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Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
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June 5, 2020 at 7:56pm
June 5, 2020 at 7:56pm
I'm asked whether or not one shouldn't just like each other to evade the word 'love' altogether. People seem to find 'love' too hard to find or, to endure or even to live through. I am not sure that love is that difficult to find but it is probably difficult to find a lover who will also like you and thus despite the rough times, the ups and downs, will stick with you and still profess to love you to anyone who might ask them. I think finding the right person is a great project, if you can call it that. It's possibly the thing that makes everyone feel daunted. How do you find the right person to love you and to love? I read somewhere that loving someone who doesn't love you back is really infatuation. I've gone through a crush or infatuation a few times in my life. But getting a person you happen to fall in love with to love you back is a great and quite difficult thing unless you are that person's desire as well. I do not know what to counsel love-interested people. I onnly know that for me having love is something that's a God-given gift. Love comes in different forms - there's maternal, filial, and spousal love. The last one you have to earn by means of being a well-behaved human being. You're gracioius and polite to poeple even strangers, and you are always able to control your temper with people. YOu have to watch what you say of cousre lest the person who is destined to love you wlil hear it and find it hard to like you at the very least. But you have to be true to yourself. If you have nothing good to say about someone then please don't say anything about them to anybody or make a snide remark to someone. Just keep your own opinions to yourself until you trust the person you're with to keep your thoughts secret and that is a measure of having a good friend. Love comes slowly to anyone who asks for it. You have to love yourself in a good way, and to accept that you have faults that you need to decide what to do with, whether you want to keep them because they somehow are serving you some way, or you need to get some help from some person who can point out what it is that is the matter with you and your abillity to attract anyone who's worthy of attracting. The one thing that helps is that you have a forgiving heart and a humane heart. You have to also pray for this One Love you have desired to find. If you pray all the time about it, then that One Love will arrive and find you and you will both be very happy. Prayer answers all things. Or should I say, God hears all prayers and when He understands where you are and why you are asking for something, then He will bend His ear to You and find out more about you. Then He will pick out the right person to be Your One Love. You have to show that you are wliling to be faithful, loyal, trustworthy and not destroy yourself through bad habits and poisonous addictions, and the poisonous influences of bad friends and family.
May 31, 2020 at 3:48am
May 31, 2020 at 3:48am
All these demonstrations, riots and fires that have arisen all across the USA has been distressing. But my writer mind is trying to make some sense and build some sort of a story that has this as a backdrop. Two lovers, in my mind, for example, who seem to be at a distance are held trapped in their own places of life as the rioters go all over and make a problem to travel, even to make any type of connection between them. how is that for a story? I'm sure this seems to have the taste of those historical novels of being in the Civil War for example or even before that. I remember Georgette Heyer had a novel that was set in the Peninsular Wars and I didn't want to read it because I feared for the hero and his girl's safety. I know GH wouldn't put the hero and his girl in real danger but it was probably not my cup of tea to read this at that time. I wonder whether there might be some way to borrow this book or get into this book from Amazon?

Will update presently.
May 30, 2020 at 5:43am
May 30, 2020 at 5:43am
I see that it's time for a blog post. The birds seem to be in full cry this morning outside the window. My pets have been fed. I'm having a sip of coffee every once in a while, while I survey the problems on the internet. It seems all hell has broken loose all over the world! I've tweeted a few letters to Santa Claus to ask Him to help and ask God to intervene in the world. I do not like how there are all these sad fiery stories online. What will become of this world? It looks as though there aren't enough people who are helping to spread peace in the world today. Everyone is seemingly upset at people in government. Is there anything to do about it? I am told that prayer helps but is God listening anymore? It seems to me that God is allowing these awful things to happen. I know from learning about God that He sometimes allows bad things to happen. But He alone knows why He's doing nothing about these sad rioting and fiery occurrences. Even other things online are saying there are all kinds of problems that seem to be cropping up. I do not know what there is to do about it. I'm as clueless as anyone out here.

I guess the birds aren't told to stop chirping. They are the only ones who seem to have no care about the world around them. i hope that they won't be harmed by my blogging here.

I think I'll be working on my projects today. They are the knitting and crocheting stuff. It's a calming thing to do these. I do have a project that looks more complicated and needs to ahve more of my concentration. it's one of those free patterns and I think they think because it's free it is too weird to understand. I mean I know enough about crocheting and knitting and the pattern has some 'codes' to decipher. Oh well. Maybe it was written by someone who has no writing experience. Even in these things one needs to have a way to communicate. But if I had to pay for the pattern, I'm sure it is going to be decipherable, don't you agree?

