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Review of Conflict  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Kibble

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've written this well. The thoughts are presented clearly so the message is understood. I have only two suggestions.

I don't think a description is required.

While a description isn't required after the piece is opened and read, a good description is the hook to get a reader to open the page in the first place. Descriptions are pretty important if you want the item read.

and although the memories of it have all but evaporated and the minds of today’s youth are concerned with more “important” issues, It will be forever known

I wondered why you left his name out, and why the event of the day wasn't mentioned. If the purpose of the article is to remind the youth, they will need to know what they are bing reminded of.

There are some punctuation issues. Capitals where they are not needed, and left off when they are. August - for example.

The piece reads easily but, without a name and event, will be understood only by those who are old enough to remember. You will miss your intended audience of young people.

I enjoyed reading it. The tone was quiet and not quite formal, but serious. It sounded good.


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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, WildeOne

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like this style as a short scene. It's creative and imaginative. I don't enjoy an entire story in it though. That's because it's tiring to keep up with a conversation that has no change of tone in the voices and no hint of who's speaking. There's been nothing to clue the reader in to these two characters at all.

Let’s not fight.
You always liked a good fight.
I’m tired.
That was another one — must you argue all the time about everything?
Aha! See, that’s one of your strategies. ‘I’m tired’ means ‘I’ve had enough of you.’ It’s a put-down.
I don’t like to waste time. Or breath

I'm having a difficult time keeping the speakers separated. The 'I'm tired' comment appears to come from the same speaker, but if it did, one just told the other --I've had enough of you--it doesn't seem to fit because I expected the other to question the use of 'I'm tired', it's confusing.

I suggest you, at the very least, separate the dialogue of each speaker by a space above and below their lines. Give the reader some help in defining a new speaker.

Are the italics significate? I can't figure them out.

I hear bits of philosophizing, speaking in circles, vagueness. Private meanings that only the reader will understand.

There is little to pull a reader in and hold him with an interesting read. It comes across as an opinion piece spoken by one narrator.

That leaves this reviewer with a problem. Is this intended to be read and understood by all audiences or a certain, specialized audience?

The only suggestions I can make is to separate the lines of dialogue to guide the reader into knowing when speakers change. Try to give them their own voice. Give at lease one of them a name.

Also, hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space there too. It's easier to read online.

I think if you made a note of the style you're going for at the top of the page, it would help a reviewer know what type of feedback you'd like. The genre is short story so my feedback will assume that's true.

The story isn't complete and details are left out. There are references to others, Jason for instance, but they are not explained. The reader is standing on the sidelines not knowing what is going on and what he should be seeing. Are these two characters male or female or one of each? It is never mentioned. They have no names. The story doesn't move along to a finish.

Each paragraph seems to pick up on a different time in the past of one or both characters. Memories of one but not shared through dialogue each time.

On the other hand, I believe it does exactly what you intended it to do. I just don't know what that is because the reader is never invited in.

These are only one reader's impressions.

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Review of The Souless Ones  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hello, Munday

Welcome to Writing.Com!

“Run you bastard” he thought wanting almost to the point of begging for him to run. The word please slipped passed his lips, with an outward breath.

The opening paragraph is very good. It catches the attention of the readers at once. Good showing of Zack's personality here too. I like the word --please--slipping out on a breath. Good job!

“Later,” he said shaking his head, “I want this to last; he was too easy to fine the first time. I was hoping for a challenge.”

Spelling is --find--

“Look,” his witch interrupting his scribe, pointing at a shadow in a window ahead of them


Damn,” Zack said looking sweeping his left arm out in front of his body. “See

I suggest cutting this bolded word. Readers will know he's looking at the window from the previous line.

he looked up, letting out a howl, releasing the adrenaline he had been holding back. As it rushed through his body filling each and every cell the air around him charged with electricity, growing stronger with each second.

More good imagery. I can see this scene clearly and hear the howl.

“I’ve add three more names to his crimes,

I've noticed a tendency to leave off the ending --ed--in your words. This should be --added--. There are several of these.

boring. I remember when.” his words were cut off as he opens the door to the building

I wonder if elipsis would work better than a period here? His thought was interrupted, unfinished. I remember when...
Change the second bolded word to --opened-- to avoid an awkward read.

As the words of the witch, and scribe blended into one voice,

Cut this comma. It isn't needed here. You've several of these types.
When you're ready to edit this, watch for these commas. I noticed there is one before each use of --and---, and they're not always needed. They slow the reading down a lot and the lines sound jerky, blocky. As you read the lines aloud you can tell which commas can be cut. There are also some left out when you need them.

With a hiss white clouds of drifted out of the body. Zack turned following them as the swept past him.

An extra word --of--to be cut, or a word is missing after --of--. I can't tell your intention here.

Spelling typo of --they--

Did he follow the cloud with his body or only his eyes. It doesn't say what the reader should see.

“Jarl you didn’t kill her,” he’s scribe said kicking the headless body.

Spelling typo of --his--

If I have been so sure this was an easy hunt. I should have know, never should I have let my guard down. I…”

Spelling is --hadn't--and --known--

How many were lost?”

