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3,159 Public Reviews Given
3,207 Total Reviews Given
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Casual for the most part. I will point out errors I see and offer suggested corrections. I like to focus on the content and formatting of the item. I love providing helpful comments and feedback that may improve the item if acted on.
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I like to provide suggestions to the author on things I see that may need a second look. I'm not afraid to do a little research to verify a poem's format, or the contents of a story (if requested).
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Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy, and Suspense
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Honestly, I will read anything if asked. I just prefer those listed above.
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Short stories, novellas, books (though a review of that may take days/weeks due to my schedule), Poetry of any format.
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I find non-structured poetry difficult to review, unless there is a short disclaimer about this non-structure that would help in understanding the reason it's in that particular format.
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I'm not interested in Vore, In and Out's, Growing/Shrinking, or other items that are similar to one of these.
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Review of Soul Survivor  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hello Davy Kraken

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

First Impressions:  Bizarre. Well written. I found the dialog between Travis and Cynthia a little off at times. He was upset at what she said, that's true. His initial reaction was excellent, but would he really talk with her like that? I don't think I could have written it any better, or used better dialog; but it seems there would be a bit more incoherent screaming and such on his part.

Areas To Consider Improving:  Okay, I'm a geek at times most of the time, and had to look up the symptoms of cyanide poisoning. Why? Because writing a story about it should be well researched. Sorry, had to do it. http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/cyanide/basics/facts.a... discusses the effects of cyanide poisoning from small doses and large doeses. Since Cynthia said there was enough Cyanide poison in the Pixy Stick to kill 4 men, it would seem to be a large dose for a five year old. Vomiting is not a symptom from such a large does, but it is from a smaller dose. So it comes down to the question of whether she ingested what is considered a large dose, or a small one. You did well in your descriptions of it all, but I had to look this up and mention it.

My Favorite Part:  I don't think I could say I have a favorite part in this story. It's too sad, too brutal, it's about the death of a 5 year old girl. I can't find a favorite part. That doesn't mean it's a bad story of course. It just means I can't say there's a favorite part there. Unless you want to think of the end, Cynthia's end.

Overall impressions:  A story of a brutal death that is senseless with all things considered. Well written, well paced, sad to read.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Intuey,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         I was wondering where you had Mr. and Mrs. Claus going on this 'vacation', but you never really told the reader where the ship landed. Loved the build up, the scenes you painted in my mind as the ship hit that vortex and such. I'm not sure if you were under a word count limit or what, but this all flowed too quickly, and ended far too soon. I thought the jump from the North Pole to the ship was a bit quick, and how Santa knew they were in the Bermuda Triangle is beyond me. That's what I mean about flowing too quickly. At the end, they are on another planet, and from the sounds of things, it seemed to be Mars, with the red sand and boulders. I don't mean to be nit-picky, but if they were on Mars, Earth would not be very big in the sky, the blue not quite a visible as you worded it in the story. I did enjoy the story, I just thought I'd mentioned a couple of things that could be drawn out to improve this. Nicely done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of The Fading Light  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Dear Snoopy,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary! Besides, with a name like Snoopy, how could I resist visiting your port?

         This is a beautiful, yet sobering poem about being in love, yet not having that love returned. It sounds like you were a bit depressed when you wrote it, I sure hope things have improved for you now. *Smile*

         As beautiful as it is, I think it needs a bit of minor TLC editing. The rhythm is way off in places, which leads to what I'd term a bumpy read. For example, line three of the poem is 10 syllables long, while line 18 is 25 syllables! This is way too much of a spread. If I may mention a couple of recommendations for you to consider, should you want to edit it.

1. Consider changing the format to Quatrains, four lines per verse.

2. Make those extra long line two lines somehow. Your rhyme scheme is pretty good, be careful not to change that.

         The only piece of real advice I have for you, is be HAPPY! Sometimes one has to be alone. In that case, you have to learn to love yourself. The one thing you can never do, is give up.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hey Jeff,
         You know I couldn't pass up this chance to visit your port, especially when I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page today. So I thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         This is too funny! I bet you made Walt cringe in his grave when you wrote this. This struck my funny bone quite well, I smiled the whole time reading this. I think you really hit things on the head with this, nailing the Beast's personality, or how he would feel and act if it wasn't 'Happily Ever After'. The idea of Belle shtupping Lumiere made me laugh, but also is something I've thought of from time to time. But for me, the kicker was the end. I loved the last line, and the argument that led to it, especially the references to Alice. Thanks for the enjoyable read.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Ghost Train  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Wenston,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 14th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a pretty good story about two boys playing where they shouldn't have been, on train tracks. However, this is pretty much the same as Stephen King's story "Stand By Me", or a portion of it. In that book, the boys go looking for a dead boy, rumored to have been killed by a train while walking on or near the tracks. You've added a little more detail to what happened that night, and how Jesse was haunted by a train that needed no tracks. But the basic plot is still the same as King's original story. You didn't plagiarize, I know that. But I wonder if the movie/book inspired you to write this. *Smile* I did see one thing you might want to look at, should you ever decide to edit this.

