seem to be here more than some who profess to being more "serious" about whatever.


Again, I welcome you!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog here and so here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Wow, that is a powerful quote. I bet all of us who have ever worked for someone else or been in a position where someone else controlled things can relate.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

Well, what you say about your boss there is memorable in a bad way. Who would want to be remembered for that, but it is bad behavior that sticks in the mind.

I wonder why some people believe they are superior to others anyway. It is all false stuff based on nonsense. We are all the same really, just some think they are above the herd. But when something happens and the herd runs, they run with the herd.

I find a lot of Doctors, especially in a hospital setting, think they are superior to others. Well, it wasn't so long ago that doctors were viewed as a lower class who did menial work like leeching and all that delightful stuff. But, they built themselves up on the suffering of others. I don't know if I would like to be built up on something like that. When I meet a Doctor in any setting, I immediately think oh no here is probably a big you know what hole.

We are all the same really. People should be kind to each other and have courage. Cinderella really nailed it with that one.

Great entry, as always!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy. When I first started here way back Richard/ercole was here and the twins. Well, you remember them. It makes me sad sometimes when I think about how long they have been gone. But, I know them outside here so I don't have to miss them all the time, do I. I am so lucky to have met you and them and such nice friends here. My true friends never acted like they knew it all or were better than anyone. They were just courageous and nice. That's the key. Be courageous. Be yourself. Be nice. Those are all good things to be remembered by in my books.

The rest is nonsense.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you had added to your Blog City Journal and came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think that she is Magic as a writer. I don't know of another writer who gets me to care about what happens to her characters as early in a book as she does. Once I care, I want to see what happens and I have to read on. When I was recuperating (months) from back surgery hers were the only books I wanted to read.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* Well, I think that there is a reason she sells so many books. Other authors could learn a lot from her in how she presents her characters because I think she is genius at that and others struggle with it. I know that I struggle with it. The naysayers are jealous of her but I have seen naysayers about Stephen King, too and I know that if an author is wildly successful they get the jealous chorus singing out.

You and I know she is great and we are secure enough to say that we appreciate her work. Great entry, as always! You rock! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I like to do mostly online and offline.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Sea of Faces  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **


What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am reading poems about the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* We honor those who died by learning about them and never forgetting what happened. Hopefully, we will get back to a place where we stand with Israel in a more positive way.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

This part was particularly eloquent:

"You always holler and poke at me.
The wind screams in my ears;
You burn away my reality-
My sorrow escapes in my tears."

That part and the title were very moving to me. In such a tide of evil there has to be some day of reckoning for all who suffered. Remembering and honoring is a start, but I think that there is still a lot of evil in the world, unfortunately. Maybe, it will always be so.

I hope not.



HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.
I read what I choose to read and write my honest reactions and feelings. If that doesn't suit whoever, I'm sorry, but I feel that it is the way to go for me.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you added to your Blog so here I am to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* We all need fun and senses of humor about what happens. Without that we just become mean, intolerant of others and old. I don't want that to happen.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

Life is full of things that we enjoy. We have so much to be thankful for. I hope that we make the choices to be happy. My dog, Boo, makes me happy a lot of times when I might feel sad. That is such a blessing.


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year. I do what I like to do and anyone who doesn't like that can go fly a kite. And have fun maybe while they are at it.

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw that you added to your Blog challenge, so here I am to read and send a review!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think it is very ironic that if the Princess would have paid attention to the knight he would have been hers in the first place. Now, she has done something that can't be changed or apologized for. It's one of those defining moments in life that produce guilt and remorse and unhappiness ultimately.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I think that this reads like the start of a novel about what happens when people get blinded by jealousy. I find that if I feel that way about something it is best to avoid it until life puts it all in perspective. Taking a rash action, like the Princess did, always leads to trouble.

Great poetic story, my friend! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I try to enjoy what I do here and elsewhere now. Life is too short to do otherwise. So, I make the best of the time I have to read and review.

Enjoyed my visit here, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow*I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I think it was exceedingly clever of you to write this as a poetic invitation! That seemed inspired to me along with what you wrote about our fearless leader!

