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When you really have nothing better to do.
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January 27, 2013 at 5:20pm
January 27, 2013 at 5:20pm
January 27, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

The Sunday Review!

Writing/blog prompt:"Blog. Tell us about your week, include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why."

There you are.
I finally caught up to the calendar.
Welcome to the Sunday review.

I had another strange week of growing old and gaining in wisdom. Well half of that statement is true.

The weather here on the Canadian Prairie is difficult to describe, without swearing. The week started with a blizzard, that we call an Alberta Clipper. The blizzard carried 5cm of snow, which was pushed into two foot drifts by 70-100kmph winds. Temperatures, with the wind chill factored in, drop to -32 (Doesn't matter what scale of measure you use.)
Later in the week we saw overnight lows of -48 with the wind chill. Only -32 if you can get out of the wind. Still, $&@#*!%^ cold.

All was quiet on the home front. I spent much of my week studying, writing, and staying warm. Leslie came home from work on Wednesday, telling of how anything and everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. I wanted to do something to cheer her up, so | offered to mix her a Ceaser. (a favorite cocktail.) People seem to like the way I make em.
1 or 2 oz of Vodka
a couple drops of tobacco
a generous splash of Worchestershire sauce.
top with Clamato juice.
serve with a celery stalk garnish, and rim the glass with celery salt.

Well, when I went to top up her drink with the Clamato juice, I found that we only had enough left for about 1/3 of a drink. Not wanting to disappoint Leslie, I completed her drink with water, and hoped she wouldn't notice. She almost spit out her first sip. I was totally busted on it. To make matters worse it was one more addition to Leslie's bad day. Leslie wrote about her day on Facebook, and after all of the comments of care and concern, including those that scolded me for serving watered down drinks, it made for some pretty funny reading.

I thought it was a very interesting week here in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. There were a lot of good entries that generated interesting discussion. The prompts generated those good entries. A few of us, myself included, made comments offering our dislike for the prompts. In my case it was the abortion prompt. I rolled my eyes when I talked about the monuments prompt too. I think I should explain that, When I complain about the prompt or say I don't like the prompt, I'm referring to the prompt topic and not the prompt itself. I'm pretty sure most of the other comments in regard to the prompt were directed at the topic and not the prompt.


There were a few highlights this week in our blogging group. There was a lot of lively discussion in the comments as well. Rather than pick a favorite blog entry, I'm going to share a few of my favorite moments.

This weeks Favorites

Dawn Embers and I played "Guess the name of the monument." Google won.

Wordsmitty ✍️ hit one out of the park, I thought with "Today in History

The best day of the week, in my opinion, was Abortion Day. Everyone turned out an excellent entry and the discussion in the comments was surprisingly cheery and entertaining.

ElaineElaine Amazes me with the three or more blog entries she writes a day. Her diligence and dedication are inspiring. I enjoy her sense humor and the way she presents her ideas and opinions. The comments she leaves on my entries are always encouraging and brighten my spirits.

I could go on. This past week was a lot of fun, but it's getting late now on Sunday night, so I think it's time to put this aging hippie to bed.

I'm looking forward to next week.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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January 27, 2013 at 12:25pm
January 27, 2013 at 12:25pm
January 26, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Creation Saturday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Write a review of an animated film that you've seen."


A Review of Mary and Max.
for The 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Mary and Max is an amazing film. This is quite possibly the best movie I have seen in recent time. Although Mary and Max was released in 2009, I did not see this movie until 2012, when Leslie and I watched it on Netflix one evening. Leslie is not a fan of "clay-animation" (I am) so Leslie's decision to watch this movie was based on the huge number of glowing reviews, and the fact it had a 5star rating. I am not going to say anything about the plot, because if you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend you spend an evening with this movie soon. I don't want to give away any of the plot, or provide a pre-qualification for someone to decide they won't like this movie. You will like this movie. It's a writer's movie. The story is extremely well written. Anyone who writes, will see themselves in at least one scene of this movie. Even if you are not a fan of clay-animation you can't help but appreciate the thousands of hours of work that went into producing this incredible piece of animation. I found the artwork and creativity in the movie's production to be off the chart.

