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When you really have nothing better to do.
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February 28, 2013 at 5:19pm
February 28, 2013 at 5:19pm
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Brother's Blog
"Farewell to February"
February 28, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Are you an introvert or an extrovert?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Write about what experience with the medical profession you have ever had that can compete with Fivesixer 's ongoing situation? (Hopefully, these will cheer him up while he recovers.)"

Hello Friends

Well! for a short month, it sure took it's time about getting to the end. In my little world it was a very busy month. I completed my e-commerce course. ElaineElaine and I were Valentine chefs and cooked up some imaginative blog entries in the Blogging Circle of friends Valentine activity/contest. It was an eventful month of celebrations with; my mother's 80th birthday, Leslie's ##th birthday, Louis Riel Day, Hockey Day, Valentines Day, The Daytona 500, The Oscars, and even the cows had their day. Brother's blog was nominated for a Quills award,(don't forget to vote1) and for a nice surprise to end the month my blog was selected for the blogger of the week honors.

The last few days the temperatures have been slightly milder, and it seemed as though Spring was on it's way, but the mercury dropped back to -15c today. I do hope that March comes in like a lamb this year. I think we've had Lion years for the past ten.

I accompanied a friend today on a visit to our Provincial Courts. He (my friend) has been wanting to go watch a live trial for a while now, and today I ran out of reasons not to go. We watched a trial of a senior, who murdered his wife with a hammer. (The hammer made him do it.) The defense does not contest the fact he committed the crime, but is trying to establish that he is not mentally competent to be found guilty. The trial was a series of questions directed at the man's psychiatrist. It wasn't as interesting as you might think. I actually dozed off for a few minutes, until I got an elbow in the ribs. On the way home, my friend asked me to shoot him if he ever asks to spend a day at the courts again. I don't have a gun, I do have a hammer or two though. (I'm kidding!!!)

When I'm functioning normally, meaning... not in a funk or pre-occupied in thought, I am an extrovert. I'm very out-going. It's not unusual for me to engage strangers in conversation. Sometimes I have little groups of strangers gather around me when I'm standing in line at the grocery store or at the bank. I probably have every reason in the world to be an introvert but I'm not that way at all.

I don't have any personal injury stories or surgery experiences to share or compare with Fivesixer . I've never had a broken bone. I've had two minor cuts that required a couple stitches. I should have had some medical attention when a street kid I was walking past drove a railroad spike into my forehead, but I hid the injury from my mom by pulling a hat over it, because I thought she would be mad at me for some reason. I did have a short hospital stay, when my mom convinced our family doctor to take out my perfectly healthy tonsils, so I could keep my little brother company while he had his infected ones removed. Every time I've taken one of my health problems or concerns to a doctor, the tests always come back negative, and I feel like I've just wasted the doctor's time, so now I'm reluctant to go see a doctor.

I better go make some garlic toast, to go with Leslie's spaghetti squash, spaghetti.
Bring it on, March! I'm looking forward to it.
We're trying something different for the month of March. We are going to give up eating beef and pork for a month. Good thing I like chicken and fish.

See ya tomorrow.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 27, 2013 at 10:18pm
February 27, 2013 at 10:18pm
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Brother's Blog
"Seeing Double, and I don't even drink."
February 27, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "If you were supreme ruler of planet Earth for a day, what changes would you make?

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"If you were supreme ruler of planet Earth for one day, what changes would you make?"

Hello Friends
Hello Friends

Never mind all that. I finished renovating the bathroom today, except for installing the door. One side of the door is on outside of the bathroom, anyhow, so I'm calling the bathroom done.
Never mind all that. I finished renovating the bathroom today, except for installing the door. One side of the door is on outside of the bathroom, anyhow, so I'm calling the bathroom done.

If I were supreme ruler of planet Earth for a day...Hey, wait a minute...I am supreme ruler of planet Earth, but my day is actually March 1,2013.
If I were supreme ruler of planet Earth for a day...Hey, wait a minute...I am supreme ruler of planet Earth, but my day is actually March 1,2013.

This is what I have planned, "Jobs for everybody."
This is what I have planned, "Jobs for everybody."

