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When you really have nothing better to do.
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April 16, 2012 at 2:51pm
April 16, 2012 at 2:51pm
April 16, 2012

"Share the most extreme case of culture shock you've ever experienced."
Definition: Culture Shock is a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes.

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*Bullet* *PointLeft* A hand, pointing to a bullet.

*Bullet* You'll know I'm pissed off when I start using bullets

*Bullet* Lost another blog entry on a disconnect.

*Bullet* Who knows , maybe this one will be better. I have an Idea. Got it from the emoticon page

*Bullet* Get ready for some multiculturalism.

*Bullet* I have a multicultural ethnicity. It gives me a sense of being something of an observer on the planet. Someday I'll
return to LebanesenglishIirelandundeterminedanoppilis to be with my people.

*Bullet* I got my fill of culture shock when I was a young boy.

*Bullet* My mom told me that Chinese people eat, raw fish and bugs.

*Bullet* My Metis friend insists I'm Jewish, because my sir name ends in 'man'.

*Bullet* Visiting a new friends home for the first time was always a shock.

*Bullet* Why does the furniture match the carpets and drapes?

*Bullet* How come your Dad is not drinking beer in his underwear?

*Bullet* What nationality are you anyway?

*Bullet* What is that smell?

Then the shock was even worse when I went home and asked...

*Bullet* Hey mom, did you know that you could bake bread right in the oven at home?

*Bullet* Hey Dad, why don't you ever wear a suit and read a book?

*Bullet* Why didn't I have a bar mitzvah?

*Bullet* If we're not sheppards, then why do we always eat sheppard's pie?

*Bullet* My first entry was much better.

People from around the world have come to live in Canada. There is so much opportunity to learn and live a multitude of diverse cultures. I embrace them all.
Not too much out there that shocks me, except for when I find out something my Mom told me turns out to be false.

So...We are a nation of loving accepting wise mulitculturalistic angels, who do not know racism or hatred. right? Wrong!
We are a bunch of idiots, but we came from all over the planet to be idiots together because there is ample space.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

The Dalai Lama came to visit our city. He was sent to meditate with our football team. I'm not sure that was the best use of the Dalai Lama's time.
What do we know? But Hey! Our football team still lost! Bug eater!
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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 15, 2012 at 6:56pm
April 15, 2012 at 6:56pm
April 15, 2012

"it's that time of week to show you've been paying attention. Find something, everyone, throw something in. Find someone else's blog entry from the last week and discuss it in your own blog. Tell us why someone's entry resonated with you."

The first ever winner of the weekly best blog pick by Brother Nature goes to...envelope please...*Mail* and the winner is...*QuestionP*

Cindy writes an excellent blog. Her entries are always well thought out and well written. Her entries are engaging and entertaining, and she actively comments on and reads the work of our other members of the challenge. It's not easy to pick one entry or one writer as a favorite. Everyone is doing an awesome job. Cindy's entry "Invalid Entry was also one I enjoyed she had me laughing and included some good comics. Cindy also adds a little *SuitHeart* to her name and that makes me smile. Cindy's use of poetry has inspired me to include a couple poetic offerings in my blog.

I have reproduced Cindy's untitled poem from her blog entry.."Invalid Entry If you already had the pleasure of reading it, re-enjoy reading it again.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

When I am feeling sad and blue,
There's one thing that I like to do,
To hear the music match my mood,
In solitary quietude.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

As I listen to the sound,
Of the music going round,
I find that it's not long before,
I am feeling sad no more.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

When I need to calm my soul,
And relaxation is my goal,
I put some gentle music on,
Then the tension is all gone.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

Music takes the stress away,
Especially at the end of day.
It soothes my soul and gives me rest,
And helps me to be at my best.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

When I'm glad and want to sing,
The sound of music's the best thing.
Music helps my heart to dance
If I will just give it a chance.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

Music puts a twinkle in my eye,
And a feeling of joy I can't deny.
In all I've shown you, I'm sure you see,
That music is very important to me.

