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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"'heart's home'
"In the midst of silence
"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"Boise City
"Starbeams on Tulsa

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"Half-naked dreams? 'Getting the stain out of genes!
"Wheat penny. Gave in, started a forum.



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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July 15, 2013 at 3:10pm
July 15, 2013 at 3:10pm
5. I write it. *Laugh*
4. I like it. *Rolleyes*
3. I hear multiple voices from all the World's cultures. *Delight*
2. Poems tend to be short. *Shock*
1. I have a short attention span. *Pthb*


Reading Sharon Bryan who is totally different than Marilyn Chin who was nothing like... anyone else I've read recently.

Reading Welch's Winter in the Blood is taking me time. The movie will be shown here this coming weekend and I want to finish.

Clothes wash done *CheckG*; underwear washed, boiled and hung *CheckG*; phone bill ...oops...

Talked to a former co-worker yesterday for two hours. Glad she answered the phone as I knew she'd been ill and off work. (At our age one never assumes much...) Anyhoo, raises questions about "retirement" and disability. If my income goes down (which is what I'd expect), I could be hurting financially.

Until then? Travel!
July 13, 2013 at 2:51pm
July 13, 2013 at 2:51pm


Market day and run-run-run day. The children's and beer races are on. Tomorrow? The marathon.

Me... I walk ...or hobble.

No news.

My friend Trish took me to Best Buy. Bought SD cards for my camera for the upcoming trip. Bought a 1 terabyte external backup drive. Install but it hasn't/won't back up all my photos ...and that's why I bought it. *Confused* Also got my meds for hypertension.

It's time to get ready for my trip.

*Reading* Marilyn Chin's poetry and James Welch's Winter in the Blood.

I need a coffee.

Probably shouldn't have bought that piece of blackberry pie, but I'd passed it by last week...

As for foot? Maybe:


In any case the foot feels better at times but isn't totally healed.
July 10, 2013 at 5:46pm
July 10, 2013 at 5:46pm


I managed to upload 1 (yeah, one) duck photo from my camera to this computer to facebook. *Confused* At least I have the right connector. I'll try the system downtown at the library.

So many pictures ... 7,000 at least to look at and edit. I must start before the 24th when I leave.


I'm walking a bit better. Pain went from bottom of foot to top. I do not like the slight swelling and heat... Not a good sign. But... I can get up the stairs without issues if I'm careful. *Smile*

Most everything has been put on hold. I did remember to pay July and August rent. And $3 meals at the Senior Center means I don't have to walk to the store. I boiled my underwear. The shirts pile up. I've been reading a lot...

So, I could complain, but in many ways life is just ducky. *Smirk*
July 8, 2013 at 5:45pm
July 8, 2013 at 5:45pm
...please stay.


Rumble, rumble... wondered what they were doing out in the alley in the early morning.

Then... that grey pale. What time is it? Ah, rain. Thunder. A flash of lightning. Not used to rain in the morning. Especially in Montana.

The morning was cool.

But Wednesday won't be. *Pthb* Probably around 95º. Shouldn't complain of course. Summer hasn't been unbearable. It can be.

A bit of rain... if no fires were started... we may get lucky. I only have to wait until the 24th. Then I'll get rained on plenty. *Delight*

Checked flights to Bangkok, Fiji, Mombasa, Lisbon. Using Matrix:


Since I don't do hotel and flight packages and since I always go to the airlines to buy my ticket this seems better for me than Orbitz. Less glitter, but I don't need glitter.

Last night I read up on Kenya. The Swahili Coast (Mombasa) looks intriguing.

Also finished a book of poems by Henri Cole. I think I have found another favorite writer.
July 6, 2013 at 1:44pm
July 6, 2013 at 1:44pm
...yeah, a quickie.


Nothing to report!

I'm still ill but not as ill. The pain has shifted to other parts of my body. Not thrilled, but better than before.

Went to the art exhibits for 1st Friday. Saw some fireworks. Not as hot as it's been. Read.

Hardly ate.

All good news. Today I walked to market (my right heel has been hurting) and to the library. Even checked my mail!

So... no news.

If I chose to do nothing I'd be thrilled but I really have no energy so it feels imposed upon me.

Yeah, a quickie. Satisfied?
July 2, 2013 at 3:41pm
July 2, 2013 at 3:41pm

*Reading* I'm reading Sappho's Gymnasium by Brumas and Begley (1994) and finding it difficult due to style. There are some good lines and images though. I found the above exquisite.

Finished My House, poems of Nikki Giovanni; August Strindberg's play Miss Julie, and Alicia Hokanson's book of poetry.

I'm reading James Welch's Winter in the Blood.


I tend to have nightmares anymore. The peace of a dream where a beloved friend dies in my arms was welcomed.

In real life, I'm taking it s.l.o.w. We are in the midst of a mini-heat wave. 100º isn't fun with south facing windows and no a/c. I'm fine but I do very little ...or less.

I manage.

