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Review of How a Tear Begins  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well Ta, I like this! You have put some thought into this short piece about what may cause a tear to fall. You seem to exhibit the soul of a poet.

I also had the beauty of nature bring tears to my eyes when I was in the Andes Mountains. I am amazed at how such beauty from the tiny snowflake you mention to the awesomeness of majestic mountains can touch the heart and soul.

Good job with this piece!! Nancy

A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of ALONE  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Meg, What a nice poem for your friend Cathy.

I like the way you rhymed the first three lines in each verse and then used the phrase for the fourth line. And it is not depressing. Most of what I try to read is so depressing and full of doom and gloom. A little sunshine is good for the soul.


Review of Friendship  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Ashley, welcome to Writing.Com Glad you are here.

This is a nice description of friendship in poem form.
It says all the things that friendship is.

There are a couple punctuation errors to fix. You need an apostophe for the word 'theres' (there's). The word 'your' should be 'you're'.

In the last line I'm not sure if you mean to trust friends or emotions. That needs to be restated.

With these changes the rating of this poem could be higher.

Write On! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of Hot Chocolate  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Beth, there's nothing like hot chocolate to warm the body and soul!

I am a rhyming poet, but this little non-rhyming poem is cute. I like it. I see no errors of any kind.

I hope your time on Writing.Com has been a good experience for you so far.

Goddjob with your poem. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Mr. Steve, welcome to Writing.Com Glad to have you aboard!

What good lyrics. I can see this being made into a song. It speaks the truth. We need God's light to shine on us to show the way to live.

In the first verse I think the phrase 'blind from your ways' would sound better if it said 'blind to your ways'. You also you the word 'from' in the next line. Replacing the first word would save repeating it in the same verse.

Good job!! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of For You Are Loved  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem tells of true, unselfish love and mentions the Perfect Example of love. Starting each line with the word love is emphasized. the purpose of writing it.

The quote at the end is indeed a good compliment to your poem.

Thanks for sharing!! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of Oh What a God  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, what a good explanation of our God! You start wih His love shown to us by His sacrifice on the Cross, to sending the Holy Ghost to prepare us for living for eternity with Him in Heaven.

The only thing I see that might need to be added is to put the word 'God' between commas in the last line of the second verse.

Thank you for this wonderful poem!!


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
I reviewed this a couple minutes ago, but something happened (a glitch or something) I'll try to remember the witty remarks I made. If it did come through before, well then, you got two reviews from me. Just pick the one you like best.

I love the humor of this poem. I chuckled out loud! Middle age has moved ahead ten years. I'm trying not to be depressed. Thanks for reminding us all that we may have to go through our mid-life crisis again!!

Good Poem

*Heart* *Flower2*
Review of gratitude  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Danielle, Welcome to Writing.Com I hope you are finding your way around alright.

This is a nice little poem reminding us to be thankful for what we have in life. Things could be so much worse!

I usually am bothered by poems using all capital letters. However for the subject matter and the way this is written, it seems to be okay.

Goos job! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of Not Without Me  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, this poem starts out with the first line perfectly describing fear and jealousy, "Eating me alive". These are emotions that are hard for some to overcome.

You did a good job with the form and rhythm of the piece. It is short, but says everything that needs to be said.

Keep writing!!!


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of Bohemian Dreams  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I found this poem on the Shameless Plug Page. I think it would get more readers if you put the link to this poem in the 'highlighted item' area in your main portfolio also.

This is a good poem about trying to hang on to our childhood dreams. You followed the abab rhyming pattern throughout. The rhythm flows nicely.

Good job on this!!!


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Nikky, welcome to Writing.Com. Hope you find everything to your liking.

This poem shows how children can be affected by the 'bad things' that happen in the home. Even if it is someone else being mistreated.

There are a couple errors to fix. In the 1st verse, line 5 you typed 'starring at the ground' that should be 'staring at the ground.

3rd verse line 6 the word 'bare' should be 'bear', the last line 'your' should be the contraction for 'ou are', 'you're'.

Thank you for reminding us that there are those in this world who need a loving touch from us.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review of Unseen Hands  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello again, this is the second poem of yours I am reading. It too is excellent.

You stated all that could go wrong in a life and then gave the solution; '..a hand that's unseen'. Too often poems leave the reader in the depths of despair.

