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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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September 6, 2010 at 9:22pm
September 6, 2010 at 9:22pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

A child who may be born into this physical life and only stays a few minutes, hours, days or years has, in that short time already learned or taught all the lessons that is required of them. The education is not only for the child’s soul, but also for the family they were born into and everyone involved or associated with that life. When a child lives only a short life, the lessons they came to teach are often for the medical profession as well as the family. How many surgical procedures are learned by the medical profession because of the death of an individual whose family gave approval for an autopsy?

A personal story. More than five decades ago a son was born to us. He was born with congenital condition called Mega Colon. He was airlifted from our town to the Children’s Hospital in Toronto. He was the youngest child in Canada ever to have surgery for this condition. He lived eleven weeks. We allowed an autopsy. Fifteen years later, headline story in major newspapers told of a surgical procedure perfected to correct mega colon.

Decades later I met Terri and through her Alexander. He told me there were three reasons our son came to earth and in the short period of eleven weeks he finished all he came to accomplish.

First, to show the way to teach doctors the method of surgery.

Second, to begin the process of my husband’s death. Yes, you read that correctly. My husband took the death of our child as a personal defeat; it set him on a course of self-destruction.

And thirdly, our son did not stay because he was a genius, his older brother was born oxygen deprived and would have a very difficult life. He has had but things are now fairly normal. Had our second son lived, our first son’s life would have been even more difficult trying to cope with a genius little brother.

This is another example of a little piece of a very large picture. Had I not met Terri and Alexander, I would never have known. Oh, and why did my husband have to die? I was told, so that I could live. My life plan could not be completed if he had lived.

September 3, 2010 at 2:20am
September 3, 2010 at 2:20am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God in His wisdom knew that we, in the fleshy body could not achieve this dream alone, therefore, He gave us the use of the earth’s spiritual hierarchy to act on His behalf, as Guardian Angels. The angels made a contract with God that they would willingly guide us along the path of our evolving consciousness for as long a time as was needed. These angels live in many dimensions and each has their own individual abilities that they use to help us along the way. They have never been in human form, like the Archangels. Some spiritual beings have experienced human form and use their knowledge of humanity to help us along. Guardian angles are light forms; they can sometimes be seen as specks of light in a darkened room.

Some thoughts – some conclusions – some mysteries

I have been reading Sylvia Browne’s book, Exploring the Levels of Creation

As above, so below; we have often heard this expression and she describes seven levels below and seven levels above our earth plain. However, I believe there are more than fourteen levels or dimensions. These levels have been described to me as being like waves on the shore, there is no distinction and the edges are blended. She says we can visit all levels but some we would not want to visit. Especially the seventh below which she says is negative thoughts only and the seventh above which she and her guide Francine describe as confusing. Francine has said that she only visited the seventh once and found it a bit disconcerted to see all the faces. She says people who go there to stay give up their individuality and identity and become a part of God. She also says that all communication is carried out by telepathy.

This explains why, when I go there, I see a multitude of faces but I do not hear any communication and other than Jesus, I do not recognize anyone. It also justifies my thoughts that communication takes place but it is on the subconscious, telepathic level.

The mystery is why did Alexander create a special meditation to teach me how to travel to this dimension? It begs the question, who am I? And puts a tremendous burden on me as I ask myself if I am fulfilling my life contract to which I agreed before I came to earth.

Sylvia also says in this book that those who chose to be spirit guides must take special training for them to learn how to speak to humans. I have mentioned that there is a male voice near me at all times but I do not understand what he says. He often sings or chants, moans and sometimes he sounds like a radio announcer. I have chided myself that I do not understand what he says but I have concluded that it is up to him to learn to speak so that I can understand him, not my duty to learn how to decipher his speeches. I don’t even know his name.

Perhaps he is in class, learning his trade.

August 30, 2010 at 5:13pm
August 30, 2010 at 5:13pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Jesus did not write the book of history. Jesus did not write a book of religion. Jesus taught love. Man teaches religion. Love is the only religion. If one teaches love only then there is no barrier between differing people, there is no difference. The differences one sees are through the teaching of people who are not wise, not through the teaching of love. Politics is based on differences, not on love. Those who truly love do not enter into the divisiveness of politics. Those who truly love stand ready to teach love, teach togetherness, not divisiveness. Those who are wise, those who are old souls do not pit male against female, old against young, black against white. Those who teach love teach nothing other than love, they do not harbor ill will against another soul. God created all souls equal; no one should be loved less than another should.

Alexander taught me how to visit the seventh dimension of light. I go there often, sometimes just to chat with the Ancient ones, the Ascended Masters. Yet, when I return, I never remember what they have said.

