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Review of Close Call  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, C.S. Harmon

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is interesting and it caught and held my attention. The character is being developed realistically, I like the way he reacted and his answer.

The scene is clear and the danger and excitement will hold the reader tight. I would read this one I think. A good beginning.

Will your editor fix the paras for you?

You're a good writer with talent.


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Review of Blue M&M  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, ellis

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

The opening is good. It immediately set the suspenseful tone that carried throughout. The reader was on the edge of almost knowing, but not quite sure. Good work!

Little hints were dropped all along to keep the reader hooked.

He couldn’t image what they might want. The funeral director had given him all of Kathy’s belongings – everything she was wearing

--imagine--would sound better, I think.

He looked across the table at Veronica. She suddenly seemed older than seven, sitting with her legs crossed picking at her peas. The hazy light leaking into the dining room from the setting sun brushed her jet black hair giving it a purple tinge. The way the diffused light hit the dark hair set against her snow white skin and a constellation of light freckles perfectly placed on her cheeks just under her shiny dark eyes made her seem somber and delicate and … older. But she still had the look of clean porcelain doll innocence. Just like her mother at one time.

This is a lot of description to read through and to be honest, by the time I finished the paragraph, I forgot what or who it was describing. Read the line without using the bolded words and see if it can be tightened to say just enough without so many words.

The thought put a smirk on his face as he gulped down the last of the coffee he had poured for himself before the morning got crazy.

I liked this and I smiled. I hoped I was right. Good tension building!

You're a good writer. The main character is seen and understood well. He succeeded in pulling in the readers sympathy for awhile, but soon the reader began to be suspicious. Then the unbelievable horror began in my mind. Good mystery writing.

It reads easy with no confusion or straying from the topic. It held my attention and I would read more. Well done!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Hypr Child

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Yes, it is good. It is suspensful and frightening. You've shown those two elements very clearly. I was with her on the street and felt what she felt. You've done a good job of describing. I've made some notes as I read and I hope they are helpful to you in continuing this. Relax, they're not difficult. You're almost there. *Delight*

the footsteps seemed to be getting closer. She was getting a little skittish,

Only a little skittish? Unbelievable. She'd be scared numb, I think. I would take this line out completely because it is 'telling' the reader and it's telling them she isn't too scared yet. You want the reader to be just as scared as she is. Don't lessen the fear.

Catching her breath on her bed she heard the fire escape clank. It was as if someone was climbing it Alex didn’t think anything of it. Teenagers played on it all the time at night.

I suggest cutting the first bolded phrase because it isn't needed. It only matters that she is inside - safe. The longer bolded phrase isn't believable in this situation, to me. I think she would still be scared and would jump at any sound. I think her eyes would grow round and she wouldn't take them away from that window. Teenagers wouldn't be on my mind.

The figure made a bad attempt at hiding but Alex saw him. He dove behind the garbage can but did it too late.

I wondered why he went to all the trouble of hiding. Why didn't he get her on the street and drag her into the alley? Hiding doesn't fit the scenario for me. I know he isn't scared of her.

Stepping off the curb, she looked into the alleyway.

This stumps me visually. It can be fixed by removed the curb reference though. Did she step off the curb to the street so to be as far as possible from the alley? I thought she was already walking on the street. She must have been on the sidewalk. It isn't clear enough to see well.

Occasionally, a car passed by, but none of them waved.

Do they normally wave at strangers late at night? Not in my town. This distracted me from the story as I stopped to think about it. Not a good idea to distract a reader too often.

Her heart was beating, her ribs were aching, and she was running out of breath

This is very good description of her fear. It shows her desperation realistically. The problem here is with the word --beating--. Of course her heart is beating so that doesn't describe much. Look for a synonym for fear. her heart was -pumping--pounding--throbbing--

ran into the building so fast, she forgot to close it.

This is good. It caused me think, uh oh. He'll get in.

“Look you judge it by its cover,The officer said, and then walked out of the room.

Why didn't the officer go on and explain? It feels unfinished since he walked out and the story ended. Didn't they see the broken window? By him saying the title words, I expected him to finish the thought and explain, but he didn't. The readers know the truth, but it does them no good.