Every man woman and child (over three years old), will spend the entire day locating and destroying, by discharging or dismantling every single weapon of war, each and every arsenal of ammunition, every tank, jet fighter, rocket, and armory.
Every man woman and child (over three years old), will spend the entire day locating and destroying, by discharging or dismantling every single weapon of war, each and every arsenal of ammunition, every tank, jet fighter, rocket, and armory.

If the work is not completed on a global scale with 23 hours and 59 minutes I will make myself supreme ruler of planet Earth for a second day. I can do that, you know!
If the work is not completed on a global scale with 23 hours and 59 minutes I will make myself supreme ruler of planet Earth for a second day. I can do that, you know!

That's all I got folks.
That's all I got folks.

Peace be with you all.
Peace be with you all, and this time I really mean it.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 26, 2013 at 9:20am
February 26, 2013 at 9:20am
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Brother's Blog
"There's got to be a better title than this!"
February 26, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What do you feel are the advantages of belonging to the Blogging Circle of Friends? The disadvantages? Is there anything you'd like to see changed? Do you have any other suggestions or comments? Be honest!"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Recently I got into the argument with a friend about female-drivers. Another friend quoted us this quote and I guess it is stuck in my mind.

All men consider themselves to be smarter than women. That is their great tragedy. All women allow them. That is theirs.

What are your opinions on this? Do you think this applies to your life as well? If yes, is it correct? And if not, have you ever seen anybody treated as this."

Hello Friends

I went on a bit of a rant yesterday with my opinion on the Oscars, award shows in general, and the quality of our current crop of celebs. Honestly I'm still a little put out, that John Wayne and "The Cowboys" didn't even get nominated. One good thing that came of my rant is a new way I discovered of illustrating the statement/question, "Get my point" it goes like this...
Get my point?
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(with apologies to LJinthePeg

Luckily my Oscars rant has spilled over into another rant in progress, I would like to share with you. There is some background in this news story. I hope you take a minute to read it, and share your thoughts with me on the topic.


For the love of God...Please, Somebody, tell me that, The people of Steinbach Christian High School did not just say. We are Christians, so we have to defend our faiths demands to discriminate, hate and exile, other Christians who differ from our believes of what is an acceptable lifestyle. Because what they are really saying is...It's okay to be gay, but not here.

Did Jesus not say, "Love each other, like I have loved you?" Am I wrong? Are religion based schools being asked to go against their religious beliefs?... I don't think so. I'd be interested to know what you think.

Shame on you Stienbach!

Get my point?
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Now to dispatch these prompts.
Also in my previous day's entry I shared a link to The Blogging Bliss newsletter, which when I checked earlier, was actually a link to my email inbox. So, NO! I am not smarter than any female simply based on gender. LJinthePeg aka Leslie, is actually one of the smartest people in our country. She won the Govenor General's award for having high marks in university. (They don't just hand those things out like Oscars!)
I can't even spell Govenor with-out a spell checker.

Getting back to that newsletter... http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1917647-February-2013-Blogging-Bli...
In this issue of Blogging Bliss a handsome young man with a heart of gold (dumb as a post) wrote an amazing and informative article which touted the benefits attached to writing a blog on the writing.com site. These benefits, the incredibly talented author wrote about, are amplified when said bloggers join the fantastic group "Blogging Circle of Friends .

blainecindy is the creator of "Blogging Circle of Friends as well as http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1917647-February-2013-Blogging-Bli... I joked with her once about her being the head of organized blogging and referred to her as, "The Blog Mother" Cindy is also an RN which makes her ALSO smarter than me.
A benefit of Cindy's newsletter is that...I believe I made a new friend in Dave Gordon who is a self confessed idiot (my kind of people) Dave asked me to thank whom ever it was that tagged his blog entry in the newsletter. I think it may have been Wordsmitty ✍️ who selected Dave's entry as an editor's pick. I'll have to let that all sort it's self out.

I'll be heading on my way, there are other people, that I can brighten their day.
Be nice to someone else today, and have a great day!

