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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Missoula, Montana

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"For Jeanette ... when she grows old
"Koan on an October sky

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"Half-naked dreams? 'Getting the stain out of genes!
"James Doohan, Scotty. Ombra mai fu. Eutin Guitar Orchestra



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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November 12, 2013 at 12:03pm
November 12, 2013 at 12:03pm
O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.

From The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh 1:1. Today is the birthday of Bahá'u'lláh (November 12, 1817).


Today dawned foggy in Missoula.

Sun crept over the ridge in a halo. Very beautiful.

We shall see what today brings.

Years ago I would have been very busy today helping my community to prepare for the Holy Day.

But I've crawled into my shell the last ten years, especially the last five.

The world swirls around me whether I am aware or not.

In other news:

In response to a blog by Prosperous Snow celebrating :

Blogging, like keeping my journal, helps me express what I'd otherwise keep inside or to myself. For me it's a safety valve.

Writing does reveal. My up-coming (it's taking forever) chapbook has personal poems. They reveal more than I'm comfortable with. That said, so does blogging.

I'll get over it. *Smile*

November 11, 2013 at 12:23pm
November 11, 2013 at 12:23pm
...damn power lines.


It's odd how the eye doesn't seen certain things. Like power lines... until one points the camera that direction... then they are an obvious nuisance. We have lots of them here in this part of town. Same in Pérez Zeledón in Costa Rica. Hard to take a nice photo with power lines in the forefront.


1. Chapbook:

Fought with Word yesterday and I (may have) won. At least I have copies of "poems" for my chapbook that are well-formated. In other words... I could probably print them "as is". Now to re-read and scrutinize for typos and other stupidity.

2. Travel:

A. Made copies from my journal of three month trip in Costa Rica November 2012 - January 2013. There are names, places, phone numbers, prices... Fought copy machine but finally done. Need to add July-August 2013. It's less crucial but I'd rather have it with me than not. Up coming trip is December 7th - February 4th.

B. I really do think Portugal in March and Norway in May is doable. April would be a journey of getting from Portugal to Norway (by way of Turkey or Montenegro or Poland?).

3. Where do I live?

Not sure... I seem to have lost a couple years. Since I started traveling in 2009 and in earnest in 2011 I haven't been here in Montana much. I do look forward to being here, but friends move on and I don't even realize it. Like, Lavinia has had her "new" car for 2 years? When did that happen? I'm not in Costa Rica enough to consider that home either. Oh well, traveling works for now.

4. Phoebe Snetsinger

Never heard of her? From Wikipedia:

Phoebe was a birder famous for having seen over 8,398 species by the time of her death.

A. Inspired to begin birding after seeing a Blackburnian Warbler in 1965, Phoebe did not follow the hobby ardently until a doctor diagnosed her with terminal melanoma in 1981 (age 50). Instead of convalescence at home, she took a trip to Alaska to watch birds, and returned home to find the cancer in remission. From then on, she would travel to often remote areas, sometimes under dangerous environmental and political conditions, in order to add to her growing life list. As an amateur ornithologist, she took copious field notes, especially regarding distinctive subspecies, many of which have since been reclassified as full species.

B. While on a birding trip in Madagascar in 1999 (age 68), the van she was riding in overturned, killing her instantly. Her final life bird, after almost two decades as a "terminal cancer patient," was the Red-shouldered Vanga, a species which had only been described as new to science in 1997.

Snetsinger's memoir, titled Birding on Borrowed Time, was published posthumously in 2003 by the American Birding Association (ABA). The ABA describes this work as "More than merely a travel narrative, the book is also a profoundly moving human document, as it details how Phoebe Snetsinger's obsession with birds became a way of coping with terminal illness."

5. Maybe I should take up birding? Nah... it's the passion that counts.
November 9, 2013 at 6:23pm
November 9, 2013 at 6:23pm
...and I'm blogging?


I must be bored. Not really. Just cantankerous. Griz won the football game so they are almost assured of a playoff game. With my luck I'll be on a jet plane the day before...

But, that doesn't really matter.

I've started making lists and more lists and more lists...

Must get some things off those lists!


There was a bit of sunshine today. The brother of one of the counter people at Bernice's Bakery calls them "sucker holes" As in... they make you want to go out and play in the sun ...then the clouds snap shut and guess what that makes you?


Been cold. I've been cold. Lots of folks with colds. Having bad legs (still) is enough. I don't want to be... *Sick*.

Anyhoo, back to dealing with chapbook. When I have news... you'll know it!
November 8, 2013 at 5:14pm
November 8, 2013 at 5:14pm
...maybe my anxiety from buying the tickets will go down before then?


I bought my tickets. Delta site gave me a moment's grief but no prob...

I leave December 6th MSO-SLC-LAX-SJO arriving on Saturday morning the 7th and return Tuesday February 4th SJO-ATL-MSP-MSO.

I carefully consider departure and arrival dates and times. I even payed attention to the layovers times. Too little or too much is a pain. Too little can be a nightmare!

So... my pocket book is lighter and the piggy bank a tad skinnier. I don't worry much about costs to Costa Rica. To Europe? That's another story! Then again... round trip to Lisbon in March-May for $1,004. ($1,106 on Delta is better.)

There is hope.

By-the-way, gasoline is at $3.03/gallon here now.

Even more hope.

No chance my income will go up so conserving is the name of the game.

One thing done...
November 7, 2013 at 4:14pm
November 7, 2013 at 4:14pm
...as in, not feeling well.


I think I need sunshine. Not going to get any today.

I could lie down and sleep until Spring.

I believe I've finished the photo album on Oslo at facebook. Small, very small, accomplishment but okay on a day I feel fuzzy headed.


Don't feel like being around people.