I don't see the point of her having to die. Why did we spend so much time with her? There are no winners in this story and we need a winner, or at least justice. This ending annoyed me.

It's good exercize to write these short scenes and practice different elements of writing. I like reading them. I hope this feedback helps, I look forward to reading more of your work. Yes, it is good.


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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The playground  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Salad

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This caught and held my attention from the beginning. Good work! It is intense and the tone is consistently solemn. It made the reader not want to look away for an instant in fear of missing something.

I could hear the ice crackle as I walked across the yard.
The description of the child is beautiful. It's real, and it can be seen clearly. I think you've been taking notes of things you see during your walks. *Delight*

The emotion is gentle and impersonal as it shows the man. I like the dignity shown him in his indignity. I like the lack of self-righteous judgement. It pulled me in to feel sympathy and sorrow for him, pity for his family. He is real.

You've a talent and I truly look forward to reading more of your work.

I have one request only. Go into edit and hit the enter key at the end of each paragraph to leave a space. It will make your page professional looking and cleaner. It will be easier on your readers eyes.

I noticed no typos or other issues to interfere with the reading or understanding. It is quite good and I enjoyed it.


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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Zynthetix

I found your request for serious feedback on "Please Review

There isn't enough information for a thorough understanding of where the plot is going, so I'll just comment on what is here. I do look forward to reading more though, when it is ready. I like the genre a lot.

It was a cool evening in October. The sun was setting and the sky was tinged a dark orangish color.

For a first line it doesn't grab my attention and make me want to read more. Also, nothing more is said about what happened on this cool evening. Something evidently did but it goes on only to describe the house and family.

1420 Netherbridge Lane. Ada was 17 years of age and had already graduated from high school.

Her home, 1420 Netherbridge Lane, was not quite your average home, for it had a history of being haunted or so legends in the town had said. It was an old Victorian style home with an arched ceiling, a beautiful balcony, and had ivy plants covering the outside of the house.

The address isn't needed twice, probably not even once unless it ties in later. I do like the name of the street.

an old Victorian style home with a history of being haunted or so legends in the town had said. stood at ....(the street)

Something showing the old haunted house would make a good first line and opening. Then show that Ava has a special bond with it. The house is going to be a main character, right? Along with Ava?

The inside of her house was fairly average yet beautiful.

Each reader will have a different idea of what 'average' is. I suggest you probably won't need this line. Not yet, anyway.

Oftentimes arguements would erupt from the lower floor of the home and Ada would go to the attic to get some peace.

erupt from 'someone' on the lower floor? not the floor.

Then, she escorted the rest of Ada's family- her father and two siblings,

The name here is awkward since it is step-mom's family too. Why not just say --the family--or --their family--?

mentioned the door or the attic again, fear of ridicule.

This isn't complete. Inserting the word --for fear--of ridicule-- would fix it.

She would go up there to escape her family members and get moments of peace in her hectic household.

Oftentimes arguements would erupt from the lower floor of the home and Ada would go to the attic to get some peace.

These two lines are redundant. You don't need to say it twice. I suggest cutting/rewriting one.

Children love scary stories, and you have raised my curiosity about the room too. I would like to see where you take this so I'll watch for the second installment.

The rate only reflects a rough draft with work needed.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Rosamund Hawkins

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Wowie! What a talent you are! This is good. It reads wonderfully and the story holds my attention tight. The emotion and the imagery are perfect and bring this to life. I can hear the grief in the brother's call. If you aren't published yet, you will be with persistence. Keep at it, and enjoy the site. *Delight*


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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Samantha

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review You said, This is a finished short story.

I don't agree it's finished. Your Brief Description;
Brenna Halloran knows evil. What she doesn't know is what's to come.

hasn't been addressed at all. It's the hook that causes the readers to open the book and read. You haven't fulfilled the promise made here.

"Are you all right?" she asked from a distance.
"Hello? Are you all right? ", she repeated when there was no answer. Still no response.

There isn't a need to explain why she asked again. The next line does that well. This only causes overtelling and wordiness. It slows the reading down and takes away the tension you're trying to build. The bolded could be cut.

