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Review of Ocean Music  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there tattsnteeth What a wonderful poem! It let's you experience all that can be brought to mind by putting a seashell to your ear. The images of the many wonders envisioned are described in flowing detail.

I love the rhyming pattern. I'm sure there must be a name for this form of poetry. I just don't know what it is. Well, whatever it might be, I like it!


Daisy from auction
Review of The Past Inspires  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Jeanne Riggs Workman What a wonderful poem looking to those of our past heirtage for inspiration in how we live now. (I used a lot of prepostitions in that last sentence, didn't I?)

One of the goals of my life has been to be an example of loving and caring to those I may have an influence on. I have some good examples of that from my own past. so I need to pass the 'loving and caring' tradition on.

I appreciate this reminder to reflect on those who inspired me and to pass on the inspiration.


Glitter Daizy

Review by Daizy May
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh the pain of love lost. I have never really experienced that, only in the occasional crush of very young love. I have been married for almost 34 years.

For that reason it is hard for me to review these types of poems. However you have written in a way that let's me understand the pain a bit. Perhaps part of the reason is because I am a rhyming poet and this poem has a wonderful rhyming pattern. The meter gives a nice flow to the words you use to portray your feelings.

You have a poetic side to your soul.

Another Daizy
Review of The Ruse Emerges  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (1.5)
First let me say that it takes money to run a website. So someone has to pay for it. That is where the advertisers come in. You should be thankful there is a means to enable free membership.

The way to get rid of the advertising is to pay for the basic or upgraded version.

Your item needs some editing for punctuation. Double spacing between paragraphs would make it easier to follow.

I am one who loves WDC.

I don't need the auto-rewarded gps, I have plenty, so I am sending them back
Review of Proletarian  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Paralda, I chose to read this poem because my husband is an alcoholic. Even though we are still married and see each other sometimes we do not live together.

This poem describes his existence. The words you use, the lack of rhyming, and the nontraditional form are perfect for the subject matter.

Excellent job with this.


Another Daizy
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oldwarrior Your talent as a poet continues to amaze me. This poem in the words of a grieving mother at Wounded Knee is another wonderful example of what amazes me.

You have captured the anguish of souls lost. The rhythm and flow enhances the classic feel of the piece.

Good job!!


Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there Oldwarrior , what a wonderful poem. It has the feel of classic poetry. And it rhymes!! The rhythm adds to the classic feel.

You show a good knowledge of history with your jaunt through the history of the eternal soldier, from the myth of Achilles to both the American soldier and the Viet Cong at the Tet Offensive and at Khe Sanh.

My brother PSanta-I'm ba-ack! says he has read your work and he agrees with me.


Another Daizy
Review of A Forest Walk  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ah, this is a wondrous walk through the woods. First I'll comment on technical stuff, then I'll tell you how I enjoyed this walk.

The rhyming pattern followed through the entire poem. The rhythm was good. I saw no errors in grammar or spelling.

Now I will gush over how it made me feel. This could have been a walk through the woods behind my house on our 140 acres; the worn trail, the fallen trees, the woodpeckers drumming and on and on. Your words took me on a nostalgic journey. The last two words perfectly describe being in the woods: 'wondrous bliss'.



Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well what a fun poem this was to read!! I had to read it twice, one time out loud to get all the plays on words you included.
The rhyming two line verses were perfect for this.

It was a humorous trip through the words with these two fauns. And the ending brought quite a chuckle.

Thanks for the bit of fun.


Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Ben Langhinrichs I am amazed at authors who can tell a story in 55 words. Flash fiction fascinates me.

You tell about a turtle that made a fatal mistake. The others were lucky enough to be saved by Jeremy.

I love your sense of humor in the last line. Puns give me a chuckle.


Daisy from auction
Review of Housecleaning Elf  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there, this is a cute piece of Flash Fiction. The title and description were a good draw. You exhibited a good imagination, and put it to paper.

It might have gained a higher rating from me if you had put a little more action in the first part and left off the last paragraph.

The last sentence spoken by the housecleaning elf would have made a good, ironic ending.

Remember as always, the creator of any writing is the ultimate one to please, and that is you!


Glitter Daizy
Review of The Nap  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ah yes, the cold weather nap out doors. Reading of your winter nap on the frozen ground reminded me of mine. Only it was at my deer blind made of branches from the woods, and I was sitting on a five gallon pail leaning against a tree. The warm sun was wonderful.

I love these stories of your life. The way you write makes me wish I could do the same. I may have to give it a try.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Sunshine in my soul
Review of AN ODE TO COFFEE  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hey there, I'm reading 'stuff' about coffee tonight. This poem is a good reminder that whoever we may be, whatever our lot or position in life, millions of us of have one common thread that draws us together; coffee starts our day. I think that if we could get all the world together one morning to share a cup of coffee, all war and hatred would cease. What do you think?

