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When you really have nothing better to do.
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August 10, 2012 at 12:08pm
August 10, 2012 at 12:08pm
August *Screw**Copyright*, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"Tell us about someone in your life, or someone else's life, who uses metaphors in an extreme manner. For example: An old Aunt used to always say "You're in the right church, but the wrong pew", if you were looking for something and were close to finding it."

Brother's Blog

Finny Fruday
Now your drinking beer at the AA meeting.
Well that's the way I began my blog back on "Funny Friday." Now it's Sorry I'm late Sunday," and I'm three days behind in my blog entries for the challenge. I'm so far behind, I think I'm a head ahead. Hang on to your reading glasses, and try keep up while I fast forward Brother's Blog to Monday, Monday. Luckily I'm also known as Mr. Metaphor, only nobody knows it. I like metaphors and they can be funny. I like twisted metaphors, and sexually suggestive metaphors as well. It goes without saying that if you made a twisted sexually suggestive metaphor, I would laugh like a school girl. Pity there is no time for twisted sexually suggestive metaphors today. There is a fine collection of twisted metaphors in a book by: Richard Lederer called, Anguished English. One of my favorites is: These hemoroids are a pain in the neck. Another one I like on that same topic is: Use Preparation H, and kiss your hemoroids good-bye.

I see where this is going.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

I'm having a bit of a chore finding the time to write over the week-ends, but I'm going to try a bit harder to stay current for the rest of the month.

Take the time vortex portal to, "Creation Sandurnday" or what ever Thundersbeard was trying to tell us about.
CLICK HERE *PointRight* "Invalid Entry

Brother Nature

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August 9, 2012 at 9:17pm
August 9, 2012 at 9:17pm
August 9, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"Opinion Piece - Write about the biggest news story on your local news channel today. Give us your opinion on whatever the news story is."

Brother's Blog

The News Is Rather Sad.

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Police believe the body of Tanya Nepinak, 31, is in the Brady Road Landfill.
Officials working on plan for massive search of landfill for body

Winnipeg police are working out logistics for what is expected to be the largest search of its kind in Manitoba. Officers believe the body of Tanya Nepinak, 31, is somewhere in the Brady Road Landfill. 1

When I read today's prompt, I thought this would be fun. In fact when I wrote this prompt I thought it would be fun. Not so.
I thought I took a nice sidestep of the topic of yesterday's prompt, because I'm not comfortable with discussing certain topics.
Today's top news story is one of those topics, it's just too sad, and unfortunately too real.
My thoughts and prayers are with Tanya and her family.

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 8, 2012 at 10:39am
August 8, 2012 at 10:39am
August 8, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"How about a piece on Murder?"

Brother's Blog

Murder He Wrote

My freind, who was Em's teacher was found smothered by a baby's blanket. What we have here my freinds is...
Da Da Daaaa a Case of MURDER.

Okay, okay, I'll confess. I did it! I spoiled the game of, An evening of murder. At the conclusion of the game, the characters are all supposed to guess who is the MURDERER. I did not realize that the murderer knew they were the murderer, so I accused myself of committing the grizzly crime. All the evidence pointed in my direction. Afterward, I could have sworn I was wearing a "You ruined the whole game" T-shirt.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

I found today's music selection on youtube while searching for MURDER themed songs.
Cloe Beaudoin has several other songs on her website @ http://www.youtube.com/user/cloebeaudoin?feature=watch

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 7, 2012 at 1:31pm
August 7, 2012 at 1:31pm
August 7, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
-Tell us your deepest darkest secret. Mix in 3 or so LIES. Ask your readers to pick "true or false" in comments. It's up to you to tell them if they pick right!

Brother's Blog

Olympic Secrets...Deeper, Darker, Dirtier.

This is a tough one for me. I don't keep secrets very well. I should say, I don't keep YOUR secrets very well. My secrets are in the vault, never to see the light of day. Okay so... I'm going to get this one out of the way, because I've been thinking all day about what to write and I still don't know.
Sure it would be easy to procrastinate, by changing the subject, so I'd like to get started.

Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST made some additional comments that I'd like to respond to.

