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Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
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May 3, 2020 at 1:19am
May 3, 2020 at 1:19am
Writing with one hand as I'm having a cig. Up at midnight as I'm forlorn. It's a Sunday. I feae I'll get killed again. I will be up most of today. I plan to make breadsticks. Later this morning. i
saw a tweet that Gov Newsom released 7 pr9soners this past week. They could be heading this way to make me and mae me die. Today. Or any day. I am in fear of my life from these7 people. I trust my God to keep me safe. I don't know why I feel hungry now. I could possilby make a midnight snack. I fear it all and now I'm feeling some bastards are happy at this revelation of mine.

I'm taking my meds as always. I found an email from my clinic asking me to come to see the dr next week but I don't have any money to pay their fee. I am asked for $4 each time I go there you see. I have an insurance but that mght not be en force now. I will see to it to see if those insurance cards are still viable. Then I can go to a regular doctor not one who is a fy by night sort. I do't know what to do about this. I need meds to get through my days. If my doctor isn't up to snuff then I could be marked for life by that one in Riggs Community Health so that bastards can find and get me to die everytime they see me.

I have to go to the doctor bec my psychiatrist wants to check my BP. Each tiem I see them. I won't see her for another six weeks it seems. Or did she say six months?

I have to see about that insurance that I signed up for. That way I can safely put in an appointment with the Arnett Clinic here in town. They were my previous doctor here.

April 18, 2020 at 9:26pm
April 18, 2020 at 9:26pm
I'm in a prison which is in my house. My captor is Nemesio Navarro Faderan who is also known as Agosto Roxas. Agosto was Ferdinand Marcos' hit man in the Philippines. Agosto and my 'mother' Sally got together when Agosto was hired by the Queen of England to give me a home and 'family members'. Both Agosto and Sally are bastards. Agosto had a number of women who he pretended were his siblings. He fathered several children from his 'sister' Remedios Plan (Clifford, Melvyn, Eleanor, Carole, Sandra and German, Jr.). He also fathered two children from his 'sister' Carolina Del Pilar (Erwin and Eileen Goldfeder). Agosto made up these families to become my cousins. My 'mother' Sally (or Salud) came from a family of Duques who lived in Bicol, Philippines. Her people were all her own creation.
April 6, 2020 at 6:27am
April 6, 2020 at 6:27am
The age when i became an adult:

I was never an adult in my life. I've remained a teenager through my life. I hated the idea of being a woman who went to the beauty salon weekly to have my hair into a beehive or some ghastly teased mess and wearing Chanel-like suits and having stockings and wearing Ferragamo pumps (hint: I'm referring to my bad stepmother). I hated the idea of growing into that sort of person. I am going to valiantly fight to be someone else, preferably, clinging to the idea that I'm young always in my own mind. I don't like being elderly or being called that merely due to chronological age. i do admit to being mature but really cannot think of myself as some sort of woman who's on the wrong side of some stupid age. Now I'm feeling rather embarassed into admitting what I am age wise and I will lie deliberately: I'm 24 years old.

This blog post was inspired by the book "Burn after Writing" - a book encouraging writers to talk about themselves and their innermost feelings, ideas and so on. I encourage people to write in the interim of their stay out of contact due to this pandemic. I think writing is a releasing sort of activity that's not going to maim you nor give you broken bones or whatever. Workouts are boring after a while so writing should be the other side of releasing some pent up feelings and perhaps to make a person face their demons somehow so that these won't ever bother them again.

I don't usually go through some religious sort of thing before I write. I do'nt know if it will help but you might ask the Holy Spirit to help, of course. I do sometimes think of the Holy Spirit but I guess a good greeting to Him Who loves my Soul should be good.

I am not sure why I'm up so early today but it's been one of those nights where I was alternately ok and sickish. I blame the dog for the sickly feeling. He has been always in a troublesome spot and so being a bit too close to him has been bad. I've had to cure myself with the following: food, alcohol (wine), aspirin, vitamin fizz and the internet. Thank God. But then I still get a whiff of some sickish thing so I am wondering what on earth is in the air these days.

This is Monday and so I'm optimistic that good things will happen, but it might only be the timeliness of the US Mail delivery. There are some days that the mail carrier is overworked and our mail doesn't get delivered till seven pm that evening. I am hoping for good news about anything in the world. I sent an email trying to pitch a story to a magazine, I applied to a job or two, I put up some videos on YouTube, I tweeted several things on Twitter, and I am always gratified by a response, haha.

