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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1804791
When you really have nothing better to do.
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May 16, 2012 at 6:26pm
May 16, 2012 at 6:26pm
May 16, 2012

Today I am following Bonnie14222 and her entry "Invalid Entry

The weather used to be a pretty safe topic for discussion. "How bout this weather we're having?" was a perfect ice breaker to begin any conversation, even with a stranger.
The weather has become increasingly more intense, unstable and unpredictable.
I've been running a business, for the past ten years that is hopelessly dependent on the weather conditions.
In the past two to three years the weather has taken it's toll and made it's point clear. The weather will be, what the weather will be, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Summers with out heat.
Summers with out rain.
Summers with out sun shine.
Summers of dry scorching heat.
Winters of biting cold. (exposed skin will freeze in five seconds)
Winters of no snow fall.
This past winter we had record high temperatures, with only one snow fall worthy of shoveling your walkway.
heat waves, drought, floods, and wind storms becoming more violent and frequent.
Yep, It used to be nice to converse about the weather.

I could use a good dose of vitamin D, but I'm told it's not safe to be in the sun.

*Music2**Music1**Music2* *Music2**Music1**Music2**Music1**Music2* *Music1* *Music2**Music1**Music2* *Music1**Music2**Music1**Music1**Music2**Music1* *Music2**Music1**Music2**Music1**Music2* *Music1**Music2**Music1**Music2**Music1**Music2**Music1* *Music2**Music1**Music2* *Music1**Music2**Music1*
But we'll sing in the sunshine, we'll laugh everyday, we'll sing in the sunshine, then I'll be on my way.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 16, 2012 at 4:27pm
May 16, 2012 at 4:27pm
May 15, 2012

Today I'll be following 30DBC Creator/Founder and his entry "Invalid Entry

I was raised in a neighborhood where you don't have to go out looking for somebody desperate for help. They will come looking for you.
I learned very early that, Some people just can't be helped.
In most cases you are not helping these people anyway. You are just enabling them continue in an abusive cycle of addiction or dependency.

The people I'm talking about are emotional vampires. They will bleed you dry of whatever it is you offer. Nothing you do will ever be enough and they will always remain needful.

Emotional vampires walk among us, they can be our friends, neighbors and even family members. Learning to identify these people and learning how to say, "NO" is the only line of defense.

In every single instance when I have gone against my better judgment and helped out one of these emotional vampires, I have been burned.

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll have food for a life time.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 14, 2012 at 10:16pm
May 14, 2012 at 10:16pm
May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012 ~ MAY 2012 FOLLOW ME BLOGGING CHALLENGE initiating prompt is Monday Muse by Prosperous Snow celebrating
"Monday Muse

So , we are just going to start typing and see what we end up with. Okay. I've already begun. It's not the first time I've done this , so it shouldn't be too difficult. This better come as a surprise to some of you but I find it very easy to let my mind go completely blank. Ha ha ha , yeah I see the humor in that. Nothing in there in the first place. ha ha ha .

I'm not going to worry so much if my entry makes any sense or not. I will be dedicated more to the concept of continuing to type with out a intended story to be unfolded. I was going to write earlier about something else but I forget now what that was. Oh yeah now I remember it was going to be about my muse or my Monday muse, which I don't have one. I do have my buddy Andre drop by from time to time but he does his own thing. He hasn't been by for a few days now, but I have had several visitors to the home front here on Bannerman Ave. The thing is I have a bit of a monkey on my back right now, and it's getting a bit difficult to shake. It seems to me as well that my visitors are dropping by and leaving what ever monkeys they are carrying around with them off on me. I'm being overwhelmed with back monkeys. Good thing Andre isn't around , because I know what he would do with all these monkeys roaming about. I'm going for a complete topic change, right now. I'm heading back to Sunset Bay tomorrow. I'm not giving any monkeys a lift, I'll leave them all here. Maybe if I leave them a keyboard they will write some stories for me.
Get this!!! The monkey on my back has offered to write a poem for me in comments. This, I've got to see!!!
meet ya there.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 14, 2012 at 9:35pm
May 14, 2012 at 9:35pm
May13, 2012

I'll be giving a try at following Emily in today's blog entry.
"Invalid Entry

Here is where that short attention span thing comes into play again.

Last year I read two novels, one was a book of short stories. So I actually only read one novel.The book is, Running With Scissors, by Augusten Burroughs.
I liked the first few chapters of the book. It went kind of ugly for me and I did not like the direction the story took. It was an auto biography though, and I guess the author did not have a choice in the direction the book took, because he had to write about the experiences he had lived. The book was about the author, his life and how he views the world and the people around him. It inspired me to write, on the basis of: If he can do it, so can I.

