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When you really have nothing better to do.
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May 6, 2012 at 3:51pm
May 6, 2012 at 3:51pm
May 6, 2012

Initiating entry: "Snow Melt

Another Long Day

Here comes the rain again, feeling that pounding in my brain again, I want to complain.
But I can't explain, the feeling I get when no one seems to care.

I take a page out of everyones' book, rub it in my eyes until the tears spill out like salt into an open wound.

Sleeping, sitting up straight, because lying down would make it too easy to die. Nobody's gonna stop me now.

The sun will come out and shine down on me as I sit high in my castle, lovingly caressing my stacks of gold.
You will never know the joy I own. I am my pride. There is might and power in my stride. I go to the window and look outside.

There at the gate to my stately home, it's me down there, all alone.
begging for scraps from passers by, who are careful to not look me in the eye.

Pennies from heaven come raining down, each time ten complete a dime, their value can't erase one crime.
The weight suffocates, and buries the living, they were already dead anyway.

This is not the way things were supposed to be, another long day took possession of me.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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May 5, 2012 at 8:28pm
May 5, 2012 at 8:28pm
May 5, 2012

I'm not certain who wrote the initiating blog entry today, but it would appear I'm expected to write something about being caught in the act.
Now!!! I'm regretting, not ever having done anything wrong in my life, but I realize that even if I had committed wrong doings I would have never been caught in the act due to my superior intelligence. Now that I got that load of crap out of my system please enjoy my little tale about the day we got busted on the water.

You're Caught In The Act

Myself, my number three brother and our life long friend, were sitting in the boat fishing in one our favorite fishing spots in North Western Ontario. The three of us had just arrived in Minaki, a popular area for fishing and hunting one province over from our home in Manitoba. It was a gorgeous summer evening and we were having a good time fishing, chatting and having a couple beers, as we always have done. We knew it was against the law to drink alcohol in a boat, but in all the years we have done just that, we never once even saw any evidence of law enforcement in the area. Besides that, everyone did it.

Another boat came into view about a quarter mile from where we were sitting. It took this other boat about four seconds to accelerate up to our boat, which gave us about two seconds to realize it was the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police).
I had just enough time to nonchalantly drop the can of beer I was holding over the side of the boat into the water. There were two members of the O.P.P. in the boat and it was incredible how fast they were upon us. The expression, "They didn't know what hit them" comes to mind. As the driver of the boat expertly stopped his speeding boat right along side us, his partner came walking across the bow of his boat and he was looking and pointing directly at me.

"Did you just drop a can of beer in the water," he asked.

"N n no," I lied.

Just then the can of beer I cunningly jettisoned, floated accusingly to the surface of the water, for all to see. (beer cans float, who knew?) Caught In The Act.

The officer said, "The fine for open liquor is $150.00. The fine for littering is $500.00 which one do you want to pay."

I was already scooping the beer can out of the water.

These cops were top notch, and they made the whole experience of being busted for open liquor almost a good thing. I will give those guys credit for doing a masterful job, and for treating us with respect and decency even though we were openly breaking the law and I didn't deserve any amount of respect on account that the first words out of my mouth was a lie. They took away all of our beer, and gave us a ticket for open liquor. They issued the ticket to me. The reason they did this was, because if they issued it to the operator of the boat it would have been a charge under the criminal code of Canada that would mandate that they confiscate the boat and the operator would be arrested processed and given a future court date as well as a criminal record and the possibility of spending time in jail. They cut us a break, bigtime. Before these gentlemanly officers left in their super awesome bat boat with the twin 175 Mercs, one said to us.

"Don't let this spoil your week-end boys, go back to where ever your staying enjoy yourselves, have a good time fishing, and come back often, just don't drink in your boat.

This is me and my life long friend in the boat. My appearance has been altered with a paper bag mask. My friend always looks like this
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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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May 4, 2012 at 7:02pm
May 4, 2012 at 7:02pm
May 4, 2012

Initiating blog entry - "Invalid Entry

I think I'm getting it, how this works I mean. What do I write about? I went to read a couple entries to get the creative juices flowing.
Looks like we're to write about "quitting." Okay, I can do that. The alternative would be to quit.

It looked to me that you all have a negative outlook on quitting. That makes sense. I've often heard people say, "I hate quitters."

