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Review of Ark's adventure  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Kettle

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a pretty good imaginative story. It has the elements of a good fiction and they are all in their proper place. *Smile* The plot, conflict and conclusion are all here. The descriptions show the setting clear enough for a quick story.

I wondered why he didn't take his mule with him, but I assume he didn't have time. I also wondered why he didn't leave right after receiving the sword, during the night. Perhaps the gates are locked at sundown? He just didn't show much common sense to me. lol

I found a couple of typos for you.

Imperial City many hourse ago ---hours---

It was most difficult getting pas the guards --past--

looked at eachother, and burst into tears
an eternity, hesaw the great towers that overlook
He looked around, seeing noone else that was about, and
he asked noone in particular

These words are all two separate words. --each other-- no one--etc;
The word --that--can be cut safely as it isn't needed for clarity and is extra.

After winding his way through the streets for what seemed to be an eternity,

Since the gate is only fifteen minutes away, I assume the feeling of eternity is caused by his fear of getting caught. I'm only guessing though, because no reason is given. If a few details of his trip to the gate were given, it would increase the feeling of anxiety and danger for the readers.

I think he got away too easily. He didn't have to fight at all. What was so special about the sword that he would risk his life for it?

It was interesting but not very exciting. He wasn't even nervous. Give him more emotion. In a couple of places, the emotion has brought it to life, but it needs more. It would make a good beginning to a longer piece. Is that in the plans?

and the air was silent except for the clapping of a horse’s hooves

Good description all through the story, but this one I can actually hear. Excellent!

Ark exclaimed, and immediately clambered out of his bed and threw on whatever clothes he could find

This shows him well. His hurry and tension are seen and felt. Good job!

Spaces to separate the lines of each speaker would improve the page presentation and be easier to read.

The rate reflects a good, first draft that's ready for editing.

I enjoyed the read. *Smile*


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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello again, Perdita

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is pretty creative, I like it. I'm sure you've captured some of the thoughts of the rest of us procrastinators. *Smile*

It's well written and perfectly clear. Not a bit of confusion anywhere. It was a fun and fast read.

and I cant type quickly enough to keep up. --missing apostrophy--

should go onto websites like friends reunited and bebo

I assume these are proper names? If so, they should be capitalized.

I enjoyed this read too. You're good and I look forward to reading your fiction.


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Review of Raven  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, AllWriteWell

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good as a fantasy piece. The fast-talking, gum-chewing raven is a sight to see, I liked it. *Delight* I think you could make him a regular and write more about him - he'd be fun.

I always wondered if we were the smartest creatures
I did not until I met a bird named Claven

These seem to go together, but are contradictory. --I did not--wonder? It isn't clear.

It's a good piece that needs a bit more finishing touches I think. I thought the reference to 'two feet' meant man, but by the end I see it may mean ravens. just a little confusion on my part.

A fun read though, good job!


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Review of Is it right?  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, author

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You're asking for an opinion that many have asked before, and it depends on what you want your work to be. A biography? Or are you only using the ideas to be able to write what you know? No one will want to recognize themself in a negative portrayal, it's human nature.

If you're only using events to fictionalize, most writers do that to some extent. Don't make anyone recognizable and call it fiction - it should be fine. Specific events are hard to hide from those who were there, and that might cause problems. Even in biographies. Since the names will be changed, it will be fiction. Use an event and fictionalize it from a different angle. If your friends would be upset to see themselves in writing, don't use them. It's up to you and the purpose of the writing. Go sit in the Mall and people watch. Write their descriptions down and use them. There are lots of characters out there.

Write the story that's inside you, and enjoy this wonderful place! We're glad you're here. *Delight*


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Review of Work In Progress  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello again, Andie

Welcome to Writing.Com!

The title of this one caught my interest and demanded to be read. *Delight*

Your thoughts are well written and I feel the determination in the well chosen words. The message is clear. There is no confusion at all.

To those of you you who don't know or like, that's okay

An extra word. The phrase has a word missing. --me--?

I enjoyed reading your work and look forward to your next item.