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 25, 2013 at 10:31am
February 25, 2013 at 10:31am
Brother's Blog
"Serious Monday. You've got to be kidding!"
February 25, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What's your favorite season? Why?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Give us a serious opinion, analysis, or persuasive opinion of the Oscars, their meaning to you along with the hype, glamour, and actions/comments by celebrities - winners or losers. Quotes from people or articles about the Oscars should be used to support your position. Leave the actual films out of it!"

Hello Friends
No time for chit chat today. It's Monday morning and I have to hit the ground running. Another busy and enjoyable weekend has come and gone. We celebrated Leslie's birthday yesterday (at the lake). Leslie was most pleased with all the people that called to acknowledge her day. I think I scored, with my own contributions to honoring her on her special day. I didn't wake up in the doghouse.

The Blogging Bliss Newsletter's 2nd edition was released this morning, yours truly is on the editing staff and penned the feature article for this issue. I was also pleasantly surprised to find one of my blog entries among the editors picks.

Moving right along I'll talk about the seasons briefly...On the Canadian Prairie we experience all four seasons. It seems like there is no typical season, each winter for example is unique, and unlike any other winter. This winter we have had a lot more snow fall than in other winters, and opposed to other winters where there are long periods of either extreme cold or unusually mild temperatures we have had short stints of spiking temperatures. I personally like all the seasons the same, being that the weather is not something you can really change. If I had to pick a favorite I would pick Autumn. I enjoy the outdoors. In autumn the air temperature stabilizes,(no sweltering heat.) bugs disappear, fishing is good, and the scenery is breath takingly beautiful, with all the spectacular color.

WARNING: It's about to get offensive in here.

I really wish I wasn't asked for a "serious" opinion on the Oscars. But...Oh well, you asked.

I find awards shows offensive. I detest hype. Glamour, like gluttony, disgusts me. Celebrities (with the exception of, but a small percentage) are sickening, glory seeking whores. I hate it that, they are bestowed great riches that they flaunt and squander on immoral life styles, opulence, and drugs. The global media should be ashamed of their practice of putting these disgusting examples of horrid behavior in the public spotlight.

And the Oscar goes to... The PR director of Ikea. Furniture made by prisoners and horse meat in their Swedish meatballs, yet still, people crowd their stores and put money into their cash registers.

On a not so serious note on the Oscars, I'm sorry I missed an appearance made by Ann Hathaway's nipples....*Shock*
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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 23, 2013 at 11:18pm
February 23, 2013 at 11:18pm

Brother's Blog
"I don't smoke pot or lie...anymore,"
February 23, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "If marijuana were legal, what do you think would be the biggest resulting problem or the biggest benefit?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"EVERYBODY has done this...Tell us what excuses you have concocted to talk your way out of forgetting something or being late, talk your way out of a traffic ticket etc."

Hello Friends
If my dad were alive today he would love the title for this entry. He would have added two words to the end of it. Dad had this little joke he would tell. He thought it was funny, I guess that's all that matters. His joke was, "I don't drink anymore." Then after a short pause he would add, "or any less." Funny huh. Not very. Dad also had another funny one. When his doctor told him, "If you don't quit drinking you will die a young man." My dad said to the doctor, "I know a lot of old drunks, I don't know any old doctors." Yep Dad had a pretty quick wit. Dad died when he was 56 years old.

Years ago I would have never said anything like what I just wrote. Say nothing to nobody, that was the family code of secrecy. So, although I knew it was wrong to tell a lie, I also knew, I could never tell the truth. When a teacher asked me where my homework assignment was, I couldn't say, I didn't do my homework, because my dad was drunk out of his mind and me and the rest of my family had to wait outside until 1:00am (until he passed out) before it was safe to go inside. So I would tell my teacher that I forgot my books at home, or I got mugged on my way to school, or I did the homework but then dropped it in the washing machine. I said anything but the truth. I was amazed by what huge piles of bullshit the teachers would accept with out question. I know now that, they knew the real reason all along, (my dad worked for the school board) and they cut me some slack.

So that's the way it was, but it's not like that anymore, and if you were to ask anyone who knows me, I have no doubt that, that they would stand up for me and say, I'm one of the most honest people they know.

