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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 17, 2013 at 1:23pm
January 17, 2013 at 1:23pm
January 17, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Opinion Thursday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Are social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc ...) an evolving form of communication and allow us to be more connected to those around us, or do they decrease communication skills, and distance us from "real" connections?"

Hi Folks
It's very brave of you to return. Things got a little out of hand in here yesterday.
Maybe you dropped by to see if I had an opinion to share on today's blog prompt. "You're in luck, I do!"

I see you rolling your eyes... Here we go!...(no bullets, I promise.)

I'd first like to say that today's prompt was written in a way which directs the respondents' reply. The prompt asks for your opinion on social media sites, then provides its own opinion of what they are, and finally asks, if you agree with that opinion. If you want my opinion...ask for it. Don't tell me your opinion, then ask me if I agree. I strongly feel that the prompt would generate a wider range of new ideas and opinions if it simply said, "What is your opinion on social media sites?" Yes, I know the prompt generator, would argue that they just wanted to give the respondents a starting point to help with the creative process, but I argue back, "If you need a hint to spark an opinion, then your honest opinion would be...I have no opinion on the subject."

But that's just my opinion. I'm not saying this with any great conviction. I'm just being a dick.

So what about those social media sites?

I have an opinion on social media sites. Of the sites mentioned, I only subscribe to one, "Facebook." As for the others, I have no use for them at this time.
I like the concept of Twitter, I can appreciate the enjoyment people who use Twitter must have. I like the idea that people can have a more intimate relationship with their favorite sports figure of actor, ect. I'm not a very fanatical fan. "Just pass the puck or drive the car, I don't care what you had for breakfast, or who you're cheating on your wife with. If that is your kind of thing though, all the power to you...enjoy! I can see Twitter as being a useful business tool, but not one I need to have at this point.

I must have been the last one on the block to sign onto Facebook. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the process of setting up my network of family, friends, and interests.
Prior to signing on, I was of the opinion that, Nothing good could ever come from having a Facebook account. I was wrong. There I said it! I was wrong!!

There is plenty of good with-in Facebook. Like anything else, you have to sort out what is good and bad, then choose your course of action.

Facebook itself, is an annoying git. The entire time you are on Facebook you are bombarded, no, badgered by Facebook.

eg: What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? What is your credit card number? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? Can we ask again tomorrow? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address? What is your email address?

I like messing with Facebook. My most recent status message was...
"I'm going to change my Facebook name to "Nobody." That way, when I "like" a persons status, Facebook would say. "Nobody likes this."

I got 9 likes and 3 comments on that.

Boy this sure went nowhere fast. I guess I don't have an opinion on social media sites. What ever floats your boat. Don't text and drive!

I miss the old "Wall Phone" with the rotary dial.

And that's the kind of day its been. (Lloyd Roberts, CTV News - Ret.)

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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January 16, 2013 at 1:38am
January 16, 2013 at 1:38am
January 16, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's War Chest Wednesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Is there anyone in your life that you would take a bullet for?"

*Bullet* First off, yes! There is someone in my life I would take a bullet for.
*Bullet* Truth be told...I can't think of anyone I wouldn't take a bullet for.
*Bullet* It doesn't mean as much, (Taking a bullet for someone.) as it did in just recent history.
*Bullet* That bothers me.
*Bullet* People! Put down your guns.
*Bullet* Don't force me to use up all the bullets.
*Bullet*You asked for it.*Bullet*

rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Laugh* *Laugh* *PointLeft* *Sick*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Laugh* *Angry* *Laugh**BulletR**Lightning*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*


Sorry you all had to see that.


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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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January 15, 2013 at 10:59am
January 15, 2013 at 10:59am
January 15, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's War Chest Tuesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"What one talent do you wish you had, but don't (non-writing related)?"

Hey Friends
I have to be quick here. In and out, before Andre drops by and rates my entry. He only owns a "FAIL" stamp, and he only rates my entries to show off his successful accounting firm, Andre & Troop.
If that is not enough for me to worry about, then this prompt comes along which blows my mind.