There were people out there who didn’t much like her. And regardless of that there were people in the area that would stoop to something this low just to score some extra cash.

The word --regardless--doesn't make sense here. It doesn't fit. scoring extra cash doesn't have anything to do with liking her, see? These are two separate statements that can't be connected.

and he was dressed much better than anyone she’d ever come across.
She’d never seen anyone with hair so dark, except herself of course. She thought she could make out a tan on his skin. It was hard to see exactly what he looked like because it was dark and the only streetlight within a hundred feet was the one that always flashed on and off

His hair was short and she could see that it was dark,

I'm always amazed at how well characters can be described when only seen in the dark, from a distance. Unbelievable.

as though the bulb in it couldn't decide whether or not tonight was the night it was going to burn out.

This is extra wordiness. The bulb decides nothing, and the reference to --on and off--above, says the same thing clear enough.

He didn't look dangerous but then looks could be deceiving.

Redundant. It's been said once.

He didn't look like he needed the money,

I suggest cutting --the--.

He hadn't answered her that final time either and she knew she had to do something. She had only two options.

Overexplaining. This could be cut for a tighter, more intense visual image. Readers will know he hasn't answered.

Cautiously she reached for his wrist to check his pulse. He was alive, but still unresponsive.

She felt his pulse, weak, but there.
but careful not to touch him, she tried to see if he was breathing or not.
Bending closer she pressed her ear to his chest. Yes, his heart had a steady beat.

Each of these lines alone are good and descriptive, but you only need one. She doesn't need to take his pulse once to see if he's alive, and again to see if it's weak. If he has a pulse you can be pretty sure his heart is beating and he's breathing. I suggest using a few key descriptions and cutting most of this.

Since she didn't want to touch him, why did she lay her head against his chest after taking his pulse? It's inconsistent with her professed fear.

She had been walking when she had seen him lying there, alone and hurt. There was no way she could carry him the ten miles to the hospital.

True she worked out but he had to weigh a good amount more than she did and though she could probably lift him there was no way she could carry him all that distance.

I found all of this to be extra words and cut into the tenseness of the scene. This info is not needed, IMO.

" Please, " He sat up quickly, too quickly, the pain shot through his head and he fell back groaning with the pain. " Please, " he tried again
A good descriptive line. I can see this and feel it, too, because I've been in this pain. Well done!

the way she was standing the light from the street lamp made her glow. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He took a moment to take her in. Her long black hair flowed behind her, blowing in the wind. Her eyes were an emerald green,

Was the light behind her to make her glow? Or in front to show her eyes and face?

She walked over to him, "Can you stand? " she asked " I'm not sure " he replied. " Willing to try? " she asked.

Separate each speaker's dialogue with a line. This is crowded and difficult.

" She said. " Your bleeding and you're as pale as . . ." She

--Spelling/typo for --you're--

He didn't know why he had given her his real name, he had intended to, he didn't want her caught up in the mess he was in.

Typo for --hadn't--?

She tried desperately to think of a place she could bring him. Her apartment was only
blocks away but did she really want to bring him there?

Grammar issue. She can't -bring--him to a place she isn't. She can only --take--him.

or would that be pushing it? He seemed nice enough, if only a bit odd.

He doesn't seem -odd- to this reader. He is acting realistic for an injured, frightened man. Isn't he? Clarity on --odd-- if you need to use it.

Now she just needed to find out what had happened. As they walked she tried to think of the best way to bring it up.
she couldn't help wondering what it is he was about to say. I'm such an idiot, she thought. Why did I cut him off? Silently cursing herself

She is way too curious too quickly. I see her as having 'street smarts', so why does she have such a pressing 'need' to find out what happened? We were told the neighborhood was dangerous. She might assume a robber hit him at this point. His not wanting her to call police or the hospital might make her more suspicious of him if she's an honest citizen, and more wary. If she isn't, she would immediately understand. IMO. I immediately thought the police were probably the culprits.

she helped him up the stairs and into the building. The walk to the apartment had been easy compared to climbing the stairs. He didn't have the energy to take them all at once so they had

I have to assume the first --stairs--are actually the outside 'steps' up to the door. Is that correct? Changing the word would avoid confusion of the next line referencing 'stairs'.

