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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Sentinel on fire at night

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In Lagada, la vita
"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"Speak soft my name
"Plain cover jacket

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)
"In a garden of roses, baby
"Holy day. Autumn in November. A mole.
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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January 26, 2014 at 11:45pm
January 26, 2014 at 11:45pm

I went to a presentation today, an homage to Dorotea Mora who was a pioneer in this valley I visit. The audience included family and people who knew her, including Marta Barboza Valverde who wrote a collection of stories, a book I treasure.

Dorotea commanded the kitchen, was known as a healer, carried the mail and other items on horseback with a pack horse. She was a no-nonsense force to be reckoned with.

About 100 attended. They had pictures, a poem, talks, a slide show, artifacts from her life. They decorated with coffee bushes, baskets of oranges and coconuts (there are stories about illegal coconuts...). They even had a pack horse there!

Very nicely done.

In the afternoon I took the bus up to Sam's house where my stuff has been stored. Jessie, bless her, was there and I put most in luggage to take to Montana. No time to sort. Little time to choose. Sam got back in time to take me down the mountain. It took me 40 minutes to walk up.

In the evening, I needed a coffee and a pastry. Broke my tooth. it was getting ready to break... what can I say? I need plugs and implants or dentures. Once I had beautiful teeth... but I can't go back in time. That was then.

Tomorrow? Off on an adventure south with a group of writers. Back on Tuesday. Off to San Jose on Wednesday. So much to do...
January 25, 2014 at 11:36pm
January 25, 2014 at 11:36pm
me me me me me...

I was thinking about ShelleySunshine... and of course topaz came to mind. I once wrote her a poem... should look for it!

Maybe someday I could write about all kinds of gem filled dreams: emerald and ruby, rose quartz and sapphire, false gold and coal...

Write over 40 and have friends choose which go into another chapbook. *Radioactive*

Speaking of which I may be on my own on February 12th. Katie is ill and uncertain she'll be able to present. I told Zoe that it's better for me on the 12th as I have made plans and already invited people.

So much work to do.

Today I took photos of a gathering in the park that my friend Fabian was involved in. Lots of music, dancing, even reading stories.

Hundreds came. He should be proud of himself. He's 19.

Busy day was capped by coffee (a gift from Cesar) and a ham-cheese-avocado sandwich at Johnny's place. I got to hold 2 kittens and then the mother, Mio, decided to snuggle with me.

Soon to sleep, perchance to dream.
January 24, 2014 at 11:49pm
January 24, 2014 at 11:49pm
Je ne sais pas pourquoi...

I went to Topolandia today. It's a "residence" carved out of soft rock. A series of rooms link by passageways.

It features painted and unpainted bas-relief sculptures. Very quirky. I liked the one of the Flintstones.

It has a shower, toilet, sink, meditation room, bedrooms, nooks, crannies, a spring of fresh water, even a few mushrooms and ferns.

It was worth the visit. Got a few photos. Had agua de sapo (toad water = tapa de dulce with mandarino) at the restaurant. Really liked it.

Then I visited Maxine who lives nearby. I had actually been there before when her tenants lived there ... didn't put that together immediately ...

Great chat while she cut up vegetables for soup. She's a former nuclear scientist and lawyer from Quebec and California. She writes children's stories.

We could've talked for hours more.

In the evening got to talk to writers Eugenio, Alberto and Mary. Looks like I'm joining the field trip on Monday. We discussed punctuation. The use of colons appears to be quite different than in English.

Alberto took Mary home, with me along for the ride, so I now know where she lives (Barrio Guadalupe de El Hoyon).

In the evening I talked with Jim from Oregon (works for FEMA) in the park and spoke with Fabian who was putting up posters for tomorrow's event (I'm expected to attend).

It was a comfortable eventful day.

...mais je suis heureux.
January 23, 2014 at 11:06pm
January 23, 2014 at 11:06pm
Yo soy...

I am happiest on days when I get to talk to my friends or meet new ones.

I went to market and met a writer from Canada who lives close to the caves of Topolandia in San Pedro. Earlier, Michael at the hotel had suggested going there. I might go tomorrow if I'm up early enough to catch the bus.