I thought this was Zack asking the question, but he's the one answering. Shouldn't it be the scribe answering it? He's the one who counted the names.

“Thirty five, including Jana, and the five lost at the scene.” Zack answered.

“Send for Seer Ann, and Julie,” Jarl said.

“I know what’s evolved. Looking into Jarl’s eyes, Zack tried

I'm pretty sure you intended to write --involved--. (he knows what's in store for him)?

Even though the first left him, he still felt it was his fault too.

This bolded word can be cut easily to avoid wordiness. It isn't needed for the line to be clear.

a blast knocked him across the street into the side of another building.
Looking up at his scribe and witch who came to stand in front of him, He smiled sheepishly. “I guess I should have expected that.”

A few details on what caused the blast would help the readers understand why he should have expected it.

Placing his foot on its chest Zack laid his sword against its throat.

I thought this was a man since he has a human name. If he is an --it--, describe him so the reader will see what Zack is dealing with.

The story is told well, and it's exciting. It has mystery, loyalty and friendship. The main plot is still vague, but it's getting there.

The characters are coming along, but they will need working on during your revision to make them real. Zack is beginning to be seen, so you're doing a good job with him. I am curious as to what his punishment will be, so that's a good ending scene. It assures the readers will continue reading.

I didn't point out each misuse of words because there are many. They do hamper the reading though. I know this is a first draft and encourage you to just continue to write the story. Some writers revise as they post and receive reviews. Some post after the story is completely written. You will decide how you prefer.

I found it difficult to read for content and theme because of the issues I've mentioned above. I believe it is a story worth working on, and I believe Zack will seek revenge. I look forward to reading more of this one.

Your INTRO rate of NON-E isn't necessary, you can change it to E on your edit page so everyone would find the item. You have no non-E words in your title or brief description.

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A Reviewer on "Please Review [E]
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, ark mom

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review I want to submit this to a magazine

This is an emotional piece of real life, and it is told well. Readers will be able to see themselves here, I did. Many of your thoughts were mine, I've been there. It's a wonderful story, full of love and memories.

On the second read I found some issues missed during the first. I hope the feedback helps. It was done especially with publication in mind.

Some points may appear more than once because I ran across them more than once.

She had died in February of that year, and the sisters and I had made a pact to leave things as she had left them.
It was evident this was the drawer in which the sisters had placed her belongings from the nursing home

Siblings (the sisters) is not what I first saw. I thought you meant Nuns.
Replace --the sisters-- with --my sisters-- to clear the thought. This is actually removing you from the writing, is that intended? Is it a hard one to write?

Unloaded the car, ate supper, watched a program on TV, and visited with Daddy.
Her house slippers on the floor next to the closet door.

I see you speak like I do, in incomplete sentences. *Delight* Writing the way we speak leads to confusion though. lol

Make sure the readers have a clear image of --Who--unloaded the car.
Her house slippers --WERE-- on the floor. Complete them. There are more scattered through.

Her robe hung in the closet along with her little cotton dresses she wore

To avoid repeating --her--, this would sound better if the bolded word was changed to --the--
Were the dresses actually little? I picture hospital gowns, is that what you intended the reader to see?

course jam or jelly. Probably didn’t taste like Mama’s cooking but I had learned from the best.

An incomplete sentence. The --what-- is missing. --It--probably didn't... .

I found myself back in the bed room.

Typo of --bedroom--, I noticed two of these.

Later however, I found myself back in the bed room. After getting dressed for the day, donning my borrowed socks with the black writing “S. Tanner” I felt complete. We had planned the day with Daddy - maybe ride around the community - go to the grave site and “visit” with Mama.

That urge was there again. I did not have second thoughts about opening another drawer in the dresser

The scene is a little confusing to me. Was the day trip completed, or did the searching keep them home? Did she find herself back in the bedroom after the daytrip or after dressing?

The next one may have had her underwear.
were neatly folded

The word --may-- signifies unsure, unseen. The bolded phrase shows what was seen. If the --may-- was cut the line wouldn't bump or distract.

I have no more thoughts about my poking around in what would otherwise be places of privacy.

This line seems out of place. What does it mean, exactly? No guilty thoughts, or no more poking around? The line isn't needed, unless it's placed at the end to tie it together.

Even the China Cabinet in the dining room was not off limits to me

Capitals aren't needed here.

Mama began to except her ultimate death several years

Spelling is --accept--

I naturally found the one addressed to me, and slowly opened it.

Mama began to except her ultimate death several years before she died.
was eminent, but I nor anyone of the sisters, wanted to

The implication this gives to the reader is that in the next paragraph, the words are being read from the letter. If the words --slowly opened it--were cut, it would be clearer.

Or, have her read the letter to herself and put it back in the envelope, then continue with a smooth transition back to narration.

She tried talking about her last wishes to us, but it was difficult to hear.

I hear a relunctance of the daughters to listen and hear what the mother wants to say. Is that the correct intention?

The next day she may be a young bride leaving Mama and Daddy with her new husband.