Mary and Max may be animated, but is one of the most real movies I have ever seen. The movie covers such topics as: love, life, sex, friendship, Asperger's Syndrome, fear, hate, joy, mental health, being young, growing old, and so much more. The movie shows the importance of having a friend, and more importantly, shows what it means to be a friend.

I grew up during a time when, you only got to see a movie in the theater, or when it was released for television. Some movies are never released for television. There was no way of actually owning a movie or being able to watch a movie when ever you wanted. There were no vrc's, dvd's, mp3's or pvr's, we had words with vowels in them. My point is... We only saw a movie one time, and unless it was an oldie interrupted by commercials, we had to go to a theater in order to see it. Now, watching movies is something that is readily available in the comfort of our homes, anytime, any movie. This is truly a gift technology has given us. So I'm planning to watch Mary and Max for the second time later tonight. If you've never seen this movie, please give it a try, you won't be sorry. I'm certain you will enjoy it as much as I/we did.


Mary and Max
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Directed by
Adam Elliot
Produced by
Melanie Coombs
Written by
Adam Elliot
Narrated by
Barry Humphries
Bethany Whitmore
Toni Collette
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Eric Bana
Barry Humphries

Release date
15 January 2009 (Sundance Film Festival)
9 April 2009 (Australia)

Mary and Max is a 2009 Australian clay-animated black comedy-drama film written and directed by Adam Elliot and produced by Melanie Coombs. The voice cast included Philip Seymour Hoffman, Toni Collette, Eric Bana, Bethany Whitmore, with narration by Barry Humphries. The film premiered on the opening night of the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.[3] The film won the Annecy Cristal in June 2009 from the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, and Best Animated Feature Film at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards in November 2009.


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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 25, 2013 at 11:50am
January 25, 2013 at 11:50am
January 25, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Funny Friday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Forced Laughter and Laughter Therapy
Comment on the site, do some research of your own, and write a blog on the topic of Forced Laughter!"


Hello again.
Welcome to Funny Friday in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge on Writing.com. ( *PointLeft* analyze "Writing.com." - The first period is part of the proper name of the website, pronounced: Dot. The second period is just a period. It is not pronounced, or vocalized when read aloud. It is simply instructional information in support of the text. It tells the reader to stop reading the sentence now, like a stop sign on a roadway.) How do we know this? I'm amazed at how well I can read, because if I had to re-learn what I already know, I don't think I would be able to do it. People who are learning to read, write, and speak English as a second language are doing an amazing thing. I don't think I would be able to do it.
I'm currently learning to use Windows 8, this is why I am several hours behind in my writing efforts, and using my old laptop to get caught up.

Learning something when you are old is so much different from learning while you are in your youth. You may have heard it said, by educators that there is a difference between actually learning something and simply memorizing facts. Well, I'd be happy if I could just memorize facts at this point. I think that would work for me.

I'm in the "learning to write" stage of my writing hobby career interest. Prior to 2011 my writing was limited to shopping lists, memos, and what ever work related communications I had to scratch out with pen and paper. Heaven help us if I ever had to type something.

Anyhow, What I'm getting at is... As I'm learning more and more of proper writing technique through writing a blog, I'm also learning about blogging. What I am discovering is, a blog is an evolving, living thing, it's an extension of yourself, and your personality. So as I'm learning to write and learning to blog, I'm finding that my blog is finding it's place among all the other blogs and blog categories in cyberspace, as well, I'm beginning to get a sense for where I fit into the equation and what to do with all these comas.

Two things: One - I think I am giving into the idea that Brother's Blog is leaning hard to the "Satirical Blog Category"
                  Two - I forgot where I was going with this...sorry.
Oh yeah, I was going to say...Two - A satirical blog should be short and sweet. Bang bang, ha ha ha, and out. No long monologues about learning Windows 8 and such.

So, here we go, Funny Friday. Even though it's actually Saturday evening, and I'm back on my Windows 8 laptop.  (hooray for me*PartyHatR*)

I enjoyed the assignment this prompt proposed. "Do some research of your own, and write a blog on the topic of Forced Laughter!") (In case you forgot.)