Good poem,


Sunshine in my soul

and coffee keeps it there
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
NickiD89 The title of this poem is intriguing. It promises enjoyable reading, and I wasn't disappointed.

This form of poem has always fascinated me, and you've done a good job of it.

You've rhymed well, used good rhythm and described a nightime vision to perfection.

I enjoyed this poem very much.


Another Daizy

Review of The Drinking Pool  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
I haven't used the phrase 'vivid imagery' in quite a while. It applies to this poem. It transported me to a place in my past. I was walking around our 140 acres in the country. I heard the squirrels scolding. I saw the deer heading to the pond.

I usually look for rhyme, but didn't even notice as I read the first time. Rhyme didn't seem to matter. I had to read again to see if it had rhyme. The piece flowed along beautifully. I was totally immersed in experiencing the tableau you created.

Good job


Glitter Daizy
Review of Winter Fires  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there, what an excellent poem. The title drew me. I was not disappointed. And it rhymes!! To me rhyming is important for poetry and so is rhythm. Both are done very well in this poem.

You exhibit a creative mind. Who would have thought of calling a brilliant sunset 'Winter's fire'?

Good use of the picture prompt which you included at the end.

I'm impressed!!


Sunshine in my soul
Review of Finding yourself  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there audrey I found your plug for this poem on the Shameless Plug Page. It reminds us that we need to figure out which side of the fine line we will live on; the side where we wear a mask or the side where we show the real us.

The rhyming pattern is good. The flow bogs a little in the last line. To me it feels like there are a couple extra syllables. If I may suggest a change, "which road you should take." seems to fit. And as always we all have our own points of view.

One other thing you might want to fix is in the description. The word 'your' should be 'you're'.

Thanks for this reminder to keep it real.


Daizy May #21
Review of My World  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Dave, It's Daizy again. I should have read this before I read your other pieces of writing. It gives a little background to who you are. I always appreciate reading about the authors. It provides a little more understanding of their writing.

There is a typo and a couple punctuation spots to fix. You left the letter 'u' out of the word 'fourth'. There is no period at the end of the next to last sentence. There are a couple places that need a space after a comma. And for me it would be visually better to have a space between the next to last and last sentence.

I really enjoy reading your 'stuff''.


Another Daizy
Review of Got Milk?  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Rancher Dave, milking a cow is one thing I have never done. Never had the opportunity. Besides I'm terrified of them. When I was little I was in my uncle's barn with him and Dad. A cow looked down at me and mooed in my face. Being a city girl at the time, this scared the daylights out of me. I was up in my Dad's arms without him having to bend and pick me up. Been scared of them ever since.

My trip through your portflio has been a joy. I am saving the rest for another day. I will be back.

I'm sending lots of gift points to thank you for my evening spent pleasantly.


Daizy May #21
Review of This Thing  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Alright, there is poetry in here. And good poetry it is too. And it rhymes. I am a rhyming poet so I notice things like that. And it is a good subject; "Friends or more?"

You are a many talented Rancher. You know how to work hard to make a good life, you write short stories, you write poetry.
You are a wonder.


Glitter Daizy
Review of Occurrences  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oooo Spooky, Dave! I got goosebumps reading this one. I'm glad I got to chuckle first at a couple of the others I read. It makes you wonder sometimes when we face the unexplained. It does make one question if all we pass on the street are real or not.

Good, spooky job.


Another Daizy
Review of Problem Solved  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well Dave, this got another chuckle out of me. No, it was more like I laughed right out loud. What a great story about your neighbor who solved all his problems the 'easy' way. The way the daughter's boyfriend problem got solved was priceless.
My husband solved our problems by cleaning his shot gun when they came to pick our daughter up for a date.

On to another,

Review of Rat Wars  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Dave, this one reminds me of my exploit with the shrew that got into the house and dined on the dogs kibble for days. The dish was down the hall from the bedroom. I could lay on the foot of the bed and see it. I laid there with a BB gun and picked it off one day. How dumb was that inside the house? I'm a good shot though.

I am enjoying my meandering through your porfolio. Your writing is what they call 'home spun' and I like it!!


Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh how I envy your way of life. I would have loved to live as you did; meat hanging from beams, fresh butter and milk. I could even have butchered. I am a deer hunter (and I am a women). I have shot, gutted and butchered venison for the freezer.

Your style of storytelling is amazing.

I'l be back in a few after I read another one.


Daisy from auction
Review of Jason  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my, what a heart rending story. It affected me quite deeply. My mother's heart ached for the mom her lost her son to a lightning strike out there in the hills. My son is a little older than hers was.

You don't seem to use a lot of words, but the images come across vividly. The thoughts just flow onto the page and into my mind.

Excellent work!!


Daizy May #21
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