With that in mind, I will admit...yes I have tried smoking marijuana...about 27,000,000 times. But I don't smoke it anymore. I don't think it should be legalized and I never did. Legalizing marijuana will not change a single thing. I warn all governments...Be very careful about legalizing marijuana, it is so important as to HOW it is made legal. Who will produce legal marijuana. How much will legal marijuana cost. Where can a person legally use marijuana. The legalization of medical marijuana is a good example of some of the issues at hand.


There will always be an underground market for pot. The only way to eliminate an underground market is for the government to supply an extremely potent product at a ridiculously low cost. Doing that would result in horrendous social problems. The government is going down a very risky road. They have no idea of the consequences of their actions. Marijuana for recreational use is a controlled substance, the government should learn more effective ways to control it, and not resort to legalizing it because they consistently fail to control it. The government should focus their efforts on giving their police agencies enforceable laws which make sense and work to serve and protect our populous. The government complains that criminal charges for possession of marijuana back logs their courts. It makes more sense that they should fix their court system. Legalizing marijuana is stupid and irresponsible governing. I'm certain then, that it's only a matter of time before they go ahead and legalize it.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the 28 fans injured during the Nascar Nationwide race today.


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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 22, 2013 at 4:19pm
February 22, 2013 at 4:19pm
Brother's Blog
"What's in the Bag?... Quills?"
February 22, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Describe one of your most pleasant surprises."

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Tell us what your favorite nominee is in the "2012 Quills Nominations" and why - exclusive of the blogs nominated (I think we get enough of that). No selecting yourself either."

Hello Friends

2:45 pm on Friday afternoon, I've had a fairly busy day, and there is still much to do. I feel a bit like breaking something. There is no reason in the world for me to feel that way, so... I know something is afoot. My Spidey senses are tingling and that isn't very often a good thing. One reason for it may be because it's Daytona week-end. The Daytona 500 race has been hard on my heart ever since the year when my second favorite driver won the race, while my favorite driver was killed in a wreck. RIP Dale Earnhardt.

Yeah...That's not it...I know what it is, but I can't say, it's way worse. I'll just have to wait this out and hope for the best.

I can't even think of a time when I was pleasantly surprised, I'm sure there are countless thousands, but I can't focus past this fog in my head and heart. I keep coming up with memories when I was unpleasantly surprised. I'm going to have to take a pass on this prompt. Sorry.

The Quills...I imagine myself sitting at my laptop blogging away when the door opens, and a delivery guys announces, "Hey, Brother Nature you won the quill award." Then he tosses me a bag, and when I reach into it, it's a bag full of porcupines, and the quills pierce my hands and fingers rendering me unable to type.

I should probably take a pass on this prompt too. But Fivesixer has my vote for the quill award this time around, and the real award too, not the bag of porcupines. Fivesixer is the only nominee that I've actually read all or most of his entries through out 2012. It's because he puts out good and interesting posts, he has an excellent sense of humor, and he has an infectious love for blogging. He has helped me along the way to make my blog what it is today, a quill award nominee.

BTW...Thank you very much to who ever it was that nominated my blog for an award.

Hey, try this...If you quickly glance over my endorsement of Fivesixer and read between the lines you might come up with this... Fivesixer deserves a bag of porcupines, because he is the only nominee. He puts out, but has an infection.

I gotta go.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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February 21, 2013 at 9:43am
February 21, 2013 at 9:43am
Brother's Blog
Either Way, I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid
February 21, 2013

In This Entry

A Brother's Blog FIRST...A 2ND Edition, added is the 30Day Blog Prompt.

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Are you a leader or a follower? Why?"

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:" Electricity is a fairly new invention. Think of 12 things you can do when you don't have power. What's your favorite and why? I would say keep it clean, but look who I am talking to. LOL"

Hello Friends
It's exam day for the e-commerce course I've been working through over the past four months. I'll be glad to complete this course and begin applying what I've learned to an e-business, which is already set into motion. Beginning Monday I'll have to start charging people for reading my blog. Hello? ... Hello?
Come back, I was only kidding.

