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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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January 31, 2011 at 12:02am
January 31, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Soldiers too must return within a short period to atone for any killing they took part in and any atrocities they committed while in the military. Those who were of lower ranks and were in the military forces doing the bidding of higher ranks and commanders are given more latitude than those who gave the orders.

Leaders of countries who command their people to war are required to atone for their actions and to bring balance, not only to their own karma but also to the karma of the country they ordered to war. No one is allowed to proceed up the evolutionary path until they atone for their misdeeds. All negative karma must be balanced before atonement is granted and restitution must be made before enlightenment is reached.

Overall, karma is not negative because there is no judgment; there is only restitution – giving back what we took from the evolution of the planet. Remember evolution since the beginning has moved forward or stood in place. It has never moved backward. It is impossible to do so either our individual evolution or the forward movement of the planet.

Those who have waged war to gain peace are sorely mistaken and will be required to atone for their ignorance. I think of our former Prime Minister, Lester B Pearson who began the Peace Corps for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Canada was known for many years for their peacekeeping ability and for training other nations in the art of keeping the peace in troubled countries. It makes me wonder what Prime Minister Pearson did in a previous life that would require such an enormous contribution. Unfortunately, others after him saw things differently and ten years ago, troops were sent into Afghanistan, not to keep the peace, but to engage in the war.

In the family, the community, the country and the planet, in order to evolve to an enlightened state we are making restitution for our past misdeeds. There is much leeway in our efforts; we do not have to reach perfection in our human life. Balance will come to us because of the contract we have with God and the many helpers we have to guide us. There is no way we can fail.

January 28, 2011 at 12:02am
January 28, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Those individuals who abuse children have a very small window of opportunity to right the wrongs they have done. They will be shown their despicable acts upon their entry into the ethereal dimension and they will be required to atone for their actions. Those who use their authority to allow children to be abused will be shown the error of their ways and they too will be required to balance their karma by being born into a lifetime in which they will be advocates for children in need. Karma will balance the totality of our individual evolution. We cannot reach the ascended state until we have balanced our karma.

Hmm, interesting. Can you think of some very high profile people who must come back and advocate for children in need?

I wanted to talk about numbers today.

Have you ever noticed how often you see the same numbers when you look at a digital clock? I particularly notice three sets of numbers – one is 11:11 when I am about to get into bed with my book, another is 4:44. Often I wake up twice during the night and it does not surprise me when the clock says 2:22 or 4:44.

I always have to smile when I see them and have come to think of them as ‘my numbers’. I see them with such consistency that I decided to do a search.

I also asked a friend if he saw the same numbers often enough for him to notice and wonder about them. His numbers were 5:55, 2:22 and 12:12.

I have to give credit to the site I found and I gladly pass it on to you. I hope you find your numbers and discover what they mean. You may be surprised. I was.


January 24, 2011 at 12:01am
January 24, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our children are growing up in a much more multicultural society than any previous generation. They are more understanding and tolerant of differences than their parents or grandparents. Each succeeding generation will build on this base of tolerance but it is helpful if we understand the process of this evolution in order that we may learn from our children.

Each new generation of children born into the earth’s atmosphere is more highly evolved than the previous generation. Progressively they have had more experience on the earth’s plain with each successive birth. God in His wisdom has arranged that we should learn from our children the things that are important to our own evolution. Children are innocent and loving, willing to help anyone who needs help or asks for help. They do not know hate or prejudice until they are taught to hate and fear from the adults in their life. Prejudice and bigotry are fear-based problems. Understanding would eliminate our fear and therefore eliminate many of our world problems that lead to war and violence. Children can teach us the important things in life, to appreciate the love of family and to accept that love without asking anything in return. They can teach us to love unconditionally without fear and without greed. This is the love for our fellow man that is needed to bring peace without the need to be paid except in the return of love and understanding. This is the joy we can learn from each successive generation of children given to us. The barter system of kindness needs to spread throughout the earth and it can only start with you.

I don’t have anything to add to this. I think it speaks for itself.


This hymn was flowing through my mind the other day just before and after but not during my visit to my garden with Jesus. I remembered all the words although I had not sung it since my teen years when I was a devout Baptist.