Just like a kid I am, aren't I? So it is always good to think of theh new day as a gift that is to be unwrapped and so this is why I feel optimism. I do'nt think the it's a problem to be optimistic, and I surely won't go round yelling that the sky is falling. I have had a rather rough weekend but I have gone through it and it might threaten again this week but I'm trying to hold on till I get to talk to my therapist this week. I hope I don't start bawling at her over the phone like I did saying that I had become so very sad because my life is awful (boo hoo). So this week I think I should try to sound more modulated about my angst.
April 4, 2020 at 8:08am
April 4, 2020 at 8:08am
I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do
what I do not want, I agree that the law is good. But in fact it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells
within me. For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but
I cannot do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Now if I do what I do
not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within me.
So I find it to be a law that when I want to do what is good, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law
of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind, making me
captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this
body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with my mind I am a slave to the law of God, but with my flesh I am a slave to the law of sin.
ROMANS 7:15-25
April 3, 2020 at 7:22pm
April 3, 2020 at 7:22pm
Today is Friday and it will soon become dusk. I appreciate the length of daylight we here in the Midwest have been given. I dont mind it at all. I think for kids this is a gift. More time to play outside, and then the parents are relieved to have some free time in the afternoons to decompress from the day.

I have not updated people but I do have a new job. I know that I've got 'new jobs" but most of them are jobs where I have to earn the money by selling to people online, mostly, and then to see whether I can find people in need of tutoring English comp or lit. I have yet to get a student in dire need of help in writing an essay or a story or anything. I guess I might have known that but I've been asked by the employer to see if I could see how I might help in other subjects like algebra. I hazarded a guess that I might be so they gave me an assessment test. I got 4 answers out of like 10 or 15. So there went the algebra tutoring. Who the hell cares for algebra except perhaps the SAT people or those who have nothing better to do than teach the subject. I predict that there will be a time when the need for algebraic equations will wane and we will be back to the days of the horse and buggy. I even remember someone in my high school say "Who will ever use Algebra in college or in life?" So algebra was not the thing to know. Not even Calculus and that was my worst thing in my career as a student. It threatened my GPA and got me almost to the brink of self-expulsion from college. I worried about this for a whole summer and thought I would never ever live again. The school never said a word about me getting into a dire state with them. I dreamt up the whole problem. But, I also got into literature and read Dorothy Sayers' books all summer and that got me into a anesthetized mood and felt more like myself by the time term time came upon us. Thank God we have books to read that help our sad lives which we've somehow got ourselves into a pickle time and time again.
April 2, 2020 at 12:01am
April 2, 2020 at 12:01am
It is almost midnight. I get confused with the time as the computer I'm on is relatively new and has the California day time in it. But it's ok. I at least know the time there should a person from LA or SF want to call.

I've spent a day that's had a murdering meme to it - my murder. I'm being killed still. I taste the bits of bad stuff that grow on petri dishes and have become a very sad person because of it. This sort of torment that comes from the remote places where bacteria are kept alive is not good. It's reminiscent of the sort of torment the 'saints' used to receive daily, because they happened to be holy. I don't think I'm holy much now. I used to pray more. I had the morning prayer the evening prayer and sometimes I'd go to the chapel once or twice a week to pray. There were Sunday services. And then there were the extra days before Easter where I'd participate in the Supper of the Lamb, and listen to lovely choir music and voices. Those were the days when I had no real idea that the adjective that was to be given people like me was "holy" or "saintly". It didn't help that I was not seen with my lover in public but we were together all the time, in some way. Me in my city and him in his city. We were so very in love one time in the past that the love we felt threatened a great number of people who said Never. So we had to part and it was very difficult but we kept in some wavelength and then later in the past several years I've learned he was ready to show that he was indeed interested in taking up where we left off.

The sort of life I'm leading these days ins't very different from what people are doing since this pandemic came on the scene. Homebody, writing when the mood strikes me, cooking some snacks or foods, and doing the usual home stuff. Chores and then of course trying to keep from getting into a hellish thought.

