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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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October 15, 2010 at 12:10am
October 15, 2010 at 12:10am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Since coming into the physical form, humanity has made advances in all aspects of evolution but most especially in technology. The days when a big stick or club was used are long gone and will never return. The advancement in the tools we use on an every day basis is changing so quickly that the average person can hardly keep up with the changes.

We should learn our lessons from ancient civilizations that also were very advanced in technology. The ancient civilization of Atlantis was destroyed by its misuse of advanced technology. Many of our present day myths are the result of bioengineering and cell manipulation during the time of Atlanta civilization.

It was at this time that cloning and cell bioengineering was introduced. The cells of plant, animal and human life differs significantly. The soul structure of these different life forms cannot be combined without the contamination of the individual soul.

On Sunday the prompt for Writer’s Cramp was to write something about Pegasus the Winged horse. The judge mentioned that many of our present day myths originated from ancient beliefs. I think she is right about that.

I entered and won the prize based on this part of my manuscript. The judge said she liked my humour. Well, the Prince and the frog is pure fiction of course. But the rest ? Is it or is it not?

(I know, the rhyming stinks *Laugh* )


First place Writer’s Cramp

From the labs of Atlantis a wing-ed horse sprang

Freed at last, and this was his plan,

To ride the free winds from Azores to Iran.

Eons ago on the shores of Atlantis

Research combined the eagle and stallion

To create a unique breed we see now before us.

Flushed with success making scientist bold,

They created a beast from a man and a colt,

The result was the Centaur for us to behold.

Still they proceeded, the poor horse now torn,

Rhinoceros and horse, without any scorn,

To bring us the stunningly chic Unicorn.

But Atlantis erupted in its own evil fog,

And lucky we were as the research had logged

The next step would be a Prince and a frog.

Pegasus, Centaur, Unicorn, born by the score,

Sprang from the horse – according to lore.

Should Atlantis arise, can we expect even more?

October 11, 2010 at 12:12am
October 11, 2010 at 12:12am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Not all lessons we need to learn are difficult. We who came to experience evolution have all met each other at one time or another throughout the eons of time. No one we meet is a stranger in the evolutionary cycle. We have all known each other and have had some kind of relationship with each other. Very often, when we make a new acquaintance we have an instant impression. Our soul remembers previous lifetime relationships that were happy and harmonious. Bad first impressions are recollections of difficult past life experiences.

Have you read a piece by another author on this site and immediately had the impression that you wanted to read everything this individual has written. Have you loved another author in such a way that you feel you know them but want to know more about them? I think we all have. Sometimes it feels like a long lost friend returning. This site is a good place to find long-lost friends and loved ones.

Sometimes we stay on the other side for many years before we are ready to return to another lifetime on earth. Sometimes only for a few years.

My mother died about twenty years ago now she is a teen-aged boy in New Hampshire, England. She didn’t stay on the other side very long, maybe five years or so. If I met this young man now, I would love him immediately. Nothing will ever change the fact that she was my mother in this lifetime. Alexander told me our soul fragments into twelve separate pieces. I don’t understand why twelve – I am still searching for the answer to that. If someone knows, please email me, I’d appreciate it.

October 8, 2010 at 12:03am
October 8, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Each soul must experience every possible experience at least once in the evolutionary process. As an example, each soul must have the experience of being every nationality and every skin color. Each soul must experience every kind of illness known on earth. Each soul must experience every emotion, thought, fear, addiction, sexual orientation and every other experience known on our planet including abortion, infant death and old age. Every possible lesson must be experienced in the full course of the evolution of the soul back to enlightenment.

For many of us this lifetime is exceptional difficult. It has been for me and I have just shared the tip of the iceberg as it were, in my writing here. The reason is that for most of us, this is our last lifetime and we are sort of cleaning up the last bits that have to be done, learned and experienced.

I am told that ninety percent of us will have completed our earthly evolution at the end of this present lifetime. After this one, we can volunteer to come back if we feel our work would be more expeditiously done in the human form but it would not be compulsory. We never stop evolving and we never stop working.