When I considered the question, "What one talent do you wish you had, but don't?" I could not find a single one. I'm not trying to say that I am talented at everything, I'm NOT.
But.. When ever I wished I had a talent for anything, I gave it a try, and I found out that I either had a talent for it or I did not. Doing this all my life has pretty much run me out of wishes for talents. My mind was locked in a perpetual search of talent forms which I still wished I had. *PointLeft* That is my favorite sentence of today's entry (jus sayin.)
At least it was, until I saw the Blogging Circle of Friends' prompt for today. It both gave me the answer to the posed question as well as an opportunity to play in both arenas today.

Speaking of playing... I'm glad the NHL is going to get back to playing hockey.

So let's add our Sister's prompt in here, like this:"Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt ForumWriting/blog prompt:"If you could learn to play a musical instrument, one which you've never played before, which would you choose and why?"

I believe that we all have a talent for music. If you think you don't, then it's only because you have not taken the time to develop yours. If you disagree, then see yesterday's entry.
You might think that I have no talent for music after I failed to become proficient at playing several types of musical instruments. But, when I discovered the harmonica and dedicated time each day to practicing and developing a talent, I found that I DO have a talent for music.

Crap...here comes Andre.

I got to get going...I'd love to learn to play the saxophone. I'm not sure the people around me can take the practice sessions.

Have a great day!

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 14, 2013 at 4:41pm
January 14, 2013 at 4:41pm
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Global Management & Consulting, Technology Services

January 14, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Enthusiastic Monday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Persuade me why you appreciate verbal arguments or disagreements."

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I hated arguments when I was in my youth. Why can't we live in peace? Do you really have to raise your voice? Why don't you just shut up?

I would never engage in an argument. When you had a disagreement with me, there was a short window for a peaceful resolution, then it went straight to a physical confrontation. After a while I learned that compromise (on my part) could also end an argument.

I enjoyed a good debate, intelligent conversation, the sharing of ideas, but I could not stand someone being argumentative for the sake of being confrontational or because they are too narrow minded or ignorant to accept someone else's idea. I avoided arguments for the most part, but, then a person I had a lot of respect for gave me some pointers on how to win arguments. Most of it centered around knowing when, with who, and what to argue about. It was all useful information, and after practicing it a few times, I became good at it.

Suddenly, I'm out looking for arguments in public. I was even winning the, "It's time to put your jammies on, and go to bed" argument with my two year old. But, like everything else, after a while it loses it's shine. Now I've returned to my non combatant, somewhat compliant self.
And nobody is going to tell me different!

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 13, 2013 at 5:22pm
January 13, 2013 at 5:22pm
January 13, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

The Sunday Review!

Writing/blog prompt:"Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why."

It looks like Sunday is upon us once again, and it is a very peaceful one, at that.
Well the rest of the planet was watching the NFL playoff games, I was out clearing a few hundred tons of snow, left over from yesterday's storm. It builds character.
I mean...hard work builds character, not watching football.
I had another busy and interesting week, and even though I was busy, and productive, still there seems to be a build up of things left undone. The bathroom renovation is very close to complete. I have a little bit of finishing work and a couple of accessories to install, and it is done. I am going to post a before and after photo, when It is completed. I fell behind in my e-commerce course, but managed to write a blog every day, and host intrusions visitors most days. I'm going to have to really hit the books this coming week.

As her handle would indicate Emily is doing her awesomeness again. It's nice to see she's not shy about it. Emily Em is the "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum FIRST monthly winner, and that's pretty cool.

I received a little bit of bragging rice to toss randomly in celebration of winning a "Major Award" on Writing.com.
 Invalid Item 
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#1899962 by Not Available.

I was very interested to read about a new activity for February: "Invalid Item I would like to participate in the contest. I'm wondering if there is anyone interested in forming a team with me. I have some ideas about trying something a little different. If your interested in forming a team with me, please send me an email.