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

Music is my inspiration!

*Music1* *Music2* *Music1* *Music2* *Music1*

By: Cindy*SuitHeart*

Cindy wins an award winning review by Brother Nature, as well as top billing on the incredibly popular blog "Invalid Item

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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April 15, 2012 at 5:14pm
April 15, 2012 at 5:14pm
April 14, 2012

It's that day where I force you guys to embrace your independent inner blogger. You have a choice now, blog about your day ... or blog about your week!

"In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your day was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog."
"Another chance to blog. Under the guise of 'how was your week, in detail", feel free to blog about any subject dear to your heart. The dearer the better."

Hang on to your score cards looks like we're in for another poem. Insert "eye rollie" emoticon here.____

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Play Off Hockey, Week One

We welcomed the Jets back with unbridled passion, being a Jet Fan is now back in fashion.

Not making the playoffs is okay with me, they'll make it next year, just watch them, you'll see.

Hockey is huge, in Canada here, we play it in winter, but live it all year.

When you go to the games, you're part of the crowd, you're a part of the team, you make it loud.

We're all watching hockey here, two games a night. hard hitting action, and throw in a fight.

The playoffs are on, I'm watching them now, Did you see Afredson get hit? Wham! KaPow!

This little memory is so very cool, In 72 they let us watch hockey in school.

When the Canada Russia Summit was held, we were glued to our sets, as if under a spell.

We cheered on our heroes, the whole country roared, in 72 when Henderson scored.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 15, 2012 at 2:42pm
April 15, 2012 at 2:42pm
April 13, 2012

It's April 13th, so let's play with the format of these prompts with our new friday prompt format!

Yes, it's Funny Friday! IN fact, every Friday will now be known colloquially as "Funny Friday".

"Describe your sense of humour. Give some examples of things you find funny!"

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Yes! Good point, it is Friday. Friday the 13th no less. Mom is headed to the luck bunker. Leslie is headed home from Vancouver Island. Blog Monkey (Andre) is on the golf green. Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST is playing with the prompt format and making Friday funny. I am fresh out of time cheques and have had to suspend selfish endeavors until further notice. Again blog entries get bumped from the daily agenda.

Today is Sunday. I had to do a little time warp to get here. I'm not certain this will be read by anybody. Everyone else is on the popular calendar.

If that's not a cue for a poem attempt, I don't know what is.

When Friday is Funny

Check if it's raining, check if it's sunny.
Either way, if it's Friday, it's supposed to be funny.

Not just on Friday, it happens all week.
Life is what's funny, it's all tongue in cheek.

If it's zany, or slapstick, I'll laugh til I cry.
cartoons, even funnier! don't ask me why.

I laugh at myself, with the things that I think.
I laugh with my friends, even more when we drink.

When funny is funny, things work out nice.
I laughed at a funeral once. O-kaaay! twice.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
I went to pick Leslie up at the airport Friday night. She was due to arrive at 11:52 pm. I got it to the airport about one and a half hours early.
I wanted to have time to check out the newly constructed, James Richardson International Airport. I actually enjoyed going to the old Winnipeg International Airport.
The old airport terminal had an cool observation area, where you could watch planes takeoff and land. There was an arcade, gift shops, restaurants, and even a chapel.
I love being at the airport on a extremely cold and blizzardy winter night. It is hilarious to watch for peoples' reaction, as they exit the comfort of the indoors. The people dressed in the clothes appropriate for the warmer climate,. which they just came from, are the best. They hit the elements and their bodies sort of collapse, they usually say something like, "Holy fuck is that cold!!!" A lot of them go back into the building. I wonder if they ever come back out or if they just grab the next flight back to where they came from. Anyway! The new airport sucks bag. there is nothing for people, who are there to pick up passengers. All of the shops are beyond security checks. If you are not flying, the airport is largely off limits to you. You can sit or stand by the baggage carousels. You can buy a coffee/donut at Tim Horton"s.
You can use the bathroom, and there is a clock for your viewing entertainment. Color me "glad Leslie is home" with a shade of "the new airport sucks"

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 12, 2012 at 5:32pm
April 12, 2012 at 5:32pm
April 12, 2012

Day 12 of 30 Days of Blogging Pleasure and we have a controversial opinion piece from one of you, from the Challenge War Chest

"In your opinion should the government control how many natural resources you as an individual are allowed to use? In the name of conservation and to save the planet, should we be prohibited from taking up our greater share? Think limit on gasoline, monitored water usage, etc..."