Our work and evolution will continue until we are back to our original self, which is a part of God the creator. As I wrote that last sentence, I got a picture of God also evolving until each and every one of us is a part of him again and he will then be complete too. Just a few more eons to go my friends!

What I wanted to express here is that some of you are a little worried that you are not doing enough, loving enough, serving enough, being good enough to enhance your own evolution. That is simply not so. Each of us must live in this human form and the human form is not and cannot be perfect.

We are guided every step of the way and we could not possibly be more perfect than we already are. Try not to worry, live life confident that you are being guided to great glory and victory.

October 3, 2010 at 10:35pm
October 3, 2010 at 10:35pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we are experiencing difficulties in our life, we are reminded that God never gives us more than we can bear. When we realize that, indeed, our own soul chose what lessons we must learn, then we can understand the meaning of this phrase. There is always help available from our spiritual guides and teachers; we are never alone along our path of development. The voice of our guides and teachers are the voice of our mind.

When we choose love as the basis of our activities, we are assured that we are following the path that will enhance our evolution. If we choose anything less than love, we need to reassess our choices because acting with anything less than love will bring us no reward and will delay our evolutionary development.

Every choice we make during our lifetime is a step forward or a delay in our journey.

It’s really cool the way this blog is written (and yes, ‘they’ chose the topic, not me) I think of a phrase, or one is placed in my mind, I open the file, use the 'find' option and there it is.

Today I was looking for the phrase ‘never alone’ and it came up for me in the above paragraphs.

I mentioned a few entries ago that I see sparks of light for about ten seconds after I turn out the light at night. I see these with my eyes open or closed and sometimes there is a little light show for me. Last night was one of those occasions. I hope I can do justice to the beauty of these individuals who are always with us to bring comfort and beauty to our human lives.

The vision I saw last night among the sparks of light was a gold filigree design. It waved and fluctuated in the corner of my bedroom for several seconds. It moved like a floating flag of gold crocheted in an intricate design.

Other visions include a red pattern of many hundreds of stars that also fluctuate in a moving design. Sometimes this individual spreads him/herself out in a large pattern that covers an entire wall and sometimes contracts into a space about an inch in diameter. It is a very intense red colour when it is in the compact design, and showed about six inches in front of my face.

Another showed herself, as an aqua coloured pendant hanging from the ceiling (more like floating in the middle of the room). She identified as female although they are androgynous, as we will be and can identify as any gender or design.

I think they enjoy giving us a light show. Just to let us know they are with us and to bring us pleasure.

October 1, 2010 at 12:04am
October 1, 2010 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God has been asleep. We are His dream. We are an illusion. When He wakes up, we will become a part of Him just as our dreams become a part of us. In the “twinkling of an eye”, we will be taken up to a new dimension to be with Him; then the illusion will end. A higher dimension of evolution with its lights, color and beautiful musical sounds is the reality. We are the dream.

There are many more paragraphs to show you but this is the last paragraph of the manuscript and I needed this to help me describe what happened to me this week.

Oh yes, there is an addendum, which I will leave until a later time.

I have absolutely no idea what is meant by “God has been asleep” But Alexander often said that this life is an illusion.

Okay, one day this week I fell asleep in the afternoon and when I woke up I thought I was in a cathedral. The one who speaks to me was singing; there was a full choir of background music/humming with his voice. I really did not want to wake up but my bladder was calling.

It was by far the most beautiful music I have ever heard. I understood some of the words this time (I usually do not understand what he says). The beginning of each verse was “born on Christmas morning”. Somehow, I do not think he was singing of Jesus. That is the feeling I got – he was singing about something or somebody else.

I wanted to continue listening to his music forever but alas, I could not. Some day we will all hear this beautiful music, see the ethereal lights and colors, then we will be home.

September 27, 2010 at 12:08am
September 27, 2010 at 12:08am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All forms of mass, including humanity, were created with specific patterns, laws and energies that regulate its creation and continuance. These specific patterns, laws and energies must be followed in the precise pattern in which they were created and cannot be changed by us or by our spiritual helpers. Evolution is a forward motion and it is ceaseless.