Well done!


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Review of Uncertainty  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, mulevariations

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like this piece It caught and held my attention well. You've made it an interesting piece to ponder. I think you've got it figured it. *Delight*

Uncertainty is working on a boat that's already out to sea, and it's staring at a train that's coming towards me

Good, clear images bring a poem to life. You've done that here.

I noticed only one typo,

it's a fire lit byt the cloak of

You've a good writing here, well done!
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Review of Review Me  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, arkk

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Your title and brief description caught my attention and pulled me in. I imagine it will any of your reviewers. Pretty tricky. *Smile*

It's a strong emotional piece and I can clearly feel the pain you feel. You've done a good job with it. The descriptions are excellent.

As a reviewer who tries very hard to do a good job, I can see both sides. I really can. Reviews hurt. Some reviewers stick to fluff because of this, and I don't blame them.

I noticed a few typos on this one, but I'm sure you'll find them when you read it again.

Your message is clear, you've written it well.


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, shairinit

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good! It reads smoothly with good rhythm. The imagery is vivid and the message is clear and understandable. I enjoyed the read.

I found several typos that got in the way though, I'll point them out and you fix if you want to or not. *Delight*

But since your beggining, I've been there
Spelling is --beginning--

you loose{/b track of me im usually hanging round.

Allthough some say im square

Charish me and i'll be your friend.

But i will be with you allways until your dien day.

This is well written. Once the editing is done,, it will be a fine write.

Enjoy the site!


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Review of Bumble Boy  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, radioshea

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review Thank you for asking me to read this one too. I appreciate the trust.

The sounds of chainsaws woke Jonathan Whitiker back up to his nightmare. He opened his eyes a few minutes later.

The first para is a bit confusing. I suggest beginning here. It's a stronger hook.

Jonathan knew if it was Bobby, his younger brother, in the hospital bed, his parents would have been there to visit him first thing in the morning. Maybe even insist on staying overnight with him.

This is good at showing some sort of family division. Perhaps hinting at the root of the plot.

on the other hand, didn’t even have to try. “A natural” his father always called him. On the other hand

I'm noticed the tendency to repeat words and phrases. Too close and too many are distracting to the reader. You don't want the words themselves to be noticed at all because if they are, that means the reader has left the story world and noticed the author. I suggest cutting the second.

“Watch him do it. It’s easy” were phrases Jonathan heard often from his father.

I think the reader can assume the phrases were said by the father, it's pretty clear. This could be cut to avoid extra wordiness. Tighter holds more tension.

The day the three of them were at the park tossing around the football.

This is an incomplete sentence.

He turned and watched the weapon spiraling towards him. It was not fun; it was something to survive

This is good showing of Jonny and his deep dislike of the game.

“Throw it to me dad,” Bobby said.

When used as a name, such as it is here, it's capitalized as a name. There are several of these with both dad and mom.

“Wow. That was a great catch Bobby,” his father yelled out. Bobby smiled. He

Sometimes, exclamation points really are needed to help show excitement.

Jonathan actually forgot for a moment why he was in the hospital. Maybe his mother enjoyed watching the problems of others in order to forget about her own.

Pretty deep thinking for an eleven-year old.

The hands no longer seemed scary to Jonathan as they gracefully assailed the keys.

These words seem to contradict each other.

--assail -- to attack violently with blows or words. It's hard to imagine this to be done gracefully.

That Auntie Jessica. Mom says she’ll be single forever and she can’t stand to see kids have any fun.”


but left it on for background noise as his thoughts began to drift…

Jonathan sat on the couch watching his father, whose large body suffocated the easy chair. Once a man made of muscle, now his skin hung from lack of any real exercise in ten years.

This transition of the timeline is confusing to me. I thought at first it went ahead in time because of the reference to the father's lack of exercise for ten years. He sounds old, yet isn't he taking the boys to the park for ball playing? Or is he just throwing and not moving much? *Smile*

I think clarity is needed to show it is the year earlier. I wasn't sure until I reached the piano and Jon's age was mentioned again.