I very much enjoyed the time I spent researching this topic. Surfing for funny stuff, laughs, jokes, oddities, and all forms of nonsense is something I normally do, but haven't done so in quite a while. I watched the linked video. I have seen the "Laughter Therapy" before. It was compelling then, as it is now. It looks like this form of therapy and now Yoga has gained momentum and seems to be drawing more and more subscribers to it's form. I've just recently learned about "Hot Yoga" when my daughter told me that she has been taking classes for over a year now. I'd like to give it a try, but not in a group. I've been practicing Yoga with my Nintendo Wi instructor. For "Hot Yoga" I'd need to build a sauna in the basement and hope the TV can take the heat. I'll keep you all posted. The "Laughter Yoga" is something I'd like to try too, but again, I'm not keen on the group thing. I think the "Laughter Yoga" loses a lot of it's charm when practiced solo. In fact, I think you could get yourself committed if family members catch you at it. I might try "Hot Laughter Yoga" once I get the TV set up in the basement sauna. Again, I'll keep you posted. (If they let me have a laptop at the sanitarium.)

While researching "Laughter" I found my way through several sites, I discovered some humorous blogs, and I enjoyed the time I spent taking it all in. I noticed, with interest, that the examples of successful humorous blogs, were not written projects, but rather posting sites, where the content is extracted from the internet then re-posted on the blog page.
I can do that! So maybe it's time to take Brother's blog on the cyber road. Nothing funny about that!

You have to check out this site I came across, I loved what this site has going on. enjoy.
I'm off to write a cartoon review and read about thirty odd blog entries.


Blessings and keep safe.
Yuck it up a little *Laugh*

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 24, 2013 at 9:39am
January 24, 2013 at 9:39am
January 24, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Opinion Thursday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Two days ago (Jan. 22nd) was the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade case overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States. What are your thoughts on abortion? (Take a look at the links for information on the case:"

Hey there.

Here we go with Opinion Thursday. It's not a very favorable prompt for me. There's nothing funny about abortion. Yesterday's prompt didn't offer much opportunity to yuck it up either.

Memorials - *RollEyes*

I can't take two days in a row of non humorous blog topics. Thank God tomorrow is Funny Friday or TGIFFT.

I never went to look at the links that came with the prompt. It's old news. I didn't even re-post them here. I terminated them. And HEY Miss College girl!! You're missing a mate to your parenthesis, (up there in the prompt) (they come in sets of two.) I know you're studying hard, and you must be exhausted, and mistakes happen, you're only human, yadda yadda. As long as you're not choosing to eliminate characters for sake of convenience. PARENThesis = Omen *Shock*

Roe vs Wade in Texas *Yawn*... Ali vs Frazier The Thrilla in Manila *PointLeft* Now there's a fight I'd watch again.

Abortion: Not a topic I feel entitled to express an opinion on. Not a topic I even want to express an opinion on. Put it this way..."I'm not going to hitch up my float to any tractors in the Abortion Parade."

Okay here's something to think about, if you want to consider what side of the abortion coin your bread is buttered on.

A clinic is set to open, which offers free (gov. paid) abortions. All the defenders of the unborn are gearing up to protest and demonstrate and raise awareness and hold up signs and wear ribbons and all that.

Then on the evening news, a reporter asks the clinic spokesperson, "Who is going to be using the clinic?"

"More than 90% of our clients will be people from the inner city living below the poverty line."

Next day, outside the newly opened clinic, one reporter in front of a building, no one else, his words..."And if you're wondering where all the protesters are, they've called off their plans to protest, and instead will pray for the people who use this facility. Over to you Bob."

Hmmmm, funny that.

And another thing, try find an appropriate image for, Abortion Day.

*Telephone* riiiiing riiiing

I gotta get that, see you tomorrow.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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January 23, 2013 at 1:59am
January 23, 2013 at 1:59am
January 23, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's War Chest Wednesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Take a look at the linked image of the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. Recount a trip you took to a l monument/memorial/historical site of significance, and relive your emotions. How did you feel, and why? If you have never been to a national monument/memorial/historical site of significance, which would you most like to visit and why?"