It's funny, because I've never been a quitter, but I look at quitting as more of a positive thing. I'm tempted to become a quitter. I think it would have a positive impact on me and even on my loving relationship with Leslie. Leslie, in fact continually urges and encourages me to quit. She is always pointing out opportunities to me where quitting would make her happy and make our life together even more perfect. God love her.

I will share with you the constant stream of encouragement Leslie offers me, in hopes that someday I will join the ranks of the quitters.

*Tack* Quit leaving your socks on the living room floor.

*Tack* Quit brushing the grass off your shoes in the house.

*Tack* Quit drinking from the container.

*Tack* Quit talking with your mouth full.

*Tack* Quit wiping your hands off on the furniture.

*Tack* Quit bugging me.

*Tack* Quit lying to me.

*Tack* Quit laughing at me.

*Tack* Quit leaving the toilet seat up.

*Tack* Quit ignoring me.

*Tack* Quit looking at me like that.

*Tack* Quit farting.

*Tack* Quit eating the sunflower seeds, they are for salads.

*Tack* Quit eating the shaved almonds they are for stir fry.

*Tack* Quit eating the whatever it is for whatever.

*Tack* Quit leaving the lights on.

*Tack* Quit spending all day on the computer.

There are many many more, there is a whole other list of encouragement to quit things in the bedroom. If I were to write about them, she would suggest I quit writing about her. I'll just say that I am often instructed to "quit that" or the ever popular, all encompassing "quit it!"

That ought to about do it for now. If you all don't hear from me for a while you'll know Leslie read this entry.

*Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7* *Vignette7*

I did not read everybody's entry, some folks haven't submitted theirs yet. I wonder if I'm the only one that went ga ga about writing on this comment Earl made...

Sometimes I dream of living in a no rule society.

Now, there's a writing prompt!

There is good news and bad news, Earl.

The good news is...There IS such a place. The bad news...It only exists inside my imagination.

Then again, if you dream of it, then you've been there. In an effort to be fair to the others I should describe what it's like there...

Hammer repeatedly on "EJECT BUTTON" now!
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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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May 3, 2012 at 1:40am
May 3, 2012 at 1:40am
May 3, 2012

For me there is a time of reckoning or mourning that just has to pass. In the face of tragedy, and the loss of life, I find strength in the lessons I learned as a young boy.
My Great Grandmother taught me many things. Sorry... I can't go there right now.

You have to beat the hell out of the bad until it gives up the good.

If not for the people who I loved that died, I may have never learned the joy of living.

If not for spending time in darkness, I would never had recognized the light.

I was a person who cared about nothing and then at a funeral for a friend the priest said, "I did not know this man, but let us pray that his soul be accepted into God's loving grace."
I decided right then and there that: I would not be unknown to the person who would present my soul before God upon my passing. Now I'm known. My name is in the book.

No matter how bad you have it, someone else always has it worse.

Count your blessings.

If you can't be thankful for what you have, then be thankful for what you don't have.

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on.

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And sometimes you just have to say: "Fuck it!" and move on.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

The following was my soon to be 18 year old Son's facebook status.

When life hands you lemons, remember to always wear a mask because life will almost certainly squeeze them into your eyes and then shove you to the ground.

It would appear the apple does not fall too far from the tree.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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May 2, 2012 at 11:30am
May 2, 2012 at 11:30am
May 2, 2012
note for my facebook friends and others who visit my blog....
The way this month's challenge works is...One of our pre-determined challengers writes a blog entry, then the rest of us have 24 hours to respond to that entry by writing their own (same titled entry) It is called "follow me blogging" and is the idea of the founder of "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS 30DBC Creator/Founder .

30DBC Creator/Founder wrote the initiating blog entry today titled Smiles and tears. As I read his entry I thought of what I would write in response. Earl wrote about a long tiring day that involved a tiring commute to a mine to present a sales pitch. Sadly, Earl returned home tired from his travels only to learn that his father passed away earlier in the day. Dedicated to writing he still wrote a blog entry and titled it "Smiles and Tears"

I could have wrote a similar story in my history, it would have went something like this...