As usual, don't be shy in voicing your opinion. If you are going to be controversial, do it with conviction!

One would feel as though the prompter were poking, with a pointy stick, in an attempt to provoke a rant. Alright I'm in...

Write this down blog monkey!

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You want to know about Government Control of Natural Resources?
I'll tell you about Government Control of Natural Resources!
First off, I should remind you that, if the government is doing anything in the name of conservation and to save the planet, you have to remember that the government is the biggest load of crap going on the planet, those lying corrupt bastards, would never give up a second of their political fame, fortune, power, and glory to save one single life, unless it was their own. So, never mind anything they have to say about saving the planet. The Government is building bomb shelters, mass bunkers deep under the earth. In secret locations I might add. Don't worry about not knowing where they are. The bunkers are not for you. That's the government's plan for the future, looks like your not included...so...If you want to have a future or provide for a future for future generations, then you'll have to do it for yourself.

"You said the word future three times in the same sentence"

"I'm not paying you to edit, just type! Blog Monkey!"

One thing that bugs me when it comes to conservation. Does the government really have to pass laws, before we will act to conserve dwindling resources?
Water is our most precious commodity, not everyone has an abundant supply of fresh drinking water. Wasteful use of water is sinful. The government is going to blame the people when we run out of water. Not that it matters. Good news...The government has stockpiles of fresh drinkable water. Bad news...It's in the bunker.

And oil, don't even get me started on oil. As far as I'm concerned people should just walk, yes walk away from oil. If everyone just said "fuck it! we're not going to drive vehicles that run on gasoline anymore. The car can rot in the driveway for all I care, I'm going to start cycling and walking or using fuel efficient mass transit."
Imagine if you will...It'll never happen.

"Is it a good time mention how much you like Nascar?"

"Shut-up! Blog Monkey"

I forgot where I was now. Oh yeah. Oil! Oil has got to stop. It is not a renewable resource and I'm not so sure that oil doesn't serve a more important purpose than simply getting our collective asses from point A to point B. Maybe oil is meant to stay in the ground where we found it. You know how the earth rotates on it's axis, right? How do you know that the axis doesn't need to be kept lubricated?

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard"

"Shut-up! Blog Monkey, I can't work with your constant interruptions, I'm going for a walk."

Good night folks. Thanks for dropping by.

Joel aka Brother Nature
Typing by Andre aka Blog Monkey
Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 11, 2012 at 10:32pm
April 11, 2012 at 10:32pm
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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 10, 2012 at 3:08am
April 10, 2012 at 3:08am
April 10, 2012

A prompt from one of you, from the Challenge War Chest.
" If you HAD to chose another place to live, where would it be and what can you see yourself doing there?"

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I'll tell you straight up, that there is no place on earth where I'd rather be, than where I am right now.
BUT because someone wrote a great big HAD in their prompt, now I HAVE to chose another place.
I don't make the rules.
No fear. I knew this day would come. I'm ready for you. here we go...

I would not budge an inch from my present location however I would love to live in another place in time.
I would choose to go back to the Biblical beginning of time, which is the same as the scientific beginning of time, but with out the dinosaurs.
One Tyrannosaurus Rex attack could spoil your whole day.
I don't have to be at the very beginning of time. It doesn't have to be day eight. I'd like to be among the second or third generation of a small village of people.
We would be located right where I am now, which is pretty close to the center of what is now called the continent of North America.
We would just call it home. We would enjoy long summer days full of discovery and challenges. We would learn to survive the harsh conditions of winter.
The earth would be pure and rich and would easily provide for our every need for a healthy and happy existence.
I would be the village story teller. I would tell the children stories about what is beyond the forest where we hunt, and what is on the other side of the waters which we fish on. I would tell them stories about the villagers on the moon, and that some day our people will go there to visit.