It was an interesting week in Blogville this past week. I think the best prompt, that generated the most insightful conversation, was the "Gay Marriage" question. That is where I think I found my favorite entry for the week, it is "Invalid Entry by: ember_rain She spoke from the heart, straight forward, and with pride. Her entry as always, was well written.

I was inspired by Fivesixer posting entries to keep current while living through some difficult circumstances right now. I haven't read all of the entries for "Funny Friday" yet, I was waiting for the announcement of the winner of the MB. Of course I am vain enough to think I may win it. If I don't win, then reading the entries will cheer me back up.

It was a very nice and peaceful Sunday in my little piece of the planet. I hope yours was as well.
Have a great week everyone!

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 12, 2013 at 6:29pm
January 12, 2013 at 6:29pm
January 12, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Creation Saturday!

Writing/blog prompt:"A day in the life of a blogger"

I'm not so sure I know a blogger well enough to write about their day. Looks like you're stuck with my day, sorry.
I began my previous day's entry with a report of a pending winter storm, so I will pick-up today's entry at 12:00am CST, as our blizzard was beginning to clear out.
Leslie and I spent a quiet evening at home watching movies on Netflix. Blizzard conditions were predicted to persist overnight and clear out around noon hour on Saturday.
In actuality, the storm fizzled out at about 11:00PM, thirteen hours early. We went out for a walk. The winds were gusting, but it wasn't too cold. The streets were deserted and it was a bit like being on the surface of the moon. It was fun to go out to experience the weather, so we went for another walk at about 3:00AM. Suffice to say I slept in today, ignoring the ringing phones for as long as I could. I cancelled my plans to attend our NHL regular season draft. Lil Bro went and picked a team for us both. I'm disinterested in NHL hockey at this time. No surprise that I spent the majority of my day shovelling snow. I sat down to begin writing today's entry, when Lil Bro decided to drop in on his way home from the hockey draft.
Lucky for me he had decided to stay indefinitely and drink beer while being a constant distraction to my writing efforts. He did read and enjoy my funny Friday entry which was about our dreaded customer's phone message. I made pizza for supper and Lil Bro stumbled home after eating his fill of pizza. Cooking for people is one of my favorite things to do, so it all worked out nice. Now it is 9:44PM on creation Saturday, and I can finally finish writing my blog entry. I have to do it while watching a movie, mind you, but I'm getting it done.
Pretty dull day. Thank you for hanging in there with me and reading along...Hello...hello?... hello?

I don't blame you, I'm outta here too.

Last one out shut off the lights.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 11, 2013 at 2:05pm
January 11, 2013 at 2:05pm
January 11, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

*Laugh* It's Funny Friday! *Laugh*

Writing/blog prompt:{/b}"When was the last time you remember laughing so hard your sides hurt, your smiling muscles were sore, and your eyes were tearing up? What were you laughing at?"

It's Friday afternoon in Sunny Manitoba, we are in the early hours of an expected winter storm. Our area is in the path of a blizzard that will bring -30 degree temperatures with 70KM per hour winds and 20+CM of snow. These conditions are expected to last overnight and clear near noon hour on Saturday. By American measure that's, pretty darn cold, windy, and two feet of snow. Here is the good news... We have been out shopping, so we have all our provisions, we have no reason to go outside, for a few days, if that's what it comes down to. AND...it's *Laugh* It's Funny Friday! *Laugh*

I sometimes struggle with Funny Friday, I find it difficult to be funny on command. I have a new respect for people who can fart on cue. The prompt helps a bit, it, at least gives you a starting point, and an idea of what to write about. It helps me a lot to have that initial idea. So, I began to think about the last time I laughed so hard my sides hurt, my smiling muscles were sore, and my eyes were tearing up. One incident came to mind immediately, it was truly one of the funniest things I've ever seen, I laughed for months afterward, just at the thought of it. The problem with sharing this, is that it was all visual, and I know I can never write the story and make the description nearly as funny.