Humanity, one of the highest forms in the chain of evolution was given what we know today as free will. That is, we were given the ability to change our mind and thereby change our path of life within the given patterns, laws and energies, but we cannot change the course of evolution. Evolution will go forward with or without our conscious decisions. It is only recently that we have come to realize that we can work with evolution to make the inevitable forward motion a more harmonious and rewarding experience.

The last sentence is what I was talking about last entry. There are healers, protectors and communicators that I know of. Probably many more people specialize in areas that work with those in spirit to enhance the evolution of humanity. We all came here to work with our spiritual friends. It was part of our contract. Knowledge of evolution of the soul is fairly new. When I started searching, meditation was the new thing to learn; now meditation is common. The learning of our own spirituality is evolving faster with each passing year.

Many more people want to be a part of our evolution but have not known the vocabulary of this path to enlightenment. There are new books and new study guides appearing on library shelves all the time. A teacher of the Light can show the way but cannot tell another what or how they should achieve enlightenment. If they do, be wary of their teaching. Each has their own path and no two paths are the same.

Comparing pathways hinders the seeker. Comparisons will either leave you feeling proud or inadequate, neither of which advances the individual.

My grand nephew’s lymphoma turned out to be benign.

September 24, 2010 at 12:08am
September 24, 2010 at 12:08am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We know that there is enough wealth in the world that, if evenly distributed would more than meet the needs of the world population. There is enough food produced in the world that no person would go without necessary nutrition and no one need be hungry. There is enough medical knowledge in the world that all could be taken care of. What we need is a redistribution of resources; this requires sharing to a point unheard of in the world before. This is what evolution is; love, compassion, generosity and a lack of greed and ego.

Eventually we will reach this point in our evolution and the world will be as described in our religious books, where the lion will lie down with the lamb. Big business will be no more and we will be equal. Sharing and caring will be the way of life. Evolution does and always will move in a forward motion until the ultimate way of life is reached. At that time, we can look forward to full enlightenment back to the spiritual beings that we once were.

The amazing thing about this manuscript, apart from the wisdom, is that we can take any complete idea or part of the entire manuscript – shake them all up in a basket and put them together again and they will fit wherever we put them.

I know this is true because over the course of the three and a half years I was receiving these words; I lost an entire steno pad of written notes. I should say misplaced, not lost. When it came to putting all the bits together, I realized some was missing. A ‘still small voice in my ear said, ‘We’ll help you find it.’ And they did, but the dating was not right. When I read the entire piece over, I realized that I could put the missing part anywhere and it would fit perfectly. All I can say is amazing.

This is all a learning experience for me. A few entries ago I wrote about exceptional spiritual activity in my home on a Tuesday evening and night. At the time, I had no idea why there were so many here. Two days later, my niece told me her son had been diagnosed with lymphoma. I looked back to previous times when there was a lot of activity in my home (that Tuesday was the most active ever), I realized that after each increased activity period, two days later there was a cause for my healing ability to be used.

My son is not a healer, his roll in life is that of a protector. At the present time, he is being asked to redirect the course of an asteroid that is coming toward earth. In some way – which I do not yet understand – the spiritual beings need a physical body to help them do their work. He is asked to redirect this massive asteroid so it will break in two before it hits earth and direct it so it will land in the ocean instead of on land. There will be tidal waves and tsunamis but the destruction will be less than if it lands on populated areas. We shall see. We shall also see the outcome of my grand nephew’s test results. Whatever the diagnosis, I know that he is getting the very best in spiritual help.

September 20, 2010 at 7:09am
September 20, 2010 at 7:09am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Living in a heavenly setting with semi ethereal bodies, where we are governed by universal love, living with universal love, becoming universal love, who would not work towards that goal if they knew what the reward was? Now you are aware of what our goal is and what our reward is. It is time now in the new century to become aware and to work toward our new life.

If you are reading these words, you have already been selected to further God’s Dream. Those who have been encouraged to pick up this book and read these lines have been pre-selected to carry on the Dream and work towards the achievement of universal love throughout the world.