I would have a wife and her name would be Boom-boom.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 9, 2012 at 11:08pm
April 9, 2012 at 11:08pm
April 9 2012

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photo of 1933 Dusenberg model

"Which of your hobbies have you been doing for the longest amount of time?
Suggestions: How long? Why? Any periods of burn out? What brings you back? Do others do it? Have they influenced you in this hobby?"

Today I blob, Yesterday I blobbed and tomorrow I will blob again.

When I was a young boy I developed a fascination for an Uncle's plastic model-kit car collection. He had expertly assembled and painted, classic cars, displayed on shelves in his bedroom at my Grandparents house.

I received my own plastic model car kit when I was around ten years old, and I was hooked. My first attempts looked like the picture of the car on the box, except for my cars looked like they had been stolen, repainted, and involved in a wreck. I was proud to display them all the same.

Our family of eight exchanged gifts at Christmas. I would receive seven to ten models each Christmas. One year at Christmas I boasted to my siblings that I could guess what each one of my gifts was before opening it. They laughed as I shook each gift and guessed model-kit as it rattled. I must have put together over 100 model kits before I asked my siblings to please stop gifting me models. I did get pretty good at putting them together.

I took some time off from assembling model-kits when I discovered beer and girls. I returned to the hobby as an adult, when I went through a period of assembling Nascar Stockcar Kits. I have several boxes of boxes of cars and a cabinet with another dozen cars on display. I gave several cars away as gifts. I haven't put a model-kit together for about ten years now.

The Dusenburg model above was a model-kit gifted to me by my sister in-law. It was a challenging kit to assemble. The car is made of cast steel as opposed to plastic. Interesting car, The Dusenburg, it inspired the description of something being really big and grand as... That's a "dewsy" (True fact) (See...You're learning something again)

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
I'm looking forward to attending "The Playoff Draft" tomorrow night. I have to take a 24 of beer for the boys, because I finished in last place in the previous pool.
Looks like Leslie and I will be cheering on the Canucks during the Stanley Cup Playoffs. It's that most wonderful time of the year. We sure like our hockey over here.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 9, 2012 at 2:19pm
April 9, 2012 at 2:19pm
April 8, 2012

"it's that time of week to show you've been paying attention. Find something, everyone, throw something in. Find someone else's blog entry from the last week and discuss it in your own blog. Tell us why someone's entry resonated with you."

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I'm playing a bit of catch up today after the Easter week-end. Blogging time was nixed from the schedule by too many (all be it, arguable) priority agenda items.
Even today I'm only on a short break between studies and cooking supper (chicken vegetable stir fry) which reminded me: Take a ch.breast out of the freezer. BRB...

Now that I can get a bit of blogging time in, I'll confess that I went ahead and read all and commented on some of the other entries for this prompt. I thought it might help me decide which entry for the week was my favorite. what I found out that everyone pretty much feels the same way as me, and that is...It's difficult to pick ONE because everyone has put in at least one exceptional piece, and the competition has taken on a sort of party like atmosphere. There are several interesting conversations going on at the same time and we are all mingling about and enjoying hanging out and getting to know each other. I think it's agreeable across the board that the prompts are well conceived and lend to inspired excellent entries and thus good comments and discussion. I just wish I had more time.

The prompt does stress however that we must: find something

So I found something.