January 21, 2011 at 12:15am
January 21, 2011 at 12:15am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Whenever we hear of wars on our news broadcasts, we ask you to think of how we can bring peace to our own surroundings. Is there someone in the family or community that we can help with a kind thought or deed? Is there someone to whom we could bring a message of hope? Perhaps a new neighbor is in need of a friendly greeting. Small acts of kindness could make a big difference in the life of another individual and in the unity of a community.

The more we understand the customs of our neighbors, the better we can get along together, whether that neighbor is next door or a neighboring country. Peace begins at home and it begins with understanding.

Many years ago, I attended weekly meetings with a psychic named Barbara Eagles – what a wonderful name for one who ‘travels’ eh?

Barb taught us how to travel to a peaceful garden, a beach and a house of healing.

Recently while talking to a friend, I remembered these travels to these very peaceful places and instructed my friend how to create her own place of peace. She is very advanced in traveling and had no problem with her flights to these new places. In fact, she is much more creative than I am and improved upon my instructions. Her idea was to meet me in my garden – we would both travel to my garden and see if we could communicate in spirit. We live thousands of miles apart here in our physical places and have never met except through cyber space.

We did indeed go to my garden but I got quite a surprise when I got there. I had not been for many years and things had changed from a very lush and colourful paradise to a very plain colourless almost barren place. That was not the only surprise.

This was my experience ---

I walked into the garden and again it looked quite barren, not much there in the way of garden or forest things. Not much colour.

Jesus met me as I entered and took my left hand. He placed my hand in the crook of his arm and we walked together towards the steps down to the beach. There was a bench on either side of the steps. We chose the bench to the right of the steps. The bench on the left was empty and remained empty.

When I see him, he wears an ankle length robe of light beige but a very expensive looking material. Soft but strong. He was wearing brown sandals as always. His hair is brown and shoulder length, slightly curled. I seldom see his face but I know he is very beautiful. I saw it once when he appeared in my living room. That was the only time I heard his voice. He said, "I am always with you."

The only animal in my garden was a tiger; he stayed near the trees away from us, just watching. He was friendly, not attacking or fierce, just crouching and watching. Not threatening.

The sky was pale blue, no clouds; the light was infused into everything as it always is. There is no sun, no clouds. I did not hear music or anything else.

When we turned around to sit down on the bench there seemed to be a large crowd of people around us but they were like shadows. In the trees floating near the top of an evergreen was one of the archangels but I don't know which one.

Jesus spoke to the people but I don't know what he said, I didn't hear the words. He speaks to the soul. We did not go down the steps to the beach.

So, the whole experience was somewhat similar to when I go to the seventh dimension. Togetherness with Jesus but I don't hear the words. It seemed like the same crowd of people that I see when I walk in the door in the seventh. They are always happy to see me, as they were again last night. They accept me as one of their own. Like them but in human form. Always silent.

The impression I got was - we can meet here or in the seventh, it is my choice.

My friend also traveled to my garden but did not see me, Jesus, the tiger, the people or the angel. She saw the barrenness and the lack of colour.

January 17, 2011 at 12:01am
January 17, 2011 at 12:01am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There was no way that a prophet of two thousand years ago or more could have understood the visions if they had been given accurate pictures in their mind’s eye of our modern day world. Their guides gave them pictures and visions that they could understand in their limited vocabulary and experience of that time. They understood the weather and climatic disturbances but they had little knowledge of other continents, the oceans and space around the planet.

They could not have understood the destruction our present day civilization was capable of doing with our large ships that could eliminate the fish of the oceans; large machines that could destroy the forests and the digging machines that would terrorize the very earth we live on. Therefore, when they described the latter days they used the visions that were given to them in the language that they understood.

There is no doubt that we are entering the latter days as we have been warned.

We need to work diligently towards peace and equality, starting with our family and ourselves. That is all we ask, peace attracts peace and joy attracts joy and so on. If we want a better world, we must start with a better person in ourselves. Each task performed with joy will bring joy to our next task. If we go about our daily tasks with anger and resentment then we attract anger and resentment to our next task and we spread anger and resentment to those around us. It is better to spread joy. Joy will spread to those around us and rebound back to us. Soon there will be nothing but joy in our life and the lives of those around us. This is our request, that you bring joy to your own small corner of the world and watch it grow.

This small request goes out to each one who reads these words. The task performed with joy may be small and simple or one that affects the universe. When any task is done with joy, it will affect the universal soul.