1. Jesse jumped onto the tracks and found himself running the rail bridge that Davy and Jesse had crossed on that horible night. Horible should be horrible.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Tis the Season  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Elby,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 11th WDC Anniversary!

         Like most people, I think I relate well to your poem. I see no reason why we should smile and be full of cheer for about a month each year. So I refuse, and live as you suggest 24/7/365. I do love what you say here, and hope that others get the message. Will we ever see the end of strife, war, and other things that are unnatural to kindness? No, but we can help minimize it. Thank you for writing this, it's a nice reminder for most people about spreading goodwill and cheer every day of the year.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hello Jeannie ,

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 4th WDC Anniversary!

First Impressions:  A good story of two young girls who encounter what seemed to be a supernatural being. To me, it read a bit like a juvenile story, and you may have intended that, which is fine.

Grammar:  There are occasions early on where you mix up tenses. I've highlighted a couple of them below.

Areas To Consider Improving:  IF you wanted this to be an adult genre story, the whole plot needs to be tightened. If you're happy with it as it is, then don't do much other than cosmetic editing.

General Comments:  

1. As I mentioned above, early on you mixed up tenses. Here's an example. Eyes widened in shock, pain overcoming him, he fell backwards onto the wood floor. Widened is past tense, but overcoming is present tense. To correct this, it needs to be one or the other. Here's a small example of how to correct it. Eyes widening in shock, pain overcoming him, he fell backwards onto the wood floor.

2. He walked back out the open door, closing it behind him and retreated back into the dark woods. Again, past and present. Walked, past tense. Closing, present tense.

3. Behind the bushes nearby, four shadowy figures watched the retreating man, then walked towards the log cabin and entered. They looked down at the dead body lying on the floor and bent to pick him up. They carried him over to the bedroom and laid the old man on his bed. Soon moans and groans could be heard coming from the room, then nothing. Finished, they exited the cabin, eyes shining red for just a moment, vanished into the deep, darkened forest. I hate to say it, but I'm not sure how this fits in with the rest of the story. The four shadowy figures are never mentioned again in the story, what they do to the old man is very unclear. As such, what's their purpose? How do they contribute or fit in with the story?

4. Something whizzed pass overhead that made Megan scream and take off running. In this case, pass should be past.

5. Like I mentioned earlier, the whole plot seems to be a bit juvenilish (is that even a word). There's a lot you can do with this story here to tighten it up and give the reader a few more chills. How about the scene in the house. You could describe it more if you liked, describing dust everywhere, the looks of it (old man living alone, what did he have, what made the interior/exterior look so menacing, etc.

Overall impressions:  A good story that teens would love. It reminded me a bit of the books my sons used to read in the 1990's.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Martha  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello bertiebrite hoping for peace ,

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 3rd WDC Anniversary!

First Impressions:  Wow, even though I knew what was going on with Ben, the end still left me speechless.

Grammar:  This more of a formatting comment than grammar, but some of your paragraphs are not double spaced. In a couple of places, the first word of dialog is not capitalized either. Very minor comments, but I wanted to mention them.

Areas To Consider Improving:  Formatting more than anything. But that's just being picky.

My Favorite Part:  The end. It brought closure to a sad story, and showed the state of mind Martha was in, her grasp of reality slowly slipping away.

General Comments:  

1. She stood up and walked inside. The room was sparse. A battered table, a couple of wooden chairs, a cabinet that held three plates, two cups and a sugar bowl and little else.
Through the door to the left she could see her bedroom, with it's tired looking bedstead and mattress. The all too thin cover pulled over a limp pillow.
Most of your paragraphs are double spaced, I think you missed this one when you posted it.

2. She placed her hands on her hips and crossed the room to straightened the only picture in the house. Straightened should be straighten.

3. It was an etching of George Washington that her mother had brought from Boston when they had left to come here to western Kansas. It seems that the second usage of 'had' is unnecessary. It reads better without it.