May 29, 2020 at 6:15am
May 29, 2020 at 6:15am
To those who are here I'm ok but there's just some sad things I'm thinking of - one of which is the plight of the Hong Kong Chinese who feel as though they've lost their human rights, their freedoms. And they've lost this special status that the USA has given them for their support from the international community sseems to be lessening. I don't know how to help but I will pray for them and ask God to find someone or some group of people who can do something to help Hong Kong and its citizens to find some peace and freedom. I do not think China is really going to remove their rights are they? Is China so out of the human condition that they will do nothing to help the Hong Kong people to get their confidence that they are still going to do ok with this problem? Does the removal of the Special Status really spell disaster upon their human rights? Is this a fair thing to even impose on the country of Hong Kong? In this time of unrest is removal of Special Status really going to spell condemnation upon the Hong Kong country and their citizens? I am asking on behalf of those who are also with me in some way.

I think China has something to do about dispelling this problem that the USA has put on Hong Kong. Hong Kong depends on USA for their identity now because there are many from the USA and HK who intermix with their culture, their fashion, their businesses and everything. Movies are made there, designers are there for their clothes - tailors in HK are well known for their preciseness and ability to do good clothes. There are other things in HK that are good for the world. I pray that Heaven finds a way for HK and its Citizens to get through this difficult thing. If the USA does this cessation of the special status (what is that anyway and why should anyone in HK be so worried that it's gone?) then what can the rest of the World do to ensure that HK is still in good hands in the International Community?

Just a few thoughts. I hope God hears us all.

May 28, 2020 at 3:55pm
May 28, 2020 at 3:55pm
I'm feeling like doing something else today, not that sure about what it might be but something that's not too serious not too funny but perhaps a bit sad but not too sad but not too happy no. I guess I'll just do something like crochet a few stitches on my funny looking garment thing. It's reallly a beanie for a little premie so that I can send it to the premie nursery people but it's not quite the right thing for a premie baby because I ordered it as a grey colour but it arrived looking taupe so I don't know. I chose grey because it was the mode for my beanie stuff but I could also use a maroon colour for the beanie. I might do another one for another premie baby. I might just do that now.

Ok bye.
May 26, 2020 at 7:54pm
May 26, 2020 at 7:54pm
I was watching a movie about some sort of investigation on a murder. A murder mystery movie. Set in the last decade. I wasn't really watching but I was working online. The dialogue had something to say aobut the "secret state' which made me pause at my work. I think it might be worth thinking about how there could be a secret state where we all live in this world. This secret state is a surveilling state where spies (in ordinary clothes) go around and look into our lives, our work, our finances, and our families' interest. And they also try to influence what we believe in, what we buy, what we eat and where we go to work, school or our kids' schools. The secret state is headed by anyone who has a lot of power, be it the President at the top or a governor or even some authorities that live in the community who report ot some other person on top of him (it's usually a he not a she, right?).
May 26, 2020 at 8:14am
May 26, 2020 at 8:14am
I've just finished with getting a walk in with the dogs. Little puppy had a poop and it was a bit soft. Not worried but I'll keep an eye on it. I do not wish to take him to the vet for a while due to the COVID curb side thing they are doing. I'm afraid the dog will be sad inside the clinic while I'm out of the clinic waiting.

I've had bad luck ordering things from my website merchants. Staples, Amazon, DHC, Dr Denese, others that are like Office Depot and others to get some supplies and meds for the pets. I have also tried to do some shopping on some places like Lord and Taylor that didn't work.

I had the stimulus check and tried to upload it but somehow the app didn't work. Then I called Fidelity bank and asked what the matter was. They said that there was some debits they wanted me to talk to them about. They said there was an ebay charge for something like $128 with change. I did not think this was my purchase. They then said they will have to deactivate the debit card and send a new one. That will be sent in a few days up to a week. Then I need to call them back about a transfer i made from my usual bank account to another that had a negative balance which I had already put back a while ago, but the new transfer was not something i could do anything with. I couldn't buy stock (ETFs) and I couldn't transfer it back. I called them over the weekend and they couldn't figure it out. They suggested I call this week and speak to some people who can do this easily.

I have still the stimulus check. I guess I'll have to wait a few days. I did attempt to open a new bank account but they might come back and tell me that it's impossible due to my having debits in other banks who have reported me. I seem to be losing some cred with the banking business and it's not a good thing. I need to have a place to put my money. But maybe this thing is a blessing in disguise because the hackers are eager to get to my money to steal it. One of them had fooled me into thinking he was a big movie star and i was so infatuated with this hacker under his disguise that I gave him a lot of information that included bank accounts. it should have tipped me off but I had such confidence this guy was the big movie star and now i'm trying to struggle against the grip of this bastard on my accounts and even the ones where I do not think he knows about.

it's got to be a big plan or scheme to make me so fucking broke, sad and down and out, without a house to call my own and to separate me from my Dad who is the one who has been supporting me by paying th emortgage and all that sort of thing. I'm tempted to ask him to keep my stimulus check and give me what i am needing to use it for and buy things for me. But it might be too much of a burden on him and he is already being debilitated in his own mind.