But those flocks of solitudes... do not wish to surrender.
July 1, 2013 at 3:10pm
July 1, 2013 at 3:10pm

me me and the other me (the one we-two mees agree about):

Thank-you for you comments on the last blog. I suspect williampadgett almost ...almost exhausted the issue. *Smile*

To clarify my situation, I've met various WDC bloggers: Susan visited me in Kansas; I visited Charlene and Connie in Washington, Linda, Thomas and Mandy in Minnesota, Mavis, Ann, Julie and Amanda in England (Linda again), Teresa in Montana. Last year I visited Ann Lisa in Sweden. I've spoke to a few by phone.

I meet great people on my travels. I have a couple friends in Costa Rica. Here in Montana I meet real folks. Some very young, others very old. Mostly they have busy lives and we barely touch at the coffeehouse, market, walking down the street. On-line, I do keep in touch through facebook. Even have made an effort to check up on family.

Some days it feels lonely in spite of all this!

So the problem is me. And that other me. And the one we-two mees agree about (but don't speak about in public).


At market, the face-painter Susan channeled Bette Davis. She has a friend Kevin who is an expert but she does well.

She said:

"I'm gonna serve my pet PARakeet...


I said that I'd like a piece of it.

"If ma SISter don't choke on it first."

Hysterical. I asked her where THAT came from. She said "I said pet parakeet and soufflé just popped out..."

Talent. The woman has talent.

So some day I'll write a poem with a line about "my pet parakeet ...soufflé".
June 28, 2013 at 5:40pm
June 28, 2013 at 5:40pm
Well ...yes. On both counts.


Blogging does matter even when it fails to be read or commented on. Back in the day when many WDC folk started to post at Open Salon, someone commented that my blog wouldn't fit into their format.

They were probably right.

In the last ten years I've lived in 4 states and Costa Rica. I've been homeless. I've traveled to 9 European countries; two twice. Written thousands of prosaic and poetic pieces.

Only the homeless period was found fascinating by the WDC crowd. That would've been worthy of Open Salon. But I'm not homeless any more.

"Life is boring."

Well, not quite.

I do need to edit and post more poetry and prose. I should write more opinion pieces. Sometimes I do them quite well. But everything takes time and energy. I could make time when I don't travel but my energy levels are low.

My travel photos are well-viewed at facebook; but, truthfully, even there I have to "work the crowd".

I scramble for every facebook friend and connection I can. In real life I wonder whether I have any close friends.

I do miss Blogville because I had the illusion of connection.

So I blog like I journal. I do so to memorialize the day, the feelings, the whatever. It helps me to remember. Readers? They are welcome if scarce these days.

I could blog about my dream this morning I guess. Mention how it was pleasant that a friend died in my arms. That feeling of peace with another and with oneself. But it's already written in my journal. And who here would be interested or understand.
June 27, 2013 at 5:49pm
June 27, 2013 at 5:49pm
...but not dead yet.


Within 1/2 hour Takei had over 100,000 likes on announcing the Supremes decision re DOMA.

The power of the internet... which is well-known and feared by Jordan and many other countries around the world as they attempt to limit access to information.

That's the issue with Snowden and leaks in general. When is it acceptable, advisable or not?

In a country that is less fearful, like Costa Rica, there's a bit more transparency. Here in the U.S., the people, not just the government, want security, even if it means trumping their own freedom.

In the case of DOMA... succinctly, Justice Kennedy made it an issue of basic human rights that trumped Congress' intrusion into the states attempt to extend dignity to a group that is oft maligned.

DOMA isn't totally dead though. States can still reject the legal marriage license of another state. It'll be ugly until this is resolved.

And... the LGBT community may experience increase hatred against it as a community as well as individually.

Why? Fear... just one answer. Absolutism (we are absolutely right and you are absolutely wrong ...credo of many religious conservatives) would be another.

But truly? No one objects when a person is invisible and knows one's place.

Ask the African American population. As long as they kept their mouths shut they were fine. As soon as they spoke up for their rights they were wrong.

And so it goes. Could be a rough few years for some folks.
June 25, 2013 at 11:56am
June 25, 2013 at 11:56am
...or write in my journal or post at facebook?


I feeling a bit disconnected... again. I went to Bernice's Bakery bright and early and spoke to Gillian and Walter. I'm at the Senior Center. I'll go to the Peace Center for Empathy Group at noon.

It's sunny and cool at the moment. Could rain later. We had a rainbow last night at 9 pm. Not great for a picture but it was nice to just watch it fade.

I miss people. Old friends. Dropping in for tea or coffee.

I wasn't invited into anyone's home this last trip, although the one B&B felt like that. Here I meet out at the coffee shops. In Costa Rica? Depends. Johnny or Sam may invite me over. They have in the past.

People here in Missoula are very nice, very open minded and usually tolerant. But I don't confuse that with warmth. I could use some warmth.

90º is in the forecast for the coming week. That's not the type of warmth I seek. *Sad*

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