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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"'heart's home'
"A radiant moon has set
"Speak soft my name
"Drugs sold here

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"When is it proper to tell someone you love them?
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"Czernina (Dirk's-blood-soup?) and Murv Jacob's mural



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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November 20, 2013 at 1:49pm
November 20, 2013 at 1:49pm
...and keeping the old.


I added a couple new bloggers to my favorites list yesterday. It felt like moving to the suburbs and abandoning the core. I don't care for suburbs much.

But what else to do! Blogville became Ghostville and I've already lived in small abandoned places.

Still, I'm not giving up my old blogger friends. *Smirk* Nope. Don't go away that easy! Plus, some are still coming into the Olde Saloon for a drink or two. Others are only to be found at Salon or Facebook.

Now, I should check out Salon but I've become a Facebook Fanatic. Fortunately some folks link their blogs. I do ... occasionally ... when the blog is decent reading for the general public or to remind people that I actually still write more than 140 character snippets.

As for poetry ...

Went to the Poetry group at ZACC last night; they meet once per month. And I'll go to my writer's group tomorrow evening and went to another group twice this November.

This and every November is still not done.

Have written some new stuff but not much. Should post more, if only to edit, but I get side-tracked and don't.

I must say though, that looking at my life from Venus or Mars, I'm doing okay.

In other important-to-me snews: Got to chat with my friend Gary for over 9 minutes this morning, a possible record. Made me feel real good. He always cheers me up. *Heart*

I don't give up my old friends without a fight.
November 19, 2013 at 4:18pm
November 19, 2013 at 4:18pm
...or not.


Times do change and what is tolerated or accepted changes with them.

In a time of uncertainty some folks seek the familiar while others embrace the new.

Natural responses both; however some people become fearful and cannot abide anything disturbing in their life.

Am I flexible enough myself?

Within my inner circle perhaps not. Good boundaries are essential for my tranquility. And I've had issues with boundaries in the past. Still do.

So... I live alone in two rooms that are MINE! But, I am out in the world with people who are nuttier than me! Same with friends. Some are closer than others; some I wish were closer...

Still, I don't want to live in a community of multiple mini-mes. Nor do I want to have to hide and be afraid because of the hostility of the society around me.

This survey comes up with criteria for members of the LGBT community, but the methods could be employed for other communities as well.


I live in a community with a score of 100. I moved here from one with 55 and grew up in one with 52. Of course, this survey is based on the present and I lived in those places... ...when?

Still, there are those folks who gravitate towards "safety" and those who have great networks of support (like family) or inner strength regardless.

When I joked years ago that I'd move to a state beginning with M I was thinking of Minnesota or Mississippi. Not Montana. Nope. However the cities in Mississippi scored 17-10-0-0. Worse than Alabama. And much worse than Nebraska or Oklahoma where I've also lived.

I do not wish to be "ghetto-ized", forced to live in areas where I feel safe among my "own". Even with my travels I want to be able to go anywhere.

But it's nice to live in a town that's got my back (even when we-all know bad stuff still happens).
November 18, 2013 at 5:43pm
November 18, 2013 at 5:43pm
...not quite yet.


My chapbook is overdue but not willing to be birthed quite yet.

I did do final edits on the 22 pieces of prose.

They are highlighted in maroon here:


The acknowledgements, cento et cetera still need to be looked over and the final order decided upon.

The cover? Don't ask.


Double don't don't...

So. It's v.e.r.y s...l...o...w...l...y coming together.

Last night I de-stressed by taking a patchouli bubble bath. Must say I need to do that more often. Yes, a shower gets one "cleaner" but soaking loosens up dead skin et cetera.

Plus I got to read a few more pages of the book I've been reading. I never take an important book into the bathroom. A paperback romance? Why not. *Smirk*

Anyhoo... the book, my legs, the three shirts and one pair of pants... all survived the experience. I didn't get to sleep until midnight.

Woke up at 07:39 wondering why my alarm hadn't gone off... it went off one minute later. (I'm trying to get up earlier as Costa Rica is one hour ahead and I normally try to be up by 7 am there; 6 am here. Winter in Montana? I could sleep in past 10 ... and have.)