It took them 10 minutes to climb the one flight of stairs.

This could be cut safely to help cut down on wordiness. It doesn't matter how long it took, we're told it was a difficult climb.

He was just a boy after all.

I thought he was a grown man. Now, I have to rethink him.

both used and blank. He took it all in at once, it wasn't very big and it was slightly cluttered but all in all it spoke volumes about her personality.

This isn't credible to me. He is worn out from the walk and the climb up the stairs. He is about to pass out again, and he notices all of this at once? He must not be as injured as I thought.

You've built up good tight tension in places, only to lose it with these extra words to be read. Keep it tight and on topic. Readers won't give a hoot about her apartment at this point, they want to know about these characters safety.

In the light of her apartment she was able to get a good look at him. She had been right about his height. He was a good 6 inches taller than she. He couldn't have weighed more than 170, he was tall and all muscle if the quick glance at his arms and shoulders was accurate. She had been right about his hair, it was a dark brown and her first look and impression of his eyes had been correct, they were the palest blue she had ever seen. She could drown in his eyes.

This whole para is redundant. It has all been said at least once and could be cut easily. How can she be so head-over-heels about him already? She isn't as street-smart as I thought.

she searched the cabinets and drawers but all she could find was a small, torn dish towel. It'd have to do.

This sounds like she is searching an unknown area. This is her kitchen, she knows exactly what she has available and where it is. This could be cut down to --she grabbed a dish towel and bowl of water--

She asked herself. Should I call 911? He said not too but . . . he needs helpཀ

A typo of --to--

she didn't believe Brenna but there was no way to for her to know if she was being truthful or not.

The --to--is a typo.

We have to go. " he managed finally. "Go? But, we can't. You're hurt and the hospital certainly won't let you leave. " she said. She didn't

Dialogue on separate lines.

Then it hit him, or rather she hit him. The nurse who had brought Brenna in to see him had come up behind them and hit him over the head.

This is awkward to read and understand. I suggest cutting it and giving the description to Brenna to show (below).

Where had she come from.

This line could be cut. The next says where she came from. Behind.

The nurse who had shown her to Riley's room had come up on them suddenly from behind and had bashed Riley in the head, knocking him to the ground. Brenna tried to help him but the nurse turned her attention to her. There was no way out, she was backed into a corner and had no option but to fight back.
Doing so would reveal things to Riley that she didn't want him knowing, but she had no other choice. The nurse never saw what hit her, one moment she was standing over Brenna ready to beat her to the ground,

You need to show her in action, and give her emotion. I see or feel no surprise. hear no exclamations. What is meant by the nurse 'standing over her'? We know Brenna is taller than the nurse but I didn't see her knock Brenna down.

This is a good scene to bring to life. It's exciting and dangerous. Let the readers see everything and feel everything. It's a climax to this chapter so make it visual.

He didn't believe his eyes. One moment Brenna was backed into a corner,
floor. " Where did you...ཁ" he began, but she
There'll be time for explanations later. "
The made their way to the door encountering more people on the way.

I agree with the line in blue. I don't agree with any questions or explanations here. Again, they only delute the intense action and emotions the reader should be experiencing here. The excitement will slide away quickly (with the readers) if you're not careful.

He is not going to care where she learned it, but he will care about getting his rear out of there safely. I suggest stopping the sidebar curiosity and sticking with the scene at hand.

A typo of --They--

was supposed to get involved. I'm sorry, I've ruined your life. "

I don't like this at all. It sounds juvenile to me, self-pity. And --ruining her life--is over-the-top melodramatic.

"Let's go. "she said. " We've got a long walk ahead of us and we haven't even started yet. "

So, is he walking this walk in a split up the back hospital gown?

Why aren't the authorities outside searching for them?
Why didn't she want him to know she could fight?
Where are they located where they are the only dark-haired people?
What is the time era where eye color other than brown, is so rare?

It isn't finished yet, but it's a good beginning. More chapters would give you time enough to answer all these questions if you wanted to.

