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Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Now it's your turn for stars!!!

I live in Vicksburg, Michigan. Which is just 10 miles or so from Kalamazoo. That is a fun word to say.

This is a wonderful idea! Maybe we all should get clocks to keep track of everyone elses time zones. And to think, you explained the idea in perfect rhyme!


** Image ID #1188732 Unavailable **
Review of My Refuge  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
It's good to have you here at Writing.com. I like reading new authors.

This piece reminds me of my favorite refuge. Mine is in a woods also. But I don't have stream to sit by.

I think this is good but would be great with a little more imagery. Maybe by describing the sound of the water on the rocks, or how the light shining through the trees illuminates natures treasures on the ground.

Thanks for setting my poetic mind in motion. Nancy

** Image ID #1188732 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Okay, I had to read one now. I like your sense of humor. And you rhyme, too! WooHoo! We are becoming a dying breed.

Good job. Now, I really have to do stuff around the house so I can feed my WDC addiction guilt-free.

Review of THE DRUT PATROL.  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there, It's good to know that some things are universal. Even if it is picking up after your dog.

This is a cute poem. It was very discreet of you to spell the subject of this poem backwards.

When my son was a young teen, we had a miniature daschund. We used a sand pail shovel to scoop up the offending piles. My son figured out he could get the shovel under the dog just as it squatted to do it's job. That way he didn't have to dig around in the grass to get it picked up.(just a little humorous side note for you)

I like this poem, thinkI'll check out more of your 'stuff'


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

A sig made for me by SilverValkyre
Review of ~*Help Me*~  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, this touches my heart. After having seen the titles of some of your other poems, I can understand the need to write this one.

You have come to the right person to help you through the sad times. God is the ultimate helper.

Here is a suggestion. In the second verse, you use the word 'back' in the first line and it is repeated in the second line. I think the verse would read a little smoother if you edited it out of the second line, and it wouldn't change the meaning either.

I like the sentiment of the last lines. It sounds like you are ready to get on with life.
'Once again~
Let my life be mine~'

Write On! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, this is a clever little recipe for happiness. We are always looking for that magic which will cause happiness to appear. How blind can we be! We live in the midst of it and half the time, don't even realize it's there.

Good poem. Thanks for sharing it with us.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I read all three items in your portfolio. The other two emphasize the need to write this one.

I am glad you have found Writing.Com. It is a wonderful place to let feelings out through writing.

Any time you just need to talk to someone, feel free to email. I listen 'good'.

Good job with all three items. Keep 'em coming!


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of School Fun  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Munchkin, I'm glad you have joined Writing.Com.

I see you have figured out how to post an item. I will put you in My Favorites list so I can watch for your next item.

I am a grandma with two grandchildren. The boy is 8 and the girl is 3.

I hope you like your Kindergarten class.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of A DAD'S PRAYER  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, this is the second poem of yours I have read.

It is evident you have a deep love for your children and feel the frustration of not being able to make everything go 'right' for them. You are looking to the perfect source for the strength needed to do what you can.

Speaking of strength, you misspelled that word a couple times in your poem. You also need a comma after the word Lord, as you are getting His attention to speak to Him.

I'm glad you found WDC. Sometimes it helps to write out what is inside, so we can get a better look at what to do about the problems.

Will pray for you, if you don't mind. Nancy
star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of JACOB'S LADDER  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Welcome to Writing.Com. Glad to have you in the family.

This poem is wonderful. That word is hard to use when it is about how children are affected by divorce, but you did a good job of expressing the feelings. How lucky for Jacob that he can come to your 'sanctuary'.

I love your last verse:

"To see him make it to the top,
Not much could make me gladder.
'cause through the years, I've been here,
Building Jacob's ladder."

I'm keeping Jacob in my thoughts and prayers, Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm in awe! This is so wonderful. Poe must have been reincarnated. I'm sure he's dead, but this sounds like him!

I am at a loss as to what else to say.


star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, don't stop now. I'm ready for more!

You started this Celtish tale, asking if you should keep going or stop. I WANT MORE! My own Celtish blood awakens something in my soul when I hear tales of this type.

The characters you have introduced are good ones.

Give us more! Nancy
Review of The Devine  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Leona, I see you are new to the site. Welcome to the family.

You present a good message; comparing finding God in life's darkness to God bringing life and light with creation.