My mother did something that perhaps many other mothers do. (Our mom is famous for it.) She makes phone calls to all her family members and beloved friends on their birthday and sings "Happy Birthday" to them, when they pick up the phone. We all look forward to our birthday call from mom, it sets the stage for your big day every year, with out fail.

On the morning of my twenty eighth birthday the phone rang as I knew it would. I picked it up expecting to hear the singing voice of my mother. "Hello," I answered.

"Hi, Joel" Mom started sounding a bit awkward.

"Aren't you going to sing Happy Birthday to me?" I quickly inquired.

"Um...Your dad died this morning"...

So we celebrated my birthday that year with smiles and tears. My heart goes out to you and your family Earl. God Bless.

I have a fitting piece from a previous challenge. I'd like to re-share it here today.

"Invalid Item

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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May 1, 2012 at 5:50pm
May 1, 2012 at 5:50pm
May 1, 2012

Today is NOT a Holiday in Canada, it's just another day. Labor Day is the first Monday in September. I started a tradition of going fishing with one of my life long friends about 10 years ago now. We have a two person fishing derby,and a beer drinking contest. It's win win.

On the topic of being redirected...I despise the new call handling recording that the various government agencies have recently started using, that tell you...We are experiencing a higher volume of calls than usual at this time, all of our lines are busy, please try your call at another time, click bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

---------------------------------------------Insert violent outburst of profanity here----------------------------------------

I'm grabbing my placards and posters and heading down to join the leftist rally.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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April 30, 2012 at 2:09pm
April 30, 2012 at 2:09pm
April 30, 2012

Day 30 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge
"Tell us about your journey thru the last 30 Days blogging. What did you think of the challenge this month? Any suggestions for future challenges? Tell us what you liked and what you didn't like."

So...I had a good idea.

Why not just write a public review of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

That way, I address the prompt and the best part is I get paid GP for doing it.

So I scroll down to rate and review the group, and guess what.

I can't.

I already wrote a review for the group. (writing a public review is the entry requirement...REMEMBER)

So I did what I always do when I discover I can't do something.

I do it anyway!

I'm not a professional writer, just a fellow WDC member who does reviews to improve my own writing and hopefully be of service to others. Reviews of any nature are encouraging, because at the very least they confirm that, some one has read your work. All suggestions are simply my own opinion to be used or discarded as you see fit.

*Delight*Hello "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Administrators, Judges, and fellow participants past, present and future. The following is my humble review of your fine group.

*BurstR* Overall Impression:

I think this is probably thee best group on WDC. For someone like me who joined WDC because I had a calling to write and I have a desire to learn the craft, this group is the ideal vehicle to do both. When I looked for answers to my question, "How do I learn to write?" the piece of advice that was most commonly given was, "write every day." That is what the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is all about. Writing each day. A year before I found WDC I decided I would begin writing a blog. I opened an account on that google site (forgot the name already) I wrote my first entry, it wasn't just any blog entry, it was the best blog entry ever written. The best part was I was going to write one entry each day and each entry was going to be better than the entry before it. Millions of readers world wide were going to be beating a path to my blog and bestowing upon me, unimaginable gifts of fame fortune. I'm hard pressed to explain why I only got 5 views and no comments, but that was enough to discourage me from writing any further entries. My point is: This group connected me with a handful of like minded individuals, who came together to write daily, converse, share ideas, experiences, encouragement, and to build friendships through writing daily. or blogging

Oh yeah...
*BurstR* Overall Impression:
...Pretty good.

*BurstB* Imagery:

It's like a party for your imagination. Limitless imagery guaranteed to unclog the most stubborn cases of writers block.

*BurstG* *ThumbsUp* and *ThumbsDown*:


Aside from what was already said, The daily prompts are top shelf. The freedom to include your own brand of blogging beyond the prompt is nice.


The rule regarding commenting on the other entries is not a problem for me. I do it anyway. I consider it to be a part of the big picture. Having said that I don't think it should be made mandatory. This is why...Writing a blog entry everyday, then reading a number of blogs, include writing comments on the blogs you've read, reading the comments written on your own blog. Responding to the comments you receive, and reading all the other comments. Is a very time consuming task. Some days I have more than a dozen emails, all blog comments. As the popularity of the group increases so then will the time one would have to invest. Most people don't have that kind of time (I really struggled to make it through April). I would say...Note commenting and reading the other entries a suggestion only (to make the best of the experience).
That way we won't exclude the people who have limitations to the time they can spend having fun, and we would make feel welcome those that would prefer to just write their own blog post it in the forum and walk away.