Read this aloud slowly and see what you really hear. --Leaving mama and daddy with her new husband.-- It sounds like she went off alone.

I suggest not using capitals in your title and brief description. It sounds like shouting and not necessary to catch the attention of readers. The magazine will have you change it. (probably) The first letter of each word in the title can be capitalized, except for the --of--, but not the brief description.

This is a good write. The tone is consistent and gentle, it fits the theme well. The emotion of respect and love can be felt strongly. The images are described well and the reader is pulled into the scene.

I don't see the purpose for the breakfast scene since little is told or shown of father. If you find you need to cut words, ( for the publisher) that would be one place you could do it.

I enjoyed the read. It's good. *Smile* The rate is due to the points I highlighted, not the story. The story and theme are worth 5 stars - easy. But to be published it must absolutely shine. This isn't a complete review because it doesn't cover all elements. It's only what I noticed and I sincerly hope the piece is accepted by the publisher. That is the goal, good luck!

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Review of Can't Turn Back  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, K. Lauren

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I can feel the anger and hurt in the tone of this piece. It's strong and it's real emotion. On first read, I thought it was a rant and wasn't going to offer any feedback because we all get to just rant sometimes. I read your Bio though and see you're serious about learning to write. Also, the genre does not include --personal-, so I decided feedback is in order. The emotion is so well shown, it's hard to tell it's fiction. *Smile*

your just not them
to me your just a lier, a backstabbing lier

This error is carried through the piece. I didn't highlight all. These should be --you're--for --you are--

leave me alone, alone, by my self

This is one word. --myself--

If you thinking this poem sucks, and doesn't rythm,

and so i'm writing this poem that doesn't rythm,

you should be --you're--

I believe you intended to write --rhyme--or perhaps--rhythm--, but --rhyme--sounds right.

but tells the truth.
I tired to be perfect
but it just wasn't worth it,

Spelling is --tried--

You can't turn back after now.

This sounds awkward to me. Maybe --after this.--?

You took a wrong turn, now you can't turn back...
I'm already gone.

I really like these lines, especially the last. It's definite and confident. Good and strong and ends the piece well.

The message is clear and enjoyable to read. I hope the feedback helps.

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review of choices.  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hello, naadjee

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Aw, this is a heartbreaking story. My sympathy goes out to this character. The theme is universal, and it makes a good story topic.

I enjoyed reading this short story, and the message is understood. It's pretty well written. For my feedback I've listed a few things I noticed as I read. It always up to you to make any changes. If you don't agree with these, don't change anything, it's always your story. *Smile*

eyes that always lured me to path she walked

The word --the--path is missing.

just migrated from another madical collge

Spelling typo of --medical--

love..............................?i asked her why..and she told me becuse she was engaged while very young .........that was our last diadlogue.....i finshed exams....and then housejob...and

I think if you cut down on your use of ellipsis it would be easier to keep my mind on the story. They become distracting to me. When you do use them, remember there are only three dots --...--

The --i--is always capitalized in writing when it is used as a complete word.

Spelling typo of --because--

Spelling typo of --dialogue--

Spelling typo of --I finished--

is dependent for the parent concent for her

Spelling is --consent--

returned i strated for my surgery.......i never married...........i even sometimes recalled at my misendevours at the medical campus....and wondered here

I don't know this word.

The story is clear and it shows dating issues are the same all over the world.

If you hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space between them, the page will look neater and it will be easier to read. Reading on monitors are hard on the reader's eyes. *Smile*

Keep writing and I hope you are enjoying the site. There are many, many things to do. *Smile*


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, txgirl

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is pretty good. The emotion is felt clearly. The message is understood and the imagery is seen. The lines read a bit bumpy, but they're still good.

I found a few spelling errors.

Walking on the creek bank , bear footed in the sand


I love the life were building , the love that we share


Complete when were together


Good job!

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Review of Biblio Addict  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Aubiefan

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a very well written piece. It reads fast and smoothly. Good work!

I can feel the energy in the words and they made this reader feel the excitement of the bargains you found. I've been there too. *Smile* But, my weakness is fabric. *Smile*

I noticed no technical difficulties at all and it reads well. It's really not satire though, is it? It sounds realistic to me. *Delight*

Good work!

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Review of Watch  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Slyfox

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good! It's written simply and clearly so there is no room for confusion. My favorite type of poetry.

It's imagery is wonderful and the message is easily understood. The emotion is that of gentleness and love. A friendly, quiet tone makes it one to remember after the book is closed.

No technical issues to mar or bump.

Well written!

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Review of Why Patriotrism?  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Voxxylady

I noticed Susan's review of this on the public page and her words and your title caught my attention.

This is writen in a tone of friendliness and firm pride. The tone itself holds the reader tight. Your love of country is felt strongly. I reacted to the words with a sense of pride, I hear and know where you're coming from.

You're simply telling the way it is for you. I truly enjoyed the read.

Well done!
Review of Prologue - Part I  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)
Hello, DebbyM

Welcome to Writing.Com!

dampness of the forest floor releasing a musky sent

Typo/Spelling is --scent--

Around the sounds of forest waking met his ears like God’s own orchestra but deep in his own thoughts he heard only the words of his dying mother.