This is the thing the tormentors are eager to put me into. The weekends are their playground. They are all so very happy to inflict the hateful thoughts on me, and have (in the recent past) even got people from out of town to check into hotels and 'get the dream' of seeing me in a clinch with my lover or, get killed somehow. The people who are paying money to watch me get killed are nothing more than like the ones who watched the saints get tortured, maimed and destroyed in the Collosseum in the days when the Christians were killed for being followers of Christ. But these days, the watchers of these torturous scenes (me in the title of the 'movie') are anonymous. Nobody knows them. They aren't really known. At least in the past they were amorphous images but now they are known. Many of them are actually known to me as famous politiicians, actors (who are looking for a gig), and those who are my 'so called relatives' who work to tell all that they are related to me somehow and derive some fame from it. Yes, I'm famous now. I've been a woman who's been targeted, been the focus of people who have put on the mantle of being the One Who Has to Be Obeyed. That one who thinks she's going to be obeyed every damn time is not going to get her way any longer.

I know a lot of the thoughts here are saying that my writing these things isn't going to amount to a 'hill of beans' in the fullness of time. I mean, I've been trying to defend myself for a while. I do have help. But somehow help is being held back for some unknown reason. Unless people are so kept in the trap of their own 3 dimensional lives that they can't do anything for fear their world will end if they even lifted a finger to say "Stop the killing of Mary Faderan". I can assure you that the trap of your lives is like mine and I am doing what I am doing to show you all that this trap is not something that's going to keep me from doing what I believe in. I believe in: Love. I believe in Children who need to survive and not be aborted. I believe in the Elderly who are being kept prisoner due to their meekness and having no body to look after them. I believe in being a Voice in this world. If my voice were muted it would be a disgrace. This means that the world is now a fully communist world where the only ones who can speak are people who are 'approved' by some communist-leaning party or organisation.

I hope that the Pope is listening. That might help buthe's also in a trap. The Catholic Church, much as I learned my primary church stuff from them, is a church that's been built by the same people who killed Jesus. The people who killed Jesus hated him with such a vitriol that they wanted him to die every Sunday in the 'bloodless' sacrifice of the Mass. Well, guess what. Everyone who identifies with Jesus is being killed in that bloodless sacrifice. It's bloodless because the marks of the torturers are not visible on your bodies. But they sure are felt. They are the stabbings, the pricks, the lancings, the near miss beheadings, and that is the terror of it all. That is why I do not go to Mass anymore. I do not believe the Catholic Church is the True Church. I do not know which the True Church is. But I am guessing it could be the Lutheran Church. Yet I feel somewhat sad because it was started by a German. I do not want to identify myself in any way with the Nazis nor the Neo Nazis. They too, have been trying to get a hold of me because of some weird Aryan belief that I could be someone "holy" therefore they need some of my stuff to make a race of big godlike people. I do not like that. People ought to leave people alone and keep their hateful and murderous thoughts to themselves.

I no longer have a real family on earth. I have heard that all of my relatives have been 'turned' and made to hate me. They are also the ones who have created a big lie about themselves and one of these is my late mother (stepmother, really) sally faderan. She has been showing people in her later years how very holy she was but she secretly hated me. She did not like me at all. She was jealous of the good things that I received from my lover. She wanted my lover for herself. She is still, or lately, but not much now, trying to replace me and make herself be me. If you can extrapolate this idea. Imagine that Invasion of the Body snatchers movie? This is happening. And so are the Stepford Wives happening.

I think that God is a Great and Almighty God. He knows what I'm going through. He knows I'm his girl for ever. I am going to trust in Him as I've always done.

I hope everyone there who is looking at this and watching the course of my life is aware that their thoughts are open to everyone in God's Heaven and they will be convicted of their thoughts.

Tomorrow I hope to do some more writing. I am not going to be made to feel as though writing is going to hurt people I love. My loved people are few and many are impervious to the hurtful thoughts. I have also become detached from loving anyone so much that I would deny my God so that someone or something I love might be given another day in this world to live.

I hope you all who are good and have been praying as well as you can are going to keep trusting that God is in charge.

March 25, 2020 at 12:51am
March 25, 2020 at 12:51am
This day wasn't good. I stayed in bed most of the time. I felt depressed. I felt like some force was holding me from doing what I wanted to do. I hid under the covers. My family of pets were hiding too. I was hated by my stepfather. All day long. I wanted to escape. I can't. I want to find freedom from the pain he give me, physically, without even laying a hand on me. He was so distant as a parent. He never really gave my mom a gift for any anniversary or birthday. He kept saying he has no money to give her gifts, I can't believe this guy ever cared for my mom. I found out yesterday that he had kids with his 'sisters' who he passed off as his sisters. So those cousins of mine are my half siblings, but he's really not my real father, and I'm relieved that is true.