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* This part was my favorite:

"We believe he is thinking of sky diving or professional parasailing
Or perhaps trying to tackle some writing website..."

So, this goes back to the beginning and everything is a circle like in a rodeo. I think when retiring from being a clown mentor, it is important to have a goal and having the best Writing web site around is a great one!

I enjoyed your take on the prompt very much!

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do more than that because I like what I do here. That is the secret of longevity and remaining active here and in life. Find something you love to do and set about enjoying it forever or as long as you are given. That's my philosophy about the whole thing.

I liked the bulls reference also, although they sounded rather agitated. *Laugh**Cow*

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Clown Reunion  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I am the judge for today in "The Writer's Cramp. Thanks for entering!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Writing an expose sounds like it is right up my alley. Surely, it is better to remain friends especially if there is a movement afoot (or a hoof) to carry on. Leave it to the SM to be all positive and looking toward the future. He's always ahead of his time and clowns.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I love humor and this part about Robert Waltz cracked me up: "He took a deep breath and followed, if he had known how much drama was associated with being a rodeo clown, he would have stuck it out with Enron."

Well now the cat is out of the bag about him being part of that Enron fiasco. I'll have to probe that more for my memoirs.

You did a great job with using the names and the story!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I do what I enjoy doing and it seems to work out well for me so far, crosses hooves.

I enjoyed my visit with you, as always!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw you had added to your Blog Challenge and came to read and send a review.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I took this prompt as being that it is hard to argue and disagree with friends. IF they are not friends, we maybe don't care as much about what we say. But if you disagree with friends a lot, you could lose them I guess.

But, it could be other stuff too. It is better to avoid conflicts if you can.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

*Thumbsup* I like the notion of Elsa and Let it Go. Have courage and kindness like Cinderella, but let it all go or turn it over to a higher power. That seems to work more and more as I get older.

Another fine entry, Megan! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year. I do what I like to do, which is read and remoo. *Heart*

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Unlucky Seven  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A Lovely Signature Designed For Me

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I saw your story featured in the Mystery Newsletter that came out last week. Congratulations on being selected for the newsletter!

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* Whenever you wrote it, this is a great story about turning the tables on a villain. Harold seems like a shallow guy throughout. I was glad that she got the drop on him (will not give away who she is in the review).

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I liked the description of the shallow Corrine and her emphasis on things and getting Harold to pay for whatever. At first I was thinking seven years, but it soon became evident that this is a short lived romance in more ways than one.

Great story that you wrote and I like the title, too! Congrats again on being in the Newsletter, C!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I try and do what I enjoy now because then I look forward to it. I enjoyed my reading visit with you this Sunday in January! Well done!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Bull Dogged  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2109644 Unavailable **

What brought Hoovsie meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

*Cow* I gave the prompt earlier in the week and was interested in what you writers would do with it. I was not the judge and am just a reader and reviewer in this capacity.

What does hoovsie think about while perusing your item?

*Cool**Idea* I can see why a screaming human child would get on the last nerve of any Basset or even Bull, even the most patient of their species.

What does hooves moo and applaud about while reading your item?

I am glad the urchin did not say to ride the Basset hound and make the bull do the fetching. At least he got the skill set right in their play.

Very clever take on the prompt - I enjoyed reading it!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

*Thumbsupr*Ruminating Random Thoughts*Thumbsupl*

I am not an expert on poetry or prose or much else. I am certainly not an editor or proof reader, heaven forbid! I am merely a reader who loves to read. If I send a review, it means I enjoyed my reading experience enough to let you know it. I look at a review as my reaction to what I have read and a sharing of what I bring to the table on any given day. Sometimes I don't bring much, but I enjoy my reading adventures either way.

You need all sorts of reviewers for all sorts of writers. We can't all write a dissertation every time. If I did that, I'd do about six reviews a year.

I read what I enjoy reading these days. That seems to work well for me. I don't fuss too much about what anyone else thinks about what I do here. Seems like a good plan in y barn.

Nice work!

*Sun*Rumination Termination*Tulipp*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
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