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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In Lagada, la vita
"A radiant moon has set
"At three

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"In a garden of roses, baby
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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September 7, 2013 at 4:00pm
September 7, 2013 at 4:00pm
...seems so far far away.

ma vie:

Life is fun? Well, life is life. Nothing to report. Health and wealth just the same.

No jury duty this past week. I was thrilled.

But, I'll have to tell them every time I go out of town = me not happy.

Ah... Sénégal ...I can dream can't I? I more I read, the more I want to go. Very diverse culturally. Rich music. Known for art, cloth... Biologically rich from the Sahel in the North and east to mangrove swamps and manatees in the southern Casamance.

If I can get a friend to go...

Especially one whose French is better than mine! Need to call Dustin... *Smirk*

May be too short notice to go this November (October to January seems best.)

A month might do it. Ndiage ndiaye (white 30 seat Mercedes) and sept-place (seven seat Peugeots) go most everywhere.

Money? Dakar could be expensive but the Casamance is reasonably cheap. I'm not sure I could keep it to $30/day but $40 might do it.

So, I dream.

In the mean time I do the routine: eat at the Senior center for $3, edit and put photos on line, shop at the market (lovely oyster mushrooms today), drink coffee.

Last night was First Friday. Saw some friends. Glad I saw Acton. He makes scraps into lamps. Saw one that looked like a ram to me; someone else saw a uterus; therefore, the "Ram's Uterus" (not his name for it, but mine). Need to get a photo up on facebook! *Laugh*
August 30, 2013 at 3:13pm
August 30, 2013 at 3:13pm
...eating Sinful.


I signed up for a doctor's appointment. Apparently just walking into the clinic isn't even worth talking to a nurse. ER? For a swollen leg? People think I have Rolls-Royce health care? Maybe in Britain...

Payed phone bill and got my petition to be excused from jury duty in.

So... stressing less.

And starting to look at Africa again. Specifically, Senegal. The Casamance (south of The Gambia) is calling me. Plenty to see and do and costs are reasonable. The North (Port St. Louis) is also begging a visit. Dakar? Might be a tad expensive.

But I can dream! I thought November, but October may be better. Could I be ready in a month? Next year?

In the meantime...

I ate breakfast. Melon... Eating Sinful is a diabolic delight. Hope to get yellow watermelon tomorrow.

Still putting photos on facebook. Got around to Denmark... Thousands more to look at.

Writing? Reading? During FOOTBALL SEASON? First game is the evening of the 31st against visiting Appalachian State. I need to become disciplined.

In this lifetime? *Laugh*
August 26, 2013 at 2:43pm
August 26, 2013 at 2:43pm
...WDC account paid.


Had no problem paying for account today. Couldn't do it from Costa Rica it seems. That... or I just got too confused.

Back now to smoke in a thirsty land.

It did rain yesterday for half an hour while I washed my clothes in the laundromat. Not enough to put out the fires but it was nice none-the-less.

Two weeks ago I was bored walking on the beach. Today I'm bored typing on the keyboard.

Just not motivated to do much of anything.

*Reading* poetry:

Finished The singing underneath by Jeffrey Harrison. A loose prosy style, not tight and rhythmic like Wind in a box by Terrance Hayes. I prefer Hayes so far.

Football starts Saturday; First Friday next week; Gatherings on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... market on Saturdays. Back in the rhythm of this city.

Market last Saturday: Sinful (a type of melon), white peaches, small sweet apricots, plum kuchen, orange tomatoes, lemon cucumbers.

*Quill* poetry:

I've actually written a couple pieces and taken notes from the poetry I'm reading. This is a good sign.

August 13, 2013 at 11:48pm
August 13, 2013 at 11:48pm
Story Master thinks problem paying may be that I'm in Costa Rica. However... don't remember problem last year. In any case he gave me two extra weeks. So August 31st.

mi mi mi:

A long plaintive solo note.

Went to Dominical today. Surf up. Tide in. Saw pelicans and crabs. Took some photos. Very few people about. A few surfers. Rain held off until I took the bus back. Fog and rain in the mountains but clear in Pérez.