4. "Lord, but you were handsome, El . . ." she expected him to place his arms around her waist at any moment. He couldn't of course, Elroy was dead these past eleven summers.
She longed for him fiercely during the first two years. Sometimes she would call to him and wonder why there was no answer until she remembered that he was dead.
Another paragraph not double space. Very minor really, but it's a formatting thing for me.

5. Martha placed her hands on her hips and threw an accusing glance at the sheriff.
"What did he tell you?"
It would seem that these lines belong in the same paragraph, I'm not sure.

6. Annabelle took her mother's hand, "sit down with me Mama." To be honest, I'm not sure of the grammar rule here, but it seems that the first word in dialog is capitalized. This happens in a few places in your story.

Overall impressions:  A sad but beautiful story of a mother whoi lives in the past, yet also the present. She's confused, but not really aware she is.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Mothermouse,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         Thank you for this! I can relate well to all you write here, except I'm a man, so no interest in jewelry and such. But I recall the days you describe, and the days I live now. I'll not comment on your rhyme or rhythm, that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to say thank you for making me smile. You made my night!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Captain Banana Peel Magoo
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 8th WDC Anniversary!

         I thought your bio said you didn't have any children's poems posted here? *Smile* This is very cute, I love the idea of a super hero using banana peels to help corral the bad guys. You kept this very simple, with cute rhymes throughout. I can see children reading this, and laughing a bit at some of the images you create with this poem. At the same time, you kept the flow even, with a 'Dr. Suess' type of rhythm to it. Excellent job! And the ending was precious, a super hero with a broken nail! I did see one thing you may want to look at in this, should you choose to edit it.

1. In the first three verses, you started 5 lines with the word "I'll". It was also used twice more areas of the poem. This tends to really throw off the read. I'm not sure what you might do to substitute a new word, but you might want to consider it.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with Unofficial Erotica Newsletter ...  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello Redtowrite

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 9th WDC Anniversary!

         Wow, you know how to hit a man first thing in the morning, don't you! What a story! To quote a movie line, "You had me at Hello", with this story. I completely immersed myself as I read it. I knew what was coming, but as usual, I couldn't prepare myself enough for the end. You do make your characters so real, as if they are sitting right beside me.

         I would love to give this 5 stars, but there is one small, VERY small, recurring minor thing you might want to look at.

1. There are a few places where your paragraphs are not double spaced. Like I said, a very minor detail.

         Thank you for allowing me to read and review this. Things like this help me keep everything in perspective, makes my world that much better.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Citygal,
         So I had to drop back by and see what else there was in your port, and to see how your self-employment is going? Along with that, I wanted to drop in to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         Seems like we're close to the same age, and if I'm wrong in that, please forgive me. But I'll be 61 in May, and somehow have become a father figure while working my second job. Yes, I'm working a second job, but not because the 'corporate' job I mentioned in my last review doesn't pay enough. I love the activity, and even more, I love taking care of people.

         But I do understand how you wonder when "Miss" became "Ma'am", and I'm sorry to say I'd call you that myself if we met. Not because of your age, but because that's my habit. Age has nothing to do with it. If I don't know a woman's name, I call them "Ma'am" because calling someone "Miss" just doesn't sound right to my ears. It's the same with men. I can't call a man "Mister", so I call them "Sir". Not respect, not meant to be derogatory, not meant to make anyone feel bad. Just a habit.

         I do love your descriptions here though. Wearing flat, rubber-soled shoes, wearing a neck scarf, not just to keep warm, dressing for comfort instead of style. Good for you!

         I smiled as you described your research. I don't think men would do that, at least I never have. But like I said, my age crept up on me too. And I'm quite happy with who I am, and how old I am. *Smile* Thank you for this, I enjoyed reading it.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of The Epiphany  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello Citygal ,

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         This is very good, I love what you say about yourself here, and how you're going to get out and be self-employed. But this was wwritten five years ago, so questions pop to mind, and I have to ask, since I haven't seen your profile.... Yet. *Smile*

1. How'd it go in getting to your goals?

2. Are you still working on your own?

3. What's been your biggest challenges?

4. What exactly are you doing today as far as employment goes?

         I know getting a business started on your own must be challenging, which is why I ask these questions. I do hope you've been successful, I've never had the courage to try that, and am stuck in a corporate job. But it's a great job, and I love it. I hope you are happy, and doing well. Now to go have a look at your profile.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Destination  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Koyel,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 6th WDC Anniversary!

