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Review of Mountain of a Man  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Ritchie, Welcome to Writing.Com

This allegory would be better understood if you would include what it is an allegory about in the description. You put the words together quite well, but as I said, an explanation would help the reader to understans it better.

There are also some spelling errors to be edited. Check the words: consistant, akward, and malnurished.

If you edit this and add the explanation, you can let me know and I will change my rating accordingly.

I'm glad you are a part of our community! If you have other classmates who are joining WDC, let me know and I will review them also.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Stimpy, Welcome aboard! I hope you will find everything to your liking.

I especially like the last verse of this poem full of vivid imagery. It has a peaceful feel to it, even among the hustle and bustle mentioned earlier.

I think in the second line from the end the word 'homely' could be replaced by 'homey'.

Good job! Write On!


** Image ID #1217281 Unavailable **
Review of Pops Bright Star  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again, This is a wonderful tribute to 'Pop'.
I have read the tributes written by the rest of the family who are members of WDC. Yours is just as glowing as the rest.

The rhyming and rhythm are good. I like what you say and how you say it. I feel peace even though the loss is a part of your lives.

Good job!!!


** Image ID #1232995 Unavailable **
Review of Mother In Law  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Georgina, I found out today that Meg is your mother-in-law. So, I came to your portfolio to say hello and found this tribute to her. It emphasizes what I have observed through her writing and her emails. It also echoes what I have read in items her children have written.

You have expressed your thoughts well. There is one place where you left out a letter. You need the letter 'd' at the end of the word 'exclaime(d)'. And maybe you could write the word (Cos) with a mark in front of it ('Cos). It is not the complete word. The (') mark indicates that and would polish off the look of the poem.

I am glad to meet you! I will look forward to reading more of your work.


A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of Sky Catcher  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello. welcome to Writing.Com We're glad to have you aboard. Hope you will fing everything to your liking.

The is a short to the point poem. It sums up the way of nature in a cute manner.

There is a little editing that would improve it a bit.

In the first verse, you need to put a space between 'a' and 'little'. There should be an 's' at the end of the word 'sing'.

The ending was quite creative.! Keep on writing!


** Image ID #1232519 Unavailable **
Review of My Ugly Brother  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, This poem is funny! It made me laugh. My brother is sitting here, so I read it to him. He laughed, too.

Since I'm the girl of the family I could tell him it was about him.

I like your sense of humor. Thank you for making me laugh.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review of Jester  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Bill, glad to have you aboard.

This poem makes me a little sad; wanting to be close to the one you love, even if it means being there without having the feelings returned to you. What devotion!

You misspelled 'Juliet' but other than that I saw no errors.

Keep writing and we'll keep reading.


** Image ID #1232520 Unavailable **
Review of A Kiss  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi Megs, welcome to Writing.Com I hope you will soon be finding your way around like a pro.

This poem tells of your feelings with a kiss. Your emotions are easy to figure out, but you need some gramatical work.

You need to start with a capital letter.

The word 'I' and 'I'm' need to be capitalized.

The words 'you' and 'your' need to be spelled out. You just used the letters 'u' and 'ur'.

The punctuation needs a little editing, but fixing the spelling problems will help quite a bit.


** Image ID #1233066 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, This is a lovely poem, I like your thoughts.

Your message that an ugly package can contain beauty is one we don't often hear. It makes me appreciate all that is around me, even the ugly.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.


A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of A Hymn in Green  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I am so delighted to be the first to review and rate this. It is wonderful.

It has an ethereal feel to it. I hesitate to use the word lofty, because that so often has a negative connotation. But that is also how this feels to me, (not in the negative sense.)

Thank you sooo much for sharing this.


** Image ID #1232995 Unavailable **
Review of Life Tags  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello again, this is the second of your items I have read. It is wonderful! As is the other one.

You put your thoughts on life into words beautifully. What you have to say is full of truth. How you say it is inspired.

I'm glad you joined us. I have added you to my list of authors to return to from time to time.


** Image ID #1232520 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my goodness, this is exquisite! I don't get to use that word often and am so delighted when I get to.

I have never experienced metaphor that doesn't really feel like metaphor to this extent. Your description of the uniqueness of a person is astounding.

I compliment you!!!


** Image ID #1233066 Unavailable **
Review of Lord of the Night  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey Hooks232, this is pretty good. And yes, you are correct, it has a surprise ending. It's not what I expected. I was looking for a drinking or smoking problem. Very creative!

There are a couple places to fix up punctuation, and a spelling error to fix.

*Note4* The spelling error is in the line '...closer examination there just..' 'There' should be 'they're' the contraction for they are.

*Note4* Punctuation: The first full paragraph, a comma after '..to be sure..'.

There should probably be a semi-colon after '..Lords of the night.' The phrases that come next are not complete sentences, but rather a listed continuation of the preceding sentence. Don't capitalize them.

For the sentence that begins 'Really I never have recovered..' There should be a comma after 'really'. It is an interjection.

This is a good piece, it just needs a little grammatical work.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi there, welcome to Writing.Com I hope you are finding your way around okay.

I am reviewing the article you wrote about your questioning what to believe in religious areas.

You bring up some good questions to ponder. I hope you find the answers.

I am going to point out a few places to edit. I am not tearing the article apart, just making grammatical and spelling suggestions.

*Note3*Paragraph 1. You need to edit this phrase ',and it this is still..'

*Note3*Paragraph 2. I think you could remove the comma after the words 'killing thousands'.
Also there should probably be a question mark at the end of the question, 'Is this really the right way to raise our children.'