Now. For that final push ... push ... PUSH.
November 17, 2013 at 10:58pm
November 17, 2013 at 10:58pm
What don't you know about me?


I won't post at facebook because ...well, I won't.

5. My hair was almost white when I was 7. My mother's father had very light hair. He was nicknamed Whitey. Now my hair (what's left of it) is turning white again.
4. We were creative as children. We made a ghost out of black tissue paper. Wish I still had him.
3. We made towns out of blocks then had a snowstorm with laundry powder. A swirling towel became a tornado. We'd never seen one but heard stories from my father who grew up in Oklahoma.
2. I slept in a 3/4 bed until I got too big.
1. When I stayed with my friends in Canada one summer I slept in the attic. I had slept in the attic when I returned to live with my parents as well; but at my friends I had bats!


I'm okay. It snowed a bit today. Some sun, some blue breaks in grey clouds. I spoke with another young anthropologist... I really get along with anthropologists.

I actually wrote part 2 of my interview with Thoom, one of my vampire friends from "Blood of the Garlic". Would like to edit those stories and write some more. But... must finish current tasks first.

I'm reading a romance... it's about as much as my mind can handle at the moment. *Laugh*

I ordered a matcha latte at Liquid Planet tonight. Not as pretty as the one that Sam made me once that I posted on facebook. But, it was green and yummy. *Delight*
November 16, 2013 at 10:49pm
November 16, 2013 at 10:49pm
... ... ...


I saw Myrt today. She has apparently come out of her shell after a year and a half. She was very ill and ended up in assisted living, but she obviously has decided to live. She's ornery enough...

And so am I sometimes... I think.

But none of us knows how we will respond to illness, death of loved ones or extreme circumstances. Oh, we "think" we know and hope... but we really don't.

Myrt never married, never had a serious relationship, has struggled with mental illness and eventually stopped working. She's 77 and God-willing will be 78 in February shortly after I return.

I told her we should celebrate it as her 100th... *Laugh*

She got the joke. A good indication the old Myrt is back.

Me? My situation is similar. I live alone and with traveling around have difficulty maintaining close relationships. Will my knight-in-shiny-armor (yes, I wrote shiny not shining... I'd be lucky if it were tarnished) show up... maybe run me over. Apologize by serving breakfast in bed?

I doubt that!

My friend Lavinia moved back last night. She had hoped... had taken the risk... it didn't quite work out. BUT she had the courage to take that risk! I gave her permission to cry. She needed to.

So, who knows. Lightning might strike me too. And if it doesn't kill me it might cure me.
November 15, 2013 at 1:23pm
November 15, 2013 at 1:23pm
...you mean it's more than a gold ring?


Still single.

By choice. However, there are moments when I wonder whether I've made the right choices in life. Too many moments. Second guessing just drives a person nutters.

Being single isn't all that fun, by-the-way. No one to share, lean on when needed, support when needed. All one's wants and needs cannot be satisfied by looking in the mirror.

My parents made it work. Many couples don't... but at least they gave it a try. Even among my WDC friends there have been two recent marriages.

I could be jealous.

Just color me lonely-at-times.

If there be gold rings and rainbows... there must be leprechauns around as well.

Think one may be interested?

An article on what is gained and lost by expanding the definition of marriage beyond patriarchal property (among other things):

November 14, 2013 at 1:39pm
November 14, 2013 at 1:39pm
...failing to warm the valley.

ME *Sun*:

I'm not cold but whatever warmth graced us in September has long fled Montana. It's cold.

It wasn't a very colorful autumn after a too-dry summer; but, there is a tree flaming across the street from the Senior Center!

A glowing ember?

The tree's holding onto its leaves until a big wind blows them off. It's actually been quite pleasant this past week due to the lack of wind; however, I haven't gotten out much to enjoy it. I'm trying to focus on my writing and other small obligations. And failing...

...like the sun.

But as Scarlett once said, "tomorrow is another day".
November 12, 2013 at 12:03pm
November 12, 2013 at 12:03pm
O SON OF SPIRIT! My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.