A lot of my favorite blog inspired reading has been in the comments, and a couple were made by Fivesixer

I'm not very religious at all, so allow me some insight here.
I believe somewhere in The Bible, there is a story about how Easter became tied in with the bunnies (although they didn't actually call it "Easter" yet...there were no known names for public hangings). It's in the Book Of Lagomorph, Chapter 2, verses 12-18, right before Jesus was to bear the cross. He encountered a bunch of wild rabbits in a field, surrounding the alpha rabbit. The alpha rabbit controlled the field. There were chicks and hens and roosters and cows in the field, which was tended by a seasonal migrant farmer.
The farmer would wake up at the rooster's call and milk the cows. Then he'd collect the eggs. After that, he'd mix some of the milk with some different local products, producing the initial version of what we call today "chocolate". He would then pick the freshly bloomed flowers from the field and create dyes from them, to make the hens' eggs more decorative.
Jesus saw this and was in awe. He approached the farmer and said "Hey man, this is a beautiful thing ya got goin' on here. Listen, I'm gonna be carrying a cross to my death in a few days...we're trying to have some sort of celebration for it. And since it's around this time of year that you're able to make these delectable treats, what say you that we have a celebration of my death, and you supply the treats. I'll get a band together, we'll have some music, I'll turn water into wine again, it'll be great!" The farmer approved, hence, the meaning of Easter.
You'll have to wait for the celebrations that happen the day after Easter. I haven't yet come across the biblical reason for Dyngus Day.

And this one... I can't even think of a fitting reply... except to say I welcome such a get together... me imposing my will hmmm.

Thunders, that's frickin' hilarious. Stick us all on a farm in Canada, and let Joel impose his will on us, mowing the lawn and landscaping, while still answering prompts. Let's do it!!

It's a lot of fun getting to know you all through your blogs and through the exchanging of comments and ideas.

In the spirit of competition and to help motivate everyone to give that extra effort I'm going to be more diligent in responding to this prompt at weeks end (because it will come up again, right) So... This week I will be selcting a favorite entry and giving the author his\her due justice in the way of a proper review.

Good blogging to everyone!!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 8, 2012 at 3:21am
April 8, 2012 at 3:21am
April 7, 2012

"Another chance to blog. Under the guise of 'how was your week, in detail", feel free to blog about any subject dear to your heart. The dearer the better."

Monday morning I dropped Leslie off at the airport at 5:40 am, then I spent the rest of the day fighting a loosing battle with the plumbing on Bannerman Ave. No water, and no refrigerator, it was a bit like camping except for I usually have water and refrigeration when I camp.

Tuesday evening, Leslie has been gone 36 hours. I'm back in Sunset Bay. I mixed one heaping tsp. of Metamucil into 8oz of milk, and drank it. This is not advised.

Wednesday I mixed one heaping tsp of Metamucil with diet pink grapefruit pop, there was a small controled explosion that was completely contained. It was awfully sweet, pretty gross, really. Better than the milk though. Metamucil + Milk = Plaster of Paris. ( See that? You're learning something! ) People are laughing at me and I'm missing Leslie now for three full days.

Thursday I went to the store to buy some juice to go with the Metamucil, I picked up my son as well. Four days on my own has taken it's toll. I made my boy his favorite pizza ( pepperoni ) It's going to be great to hang out with the boy for the Easter week-end but I'm counting the days until Leslie gets home already.

Friday, Thank God it's Good Friday, Friday. Metamucil and apple juice sucks ass. "What ever made you think of using milk? my Auntie asks. I thought it would be like a strawberry shake, you know milk of magnesia, milk of Metamucil, I didn't know it turns to plaster. Six more sleeps until Leslie gets home.

Saturday I ran out of the two foods my boy will eat pizza and cheese burgers. I gave him a choice: hot dogs or strawberry\meta shakes. The kid likes hot dogs again. I played a game of golf "online" with a friend. We played on a site called World Golf Tour. I highly recommend it. Check it out, if you like that sort of thing maybe we can play a round some day.

Is that it? Yeah that's it. One whole week flew right by. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. The boy and I are heading to my favorite sister's house to celebrate Easter. One more week before Leslie gets home. Next week she'll be on Vancouver Island visiting her Mother and Brutus. I'll be here trying not to hurt myself or innocent bystanders, blogging is pretty harmless, right.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
I'm docked at "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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