Just so you know...The scene played out in a restaurant lounge, as my friend's band was playing their first set of a week-end gig. I sat with another friend at a table front and center of the dance floor/stage. We watched as these two extremely drunk girls, (They were both gorgeous, sexy, and dressed to kill.) began to identify with the band and start dancing. I can't beginning to describe their antics, but they fell head first on the floor, bashed into each other, and ultimately climbed on stage only to fall off, microphone stand and mic in hand. They were like those punching bags that you knock down, but they pop back up, only they knocked themselves or each other down. I'm sure they both woke the next day with injuries, from some of their falls, but they kept getting back up and partying. This went on for the entire first set, and then these girls came back for an encore performance (even drunker) during the band's second set. We laughed until we cried, I found it too hard to watch.

I didn't think I could convey the humor in that story, so I searched my memory banks for other stories. I have a lot to choose from, but a lot are visual, and I don't think I can write the humor into them. Many of my funny, laugh so hard my sides hurt, my smiling muscles were sore, and my eyes were tearing up, come from the days Younger Bro and | shared a yard care business. Let me try this one...

After working all day in the scorching heat, cutting grass, Brother #6 and I decided to sit back and enjoy a cold beer together. Lil Bro decided to check the messages on the answering machine. There was one message, it was from one of our customers, Mrs. Applebaumn. Mrs. Applebaumn was a chronic complainer and each month would try to find ways to not pay us, or to insist that we add free services, because we over charge her. Bro and I listened to her message time and time again, it got funnier and funny as we enjoyed cold beer after cold beer. This is her message, word for word.

I got home from work today and my yard looked terrible, the grass looked like it wasn't even cut, and there were leaves all over my walkway. What kind of a business are you running? Do you not own a leaf blower? This is terrible service, and I'm not paying the full amount this month, if this is the quality of your work. Do you even know that you have to sharpen the blade on your lawnmower once in a while, and I don't think that fertilizer you put on last week even did anything, so I'm subtracting it from what I owe you. (she ended her message by yelling into phone) AND WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO TRIM MY BUSH?

We listened to this message over and over, and we laughed and laughed. What made it so funny was...We didn't even go near Mrs. Applebaumn's house that day, her yard was scheduled for the next day.

Hope you had at least a chuckle.
In case you didn't... This is one of my own videos, of an outing with Leslie and her mom, and "Little Dog."
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Take care folks, and we'll see you tomorrow.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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January 10, 2013 at 9:12am
January 10, 2013 at 9:12am
January 10, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
It's Opinion Thursday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Gay marriage? Yes? No? Do you care? Why?"

I'll let you all in on a little secret about myself. I'm not the type of person to go around announcing this for everyone to hear. I feel comfortable enough with the community here on Writing.com that I can come out and say, "I'm a Libra."
That's right, I was born between September 23 and October 22. You may have heard what those Astrologers have to say about Libras.
They say that, "We are balanced, and fair, we have the ability to discern, evaluate, and even pass judgement when it is necessary. In fact, the astrological sign for a Libra is, "The Scales of Justice."

I have to confess...I don't believe in Astrologers. That's fine if they want to get married to each other, as long as they' re not gay or something, it's fine with me.
Speaking of gay marriage, I'm fine with it. I was just kidding about the gay astrologers.

The concept of same sex couples is a bit scary, because, like Pomagranate Mio, "It Changes Everything"
It changes the whole concept of family, it changes society, and there is no way of changing it back.

But isn't that what life is really all about...Change.
Did we not evolve to become the society we are today? Society is constantly changing, it's called progress.

So why are people against gay marriage? I think they are afraid of change. It's okay to be afraid of, "Change" as long as you're not a judgemental asshole about it.

In typical Libra fashion, I care, but I don't care. I care, because, I have family and friends who are gay, and I don't care, because I don't believe there is a need for debate, no one is going to stop progress, so why not go along with it. That way, we can all live our lives the way we choose. We could all be happy and live in peace. How about peace? is that a change that people are afraid of?

Was this supposed to be about sexual preference? I'm sorry, I missed that. Good thing too, my entry would have been pretty short. How long does it take to write, "Mind your own damn business?"
Well, that's what I would have wrote, if I didn't have to be interesting, entertaining, and informative.