Thundersbeard wrote:It's War Chest Tuesday! Much the same as War Chest Wednesday, because in Australia we pronounce Tuesday: Choosday. So, for me, at least, it's another alliterative/consonance prompt day title.

Dear Thundersbeard: Us Canadians pronounce Tuesday Chewsday. it sounds the same but it's a bit grittier. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think our American neighbors pronounce Tuesday Twosday or toosday.

Is it just me, or is this not fascinating enough?

Okay, okay, the prompt...

Secret #1 I never actually passed the test for my drivers license, I failed the eye test, but I sweet talked the (female) tester into passing me anyway.

Secret #2 I wore my mother's new bowling shoes to school one afternoon.

Secret #3 When I was driving my bosses truck one time. I gave a handful of the money he kept in his ashtray to a homeless guy.

Secret #4 I've had a secret crush on Valerie Bertinelli since 1978.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

I'd like to know if visitors to my blog are listening to the music selections embedded at the bottom of the page. The idea I have, is that my readers listen to the music as they read. I try to select songs that compliment the theme of the prompt I also choose video clips that do not redirect the viewer back to youtube. Today's selection is a cover of a Beatles song again. I'm trying to promote amateur performers, and giving a little bit of exposure to people who YOU THE READER may not otherwise find their video production. Any comments on the music clips would be appreciated. Thank you.

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 6, 2012 at 10:20pm
August 6, 2012 at 10:20pm
August 6, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"We all come to Writing.com as writers, what books will you write?"

Brother's Blog

Wanted: Title Ideas, Apply In Comments.
I've heard it said by several people that everybody has at least one book in them that they could write, if they decided to write a book. I spent years thinking about what book was inside me that I could write. I think I discovered a book, but it's a book of short stories. I guess at some point I decided to write a book, because I wandered into this site while I was exploring the internet for sites that teach writing skills. That was just over a year ago, and I'm still here. This site has all the resources to improve my writing as well as other people (writers) who willingly read my crudblab.
So why haven't I written a best seller yet?
Might have a little something to do with not having anything published YET.
I think I have a ways to go before I can get anything I write published. I have a lot to learn. Then, I suppose I will have to write that book.
When I first joined writing.com the first story I wrote was...
 Christmas Play of 1969  (E)
Fond memories, of Christmas in 1969. Funny! Published in Shadows Express Magazine.
#1745783 by Brother Nature
This story was very poorly written, but still, I received encouraging reviews. I rewrote, and worked on the grammar, and spelling, and sentence structure, and this and that and still...It's nowhere near something that could be sent to a publisher. My story needs to be polished. It just so happens that writing.com has the answer again with..."Invalid Item Linda is one of those talented people (writers) on this site I mentioned earlier. I'm looking forward to giving a couple stories a good polishing, and then taking a try at polishing a few stories on my own.
What was the question again?
I'd have to say, that due to my short attention span, I will be writing a book of short stories. I might include some blog entries in there too.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

In addition to dictionary.com, I have the lovely Leslie who helps me with my spelling challenges. I just asked her, "How many "P"s in the word apply?"
She thought it was a funny question when spoken. Inspired by her comment I just made up a little joke. Wanna hear it? I knew you would.
How many "P"s are in Public Pool.*Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh**Laugh* *Laugh* Sheeeeesh*RollEyes*

Hey! check out the musical selection today, it's a cover of a Beatles song done by this awesome band. Check out the bands youtube channel, I found it very entertaining.

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 4, 2012 at 11:48pm
August 4, 2012 at 11:48pm
August 5, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Sunday's are a day of reflection. Tell us how your week was, what you did, and which Challengers entries resonated with you. This is also a great chance for you to review your favorite challengers blog.

Brother's Blog

On The Seventh Day He Wrote.
Thank God it's Sunday!
I spent eighteen hours in a vehicle on Monday, traveling home to Winnipeg from Calgary. My friend Tim and I were returning home from a week long visit with friends. We left Calgary at 9:00am but headed the opposite direction from home, in order to visit, Vulcan Alberta. Star trek fans might recognize the significance of the town's name. I included a picture, for my non reading friends.

The visit to Vulcan added three hours to our trip.