My review and rate is reflecting a completed story.

It's good and I enjoyed reading it. The comments are made in helping you see where you could consider cutting and tightening to make it more intense. I hope it helps.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Finny

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like this theme very much, and enjoyed reading it. I think we all can relate and understand the idea of traveling through reading. That's how we all arrived here in this wonderful place, I think. *Delight*

This is written well, but I pointed out some important stuff for you to remember. It all counts if you're going to be a writer. Don't think it's boring.

i'm sitting in my room one day

The first word of a sentence always starts with a capital. --I'm--

How will we get there?" soeone had asked.

This is only a typo error. You will learn to find these yourself when you read your work over carefully. --someone--

the books i've read.
What in the world was i moping about?

The --I--is always capitalized when used as a separate word. The only time it is left small is when it is inside another word, like --sitting--. You've used it correctly there.

faught side by side with the greatest warriers

Spelling errors. --fought-- and --warriors--

i open another book, feel the London air on my face and next the ocean spray down below. Now, i'm on my way to Neverland...

Good description! I can feel the cold spray myself.

I hope to read more of your work and watch you practice. You've a good imagination and are going to write some great stories I think.


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Leah Rose

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Good job on this one! You've caused me to do a complete turn-a-round here. I had several comments to mention, but by the time I finished the piece I'd tossed them out. I will point them out in case you wondered.

It's a sequel to this first project I had...

Your brief description doesn't say anything about what to expect. I haven't seen the first project, so that didn't help me at all. -- I decided it caused just enough curiosity that I wanted to read it.

Putting each sentence on its own line is weird looking. *Delight* My brain wanted to say 'choppy.' But, they're not. Leaving them as they are draws attention to each one, and they are good. It's not normal formatting and I hope you don't carry it along when you write a story, but it works in this piece.

There is no boredom to be found anywhere, each thought is complete and shows clearly. I especially enjoyed meeting your Grandmother.

I like the voice I hear too, it's friendly and full of fun and energy. There is a real person behind the words.

Separating by paragraph with space is needed though. It would improve the appearance of the page and make it easier to read. As it is, it looks cramped.

A hyper child is not just cute looking, they are EVIL.

I almost forgot to mention this little scene; it made me laugh with the image you gave. That's funny!

I like the style and you've a natural talent. I know you will keep practicing to make it stronger.

I just didn’t have ideas. I still sort of don’t, I’m just going to put down whatever happens.

If this is true, you've discovered the trick of interesting writing. Write as it comes to you. Well done - I enjoyed reading it!


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, rtonam

I found your port on "Please Review

You write our thoughts and feelings very well. This piece touched my heart as I read your well chosen words.

Viet Nam made us what we are, and tries to take it away.

This says everything and explains it clearly. It reminded me of my brother who still fights to stay sane. So far, he's ahead. As you are. I've enjoyed reading your work. It's real and the tone and emotions take your reader along to show them what you're seeing.

The writing is good and should be published. I encourage you to search out publishers.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, dimondj2

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

Keeping it open or closing is always up to you. I didn't know it was available until I found it on the Review page. I like it, it should render some great discussions. What you have posted was interesting and prompted me to add to it. I rarely do that.
I'm not a care giver, but I have cared for family members and I understand why they become so frustrated and appear obstinate.

I think this could be a useful item to keep in your port as long as you have room. I intend to put it into my favorites and visit now and then.

Good idea, and it looks good, too!

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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Unratable.)
Hi, Teff

I noticed the dates on these and knew I had to read them. They were very good. When I saw they'd been written during college days and Soul Cafes, I expected fanatical liberalism. *Delight* There was just enough to keep them real, I liked them very much.


I liked them all, but if I had to point out some, these would be those. Did I say that right? The first made me laugh and the last made me remember my grief. The descriptive words brought all of them to life. I'm not surprised some are published. They're good.

Have you ever checked out the Lulu web site? I really think you should publish these in one collection.

I enjoyed them very much,

Well done!