The first bolded phrase needs rewriting. It isn't saying what you wanted to say, I don't think. It might work if the the first word --Around--was cut, but it would still be awkward.

If he didn't hear it anyway, does it really need to be there? This reader doesn't hear it either. It can be cut to lighten the load of heavy wordiness.

His father had also preached forgiveness, but his father was wrong. How could Meirchion forgive Mascuid

I suggest not using so many names all at once in the first few lines. They are confusing. I had to read ahead a little to figure out that Meirchion is the same as 'father', and place the other names. Use the names as needed and make them very clear who they belong to. This bogs down the opening where it should be grabbing the reader's attention.

the rest of Briton foolishly yielded its birthrite.

Spelling is --birthright--

Of the Fay, the Fair Folk, he was unsure. His mother had spoken of them as the original peoples. She said they were so pure and so at one with Gods earth that they were halfway between man

Here, the focus seems to get lost. His thoughts wander too far and too long away from the present. It takes a long time to return to the dogs and they are no longer barking.

In fact the dogs are gone and not mentioned again. Where did they go and who did they belong to? What were they barking at? Do they have a purpose? I know he heard the singing at that time, but he would have anyway.

She:b} groan slightly and her mouth parted.
This seems way too quick. Not one word was spoken. Was he under a magical spell? No, it wasn't mentioned...

for his fingers and he felt were warm dampness.

--A typo, I don't know what the word should be.--

She smiled “This child must be, he will be more important that you can imagine.”


he was further dumfounded by dispassionate manner in which

A missing word.

The style is heavy, and it's pretty well done. It's not meant to be an easy to read, I think.

It has too much info all at once and I can't imagine the reader of the book taking time to read this prologue. I think it will be skimmed to find a detail or two only. They will expect to learn whatever they need to know during the action of the story.

I read it and I only know the Anglo/Saxons are taking over Briton, and this character is angry about it. Basically, that's about all the reader needs at this point. If everything was cut except that and the ending info, it would be tighter, easier to read, and it would hold the readers attention better. It would still serve the purpose of a prologue by showing his fear of losing his country and how he met Modron.

It has many words that don't help move the story along, but in fact - bogs it down.

I hope the feedback is useful, it's purpose is to help. *Smile*

You have the talent and the imagination to be a good writer.

Enjoy the site!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, MingusDingus

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like this. The emotion is strong and heartfelt. It's real life! I know exactly the feelings you're expressing here. You've done a good job with it.

a moment life consice and exact

Spelling is --concise--

unspoken truths not manifest but void space

of my mind's creations, fail to transcend.

I believe this is the heart and soul of the piece. Most of us have been there, and some still are.

Keep writing, practice is the only way to get better. And read!

Well done!

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Review of My english test  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, samagthra

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is very creative! You've a good, active imagination - perfect for writing! I enjoyed the read a lot.

I comment as I read, so these should be in order if you decide to edit it.

He had gone walking to the beach when he was collecting cockle shells

Change this bolded word to --where--for a clearer line.

mum then told him to go tell his dad in the forest, which is cutting wood

This reads like the forest was cutting the wood. A slight change in the structure will fix it. --tell his dad, who was cutting wood in the forest...-

buffed up limbs (arm and legs) a short neck

This bolded phrase isn't needed. Readers will know what 'limbs' are.

Jim looked at the sky and realized it was nigh time

I'm not sure what you meant here. Either, -it was nigh time to leave (or something) or, it's a typo of --night--

The obvious was sunlight. It was an item of some sort. He wasn’t worried about memory, he was more worried about his life.

It isn't clear what is meant by --it was an item...-- These words don't fit well. Can you make it clearer?

He was wandering on how to outrun a thing that’s as fast as a wolf.
He was wandering where the chupacabra was.

Spelling is --wondering--

take a drink when he noticed something red thing appear in the water/ then

I think this is a typo. It could be cut. If not, a few words are missing.

The chupacabra was slowly rising from the pond making it look like silvery-black slime dripping of it.

This image is vivid and scary! Wonderful work!

At this point, the chupacabra was nearly upon Jim. Jim was starting to be on the verge of crying from fear.

I don't know why he isn't crying already! I'm standing there beside him and bawling for both of us! Good image!

Jim was 2 feet from the jersey devil. He then grabbed the orb with both arms and extended his arms towards the chupacabra with a reassuring smile. The chupacabra then started to slowly reach for the orb with one hand

The bolded phrase caused me to think the chupacabra grabbed it with both arms, reading on I see it was Jim. If it was small enough to carry in his pocket, why did he use two arms here? Why didn't he just extend his hand? It distracts from the otherwise well done scene.

The emotion is good here. I can feel the hope strongly.

He then decided to then go home forgetting about dad

This bolded word isn't needed and causes a stumble in the reading. I suggest cutting it.

AT this part... Should i have wrote "protruberant" or "protuding"?

protruberant means bulging out
protuding means sticking out

This is an odd question to ask the reviewer. It depends on how you, as the writer, saw him and want the readers to see him. It's up to you.

