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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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February 28, 2011 at 12:04am
February 28, 2011 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All acts of abuse or domination are based in the fear of losing position and therefore based in greed. Greed is an all-consuming master in our world society, and in the end greed and possession of power is of no value at all.

The only value we should seek is the value and power of love. With love in our hearts and minds and the commitment to share that love, we cannot fail. The aggressiveness of nations or people will only result in retaliation. Greed can only result in the fear of losing possessions and possessions are of no value unless they are shared.

Now, I have a confession to make here. I have been telling you about meditation in the garden, on the beach and in the House of Healing. I myself cannot meditate any more. I did for years in the past but there comes a time when it is not necessary any more. There also comes a time when prayers are not necessary. Once we have asked for and have been heard – and we are always heard – there is no need to ask again. Maybe I am sticking my neck out here but I am talking to people who have been following the path of love for many years.

Don’t you think it is silly to pray over and over again, asking the same thing over and over again? Do we think that God has to be asked more than once for a blessing? Do our children? Wouldn’t you be annoyed if your children asked you every day to feed them, to take care of them, to wash their clothes and provide the necessities of life? God loves us with a love that we cannot even understand with our limited human minds, He knows when we ask for his blessings and to provide us with the necessities of life that we are asking in humility and love. He will answer with His own unlimited love for us. He knows what is best.

Here I am not saying that we need never to pray and ask for His blessings. We will do that because our mind is limited. I say we should live in love, think in love, share in love and be love to the best of our ability. Pray and meditate when we feel we need to but know that He has already heard our prayers.

In all reality, do you think the unlimited love of God is pleased when we repeat the same prayers hundreds of times? Do you think the answer will be different? Above all else, God is practical He is not deaf.

February 25, 2011 at 12:00am
February 25, 2011 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Whether it is nations, governments, parents or anyone else in authority, when bullying tactics are used against a weaker, more vulnerable opponent, there will be retaliation.

The retaliatory action may not always be directed back to the bully, it may be directed down to a smaller, still more vulnerable individual, government or nation.

Aggression or bullying is always based in fear.

Often the fear is of losing position or a lowering of status. Position and power are considered things of value in our present level of evolution. A parent will abuse their child for fear the child is taking away the parent’s place of attention in the family.

Those who put too much value in their position are the most likely to be abusive to others whom they fear. Countries that fear their loss of position are those who will demonstrate aggression towards those countries that they fear may take away their power and prominence.

February 21, 2011 at 12:02am
February 21, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is necessary that those countries that have the knowledge and the resources hold out a hand of friendship to others. Only then can we begin the healing process. Help given freely and without the expectation of reward will be the way to world harmony. In time, even the most aggressive will learn to trust if a concerted effort is made towards equality and justice.

Just as a parent must learn to understand the needs of a child, so must the powerful learn to listen to the needs of the weak.

Just as a new friend must conform to understanding the mannerisms of another, so must nations adjust and accept the culture of other nations. Learning to adapt brings respect and respect brings unity. Demands bring hostility and aggression. Fear is the underlying cause of aggression. When a child fears a parent the child will eventually retaliate. When a weaker, smaller nation fears an aggressive powerful nation the weaker nation will find a way to retaliate when they feel they can beat the bully. There is no doubt that the downtrodden will rise up in retaliation eventually. Let the bully beware, aggression will surely follow.

I wrote these words almost ten years ago when the world was much different than it is today. They seemed appropriate then and they seem appropriate now. Maybe even more so now.

In the introduction to the manuscript, they say each reader will understand the words at a different level. What I am finding is that I understand their words at a different level now than I did when wrote them.

Changes may be slow in coming but the broader the base, the more quickly the growth. Exponential growth of democracy is what we can expect in the future, similar to the burst of growth in technology we have experienced in the recent past. As they have stated previously, technology and evolution of the soul move forward together.

February 18, 2011 at 12:02am
February 18, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It seems that world leaders are dividing into two categories’ the hawks and the doves. More now than ever before the division is more pronounced, there are those that feel that aggression is the way to peace and those who feel that peace can be negotiated.

The division of wealth is a major factor in the turmoil we find ourselves in today. Negotiations and a sharing of wealth will bring about the peace we all want and deserve. Rich countries seem arrogant and lacking in sympathy toward developing countries. It would be in the best interest of all countries to stay away from aggression and ask for help in bringing about equality. It is the responsibility of the rich to sit down with the poor and ask how they can help.

It is not advantageous to give poor nations a hand up and then demand that they conform to standards set by the rich nations. Democracy is preferred but it cannot be demanded. Fairness and equality must be the cornerstone to build on, not threats and aggression.

I remembered the Ascended Masters speaking of democracy. I thought this would be a good time to find this passage after the world events in our news the past few weeks. I am certainly not a new analyst but people demanding to be heard; advocating for rights and freedoms is mentioned several times throughout this manuscript.

The children of the Blue and Indigo Rays have come to advocate for the disadvantaged, for the marginalized and to destroy the status quo. We see that happening now. It may be a slow process but changes will happen as we evolve towards enlightenment.