*Note3*Paragraph 3. In the first line I think the word 'that' would look better as 'who'. You are talking about a person, not a thing.
A comma should be placed after, '...for me, but...'
Your quote "everyone else is doing it" should start with a capital letter.
The word 'its' should have an apostrophe because it is a contraction for 'it is.'
The word 'your' should be 'you're'
You need a question mark after the word 'children'.

*Note3*Paragraph 4 In the fourth line, I would move the comma after the first time you used the word 'kids' to the second time you used it.
You mentioned that the church can give people hope for the future. Maybe you could mention how. You also state that hope can be a bad thing. Mention why.
In the line with the words 'I believe in most cases it's good...' you could place commas before and after the words 'in most cases'.

*Note3*Pargraph 5 In the first line you could put a colon after the word 'religions'. The next phrases are the list of rules you mention. If you do this, the word 'Don't' would not need the capital letter.
After the words '..which religion is wrong.' you need a question mark.

*Note3*Paragraph 6. "These differences is..' The 'is' should be 'are'.
"..no matter what are beliefs are." The first 'are' should be 'our'.

I know this looks like a lot of editing. It really isn't. It just takes a lot of words to say it.

You have gotten a good start! Keep on writing!


** Image ID #1233066 Unavailable **

Review of Who am I?  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well Ta, Thanks for sharing your pending name change with us. It is always nice to have your 'family' help you with decision making.

Now here is my opinion. I think you should combine some of the old with what you want your new to be. So I think you should go ahead with Demi for the first part, but should revamp your families name 'Destructo' to go with it. If I were making up your name it would be "Demi Lition".

This was fun to read.


** Image ID #1232995 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Kiara, wlecome to Writing.Com I hope you are finding your way around okay.

This is a good prologue for your story. It kept my attention through the entire piece.

The only suggestion I would make would be to separate the story tellers story from the beginning by spacing or some other indication.

You are doing a good job. Let me know when you have started on the story itself.


** Image ID #1232995 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Morning Kenzie, hope you have a blessed day!

This was the devotional start to my day. What a good reminder to let Jesus in on the ground floor plans we make instead of waiting until we've made a mess and then asking Him to help us fix it up!

Thanks for once agai sharing your experiences with us.

*Heart* Nancy *Flower2*

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of My Space  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Stevek, It's good to have you be a part of Writing.Com

Your poem contains the essence of what WDC is. A place to let your 'inner you' blossom and shine.

I have one suggestion for your poem. You left the letter 'k' out of the word 'knew'. It is a good poem. It just needs that one little edit.

Good Job!! Nancy

** Image ID #1217278 Unavailable **
Review of Who, Me? Special?  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Kenzie, this is wonderful! You got the plan of Salvation, and how to live it, out to the people in a well written, concise manner. And it doesn't drag on or make you wish it would hurry up and get over with.
It doesn't accuse or point fingers. It just says it the way it is.

I found the link to this in the Spiritual Newsletter I recived today.

Thanks. *Heart* Nancy *Flower2*

Review of "God and Demons"  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Welcome to Writing.Com It's good to have new faces around.

How frightening to have these nightmares. Isn't it good to know we have a God who can handle those demons.
He is stronger than they are. He is our shield.

I'll include you in my prayers also.


** Image ID #1231905 Unavailable **
Review of He Is  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Good thoughts about what God is to you. He is all of those things to me also. I especially like your description of Him as an 'Unmovable defender'. This shows nothing can make Him step away from us.

In the last verse I don't think you need the comma after the word 'His'.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts of our Heavenly Father.


** Image ID #1217278 Unavailable **

Review of My Turn  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello, Welcome to Writing.Com I hope you will find your way around okay.

I'm sorry your first item had to be one to answer harsh words from someone. Hopefully, this won't have to be your only reason for writing.

There is some editing that would improve the look of the piece. You said what was on your mind. Now that there has been time to let that cool a little, editing can be done.

For example, the words 'I, I'll, I've and I'm' all need to be capitalized. Th word 'I've' should have an apostropohe
'You're' needs to be used for the contraction 'you are'.
You don't need the apostophe in the word 'stones'. The word 'Ice' at the end of the second sentence doesn't need to be capitalized.
Where you typed the word 'bike' you possibly meant 'dike'.
The word 'doesn't' needs an apostrophe
The word 'because' doesn't need to be capitalized.
In the third sentence the word 'you'll' doesn't need the capital letter.
In line 6 there should probably be a '!' after 'cruel' instead of a '?'

Here' hoping for happiness for you. Nancy

** Image ID #1217278 Unavailable **
Review of Running Home  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Crystaldawn, In my search for inspiration to start my day, I found this poem. What a good reminder that God is just waiting for us to ask Him to once again be a part of our life.

I like the message but the rhythm could use a little work. I'll give you an example:

In verse 5, there are too many words for it to read smoothly. A couple could be taken out and rearranged without changing the meaning. Like this:
"There's only one way out I see
To give it up and be set free
So I'll start today out new
Begin each day in a chat with you."

Then in verse 6, second line I think you could replace the word 'and' with a comma. It would take a way a syllable and smooth the rhythm there also.

I like the hope this poem let's us see.


** Image ID #1217278 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Kiya, Welcome to Writing.Com Iy's always good to 'see' a new face!

This is a good poem you wrote about our blessed 'diamond in the sky'. I had never heard that term for God, but it is a good one.

The rhythm needs a little work, but the words and message are inspirational.

Write more for us!!!


A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of The Fairy's Hovel  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey,, my brother PSanta-I'm ba-ack! told me about this piece. He thoroughly enjoyed it and so do I.

The ending is qite a suprise. I love it. I also like that you had the fairy saying Yezzzz, which sounded like a flying buzzing around the room.

Good writing!! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
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