         For such a short poem, you say an awful lot here. It's beautiful, enigmatic, and so meaningful. The only thing about poems this short, is it's hard to say a lot about them. But I do have an idea here, just not sure you will use it. I think it would be great to lengthen this to a series of lanturne poems. Maybe the first verse can be about birth. The second verse about childhood. The third teen years, the fourth adulthood, and your current poem the fifth and last. Think of the things you could say in such a short verse about each different part of a person's life! Wow. Excellent job here, I'd just love to see more written about life.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Jessica,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         Your story is very interesting, and flows well. I found it almost mesmerizing as the events unfolded, and wondered how your character was going to react once the woman hit the ground. I wasn't too surprised to read how they went in to shock over it. It would take a super-human to not react that way after witnessing someone's sudden death. Unless of course you've seen death occur during your life, and are better prepared to be a witness. I liked the ending, when your character shouted out that they were the witness to her death. It fit, and made the scene complete in my mind. Like I said, interesting story, but now you have me asking questions. *Smile* Things like, "Why/how did she come to fall like that?" Was she murdered, or was it a suicide?" Many more I'm sure, because now you have a whole new story you could write about by delving into the victim's life, and what caused her to end up like she did. Sort of like watching Citizen Kane, with Charles Foster Kane uttering "Rosebud" as his final words on his deathbed, and the movie being all about finding out who/what Rosebud was. Your story could be that. She dies in the fall, and now your character becomes driven to find out more about her, get to know her, and discover why she died that day. Hmmmmmmmm. *Smile* I do have one comment for you on it.

1. It looks like you've tried to center the title and your name on the page by using spaces or indents. You could backspace those lines to the left margin, then use the {center} command to center them on the page.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of But I'm Driving!  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Dear Arakun,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 8th WDC Anniversary!

         This sort of reminds me of that old TV Show, "Kids Say The Darndest Things." But it also shows what an influence we have on our children, at all times. We've all been through something like this. But I love the way you've portrayed this situation. Through your words, I almost felt like I was spying on you and Kathy when this occurred. Thank you for making me smile this morning.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review by Sum1 In Halifax
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello Sharkdaddy

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

First Impressions:  I loved the opening, we've all been there. Phone rings unexpectedly while we're busy, and we almost drop what we're holding as our brain decides whether to continue working, or answer the phone.

Grammar:  The first sentence threw me off a little bit, and it seems to be worded a bit awkwardly. That's only an opinion, because I'm no English major. But it seems to be pretty wordy, describing a lot in a short time.

Standing on the ladder with the picture in one hand, hammer in the other, and two nails between my teeth, I almost lost it when the phone on the desk below erupted with an alarming squeal.

There I was, standing on the ladder with the picture in one hand, hammer in the other, and two nails between my teeth. I almost lost it when the phone on the desk below erupted with an alarming squeal.

My Favorite Part:  The suggestion of being called Big Daddy.

Overall impressions:  I found it hard to make any suggestions here, it is well written. A very cute story of how you got your WDC name. Love it!

         P.S. We have a common background, the U.S. Navy. 20 yr Submarine veteran here. Thank you for your service.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Attention Adults  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hey Ellis,
         I am happy to review this at your request, to me it's an honor when someone requests a review.

         Your poem has quite a ring of truth to it, something we all experienced when we were young. It appears to be written by a young person who looks, and acts, a bit like someone I would think of as a troubled teen. I understand your angst and anger, and you are right in your assessment of the way adults think of you. I will say this though, even though you mention this in your poem. Not all adults think teens are lazy or into violence. Just like not all teens think adults are overbearing. It has to do with maturity, and a desire to make something of your life.

         Your poem is to the point, and truthful. I like the flow of it, with the abcb rhyme scheme. Your words ring out to me, I remember (vaguely) being young and under stress. However, I must tell you that nothing really changes much as you age. You learn to deal with it better as you mature. As I said, I love the flow, how you make your point, but especially the end. We do need to remember how it was when we were young, and work with you to help you mature and live better lives. I really only have one comment on this.

1. While I really like the rhyme scheme, your rhythm is a bit off in places. Read it aloud and see what you think. There are places where the reader is bogged down a little due to the change in the number of syllables in a line. I am not one who believes that every line needs to have the same number of syllables (unless you are writing to a set format, such as a Kyrielle), but it does need to be close. This is what I saw when I did a syllable count, line by line. I've highlighted the areas you may want to look at in red.

9/8/9/12 9/9/8/9 9/9/7/9 11/8/9/9 9/9/7/7 13/8/7/8 7/7/6/6 8/8/9/10.