If we are not yet convinced of the evolution of the soul, we will surely see it in this passage. The soul evolves as technology, understanding and language evolves. See where we were at the time of the biblical prophets and compare to where we are now.

The same holds true in our present time. Prophets are given what they can understand and visualize now. If records are kept, our visions will be outdated just as those of thousands of years ago.

January 14, 2011 at 12:05am
January 14, 2011 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It will be, as we were told, an event that will take place ‘in the twinkling of an eye’. All souls will again be together as we were meant to be, in the ethereal form. There will be eternal peace. Just as in awakening we do not remember all our dreams of the night, so will it be when we enter our new existence. There will be no memory of the evolutionary process that we have endured these many eons of time. All memories of greed, hate and inequality that we have suffered will be wiped from our memory and we shall enjoy universal love once more.

The ‘acts of God’ we are experiencing now are but a reminder of the promise He gave us so many years ago.

Whereas the state of the planet seems to be deteriorating with every day of our inhabiting this once beautiful young Garden of Eden, the prophecies of old are happening.

The above quote is an extension of my Monday’s entry about acts of God.

An email from a friend today reminded me of something Alexander taught us. While Terri was in a trance, he was explaining the choices we made every day and told us nothing was preordained. When we made a choice, our free will always gave us the opportunity to change our choices. At the end of his lesson, he told us he had some homework for us. He told us to go out during the next seven days until we would meet again and make as many mistakes as we could.

I thought about it with my small human mind for three days and then I burst out laughing. What a supreme joke he had played on us! There simply are no mistakes. It is not a mistake or a weakness to be overcome by an addiction; to have failed a course; to have lost a race; to have been overcome by anger, jealousy, fear or hate. All are choices and all can be changed. It all starts with a thought and thoughts can be changed.

Oh yes, my friend’s experience … she was awakened in the early morning by a male voice saying, “No one was a mistake”. Indeed, no such thing exists. There simply are no mistakes.

January 10, 2011 at 12:07am
January 10, 2011 at 12:07am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many of the events that were foretold in the bible by the prophets of the time are now happening. Major climatic events over which we have no control as were forecast are happening in every country of the world. We call them acts of God for good reason. Events such as floods, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and unusual weather are occurring more frequently now than in the past. God warned us through the psychics of the day that these events would happen in the latter days. There is no reason to fear the coming of the end, as we know it now. As we have said many times, the end of the world as we know it now will mean the beginning of a better world, the world we all long for, the world we know as heaven on earth. There will be a returning to the Garden of Eden. That will be a time when the evolution of the soul will be complete; when we can once again enjoy the glorious beauty of heaven on earth.

We see the effects of climate change all around us. Great floods where there were never floods before. Birds and fishes dying in huge numbers; pods of whales beaching and dying and humanity continues to pollute the earth, mistreat God’s creation and deny responsibility.

Those who study the prophets of biblical times deny the prophesies of the present day psychics. The truth is out there; the destruction of the financial systems that separate the rich from the poor while eliminating the middle class will be swift and worldwide. Those who are working with the spiritual realms to bring this about have come to me for assurance. The responsibility of this massive change hangs heavy on their shoulders.

They know they have signed a contract with God before being born into this third dimension and it will be fulfilled with them or without them, but still as the time draws near, their hearts are heavy. Who will believe them? The destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis was swift and the ascension of the believers was equally swift. We are once again nearing our time of ascension. In the twinkling of an eye it is said.

A belief in fundamental religion will not save those who deny the prophecies.

January 7, 2011 at 10:40am
January 7, 2011 at 10:40am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Time and space are unknown in the dimension of creation. Thus began the process of evolution. Once the process began there was no stopping it. Once evolution was on the way there was nowhere for the process to go but forward. And so it did, over eons of time, energy became matter in the forms we know now. Physical matter evolved in the form of animals, birds, minerals, trees and the cycles of nature and in the form of the human body.

And so it will continue until we reach the ninth dimension.

SEVENTH – Beliefs originate: High vibrations: Healers draw from the seventh dimension: Angels and Saints float about here: The rationalization of thought processes on an emotional basis (that’s what beliefs are). From here we get the expression “Seventh Heaven”

EIGHTH – Thoughts and emotions consolidated with All That Is: Soul expression: All the soul has experienced consolidated into thought and emotion: Atonement with self: State of knowing: The state of the Nazarene: The integration of all levels of self.