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From Vulcan we headed North East to a place called Drumheller, Alberta. This area is famous for the discovery of dinosaur fossils. There is a museum there, which we wanted to visit. As it turns out, Tim and I should have done some pre trip planning, had we done so, we would have known that the museum is CLOSED ON MONDAYS. Who would have thought?

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Tim and I continued driving east until we reached Winnipeg at 3:00am.
Tues was dedicated to sleeping, and on Wednesday I worked, then headed home to Sunset Bay.
Thursday and Friday were happy to be home days, and it was fun to have a puppy to chase about with.

Who's the gooooood boy?

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Saturday was rained out, we had plans to entertain the family with a camp over week-end. The rain accounted for a 100% withdrawal from the intended attendees.
On Sunday, my sister, my son, and two of my nephews came out and we had a nice party in the yard.

It's great to include blogging as one of my daily activities again. I miss writing everyday, and it seems like "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is a motivating force in that respect. You are forced to write, right?
It looks to me like we have a good group of participants this round, with a few new bloggers included. I'm excited (in a respectful way.) that blainecindy has returned to The Challenge, but I will miss having Fivesixer around. I'm sure he'll make it back next round.
I was impressed with the entries posted by our newcomers, they appear to be pumped up for the challenge, and I think they all possess some pretty good writing skills. I'm looking forward to getting to know them a bit, and to stealing from learning from their blog entries. One of my favorite entries this week was from Emily . Emily (Em) shared a youtube video (Binaural Beat Meditating) in her post..."Invalid Entry
I've listened to this piece a couple of times already, and it is truly a unique and relaxing experience. Give it a try. Thanks again Em.
Class dismissed.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

My selection for music today is a song dedicated to my friend Tim, who always wears his cleanest dirty shirt, and always does his best to promote personal hygiene awareness. I normally wouldn't post a video which redirects the viewer,(even though you are only redirected to youtube) but I have made an exception today.
Have a blessed Sunday .

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 4, 2012 at 8:41am
August 4, 2012 at 8:41am
August 4, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"Supposedly our sense of smell is strong enough to take us to very distinct memories. In a poem OR a story, recount a time, place or situation when someone's olfactory sense led them back to a memory."

Brother's Blog

Scents of Smell

Memories, triggered by a sweet scent.
Aroma dreams, to some extent.
Alexander Graham Bell,
a name which rhymes with "Smell."
Fresh baked bread, a rose,
buttered popcorn
up your nose.
Deep well.

Form: Nonet:
A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables,
the second line eight syllables, the third line seven syllables,
etc... until line nine that finishes with one syllable.
It can be on any subject and rhyming is optional.
line 1 - 9 syllables
line 2 - 8 syllables
line 3 - 7 syllables
line 4 - 6 syllables
line 5 - 5 syllables
line 6 - 4 syllables
line 7 - 3 syllables
line 8 - 2 syllables
line 9 - 1 syllable

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Well, that was a fine start to Creation Saturday. I sure hope you all enjoy my little poem as much as I enjoyed creating it. I worked on it all morning.
In addition to this being Creation Saturday it is also Saturday of the August Long Week-end. I'm not sure what it is that we are suppose to celebrate this time around, but I'm sure it will involve explosive devises. This is the week-end of our family camp out. We are hosting a week-end long party of sorts. Many were invited, few are attending. Of course it is raining and will continue to rain for the duration of the week-end. It will be interesting to see if anyone will show up. In the meanwhile I have time for myself. It's better than being alone.
Time to spread some cheer.
Boo-wookies, Y'all.

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 3, 2012 at 4:47pm
August 3, 2012 at 4:47pm
August 3, 2012

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Funny Friday!
1. Go to:http://icanhascheezburger.com/
2. And bring something FUNNY back.

Brother's Blog

It's Funny Friday!
I Can Has Cheezburger?, Is it? Is that where all of the, "Cute Cat" Pictures come from, that (it seems) everyone posts on facebook.
Okay, some of them are funny, but I can't help but think..."If I wanted to look at "Cute Cat" pictures then I would go look at "Cute Cat" pictures.
I don't mind the "Cute Cat" postings it only takes a second to look at them and the odd one gives me a chuckle. The jokes and the pictures people post are far better than the "Share This Post Or You Don't Love Your Mother" posts. This picture (below) was on my facebook page. This one made me LOL *Laugh* . I even shared this one along, after all, it's all part of the fun.
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I enjoyed my visit to, I Can Has Cheezburger.com, and I did bring something back that I thought was funny.