I've been more of a reader in days gone by. I've read several of the known classic literature books. and plenty of the contemporary authors of our times. In the past ten years or so, most of my reading is done online or from the Bible. I like reading the Bible because I can pick it up and start reading anywhere. Even if I only read a couple of lines I always have a feeling of fulfillment, and that I have gained in some way from reading.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 14, 2012 at 12:10am
May 14, 2012 at 12:10am
May 12,2012
Following Fivesixer on this one.

We've had a personal change of plans at the last minute, thanks to the kids. I won't be posting an entry 'til at least 6pm. In the meantime, you all can relate a story about how your plans have changed and how you were put in a bind. Maybe you got out of it, and maybe you didn't. Follow that!

Ha! Finally a prompt that I that I don't already know everything about.
I only know two things about plannings. The first is That stupid expression I'm sure you've all heard.

"There's two kind of people in the world. There's the people who plan to fail, and the one's who fail to plan."

That's so stupid. Who plans to fail?

The other thing I know about plans is, they need to changed. We actually plan to change our plans while we're planning them.

With that my friends, I must move along now.
My blog entry writing time has been restricted due to a sudden change of plans.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 11, 2012 at 6:28pm
May 11, 2012 at 6:28pm
May 11,2012

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A couple days back we were discussing being on top of the world. The Al Jolson song, I'm Sitting On Top Of The World, immediately came to mind.
Al Jolson was my dad's favorite entertainer. Occasionally my dad would play his collection of 78rpm records and sing along. My siblings and I would sit and listen for as long as he could go on. The old man did a pretty good Jolson.
When they aired the movie The Jolson Story on tv it was a family event. The Jolson Story, was always followed by Jolson Sings Again, so it was always a double feature family event. We would all gather around the TV crunching down popcorn and the lime Kool- Aid flowed freely. (Good times) I was going to write about this on the "top of the world" entry, but I decided this story is for another time. Nice timing Big Bad Wolfe.

It's not surprising then that my favorite movies are about "music" or the music was my most enjoyed part of the movie.
I'll list a few of my favorite movies that I enjoy for the music and or musician. I tried for a rough time line, but they all seem to blend together anyhow.


Wizard of OZ
Chitty - Chitty - Bang - Bang
The Jolson movies (of course)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
The Buddie Holy Story.


Phantom of the Paradise
Led Zeppelin, Song Remains The Same
Pink Floyd The Wall
Cross Roads


The Doors
Toy Story
The Lion King

Another list of movies I could make which I would say are my favorites because I re-watch them when ever they are aired on tv or I have a copy seem to be comedies.

Monty Python and The Holy Grail
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.
Strange Brew
Young Frankenstein
The Jerk

These movies and many others served to inspire my sense of humor and contained opportunities to have a look at the world in a little different way. They all contributed in little ways to form the way I think and my sense of humor, which gives me my motivation, and inspiration to add back some humor into the world and people around me

Have a great week-end

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 11, 2012 at 2:11am
May 11, 2012 at 2:11am
Time flies, yes! It sure does, but it flies at the speed of flight, so it cancels each other out. We break even. It's win win.
Thinking a little bit further ahead, I'm wondering what happens when time has to come in for a landing. Does it take off and start flying again?
Think about it, I have plumbing to do.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 9, 2012 at 9:28pm
May 9, 2012 at 9:28pm
May 9, 2012

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10: 32 PM Central Standard Time Live from The Peg, another lonely night in the city. I'm back in the city of Winnipeg population 700 odd thousand, and I,m not kidding about odd. Smack dab pretty much in the middle of Canada about 120km North of the US border. I moved back into the house on Bannerman in the city's North End. Not sure which gang territory it is these days, I never could read that graffiti. I'll be here for at least until Monday. My plan is to change out the plumbing, so we can resume the claim to having hot and cold running water. I will have this done before Saturday when Leslie arrives. I also have to replace the refrigerator, hmmm, yes, good one, replace the refrigerator. I feel a home renovation blog coming on. It looks like this house needs some paint and polish.Then maybe it's time to retreat back into the woods.
I like Winnipeg, but I think I like it better from a distance. Right now I've taken control over Leslie's office here. I have everything I need, except for TV, food, running water, but I am thankful for the things I do have. I have The Sony MP3 portable, stereo, with DUAL ACOUSTIC BASS EXPANSION tuned to the wickedly, classic 92CITI FM. AND Now ! another 92 ROCK BLOCK on 92 CITI FM.

Hey! High speed internet That's one cool thing about the city. woooooohoooo looked at me goooooooooooo. alright I'm over it. sorry.