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Review of Draw Me a Map  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello, Zap Hazardous

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Very well done! The emotion is so good, I can feel it through the words. I feel the anger and frustration of John, especially. It's realistic and believable. So is the argument. *Smile*

I told with glares. I told you with silence.

Realistic, I can relate to this argument well. *Delight*

just suppossed to know?" What am I? --Spelling is --supposed--
YOU SAID NOTHING!" "And now your telling

This should be --you're-- for -you are--telling me.

"Don't try to put this on me, this is you're fault

This is --your--, not --you are-fault-

You told you're friends everything, but not --your--

Game over, you loose John, --lose--

While you're in Edit fixing these things (if you choose to) take the time to hit the enter key after each speaker's lines. The spaces make it easier to read and it's easier on the eyes. The page will look neater too.

There are punctuation issues, but I don't point those out. I make the same mistakes. *Smile*

I enjoyed the read. Well done!


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Review of Visiting  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Lise

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good. It's quiet, solemn tone fits the theme and the reading is easy. It moves along smoothly - no bumps or confusion. I truly enjoyed the read.

The descriptions are excellent in showing the setting and, although the characters are not described at all - I can see both of them in my mind's eye. You've a talent for telling stories.

The opening lines of action caught my attention well. The emotion cast a haze of depression that the reader could feel. It was realistic and well done. The actions of Marie could be seen vividly.

The woman she took to be a nurse, this one’s name was Mabel, told Sally

“I’d like to take her out, if that’s okay,” Sally said to Ruth.

The names were mixed. Ruth should be Mable.

Sally was wildly cast around for something to say when the teenage employee

Should be --casting-- if you use -was-
But I suggest you cut --was--and keep -cast-

She knew that Marie rarely left the hospital, refusing to join the other patients on outings. Marie, however, seemed perfectly at home in the store.

This sounds a bit awkward to me. I think if you cut her name here, it would clear it up. It almost sounds as if there are two Marie's the way this is structured.

While you are in Edit fixing these things, take the time to hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave spaces between them. The format will improve the look of the page and it will be easier to read on the monitor. Spaces help relieve eye strain. *Smile*

You are good, and you will get better with practice. This made me feel sadness, and it was strong. Well done!


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Review of Not just poetry  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, Anthia

Welcome to Writing.Com!

The emotion is strong and can be felt well by the reader. The pain is clearly shown, the basic theme is good and can be understood. There are a few places where missing words mar the clarity for me. This is only my readers opinion.

But what was not,
You tried not stop the tears,

Difficult to understand. My mind wants to read, --you tried not to stop the tears-- but that isn't right either.--didn't try to stop--? I don't know exactly what it want's me to see.

And fin’ly except the unfound truth,

Did you mean --accept--?

The past is where it should be,
One more time,
For he stepped
And finally it bled,

What bled? He stepped where? What should the reader see here?

The piece is good and the reader is pulled in with sympathy. I believe it only needs a little more attention paid to the technical issues.


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Review of Sklid is a Crab  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Dillon Walsh

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You're calling this a poem/song and I hear it as a story/poem. I think it depends on the rhythm each reader hears. I liked it a lot, it's funny and easy to read. Kids will have to enjoy it!

I don't know if I can, but I'll try to show you how I hear it.

when I'm old and gray?
And Sklid said
a pause
I will love you anyway

Sklid and Josephine
Went on their honeymoon
They rented an apartment with only one room
They painted it purple
a pause
They started a daycare.

left their children there
To play and be happy
a pause

and that they were

And Josephine got a job cutting people's hair
a pause
With her pincers

I can hear the single lines being spoken in a softer voice than the rest. Almost a whisper. I think kids would love the build up of anticipation in waiting to hear the words. Sklid is a wonderful name! *Delight* It slides off the tongue as smooth as can be.

No typos.

I liked it, Well done!


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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Abigail Evan

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Well done! I love dialogue and you've handled this very well indeed. I talk to myself all the time so I could definitely believe this one. There is no confusion about who said what. I have only one small nit-pick, no two. *Smile*

No, but he'll eat it-he likes the beef stroganoff kind okay.

The word --of--needs to be inserted. kind of okay--

HONEY....It's me, Jack...I'm home!