The title is misspelled in the beginning section(not the body of the work). I also think punctuation would make the piece: flow smoother, and be easier to read.

Keep writing with Him in mind. Nancy

** Image ID #1190781 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a clever title. I also like the concept of this poem. Way to use the brain!!!

It has a good message. However, I think it would be easier to read if the words were typed in a bigger font, and they were centered on the page. I know you want to maintain the 'shape of the poem, but, I think a little bigger(that's an oxymoron) font would fit.

Keep the creative juices flowing. Nancy
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a nice little song for the 4-7 age group you are targeting. Beginning with the chorus is a good introduction for the song. It isn't indicated as such, but I am assuming the chorus is to be sung again at the end.

Good luck with your "Praise Place" Curriculum.


** Image ID #1190781 Unavailable **
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Okay!!! This is superb! I have seen and appreciated imagery, but this is the best I've ever seen!

I usually get bored with 'stuff' that isn't poetry. Not with this!! Your creative juices worked overtime on this one.!!! There aren't enough exclamation marks to emphasize my admiration for this piece!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it coming!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy

** Image ID #119781 Unavailable **
Review of But For His Love  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning Melizabeth, What an excellent reminder of God's choosing His best for us. And a reminder as well of our choice to accept what He offers. The last line is perfect. 'But for His love'. Without it where would we be?!!

I see no errors in spelling or grammar. The poem reads smoothly throughout.

Thank you for creating and sharing this a few years ago so I can enjoy it today. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh, this is wonderful. I think you have expressed what many feel; the unworthiness, the uselessness, the broken spirit. And yet at the end you have the perfect solution. "But just resting in you, is enough".

I didn't notice any grammatical or spelling errors.

Thank you for sharing this with us! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, welcome to Writing.Com. Hope you feel right at home.

This piece is filled with despair. You did a good job of getting that feeling across to the reader. I hope the despair is no longer with you!

The rhyming and rhythm are very good. There is one small typo. In line 16 you typed the letter 'e' in the word 'slowely' It should be spelled 'slowly'.

This is excellent writing! Keep it up! Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of My Desire...  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is also my desire. I love the first lines: "May I be so in sync with God, To hear his every call." That is my relationship with Him.

The line I just mentioned needs a little fixing to sound right(at least to my ear). The use of the word 'to' in the second line is bothersome to me. It doesn't feel like a complete sentence. My suggestion:'May I be so in sync with God, That I hear his every call'. Again, this is just one person's opinion.

The rhythm in the last two verses is a little off. There seem to be too many syllables in some of the lines. Example: third verse, second line; I might take out the word 'much'. Or maybe change 'attempting' to 'trying'.

I totally identify with what you are saying in this piece. The ending line is good. We should always share the good things about our Lord.

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey you must have been entering this poem while I was reviewing your other ones. Another fine job!

Your last line is what it is all about. Look to the Lord and be who you are. That is what He is after. Let Him guide you in finding who you are.

I know I am repeating myself, but you are improving with each poem. Practice is what gets us there. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army

Review of New  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi again, now this sounds like good poetry. You said what you wanted to say in a poetic manner. You are getting real handle on this.

You wrote good 'stuff'. You truly don't have to fear day and night, because when God makes a promise, He keeps it. He said He win't let you fall, and He won't.
Good writing. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of Money Problems  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hey Momo, you do such a good job of telling what is inside your heart. There are still a few grammatical spots to work on, but that is okay. It seems this is good therapy for you, as it is for us all. It is sometimes good to write out things we cannot say out loud.

Blessings, Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
Review of In Doubt  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi there, piece number three.

Your writing is improving. Your grammar sounds much better than piece number two that I reviewed.

You are right to just pray for your family now. Living silently the way God wants you to will show them what He is all about. I'll pray for you and them.

As I said this piece shows improvement. Keep writing!

** Image ID #199781 Unavailable **
Review of Thank You  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, This is the second of your pieces I am reading. This one, like the first, does a good job of showing your feelings. This one needs a little more grammar work. For example the line-- 'I always wondered how it be like if I died' needs to be revised. 'I always wondered what it would be like if I died.'-- and 'could of' should be 'could have'.

You have made a good start. I'm glad you are writing. Keep working to improve. That is always my goal, to improve my writing. Nancy

star reviewer sig for the WDC Angel Army
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