I love the way you rhyme!!

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Welcome to Writing.Com on this Valentines Day!

This is a wonderful poem. It is full of life's truths.
And this truest is that life is but a blink of an eye.

The rhyme and rhythm of this piece are excellent. I scanned your other works which appear to be just as good as this one. I am going back to read them more thoroughly and write a review on them also.

Glad you are here! Nancy

A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of Lie Poem >_<  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, Kingsford told me about your work here on Writing.Com. Are you also from the Phillipines?

This is a good poem, but needs a few word changes to make it even better. I'll help you with it.

First you need to put a rating on this and your other poem. Click on your item editing area and look for the small box that asks for your content rating. Both poems can carry an E rating.

I am not saying that you wrote a bad poem.It is a good one. It just needs to use a few different words. The words that should be changed in this poem to make the meaning a little clearer are this:

In verse 2 clothe is not a word. I think if you used the word 'outfits' instead of 'clothe pieces' it would sound better.

In verse 3 the word confiding isn't used to describe clothes. It means to tell secrets to someone. Maybe a different word should be used. I'll have to think about that.

In verse 5 line number 2, You might mean a dress instead of a coat. A coat is kind of like a jacket, only long. I'm not sure what you mean by 'half bootless jacket' I can see wearing a jacket over a dress, but boots are worn on the feet, so there can't be a bootless jacket. A 'short jacket' would be okay.

In verse 7 'A really something' Would sound better as 'Something really unique'.

In verse 8 the phrase should say 'Being able to take the fashion people to the edge' instead of 'brim'

I am so glad you are a part of this site. I have put you in my favorites list and will check on your writing from time to time. If you need help, just ask me.

I can change my rating when editing is done. This is a good start!


A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of Happiness  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Bobbie Jean, Good to have you here on Writing.Com!

This is a good description of happiness. It is not a selfish feeling, but one that comes when good triumphs.
God indeed is the source of true happiness.

You did a good job writing this poem. Thank you for sharing it with us.


A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of Dying  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, This is a good way to fight the affects abuse may have on you mentally. Writing helps you to work it out.

You are not just ranting against the abuser. You use good writing techniques. What you say makes good sense.

If this is about you, I hope you can figure a way to stop the abuse or get out. If you ever need to just talk, I listen good.

Keep wriing!!! Nancy

A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, this is a cute children's poem. How fun to find out it's Saturday and you don't have to go to school after all.

You used the wrong brackets with your writing ML. You need to use {} instead of () to create your italicized words.

I like this atyle of poem. It is right up my alley! The rhythm makes it fun to read.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review of Silence!  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a good poem! I haven't read your works lately. I'm glad I did today.

You have improved immensely since I first found your port.

I am not familiar with the 'Joy Luck Club', but my brother who is here has read it. He says your poem is indeed a good representation of that book.

You have written this in good form and flow. It speaks volumes in just a few words!!

Good Job!! Nancy (Mrs.H)

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of The End Of Brucie  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
How ghastly!! Now I have to find something light and uplifting to read!!

You did a good job of writing this piece, however gruesome it may be. You had me hooked 'til the end. I had to see in what manner you dispatched Brucie to his Vallhalla. I actually cried out the word 'Ohhhhh' in horror at the ending.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review of Life's Weathers  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a good observation about rain. Not only is it refreshing and cleansing, but without it people wouldn't fully appreciate their sunny days, both in the surface and 'under the surface' areas of life.

Thank you for this reminder to enjoy whatever may come our way. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a heart rending poem. My son recommended this one. I will also check some others he recommended.

Review of The Little Girl  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Ghost, Welcome to Writing.Com. Hope you are finding things to your liking. It's always a pleasure to read new material.

I'm not really into dark poetry like this, but think you did a good job of writing it. The form is good. The words flow along nicely.

Keep at it!!!!!

Review of when it is dark  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful change. It has the same message, but sounds way more poetic. Good job with your editing. I have changed my rating to match your editing.

Thank you for respecting my opinions and not being upset with my suggestions.

God bless. Nancy

A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of I Hate...  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This poem of yours is quite depressing. When you wrote it approximately three years ago(according to your copyright date)you had a very bleak outlook on life. I hope it has improved since then.

Even though this is depressing, the imagery and form are good. The comparisons you use for your aloneness are very creative.

Good poem!!


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
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