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Review of A Moment In Life  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey ruwth This changes my mind about dishes, well actually I like to do dishes. It's getting them ready that I hate.

Your descriptions of the sensations felt while washing them were absolutely vivid. Moments in the dishwater are enjoyable, but I think calling them a Calgon moment may be a bit over the top LOL.

Now every time I do dishes, I will think of you, maybe even throw in a prayer or two.

Sunshine in my soul
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Harry This older piece of yours gets the mind to working at using your premise in this poetry for writing an imaginative story of my own. Your idea that lost items aren't really lost, but have run away in search of their own freedom is intriguing.

I am not good at writing dialogue. You have used dialogue in this poetry and have done a good job of it. The format you use makes the rhyming pattern not stick out like a sore thumb. I had to read it twice to notice that there was a pattern.

I'm glad my friend, Random Read, lead me to this. My 'creative juices' are beginning to flow and I might just have to do some writing of my own.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am always delighted when the random read tool brings me to a piece written by Lou-Here By His Grace I am never disapointed.

This short story, written in so few words, is absolutely filled with the wonders of nature. It gives one pause to stop and look around. As you wrote it, even a futile fishing experience can result in observing nature at its best.

The shortness and excellence of your piece makes it difficult to write a long commentary. So, suffice it to say, "Good job!!!"

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, Sophy , I have used the term 'inspiring' in a couple of my reviews today and it most definitely is one I can use for this one.

I am usually more comfortably reviewing poetry. I tend to view articles and short stories etc. as a chore. The format of this piece took away the 'chore' feeling. It was easy for me to follow the progression of your thoughts. (I used the word progression earlier also. hmmm)

The use of the starting sentence in the conclusion of the piece tied the essay together with a 'neat bow'.

This is truly inspiring because of your outlook on life which you share with us.

Again, this was an easy piece to read and comment on. Thanks for making it so.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my, Diane I got a couple goosebumps when I read this. I know that sounds strange, but I am one who is touched deeply by kindness and friendship. And in this piece you presented the kindness and friendliness of the WDC family in a creative manner, while at the same time providing the help a new member needs to get acquainted with us.

I liked the logical progression from one 'room' to the next, as well as including the names and links to some of the key people here.

If this were to be a true review, I would include comments on grammar and technical 'stuff'. None is needed.

This is a piece which explains the core values of our family. I'm glad we have people here like you to keep things in perspective.

Daizy Sp Sig

Review of From the ashes  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well, James A. Osteen Jr. , what inspiring poetry. This is a thought-provoking poem.

I like your metaphor using ashes and embers to represent the experiences of life. You don't make the ashes and embers be a sad thing, but rather a means to rekindle a fire for now, and the future.

The only punctuation used was the period at the end of each verse, so there is no need for technical comments. The rhythm was so natural that I just now stopped to read it again to see if you had used any. You did. Good job.

Reading this poetry gave me a sense of peace and calm and anticipation for what may be rekindled for my present and future.

I loved reading this.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review of Bike Riding  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hey Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h I started reading this because it is one of the items included in the Simply Positive reviewing forum and continued reading because it was a fun piece to digest.

Your sense of imagery really shines in this piece. Especially the part about the bicycle seat being imbedded in a part of the anatomy that wasn't designed for it. All the pictures you created were clearly envisioned. The bits of humor you interjected made reading this an enjoyable experience. I'll be waiting for the item you write down the road letting us know how successful your fitness plan is.

There is one spot that needs editing, You say 'Who know' instead of 'Who knows' Other than that this was great.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review of I Lost My Way  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there tYpO/T.Boilerman ,

This poem you wrote at a low time in your life expresses your faith in God to bring you back into His family. You have done so with a flowing rhythm. You used the example of the prodigal son to show this.

I like the use of repeated phrases in the longer verse. It re-emphasizes the points you are trying to get across.

In the end you mention He paid for your terrible debt, and stressed the word debt. Maybe you could work something about what the debt is to show why that is so important.

Thanks for asking me to read this. It is inspirational.

Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi there Tim Chiu The Random Read tool brought me here. The title and description of the piece made me want to stay and read.

This children's story in a poem seemed like any other until I got to the line, 'You see, old buddy, you're always bringing me down.' That line gives a glimpse of your talent and creativity. It is the defining line of the poem. I had to go back and read it again, with that line in mind. The second time through was a more fun experience.