*BurstR* Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar:

Spellin N/A Punctuation N/A Grammar Ain't going there.

*BurstB* Suggestions and Personal Insights:

If it is possible to do this...I would suggest working with WDC in order to get a welcoming letter out to the new sign ons to the site, encouraging newbies to start their writing experience with blogging.
It's been a great trip in April. Congratulations to all the participants. Thank you very much everyone for reading my blog entries, it's my most valued prize.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 29, 2012 at 9:15pm
April 29, 2012 at 9:15pm
April 29, 2012

"It's that time of week to show you've been paying attention. Find something, everyone, throw something in. Find someone else's blog entry from the last week and discuss it in your own blog. Tell us why someone's entry resonated with you."

Coming to the close of this months blogging challenge I'm going to start by saying, "I'm a little bit shocked and amazed that I am still here." I struggled throughout the entire month to find time to: re-start my yard care business, write a comprehensive design document, build an eight page website, restore running water in the house on Bannerman Ave. fulfill writing commitments aside from blogging, write my web design final exam, call my mother, and take care of things at home with the absence of Leslie. Throw in a few social obligations and 15 hours of driving, daily chores and so on. My point is... I was teetering on writing an exit letter in place of a blog entry on more than one occasion this month.

I chose to write the blog entry each time because of the support, inspiration, and friendship of all my fellow challengies. Challengies? sure why not?

Fivesixer - Writes a consistently solid blog entry day in and day out, you can set your clock by it. He should be given the keys to the city by the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce for his positive promotion of his hometown. Just don't let him drive and we'll be okay. Thanks Norb for all of your awesome comments and pushing the conversation on everybody's blog.

Bonnie14222 - The other Buffalonian - Bonnie makes me feel like I'm chatting with my sister. Her addresses to the prompts are spot on, and it's almost annoying how she always seems to write the perfect comment. It's nice getting to know about Bonnie, her family , and her life, through her blog entries.

blainecindy - Cindy*SuitHeart* need I say more. Another sister like friend. Cindy's serial story was captivating, all her entries are excellent. A talented writer, who oozes intelligence, and sophistication.    O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th! Hooooooowwwwllls go out to The BIG BAD Wolfe. He wrote a two word entry that made me think about it for two hours. Nuff said.

Prosperous Snow celebrating Ms Snow hit a couple of prompts out of the park again this week. Her serial piece packed an emotional punch. Is it me? or does Snow seem to be having more fun this time around?

30DBC Creator/Founder Founder of the group, comes out of his castle to blog along with us common folk. Earl gives us a glimpse into life in the Philippines. His entries and comments fill me with wonderment.

We haven't heard from a few of our group in the past few days, I hope everything is okay with them. induskrishna & sunnystarr come on ladies get your stories told.

Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST Blogs to blog. He is doing a great job with the group, but I miss having his perspective on the prompts and his comments as well. Unfortunately I was so busy keeping up here I did not get much of a chance to go over to the "The Talent Pond where Michael rows his boat ashore. A couple recomended posts...

"Invalid Entry & "Invalid Entry

Wordsmitty ✍️ Pounds out the 30 Day Prompts in his blog. It's well worth the trip. This was one of my favs "If only I could ...

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Time for bed and so I pray before I sleep... Thank you Lord for making everyone else. It gives my life meaning and people to play with.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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April 28, 2012 at 2:09am
April 28, 2012 at 2:09am
April 28,2012

The Thing Downstairs Part III

I know what you're thinking. Not much of a ghost story. right? Yeah. You're right, it's not, but the story isn't completed yet, and there is a bit more to add.
The episodes of fear in the basement went on for nearly two years as I recall. I thought about it a lot at the time. I kept telling myself it was just me and my imagination scaring myself. That did not sit well with me however, because why then did I only get that feeling in that location, and no where else. I thought about the feeling I got where I was being watched by someone or something. The night I sat at the top of the stairs I swear there was someone or something just waiting at the foot of the stairs, watching me, looking at me. I still get chills when I think of it. As I grew up, I learned a lot about myself. I discovered that I did\do have some abilities or an awareness of let's just call it matters of an occult type nature. Even still I never have had that strong of a sense of something, except for what ever it was in the basement at the grandparent's house. I knew at the time, and I recall to this day that what ever it was down there, even if it was just my imagination, then my imagination was standing between the washing machine and the dryer on the inside west wall of my grandparent's basement. I swear this to be true.