You've done a good job with the telling of this story. It moved along quickly and was easily understood. It had excitement and a good resolution. I like the ending. I like that he has a bond that will last forever. *Delight*

There is one very long paragraph. Break it up with a few spaces to make it easier on your readers eyes.

This has good potential for an adventure series. You might think about that. That would give you the time and practice to develop these two characters more fully. Bring them to life.

Good writing!

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Review of Memory's Light  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hello, Nickie
I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review please be very honest. I want to submit this one to a magazine..

I hope my reading and commenting on this helps you see it from a reader's point of view.

Hell found me. These words always drifted through Xavier's mind like a ghost from the past. As his clear eyes admired the beauty of the full moon in the night sky, it reminded him of the love he had lost and the hell his heart has been in ever since that day. He looked around at his garden and thought of Lara and how she would have loved it. As Xavier made his way down the dirt path, his senses were seduced by the sweet smell of night blooming jasmine that lined the path. He looked out over his massive garden and took in the beautiful sight of the white ghostly flowers that adorned his land. Xavier walked toward a cluster of Pygmy fringe trees and Virginia willows; they hid the entrance to an old gazebo that had Moonflowers growing all over. As he sat he closed his eyes and relished in the scent of lemon on the night breeze. Lara would have loved this garden, he thought as he opened his eyes. As the warm night air flowed over his skin his mind began to wander back to the days when life was good; when he was happy, when Lara was alive.

This is a lot of description for an opening. I suggest cutting it back to get to the story more quickly. Readers will only skim this to find the action. Keep it tighter. Read the area without the bolding and decide how it sounds to you. It says basically the same thing I believe.

Xavier was a wealthy merchant in a small lakeside town. The town was situated at the base of the Rockies. Xavier thought this was the most beautiful area he has ever lived in. 5 years earlier he decided to leave his native country of Romania. Now he has wealth and status among the townspeople. Xavier's favorite spot was sitting on the balcony at night looking up at the star-filled night sky. As always he enjoyed the company of his fiancée Lara

This is all redundant and information the readers will get later in the story. I suggest cutting as much as you can for a tighter read.

One example:
It is mentioned twice he is wealthy. Later, I'm sure this fact will be obvious during the story, so it isn't necessary here.

he loved that scent. Xavier pulled Lara closer to him until the sound of gun fire broke the serenity.

A little awkward sounding to me. It makes me think he was expecting the gun fire. Try changing the words a little. --Xavier enjoyed the closeness of Lara until-- Maybe?

"No, you stay here," he told her as he rushed passed her. He shouted out for

This word could be cut easily.

surrounding a woman, who was holding a knife. She was crying and swinging the knife; she missed but kept the men away from her. Xavier urged his horse toward them

Good imagery! I can see and feel the tension clearly!

"damn." Why the hell would anyone put one bullet in a gun, he thought as he looked at the gun in disbelief. He threw it down and started to reach for his;

Wonderfully realistic! Humorous - and I was just as shocked as he was.

The bolded words are too passive. Change it to --and reached for his--

started to reach for his; before he pulled out his gun a shot rang out into the night.

This is wordy and telling. Tighten by using only--reached for his when another shot rang out...

"Xavier..." Lara voice floated to his ears. He turned his head to see the man belonging to the voice standing behind

--Lara's voice--

Present Day

Xavier stood and walked out of the gazebo, this place held to many memories. Xavier followed the dirt path toward the cliffs.


As Xavier walked along the sandy shore he got a familiar feeling. He stopped and raised his head and sniffed the night wind. The air carried a familiar scent. He sniffed again, no it couldn't be he thought as he headed toward

Camping was a great idea, she thought to herself. Olivia opened her eyes and gazed up to admire the brightness of the

Thoughts are usually placed in italics. I've noticed several of these.

Italics are done like this {i}italics are here{/i} italics are here

She scanned the area one last time but didn't see any thing, like she really could. The flashlight was really no help.

The bolded phrase is awkward sounding. I know what you mean but I think it needs rephrasing. It also causes the repeat of --really--, which you don't need in either lines.

Olivia continued toward the lake the feeling was still there; someone was watching her, but who

This is a question, needs a question mark.

As she made her way through the trees toward the lake she felt a tingling sensation on the back of her neck. Olivia

I thought she was already standing at the lake by the time he noticed her?

As she lowered her eyes to the lake she got a strange feeling like she had been here before

This is a bit passive and unclear. Play with the words a little, maybe try ----an eerie feeling came over her--

like she had been here before. Olivia couldn't really describe the feelings; it was like an intense form of deja vu.

The first bolded phrase means the same as the deja vu phrase. Avoid redundant writing by not repeating the same info in different words. I suggest cutting the first, all the way to --feelings-- to keep it tight and tense. She doesn't need to describe her feelings to herself. This sounds like it is spoken directly to the reader and that is not a good idea. Also cut --like--as an unnecessary 'explaining' word. Readers will understand deja vu.

As she turned her head she got that tingling sensation again, like someone was watching her. Olivia turned back toward the figure and it was gone, just that quick.