You used punctuation and grammar properly.

I greatly appreciate this type of work.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Harry This third part of your trilogy is equally touching as the first two, or maybe more. You have brought us to the darkest part of Easter. Aren't we glad it is not the final chapter of Easter??

As with the other two parts of the triology, your descriptions and information follow historical and biblical accounts perfectly. You have described crucifixion just as it affected the doomed one just as I have read in research.

Again, thank you for writing as He guided you.

best daizy sig from Kiya
Review of Ruse  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi thereBScholl

I read this short story and thought, "He did a pretty good job." Then at the end you mentioned that you were writing with certain words being required. Then I thought, "He did a great job using the unrelated words in a way that makes sense."

I guess to make this a true review I should mention errors in mechanics and grammar. I can't do that. I found none.

Random Read brought me here and I will let it take me away.

A Simply Positive Group Leader signature for Daizy ~ Love, Riot.
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Red Writing Hood <3 I see this item is as old as Writing.Com. It was written in 2001.

I love this kind of 'stuff'. It makes you chuckle at someones elses silly mistakes, while at the same time reminding you of your own.

Of course I found no errors. Being this old, all the editing that needed to be done was already completed.

This was just enjoyable to read. I'm ready to read more like this, please!!

Daizy Sp Sig
Review of The Gift  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello warriormom I am here because of the random read tool.

Being a birth mother who gave up a child for adoption, I am always drawn to items about that. My ending is happy as is the ending in this story.

I didn't notice grammar or writing mechanics errors, just a good short story that resonates with my heart and soul.

I know this is short, but I just needed to connect with subject matter that I know all about,

A Simply Positive Group Leader signature for Daizy ~ Love, Riot.
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
T.L.Finch the random read tool brought me here. It was a bumpy ride.*Rolleyes*

Well, I must say you have the talent of a classic poet. He probably wants it back, but don't give it to him. You really know how to use it.

This All Saints poem transports me to the English taverns in a time when bards traveled the countryside and setteled in towns or villages just long enough to earn lodging, food and drink by entertaining the patrons with tales and poetry such as you have written.

The rhyme and rhythm patterns you used enhance the enjoyment of reading.

I never really understood what was meant by depth in an authors writing. But I do now. You aren't just telling a story, you are letting the reader experience it.

I'm sending back the auto-rewarded gps. I don't need to be paid to enjoy good poetry.

Good job!!

A Simply Positive Group Leader signature for Daizy ~ Love, Riot.
Review of Rat Race  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey there 🌕 HuntersMoon I have been using the random read tool quite a bit lately. This one popped up.

Sometimes I get tired of reading about despair, and anger and angst and all that stuff. Life goes by too fast. Why let all the 'stuff' that happens take away our joy and peace. It was a pleasure to find something light and fun to read.

You took a nursery rhyme we all know and gave us your own spin on it. And a creative spin at that! You followed the rhyming and rhythm patterns very well.

I also appreciated the link to a nursery rhyme site at the conclusion. It's fun to let nursery rhymes lead you down memory lane to your childhood and childhood with your children.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh my goodness, Have a sunshiny day! You are sooo creative.

I found this poem using the random read tool. I like that thing.

This poem really shows the world your 'poeticness'. I don't think I have ever read a poem from a plants point of view, going from a gardening store to being transplanted to growing with splendor in the garden.

You wrote so well, I didn't notice the rhyming pattern, I just now went back to see if you had used one. I now know what they mean by 'unforced rhyme'. The rhythm of the piece made the reading experience a smooth and flowing one.

Who would think that I could enjoy reading about something so mundane, but Idid.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review of Road-Kill Crow  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey there Sharkdaddy Found this with the random read tool.

What a fun piece of poetry. You made me chuckle with your comparison of road kill to a diner. Add in the arrogant crow and I laughed out loud.

To make this a true review, one must comment on grammar and mechanics. I just did.

I do like that you used strict rhyme and a good rhythm pattern. This enhances the comedy of the poem. I don't think it would be as humorous without it.

I'm sending back the auto-rewarded gps plus a few more. I am the one who ahould be paying. This added a grin to my day.

Daizy Sp Sig
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Harry Found this using the random read tool.

Simply Positive Animated Lightning Strikes sig

You have let us in on a ageless truth with this poem. Even though we may feel all civilized and such, the primitive instincts kick in when needed. You have done so with perfect rhyme and rhythm, which helps the reader flow smoothly along to each verse.

