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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 19 20 21 22 -23- 24 25 26 27 28 ... Next
November 11, 2021 at 11:44am
November 11, 2021 at 11:44am
We were nothing
less than nothing
two pale ciphers cancelling
each other out

and the cold we could no longer feel
after 500 years
the crush of glacier
melting out our bones


*Mike: "Some good ideas ... but poor Mildred. Who was more taken aback? *Laugh* A trash bag... oh the image... Your personal experience is also very enlightening. You know how easy it ain't. At least you have thought of this before you've grown old. Nice double response to the prompt. " re "A toilet too far [30 DBC entry]

*Sandy: "I think you captured this far too well ... almost as if you've had this experience sometime in your life. *Wink* I'm sure something similar happens all the time in a family situation (there were 5 of us growing up). The last verse is funny tragic. Poetics: kudos on 'sprechens'; it fits perfectly. I'm not a fan of perfect end rhymes that lead to tortured syntax. Two examples to fix it: My new knee squawks at this arduous trek rough, / but my bully bladder demands it, blunt, gruff; My new knee sqawks at this at this arduous trek. It's rough / but my bully bladder demands, does it bluff? Enjambment, by allowing the sentence to contiue on the next line, solves the problem. Overall, it's fun, it's relatable, it's a keeper that just needs some tweaking here and there for flow." re "The Bully Bladder

*Cappucine: "The poem is lovely, truly lovely. Good flow, choice of words and image. A definate keeper. Consider submitting to
Shadows and Light Poetry Contest  (E)
Do you love the challenge and creativity of free verse poetry? This contest is for you.
#1935693 by Choconut
by the 14th. Squat toilet on a train in Romania is fun! not. It may be cultural. I don't remember issues in Norway, Estonia, Taiwan, Japan. Maybe I'm forgetful."
re "make my chamber pot

LeJen: {c:}"I just pee then run water in the sink and pour and clean out the container to reuse. Might gross some people out but urine isn't as dangerous as other fluids. You are right about holding it. I could go all day at school without using the restroom because I didn't feel comfortable... silly in retrospect. Now I have to remember that leakage needs to be managed. So far, if I don't try to hold it too long I'm okay. Ah... pee pads... I wonder how easy they are to get in other countries. How absorbant, thick, heavy/light and packable. I don't relish the thought but denial could be more than embarassing. " re "30DBC and Life

QP: {c:}"There are trade offs in any work situation. In my life who the boss was mattered more than the actual work. As we both know... depends... which is a good segway into the prompt. Depends are one answer. I'll need to check into other options before I travel. No wheelchairs here... our 1908 toilets are small without pre-handicap access. I'm next door to the toilets so it's just a matter of grabbing something to wrap around myself and pray both toilets aren't occupied. " re "Invalid Entry

Sox: {c:}"Yes, a bucket or Depends. But as Sandy said, hope there's no hole in it." re "November 11, 2021

Tina: {c:}"I have a Westmoreland milkglass vase (my grandfather worked there). I do not pee in it. I reuse empty cottage cheese containers. *Smirk2* Yes, you really DO grasp this prompt. Some folks who have severe water restrictions do not flush for pee. I look at Thai TV episodes where they wash up with a big bowl of water and wonder how cold the water is and whether I will experience that when I visit. Prolly not, unless I get lucky and can stay a couple days with a rural family. There's a hilarious scene in "A Tale of 1000 Stars" when Tian has to go to the toilet at night (with a lantern) and gets startled by a gecko. *Laugh*" re "Invalid Entry

Robert: {c:}"It's actually a very good joke as is the ditty since it's #1 and not #2 (that would make it a poo-poo poem or a shitty ditty). *Whistle* I need to look into diaper options. Weight and volume are issues when traveling... and yes, that may be my future, no denying it. *Pthb*" re "Nothing to Go On

Sonali: {c:}"I'm considering looking into something that is light-weight and packable (taking up little space). Yes, some things are easier as a man but I could give examples that are TMI when it isn't." re "Easy! - #30DBC

Marvilla: {c:}"Yep, be prepared. I have had a plan B during the Season of Covid. I'm considering some kind of pad for traveling. Planes are fine but trains and buses can be iffy and there are those 'bad' days to consider." re "Dire bathroom situation

Petra: {c:}"I'm looking at adult diapers and underwear liners for when I travel. Planes are rarely a problem unless I'm blocked in next to the window. Long distance trains and buses are usually fine. But... "local" buses are not! This all varies by country. Still if they don't weigh much nor take up much room I should consider it. " re "If you gotta go...


? Mike: {c:}"Exactly how it's done. If they need more help they just make another call. Same with any kind of harvest most anywhere there are farmers." re "Say, hay! [30 DBC entry]

LeJen: {c:}"And done with kindness and concern that everyone gets better. Where there is a sense of community this happens all the time and people don't think twice; they just show up and deal with it. Even in the city this happens if there's community (my personal experience)." re "Just Being Neighborly

Sandy: {c:}""They are experienced farmers and they succeed because they toil together. I shall ask them to assist with the hay harvest." This is reality. They toil together. It's how your forefathers survived. You may not have to make that call. If you know each other they probably already know your circumstance and will call you or drop by and offer." re "Me In A Farm Fix?