Of course, I also spoke with Sam, Ilena, Ronaldo, Franklin, Mario ...and lots of others I visit every week when I'm here.

I spoke with Mary's mother ... what a surprise! So I called her and hope to see her Friday. If she can come to Montana we need to talk.

I ran into Eugenio and Ilieth and they mentioned a possible group trip south to San Vito on Monday. I'm not fond of group trips but I may go anyways.

Eugenio talks to everyone in the market according to Ilieth. Since I've seen this as well, I agreed when she called him 'the parrot of the farmer's market'. Guess I am too. *Wink*

...el loro de la feria.
January 22, 2014 at 4:43pm
January 22, 2014 at 4:43pm
I should mention some quirky details about me...


Number ... 22
Colors ... orange and green
Musical instruments ... flute and cello
Music, poetry ... too many
Garlic or onions? Garlic!
Meat or dairy products? Milk, cheese ...
Fowl as food ... goose
Smell ... Costa Rica when arriving
Mountains or plains? Gimme the plains
Water ... a warm bathtub (with patchouli bubblebath)
Flower ... far too many
Soil ... deep brown-black loam
Beach? ... not really
People or pets ... not fair!


I'm sitting inside, window open with a breeze, fan on as well. The heat of mid-day melts me. I know that that must sound pitiful for those suffering winds and frigid weather but the heat bothers me. Next week I hope to be in the Central Valley. 70s is better than humid mid-80s.

So ... maybe a week of traveling or exploring after two weeks of resting that followed 3 weeks of travel.

Then home. Then my reading on the 12th. plus the Olympics and a Film Fest (in Missoula). By March...

Still haven't firmed up plans for Springtime in Europe. If I want to go I must plan soon. Cheap tickets have a way of disappearing for those who wait. But ... it could be expensive if I include a month in Norway so must know how much money I have March 3rd and how much I'll be left with June 3rd.

Yes, I know how to plan, scrimp and save. It's just stressful.

And today I found out I'm Severus Snape.

January 21, 2014 at 9:45pm
January 21, 2014 at 9:45pm
47.548 views and counting...


You see, I need affirmation. Views remind me there's someone out there. Thousands of views of my blogs, poems, writings...

"I AM WHAT I AM" doesn't seem enough some days.

1. Affirmation.

I went to the market today. I washed out my clothes so I wouldn't have twice as many dirty ones tomorrow.

Mundane chores and simple routines.

2. Getting out of bed.

I went to Pali super market and bought milk and chocolate. I had two cups of coffee for breakfast. I ordered a peach drink at lunch.

3. I treat myself.

Today I met a young woman from North East China. She's a traveler. Has seen most of Europe. A total delight. Plus, she's lived in Norway (two years in Oslo)! She even speaks Norwegian.

4. I meet people.

I was homeless for over two years (2004-2006). I was suicidal only once in my life (April 29, 2003 ... Paxil didn't help and may have made it worse). I went numb in the summer of 1986. I couldn't stop shaking until Kevin held me (1979). I was totally devastated in Costa Rica and almost mute (1974). I was shocked by two deaths and a college culture I couldn't cope with (1972). I was withdrawn as a child and youth (especially 1963). Each time I thought it couldn't get worse.

5. I have been through this before and survived.
January 20, 2014 at 8:51pm
January 20, 2014 at 8:51pm
moi aussi:

Saw a couple friends today. Nice, because I really have few friends here. Sure, I hang out in the market, park, hotel. Yes, I know quite a few people ... but I realized living here in 2012 that friendship is always trumped by family and I would never be considered family.

Sound sad? Yes, it is.

It's one of the reasons I'm leery about moving here or even living in Norway for a month. I should. What's a month? But if I have difficulties in a warm pleasant culture like Costa Rica imagine a cool introspective one.

How much isolation can I take?