As they said in the last entry, these are the true humanitarians.

February 14, 2011 at 12:02am
February 14, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The true humanitarian is the person who goes about his or her work without the need for glory or recognition. The true advocate for the unfortunate citizens of our world will work for the benefit of progress, not for glory. The progress achieved will be of benefit to all people of the world because the foundation is then laid for future growth and advancement.

Those who work to achieve equality for all may not realize the full magnificence of their work until they can view their contribution through eyes that are fully enlightened. Their glory shall come from the master Himself, which is God.

I was thinking yesterday of some of the strange thing I have seen over the years. One in particular stands out. To me it shows that those on the other side sometimes need to practice coming out in front of humans.

I was waking from an afternoon nap and saw standing in my living room two people, one male and one female. They were nicely dressed and stood looking at each other. At least I think they were looking at each other because their heads and faces were dried cow pies. Now, being a farm girl as a youngster, I know cow pies, and these two individuals definitely had dried in the sun cow pie heads.

I never saw them again but I feel privileged that these two felt I was a safe person where they could practice their transition.

I sure hope they got it right after that. They were U G L Y !!!

I guess this is my cow pie valentine to you.

Happy Love Day.


February 11, 2011 at 4:39pm
February 11, 2011 at 4:39pm
Today is my first anniversary of blogging. I never in my widest dreams thought I could do it but it has been fun and continues to be fun. We have covered a lot of ground. The Ascended Masters have shared a lot of wisdom with us and shown us the evolution of the soul as it is happening on a daily basis. They have shown us how we are responsible for the advancement of our evolution and how we can stop the progress. Evolution has never reversed and it never will.

Today, for the benefit of my faithful readers I want to show you how you can create your own house of healing and what is available to you every day of your life.

We have walked through the garden: we have walked down the seven steps to reach the peaceful beach: we have enjoyed the beauty and abundance of nature. These portals bring us to our place of healing.

As you step onto your beach, you look to the right – your guides and helpers are there whether you see them or not, they are with you in your garden, on your beach and are constantly available for you.

As you walk to the right, you will see a white house. It glows with a bright white light – the light of healing. You are invited to enter the house. When you step inside you notice everything is white. There are no visible lights but the white light permeates everything.

You see a healing table also covered with a white sheet. You feel the invitation to lie on the table. As you lie there, you notice the shelves and cupboards around you. Every possible piece of equipment, liquid, pill, ointment is available. Your guides are with you. They know what you need even before you do. They know why you are there and are prepared to help you.

Ask and it shall be given you. Accept the gift of grace offered to you. Miracles happen here. You may ask for a physical healing, a spiritual healing or the gift of enlightenment. All is available. Peace and universal love are here.

Go here often, it is your place and you are always welcome.

The garden, the beach and the house of healing are connected, yet they are separate. You can visit one, two or all three. With some experience, you can go directly to your beach or directly to your house of healing. Here you are connected to all levels of knowledge and wisdom.

This is my first anniversary gift to you. Enjoy it for the rest of your life.


February 11, 2011 at 12:01am
February 11, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When a politician is ready to retire, there is often quite a different slant on the rhetoric he or she spins. During their time in office there was not too much done to defend the defenseless, feed the hungry or make homes available for the homeless. Now upon retirement, the speeches are quite different from the actions performed while in office.

The power and glory in politics often brings out the greed in people. Promises given on the campaign trail seem to evaporate into the air after Election Day. It is true that in a democracy the people have the liberty to vote the offending politician out of office but that must wait until the next election. In the mean time, the right-wing policies can do much to separate the rich from the poor. The poor do not have a strong voice in the politics of a country. That is why it is important for us to look after our fellow man on a day-to-day basis. We must not allow the greed of rich corporations or countries to stop the humanitarian efforts needed by the poor developing countries or indeed, the poor and underprivileged in our own community.

The retiring politician can truthfully expose their humanitarian thoughts that perhaps they have hidden from the public all along just to stay in power. After retiring, a politician very often will pursue a career with a social conscience, when the pressure from big business has lessened.

If anyone was afraid of the term I used in the last entry – self-hypnosis –let me clarify. Basically there are four states of consciousness.

They are:

Alpha – the state of wakefulness.

Bata – light meditation as in daydreaming as in creative visualization.

Theta - Associated with creativity, dreams and Extra-sensory perception.

Delta - is associated with deep sleep.

When counting down the seven steps you will be either in Bata or Theta state of consciousness. If you go deeper, you simply fall asleep. So, the terms may be new to you but you are quite safe. When you wake up you may be a few hours older but nothing more serious than that.

Again, if you have any questions, please email me. For those of you who are not members of Writing.com, click on the envelope.

February 7, 2011 at 12:40pm
February 7, 2011 at 12:40pm
This is how to create your own garden and beach.

I will add the house of healing later because doing it all at one time is a little too much.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in a garden, this is best done before you fall asleep at night. If you fall asleep before your garden is done, let it be. Next time you can continue your creation.