Do people really identify themselves by name like this, to a spouse? It just sounds odd to me. Not a big deal though. It's funny.

I enjoyed the read, good luck in the contest.


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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Casey

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Wow! What a good intense beginning! You've shown fear, mystery, danger and the two main characters in very few words. The opening lines are tight and tense, and hook the reader in at once. I definitely want to turn the page. I look forward to the next chapter.

No typos either. Readers love a good proofreader! *Delight*

Well done!


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Review of Different  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Gilnara Tindomme

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Oh my, Gilnara! This is good! It's fun and full of energy. It makes the reader feel happy. I love the humor and laughter I feel in the emotion and imagery.

I didn't notice any typos or other issues to get in the way of the message or slow it down. Just a plain, good job of writing.

I enjoyed this poem and I hope you're enjoying the site! *Smile*


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Review of Geckos 411  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, jdefore

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a very well presented article! The facts and advice are all clear with plenty of details to keep it interesting. I could be almost convinced to get one myself. Almost. *Delight*

I found a few technical things for you during my read.

Both girls and boys, find them to be fun and delightful pets

need to be walked like a dog, there’s

Change this comma to a period and begin a new sentence with --There's--

Houdini is a great name for a Gecko, so make sure that there are no openings to escape from

I like the humor in this line! It increases the interest in reading.

Even a large Gecko can escape from a small hole or crack.

This made me think of the mention of mesh cages above. How small should the mesh be?

pet Gecko, soil and live plant

Change the comma to a period and start a new line with --Soil--

Geckos like to burry themselves too.
Spelling is --bury--

each species, check out the temperamen

Change to comma to a period and new sentence.

fallen in love with the idea, of having a Gecko for a pet.

No pause here, cut the comma.

Make this new friend a family project, by going to the library for books on Geckos with your parents, have an adult go online with you to see photos of Geckos and information about them, always have a pl

By cutting the first bolded comma and changing the second and third to periods, you'll have a much smoother sounding line. Reading it aloud will help you discover where the natural pauses are, and where the sentences should end.

Gecko and Pet

These two words are mentioned too often for comfortable reading, in my opinion. I suggest going through and finding places they could be cut without losing the meaning of the line.

While you're in edit fixing some of these things, insert space after each paragraph to separate them. hitting the enter key at the end of each will do it for you. The page will have a nicer, cleaner look and it will be much easier to read on line. Paragraphs are always needed - even on paper. Right? *Smile*

This is a very well written article that could be submitted to a magazine of the genre. Children or pets. They are always looking for articles of advice on the care of animals. Check it out why don't you? It's definitely good enough after you've finished editing.

Well done!


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Review of Brief Encounters  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello, Ebbtide

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good! I don't see anything out of place or confusing. Admittedly, on the first read this line seemed bumpy.

A fog thicker than the strongest light of reason

But, as I read it again, it became clear and it made sense to me.

dismissed as white noise.

I like the metaphores you've chosen to use. The images they bring to mind are easy to see and compare to the meaning.

The emotion is sad and is felt. You've done a good job and as a reader, I enjoyed it very much.


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Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, lbidler

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a thoughtful piece, written well and easy to read. The emotion is clear and strong and pulls the reader in with curiosity to see what comes out next. Explaining and ending with the bus receipt is good. It was interesting and held my attention well.

The feelings of love given by friends is deep and true. Any reader will be able to relate to this scene and these well chosen words.

I noticed no problems with it, technically. It's a pleasant read.


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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Mrs Lizzard

I found your request for feedback
on "Invalid Item

It's a good story and it has all the elements I think. A problem, climax and satisfactory resolution. The main character changed for the good, and it was interesting. It definitely held my attention all the way.

This review is mainly an editing of typos. Punctuation issues were noticed but I will leave those to another. I'm no expert. *Smile*

One thing I want to mention concerns the voices of the children. They sound too mature for their ages. Their ages are not told, but when Donna had to get on the chair to see the baby, I was kind of surprised.