I would happily just forget the whole thing, but like I said, the story doesn't end there. I think this next part of the story is related to the first part. Connecting these two parts is something that has been on my mind (off and on) for the past 40 years. I'm curious how many of my friends and family read my blog. My Uncle is my facebook friend. We are going see if we can get him to notice this story. I'd be curious what he thinks. Does he remember? Okay ...the rest of the story.

I was awoken one Saturday morning by a commotion from the main floor. I was in my home away from home Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was my Uncle (he still lived in the house, I think he was about 19 yrs old.) He was hollering for his dad (Grandpa) to come see something. something about a bird. I had to go see what was going on. I caught up with what was now a group of people gathered at the side of the house. My Grandparents, my Uncle, a couple neighbors, a couple of my friends and a couple of my Uncle's friends. They were all trying to figure out how a bird (a sparrow) had gotten entrapped between the outer and inner basement window of my grandparents house. I had a look. There was a live bird. uninjured, perfectly healthy, even flapping around a bit, and it was between the two window frames. The bird had no way out, which begs the question... how did it get in there? It was very odd. It was disturbing for me because this was the morning after I had sat on the basement step too afraid to go down those stairs. My Grandfather pretty much built that house, and he could not figure out how that bird got in there. Neither could any one else. There was a dryer vent near the window. maybe the bird got in through there someone suggested. Grandpa checked it out completely, it was the only logical explanation. There was no way. If the bird somehow got in that vent, it would have ended up in the dryer, not between the windows. The windows were sealed tight. no way in and no way out. Grandpa was able to release the bird eventually by carefully removing the inner window frame, just enough so he could unlatch the outer window. Once the outer window was unlatched my Uncle pried it open enough that the bird was able to free itself and it flew away. Weird right? It's not quite done.

A few weeks later I spent another week-end at my Grandparents. I was awoken on Saturday morning by a commotion from the main floor. It was my Uncle He was hollering for his dad (Grandpa) to come see something. something about a bird. I had to go see what was going on. I caught up with what was now a group of people gathered at the side of the house. It happened again. Same window maybe even the same bird, who knows. A group of us debated how the bird got in there, as grandpa went about the task of releasing the bird. I remember standing there in a bit of a daze, I was thinking about how last night I could have swore that what ever it was I thought was in the basement was right under that very window. My Uncle turned to me and said to me, "This happened last time you were here for the week-end, I think you did it." I was dumbfounded, I had no response to that. Maybe he's right I thought. What does this have to do with me? something? nothing? I still don't know. That was the last week-end I stayed in that house a couple months later my Uncle got married and moved out, and shortly after that the house was sold.

I went and had a good look at that house just a few years back.The current owner was selling the house himself. He already had a solid offer on the house but let us have a look anyhow. I told him how the house was owned by my Grandparents. He had completely renovated the house, modernized it. I was able to tell him exactly what it used to look like and he was amazed at how accurate I was. I asked if the pool table was still in the basement. He said not any longer, and he talked about how hard it was to get that thing out of the basement. I asked him if the cold room was still there and he said yes. He mentioned that homes don't often have a cold room these days and that his wife loved having the extra storage space because they buy in bulk. "Would you like to have a look downstairs," he asked me.

"No, I'll pass"

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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April 27, 2012 at 8:32pm
April 27, 2012 at 8:32pm
April 27,2012

The Thing Downstairs Part II

The house was always warm, very cozy, tastefully decorated and well maintained. There were three bedrooms upstairs, a living room, dining room and kitchen on the main floor. There was also a fully finished basement. The basement had three rooms. At the very back of the basement, opposite the stairs that access the basement, is a cold room. The cold room was a fully stocked pantry. It held Grandmas preserves along with a supply of canned goods that would impress the most obsessive survivalist.
Burlap sacks with produce from Grandpa's garden were also stored in the cold room. A wall with a large gap in the center separated the other two rooms. The two rooms were both very large. When you descended the stairs you entered into the first large room which housed the furnace, laundry area, and a workbench loaded with tools. The first large room was of no interest to me, it was simply a room that you had to pass through to get to the cold room at the back of the other large room.
The main room was accessibly through the over sized pass way between the two main rooms. I'll call the main room the play room, because that is what we did in there, we played. The main feature to this room was an antique slate pool table that Grandpa took as payment for renovating a local pool hall way back in the nineteen fifties.