The last four line verse and the succeeding two line ending, sum your observation nicely.

I'm sending back the auto-rewarded gps. Appreciating good poetry doesn't call for them.

Image #1537521 over display limit. -?-
Review of Dipping the Stars  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi fyn The random read tool brought me here.

Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.

This piece of poetry tells us we need to look past the surface and see what is really underneath. You give us several tangible examples from nature, all of them well defined. Then you seem to be alluding to checking beyond the masks people wear and the matters of heart and soul for the reality that is there.

You keep the reader following your thoughts smoothly with the consistent flow of your poem.

I used to be one that thought good poetry needs set rhyme and rhythm patterns. I have been changing that thought process. This poem is a good example of why set patterns are not needed in every bit of poetry.

I enjoyed this.

Image #1506621 over display limit. -?-
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A Simply Positive reviewing sig.

Well, as I am a daisy lover, which you can see by my username and my sigs, I was compelled to read this poem after I came across it using the random read tool. (Whew, that was a long sentence)

This free verse longing for the beauty and elegance of nature flows nicely from one verse to another. The words you use to describe the hubbub and self-centeredness of humanity are very descriptive. It took four verses to give us that picutre, but only one was necessary to take us to the field and forest for a respite.

I have lived in and still have access to both the field of daisies and the forest of green gold. They do indeed calm the mind and put things in perspective.

I appreciate this peaceful moment.

Image #1553883 over display limit. -?-
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Tim Chiu I found this poem using the random read tool.

Even though I don't agree with the philosophy of this poem, I think it is well written. The thoughts flow smoothly throughout the piece. I have noticed no errors in grammar or punctuation, You summed up your thoughts concisely at the conclusion.

Here is my answer to your view on this subject. While I agree we need to follow our heads to think things through, I feel we need to consult our hearts as well. Whether we like it or not, emotion is a part of who we are. I don't think either alone is enough to get through life. We need one to balance the other. That's just my thoughts.

And, might I add, I have never buried my head with regret. I may have wished something was different, but there is nothing to be done about the past, so I just go on from there having gained experience from the event.

This poem gave me pause to contemplate on how I deal with life. Thanks for that.

Another Daizy
Review of seeking freedom  
Review by Daizy May
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello zabdos Welcome to the Writing.Com family.

This article speaks a great truth. Technology has caused us to stop taking time for our mind to do its job. God did give us that brain. We need to use it properly.

I am curious. The structure of your article makes me think that English may not be your first language. It needs quite a bit of help with punctuation, some grammar, and some mechanics of writing. If you want help with that let me know. I will be glad to assist you. Just respond to this review to ask for help.

Again, welcome to the Writing.Com family


Animated blue heart with red hearts SPN group sig.
Review of Blacken Mirror  
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hi there Bleeding Dawn I came upon this poem using the random read tool.

You have written this piece in the style of dark poetry. Your words fit that genre very well.

However I think the word 'blacken' should be 'blackened'. It is used several times in the title and body of the piece.

There are a few lines that end in a period, but don't appear to be a complete sentence. That is bothersome to me and makes it hard to follow the flow of the piece. I also am not sure about the use of the word 'downed' in the last verse. I'm not sure what that means.

I think this is a good premise for a dark piece of poetry, but needs some work.

mug sig created by kiyasama
Review by Daizy May
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello there Revelry new writings soon

You have written a good description of the Joker from the Batman Movies. Each element you included fits him to a tee, from the malicious grin to his addressing the commissioner.

There are no grammatical or mechanics errors to make note of. The only thing I might mention is using the ampersand instead of the word and. That may not be a big deal, but it bothers me a little.

Otherwise this is a good unrhymed, free verse poem describing one of the Arch enemies of Batman.


Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.
Review by Daizy May
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there nextlevel Welcome to the Writing.com family. I am reviewing your short story on behalf of the Simply Positive Reviewing Group.

Even though my grandparents had different surroundings you take me back years (I won't tell you how many) to my childhood. I lived in houses in two cities that had big yards like you describe.

There is not a lot to say about the mechanics and grammar of your piece. Both seem okay to me. The development to its conclusion is good,

This is just like sitting at a table at the restaurant reminiscing about childhood times and whatever else might come to mind.

Thanks for this little interlude.


Animated blue heart with red hearts SPN group sig.
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