This is good visual description. 'tingling' is also good, everyone will know the feeling exactly. I can see the dark figure standing alone down the beach, good job!

He had got such a strange feeling when he saw her sitting there. He couldn't explain

Changing the same phrase above is doubly important since I see it's repeated here.

He couldn't explain it other than it was a familiar feeling. Xavier had to find out who she was.

The same as above when she couldn't explain it. Would he think in these words? Maybe, --he didn't understand--would be more natural, what do you think?

I believe cutting his name here and using, --He--would sound better, too.

drew in a deep breath than let it go slowly. When she opened her eyes, her heart nearly stopped

The blue phrase is perfect! Good showing of her surprise!

delicious looking man ever. She wondered, where did he come from?
This is 'telling' the reader, you want to be sure they got the meaning of --her heart nearly stopped--. You showed it clearly and they got it. I suggest cutting this line to avoid a lot of issues. Wordiness, telling, author intrusion, etc.

That was careless reading her mind to find out her name

I didn't know he could do this. Cool!
The line isn't reading smooth, though. Try adding the word --of me--or something similar in here. Or a comma after -careless- might work.

She stared at him. Did I know him? She wondered.

Put yourself in her mind. Would she say it like this? Or would she say, Do I know him?

His black hair blended so well with the surrounding darkness it was hard to tell how long it was. The night breeze whipped his hair around his eyes that she could see were a clear blue. The rest of his face reminded her of those Greek statues she had seen in those history books as a child.

--his hair--could be changed to --it--to avoid repeating the words. Readers will know she's speaking of his hair.

I suggest cutting --those--as extra, repeated, unecessary words. The line says the same thing, but is tighter without them.

The other bolded areas are contradictory. Unbelievable. If it is too dark to see how long his hair is, it would also be too dark to see his eye color, which would be much more difficult at any time.

Olivia looked down at his hand. His fingers were long and masculine as they gripped her hand softly. Her hand felt unusually comfortable in his grasp, like her hand belonged there.

Do you notice the problem? You can fix it by subbing, --it--and --her's-- in a couple of places.

"Hopefully before you leave, we can walk down by the lake together," he whispered; she heard every word.

Olivia smiled. "That would be nice."

I suggest cutting the bolded line since it is clear she heard him by her next words.

She watched him walk toward the dark forest and disappear inside. Olivia scanned the night but couldn't see him. Was he even real?, she asked herself

Wordy and overtelling. Why did she think she would be able to see him after he'd entered the thick, dark forest?

She had no doubt he was real a minute before. He'd been there over a half-hour. These lines could be cut easily and they only cause confusion and don't move the story along.

He eased himself up on his elbows and dragged his broken body over to her. He gathered enough strength and stood over Lara. Xavier bent down and picked her up and craddled her in his arms.

This is good imagery, and can be seen well - until he decided to stand up. I would cut that part and keep him on the ground. It would be more believable in their condition. He doesn't need to stand and look down at her. Does he?

He knew she was dying, she knew this too.

I'm sorry, but this isn't good. It a duh...she was stabbed in the chest, of course she's dying. It can be cut. "Xavier, take me to the lake," her voice was barely above a whisper, but he heard her. This is a good line all by itself. It is understood clearly and no other explanations are needed.

Olivia wasn't tired yet, so on a impulse she bypassed her tent and headed down to the lake.

As she stood there on the shoreline, she closed her eyes and took in the sounds of the night.

Just more examples of unneeded words. Too many of these cause wordiness which causes a read to become boring. They slow the story down and that's not good. Keep it tight, tense and moving with action and emotion. Read through the piece, aloud preferably, and cut all you can.

"She's beautiful, isn't she." His rich dark voice drifted on the night wind.

Somehow she knew he would be there. "Yes she is," Olivia agreed

This is good. I can hear his soft tone in the 'drifted on the wind.' The voices are subdued and can be heard clearly. Good job!

Olivia looked at him and wondered what was going through his mind. Xavier was about 6'3 to her 5'11, she still seemed short next to him.

Boy, this pulled me out of the trance quickly! Do we need to know how tall they are?

As Xavier released Olivia's lips, she was literally breathless and dizzy.

I would end the phrase at --Olivia-- to keep the mood intact.

Tears streamed down Xavier's face. He lifted his head the to moon and let loose a shout filled with anguish and sadness. As he rocked Lara he vowed to hold her to her promise, even if it took him a lifetime; he would find her.

I can feel and see the emotion described here. It's strong and sad.
The bolded is only a typo.

He opened his eyes and turned to face someone in a black robe with a hood over their head.


Sebastian never saw it coming. He coward under a table in his home, with his gun in his hand pointed out in front of him.

--cowed-- or --cowered--

The bolded words could be cut for a tighter line.

"Xavier?" she mumbled. Then all the memories came back to her. She had been here before. Everything did look familiar to her. This was her home

This sounded odd when I first read it up above. I see now that I'm here it's okay, it's clear. This line could be cut though. --been here before--says it well, all by itself.

Xavier looked down
Olivia looked up
looked back
looked up
The word --looked--is used about thirty times in this piece.