Getting the syllable count a little closer would 'tighten up' the poem, making a more fluid read.

         Excellent job in this really, the message is an excellent one. Keep up the good work!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Lynda,
         First and foremost, GP's are not required for this review, even though you offered them. I don't feel we review for GP's. We review to learn, and for the pleasure of reading.

         And as far as your story goes, I see quite a bit of improvement! *Smile* Of course, I have more comments for you too, so they are below. I am being a bit picky here, but that seems to be what you want. If I may make a minor recommendation, you may want to ask someone else to review this also, and get a different viewpoint. I'm not sure who you would ask, but you could post this on the "shameless plug page" "The Shameless "Plug" Page, and see what happens. But overall, I think it's quite a bit better this time round.

1. When spring and summer comes, the beauty of the trees putting on their leaves and the wild flowers popping up, gives an artist and photographer like me, all the floral, fauna and animals to photograph and paint. I think a better description of the leaves and fauna might be something like, "the beauty of the trees leaves budding and the wild flowers blossoming,

2. I hand singled Skeeter to come and sit motionless beside me. Singled should be signaled. I didn't mention this in my first review because I made quite a few comments already. But it seems to me that by riding up on your snowmobile, you would have made enough noise to wake anything hibernating. *Smile* So there's no way that bear could fail to notice you. I think you might be better off just mentioning seeing the bear, and quickly turn around to leave, with it in hot pursuit.

3. It was unusual for it to be out and about during the winter time, but this one was, and it looked up to no good. I hand singled Skeeter to come and sit motionless beside me. We both stayed very still. I was hoping the bear would go away, but it had other things on its mind. He sniffed the air and smelled us, then saw us, and made those terrible bear sounds and growls as he stood up on his hind legs pawing at the air. The wording here really needs improvement. What I mean is, this passage sounds very juvenile, and needs to be a bit more descriptive. If I may suggest. It was unusual for a bear to be out and about during the winter time; but this one was, and it looked hungry as it paced back and forth. I knew there was no way it could not have heard my snowmobile, but I still hoped it would move along. Apparently it had other things on its mind. He sniffed the air and smelled us, then seemingly spied us. I must say, he was quite majestic as he rose on his hind legs, looking to be about 10 feet tall. He emitted an ear shattering roar before dropping back to all four legs and starting towards us. What I'm trying to show you, is to describe the scene you have in your mind more, show us more, don't just tell us what was going on.

4. The bear took one big swipe and the dog yelled as he was thrown away like a piece of trash. Again here, describe a little more how Skeeter was trying to distract the bear. Maybe the bear swiped at him a couple of times, each time Skeeter bounced away. Then finally he connected with a swipe, throwing Skeeter about 15 feet away. Skeeter yelped (not yelled) as he flew through the air, and whimpered as he landed. The bear started towards him, and I knew I had to save my dog. Something along those lines.... *Smile*

5. As I lay there, Skeeter had managed to crawled to my side and licked my face. You should delete the word had in this line, it's not needed.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Jay,
         It is my pleasure to review your story for you. Before I start though, I want to thank you for bidding on my humble package in the Steampunk Auction.

         You've written a very interesting story here. The idea of a young woman living alone like your main character does is a bit amazing. When I first started reading this, I thought this was a non-fiction story, but realized part way through it had to be fiction. I'm not much of an outdoors man, but I'd love to live in a cabin like this! While I really liked your story, it does need a bit of editing TLC. Some of your descriptions could be improved, and while the flow is good, it too needs some attention. While I've rated it as 3.5, that's more due to the attention I paid to minor problems I noticed. If I were to simply rate it, the score would go to 4.0.

Title:  Excellent for this story, and is why I thought this was non-fiction at first. On a side note, you might consider listing one of its descriptions as 'Fiction'.

Description:  You have 90 characters to use here, use them! This is where you get to entice a reader to drop in and read this. Since you sign the story as Jay, then use her name here. Maybe something like, Jay and her dog Skeeter live in a mountain cabin. One winter day, they encounter a bear.

Grammar:  Your wording of sentences is a bit off in places. I've tried to note each below.

My Favorite Part:  Your description at the beginning of the story. However, that being said, you could 'pump this up' a little too. Tell us a little bit about the area surrounding the cabin. I know the story doesn't center around that, but it would help set the stage some.

General Comments:  

1. A small suggestion here, more of a personal preference than anything, but you might want to consider using the {indent} command to indent the first line of each paragraph.