Something had happened. And he certainly wouldn’t find out what it was digging for worms.

He waited a minute before making his advance. Then he followed his father’s path into the house.

These both sound like they could each be one complete sentence.

It seemed to Jon that anything that put a smile on his father’s face was sure to put on frown on his own.

A typo of --a--

Oh, mom. Jonathan closed his eyes and lost his last life on Mario Brothers

To Jonathan’s delight, his father’s first attempts at selling the piano were

Nothing.” He quickly turned his smile inwards and folded his hands across his chest in hopes of hiding the joy in his heart from his father’s gaze.

Afraid the smile might creep up his throat and back onto his lips, he turned into

These are some areas that could really pull the reader in if there was more showing of the emotion. There is pain and delight, worry. Use his body language to describe his feelings. Bring it to life with real showing of his emotions.

A switch, looking like that belonging to a light, was set in the top right corner behind the white cabinet door she had just opened. She flipped the switch up

I know why this is here now, after reading the story, but it's overexplaining. Readers know what the switch looks like and it isn't necessary to tell where it is located. It's enough to say she reached in and turned it on.

“Thanks, mom,” he said. He couldn’t believe it was that easy. He turned on his heels out of the kitchen and ran to his room.

I suggest cutting this bolded area. It's awkward and wordy.

Soft at first, then louder and louder until the vibrations rang through his bones. His fingers would ache, but they refused to

Good, intense emotion is showing through!

it would bring him such a sense of elation, when he played a simple song in its entirety for the first time.

I don't edit punctuation, but this comma causes a big bump. You don't want to slow down here.

The Beginning Pianist?” A queer look climbed across his face. He rifled through the pages. “You’d rather read

Try to describe what this looks like instead of just saying it.

Where did playing football ever get you, he thought, but dared not say it. Instead he just shrugged ]

Thoughts are usually placed in italics, and are easily recognized by the readers.

Jonathan continued to rub his chest for another minute. His eyes became streaked with red.

Why are they red? He isn't quite crying yet, and he doesn't cry long enough for them to become bloodshot.

He smoothed them out with his palm, stood up and carefully put the book back on his desk with the other two piano books he bought.

This is redundant and overtelling. This phrase isn't needed for clarity.

But he wouldn’t blubber like a toddler looking for attention. They came intimately: slow and quiet

Good. This shows his inner maturity and his heartbreak very well.

I am not an expert on punctuation, but I think you're using these colons too often and in places a comma would do better.

The width of his fingers was barely half the width of the white keys, but he stretched and bent them

Are his fingers really that small?

His fingers moved back and forth over the keys disguising any other noises in the room. Bobby was two feet away. He smiled at his prowess,

This word seems misused to me. It sounds as if Jon is covering other noises on purpose, when actually, he is only unaware of Bobby, isn't he?

Bobby closed his eyes and spewed the words as fast as he could, “Bumble Boy

He seems overly frightened of a quick slap to the backside. I don't think it would affect him this much. He appears to be pretty big for his age.

She walked over to the phone hanging on the wall while Jonathan opened the freezer.

She pressed the “on” button and held the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

This is step-by-step 'telling' and doesn't work too well. She could simply pick up the phone and say hello.

head, closed her eyes and rubbed her temple firmly. “What has Bobby gotten into now, Mrs. Benson?”

Unless music is required in the district, I can't imagine Bobby taking any kind of music lessons. If it is required, why isn't Jon taking them too? It's out of character for Bobby, and why did she automatically think it was Bobby's teacher? A little confusing.

“Well, Mrs. Whitiker, we’re studying some major composers right now.
bordered on giddy, “Well, this afternoon

Dialogue can usually get away with more because of dialect, but the two uses of this word so close really mar the read, for me. One would work fine.

I was wondering, Mrs. Whitiker, if you wouldn’t mind if I took Jonathan to meet someone with me?”

These are extra and wordy. If she takes him, the 'with me' is obvious and doesn't need to be spoken.

Tell her I want to do it! He pleaded to her with his eyes.

I suggest cutting the bolded words to tighten the line.