Now, if those words ran a shiver up your spine, think of what they do to me because I am being asked to deliver this message to all who will read it. I am not someone special, neither educated nor trained except for the wisdom those in spirit have given me. I do not personally love everyone I meet; in fact, I can truthfully say that I do not even love some of my siblings. So, what is this love they speak of? I can assume they are talking of loving humanity and caring for the evolution of humanity to a peaceful conclusion. That would entail a gigantic step forward in government because as we know our politicians are teaching division, not love of humanity.

It would also mean a gigantic leap forward in giving up the hoarding of material things. In another part of this manuscript, they tell us that there is enough food and material to feed and house every person on the planet. It is only greed that keeps some of us poor and others wealthy.

On an individual basis, we can do a little but if each does only a little, the accumulated pieces will be enough.

September 16, 2010 at 12:09am
September 16, 2010 at 12:09am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is time for us to forgo the glamour of the commercial world and see them for what they are worth. They are worth nothing in the long term. Of course, we need food, shelter, and the necessities of life but the hoarding of wealth, power and self-glory are what is keeping us from doing the work necessary to bring peace and love to the world.

This is God’s dream, that we, who made an agreement with Him before we came into this world as mere babies would remember our promise at the appropriate time and fulfill that promise. We are being reminded at this time by every means He has in His power that now is the time to remember our promise and to work towards the promised end.

All light workers and men and women of good will are now called forth to expedite and expand the evolutionary process by bringing love and light to our fellow human beings. God’s dream is coming to fulfillment. With our help, the conclusion to the dream can have the happy and glorious ending that was promised. That promise was Heaven on earth.

I am quite certain His dream will be fulfilled even if we all sit on our hands and do nothing, it would just take a lot longer. I, for one, like being aware of the evolution of the souls of humanity and the earth. There is a price to pay, of course, many criticize and disapprove of my work and my writing. Family members that do not understand the hierarchy of the spiritual system have called me ‘crazy’ more than once and this has hurt my children. Then something wonderful happens and all the negative energy is forgotten.

This week a friend had a dream telling her why I was losing my hearing. I already knew why but those in spirit thought it was necessary to inform others. How wonderful is that that my message is important enough to be spread by spiritual intervention. (Of course, that is where the message comes from but sometimes the help I get overwhelms me.)

This morning I was still wide awake at six a.m. My house was so full of spiritual beings there were shadows flitting in every corner of my home. When I finally turned out the lights there were dozens of light sparks in my bedroom. I would guess more than a hundred. This morning there was a new voice speaking but I still could not understand the words. Hopefully my subconscious did.

By the way, if you see light sparks when you turn out the lights, these are your guides and helpers. They cannot turn their light off immediately so they show up as sparks for an instant. It does not matter if your eyes are open or closed.

September 11, 2010 at 6:41pm
September 11, 2010 at 6:41pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our mission was to take care of the earth, to have dominion over it and in all haste, return to heaven and to God’s love. Our eyes saw the glamour and the glory in greed and power and we lost sight of the true glory and reward of heaven. We have an illogical desire for material things and have, in our ignorance, given our true power over to glamour that brings us no joy or happiness. We have given away our birthright and have sought only the false power in material things that bring only more greed and more disharmonies to us and to the smooth functioning of our gloriously created bodies.

Man was created in God’s image so that God could understand the basic essence of man. Because of the complex workings of the human body, we were given very simple instructions as to its upkeep. Simple foods, regular movement and clean water are the basic necessities to keep proper functioning of this very complex organism. Our manufactured food of today tends to clog up the systems and thus we have dysfunction and disease.

I am as guilty as anyone in the purchase and ingesting of manufactured food and drink. Advertising shows only the positive view to tempt those of us willing to try new things that will lessen our chores and workload. Our homes and yards often do not accommodate gardens for vegetables and flowers.

In the future we will go back to growing our foods and bartering for things we need but in the mean time, we see the greed of corporations and individuals all around us.

Some of us who perceive that we have had a less than perfect childhood become obsessed about owning things in the unconscious hope of reclaiming that which we never had. The obsession grows until Spirit puts a stop to it and we may lose everything we have. I speak here of a particular friend who is now is in the process of losing all his possessions and has fallen into a deep depression. An example of what the Masters tell us here.

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