So, I'll go on record as saying, I have never had a sexual relationship with another Libra.
There was that one time in Saskatoon, but I was really drunk.

Hey take a minute to check out these videos, they're pretty funny.

Ta ta for now, girlfriends.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
"Invalid Item
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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January 9, 2013 at 6:32pm
January 9, 2013 at 6:32pm
January 9, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
It's War Chest Wednesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Do you belong in this day and age? Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st-century? If you do, explain why — and if you don’t, when in human history would you rather be?"

I could not fine the video I wanted to post.
I found this though, and I thought,
"Unless I post this video, nobody would ever see it."
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Do you belong in this day and age?No.
Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st-century? No.
If you do, and I don't.explain why So I won't. — and if you don’t, which I do. when in human history would you rather be?This looks like a good prompt, for a blog or something.

For as long as I can remember I have been attracted to the period of time between 1300-1900. This is the time I would like to live in. What I've learned about life during this period of time is the way I'd like to live. I'm also attracted to the period of time described in the new testament of the Holy Bible. I wonder sometimes if I lived during the life and times of Jesus Christ, if I would follow Jesus's teachings or if I would be faithful to Judaism. I'm also attracted to a period of time in the future when life is lived more like it was in the past, if that makes any sense. I like the conveniences our times have to offer, but at the end of the day...I hate it. I really don't belong here.

That's all I got!
Try back tomorrow.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 8, 2013 at 10:53pm
January 8, 2013 at 10:53pm
January 8, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
It's War Chest Tuesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"If you were told to "Leave town" tomorrow and everything you left behind would be taken care of for the next month, where would you go and why? (You cannot go to live with relatives.)"

Moving to Montana soon, gonna be a Dental Floss Tycoon.
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It's a good day to go straight to it. Let's do this!
If someone told me to leave town tomorrow they would be talking to themselves, because I'm already gone today. I don't much worry about stuff I leave behind, you can always get more stuff. Where would I go? Where I always go. Someplace different every time.
Why would I go? Because I was told to go...who am I trying to kid, I never do as I'm told. I would just go, because nothing else is there until I arrive.
A lot of times getting there is the best part of the trip.

Hey! why not come along? come on. it'll be fun.

The trip always begins in a fast car. You push down hard on the brake, then stomp the gas pedal and hold it to the floorboards.
Caution...On more than one occasion every single relation of mine were standing in front of the speeding car. Well, we won't be staying with relatives on this trip.

budump budump bump. hmmm seems like we run over something...Oh well.

Close your eyes and relax as the cabin fills with rubber smoke. Breathing becomes relaxed and heavy, as the smoke clears the cabin, we are clearly in a rocketship leaving earths atmosphere, and headed towards the stars. Surrounded by total darkness and completely wasted weightless, it hard to explain why the visuals are so extraordinary. Over there is the Grove Planet, the entire planet is a nude beach, and it's always hot and sunny. I've only been there two million times. It looks like the horses want to take us to Cane, off in the distance, by the way they have broken into an all out gallop. Hang-on! Cane is a Planet made up entirely of sugar, it would look like a big ball of sugar if not for it being cube like. The horses like to lick Cane, and the place is over run with children of all ages. I think today we'll carry on in the jet boat to the Sea of Sarcasm, I hate it there, but I'm a member of parliament, as if I care.

So, if you ski behind this comet it'll take you straight to my favorite spot, Umnumnum. Hey look...It's ElaineElaine, she's riding a moonbow. On Umnumnum, the girls have 27 hands, I go there for a massage. Mind your manners if you go there. You don't want to do anything that gets you a slap in the face. The best thing about Umnumnum is that there are no rules, no laws, no laws of physics or gravity, anything and everything works out for the best. If you can imagine it, then you've already done it, and enjoyed it.

Well, I'm going to stay right here on Umnumnum, because, that's the kind of day it's been. Feel free to hang out.

Beware of the, Ones who'll ask, "where did you go, just now?"

Whatever you do, don't tell anyone where to find me.

Be back soon.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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