Confusion quickly blanketed his face. “What?” he said in nearly a whisper

--he whispered.--would say the same thing and be less wordy. The tension is so strong and palpable in this scene I want to cry. Extra words get in the way. --whispered--is wonderful to show what he is feeling here.

He began in an effort to be calm, but the anger was far stronger. It quickly filled in his lungs and soon

This line reads awkwardly. It could be tightened to read smoother. --filled 'in' his lungs--is one problem phrase.

“You know how much it means to me! And you let him sell it?” he spewed.

Cut these too. This is such an emotional scene, and he's finally showing his anger and hurt. Don't slow it down now! A good scene!

In this same area, the word --began--pops out at me. Try to cut some of them so they aren't noticable. There are about five in very few lines.

his mother and wrapped his arms just above her waist. In turn, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders

I suggest finding a different descriptive word for one of these uses.

An icy feeling of dread replaced the hot flow of anger in his veins; his father standing in the doorway. Jonathan broke the embrace with his mother.

This sounds awkward because the line isn't structured correctly. I think if you replaced the semi-colon with a period, and added --was-- here--His father was standing--it would say the same thing, but clearer.

“I told him about the piano.” His mother said.

Dialogue tags aren't always needed when it's clear who is speaking.

Nothing. Mind your own business,” Jonathan said as he stepped into his bedroom across from his brother’s.

This info isn't important and slows down the tension. The whole line could be cut easily because the house has been described and readers will know by the next few lines how their rooms relate to each others. Wordy and without story interest.

more evident when his father slammed the phone back on the wall after the call concluded.

An obvious statement that could be cut safely.

Together, Jonathan skipped recess and Mrs. Benson ate her lunch each day in the music room at the school in hopes of increasing his chances, although she

Did he have a different lunch schedule from the teacher? Just a nit-pick, but distracting to me.

--at the school--is an obvious statement and could be cut to avoid wordiness.

seemed to think he would be welcomed with open arms once they heard him play. She seemed to revel in what she called Jonathan’s “natural born talent.”

Repeating again. The second could be cut because to avoid passiveness. She actually did revel in this, didn't she? So --seemed--isn't the right word word anyway. She is as excited as he is.

He couldn’t play at the hour, of course, but he sat there, stretched his arms and

A typo of --that--

his fingers barely grazing them and imagined playing to a filled concert hall, which vibrated with the sounds he had created.

Wonderful description! --vibrated--is the perfect word here, I can feel and hear his excitement.

He would be a famous concert pianist. His father would have to be proud of him then.

He would be a famous concert pianist.
He would make sure of it.

I think you're trying to reinforce his feelings of hope and it's a good idea. I only suggest you change the words a bit on the second phrase to make them stronger.

“Jon,” Bobby said placing one of the army men on the spoon. “Hold up one of

This shocked me out of the story because I'd forgotten what they were doing. Jumping from one scene to another needs to be a bit smoother and natural. It didn't seem to be Jon's thoughts between the two scenes of the boys playing, so I thought it was another day.

He reached over into the drain, but wasn’t quite tall enough to reach all the way inside.

He opened the cabinet doors under the sink and stood up onto the shelf, which gave him three to four more inches of reach

This shows me his height is about three feet. His neck may touch the edge of the sink counter. I know it was mentioned he is small, but not this small.

“Got it?” Bobby said stepping up on the shelf. And as he stepped up, his belt caught the bottom

Bobby is taller than Jon, he shouldn't have to step on the shelf at all, in my mind. How did his belt catch the switch when it's recessed inside the cabinet around knee height? His body would be against the counter, not lower down. It would be more believable if a foot caught the switch, but honestly, I can't see either one of them as being that short.

From earlier content I suspected Bobby would do this on purpose, but I see he didn't.

He snapped his head down to the switch and slapped it down until the teeth of the mechanical monster slowed to a stop.

Did he hit it more than once?

A good story, but another sad ending that isn't too satisfying to this reader. *Smile*

When I saw the length of this I thought I would read it over a few days, but I was caught up in it and couldn't quit. It is interesting and it will be great when it's finished.

