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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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July 26, 2010 at 12:03am
July 26, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Sometimes the trigger that brings on the desire to enhance the evolution in consciousness is the death of a loved one or some other tragedy such as a divorce or separation in the family unit. Many books have been written after an individual has had a near death experience and has witnessed an experience, which has shown them that there is indeed eternal life. If there is a death of a spouse, the remaining individual is left in a position to literally re-invent their lives. They are no longer one half of a couple, no longer part of a duality. The choice then can be made to evolve in spirit or to remain for a time lost in the memories of the past. Forward movement of the evolution of an individual can be delayed but never stopped.

Soul evolution is our journey toward authentic power. Darwinian evolution involved only the five physical senses; soul evolution involves multisensory power that takes us beyond the physical senses.

I believe the vagueness of the wording in Friday’s entry about murder was on purpose. (Of course, everything they say has a purpose). Those in the upper echelon of the spiritual hierarchy know us better than we know ourselves. If they say murder is not wrong, some individuals may commit murder. Then convince them self that it was an act of soul evolution. It is completely out of our hands to know what events in our lives would enhance the evolution of the soul. Only the ancient wisdom of our individual soul knows the path it has laid out for us. Murder is always wrong in our western societal, legal and moral point of view. What we do know is all our actions, thoughts and morals should be based on compassion.

July 23, 2010 at 12:05am
July 23, 2010 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Is abortion wrong? Is murder wrong? There are three points of view. The societal point and legal point of view depends in which country you live. The karmic point of view includes cause and effect, if you have murdered in a past life, you will experience being murdered in another life. In the evolutionary point of view, we have choices and lessons. These choices can either delay or enhance the evolution of the soul. Delay is experienced if the abortion or murder is not a soul experience; enhancement is experienced if the life path plan includes the experience to be learned in this lifetime.

As we have said before, the soul that enters a newborn child is not a newborn soul. Usually the entering soul has eons of time in experience. The soul may enter the newborn’s body at the time of birth, before the birth or sometime after the birth, whichever is most practical in the evolution of that particular soul. In the plan of evolution of the soul, the soul selects the newborn body that will best suit the circumstances of its own evolution and the family that is most likely to contribute to the evolution of that particular soul. When there is a physical plan in place that that particular fetus is to be aborted; the soul will not enter that particular newborn. Instead, the soul will continue to search for the correct family and the correct fetus that will most positively contribute to its evolution.

Sometimes things are just so obvious I cannot ignore them or palm them off as coincidences. One of the difficulties of being hearing impaired is that I cannot hear an alarm clock, not even a telephone right beside my bed. When there is an occasion that I have to get up early, I have a problem. Today was one of those occasions, my daughter and my little grandchildren were coming over and I wanted to be up and about by nine. My usual sleeping pattern is from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. Before I went to bed last night, I told myself to wake up at eight. This morning I was awakened at 7:50 a.m. by what sounded like a thousand crickets chirping and making a dreadful noise. I got in the shower and the crickets disappeared. We do not really realize that our spiritual friends are right beside us at all times. We also do not realize that they are helping us every minute of the day and night – we have no idea what life would be like if they were not with us because we have never experienced a minute of life without them.

July 19, 2010 at 12:05am
July 19, 2010 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When a teacher teaches a child a lesson and the child learns well, there is no need for the teacher to be forgiven. When our soul teaches us a lesson and we learn the lesson well, there is no need to forgive the one who taught us. A mother who aborts her fetus has been born into this life to experience and learn the lesson of abortion. If she accomplishes the task and learns the lesson she need not be forgiven but honored, she has raised a step in the path of evolution because she has experienced what her soul needed her to experience in order to evolve. She will never have to experience abortion again unless she chooses to.

The soul will always lead us to the best teacher. Our individual soul has eons of experience and has communication with all other souls. In this way, our little get-together before we were born can introduce us to the best lessons possible.

These thoughts about abortion are not taught in any other venue that I know of. In the next entry I will show more how the wise ones, the ascended ones, the ancient ones, the ones who have evolved to the seventh dimension (this includes our Lord the Christ Jesus) teach us more about the ways of karma.

July 16, 2010 at 12:02am
July 16, 2010 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we look at the addiction from the standpoint of a lesson to be learned by the addicted person, and the lessons to be learned by those who are affected by the addiction, we can see the situation from a more impersonal viewpoint. We cannot change another person’s life path, but we can accept the condition as a lesson to be learned in our own life path. We are not responsible for the actions of another individual. If another person’s actions cause us fear, pain and anger and we allow ourselves to feel fear, pain and anger, our lesson then is how to be in a relationship with an addicted person, or whether or not to stay in a relationship with an addicted person. Free will works for everyone.