2. I know my cabin is small, but it does have a bedroom and bath (with cold mountain water to bath in), a small kitchen - just the right size for me - and a nice big living area with a wood burning fireplace. Bath should be bathe. You bathe in a bath tub, you don't bath. *Smile*

3. I have all the wood I need, enough food for a month, drinking water and my dog Skeeter. You mention your dog skeeter in the first line, and at the time, I thought it was a bit wordy, and unnecessary information. Since you mention him here again, you might want to consider deleting the reference to Skeeter in that first line. It might help make the read flow a little smoother.

4. People don't understand why a young lady like me loves to live in a wooden cabin, in the woods, Assuming you keep the second line that mentioned Skeeter, you might want to consider revising this line a little. Here's a small suggestion for the first two lines. People don't understand why a young lady like me loves to live in a small wooden cabin, deep in the woods. My cabin is small, having a bedroom and bath (with cold mountain water to bathe in), a kitchen, and a nice big living area with a wood burning fireplace. Behind the cabin is a small studio, and as an artist it is very handy to retreat there when I need to paint or concentrate.

5. I have a Snowmobile I use when I need to go into town, if I run out of something, but that doesn't happen very often. This is worded a little awkwardly. Perhaps this would work. If I run out of something, I have a Snowmobile I use when I need to go into town. Thankfully this doesn't happen very often.

6. You mention the snowmobile twice in succession, and I have to ask. Is the snow on the ground year round there? If not, what else do you use? The same could be said for Skeeter sleeping next to you, keeping you warm at night. Is there no summer there? Does the temperature never get above 60 or so?

7. He looks majestic when his hair flies around his face and pulls his long ears back. His big brown eyes filled with excitement. Another place that could be worded a little differently. He looks majestic as he runs, his hair flying around his face, long ears pulled back, his big brown eyes filled with excitement.

8. It was on one of these trips I went riding out to the meadow. This is where we encountered the bear. This could be one sentence really. It was on one of these trips I went riding out to the meadow, and encountered a bear.

9. It seem like we were flying on the wind. Seem should be seemed.

10. My bear gun was at home. Besides, bears weren't suppose to be out at this time of year. They were suppose to be in their caves all comfy and cozy. This was rogue bear. I needed to do something quick or I would lose my dog. This whole section just doesn't read smoothly to me. If I may make another suggestion here. Since it was the middle of winter, I had left my bear gun at home. A bear isn't supposed to be out at this time of year. They should be in a cave all comfy and cozy. Right now, all that mattered was defending myself and Skeeter. I needed to do something quick or I would lose my dog.

11. I startled it at first, but then it made him mad. I think this could be worded a little better. I startled it at first, but that only served to make it mad.

12. I fought for my life. I knew God was with me. I manage to slip the knife into his heart. He didn't fall right away because he was such a massive sort, but when he did it sounded like a large tree had fallen right in front of me. This fight between your character and the bear is far too short. This is really the climax of the story, and all you can write is this? *Smile* I have no real idea how one fights a bear, but I really think you need a little more description here. Actually, a lot more. I fought for my life, knowing God was with me. It may have been the hit on the head when I hit the tree, but somehow I was able to move faster than a person should. I dodged and twisted as it lunged at me, my knife flashing in the sun as picked away at it. Adrenalin filled my body as I fought, fatigue was not an option nor thought of. Slowly the bear seemed to tire, and in a key moment, I managed to slip the knife into his heart. He didn't fall right away because he was such a massive sort, but when he did it sounded like a large tree had fallen right in front of me.

13. As I lay there, Skeeter had managed to crawled to my side and licked my face. Another small suggestion. As I lay there, Skeeter somehow crawled to my side and licked my face.

14. We were there for five days and then we got to go home. We were there for five days before we were released and allowed to go home.

15. I have to keep my hands bandage for quiet some time and some surgeries are in the near future. Quiet should be quite.

16. Skeeter had to have his intestines sewed by into his stomach, so he can't get around very much either, but we are getting better. I'm sorry, but depending on how long Skeeters' intestines were outside his body, it seems he wouldn't have survived. Think of how they would have been trailing behind him as he crawled to your side. If you choose to modify this line, ensure you change the 'by' to back.

Overall impressions:  A very good story of a young woman living in a cabin high in the mountains.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Real Santa  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Lee,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 8th WDC Anniversary!

         I really liked this poem about the real Santa, and loved when you revealed who your Santa really is. But the formatting of it seems a little off. As a result, it reads a bit choppy. But that can be corrected without changing a word I think. Let me show you what I'm thinking of in this.