Just thoughts. I've been depressed but not at the moment. I saw Alberth and Marguerite, ate a pinto con barbudos at the market, saw quite a few people I know. Managed to figure out how to call abroad on my Costa Rica phone as I have $8 to burn before the 26th, called Marlene who's leaving in a week, bought a pair of soft plastic/rubber shoes for $6 in case I get to the beach, later ate a torta chilena (a layered cookie/dulce-de-leche/merengue-topped dessert), even got to the bank.

I took a couple photos of the gallo pinto con barbudos ... barbudos are green beans cook with egg. A bit of variety in my rice and beans diet.

Now if that second cup of coffee doesn't keep me awake...
January 19, 2014 at 9:08pm
January 19, 2014 at 9:08pm

"He slid his hand into his pocket, pulled out money and the tip of his penis he had put there, cursed himself for not going to the doctor sooner, put it back. He wondered whether it as too late to have it reattached, called a friend, listened to the incessant ringing."

Or so I wrote in my journal [edited]. Dreams are weird. At least it wasn't a horrible nightmare. *Laugh* Nightmares are frightening. This was more depressing/numbing/disbelief/WTF, but with a sigh not anger.

Little accomplished ... again. A walk up to the cemetery and sunset photos. Rice and beans with huevos rancheros. More photos. Phone calls to my mother and aunt. Put money on my Tico phone.

Sunday is a quiet day of futbol on the TV. The local team lost 0-1.

News stories? What news ... When Yahoo's top 4 headlines yesterday concerned: 1. whether open kitchens were in or out of fashion, 2. another celebrity in rehab, 3. how to reheat a pizza, 4. advice as to where it's best to retire to... I wanted to scream.

I don't have my own kitchen to remodel. I don't know celebrities. I rarely eat pizza. I know that retirement articles are for average suburban white folk with decent incomes who want to live in warm climates and be catered to, not me.

In the meantime: homicides are 20/day in Honduras, Somalia is ungovernable, Gay men are being rounded up in Nigeria (some may face stoning), Conservative American Christians are offended about being called out over their bigotry and Britain is being flooded due to impending same sex marriages (according to a Ukip Councillor).

In good news the 2014 auto show is getting rave reviews and Elio vehicle may be able to deliver 80 mpg at a price of $7,000.

So ... I need a car to drive around the world avoiding Honduras, Nigeria, Somalia and rabid Conservatives.

Maybe if a knew a celebrity? *Rolleyes* One that likes pizza and doesn't cut off penises...
January 18, 2014 at 11:39pm
January 18, 2014 at 11:39pm

Hopefully I'll get back to blogging.

I have no real excuse. I haven't traveled in more than a week. I have internet. I have time.

I'm bored ... but that's never stopped me before!

So ... what's up?

1. Saw some shrimp at the market so I asked my regular eating place if they could make me gallo pinto con camarones ... it's not on the menu. So they did! Leo cooked up the shrimp with some onion and celery and mixed in the rice and beans ... it was wonderful. He served it with guineo negro con atun (a cooking banana with tuna).

Since I was being off-the-wall I ordered a carambola con papaya (star fruit and papaya drink). That was good as well.

2. There's a 2?

As I said ... I'm bored, so adding some "spice" to little things matters.

Even went shoe shopping! I could really use the rubber/plastic shoes to wear in wet places like the beach. Size 42 is hard to find (very common shoe size apparently).

Maybe a war will break out to banish my boredom?

I guess I'd survive that somehow. I did an on-line quiz for "Which Star Wars character are you" and another for which city you belong in...


Let's just say y'all can call Leia ... short for Princess Leia from Portland. *Bigsmile*
January 1, 2014 at 10:44pm
January 1, 2014 at 10:44pm

I just need to be careful when other people's problems trigger my issues. I sure can't solve them in many cases. Makes me sad.

And then there are my own issues. Like power went out today and the electric door to the hotel wouldn't open. Finally left through the back and through the laundry hanging on the line. Felt trapped.

Did eat ... once I got out ... twice! After the big party in the park last night the town of Ciudad Quesada was empty and most places were closed.

Anyhoo ... day was boring. Tomorrow I leave. Decided to go to Turrialba ... a safe place ... changed plans. Not up for a new adventure before Friday.

Emotions get the best of me and I need to be careful. So far ... so good.

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