These are in the last seven lines. We don't notice these habits in our own writing until someone points them out. It became extremely noticeable at the end. Use a thesaurus to find alternate words for it, and other words you notice. A word should not be used so often that it jumps out at the reader. They'll lose the story.

I found this to be wordy and description heavy at the beginning, but I tried to comment on the areas that could be fixed easily.

The ending was good, the surprise was hidden well and it answered a question I had about him.

My attention was held during the story. Though it moved slow at times, it did keep moving and that was good.

I wondered why he didn't kill the men at the beginning. That isn't realistic to me since they were killing innocents, and in that era people were their own law. He seemed to be a sheriff of sorts since he ran to town at once. Again, I think he would have shot them dead.

It's going to be a good story, and I wish you luck with publishing it.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, Elizabeth Willow

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've written an interesting beginning here. The mystery is a good hook to catch the reader at once.

I like the way you've described Faith's appearance in such a natural way. Good description work!

She is seen clearly and her personality is coming out too.

Chapter 1: Faith, the freshman
As I walk through the halls of the high school

Separate the title or chapter line from the beginning of the story with a space or two. It will look better.


You can spell your character name anyway you wish, but just in case this is a typo. Keith is spelled this way. The E and I are switched.

You're doing well!

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Review of Chance Encounter  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, Kim Kyo Ti

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've some good scenes in your writing. I skimmed the other two pieces trying to get a handle on the main character, Mica. I still don't know much more about him.

The story seems to be plotless, and uses Mica's minimal interaction with different characters, at different times, to hold the theme together. I like the idea a lot. I also like the mystery of Mica being carried through.

The problem is,

The prelude doesn't tell the reader anything about him.
Canid Camera shows a bit more but still ends with questions unanswered. It is the story that comes closest to being able to stand alone. It is the woman's story though, more than Mica's. As this one belongs to Mr. Delroy.

Comments on this item.

It wasn’t a day I wanted to get up on.

The structure is awkward. Ending the line with a preposition usually is. Read it aloud and you'll hear why it should be reworded, I think. It sounds like you're saying you didn't want to get --upon--the day. Climb up on the day and sit down, like a ladder.-- --get up on-- can you hear the problem?

“Don’t mater. You gonna wish me luck or not?”

Spelling is --matter--

Of course I was too pissed off to realize I have twisted my ankle with that kick. Well, I realized it as soon as I tried to get up again.

A Roundhouse isn't a kick, is it? I didn't see him use his feet. Make it clear that he twisted his ankle during the reach to avoid any confusion for the readers.

Each of these narrator's are telling their own story of their encounter with
Mica, almost in interview style. Why? This item will not stand alone because it has no ending, no resolution for the narrator. It's a good scene, they all are, but where are they going? Why will the reader continue reading, what is the main hook?

Readers will want to know more about Mica and what he's looking for. I have the feeling these encounters take place many years apart, is that so?

Mica is a strong character, but his presence is weak. He doesn't feel like a main character to me. I get an image of a sad, lonely man, a strong and gentle werewolf. I don't know what he's searching for though. Without that detail, there is nothing to pull this reader along in hope of finding it.

These are my personal thoughts as I read. I hope the readers viewpoint helps you.

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Review of A Minute  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, tag

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like the message in this poem! Very creative and well written. It reads smoothly and the words tell the story clearly, no confusion.

I can relate to the message and I'm sure many others can too. It's one of the main reason for posting our work, isn't it? *Smile*

Well done!

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Review of Warhead  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, Explorer

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've a good beginning to this story. The first paragraph set the scene well. Good imagery there.

Today the sun will set, he sighed. Tomorrow, it may never rise again.

I wonder about the words --tomorrow--and --again--. It might say what you intended to say clearer without one of the words. --It may not rise tomorrow.-- or -- it may never rise again-- Using both makes it sound awkward to me.

The cup of coffee was lukewarm on his parching lips. His hand trembled. He lost his grip. Dark liquid spilled with a magnificent splash out the window.

I suggest cutting the first bolded phrase because it wasn't the cup, it was only the coffee. The second bolded word is a bit exaggerated isn't it? It couldn't have been that big of a spash. It's unbelievable, unrealistic. But, if the cup itself fell - it would have scattered far and wide.

A thought. Would the windows of the Pentagon be uncovered and open? Would security be that loose?

A young lieutenant clad in unruffled duty uniforms

A typo only. Remove the -s-. It's one uniform.

priority message from the frigate Prometheus, directly at you personally.”

This sounds awkward. I suggest --directed at you-- or --directly to you--

respect, sir, its not often for a son at sea to be sending letters to his old man.”

This line isn't clear. A little rewording might be necessary. --not often for a son at sea to be-- able to send --? It might be okay too, as it is. I could be misreading it.

“What on earth is this, a joke? I’m a busy man, lieutenant, and we’re at war. I don’t like to waste time on jokes

This bit of mystery has raised my curiosity. I want to read on. Good job!

wall panels glowed in the darkly lit Tactical Command Centre.