The Real Santa

I live with Santa every day,
He doesn’t wear red, or drive a sleigh.
He dresses in fur, from his head to his feet;
His gifts of love are always to keep.

It doesn’t matter to Santa, if I’m naughty or nice,
His gifts of love come with no price.
Santa is magic as anyone can see;
Whether I’m sad or lonely, he always takes care of me.

Santa stays by my side through thickest or thin;
I don’t have to wait 12 months, to see him again.
He’s loyal and faithful to the very end;
Santa is clearly my doggie best friend!

Now, before I leave in this poem’s end,
I just want to tell you one more time again.
The spirit of Christmas is ours to keep -
Just reach under his chin and scritch in his sleep,
Then try to deny if your heart does not leap.

Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates the gift of love, loyalty and happiness.

         Notice that all I did was change this to a Quatrain poem, and centered it on the page. Perhaps the font colors for your last line was a bit much, but I thought I'd do that for the season!

         The rhythm isn't quite right yet, but I wouldn't change a thing really, I love the way it reads.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hey E Rose,
         I saw this on the unreviewed and new page, and thought I'd give it a look. After reading it, the first question I asked myself was this. "Does this person want write seriously, or is this just a way of passing time while on duty?" The reason I say that, is because this needs a lot of work. Instead of going through with a fine tooth comb so to speak, I will summarize my thoughts and comments. My goal in every review is to provide valuable feedback to the author so they can improve their craft. By summarizing my comments, you can do one of two things. If serious about writing, you can take it to heart (I hope), and work to improve you writing. Or, if all you're doing is writing to take your mind off your every day life on base, you can ignore all this, and continue the way you are. Things to consider to improve this.

1. Dialog. When writing dialog, enclose the text in double quotation marks. An example from your story. The commander asks us, "Why they couldn't you cut the holes from the eight with the pocket knife?"

2. Dialog again. When writing dialog, if a new character speaks, start a new paragraph.

3. Paragraph spacing. Double space your paragraphs for on line reading, it makes it a lot easier to read on line.

4. WritingML usage. Consider using the {indent} command in WritingML to indent the first line of each paragraph.

5. Spell Check! Not just spell check, but ensure you use the correct usage of a word when you write a sentence. Here's an example from your story, and the correct usage of it. I think there from the 8th unit of my platoon, the Rockets squad. I think they're from the 8th unit of my platoon, the Rockets squad.

6. Formatting. Ensure your sentences are complete and go to the end of the page before wrapping. Here's one example from your story where it doesn't. This occurs a few times in your story. If he can get a hospital visit and a document for one day off base, he
Can send it to his friend in California and have him photo shop it to say five days.

The C in can should not be capitalized, and I believe photo shop should be one word. Photoshop, since Photoshop is the software that would be used to edit the pass.

7. General Comment. I'm not sure what you intended with this. You list it as a short story, and it does exactly what your description says. It describes a week in a soldier's life on base. Notice I added the apostrophe to soldiers, it's needed. But in describing your week, you do A LOT of telling, but very little, if any, showing. This makes for what I call a 'drudgery' read. In other words, boring. Don't tell us what's going on this week, show us. You mention it being cold, how cold was it? How were you dressed to stay warm? That's just one small example. Another thought here is that this seems to be a lot of disjointed thoughts, as if you wrote it at different times. This causes it to be bumpy with little to no continuity.

         In summary, I like this, it does describe your life. But it could be a much more interesting read if you take the time to think about how you want this to flow, and edit it to remove misspelled words and incorrect word usage.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Turn the Page  
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hey Dave,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 9th WDC Anniversary!

         The Kyrielle is one of my favorite forms of poetry, but I've never read a Kyrielle Sonnet. Not too surprising, my only exposure to them has been on WDC. I love the format, love the flow. Your poem is spot on for format and rhythm. The graphic accompanying the poem only serves to reinforce the pain you write about.

Title:  I think the title should be included in the main area with the poem and graphic, not just at the top of the page.

Description:  This could be a bit stronger, which would lure in more readers. I know it fits well, after all, it really says, "Turn The Page... and find the answers in a Kyrielle Sonnet. However, a potential reader might ask "Answers to what?" With no answer readily visible, they may move on past without reading this.

Rhyme/Rhythm:  Fits the Kyrielle Sonnet format perfectly.

General Comments:  

1. While it fits the format perfectly, the third line of the second verse tipped me up every time I read it. I re-read that verse 5-6 times to get it down, but it just doesn't flow well, at least for me.

