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Review of The Mine  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Dave, This piece makes me want to be where you are. I'm not sure what area of the country, but if you have a mine on your property it must be awesome. It's wonderful that you can live where your family has for many years.

As you related this story, I could see the mountain and mine. I could smell and feel the cool damp air coming from the entrance.

This makes me think I need to try a hand at short stories.


Daisy from auction
Review of Any Number  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Okay Rancher Dave. I just want you to know I am for the most part a poet and review mainly poetry. It's time to branch out into other areas to review. I chose your portfolio because well, because there is no poetry here.

I'm glad I chose this item first. It gave me quite a chuckle. That helps me to want to read more of your 'stuff'.

Just before I read this I had taken off my 'specs' and tried to read what was on the screen of my laptop. I can understand the mistaken identity on the cell phone.

Thanks for the chuckle.


Reviewing Sig
Review of Southern Woods  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
warriormom Thanks for this walk through a southern wood. I can smell the pine and hear the brook. I li

In your poem you ask how people can live without green in the winter. My answer is two-fold. First, I have lived in pines in Michigan. In winter the sparkling snow drooping across the branches of green pine needles is a sight I anticipate every winter season.
And second, when the crisp, sparkling snow gets dirty and ugly, it heightens the anticipation and joy at the final arrival of the green of summer.

So again, thanks for this walk through the Southern wood. It has started my participation in the yearly anticipation of the expiration of winter and the exhumation of the flowers and green of Spring. (Sorry 'bout that. I couldn't resist)


** Image ID #1267318 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Anastasia In honor of Australia Day, I am reviewing Australian authors today.

This poem is about Ireland, which is one of my favorite subjects. I am of Celtic decent so writing about Eire touches my soul. This didn't disappont me. You describe one facet of Irish life with wonderful images. I felt I had traveled there for just a moment in time.

Thanks for the trip.


Another Daizy
Review of Silence Calls  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
SWPoet This was great! I love the personification of silence in this poem. I had never looked at it from this angle. What you have to say here is so apt for today's busy life. You let us know that Silence is always there, waiting for us. And putting the words of Silence in italics makes it more understandable.

I like the 'feel' of this poem. It gave me something to ponder.

You included the syllable pattern at the end. I counted most of the lines. It appears you followed the pattern to a ' T '.


Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)

How neat that you posted this poem written by you and your sister when you were young. It tells us that the Creator used His case of colors when He created the human race.

The inclusion of the encouragement by to post this was a nice gesture.

This is good poetry!


Reviewing Sig
Review of ACROSTICS.  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Meg, now I am in a folder of acrostics you have created. There are several subjects here, among them are Rain, Ocean, Athletes etc. There is a wide spectrum of topics.

I have a hard time with Acrostics and Haikus, so appreciate reading pieces from those who can.


Glitter Daizy
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hey my Pearl of a Meg,

This poem of how to handle 'hate rating' is excellent.It is done in a poetic manner. There is no hate returned, only answering the bad rater. It gives the rest of us encouragement to not let the bad rating get the best of us. The last lines say it best, "If it doesn't really kill you, It will surely make you stronger."

Thanks for the encouragement!


Daizy May #21
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Meg, Pearl Girl.

I had already rated and reviewed this, but I cleared that rating so I could review again and get this on the Public Review Page. Tomorrow (WDC) time, almost today Australia time, will be Australia Day.

This is a wonderful explanation of Australia Day with definitions of the Aussie slang at the end.

Good job!!!

Daisy from auction
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Meg I'm going to spend a while in your port today. If I can't visit you in Australia, I can visit a while here.

This is a heart-touching poem; a wonderful reminder that we don't always have to be strong. It's okay to grieve once in a while. That is what 'gets it out of our system' for a bit and then we can go ahead with life.

See you in a bit.

Sunshine in my soul
Review of Poet's  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Firestorm This poet wants to say thank you for this poem in tribute to poets. I smiled 'real big'.

The rhyme and rhythm were a little rough but the words were wonderful.

I'm wondering if you have other poetry in your portfolio. I think I'll check it out.

See you in a bit,


Reviewing Sig
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sullivan Welcome to the WDC family. I hope you are finding your way around okay.

This poem tickles the funny bone with humorous words, good rhyme and good rhythm. I'm sure I must have seen you or someone like you eating in the last Mexican restaurant I was at. Of course a good enchilda will send just about anyone into an eating frenzy.