If you understand the meaning behind the title of this blog entry, then you're my kind of people... Old.
If you didn't get it, then I'll have to check your ID at the door. Sadly, you missed a very clever joke.

Happy (up-coming) Birthday, Leslie. Your life, makes mine worth living, everyday. You are my angel, heaven sent. I am blessed to have the pleasure and privilege of your company.

Update on the Cows... You may have read my news flash about the loose cow in Edmonton Alberta, which they enlisted the help of a bull (by setting it loose as well) to recapture the cow. Well the cow and the bull ran in opposite directions (surprise, surprise) and a small army of civic employees and citizens spent the better part of the day to re-capture the cattle on the lamb. I just watched some news footage of the re-capture attempt. They brought in a helicopter, snow mobiles, buses, a front-end loader, squad cars, fire engines, and hundreds of people on foot, and a skinny old rancher with a rope. Eventually they cornered the bull and shot it with a tranquillizer dart, then moved it with a front-end loader.

Am I a leader or a follower? Neither.
I would be a leader, but I haven't yet found anyone willing to follow me. I can be inspired to follow, however I have a short attention span, and tend to wander off, or change my focus, It's Daytona week-end, Oscars, and Quill awards, I'd sure appreciate your support in voting for Brother's Blog in the best comedy category. It's more important, however, that you take the time to vote in all of the categories for who (the work) you feel is most deserving.
Oh yeah...leader or follower...It's like this...If you looked into an aquarium full of fish, you would notice that the fish group up and swim about in schools. You might see a single fish tucked away in a quite corner continually bonking it's nose into the glass wall of the aquarium. That's me!

I'm logged in to write my exam. I better get to it.
Have a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow

Twelve things you can do in the dark, assuming keeping it clean is part of your daily hygienic routine.
sub titled - The Dirty Dozen.

*Bullet*Light a dozen candles
*Bullet*Search your home in the dark for a flashlight.
*Bullet*Throw out your dead flashlight batteries.
*Bullet*Search your home in the dark for flashlight batteries.
*Bullet*Check if your phone is working.
*Bullet*(If the phone is working) Call your friends and ask if they have power.
*Bullet*Make a sandwich.
*Bullet*Eat all your ice-cream before it melts.
*Bullet*Turn your light switches off and on, to check if the power is back on.
*Bullet*Look out the window.
*Bullet*It's also a good time to just sit quietly and talk, maybe tell ghost stories.
[click] [click]I'm out of bullets.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 20, 2013 at 4:36pm
February 20, 2013 at 4:36pm
Brother's Blog
Musical Memories
February 20, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "It is said that we all have a child inside us. Write about what the child inside you asks for. Whether that child is still living or is suffocated in the whole hustle-bustle of life?"

Hello Friends

It's a great week for sports, provided you're not Lindsey Ruff. Lindsey Ruff is or I should say was, the head coach of the Buffalo Sabre's. Fivesixer 's hometown favorite team. My condolences to you Norb. Coincidentally my hometown favorite team the Winnipeg Jets beat the Sabres last night in a tightly fought contest. The final score was 2-1. I'm not sure why Buffalo decided to fire their long time coach, but I'm slightly offended that the sports announcers seem to blaming it on losing to the Jets as a last straw, comparing the loss to Chuck Norris being beat up by a little girl.

People might assume that my favorite sport is hockey, being that I talk about it a lot, and I'm Canadian. If you assume that to be true, then you would be wrong. I am Canadian, but my favorite sport is actually Nascar.

I have to interrupt this blog entry to share this breaking news story... In the city of Edmonton Alberta, a cow got loose from a slaughterhouse. Five agencies were involved in recapturing this cow. It was decided to...get this...release a bull from the slaughterhouse. The idea being, the bull would go get the cow and bring it back. Guess what...The bull ran off and now a group of city employees, police, fire fighters, meat packers, and even a butcher, are chasing a cow and a bull around Edmonton. They must be jealous of their neighboring city, Calgary for being famous for their rodeo, The Calgary Stampede. I now return you to our regularly scheduled blogging.

It's a great week for cows.