NINTH – ALL THAT IS: To stand before the one Creator: Come to total comprehension of All That Is, Was and Will Be: All experiences of the soul become one: The Infinite: It has no beginning and no end: At Onement with All That Is: Non-comparative. Before your creation you were here so you remember this. From here we get the expression ‘Cloud Nine’.

January 3, 2011 at 10:49am
January 3, 2011 at 10:49am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our scientists speak of finding ‘life as we know it’ on other planets of the universe. A spiritualist knows there is life all around us; it is not necessary for a spirit to inhabit a planet. It is not necessary for a spirit to have water to drink or food to eat because those requirements are only for the body and not the spirit.

'Life as we know it’ is eternal and the spirit exists in all dimensions of the universe. They have no use for a planet or physical space to call home. They have no need for food or water. Their work does not involve physical space. There may, of course be other physical beings living on other planets, and the possibility exists that they live in a dimension that does not require the same necessities that humans do.

Therefore limiting the quest for 'life as we know it’ may be too structured. Perhaps we should broaden the search for life to include life as we have not yet envisioned.


The soul questions – now that I am here, what do I do.


Earth reality. Taking Thought and Emotion and projecting them into reality.

Beginning to work with the First and Second Dimension

Third dimension exists on other planets as well.


Thought and Emotion become one – a non-separation.

Different from the Third where we will think and then have a reaction to the thought, they now blend in total balance and harmony.

Non-linear in function, time does not exist in the Fourth dimension

No Time or Space

Used for dimensional travel purposes

Extraterrestrial use for transportation from point A to point B.

December 29, 2010 at 3:07pm
December 29, 2010 at 3:07pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God’s dream began when He decided to create humanity from atoms in the form of spirit. He then decided to give each spirit the gift of free will. He created the planet earth as a garden for those of us who chose to experience evolution in this Garden of Eden. This is the source of the story we call Adam and Eve in the Garden.

We were created from Atoms and our choice was Evolution. If we chose evolution, we came to the garden. If we chose to remain as a combination of atoms, we remained as spirit. Many chose to remain as spirit as the angels did. Those of us who chose to experience evolution took on the human form. The human form is the vehicle we needed to exist in the garden (Earth).

Those of us who chose evolution knew it would be a long and sometimes difficult experience. We also knew that those who chose to remain in spirit would act as our guides to help us through the experience of evolution. In this way we were divided, those who came to the garden and those who remained as atoms. This was the beginning.

Nowhere in the book of history we call the bible are the names Adam and Eve used a second time. It is for this reason that I believe these two names were mistranslated to mean Atom and Evolution. They referred to groups of people, not one male and one female. The ones who remained in atom form are referred to at Adam; those who chose evolution are referred to as Eve. The split was approximately 80/20. Eighty percent remained in atom form.

Before the Mayan civilization, there were at least three other civilizations. Lemuria was a very ancient, very advanced peaceful civilization that was knowledgeable in the use of the fire crystal for the purpose of learning, healing and technology.

When that civilization began to have negative thoughts, some used their knowledge to achieve their own negative and harmful outcomes. At that time, many of us left Lemuria and went to Atlantis. These migrations are also known as evolutions.

The history of Atlantis went the way of Lemuria and some of us evolved to Ancient Egypt where we mingled with humans.

The history of Earth is also going the way of Lemuria and Atlantis and a mass ascension/migration/evolution to the new Earth is near.

During our time in Ancient Egypt, some of us chose to give up our status as semi-etheric beings and chose to intermarry with humans. We were called the ‘Sons and Daughters of God’.

We chose to intermingle and to experience the emotions and the dense human body knowing that we would enter the evolutionary process. We gave up our complete knowledge of the future and of ascension.

At that time, we agreed to hold one half the knowledge of ascension and the future of the planet Earth with one other partner so that none of us had complete knowledge. With complete knowledge of ascension, we could have at any time given up our physical status and returned to be semi-etheric ‘gods’.

We then agreed to meet up with our partners at the turn of the 21st century which would be known as ‘the latter times’ or ‘latter days’, when the time of another mass ascension is near.

We will not necessarily be conscious of meeting our ‘partner soul’ but our spiritual self knows and recognizes this other person, often referred to as our soul mates. They may be same or opposite sex but someone you love, cherish and feel confidant with. It is probably someone with whom you have shared several lives.

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