Forgiveness is not necessary if we can see the addiction as a lesson. There is no need to forgive an individual that is following their own lessons in the path of their evolution. When we truly understand the cause and effect of karma and truly understand that evolution is a continual series of lessons, then there is no need for us to forgive as we have been taught about forgiveness in the past.

The choices are never easy because emotions are involved but as the Ascended Masters point out, forgiveness is not necessary. Since they are talking specifically about addiction here, the choices we make in staying in a relationship with an addicted person can be made easier when we see a broader picture and consider our own soul evolution. Our choices are never wrong or right they are simply choices. If we feel, we made a ‘wrong’ choice we can simply make a second choice. Again, any choice we make is not held against us, each choice either advances our evolution or delays it for a period of time.

They say more about forgiveness, which I will write about next time.

July 12, 2010 at 12:02am
July 12, 2010 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now that we are aware that each individual’s path has been chosen by our soul to experience expansion of consciousness and these experiences are lessons along the way to enlightenment. There is, of course free will but if we look at certain examples such as addiction that affect not only the addicted individual but almost everyone they have a relationship with, it is clear that many people are affected by one person’s addictive habits. The question then is how to forgive the addicted individual for the hurt they have caused us.

Throughout the manuscript, the Ascended Masters have taken very complicated situations and broken them down into simple solutions. In the next few entries, you will see this is how they teach us about forgiveness. They know that humanity has come to its own conclusions about these maters and it will not be easy to change the way we think. However, if we want to advance our own evolution and that of the planet, we can ask for help in changing our thoughts and attitudes. They are always ready and willing to help if we ask. They cannot change our minds without our consent, that is the original agreement and it will never be broken. When we ask, a door will open – perhaps that opening will be so subtle, we will not even notice.

July 9, 2010 at 12:05am
July 9, 2010 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Forgiveness is an essential element in the evolution of consciousness. We, as humans have been taught to forgive since early childhood, from our parents, our teachers, our religious leaders, all have admonished us to forgive and to forget hurtful incidents in order to heal. Forgetting the past is impossible if we have experienced difficult or abusive circumstances at the hands of others. Forgiving is next to impossible. We cannot forget the past but there is a different way of looking at forgiveness.

It is said that all families have their problems. Some must cope with abuse, addictions, physical illnesses, mental illness, crime or handicaps’ of different or unusual kinds. All impact on the rest of the family; many times the children are affected as much as the adults or even more. I am no different. After I wrote this chapter and absorbed the profound difference of the meaning of forgiveness, it truly changed my life.

The next entry will give us more understanding and skills to help in our continuing personal evolution.

July 5, 2010 at 12:02am
July 5, 2010 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is very encouraging to see more and more educators of world status that are now realizing that sharing of wealth, knowledge and resources is the only way to bring about world peace. Many world leaders are being placed in a position where they will experience the truth that violence and wars do not bring peace. Violence and war bring more violence and war.

Childhood educators have learned that corporal punishment does not teach children to cooperate and be peaceful. Through the generations, we have improved our way of childhood education. The same principle applies to nations and countries. Violence and war can never bring peace. Only sharing, caring and an attitude of love thy neighbor will being about the peace between nations and countries that we desire.

We cannot force our western standards of government on countries of other continents and expect them not to rebel and demonstrate aggressively against us. We cannot apply our way of justice and business to others and not expect them to revolt.

Our way is suitable to our life style and we must accept that they have a way of life that is at the present time suitable to them, all are changing, all are evolving but we must be willing to let others evolve at their own rate as we are evolving in our own style.

It may sound as though the Ascended Masters have repeated these phrases often but I do not judge their wisdom in the way they teach. I have carefully highlighted the script that I have used previously so I do not repeat sections of the transcription.

They see the larger picture whereas we see only a very small piece of the puzzle. It often does seem like a puzzle that is not coming together – at least the way we think it should. Perhaps only one election, in one country will start the process we read about in the previous blog. In the mean time, we can do our part diligently and trust that all the pieces will eventually fit.

Sylvia Browne says it will all come together about 2060. I don’t think I will be around to see it – that would make me about 126. Don’t think so, thank you very much. I’ll watch my grandchildren and great grandchildren from the loft.

July 2, 2010 at 12:11am
July 2, 2010 at 12:11am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the past, there have been many world powers. Countries with mighty armies who were ready and willing to fight for what they thought were right. When these world powers opposed each other, the result was often war involving many countries.

Gradually world powers lost their might until the present time when we have only one world power that is capable of defending itself and/or any other country they decide to defend. Fortunately, America is a democratic country and, although not perfect, their idea of a perfect world is a democratic system of government.