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Swissair Flight 111 Memorial

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Near Halifax, Nova Scotia there is a little place on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean called Peggy's Cove. The breathtaking coastal views and the picturesque fishing communities which surround the docks make it a popular tourist destination. It is also the scene of a plane crash that saw 229 people lose their lives. Leslie and I visited the East Coast of Canada this past fall. We stayed overnight in Halifax and traveled up and down the coast making a round trip back to Halifax over a period of nine days.

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Several locals and other travelers we met suggested that we make a visit to the Swissair Memorial near Peggy's Cove. We were planning on visiting Peggy's Cove, and to be honest, I had completely forgotten about the plane crash that happened there in 1998. We would nod our heads and smile to indicate we would take them up on their recommendation, but Leslie nor I had any desires to see that sight. I don't want to sound uncaring, but come on! we had to get on a plane in order to get home. A visit to a plane crash site was not on our bucket list.

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As fate would have it our travels lead us right to the memorial site, it was pointless not to stop. We decided to stop and have a look then have some lunch nearby.
As we drove along the winding shoreline road, the signs counted down the distance to the site. It seemed like as soon as we had made up our minds to stop and visit the memorial site, our moods changed. Our conversation became a series of short sentences, and even shorter replies, spoken with increasing infrequency. The weather changed as well, the cloud cover became heavier, light rain showers persisted, wind gusts increased in intensity. The air seemed heavier, an ever increasing somberness enveloped us.

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When we arrived at the memorial site, Leslie decided to stay in the car, and pass on the short walk to the memorial. We had a bit of a discussion about this. It took me a few minutes to "get" the "stay in the car" concept Leslie put forward. After some discussion it was agreed that Leslie would stay in the car and I would go and have a look at the site.

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So I went on my way, with camera in hand. There was a light rain, more like a mist than a rain, and the wind guts would whip it up every now and then. The pellets of rain would hurt your face, with each gust of wind. It is a bit of an uphill path which leads you to the site. The scenery is unbelievable as you rise above the crest of land and you can see out into the ocean. Huge waves crashed onto the rocky shore.

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When I got to the monuments there was some signage which I read. A sense of gloom and darkness overcame me as I read. A map directed you exactly where to look, so you can see the very spot where the plane and the wreckage once was visible.

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I looked out over the ocean in the spot they said to look. I saw only the ocean, as it has always been, but I felt a presence. I felt an impression that was left on the scene. Perhaps an impression of the souls of the victims, or the emotions of the people who frantically searched for survivors, (there were none.) As I stood motionless on the shore, all my memories of the day of the crash came flooding back.

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This is the exact location of the crash site. About a 1/4 mile off the shore
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I recalled seeing the breaking news back in September of 1998 as the media began to report on the unfolding scene. As more and more news crews arrived with their various camera set ups, I remembered watching scenes of local residents of Peggy's Cove, and the surrounding area, who searched the wreckage area for any survivors in need of help. I saw bystanders as they watched from the very spot I was standing in now, they looked on in utter sadness, lost in grief and anguish over the magnitude of the event.

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I recall one woman who was interviewed, she said her husband was called on to go out in his boat to help survivors, he reported back to her that there were only bodies found in the water, no survivors. Her words were chilling then, as I watched on TV, with an almost guilty feeling for being in the comfort of my home far removed from the scene.

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There still hangs a cloud of sadness over the area, you can feel it. I must have felt the same thing that Leslie had felt, the same feeling that prompted her to stay in the car. I took several pictures of the area, paid my respects in the way of a short silent prayer, then walked back to the car.

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Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada

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229 crosses are present. One for each of the Swissair Flight 111 Passengers, who lost their lives that day.
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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 22, 2013 at 3:52pm
January 22, 2013 at 3:52pm
January 22, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's War Chest Wednesday! NO WAIT...It's War Chest Tuesday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Do you think people are inherently good or bad and why?"