When I was a young boy I discovered that the crowded and busy home I grew up in was empty each Saturday afternoon. I had the whole sofa to myself and I had the TV to watch what ever I wanted, un-interrupted. One such afternoon I watched ABC's installment of Grand National Racing. I saw Richard Petty, Benny Parsons, Darryl Waltrip, and my all time most loved sports hero Dale Earnhardt racing. I was hooked. I spent every Saturday watching car racing. I still enjoy the same things I enjoyed as a boy. I still do the same things I did as a boy. I still have the same friends I had a boy. The hustle and bustle of life is as suffocating now as it always was, and I'm still a boy, at heart. I said "at heart" na na na nana.

So...It's all about Daytona week folks, Thursday is the Gatorade Duels. The trucks run on Friday night. The Nation Wide cars race on Saturday, and the BIG event Leslie's Birthday The Daytona 500 is on Sunday.

Looks like I'll be spending some of next week in the doghouse.
I'll keep you all posted.

Don't text and drive.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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February 19, 2013 at 4:12pm
February 19, 2013 at 4:12pm
Brother's Blog
Musical Memories
February 19, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "here are three to choose from
#1 "A noise outside awakens you one night. You look out the window and see a spaceship. Write what happens next."

#2 "Borrow the prompt from our Sister group, Blogging Circle of Friends..."What makes you laugh?"

#3 "Tell us what you Love/Hate about your city or town's Mayor."

Bonus...use all three prompts in one story.

THE REAL "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Tells us about a issue or cause that you feel most strongly about. Also any ideas you may have to improve the situation."

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What makes you laugh?"

Hello friends

I screwed things up over in the 30Day group this morning. That is why the writing prompts are jiggered. How are you all liking me so far? Never mind, I don't need to know. I'll get right down to it. Here we go...

I'll start things off with: what makes me laugh... Aside from the stuff that makes everyone laugh I find funniness in places where (normal) people would never expect to find it. I have to be very careful here. I have been in situations such as, being scolded by an authority figure ie: Teacher, Police officer, A ranting employer, or Sales Manager, as well as respected elders. When, in my mind, I come up with a very inappropriate, but funny comment. I'm smart enough (some of the time not to vocalize my thought) but...still, I can't control the urge to giggle. Trying to suppress the laughter seems to make it all the funnier. I bite down on my tongue, to no avail. I break eye contact. I try so hard not to get caught laughing, but my body language fails me. My eyes tear up. I hear remarks like...Do you think this is funny? I know the honest answer is YES, but again, I'm not stupid, so I lie and say NO, but again my body language fails me. I never had a school teacher that did not say these exact words.( and some even added a threat to the end of it) "Joel, wipe that smirk off your face."
I've laughed out loud at a funeral. (twice)
On the bright side, if you're ever in a bad situation, and the world seems like a horrible place and life is not worth a damn
and your only friend in the world is me. I can tell you that funny thought or ironic parallel that makes you laugh out loud and forget your worries just long enough to realize...Life is funny, and laughing is love, and tomorrow the sun will rise again, and everything will be okay.

Other things I think are funny are offensive to most others. Last night the song "Rhinestone Cowboy" by Glen Campbell was referred to in a blog entry by, SapphireRainee I wrote a comment on her entry about how that song was ruined for me by Nestor Pistor's re-work of it "Wine-stoned Plowboy"

I searched on YouTube for the song by Nestor, and found it. The song is on a full album of his. I'm adding it to my entry, but warn... It is truly offensive material. As I was searching YouTube I noticed a video titled, " Crazy Cowboy Throwing Hamburgers at People." How can I NOT watch that? It was real bad, so bad in fact I laughed most of the way through it. It's added to my entry as well, and is also fairly offensive, if only in it's stupidity. I also noticed a Muppet version of the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" Yep it's added too. Not so offensive, this one is funny and creative, as are all the Muppet productions. RIP Jim Henson.