When I arrive, I am aware of a room full of people, I see only shadows, but I am aware they are happy to see me. A door opens to my left and a bright golden light shines through the opening. Jesus stands there. He beckons me and I follow him into the lighted room. I sit at a round table with Jesus and one other person, we reach to touch each other’s hands and all is quiet. I do not hear the conversation, there is no need for me to talk, they know what I need.

The first time I met him, Jesus told me clearly that he does not wish or want to be worshiped. He said he is a man like all men (humankind). The only difference is that he has evolved to a high degree of love. Some have evolved further, they are beyond the reach of humankind although they can, and sometimes do come back to our earth plain.

Joseph is one of those. When my grandson first came to live with me Joseph was a constant visitor to our home. His real name is Josepharim but for us he was Joseph. He stayed for a few years and then told my g-son that he would be leaving. He returned a few years later when my second grandson was born. He was in the hospital with us but then returned to his natural home beyond the seventh dimension.

There are dimensions above the seventh dimension of light and below the seventh dimension of darkness. These are places I cannot go.

August 27, 2010 at 9:22am
August 27, 2010 at 9:22am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

As we have stated all things are created of love. Although our use of love is limited at this time, we can still use love to the best of our ability. Those who are called healers, use their knowledge of love. When they place their hands on another individual in an act of healing they may feel the essence of love flow through their body. This essence of love often produces heat. When the atoms and molecules speed up they produce the heat and together with love result in the healing energy. This is an example how love is used as a creative force.

I don’t think our understanding of love can even come close to the true meaning of God’s love. However, I can give you a very small example of what the Ascended Masters are talking about in the paragraph above.

A friend of mine (Terri) had a pain that encircled the upper part of her left arm. There seemed to be no reason for the pain since there are no joints in that area, half way between the elbow and shoulder. It seemed to be a phantom pain but it became so intense at times, she could not lift her arm.

She asked if I would take her into a past life to see if we could discover the origin of the pain.

As she lay on my healing table, I guided her into a past life, which would show us the cause of her excruciating pain. She quickly went into a lifetime during the American civil war when she was a black slave. Her left arm had been severed in a farming accident at the exact spot where she was now feeling the pain. At the moment of her discovery, the pain vanished and did not return. The heat at that point in her arm was so intense, it was almost unbearable for her for a few minutes. We created a past life memory and the arm renewed itself.

Whenever I am able to discover such clear past life stories I am curious to learn who was with them in that other lifetime. In this case, a white man helped her (him, at that time) escape and get to Canada. The white man in that life was her brother (Joseph) in this life whom she was very close to.

Now as a small demonstration of Karma – in that lifetime, Joseph probably saved her life. In this lifetime, Terri nursed her brother Joseph through the horrible agony of AIDS in the early ‘90’s before medication for that virus was discovered.

A very small glimpse of a very large picture.

August 22, 2010 at 1:11pm
August 22, 2010 at 1:11pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Heaven cannot be handed to us on a silver platter without any effort on our part. Heaven on earth can only be achieved with our own effort and with our own work every minute of every day. God will never judge us if we do not live up to these high expectations. He, His angels and spiritual hierarchy know that we cannot be vigilant every minute of every day but He does expect us to do His work faithfully. If there is a momentary failure on our part, He expects us to correct this lapse and return to His work without delay. The work will not be done if we are not willing to do it. None can do the work but us. There is no one else. We came to an agreement before we were born, while we were still in spirit and we are now reminded of that agreement.

I have read various dates and times when we shall achieve heaven on earth. Dates from 2012 to 2060 to 2325 have been mentioned. One thing seems to be consistent is that Earth will not be destroyed. Our earth has endured many changes since creation, it has evolved and seemingly regressed and evolved again, but it has never been destroyed. Near the end of this manuscript I am told ‘in the twinkling of an eye’ -- same words we read in the bible -- we shall be transported to the new world. I believe it will be like walking into a new life without death that will take us to the bright and beautiful world. Our present life will be forgotten, just like our past lives have been forgotten with a few exceptions, we will wake up to our new surroundings and we will be completely at home without knowing things have changed.

August 12, 2010 at 11:38pm
August 12, 2010 at 11:38pm
I'm going to visit one of the high energy spots I have mentioned. Probably be back on the 23rd.
August 8, 2010 at 9:58pm
August 8, 2010 at 9:58pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There will always be advocates for the marginalized in our society. Strong-willed individuals who speak out for the disadvantaged will usually be members of the group that is being discriminated against.

The chosen soul path of these advocates is usually to be born into such a marginal group, spend their young lives being victimized, later in life they become an advocate or spokesperson for that group. In this way, they truly understand what it is like to be victimized and marginal.