I'm not sure about any of that, but a good way to find out is to pick someone up by the ankles and give them a shake. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at what shakes out.

Another good way is to simply give the question some thought.

Okay, Yes. I believe people are inherently good or bad, because they have the free will to be one or the other or both.

The real question is, "How do you identify the bad people?"

I say you pick them up by the ank
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Global Management & Consulting, Technology Services

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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January 21, 2013 at 9:25pm
January 21, 2013 at 9:25pm
January 21, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Enthusiastic Monday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Convince me why you appreciate either preparing or eating a home-cooked meal. Describe the preparation or the consumption of a homemade food you enjoy."

We are Foodies at heart. Leslie and I both enjoy cooking, at an elevated level. We watch all of the cooking shows and enjoy the cooking competition reality shows the most. We also like to try replicate dishes we've enjoyed in restaurants.
Leslie has a brother who is an Executive Chef, I've picked up a few pointers from him.

Modesty prevents me from saying certain things at certain times, but not today. I am an Awesome Home Chef. If I had to pick a signature dish, it would be my Pork Spareribs, with my own bbq sauce.
In recent times we have made advances in including, more vegetarian dishes in our menu. It's not that we are becoming vegetarians intentionally, but (to us) it's becoming less appealing to have meat as a staple item in our diet.

I am presently tinkering with creating a Seafood Chowder. We tried several samples at each restaurant we dined in during our East Coast trip this past fall.

One of our little friends from our vacation.
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Leslie is more into trying Raw Foods, like beans, and seeds, grains and herbs. She has been growing her own bean sprouts, and making some interesting soups, stews, and salads.

I also like to make cookies.
I'm a bit behind on my blogging today, so I'm going to move along.
Thank you for reading my entry today.
If you're interested in cooking, I have a few food stories and recipes in my portfolio.

You all deserve a cookie...
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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group
Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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January 20, 2013 at 9:33pm
January 20, 2013 at 9:33pm
January 20, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

The Sunday Review!

Writing/blog prompt:"BLOG. Tell us about your week, include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why."

Click PLAY (*ButtonPlay*)

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Then GO away.

I'm not going to go on about my past week, it was busy and productive, good and bad, happy and sad. Mostly good though, but I'm taking the day off from blogging.
I'm not even going to say that I enjoyed Snow's Prosperous Snow celebrating Blog entries the most.
Snow shared several poems this past week, SHE is a very talented poet. My favorite, was her entry for Funny Friday "Funny Friday: A Sense of Humor Speak Up or Hold your Tongue
I just don't have the time today to mention any of that.
I'm taking the day off.
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon.

I'll be back bright and early Monday morning.
Peace be with you.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group
Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
Made in Canada *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*

January 19, 2013 at 1:04pm
January 19, 2013 at 1:04pm
January 19, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Creation Saturday!

Writing/blog prompt:"Write a poem utilizing the phrase, "I remember when..."
(If I can write a poem, so can you, but for those less daring, feel free to write a piece of prose instead.)"

Welcome to Brother's Blog.

I know that I have a handful of family and friends that drop by to read my blog, and of course us participants in the challenge, support each other by reading and commenting on each others entries. Some people who don't subscribe to Writing.com may wonder where these "Blog Prompts" come from.

Well. right now the "Blog Prompts" are sent out by a talented young lady by the name of Emily...Emily
I think Em has a stockpile of prompts that were collected along the way, but she can also write her own prompt if she chooses. Em sends the prompts out in an email, usually in the evening, prior to their due date. Em will often write some explanation or share some news along with the daily prompt. I normally extract the prompt from her email and copy it to my entry.
Anyhow, I thought I'd share Em's email in it's entirety, for the interest of my non writing.com readers.
On 1/19/13 at 12:10am, Emily wrote:

> Hello again, Bloggers!
> Guess what I did today??? I wrote a SONNET! *Shock* I do NOT write poetry, let alone
> poetry as strictly formed as a sonnet. It is my first ever, done for Creative Writing
> class in school. *Bigsmile* (Still tweaking it, but will provide a rough sample to people before
> official posting on WDC if you ask nicely *Wink* )
> So, for today, I have a challenge for you. *Smirk*
*Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil*
> *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading*
> *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil*
> It's Creation Saturday!
> Prompt for January 19th, 2013:
> Write a poem utilizing the phrase, "I remember when..."
> (If I can write a poem, so can you, but for those less daring, feel free to write a piece
> of prose instead.)