I could go on, but an alien space ship just woke me up and I have to go for a ride. In seconds the aliens and I were orbiting earth. I looked down at our planet and noticed that the blue planet wasn't quite as blue as it once was. I have a real issue with that. I told the aliens to take me home, because I feel strongly about our environment and want to take up that cause. (see how I did that? pretty snazzy, huh.) (check this out) The aliens offered to drop me off at home but first they had to pick up our Mayor Sam Katz. Sam was due for an anal probe. I really like Mr. Katz. I think he is a good Mayor, but he is an even better businessman and promoter. In addition to being the Mayor he also owns our city's professional baseball team, The Winnipeg Goldeyes. Mr. Katz has come under criticism lately for making changes to our garbage collection service, and our snow clearing service, and public transit system. He is also taking some heat for raising taxes. To his defense I feel I have to say that, it's not entirely his fault. Things don't always go as smoothly as we would like when we attempt something new. Hats off to Sam to have the courage and foresight to make these changes. Previous Mayors did nothing, in fear of losing their jobs. As far as the tax increase is concerned..."If you want our city to grow and improve, if you want to have better roads, and schools and services, you're going to have to pay for it."
While I'm at it...When the police give you a ticket, it's not a cash grab. You were breaking a law, and you are being fined for it.

You should thank your maker that I am not Mayor, because I would make some changes to change the course of all humanity and save the planet. (right after my anal probe) I would ban all gasoline powered engines, yes planes trains and automobiles. I would halt the extraction of crude oil from our earth. Gone are the days of coal mining. Pesticides, fertilizers, petroleum products, genetically modified foods, and any polluting substances would all be banned. My earth would revert back about 200 years. You will all hate it. I guarantee it. On the bright side...We might get another 200 years of planet life, that at this point I don't think we have. I'd also say something funny to make it all okay.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

I think I got it all. Where do I claim my bonus.

Take care my friends
see you tomorrow.

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The Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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February 18, 2013 at 1:35pm
February 18, 2013 at 1:35pm
Brother's Blog
Musical Memories
February 18, 2013

In This Entry

"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic:"Most people listen to music. It also seems that there are songs that instantly pull memories from the dark recesses of our brain to its forefront. Pick 2 or 3 songs that have this effect on you and tell us about the memories they invoke."

Hello friends
Welcome to another Monday.
It was sure a busy weekend, so... it's a very fortunate thing that, it is a Holiday Monday in the Province of Manitoba, where I hang my hat. Speaking of hanging it's, Louis Riel Day in Manitoba. I'll include a link (bottom of the page) in case you didn't pick up on my lame pun. This past weekend we celebrated my mother's 80th birthday, with a come and go tea, followed by a family dinner.

I made a rare appearance at a local watering hole with a group of my young nieces, nephews and cousins. My cousin in-law fronts a popular band named "Cracking Foxy" who performed for our entertainment. Our group was on his guest list, so it was nice to receive special treatment, like not standing in line to get in, no cover charge, and being allocated a chair to sit in. The band was fantastic, and included a set of traditional fiddle music in celebration of Festival du Voyager (A world renowned celebration of French and Meti culture)

The Valentine's Day activity ElaineElaine and I joined forces and competed in wound up on the week-end. I was up until 4:00 am to get my last entry completed. I'm including links to our entries into the contest below, as a way to convieniently locate an archive.

Again... I'm thankful for the Holiday today, I need a bit of rest.
In case you weren't aware it was, "Hockey Day in America" on Saturday. It may not be as widely celebrated in The USA, as it is here in Canada, luckily we celebrate American Holidays as well as our own. (lets keep that our little secret.)

Lets take a minute to consider the blog prompt for today, shall we.

There is one song that comes immediately to mind for me. It's an old song that I heard many times before it was attached to a memorable event.

On June 22, 1992 I was in the delivery room, to witness the birth of my first child. The doctor who delivered our beautiful baby girl enjoyed playing music in the room where he worked. On this day he chose a "Beatles" CD to listen to. As our family of two became a family of three the song, "Yellow Submarine" was playing. You just can't help but sing along. I'll always think of my little girl when ever I hear or even think of that song.

I have a few other songs that bring back memories, but none of them matter nearly as much.

There are many versions of this song including the ones where we make up our own words
This is one of the best

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Member of
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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Oh yeah...Brother's Blog is nominated for a Quill Award.
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