I cannot stand this man another day. I want to take off and never come back home, but I want to bring my stuff with me, and my pets. I've a friend from another country who says he can give me a home. I pray that is true.

I don't know what the next day will bring. I wish that God would intervene. I don't want anything to do with this bastard. He lies about how he has no more money in the bank. I tried to think how many bills he's paying. He pays the mortgage, the car loan and his cell phone. He said he no longer pays his credit cards. He said he used to use some credit counseling thing who pays the cards for him. But he said he stopped it. So I don't know what the remainder of his pension is used for. Oh there is the energy bill, the water and the gas bills. But that isn't a lot. We had a mild winter so the gas bill didn't go up much I imagine.

But he wants me to give him some of my pension to help with things - groceries. He's never able to make ends meet. I've had to pawn a few more jewelry items to help with getting to the next pension check.

One time he showed me he has a huge bill with the waste management company. I said I'd help him. But I couldn't either. This guy comes up with different bills he has to pay. There was another time he said he forgot or didn't pay the mortgage and I had to pay it. Then he came back and said the bank said it was stolen from his account. I couldn't stand it. Then he said that his car payments were late and he talked to some guy from Capital One who kept calling to keep him in line. I guess that guy hasn't called anymore. I figure that car is paid for the month. He also said we have no car insurance. That was a shock. We've been going round running errands with a car that has no insurance. This next month in April is when he needs to renew his driver's registration and I am sure they need him to have insurance.

I'm thinking that he's bulding up to something. A ruination of my family. His getting out of this life that I have to share with him expenses. I think he's going to split someday soon and I'll be taking care of the house. I need to have some help for this guy is a schemer. I thin k he's lying about everything. He has a tendency to lie about stuff. He also used to keep money from my Mom. I think he took out money to give to his other wives or mistresses.

I've a good mind of sending an email to my cousin (his kid) and accuse him of being a shithead and a piece of trash. I can't stand how this parent that adopted me has been such a louse, he really is.

I want to get out of this life and find another life. I wish to God that this guy just up and left me. I can cope with the house for a while. I applied for jobs in town. I just need to have a car. If this stepfather of mine toook off and left and said nothing else, I'd be grateful to God. I can pay the mortgage that I could get from an extra income.

I don't know why I had such a bad parent like this. Who decides on my life anyway? I can't stand how I am feeling. I need to get me some alcohol or whatever. I bet that's what this bastard wants me to do. To get drunk and take my Rx meds so I'll never wake up from my horrible existence.

One day maybe I'll write a story about this bastard. I'll be quite succinct. I wish there was a better day ahead for me. Not just a glimmer of hope from some person.

Who can help me? Is God going to keep me in this state? Is there a God even? Why punish me this way? WHy punish my mom who died in a horrible series of deaths and then that bastard just stood by and said NOTHING at all about how he felt for my mom who suffered: gall bladder surgery, heart attack, coded from an accumulation of fluid in her lungs, sepsis, and finally death.

Is that my fate as well? Is this guy waiting to see me die so he can get some sort of prize for sticking out with me somehow? Who deals the cards on this guy? Is this guy a real bastard from a long time ago? Is he the longest living bastard who ever came to this earth?

The bastard who pays for my house mortgage is 91 years old.

I ask you - what would you do if it were your life?
March 23, 2020 at 8:48pm
March 23, 2020 at 8:48pm
Tonight I have a few tortillas and coffee. I'm not that hungry. I made the tortillas from scratch earlier today. I was not a happy person for a few moments today. I felt as though my stepdad was making things up for me to believe. He's a very bad person yet he comes off looking like a simple ordinary guy from the barrios of Manila. I don't think I ever realized how very dupiicitous he was. I knew several instances he would say a lie to people. Most of the time these lies were to his choir group which when he wanted to skip the choir he would tell them that he was going to be out of town. Well, I objected to him. He even decided not to go to church that same time he said he would be out of town. I didn't care for this and I tried to tell him he needs to just say he can't make it and not say why. Now it looks like he's been lying to me and my Mom all my life. He and Mom used to have problems with how he kept money from her in their marriage. He would buy things without telling her, stuff that he wanted and didn't consult her about it.