During the early ’90 I had the privilege of working as a volunteer at a drop-in centre for people infected and affected with the HIV/AIDS virus. It was a time when the virus was running rampant throughout the Gay/Lesbian/Transsexual/ Trans Gendered community. The young man who had started this drop-in centre was also a very talented psychic. He had heard of my work with spiritual healing.

Together with a few other healers, we began an alternative healing clinic within the drop-in centre. During the five years I was there the concept spread across Canada and the United States. George was a very quiet man and went about his advocacy work spreading his wisdom and generosity without fanfare. He brought thousands of people to healing tables across North America. He died of the virus while he was in his early thirties, before medication was available.

I said I was privileged to work with him and others because I have never worked with a group of people closer to God than they were. They came from all lifestyles, there were teachers, street drug users, ex-cons and language translators who worked in the House of Commons and Senate. I still have his picture beside my computer after fifteen years as an inspiration.

August 6, 2010 at 11:54am
August 6, 2010 at 11:54am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Greed in a very broad sense touches every aspect of our lives even though we do not think of it as such. We could also place ego in the same category as greed. We could say that ego and greed are the twin blocks that lead us down the road of destruction.

We are aware that each individual’s needs are many in order to survive in today’s society. When we speak of blocks that hinder our progress to evolution, we speak of the western society as a whole. However, at the personal level we all contribute to the whole. We do not separate our needs from our wants. Therefore, when we strive to fulfill all our wants we allow ourselves to contribute to ever-growing stress that leads to illness and disease.

A young man I know is having great difficulty with this problem. He is a dear friend and was one of the top-of–he-line psychics I have consulted many times over the years. His ability was among the best of my friends.

His problem is separating his wants from his needs – he has great difficulty defining his needs. For instance, he ‘needed’ a painting for his living room but did not have enough money for his groceries. To him, at that moment, the painting was more important. He has recently been diagnosed as clinically depressed and is on the highest dosage of medication. Even sadder is that he has lost his ability as a psychic. He simply cannot see beyond reality any more. The medications leave him feeling no emotion at all, as these chemicals are prone to do. He is the only one who can fix his problem – pills will not do it. If we misuse God’s gifts, they are taken away.

If you have friends who are in need of spiritual healing, a site offers these services free. Requests can be made at http://www.the-dhn.com/ hundreds of volunteers worldwide are there to help.

August 2, 2010 at 12:02am
August 2, 2010 at 12:02am

These paragraphs are a continuation of the last entry.

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

So it is with nations. As one nation matures and develops a unique personality, it is in the best interests of the world as a whole to provide guidance where it is needed and to allow progress to be individualized in the best interests of the developing nation and therefore the world.

The ‘terrible two’s’ can be avoided for the most part by wise guidance and understanding and allowing the new personality to develop freely.

If we can teach our young to respect the personality of the individual, this lesson will be of great importance in the evolution of generations to come. Harmony begins in the family. We cannot emphasize this enough; it is of the greatest importance.

Many of our fears and phobias are introduced when we are young. I, for instance have a fear of starvation. We were very poor during the ‘30’s on the prairies and there were days when we did not have enough to eat.

When a child is regularly instilled with confidence, s/he will live up to that praise and feel proud of them self. The opposite is also true. Feelings of pride and accomplishment or feeling of defeat and self-doubt have their roots in childhood. And so it is with countries. We are all one, created of the same fabric: evolving on the same course. Planets, stars, countries and kids. Let it begin with us.

July 30, 2010 at 12:03am
July 30, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now we see that people and nations are somewhat the same in their patterns of growth. We sometimes hear of a child who has reached the age of two and is just beginning to learn that they have choices but are not yet able to verbalize those choices. This is what we sometimes call the terrible two’s. In fact it could be looked at as the wonderful two’s. We can see with wonderment the awesome progress a child has achieved in such a very short period of time. Now is the time when the individual personality if formed. If a parent is wise, the new personality will be honored. If a parent is not so wise, they will continue to dominate the young one and cause much grief for both the child and the parent, and indeed for the whole family. It is to be remembered that this child has come to fulfill its own individual life path of evolution. At this time, it is wise for a parent to provide needed guidance and protection but not impose their own personality. This will surely lead to rebellion and aggression.

It is so much easier to be a grandparent than to be responsible for toddlers and children on an hourly basis. We are not given a rulebook when we become parents and each one of us must start as a newbie.

When I became a parent for the first time in 1959, there was only one book in the library on childcare. That was Dr. Benjamin Spock and his methods were far from perfect. Now there is a plethora of books and magazines dedicated to the care of children. Yet, when it comes to actual hands-on care we often don’t know the right thing to do. The very young know only emotion, they do not yet reason.

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