I like it because it's clever.
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I also went on Youtube and searched for a funny song to share for "Funny Friday" I listened to 1/2 of a song which wasn't very funny, then I listened to a song that seemed inappropriate, which made it a perfect fit for my blog entry.
I sure hope everyone has a Funny Friday, I sure did.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Another Holiday Week-end is upon us, what a country!

Brother Nature

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August 2, 2012 at 1:04pm
August 2, 2012 at 1:04pm
August 2, 2012
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

"Do you think the Olympics are less relevant today when compared to the past? Discuss why/why Not." Bonus Points for answering the why/why not part of the question.

Brother's Blog

Olympics, There's nothing better.
The Olympics have been, and always will be the ultimate sport competition on this planet. The event has evolved over the years to include more athletes and more sports as well as participation from more countries than ever before. The inclusion of professional athletes, has helped to keep the Olympic competition level at the absolute top for each sport. The inception of The Paralympics, and The Special Olympics has ensured that anyone who competes at a sport, has a venue to compete at the top level. Winning an Olympic medal is as relevant today as it was since the first Olympic games.

Having said that...One of my "pet peeves" are Olympic athletes who appear like dejected failures for placing second or third. I find it hard to believe that someone would comment (after winning a silver or bronze medal) "I'm sorry I let my country down, by not winning the gold medal."
Of course...When it comes to hockey...There is no second place... It's a win or lose game... No crying...Drop the puck!

Check out the vid of the Olympic worker trying to generate a bit of enthusiasm among the "Brits".

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

We have a puppy.
Meet, Buddy.
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Buddy is a "Puggle" (Pug & Beagle) Buddy is a rescue dog we are fostering. Buddy was taken from a puppy mill, which was shut down. Poor Buddy had a rough start, but he is getting the care he deserves now. Buddy has a lot of play in him and seems to be pretty clever, he's a good boy, ain't that right buddy, who's the good boy?

Breaking news...I've just been told that, Buddy has been adopted, he will be leaving us a week Friday, and going to his new family.
Looks like we'll be having a little going away party for Buddy

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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August 1, 2012 at 12:26am
August 1, 2012 at 12:26am
August 1, 2012
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
"Describe an unusual/weird dream that you have had recently."

Brother's Blog

A Dream
As luck would have it I have had some weird and unusual dreams recently. Actually, I have weird and unusual dreams often, so often in-fact, that they aren't very unusual at all. (Not to me, anyhow.) In a recent dream, I was playing a piano and several people had gathered around to listen to me play.

While I'm awake I can not play the piano, but in this dream, I was playing and singing the song, Little Green Apples. Weird. Yes.

What was unusual about this dream was that normally I play rock guitar in my dreams, not piano.

I can't play guitar while I'm awake either, but in my dreams I have been on tour with some of the biggest rock bands on the planet.

I have an interest in investigating the meaning of dreams. I believe dreams have meaning, and it's a matter of learning how to interpret dreams to discover what meaning the dream is conveying.

It's an odd coincidence that a day or so after having the "piano playing dream" I found myself sitting at a piano in front of, Eighth Avenue Mall in Calgary, Alberta. When I had a little blues jam (me playing harmonica) and my new friend, a local street person (playing piano).

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*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Welcome to the, 30Day Blog Challenge to all the new challengers. There is some good news to all the non Writing.com members who follow my blog (or just clicked my link by mistake) ...You can now receive a free upgraded membership on Writing.com which will allow you to sign up and leave comments or start your own blog. You can even write a best selling novel and pay me a royalty for inspiring you. Something new to my blog is a music clip I will attach to the bottom of the page. If you'd like you can scroll down and click play, thus adding music to your reading experience...Enjoy! I have more to say , but I'm here all month.

Brother Nature

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Co-Host with Fi
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