Those who live in countries ruled by a dictator, of course, will not always agree with decisions made by a strong democratic country so there will be many who will try to challenge the world power. Here we see the beginning of a one government planet without borders and without countries. In the future, there will be no need for armies, as we know them now. Our world will have only one democratic ruler and the idea of starting a war with such a powerful force would mean self-destruction.

Not everyone will accept this form of rule easily but in the end, there will be no choice but to accept such a large democratic form of government. No country would be foolish enough to challenge such a powerful force.

This will be the beginning of the American Civilization and will remain until ascension we have mentioned elsewhere; technology will be the trademark of this civilization. The entire planet will be accessible by a single computer system. Grievances will be dealt with instantly before they get out of control. A panel of judges will hear the grievance and a judgment will be made immediately and a decision will be given.

A panel of judicial administrators who must come to a unanimous decision will replace our present judicial system with its long delays and decisions by judge and jury. A judgment will be relayed back to the grievance committee and a local policing force will execute the judgment. This central panel of judges will hear all grievances. There will be no area judicial system only an area grievance committee that will hear all complaints and relay them on to the central panel of judges. .

The panel of judges will consist of representatives from all cultures and religions of the world. The panel of judges will be very large but only a certain number will sit in attendance. For instance if a grievance comes in from the area that once was Africa, then there will be judges in attendance who are knowledgeable of the African culture as well as judges from other areas of the world.

Only the most respected and wise judges will be chosen to represent their areas. They will be chosen by the people of their own area and culture and then appointed by the central government.

Communication between areas and the central government will be instantaneous and clear. English will be the language of government. There will be translators in the areas as well as at the central government.

The system software will be massive and there will be thousands of programmers and technicians to keep the computers up to date and running smoothly without failure.

The central government will be located in the United States but all areas will be of equal value to the cooperation and harmony of the world as one unit instead of many countries as it is now.

I thought about how I could divide this chapter but after much thought, I decided to leave it intact. My input is not necessary but just wanted you to notice the removal of borders. Countries, provinces and states will all be one. Borders tend to be divisive and division is what is slowing the evolution of the planet. Partisan politics will end. One person rule will end and that can’t be all bad in my opinion but it makes me think -- just how much free-will do we really have?

June 28, 2010 at 12:04am
June 28, 2010 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Eventually greed and ego will be the downfall of corporations that put profit before people and self-indulgence before sharing. When some of the large corporations have fallen, there will be a review of goals and those who are wise will amend their social conscious.

However, this will be a slow process because there is still the attitude that others may fall but until the knowledge is personalized, there will still be those who see the collapse of big business all around them as lessons for others and not for themselves.

Eventually however, evolution to a kinder gentler more sharing basis for business will prevail.

I do not know how long I will continue this blog so I wanted to say a bit about the future. On Friday, I will reveal a little about future governments and how law and order will change for the better.

After the violence demonstrated during the current G8 and G20 meetings, we must surely realize that this type of governance is not working. Heads of state, some quite uneducated and ego driven dictating to the masses how they are going to spend our tax dollars does not sit well with the majority.

Many fear one world government but with advancement in our evolution, it will be a step towards our eventual enlightenment. One of the large corporations likely to fall will be British Petroleum. They will probably not recover from the massive ‘accident’ in the Gulf of Mexico.

I have no doubt similar accidents involving oil companies will eventually lead to cleaner sources of energy. The will of the people will change the way power is distributed. No longer will one person who surrounds themselves with like-minded individuals, control religions or countries. The changes may be slow and mistakes will be made but that is the nature of the evolution of the soul.

June 25, 2010 at 12:04am
June 25, 2010 at 12:04am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We have seen the planet earth’s attempts to regain control more and more frequently in the recent past. We have seen more and more and larger and larger floods, earthquakes, weather phenomena and unusual disasters that have resulted in loss of physical life in the last few years than every before. These are earth’s attempts at regaining control of her evolution. We know what she is capable of and we should be in fear if we continue to disregard her warning signs.

We have seen earthquakes; tornadoes, hurricanes and tidal waves increase in destruction of property. These are all part of Mother Earth’s attempts to take back control of her evolution into a higher dimension. We must, as a world population, stop destroying our planet for our own greed. In destroying our planet, we ultimately destroy our selves.

We had an earthquake here this week. I have lived in central Canada for about fifty years and have felt several earthquakes but never had any disturbance in the house. This week things were thrown around, no damage done but it was a frightening experience. The afternoon brought a tornado about 150 miles of the epicenter.

Friends tell me this is a taste of what is to come. They also tell me many countries will experience quakes, tsunamis and loss of life. Over the past several years, people have begun moving to safer areas without knowing the reason why.

I have talked about my friend in spirit, Alexander. He and I had met before in a past life. He told me this story. "Invalid Item

Many people say they have been kings, queens, rulers or famous people in past lives. I do not know if I have but I was a slave. That's my claim to fame.

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