May 11, 2020 at 5:40am
May 11, 2020 at 5:40am
How to Identify your Strengths
1. Notice what other people comment on.
People don’t comment. They hate me. They think I ought to cease living. There’s the comment. I don’t know how many of these people are, or where they’re from. But I feel like nobody gives a damn, nobody gives a fuck for whether or not I am able to survive. I get negatives and declines frequently. It’s like the cosmos is saying Don’t Live Anymore. It’s a sick life of theirs. I, I’m ok. I do what I can each day and try to work on something productive or something that will be a chore that isn’t a chore at all. I crochet, knit, roll yarn into balls, write something anything, and love my Husband Colin Firth always. I give everything I do for love of Him Who Loves Me Always. I hope that is clear.
2. Identify what feels easy and natural for you (especially if other people find it hard.)
What’s easy and natural to me? Hmm. What’s easy is to be and yet it’s the thing that makes people hate me most for. It’s almost like a reflex on their part. They think of me and they want me dead. It’s not a human emotion nor any human form of being. Thus, these people are satan. They came out of the ground and became a piece of shit that had a brain that was wired to the bastard who made them somehow to look decent, with perfect faces and bodies and teeth.
3. Notice what you’re doing when you lose all sense of time.
When I lose all sense of time? It’s when I’m in a nice humming motion of writing and getting lost in the scene. Or, when I’m with my Lover. Or, when I’m engrossed in what’s happening online – the songs, the movies, the twitter feed, the facebook feed, the stories that are human and evoke emotion from me, anything. I don’t even realize it’s after noon and I’ve not had anything to eat for lunch. My meals are haphazard, taken whenever I think I’m hungry.
4. Identify the tasks that help to make you feel alive.
What tasks make a person feel alive. They’re not tasks, are they? They’re not what propels a person to feel they’re part of the human condition? Or are they? The thing is that to be feeling alive one has to be enjoying a moment or a memory and thankful that they have the ability to feel that way.
5. Identify the subjects you do best at in exams.
Exams aren’t really my favorite thing to take. Life is already a long-running exam, unless you didn’trealize it. God’s there and He’s looking at you and trying to see where it is you stand in things and in politics and in the way of life that you have. Whether or not you have integrity or whether you’re strong in withstanding the naysayers who say “It won’t happen” or “It won’t do to say this because we’ll disown you, or we’ll reject your application”.

6. Take an online quiz, or complete a questionnaire.
I just did.

May 10, 2020 at 12:35pm
May 10, 2020 at 12:35pm
Dear Muse,

I'm working on a story that we thought of together. I f you still want this to be written I pray You will be there with Me to make it to its ending chapter. It will need a significant number of chapters and encosed words.

The characters are somehow more interesting this time round. I sense some enthusiasm. I sense a good number who are interested to see some sort of closure about the story that I started on a whim and some mixed up idea about the word "redemption".

My classmate and professor were adamant about the main character. They insisted he was a psychopath. I am getting the idea they knew this person and hated him and were perhapst hating that I picked him as the "loveable villain."

May 7, 2020 at 5:20am
May 7, 2020 at 5:20am
I have a friend who got out of Mary Kay lately. She went on this bizarre tour of the company meme. First off, you get sponsored. Second, you have to watch a training video telling you to put up $600 to buy inventory. Then you can sell online. You have to pay for a website, pay for the privilege of getting paid into a credit or debit card that's from them and then to your bank if that is your preference. Then, you wait and also get into Zoom meetings with the group you have got into with. The group meets weekly. They all do a roll call to ask who did how many 'faces' that week. They're into doing faces and they seem not to care about the COVID problem. They do say virtual makeup sessions are what they want to do now but they said little of the safety thing in the past few meetings. Then their sales people tend to look less than happy. Then they tell you to have the merchandise ready from your inventory to send to your customers. You can't tell their warehouse to send the merchandise directly from their TX offices or whatever to the customer. It also dawned on my friend that she was considered "Inactive" mostly because she never did put up money to get a huge inventory order. So that meant she couldn't sell, even to herself! That was the last straw for my friend. It was sick and embarassing and she wasn't going to get into more of this sick thing any more.
Tell your friends who use Mary kay the sort of bad things their consultants are having to put up with. Oh also to keep your standing as an Active member or what ever you have to keep buying $450 retail products every three months. I ask you, how wicked is that to a poor struggling housewife who only wants to help her family get some income? I don't know what other MLMs are like that but this has got to be the worst. It's so in your face everyone and they just think they can pull the wool over your eyes about this and the poor uneducated and probably unknowing women who do this for them are just forking over their income and pensions to sell Mary kay and ohh, this is so sad making.
Hope this helps enlighten some peeps.

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