I bought two beach towels that have the design of the Costa Rican money on it. 5.000 bill is yellow and has a white faced monkey on it. 50.000 is violet and has the blue morpho butterfly. I passed up on the green 10.000 [sloth] and orange 20.000 [hummingbird] (orange and green are my favorite colors) as these will be gifts and monkeys and butterflies are better.

So... left at 9 got back around 2:30. About 2 1/2 hours is enough for me. Walked in the sand barefoot as I rarely go barefoot. Wanted to see whether right foot would swell. Still giving grief.

It was nice to visit. Trip cost me about $6 down and back. I prefer sleeping in the highlands as anywhere with air conditioning isn't cheap and the beach is too warm and humid for me at night.

Today I ate liver with my breakfast rice and beans. Later, chopped up squash. I gave in and got a hamburger at 8-ish. Ate a few lychees. Two cups of coffee ...so much less than what I normally drink in Montana. *Bigsmile*
August 12, 2013 at 9:58pm
August 12, 2013 at 9:58pm

Finally talked to my sister and mother. My sister has moved and I wasn't sure where I had put the new number... finally figured it out.

Haven't figured out how to pay for another year here at WDC. Account is due August 15th. Problem paying by credit card. My checkbook is at home and I don't return until the 22nd late. I'll try again later.

Sucking on a lychee. Ate an enyucado (meat and cheese wrapped in yuca and deep-fried). Drank a mix of papaya and star-fruit.

Remembered to take my umbrella when I went to Johnny's in Palmares. Got home before the heavens opened. Only my umbrella got damp.

Petted a young small pregnant cat named Mio. She's very sweet and purred while I sat with her on my lap.

Can't focus enough to watch television tonight. Watched Harry Potter 1 earlier in the week in Spanish.

So that's my list of 6 things I wouldn't be dealing with ...for good or bad ...if I were in Montana. *Smile*
August 11, 2013 at 2:19pm
August 11, 2013 at 2:19pm
...carrots. *Shock*


Missoula has three Saturday markets. We are fortunate. A century ago most cities had markets; very few still do.

The market under the bridge specializes in agricultural produce. It has wool and spun wool, frozen Alaskan fish, fresh cappuccinos, local lavender, white peaches, jams, Georgia sweet tea, rhubarb slushies, heirloom tomatoes, all types of cabbage, poppyseed rolls made by Russians, Hmong flower vendors.

It's a magical place from May to October.

Cartago has the best daily market in Costa Rica imho (a flower market too). Pérez Zeledón has a very good one. Sodas, cevicherías, queserías, pescaderos, carniceros, tiendas pequeñas ...aún se vende plástico. (Restaurants, ceviche, cheese, fishmongers, butchers, small shos, even plastic).

The farmer's market in PZ though is extra special. All the surrounding agricultural areas show up. Produce comes from as far as Orotina (known for mangos and marañon). From lowlands (palm fruit, pineapple) to highlands (potatoes, carrots) to organic grown-under-tarp greens there is most anything one can imagine. Underused items like mosote (stems are soaked to produce a drink) to fruit unknown by foreigners (like cherry-size yellow nances) can be found in season. It would take a long time to eat all the variety that's sold. Grazing for a year might do it.

In the corner one can visit the ex-pats from various countries and buy foreign foods that cannot normally be found ...like home-made peanut butter. And English and French books ...ticos don't read and many ex-pats don't read Spanish.

I go to see my friends: Sam, Ilena, Mario, Franklin, Ronaldo, José... so many others as well. I eat a tamal con cerdo, drink a cafecito, inhale one of Harper's mint-chocolate brownies. *Delight*
August 10, 2013 at 11:36pm
August 10, 2013 at 11:36pm

Why such a short trip? Maybe I thought I could do "nothing" for one month... Even that is proving difficult. When I do nothing I run the risk or boredom or depression.

I do feel a bit useless.

Still, my leg isn't getting any worse. Today I walk a bit in Palmares after the farmer's market (1/4 small watermelon, 1 mango, 2 lychees). That was enough for my right foot.

My days are a bit boring. A phone call or two, cheaply eating out twice, watching a little tv, editing photos and posting them.

I do keep in touch but barely.

Thursday and Friday it was the farmer's market in PZ and seeing Sam, Ilena, Wynn, François, Mario, Franklin, Ronaldo... and others. Daily trips to the market help too.