What was changed in these characters? Something needs to change by the end or the story isn't complete. Did the father learn anything, or Bobby? Jon is the same except he's back where he started, still unhappy. You might get away with no conclusion in a very short story, but a novel is different. It doesn't have to be happy, but there needs to be a change, a resolution of some kind.

I suggest you continue to work on the ending. I know it's not easy to revise but I hope the feedback helps some.

The rate only reflects a good story that isn't finished, it's going to be good. Since you want to submit it, I tried to be very thorough.

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Review of Blossoms Maligned  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, radioshea

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

This is a depressing read for first thing in the morning. *Smile* It's good though.

The tone is forboding, and it is consistent - even in the lighter areas. The reader feels the anticipation constantly. The finale ending was expected but the way it came was a complete surprise. The imagery is perfect and the fear and horror can be seen and felt well. It's believable.

so she refrained from torturing him like she did the others when she was younger.

Since this whole monologue here is 'when she was younger' you don't need these extra words of explanation. It is clear enough.

When she looked at him, his face was became veiled by a curious shade of red that she remembered it had turned when his bathing suit split down the back the previous summer at the lake.

The word --was--sounds off to me. Maybe --had-- would work, or no word at all.

This line is awkward to read and understand. It's too busy for smooth reading. I think it would sound better without the bolded line. It's a cute image but it doesn't do anything for the story. It doesn't add the bit of humor I think you're going for, because the tone of the narrator is still heavy and depressing.

It was the day before Christmas break: a Christmas they would never see.

This gives away the ending too early. I thought, 'well, I know how this will end, might as well quit reading now.'

“Don’t worry about it. Go ahead. Open it up,” he said as he zipped his backpack back up and threw it back over his shoulder.

This is wordy and obvious. The action isn't important to the story.

He put his backpack on the floor between his legs and took the box from her.

He messes with the backpack too much, I think. It's not an important object unless it saves their lives. It causes the piece to become wordy of unimportant details the reader really won't care about knowing.

He took the chain out of the box and balanced the box on top of his backpack

Can you reword the bolded phrase to get rid of the repeat of --box--?
An example of what I mean.--He removed the chain and set the (empty)? box on his backpack--

“We all wondered when you two were finally going to make it official,” she said without looking up.

I like this. It's their first interaction with someone else, and the dialogue helps show them as real people. The teacher is seen clearly and is the most real of all the characters.

“It’s Tim Bolan and Jeff Nash,” the boy said panick-stricken.


The final scene is wonderfully clear. The emotions are felt, I can hear the other students fear and movement. My heart sank as I realized what the ending meant, and I wished it went a little further to show a bit of hope, but it's realistic. We don't always get a happy ending. If this is included in the book of shorts I hope it's followed by a more happy tale - for the sake of the readers. *Delight*

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, AllWriteWell

Welcome to Writing.Com!

The message is too vague for me to understand. It sounds sad and lonely, but I don't know for who. I think with more clarity and specific hints, it would be a more understandable poem. The brief description says it's about love, but it dances around the topic and this reader isn't able to hone in on the main theme.

Sleeping well at night, too?
Who does that, it is a wierd thing
While you are waiting in the right wing

Spelling typo of --weird--

An example of what I'm trying to say. Why is sleeping well a weird thing?
What does --waiting in the right wing-- mean? What do you want the readers to know and feel?

To be in this low
It makes me feel like puke

This word sounds like it doesn't belong in a love poem. It's too crass in my opinion and pulls this readers attention away from love.

I believe if you used words and imagery that allowed readers to understand the message, it would be very good. If it's solely personal to you, don't change a thing. These are only one readers thoughts and opinion.


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hello, TStar-x
I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

Actually, I hate to offer feedback on so short a piece. I don't think it's ready yet. The plot isn't set, nor the characters. I suggest you leave it set to private until you get more of the story posted. Of course, it's always up to you.

There are several typos scattered through that can be found with a proofread.