One of my favorite things was a 300 pound roll of paper that Grandpa acquired somehow. I would always take a large sheet of paper and draw and color for hours and hours. One other thing I have to mention is the inverted steel drum. That was Grandpas barbering chair. Every grandchild has a photograph taken of them during their turn on the drum. We are all getting our hair cut and we are all crying throughout the process. Grandpa was not a licensed barber. I can't answer why everyone else was crying, but I wasn't crying about having my hair cut. I cried because I knew, come Monday, I would be teased at school for having a crooked ass hair cut with a couple "oops hold still" marks... Lets get on with the story, shall we...

We sure had some fun times downstairs. Large groups of people all playing pool or board games,or just hanging out was fun enough for me. As we aged though, the groups got smaller, until it was just me and little Bro. I'm not sure why, but I seemed to be the only one out of 12 grandchildren that continued to spend week-ends at the Grandparent's house. Maybe because I made a few friends in the area, and enjoyed my week-end stays there, or maybe my parents liked getting rid of me for the week-ends. A bit of both...okay okay moving on...

So there I was, all alone, practicing up on my pool game, by the way.. my first visit to a pool hall in the neighborhood when I was in my first year of Junior high was funny. I went with a group of my new school buddies. I was nervous about even being in the pool hall, there was a pretty rough bunch of characters in there. I didn't pay much attention to my friends who took their turn at shooting. "It's your shot Joel," someone alerted me. So I started walking around the table sinking ball after ball. bank shots. soft finesse shots, long blasts that slam the ball into the back of pocket with an authoritative loud bang. People took notice, including the owner of the pool hall. "Holy crap Joel, where did you learn to shoot pool like that?" I had no idea I was any good at it. I almost always lost to my older siblings and uncle. On subsequent visits to the pool hall the owner and I became friends, he was always happy to see me and even would match me up to play a game against some of his friends. "Hey George play a game with this kid, I'll put five bucks on the kid or give you a free table for the night if you win." I was pretty good at reading a racing form too, and handicapping the horses at the race track. Pretty good for a twelve year old in any case. Again I have gotten off track...sorry.

So there I was all alone practicing up on my pool game, when I suddenly felt cold, as if an icy cool breeze went right through my body. I froze up for a second or two, and for no reason at all became paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move, I wanted to call out to my Grandparents who were upstairs, but I couldn't make a sound. I had the feeling someone or something was watching me, and what ever it was wanted me to leave. I took a couple steps forward and then broke into a flat out run. I raced up the stairs and into the living room.
"Are you done playing pool," Grandma asked.

"yeah, I'm going to stay up here, draw some pictures, and watch hockey now."

I never told anyone about this. I thought it was just me and my over active imagination. On my very next visit, it happened again though, and every visit afterward it also happened. It got so that I couldn't be in the basement alone.

I recall one time I was playing pool with my younger brother. I felt the cold icy breeze. I asked lil bro, "do you find it cold down here?"

"No, he answered, but then abruptly announced that he was going back up stairs,with that he left me down there alone. I followed him upstairs only moments later, but unusually full of fear.

I stopped going into the basement for a period of time. Then one night when I was there visiting for the week-end I guess I was bored, perhaps I was being high maintenance, so Grandma suggested I go play pool. I refused. Grandma insisted, so I went in that direction, but I didn't go downstairs. I sat on the top step, out of sight.
I sat there for a good long while, and I felt an unfriendly entity, like it was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

I was sure there was something down there. Something, but what? I don't know. I wasn't about to try find out.
One another visit I mustered all my courage and decided to investigate the first room, that is the room I felt there was this presence in. Everything was fine. I began to take a few practice shots on the pool table. Then it happened again. I ran upstairs again.

Joel aka Brother Nature

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