So... no big complaints. Even have ideas for writing, but no focus...

Maybe I'm not bored enough. *Rolleyes*
August 7, 2013 at 12:39pm
August 7, 2013 at 12:39pm
...I didn´t mean not blog.

My swollen foot is somewhat better today. Spent much of yesterday in bed with right leg elevated. That meant boredom which lead to me editing photos of Europe. I even found a few of Iceland from the plane. I have so many of the gardens in Keukenhof, Holland that I´ve made a folder for them at facebook. If you don´t like daffodils and tulips ...avoid it!

Very little walking but I did go to market (el mercado) and Soda El Molino for gallo pinto and coffee ...and later for a tamal de cerdo and a pinolillo. I even strolled the park in front of the hotel. Today? Mailed a postcard and more gallo pinto, this time with a fried egg instead of my usual scrambled without onion. Coffee? Surely, you needn´t ask! *Laugh*

I´ve run into and met quite a few friends. I only know two policemen for example and saw them both in Cartago when there were thousands in the streets by the basilica for the annual pilgrimage on August 2nd (Día de la Virgen). What a nice surprise. Will meet up with more folks at the farmers market (la feria) tomorrow. I plan to stroll, chat and SIT.

I stayed in La Sabana in San José for 4 nights, 3 in Turrialba at Casa de Lis (wonderful as always) and 3 more in Orosi at Montaña Linda (brought stoopwafels from Turrialba for Toine and Sara; they´re Dutch). Now at Hotel Chirripó in Pérez Zeledón.

In some ways I´m bored. This means I must catch up with folks, family, friends. And, of course, take advantage of just BEING here, relaxing, doing nothing. I´m sure Missoula will still be there when I get back on the 22nd. And that there´ll be peaches at the farmer´s market.

Nos hablamos pronto!
July 19, 2013 at 3:20pm
July 19, 2013 at 3:20pm
...best choral group



I really enjoyed the international choral festival yesterday.

At lunch I hung out with the Costa Ricans. Gave away some dollar coins as mementos. They are the size of a 50 colon coin. (100 colones and 500 colones are much larger.) When they told me the cassettes were $10, I replied: 5,000 colones?

And pulled one from my pocket (nice bright yellow bill with a monkey on it).

I paid in $ though. Bought 2.

Fun picking on a Ligista (a fan of the fútbol team from Alajuela). The tend to win but last season they didn't. Who won? I asked. The answer was Herediano (team from Heredia which is where the choral group is centered...). Ah... too much fun picking on Ticos!

At 2 pm I saw the groups from California, Taiwan and Estonia.

At 7:30: Alberta, Costa Rica, South Korea.

Everyone was great... but... Kokopelli from Alberta is phenomenal. They learn by doing rather than by a score. Do lots of folk music. They dance too. They astounded everyone with their entry. Quiet chanting with lumières. Later they let it rip with African and Haitian dancing.

Afterwards they went as a group for ice cream at the Big Dipper. There already were three lines out to the sidewalk. So... they started to sing and dance. An impromptu concert for everyone! So much fun. I stayed and talked with them and the group from Vancouver that arrived after them.

It's been fun. Today I'll go to two events. Tomorrow is the grand finale. Can't see all 16 groups until the end. One picks and chooses.

Ah... the joy.
July 16, 2013 at 3:47pm
July 16, 2013 at 3:47pm


If I did it right... my photos are being downloaded to my external drive as I sit here at the Senior Center ignoring my computer back home. (It's a long download.) If so... I may finally be putting my last 48 gb of photos of Europe on-line. The photos at facebook (except for the duck) were all taken by my Samsung Galaxy tablet; the better quality photos are yet to come.

I started packing. Underwear and socks. Have some shirts set aside to choose from. Bought 3 new pair of pants. The two dress pants are going with me. They fit well, look good (even classy), are light weight and easy to wash and dry. Must find a pair of jeans...

Made a check-off list. Long list of electronics. At the last moment I don't want to have to think, only whether it's packed or not.

Must do something today to shorten my to-do list so I'm not running around a week from now.

And must buy "ticket" for International Chorale Fest that starts tomorrow here in Missoula.

So many little things to do.

I find details stressful. So... I must get going. *Smile*

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