The story will be interesting I think. Maybe the mixture they are fixing will do something super or odd to them, that's what it appears to be doing at the end of this chapter.

"Yep," a voice replied from underneath the table.

This line caught my attention. It's humurous, I don't know who it is though.

After he did this he realised that where the mixture had stained his labcoat, there was no longer any sign that anything had ben spilt.

A good introduction to the mystery, and a sure way to keep the readers reading. I suggest you complete more of the chapter before asking for reviews, at least to the point of finding out what the startling discovery is. Give the readers something to grab their interest right away.

I will check back when more is added if you like. The idea/theme is good and it's popular. I would like to see where you take it.

Keep writing.

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Review of White Flowers  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, gmcferon

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review Please tear it up I want it perfect, your help will be much appreciated

The opening descriptions of the setting are well done, and I could see it clearly. I soon forgot it though.

I was sitting on my deck chatting with a friend.
It was an early spring evening. The wind was blowing in from the bay.

These sentences are short and blocky, coming one after the other as they do. If you read them alone, you'll see what I mean I hope. Combining two would give it a better rhythm. As they are the opening lines, their importance is to grab the readers and these don't.

She asked me, “How did it happen”?

I would like to know what she is asking about here. What does she mean by --IT--?

Where is she now?, asked Chrissy. As soon as she asked she new it was the wrong question.

A typo of --knew--

I wonder how long they've been friends, and why she didn't know the answer to this question. This adds to the confusion of the first question she asked, above --How did it happen”? -- it sounds like she's asking of the death.

Obeying the signal of her white flowers I turned in another small side street and followed her

It isn't clear what this means. What signal? I assume he is keeping his eyes on the flowers through the crowd of people, but it isn't clear.

I like roses and carnation but especially roses.
“I love roses” she said,
I immediately regretted saying it, with a guilty little smile she tossed them into the gutter

Why did she have a guilty smile?

I am sure the people in our apartment building knew but they never knew her name

Perhaps the town wasn't as small as the readers are led to believe? Especially if secrets are hard to keep there. It's hard to believe that no one knew who she was.

She explained that she was her best friend and to let me know if anything ever happened to her.

This line isn't clear. The bolded area is the problem. --She asked her to let him know...?

People usually don't expect anything bad to happen to them, especially when they're in love. This sounds mysterious. I think you're trying to show how he learned of the death, but this causes more questions. Perhaps he could have read about it in the paper?

didn’t get out of my apartment for more than food a drink for over month

A typo

By the way, my garden is full of those beautiful white flowers.

Is this said to Chrissy or to the readers? Wouldn't Chrissy know this already? Hasn't she seen them? The line could say, --I learned to love the white flowers--or something.

We drank a glass of wine in silence contemplating the love the strange emotions and the loss.

It isn't clear if this includes Chrissy or the lover. Is he back in the present now?

The bolded phrase is awkward and could do with a little revision.

I understand this is a narrated 'told' story, and it's done well as far as the facts go. It isn't exciting though, it doesn't come alive at any point. It has no emotion to pull the readers sympathy one way or another. Reader's don't get to know the lover at all so her death means nothing. We can't follow this male character of no name through his agonies or his recovery.

We don't have any idea how long they were lovers, was it days or years? There is no mention of them considering marriage. With such a great love I would think it would be on their mind at some point, even if it was impossible. The love doesn't feel special to this reader. (I'm sorry)

It's not easy to show emotion with a narrated story. You might consider a story of real time with the lover to show the personalities of each; it would allow the emotion to bring it to life. They would have names. You would have to 'show' instead of 'tell'. Beginning and ending with narration as you have it now would still work.

The theme of lost love is good, but you need to bring the readers to tears or they won't care. *Smile*

Also, the main character should go through some sort of change, this one didn't do that. I don't know what he learned about knowing and losing love.

I hope the feedback is useful and I sincerely hope it's what you wanted when you made your request. It's all only the opinion of one reader who wants to help.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Loti

I found your story in the Action/Adventure newsletter and the brief description caught my attention. It did what it was supposed to do. *Delight*

I liked the theme a lot, in fact I wrote one with a similar theme, different plot topic a few years ago. These are fun to do.