> *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil*
> *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil* *Reading*
> *Pencil* *Reading* *Pencil*

> Today is the last day of sunnystarr's judging. blainecindy will take
> over tomorrow. (I'll email you Cindy. *Smile* )
> Blog On!
> Emily


So there you have it.
And now on to today's poetic blog entry...

Of course you know, it's all relative to what is considered a poem or poetry. It doesn't even have to rhyme. All that a person has to do is title their piece, "A Poem by A. Person" and voila, it's a poem.

Watch this...

A Poem by Brother Nature
Of course you know, it's all relative
to what
is considered a poem or poetry.
It doesn't even have to rhyme.
All that a person has to do is
title their piece,
"A Poem by A. Person"
it's a poem.

See what I mean?
That's a blog entry right there.
Except for one thing...I didn't mention, "I remember when..."

Okay, okay, I'll do it after the hockey game. Winnipeg Jets are Playing The Ottawa Senators in the NHL season opener in Winnipeg.

Imagine that several hours have passed.

Well, the Jets lost to the Sens 4-1
In typical, "Jet fan" fashion I left the game with 5 minutes left to play.

I went out to clear snow for a customer...Mary.
Mary lives a few blocks from here, I've been taking care of her yard for nearly ten years now.
Mary will turn 106 years old in March. Last year, at Mary's 105th birthday party, the local media attended and made a news story of Mary's party.
When interviewed Mary was asked, "Do you have any secrets you can share to credit your good health, sharp mind, and long life?"
Mary looked right into the camera and said, "Well, I don't know if they're secrets, but I read three library books a week, and I don't eat any junk food, just good fresh food, lots of raw vegetables, and I do all of my own baking too.
Mary would have went on for longer, but the interviewer did a nice interact&exit move.
Mary is my favorite customer.

I've had my supper now, and I've set up a hockey pool on Yahoo Sports, wanna joy n? http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/82630
There is an entry fee of $10.00 but don't let that stop you from joining, it's mostly for fun so if you want to play along for fun, the more the merrier.

That's about all the procrastinating I can come up with right now, so I guess I had better get this over with.
I'm not a poet, but I'll giver-a-go.

A Poem by Brother Nature
When we consider, "NOW" and "THEN"
and how the times have changed, my friend.
Some stories still, may have no end,
but begin with, "I remember when..."

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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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"Invalid Item
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The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group
Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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January 18, 2013 at 4:01pm
January 18, 2013 at 4:01pm
January 18, 2013
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

It's Funny Friday!

Writing/blog prompt:"What does humor mean to YOU? What tickles YOUR funny bone? Is there anything you laugh at that others don't?"

Another Friday to end the week, put pen to paper, and tongue in cheek.

Forget your problems, let down your hair, let sounds of laughter fill up the air.

The week-end is upon us, girls and boys, put down your tools and pick up your toys.

Laugh with your children, laugh with the folks, tell funny stories, tell funny jokes.

If your not having fun, don't sit there and pout, pull off some pranks, try this one out.

This one is perfect for a family dinner, You could even have an AFV winner.

Add shaving cream to donuts, a few on a plate, then set up a camera, and patiently wait.

Pranks can be funny, just don't be mean, they are some of the funniest things I have seen.

Baby powder in a hair dryer, that one is cool, or have someone sit on a pre-broken stool.

Prep H in a toothpaste tube, this one is rude, just saying it's funny to tamper with food.

Turn sorrow and sadness to smiles and gladness.

Laugh at yourself, take a break from the madness.

It's Funny Friday my friends, lets get it started.

Remember (Pull my finger?) and how much we laughed, when Grandpa had farted.

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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
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The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group
Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
Please visit my blog @ "Invalid Item
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