Her actions were of an older child, for instance, fishing, playing team ball, wandering the neighborhood, but her knowledge (buying a brother) made me question her age. I don't know how to imagine her so I can't see her.

she would let him play on her team. He would teach him how to swing a bat and throw a ball. She would show him how to climb

A typo only--She--

"A new Baby?" Donna exclaimed, " When will in be here?"

it will be the best snow fort ever!"

I like this repetition, it becomes almost a mantra that children will like and repeat often I think.

Donna was very upset she stomped upstairs and slammed her door.

Some sort of punctuation is needed here. Either a period after --upset-- or a word to connect the two separate phrases. It's awkward.

"You so lucky to have a little brother," She told Bobby, " I asked for a little brother and

Typo of --You're--

"Hi Donnie" He smiled an ruffled her hair, "What's wrong?"

Typo of --and--

brother her sad little story. Terry tried no to laugh because he knew what she did not.

Typo of --not--

Terry's age can't be determined; he sounds older than I thought he was. What is the difference in their ages? I know some kids are this considerate of others, but it isn't the usual.

"I taught her how to run fast and climb trees. I showed her how to throw a ball and swing a bat. She always wants to be on my team. And every winter..."

This is sweet and loving. As a parent I like this. For a child reader it might be too sweet.

She pulled out the little blue cap wit a 'T' on it. Then she hurried down stairs. ---A typo only--

Donna stood on a chair so she could see her.

Now, if she kneeled on the chair, she might appear older to me. Does she really need the chair? It's a huge distraction.

yet. Dona thought it was funny --A typo only--

I liked the tone of gentleness all the way through. The repetition is catchy, kids will like that. The story is told in a fairly fast manner, though it may have been a paragraph or two too long. The repeats began to be annoying toward the end for an adult reader. Older kids might lose interest there, but the audience is what ages? Five - Eight? or so? They like repetition as long as it's fun, this is.

I like how you showed Donna's acceptance of Tammy finally. It's realistic and well described. The diaper scene is especially funny with good imagery!

It's good and I believe with just a little tweaking it will be finished.

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Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (2.0)
Hello, bubba

Welcome to Writing.Com! I hope you're finding your way around the site okay. If you have any questions, just ask. We're here to help.

I think you have an emotional piece here, I do understand the message. It just needs more clarity in areas to enhance the enjoyment of reading. I realize it's still in the draft stage though.

One grows quit accustomed as to possessing all of their senses

Spelling is --quite--
I suggest cutting the word --as--. It causes a bump in the reading for me. You ahve a couple more that do the same thing. Read it aloud and decide for yourself.

myself accustomed too having

Typo of --to--

I will never stumble again upon evil again?

If one of these were cut, it would read easier, I think.


Did you intend --invalid--

and as to having lost my hearing one can only wonder as to the evil in merely listening possibly the lustful words of passion the tainted breaths bringing visions to mind this shall all cease to exist for my hearing has turned sour.

The lack of punctuation makes this difficult to read with clarity.

Will a blind man flee how one hides when he himself is lost in the dark?

This line isn't clear to me.

I enjoy philosophy and I agree with the thoughts here. You've a good outline done. Tighten and shine with more clarity and you'll have a good piece. It's almost there. The rate reflects a first draft only, it will be changed as the work is completed.

Good work,


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Review of Permanent Rain  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, amor precioso

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I hope you're finding your way around the site okay. If you have any questions, just ask. We're glad to have you here.

This is an emotional poem and it can be felt well. It draws the reader in with sympathy. I found it to not read quite smoothly, and it may be because of having so many words. Too many words really slow everything down and the emotion is lost in the reading. I'm not a poet, so I can't advise on forms, I'm only giving a reader's impression.

how could I loose you, please tell me
with out you but I'm only lying

These are a few typos I noticed for you.

leaving the apostrophies out on purpose looks bad. Lazy. Sometimes though, if the poem is written in a word program and trasferred to the site by copy and paste, the formatting is lost. In those cases look at the page and check, then go into edit to fix them.

You've a good beginning that could be better in my opinion, because it has all the elements of a good piece. The pain and heartbreak is clear. I believe tightening would bring out the emotion stronger. If you don't agree, that's fine too. *Smile*

Good job!


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