The tone is consistent and it fits the age of the audience well, I think. The characters were realistic in their dialog and actions. It reads fast and easy with no confusion or bumps. You've done a good job with it and it held my interest. It was simplistic, but again, it fits the audience. It's a good story. I read all three chapters because after the first, I had to find out how they solved their predicament. *Delight*

Well done!

"Invalid Item

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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, xdeadgirl

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've a good beginning. It catches the attention of the reader well.
Lyllia is being introduced very well, and she is so realistic I can see her clearly. Good work there!

I like the reference to Dill, even though he may not be a player. You're right to show him. It shows the thoughts and personalities of the others - especially Lyllia. She isn't entirely bad. *Delight*

A couple of things I noticed.

The biggest hindrance to enjoying the story is the presentation of the page. I almost backed away from reading it but decided if you're not aware, it isn't fair to you. So,

The font color is a bad choice. I suggest sticking to black. I had to really strain my eyes to read this, and along with the lack of spaces it was very difficult, and not enjoyable at all. I couldn't put all my attention on your writing because I wanted to hurry and finish. Hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave spaces for the readers.

"Just one thing. Let me bite your neck. Don't ask why unless you plan on becoming entirely involved in a culture so different from your own,"

"I'm a vampire," she said. "I suck your blood, you become one too.

This is contradictory to me. The first phrase sounds like if she doesn't ask questions, she won't become involved. The second phrase says she has no choice. A little more detail clarity would help.

And vampires aren't supposed to die! How f***ing embarrassing that would be, right?

I like this little bit of humor. It's serious, but light.

I just wanted out of this mediocre life that was mine; the life of a drug addict.

Maybe she isn't able to reason clearly, but she is adding another addiction, not being released from one. She wasn't promised freedom from drugs.

The writing is good and the descriptions are showing the scene well. It's too short to comment on plot or possible resolutions.

Good draft!


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Someone Who Isnt You

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a good mixture of poetry and prose, it works well. The message is clear and realistic.

I noticed a few things for you to agree or not to agree with. They are only my observations as I read.

You ask within, you wish to talk,

This phrase causes the line to sound awkward to me. I had to stop and figure out what it meant which interrupted the read. Since you are combining prose, it gives you room to finish the thought. --to come inside--?

And now I’ve seen, I felt the difference when you not alone,

Typo of --you're--

The message is one many can relate to and you told it well.


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, black quilt

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a pretty good piece. The imagery is very good and allows the reader to see it. The message isn't as clear to me.

transitions are made to cope up
but still found buried under ground

I don't understand what this line is trying to show.

are made to cope up

This word is a bump in my understanding.

being lonely is all that is fell

Is this a typo of --felt--?

a life with light and not darkeness

Spelling is --darkness--

just silence which makes the eardrum go round

I like this line a lot. I've not seen it before and it's very creative, imaginative.

It's possible I'm not seeing the words in the way you intended them.

I hope you're enjoying the site and I know you will receive more helpful feedback than I can offer. I'm not a writer of poetry, only a reader of it. I can only comment on my impressions as a whole.

Write on!

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Member of the Noticing Newbies Committee
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Review of For Worse  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, alanaluv

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

You've done a good job with this short scene. The emotion is the strongest area and this reader can feel it well. The setting is clear, especially the part on the steps and at the car. Very well done.

She put the glass down and looked into the liquid quivering. This is what his eyes should look like.

It isn't clear if the water is quivering, or herself. Switching the words around would clear it. --the quivering liquid--


This is used only four times, but in a piece this short it began to be noticed and distractive.

The ending is good and shows her intentions for their future. Vengence is a strong instigator and makes good fiction fodder because it is realistic. Most readers can relate to vengeance. *Smile*

Hit the enter key at the beginning of each paragraph to leave a space. Indents are good are paper, but not enough for comfortable on-line reading.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, loudermilk

I found your item on the public review page.