From The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh 1:1. Today is the birthday of Bahá'u'lláh (November 12, 1817).


Today dawned foggy in Missoula.

Sun crept over the ridge in a halo. Very beautiful.

We shall see what today brings.

Years ago I would have been very busy today helping my community to prepare for the Holy Day.

But I've crawled into my shell the last ten years, especially the last five.

The world swirls around me whether I am aware or not.

In other news:

In response to a blog by Prosperous Snow celebrating :

Blogging, like keeping my journal, helps me express what I'd otherwise keep inside or to myself. For me it's a safety valve.

Writing does reveal. My up-coming (it's taking forever) chapbook has personal poems. They reveal more than I'm comfortable with. That said, so does blogging.

I'll get over it. *Smile*

November 11, 2013 at 12:23pm
November 11, 2013 at 12:23pm
...damn power lines.


It's odd how the eye doesn't seen certain things. Like power lines... until one points the camera that direction... then they are an obvious nuisance. We have lots of them here in this part of town. Same in Pérez Zeledón in Costa Rica. Hard to take a nice photo with power lines in the forefront.


1. Chapbook:

Fought with Word yesterday and I (may have) won. At least I have copies of "poems" for my chapbook that are well-formated. In other words... I could probably print them "as is". Now to re-read and scrutinize for typos and other stupidity.

2. Travel:

A. Made copies from my journal of three month trip in Costa Rica November 2012 - January 2013. There are names, places, phone numbers, prices... Fought copy machine but finally done. Need to add July-August 2013. It's less crucial but I'd rather have it with me than not. Up coming trip is December 7th - February 4th.

B. I really do think Portugal in March and Norway in May is doable. April would be a journey of getting from Portugal to Norway (by way of Turkey or Montenegro or Poland?).

3. Where do I live?

Not sure... I seem to have lost a couple years. Since I started traveling in 2009 and in earnest in 2011 I haven't been here in Montana much. I do look forward to being here, but friends move on and I don't even realize it. Like, Lavinia has had her "new" car for 2 years? When did that happen? I'm not in Costa Rica enough to consider that home either. Oh well, traveling works for now.

4. Phoebe Snetsinger

Never heard of her? From Wikipedia:

Phoebe was a birder famous for having seen over 8,398 species by the time of her death.

A. Inspired to begin birding after seeing a Blackburnian Warbler in 1965, Phoebe did not follow the hobby ardently until a doctor diagnosed her with terminal melanoma in 1981 (age 50). Instead of convalescence at home, she took a trip to Alaska to watch birds, and returned home to find the cancer in remission. From then on, she would travel to often remote areas, sometimes under dangerous environmental and political conditions, in order to add to her growing life list. As an amateur ornithologist, she took copious field notes, especially regarding distinctive subspecies, many of which have since been reclassified as full species.

B. While on a birding trip in Madagascar in 1999 (age 68), the van she was riding in overturned, killing her instantly. Her final life bird, after almost two decades as a "terminal cancer patient," was the Red-shouldered Vanga, a species which had only been described as new to science in 1997.

Snetsinger's memoir, titled Birding on Borrowed Time, was published posthumously in 2003 by the American Birding Association (ABA). The ABA describes this work as "More than merely a travel narrative, the book is also a profoundly moving human document, as it details how Phoebe Snetsinger's obsession with birds became a way of coping with terminal illness."

5. Maybe I should take up birding? Nah... it's the passion that counts.
November 9, 2013 at 6:23pm
November 9, 2013 at 6:23pm
...and I'm blogging?


I must be bored. Not really. Just cantankerous. Griz won the football game so they are almost assured of a playoff game. With my luck I'll be on a jet plane the day before...

But, that doesn't really matter.

I've started making lists and more lists and more lists...

Must get some things off those lists!


There was a bit of sunshine today. The brother of one of the counter people at Bernice's Bakery calls them "sucker holes" As in... they make you want to go out and play in the sun ...then the clouds snap shut and guess what that makes you?


Been cold. I've been cold. Lots of folks with colds. Having bad legs (still) is enough. I don't want to be... *Sick*.

Anyhoo, back to dealing with chapbook. When I have news... you'll know it!

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