November 6, 2013 at 3:33pm
November 6, 2013 at 3:33pm
... why is it that you don't stay put in one place for a year?"


Good question by Jamie. It's addictive? I'm getting old? I spent too many years not being able to go anywhere? I'm making up for time lost? I dunno. Probably all the above.

I also haven't found one place I want to stay all year. I'll be searching again in Costa Rica but I doubt I'll find a place.

Missoula? Gotta leave the grey skies of winter and the smoke-choke of fire season. The landscape doesn't speak to me, mountains close me in, people are pleasant and tolerant but not overly warm.

Anywhere else? If I find it...

I've lived long stretches of time in one place. I get into a rut, a routine. I'm trying to have more experiences of people and place.

Traveling helps.
November 5, 2013 at 3:16pm
November 5, 2013 at 3:16pm


Scarlett noted: "Your chapbook won't go anywhere while you dream of or make other plans. Where would you like to go where you haven't been already?"

1. She's right.
2. I feel a lack of focus right now. Chapbook or travel plans?
3. Portugal, Sénégal, Montenegro, Alaska, Burkina Faso and Niger, Cameroon, Madagascar, Turkey...

This link is wonderful as it explains much of the positives and negatives I go through:


Part of my present problem is that I have too many "irons in the fire". I get easily overwhelmed.

So I need to stop whelming myself.
November 4, 2013 at 4:49pm
November 4, 2013 at 4:49pm

*Snowman* Me:

Well, not quite. We had maybe 2 centimeters. But I took photos and put them up on facebook. I especially wanted my Costa Rican friends to notice. I pick on them every chance I get!

Almost 2 pm and still some flakes in the air. Been a cold day.

...and to think I could be in Portugal... not too cold there even in winter. February? March when the almonds bloom in the Douro Valley?

Still dreaming.

Slogging through photos of Ålesund Norway from May and Karlskrona Sweden from June. I do want to return, but not in November.

Anyone know a place I could rent for the month of May in Norway?

Went to Airbnb... found a place for under $900/month near Løten (railroad stop) near Hamar... Since hostels can add up to $1,200 to $1,500/month that's not bad. Isolated without a car. It would serve well as a retreat. It includes breakfast. I could practice my Norwegian!

Just checked time and prices for train to other cities. The minipris is $42 (NOK 249) ...must consider this...

Portugal in March, Norway in May... where to go in April? *Laugh*

Yeah, still dreaming.

In other news: no progress on chapbook. I seem to have hit a wall. Emotionally I'm at a low point. But the good news is that I always pull through.
November 3, 2013 at 11:34pm
November 3, 2013 at 11:34pm
...means I can live nicely!


If the wealthy weren't wasteful I couldn't afford second hand clothes or appliances. Gleaning autumn fruit would be difficult. Day old baked goods? Canned items the store can't sell?

If I had to pay premium prices I couldn't afford to live the way I do.

Even the building I live in is "old" by American standards and sub-standard because I have to share the toilet, tub and showers.

Yep. I'm blessed to live in a land of excess.

But free stuff is being threatened. Public schools, public libraries, public parks face privatization or fees. Pay-your-own way is another way to say the poor are not welcome.

In Costa Rica, very little is free. Even second hand can cost unless handed down through friends or family. One thing though: beaches and access to beaches and family camping at the beach. But even that is being threatened by politicians caving in to resorts for wealthy tourists who do not wish to be in contact with local people.

Still, I should be thankful. Yesterday I scored a free sugar-skull handed out at the Day of the Dead parade. And I picked up an abandoned carnation and a yellow origami lily. Trash to others but special to me.
November 1, 2013 at 3:07pm
November 1, 2013 at 3:07pm
Would I remember if I did?

Clueless me:

Today is First Friday (art shows); tomorrow Day of the Dead (including evening parade). Plenty to do here. Game tomorrow afternoon as well.

Did I blog yesterday and not save it? Who knows...


Could've been about writing a cento like I posted at facebook:

A cento... "composed of other poet's lines..." well my poem "Once in Iceland" is that. But... the centi (patchwork poems) in my own chapbooks are composed from lines lifted from my own poems. Yes... it's not the same, but what would I call them... BENTO? like a Japanese lunch box? LOL


Cento for 'This and every November'

Clouds shake their heads. Our lives stretch out to pale thin threads.

Too bad I couldn't have been your friend. Most only knew labels they had stuck on me, what in their eyes I'd become. You always knew the taste of arsenic defined me, how to give flight to my lyrical voice.

What up-flow of wisdom will you now share from your depths of perception? How much life had been sacrificed here? Is the heart just a paper cut-out, some fleeting symbol? Tonight the moon lights the pines, casts shadows on white, sleeps in the dimples of tracks in fresh snow. And this is how the tale sometimes ends: sunset along a swift flowing stream, the lushness hurting the eyes with the brilliance of emeralds.

You bloomed within me, a deep red spot as bright as dawn. You only wanted to stay warm and dry. My eyes dim this grey day, but yours reddened with a cold, glow as embers. Like most men, I'm an amateur in the capture of hearts. No surprise you rejected my fawning crush. I have always loved most those I wanted to be. When I look into my friend's eyes is it your twinkle looking back at me? I could leave but where would my thoughts find a home without me to return to?

But life is bitter within a shell, lonely within a cave. It's art for those who come out and play.

There are 22 "poems". Each is represented ... in order ... in the above. Of course, I may still change the order.

I've worked on acknowledgements and citations. Need to find cover photo, decide final layout, choose font, find place to print it.

Still lots of work. But ... it's coming along. If I pace myself I won't exhaust myself.

As for travel? On hold but even trip to Costa Rica MUST be planned soon.


Portugal got on Lonely Planet's list... *Frown* Nice, but does that mean more tourists?


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