Just one more thing while I think of a few other things. Let's take the almost completed Human Rights Museum being constructed in the heart of the city where the Red and Assinaboine Rivers meet. The Forks. I have to confess that I was against having this attraction in our city. I don't have anything against human rights as a matter of fact I wouldn't mind having some some day. What I didn't like was the way it was being promoted as an attraction that would bring people and tourism dollars to our city.
Really? Really, who's going to come here to visit a human rights museum dedicated to the holocaust, unfortunately located on land that once belonged to our Native Brothers and Sisters? hmmmm. I for one would sooner go to Disneyland. But what do I know about tourism, or human rights or museums or anything really? So...here's the deal, this building is going up, and people are coming here from all over the world to have a look at it's construction. I have to agree it's a pretty cool building.

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Building! Oh yeah. That reminds me, Okay it's great, the Jets are back. I call bullshit. The Jets are back, if you're lucky enough to afford season tickets or stupid enough to max out your credit card for five years. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for the Chipman Family for buying an NHL franchise. WTG! Okay, why not, now that you've done that, buy a building big enough so that we can all have a seat in it? I still miss the old Jets. Now I miss The Moose as well.

I'm about ranted out folks. Thanks for hanging in there if you're still with me.

This high speed internet is sure hard to keep up with . I'm not used to typing this fast.

Yes I'm enjoying this concept of follow me blogging. It might need a bit of tweaking, maybe a bit more direction. In all, it seems like everyone is enjoying it. I am. My little rant up top was a little example of what sort of things I would turn out, if not writing to address a prompt, or to relate to another persons writing.

The city never sleeps, but I do.
Gonna go get some of that now my friends. Big day tomorrow.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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May 7, 2012 at 11:50pm
May 7, 2012 at 11:50pm
May 8, 2012

It is time my friends to shake off some of the somber tone of this month's competition and have a little bit of fun. Follow me in turning over your keyboard to your most entertaining muse and let him/her/it/whatever write today's entry. Take a break today, rest up, and come back tomorrow refreshed, recharged, and awesome.

I'm heading over to the Punctuation Station, where I'm enrolled in the Spring Session. I really need to work at my writing skills so I can tell my stories and share my ideas without making you all want to pour bleach in your eyes, from deciphering my scattered understanding of the written language. AND YES it IS English.

Luckily, Andre aka Blog Monkey, stopped by and agreed to share some of his tales...ha ha ha ha get it? tales, tails!!! Oh never mind....Here's Andre.

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Hello Everyone
I met some of you last month, but I see we have a few new challengers here this month. My name's Andre, When I'm not hanging out with Brother Nature I'm the resident golf pro at Pine Meadow Golf Course in Chicago. Everything was going pretty good until all those Blackhawk players showed up unexpectedly. They are an unruly bunch to say the least and a few of them have drinking problems. It became clear to me that Patrick Kane was never going to replace his divots, Jonathon toews was never going to tip me and Marion Hossa stumbles around talking about being at Disneyland with Tinkerbell. I'm used to being around a more refined group of people, so I chartered back to Winnipeg to stay with my buddy Brother Nature for a few days. Call your own cab Jonathon!

Anyhow hanging with Brother Nature is okay, once I get used to that smell. It was nice of him to let me write to you folks, I read a few of your posts earlier in the day, while Bro Nat slept off his cold or flu or whatever he has. It's pretty cool that the group here is from all over the place Costa Rica, Thailand, Hawaii. I love to travel the globe so don't be surprised if I drop in for a visit some day. In the meanwhile I'll stick around here and help Bro Nat out with his writing. You should have seen some of his early attempts, if you think he's bad now! know what I mean?

The first story Bro Nat wrote, as an adult, was about a male human teenager, who formed a rock band and went on tour with Aerosmith. It was barely legible but he had some pretty good names for his characters and it was funny as hell, Steven Tyler and "The Lump" took acid and then shoved chocolate cake down Opra Winfrey's pants.

Hey! That gives me an idea. Why not write about the first thing you wrote. Maybe you still have it kicking around and you can share it with the rest of the bunch.

Well, I'm going to go swap wasabi paste with Bro's hemorrhoid cream before he gets back, then I better make tracks outta here. I hope to see you all again sometime. Keep up the awesome writing.

Peace out

Andre aka Blog Monkey

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May 7, 2012 at 3:51am
May 7, 2012 at 3:51am
May 7, 2012

Today's initiating blog prompt is brought to you by Cindy*SuitHeart* blainecindy

When I'm On Top Of The World

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I've had my fair share of spending time on the top of the world; past, present, and future.

I will just write about one.

When my little girl greeted me after a long day of work, or when I picked her up after school. She would take a running start from where ever she was when she first saw me or heard my voice. Same greeting every time. I had to be ready for it, and I was. My little girl would take a running leap, into my welcoming arms. She would hug me around my neck and wrap her legs around my waist. The sound track would sound like this...


Those greetings are times when I was on top of the world. Amen

*SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart**SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart**SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart**SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart**SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart* *SuitHeart*

Joel aka Brother Nature

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