She hated this. And soon their marriage got so quiet and they never seemed to share any moments together. One time I heard him say to her that if he left her first (died, I guess) he wanted her to marry again. She said nothing about that and so there was an awkward silence.

She died in 2011. I think that after she died he became more interested in finding women to date. But he said he never had enough money to take a girl out. He was already in his 80s. I saw once he was looking at online dating. I was appalled and tol dhim that I would also do the same thing just so he would stop. I know that he was too old and it was a scandal for someone like him to get iterested in girls again. But what do I know?

Now it lookslike my haters are talking about me and my stepdad as somehow 'incestuous' and that is NOT TRUE. I hate those bastards talking about us that way. I will be so made if I met those people and they try to be nice in front of me.

I'm seeing a man named Colin and we are serious. I will always love Colin and we've been together for a long time. He has a job that takes him away from me but we do communicate in our own spiritual way. That makes my stepdad nervous and now my stepdad is realizing that Colin is really angry with him and how he thinks he can go off and manipulate me.

LIke, for example, my Stepdad says he needs money to pay bills. SO he asks me to help him because he's really getting broke. I know some of Colin's sources are telling us that my stepdad is really rich and he gets his money from the Queen of England who has told him and my late mother to take care of me. I'm Ione Mountbatten, the child of Philip of Edinburgh and a sweet woman who was my mother. So I am now knowing that my stepdad is working for that Queen who wants me to die all the time so that she will never have to deal with me and my presence in the world.

I also am told that I am really the Queen of England. I am Queen because I also am Olga, the daughter of Nicholas and Alexandra. I am now Natasha Feodorovna, so I am going to be Queen whenever Colin thinks it is a good idea to tell people. There are those who know about this but are not into teling people about it. I will remain an exiled Queen and I don't care if people know it. I will be good and faithful to Colin always. I am a person who has had many careers in my life and I've been a researcher, a scientists, a pharmacy tech and a regulatory scientist. I have no children and I have four pets. Colin and I will be always in love with each other and will never part from each other.

I hope this is enough for now.

Ione Mountbatten
March 21, 2020 at 7:15pm
March 21, 2020 at 7:15pm
Folks, this is what I've been working on this afternoon. I'm somewhat inspired to hawk about my new business. But i'm getting a rather rundown feeling that this is all for naught. I hope it isn't. I hope there are still people out there who are interested in helping their fellow woman get up in the business world. Given that there isn't a lot of business out there to make. The country seems to be on lockdown! i hope people aren't getting too depressed. I'm not sure that people are eager to help in some way their fellow human being because they're scared that they will run out of money fast if this virus isn't held back.

I'm not rich, but I sure wouldn't mind getting a few bucks to help feed my dogs and cats and bring some sort of snack to the table.

My dad in his own way is trying to find money but I'm afraid he's going into this sort of thing the wrong way. I am afraid he'll be dragged into the front of a judge because he's dealing with some sort of business that's not couth. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm going to have to face the future alone if this happens. I have no money to keep him out of the slammer. I am sure he can get a defender but these days defenders aren't that great to have on your corner. They're also downstrodden, and they feel depressed because of their inability to get the biggest jobs in legal lands.

So I'm not trying to be a sad sack. I wish to show you what I"ve written about my work and business so far. Here it is:

Mary Ione Faderan, Mary Kay
Independent Consultant
3156 Stratus Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 637-8346
Product Brochure about
Mary Kay Cosmetics
21 March 2020
I’ve joined Mary Kay Cosmetics as an independent Consultant. I wish to give you advance
notice that now you can call on me or ask me anything about Mary Kay cosmetics. You can also
schedule a makeover at your convenience where you are, given the circumstances of the
statewide awareness about the COVID virus. I can
also conduct a short or medium length discussion
with you on Skype or Zoom. Just call me first and
schedule with me. I can also arrange for a virtual ‘go
to’ kit for you to try at a nominal charge with free
If you wish to shop online, my website URL is:
If you wish to have a catalogue I can also send you
one via email in a PDF format. However, my website
has all the different catalogs based on what interests
you with looking gorgeous!
Podcasts by Ione and Friends
For your enjoyment I started podcasting on anchor.fm. You can find me there and you can listen
to my daily or even more than twice daily podcasts about beauty, fashion, life and the current
things people are worried about.
Today’s podcast was about what I would wish me to be to have fun in life. I think the most
enjoyable thing I could wish to be is to be a makeover diva. I love to help people change their
appearance in a natural way, without any real surgical intervention. I am not a surgeon, anyway,
haha. But if you ever wish to ask me what you think I ought to help you with, do not hesitate to
write me with a recent photograph of yourself (or send me your Facebook image) so that I can
give you a good and honest and fair assessment of what you ought to change about your hair,
your makeup, or your skin issues. I do not practice medicine, but I do have a fair knowledge of
what cosmetics are out there.
Be sure to send it to me via post (USPS) and enclose a small fee ($15) for me to send you back
a good two page assessment of you and what I think the best YOU should be. My mailing
address is:
3156 Stratus Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47906
The podcast URL is: http://anchor.fm/ionemerdle (or Ione and Friends)
You may also see my latest ideas about fashion at my Mary Natasha blog on Facebook. I’m
there as @MaryNatashablogger..
Remember to note my email address: mfaderan@gmail.com
My mailing address is: 3156 Stratus Drive West Lafayette IN 47906 USa
My cell is: 765-637-8346

PS This is in my FB and my Twitter. I haven't tried other social media. i'm afraid that I'll be made to suffer for going to far afield.

Here's to the next day - sunday. I hope things look up. Oh by the way, I've no doctor that i went to last week. i will have a call with my therapist and that should be good. She's also doing things 'away' from the patient. everyone in the medical field is all sad because they cannot examine their patients the right way. I don't even know if I will see my shrink in a few weeks. i think this whole virus is causing everyone such a lot of worries.

Me, i'm not sure I can really worry, except that my Dad is making me feel a bit stressed because he seems to have got himself into a scam that elderly people have got themselves into. How does one cope with an elderly parent who hates to be told to be careful. He's probably hating himself now.

Guess that is all. See you in the funny papers.

Mary Ione
March 12, 2020 at 1:19pm
March 12, 2020 at 1:19pm
From a post online:

"A several day thing of being upset over a glitch in my LLR website. It all stemmed from the fact that I had inadvertently cancelled my business with them. I redid this business and they were gracious enough to reverse the cancellation. But then I found out that the website of mine wasn’t registering anything. For days I couldn’t figure it out. Then i submitted a ‘case’ or two to Support. They all did some work and then gave me a contact and that person wasn’t quite sure what was going on. He later sent a voicemail saying what he thought was the problem. Now I am slowly getting back on track with this.

In the meantime I’ve not had any nibbles on my FB page but that’s to be expected. People are like that, I’m sure. I am glad some of them are following me. I don’t know if they’re really there or if they’re merely 'fake’ accounts. Sometimes these people get into a troll-like sort of meme and make some bad associations with the accounts or Pages they follow. It’s like a game to them, I guess. I do have a message for the “trolls” that I’m onto them. All they can do is watch and see.

ThirtyOne is still ongoing. I am going to see what things I can do to get it at a point that it will have some followers at least. I think some of these who follow me on FB might like to see I’m on it as well.

I did make that announcement but they all could need to have a nudge, haha.

Knitting is still ongoing. I finished a hat (beanie) the other day. It’s for a smaller head circumference which could be good for teenagers.

Tweeting and FBing are ongoing. Blogs are having a rest. Feel as though some of those who look on these are not friendly.

Some of these who look here are also unfriendly. But that’s to be expected. I’m not afraid of these. I’m with Someone Good and Big and that Someone will keep me from being injured or what not.

I haven’t written anything. Mainly due to being in some way tormented by the LLR problem with the website. However, this problem did present a difficulty in me that wasn’t me at all. These 'hackers’ who’ve been guarding me are prone to make me have a fit when I don’t need to have a fit. They are so easily put into my emotional stuff that I get this as my reaction and not as a 'role’ or practised scripted thing.

So I’m watching for these 'feelings’ so that if they try to overcome me and make me have a difficult moment so that i’ll either die or fall over or give in or give up, these will be taken out of me by my own will and by my Guardian Angel.

I’ve had these scripted things in my mind that are like 'tapes’ that go on and on and they are known to the psychiatric profession. This means that people have had these in their minds that make them feel depressed, sick or self-hating, or even suicidal. This is a bad thing but the creative minds are most prone to these and that might also include those who are into creating good things for medical and scientific areas.

I hope this will help."

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