What am I looking at here? Dimly lit? I don't recognize --darkly lit--

The young lieutenant held his breathe as General Martok snatched the tablet

A typo. --breath--

The General took one look at the title of the message and his face lit up.

The General grinned and patted the lieutenant on the shoulder, who breathed a sigh of relief

These lines are good example's of good 'showing'. Grinning, sigh of relief, face lit up; these things are body language and readers can see and understand them clearly. That's the way to do it.

You've managed to introduce mystery and suspense well. You also showed the Ambassador as a human being who loves his son and hates war. I think I'm going to like him. I can't tell who the main character is yet, and the plot hasn't been set, but it's coming along. You're doing a good job. You've made it interesting and believable.

I'm enjoying the story, *Smile*

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Review of She was fast  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, Andiar

Welcome to Writing.Com!

These short descriptions are very good practice, aren't they? And they're fun and interesting. I enjoy doing them.

flowed out behing her

Only a typo.

her hair flowed out behing her, red,

I can see this image clearly, and hear the admiration of the narrator in the tone. Good description!

Keep practicing and enjoy the site! *Smile*

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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)
Hello, sheena b

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I think what you've written here are your thoughts as they came, and that's good. It a good idea. Though the theme has been done lots of times, you can put a new spin on it and make it yours. I'm going to think of this piece as 'the outline', not the story itself. Is that all right?

When you begin to write the story, I suggest not giving her bio in the first paragraph. Work it in as it's needed. The first few lines need to be some kind of action to hook the readers at once. Dialogue or movement, emotion. Something to grab us.

The spelling and technical issues hampers the read, so be sure and don't forget to proofread before posting.

school varisty captain --varsity--

It was her last year and just trying to take it smooth.

Awkward to read. Placing -and--she was--trying to-- would smooth it out. You don't need the word --just--. It is extra and only causes a write to become wordy - boring. --Had--is another to avoid when possible.

One night her and couple of her friends went to the


a pres-season game --Typo only--

introduced himself and the begin to talk and have a conversation.

--they began--to talk.

--'To talk' and to 'have a conversation' are redundant - they mean the same thing. Cut one of the phrases to avoid the extra words.

He didnt look to old --too--

He came to dinner and meet the parents.

Use either, --to meet--or --and met--

and even hit her if she tried to speak her peace


and her mother had saw what happen.

Grammar issue. You could replace --had saw-- with --noticed-- to cut a word.


That Johnny had been hitting her when they were alone and she felt this she wasnt

Only an extra word to be cut.

she was endanger of not graduating

--in danger--

Rachel was emotionally drain and


These are things to be aware of when you begin the first draft - the actual writing of the story. Don't forget all the details, they are the meat of a story. Readers will want to love her and hate Johnny, I think. Show us how mean he is now, and how good he was at the beginning. Details.

Let me know when the first draft is posted and I'll read it if you like. I hope the feedback helps get you started.

Enjoy the site! *Smile* We're glad to have you with us - we like new writers!

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hello, DAB

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I hope you're enjoying the site. If you have any questions, just ask.

I don't know what kind of feedback to offer because I don't know the purpose of the write. The genre says poetry, but I wonder if it's the Brief Description only? Is it meant to be a Haiku, maybe?

I'm sorry I can't be of any help here, can you make it clearer?

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Adalia Adin

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've done a good job capturing the emotion and putting it into words for all to see and understand.

sculpture breaks free of it's prison
poems and prose scream to get written.
imprisoned within us are ideas

These are my favorite lines, and they are the heart of the poem. Good job!

I wonder if separating a few lines would improve the presentation? Even though you don't have to separate by verse, it doesn't look too attractive all bunched up together. Presentation is important too.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Wren,
I found your story on "Invalid Item

This is a good read. It's written well and the story is clear and vivid. The personality of Mother came across clearly and realistically.

Her wonder at the end was shown well and brought a satisfying finish to an interesting piece.

Well written and enjoyable to read!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, luv2mumble

I'm roaming the halls of WDC looking for titles and Brief Descriptions that catch my eye, and I found this one.

It's written well, and it caught and held my attention at once. I'm from the era of feeling safe and enjoying hikes with no adults along. I wonder though if we really were safer? Television makes the danger real and brings it closer to home, where it didn't do that then. If it didn't happen close to home, we didn't hear about it.

the chance to talk everyone about

Your brief description has a missing word here. Typo.

but rather a plea to all out there. Do you not want your children and your children’s children growing up learning about the exciting world we have to offer them first hand?

We have destroyed that with the amount of fears that we are instilling in our future generations

You've made a plea, but what are you asking? It sounds (to me) as if you're asking parents not to frighten the children through warnings and such. What is the alternative since the danger is very real?I wish I had the answer.

This is a good write, it's interesting and the topic is important and very 'today' oriented. I enjoyed the read.

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Review of The Elevator Ride  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, starr4all

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a fun to read story, I liked it very much!

You've done a good job in such a short space. You managed to show both characters and their backgrounds clearly. Their personalities came out well. I laughed heartily at the ending - perfect!

Boy, does she have another thing coming!
You may have intended to write --think--, it sounds like it. A typo only.

Well done!

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