Overall impressions:  A beautiful poem of a woman looking back on her past life, and bright day that seems to be on the horizon.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello honu

         Greetings and Salutations!

I've read your story and wanted to provide feedback on it so you can continue to improve your writing. At least that is my wish in any comments I write here. Use what you wish, if you choose to edit this.

Why I thought I'd read your story. Well, I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

First Impressions:  I have to say this, Wow! I've never been involved in something like this, and I know it must hurt to do what you did for this community, only to be called a cheat, with people wanting to lynch you. You swept me into the meeting with you, had me sitting in the chair next to you as you were first accused, then supported by people you knew well.

Grammar:  Well done here, I didn't see any obvious errors that require attention.

Areas To Consider Improving:  There are a couple of things you may want to consider here.

1. Check your paragraphs, not all are double spaced.

2. Use the {indent} command to indent the first line of each paragraph.

My Favorite Part:  Walter's defense of you. It shows that even though you and him sparred many times, he knew what you were doing, and appreciated your efforts, even if he didn't agree with them entirely.

General Comments:  Just one really. To me, and this may be me being 'ancient', but it's not really clear how the vote came out. You might want to let the reader know if you were voted out of office, or supported, and remained in office.

Overall impressions:  A very interesting essay on a meeting you chaired for your local community. Have you ever considered running for office? *Smile*


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1 In Halifax
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Dear Rachel
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 6th WDC Anniversary!

         I have to say, this is probably the first scientific article I've reviewed here on WDC. Nicely done with not too much detail for the average reader to comprehend. At least for the most part. There were some instances where you got a little too involved in describing how Acetyl Hexapeptide-38 works, which I think would lose the layman. That's always a problem when posting something like this on a website composed of what I'll term 'every day readers'. And I don't mean to disparage anyone with that comment.

         This does have it merits, I think it educates people on why their appearance changes as they age. Unless they are like me, and look the same now (42 yrs later) as they did in high school. (And if you believe that one, I have a bridge to sell you) *Smile*

         There are a few minor issues you might want to look at, should you choose to edit this.

1. As we age our life’s memoirs become etched into our faces. You need a comma after age.

2. All the hardships and all the laughter become a wearable map of our previous journeys; The typography gradually filling itself in as time passes. There's a couple of things to look at here. First, you might want to delete the second usage of all the. It is redundant and does not help the flow of the read. Secondly, if you want to keep the semi-colon after journeys, then the 'T' in the should not be capitalized. You could however change the semi-colon to a period and not affect the read of the article.

3. While our society values many traits that come with age such as patience, intelligence and wisdom- we still don’t value the traits that show on our visage. Again, you need a comma after age. Also, you might want to change the hyphen after wisdom to a semi-colon.

4. As we age, collagen breakdown due to excessive sun exposure, repetitive movements and other external factors such as smoking and drinking cause our dermal scaffolding to collapse producing unsightly wrinkles and sagging. This is a very wordy sentence, and as written still needs a couple more commas. However, that would make it really hard to read, so I would suggest breaking this into multiple sentences. If I may be so bold, here's a suggestion. As we age, collagen breaks down due to excessive sun exposure, repetitive movements and other external factors. Smoking and drinking are also major contributors in causing our dermal scaffolding to collapse, producing unsightly wrinkles and sagging.

5. Since adipose cells do not reduce in number, only volume, scientists have been working on ways to address this aging factor starting at the cellular level with a newly discovered peptide known as Acetyl Hexapeptide-38. Another lengthy and wordy sentence that can be broken into multiple sentences. The key to knowing when to use a period, is to read the sentence aloud. If you find yourself stopping to breathe, it's a good sign that you've reached a point where a period is needed. This one isn't that bad, but in reading it aloud, one is left trying to understand what they just read. Again, if I may, here's a small suggestion. Since adipose cells do not reduce in number, only volume, scientists have been working on ways to address this aging factor. The is to start at the cellular level, and a newly discovered peptide known as Acetyl Hexapeptide-38 has shown great promise.

6. I will not comment on other minor punctuation issues, I have no desire to seemingly pick this apart. It doesn't need that, it just needs a little massaging.

7. When you see the results as you'll know that the wisdom you gain in life lead you to one of the best anti-aging remedies on the market today. This sentence lost me at first, but I think what you meant, is to not have the word 'as' after results.

         Overall, an interesting article for those of us who love to read scientific type articles. Nicely done!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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