I enjoyed reading this piece, the message is clear and inspiring to me.
I like the style, it's easy to read and understand and the imagery brings the movement of life to the story.

I believe many will be able to relate to the frustrations, I can. I need to find my own 'quiet place'.

I noticed no technical issues at all. This theme would fit in well with any inspirational magazines I think.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Joshua

I found your item on the public review page.

This is a very encouraging piece. All writers need to know that there are others that feel as they do. We all need encouragement.

have the courage to post their work for everybody to see, and they have the ability to take criticism in all forms. That right there, is something many people CANNOT do, and I admire everybody here for being able to do it.

This is so true, it's scary for many new writers to post their work and it does take courage.

You've done a good job with this write and the message is clear and easy to understand. It reads easy with no confusion.

Encouragers are important and I think you've found your niche. *Smile*

Well done!

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Review of Alanna Ember  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Nautica Mourey

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a beautiful tribute to your child. It's written clearly so the readers can see the scene well and feel her wonder.

Nothing caused a bump for this reader so it was an enjoyable read for me. I imagined my own daughter. *Smile*


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Review of Different  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Galavaria

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I agree with these words, you said it well. I enjoyed reading this piece and think it should be submitted to a school paper or newsletter. It's inspiring and encouraging.

But others don’t
They look up to you
For the courage
To be different

Good lines, but hard for some to believe. *Delight*

It's written very well, though it doesn't sound like a poem to my ears. It's a fine piece of prose though, well done!


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Review of Baby  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, metal_girl

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've done a good job of describing a love for a child. The words are well chosen and the emotion is real, it can be felt.

I enjoyed reading this partly because I can relate to the feeling. *Smile*
I can close my eyes and still smell that baby smell, it's so sweet.

I hope you remember to keep this one for your child.
Well done!


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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hello, Von

Welcome to Writing.Com!

The beginning is interesting. The character is shown as a man who travels on his job. The reader sees a normal business man.

The chapter is too short to comment on plot or characters.

Smith stepped onto his plane and found his seat.

I think changing this to --the--would avoid the repeats of the word - his-- and avoid a slight distraction this reader felt with the thought of --his plane-?.

He had flown first class before on a job

This phrase isn't needed for clarity and is extra info readers won't need. Keep it tight and you'll have less trimming to do during revision time. Avoid wordiness and you'll avoid a boring read.

Sure, the food in first class was better

This phrase could be cut too, for the same reason, plus --first class--is used quite a bit.

Sitting in his seat, Smith felt a little excited about this particular assignment

The first phrase is unneeded because it's obvious. Readers know this already. Trim it out. Was he only ' a little' excited or was he excited? If he was truly only a little, this is fine. But, at the end he sounds more than a little excited to be going. Be very clear with his emotions so the reader will be clear with what they see and feel.

but never had he had the opportunity to visit Hawaii before. So when fate had dropped this opportunity in his lap

I suggest finding an alternate word for one of these to avoid repeating so closely.

Notice how many times the word --had--is used and try to cut some of those too. They began to be noticeable to me and distracted from the story.

was a hitman's dream job...with the sun, the sand, the palm trees and the beautiful island girls, Smith was sure that Hawaii was as close to Heaven as he would see in this lifetime

This is good. It shows me this man has normal, basic hopes and dreams just like everyone else. His job is only a job. *Smile* I'll have to read the next chapter to see if I'm right.

I like the theme, I think. He seems to be a good, bad guy, but there isn't enough to be sure.

Hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space between them. The page will look more professional and it will be easier to read on a bright monitor.

Be aware of wordiness and don't tell the reader anything he should already know by a previous line. This is coming along fine. I look forward to reading about his stay in Hawaii.


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Review of Homeless  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Brandy

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've some good imagery in this poem, strong emotion too. You've done a good job with it.

The cold long dark nights
with the bitter cold

I read the lines without the bolded word and it sounded smoother to me. What do you think? I'm not a poet, only a reader, so any suggestions I make are from a readers point of view.

I can see the scene clearly and you've managed to pull this readers sympathies to this homeless person. It's realistic - believable.

Well done!


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