Create whatever you want in this garden.

Add colours, trees, animals, birds, music -- let these things come to you.

You are standing on a pathway that leads through the garden.

Create a bench or other seating arrangement.

Sit on the bench and continue to create the beauty that surrounds you.

There is light but there is no sun. There are no shadows; there is only beauty peace and healing energy.

When you feel you are ready, walk along the pathway to the end.

There you will find seven steps leading down to a beach.

You see the beach but you cannot yet reach it.

Walk down the steps.

As you walk down, count down from one to seven using this method:

The first step say ‘one - down’

Second step say ‘two - down down’

Third step say ‘three - deeper down’

Fourth step say ‘four - deeper deeper down’

Fifth step say five - ‘down down deeper down’

Sixth step say six - ‘down down deeper deeper down’

Seventh step say seven - ‘down down deeper deeper deeper down’.

The order of the words does not matter or the order in which you say them. What I have used here is just an example. As long as you count the seven steps down you will continue to go deeper into meditation.

When you step off the seventh step, you will be on your own private beach. You will also be in a state of very light self-hypnosis.

Again, create the beach adding sand, water, sky, trees, colours, birds, animals (where the lion lays down with the lamb) and perhaps a place to sit and enjoy the scene.

You may see a boat; you may see buildings – again let things come into your mind.

Look to your right. You may see your guides. It is easier to see your guides and helpers here. If you see someone, walk towards them. You may recognize them. Speak to them. Hug them. They will open their arms to you.

Enjoy your visit.

Each time you visit your garden or beach, it will be easier and faster to go there. Always look to the right to find your guides. Do not be disappointed if you don’t see them. They are there with you always.

Once you have established your way you do not have to visit both your garden and your beach – you may visit one or the other or both.

Make a copy of this entry and read it as often as you need to do so. Soon you will be traveling to your garden and/or beach with just a thought – a blink of an eye.

Email me if you have questions.

February 7, 2011 at 12:05am
February 7, 2011 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It could be a joyful trip home if we could realize why we are here and what our eventual destination is. We would not have the desire to spend time at war with each other. We would all be working so hard to get to the Promised Land that any thoughts of aggression would not have any room in our minds. We would all be so busy helping each other along the path that our thoughts would only be of love and peace. What a beautiful picture that would be.

Now our duty is to make this imagined picture come true. It is our duty and responsibility to create a loving family, community and world that will lead us home to God.

Imagination in our reality is reality in another dimension.

When I speak of my garden, beach or house of healing, it exists in my imagination – others cannot visit there but everyone can create their own place either by themselves or with my help. I have shown dozens of people how to create their own garden, beach and house of healing.

Is it real or is it imagination?

My recent experience when I visited my garden and found it lacked colour and intensity was a lesson for me about reality in other dimensions. When I asked why the colour had left my garden, I was given the answer that too many people had visited and someone had extracted too much energy from the garden. I was also given that our guides and helpers were trying to restore the energy. My instructions were to wait for a week then return – if it was possible, our guides and helpers would restore the garden. If it was not possible, I was to create a different garden.

Our guides and helpers were successful in restoring the energy and consequently my beautiful garden is once more available to me and to others.

What surprised me in this experience was that although our guides and helpers are powerful, they are not ‘all-powerful’. There was a possibility that they would not be successful in restoring the energy. Only God is all-powerful.

Another reminder was how hard they work for us. Mostly we take them for granted and do not thank them for their caring. Although at the present moment I greatly appreciate the work they do but I’m sure it will quickly be forgotten.

What a shame.

February 4, 2011 at 12:01am
February 4, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is important to remember that we are our brother’s keepers. It does not matter where we were born or from which country we originated, we are all one. We were all created from the same source and that source is God. We are all connected through that source. We are all on the same journey back to that source. Back to our original spirit from where we came.

Imagine for a moment in your mind all those in human form marching together on the same road back to God. Imagine what it would be like to travel together in unity back to that brilliant light at the end of the road. Imagine how pleasant the trip would be if we all helped each other in universal love and compassion. Imagine what a joyful homecoming that will be when we all reach our destination together

My imagination was causing a lot of fear for me this last week. I had a fairly large plumbing problem that had to fixed. Money is always a problem when one is on a fixed income and some renovations must go unattended but when the tap in the shower/bath is broken, it must be fixed no mater what the cost.

Still my imagination was on fast forward.

I went to my imaginary garden to find peace and saw it was still in black and white mode. Attached to this garden, however is my beach where I can always find solace and peace. This visit to my beach revealed a new addition. There was a small pool partially filled with an orange gelatinous material. I didn’t know what it was so I asked and the answer given was that I could cast my fears into the pool where they would be sealed in the jellylike substance. The knowledge that the pool is there for me is a powerful tool and a welcome addition.

The plumber’s cost still made my toes curl but I have enough to purchase groceries for the rest of the month – that is until the heating oil bill comes through the mail slot.

Anyone want to purchase a manuscript – guaranteed a best seller*Bigsmile*

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