Thanks for the laugh,


Reviewing Sig
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Sullivan Welcome to Writing.Com.

This is a wonderful poem. The rhyme and rhythm are good, but the words and they way you put them together make for excellent poetry.

There are a couple spelling mistakes to fix. In the description the word 'rediculous' should be 'ridiculous', and the word 'whithers' should be 'withers'.

Good job, keep 'em coming our way.

Daizy May #21}
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, welcome to Wrting.Com.

This is a wonderful free verse poem about your cat. As I read, I can envision each scene you describe. That is what makes good writing. I don't feel like I am reading a poem, I am experiencing the action.

Good job on this,


Sunshine in my soul
Review of Steam  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there SWPoet I like this poem written in three different shapes. The words of the poem create a good image. However I think the shape of the second poem is best. The first shape is hard for me to follow. The third traditional manner of writing the words is okay, but the second form in the shape of the twisting steam is perfect to my eye and ear. The shape gives the poem a life of its own. If it was me, I'd use that one.

Glitter Daizy
Review of Who's Who?  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Well Judy, even in this day and age with more minds opening to the realiz tion of equality of races, there is still a lot of bias. Not just of races, but of station in life and economic conditions, of different ethics and ideals. It is true that death is the great equalizer.

This is a good reminder to see people 'now' as those we might just be good friends with. Thanks for all the good 'reminders' I am finding in your portfoilio today.

Nancy (Daizy)

** Image ID #1510524 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again Judy, I enjoyed this article about the life of a Viking woman. Being one who has the soul of a warrior maiden and woman of 'Olde', I can relate to these lives. I do enjoy my comforts, but know I could have lived just as comfortably in that time.

I am enjoying my time in your portfolio. Hope it doesn't get to hectic with all of us rummaging around in here.

See you again in a bit.

Nancy (Daizy)

** Image ID #1510526 Unavailable **
Review of On Being Thankful  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Judy, this again, echoes my inner being. I have 'learned to be content with what God gives me.' It also brings to mind my favorite verse from the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11, " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " He is our hope and our future. Your faith once again shines brightly in your writing.

The quote at the end is a perfect summation.

God bless,


** Image ID #1510523 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well Judy, this poem reminded me of the day I looked at the end of my arms and wondered how my mothers hands had replaced mine.

You point out all the wondrous things a woman's hands do all through her life. It gives us a chance to reflect and appreciate what God has allowed us to experience. Thanks for that.

Nancy (Daizy)

** Image ID #1510524 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Judy, this touched my soul.Your faith in our Father echoes my own. I am glad you shared this! It not only helped me to know a little more about you, but let me know there is someone else who shares the same realtionship with God that I do.

I'm glad you have Him to sustain you and give you peace.

Nancy (Daizy)

** Image ID #1510524 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Judy, what cool pictures of the grandbabies. How special to have these framed as you do. I hope they are closer to you than mine are to me. I live in Michigan and they live in Minnesota and New Mexico.

Here's wishing your 'Day' is wonderful.

Nancy (Daizy)

** Image ID #1510523 Unavailable **
Review of Perfect Timing  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi again,

The words you wrote here are so true. God indeed knows what is best. His ways are timed out perfectly. We just have to learn to wait.

I like the use of the term 'Father-heart of God' you use in your description of this piece. That is how I think of Him most of the time.

Even though the words are spread out in short lines, it is okay because of the length. It gives us time to think about what you are saying.

Another good job.

Glitter Daizy
Review of Untitled Poem  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there RawrDinosaur Welcome to the WDC family.

What a wonderful picture of what it will be like when we all get our heavenly reward. Your words are picturesque.

A friend gave me 1,000 gps. I think I'll give them to you as a 'welcome' and as a 'job well done'.

Glitter Daizy
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there, I like this poetic reminder to take things as they come, one at a time. I especially like the reference to raking faster to move more leaves, yet they fall one at a time. It sets the mood for the entire poem.

The word 'simulcast' caught my attention. It didn't look right to me so I looked it up. Yep, you spelled it correctly.

Good job, and have a wonderful one-thing-at-a-time New year.

Daizy with bee
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Wordman, welcome to Writing.Com. It's nice to have new 'stuff' to read.

This is indeed a good poem for a cold day. The images you created warmed me up before heading back out to work.

I'll being checking out more of your items as you add them to your portfolio.

I'm sending back the auto-rewarded gps plus a few more as a welcome gift.


Glitter Daizy
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