Sox: {c:}"I think this is a reasonable answer, especially for sheep or goats. The guinea pigs might prefer an unmown back yard (suplemented with carrots). The goats would be even better at clearing out a woodlot of shrubs and poison ivy." re "November 10, 2021


*Sox: "This was gripping and far more than a blog post as Ray aptly lamented. We begin to get a clearer image of Raen and Beaoul and the relationship between them. Powder as a weapon makes perfect sense. Hope you continue this for NaNo using any 30dbc prompt that's applicable." re "November 9, 2021

*LeJen: "I'm with Ray and Norma Jean. Chilling."She has called for me." No pleading, no need to elaborate, just a firm statement. I'd let you pass too! "Let us see what Hope needs from me now! Let us see what the light requires of the darkness." Again chilling. "But pride and vanity corrupt the soul. Oh the pain, anger, and sorrow it took to turn me into what I now am! Years of envy led to this hate and malice..." seems too abstract (may work in a blurb/synopsis). I wonder how this could be reworded to make it more concrete. In any case it could be reworked and made a separate item. Consider entering a synopsis of it into "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now as I'm sure one of the titles would fit, maybe "Blade of a Pale Moon" if nothing else.

Sandy: {c:}"So... we know you're batty... what else is new? *Dragon2* Or are you a dragon that got lost in the wrong story? Anyhoo.. thanx for the different take on the prompt."
re "Letting My Hair Down


Tina: {c:}"Very disturbing yet uplifting post. I didn't realize your school was that tough. Mine wasn't, but maybe I was also oblivious. Classmates just 'disappeared' but I didn't have close friends and never heard why. I'm sure petty crime or 'with child' were two reasons. We didn't have gangs. Such a different world. Is all of Texas this violent? In all my travels I've never been anywhere as violent as the US. Give us an update on your dinner with neighbors." re "Invalid Entry
November 10, 2021 at 2:12am
November 10, 2021 at 2:12am
Hey Hay


Sumojo: "Yep. *Laugh* My grandparents had a two-seat outhouse but at night we used a chamber pot. I have pots and in an emergency would manage. I use a cup to pee." re "Busting

Viv: "My grandparents had an outhouse and used chamber pots. I grew up in a family of 5 with one toilet. For me, this is my present reality. I've been in this old hotel for 13 years. I've thought about moving out. But rent is cheap. So much to consider. ​I'm not sure everyone could handle more details unless they've worked in a nursing facilty or assisted friends or family with similar issues. But I have." re "PEES IN A POD

Kathie: "Well, well, well... welcome to my world. *Smile* When I travel around the world and stay in hostels I know where the exits and toilets are before I have to use them. I've thought about depends..." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 11, 2021


Robert: "I've lived in areas that grew hay but I know nothing. In NE Kansas years ago they were 4-croppers or hog farmers. More need for the corn and milo and silage. Regardless, they would've all helped out. Farmers can be very cooperative. The competition wasthe weather, not each other". re "Hay Now

Sonali "Honesty is fine. This is a very Euro-American prompt. I grew up where hay was used by the dairy farmers for horses and cows. In Kansas they grew corn and other crops to feed cattle and hogs. All I can say is that in Kansas the farmers worked together. The competition was the weather." re "I haven't the foggiest notion - #30DBC

Sue: "Farmers understand working together. The 'enemy' is the weather (or maybe rabbits) not each other. Neighborly people also do well. Even in cities there's cooperation. One sees this everytime there's a disaster. What has happened here is that people don't want to know their neighbors. I'm just the opposite." re "Bringing in the hay.

*Judith "From the horses mouth... as they say *Bigsmile*. Thanks for the details and step by step description. In Kansas it was corn and combines and silage. No question that the whole community would step in. Cooperation was the key to survival. Everyone watched the weather. Harvested all night if they had the right equipment and a storm front was moving in. One question... can you tell the moisture/mold etc. in hay mostly by sight or smell or touch or taste or sound? In other words what senses were used before fancy monitors and such? Are there certain weeds that affect harvest? We cut shattercane out of the milo (sorghum) to not gum up the machines. As children, we wild-strawberry harvesters knew by taste, sight, smell and whether it was hard or smooshy. One thumps watermelon. In any case, thanx for a peek into your world. Experience trumps opinion or fantasy when it comes to making hay. *Laugh*" re "Make Hay When the Sun Shines

Marvilla: "It would be a 'disaster' and everyone would help. Workers need to be fed, folks needs someone to look after kids or the elderly. More so when a disaster or tragedy hits." re "Neighbor’s situation

Lilli: "Robert: nope ropes and danger noodles? *Laugh* Lilli: yes, farmers understand cooperation. In the old days survival depended on it; it still does but hard to explain this to some folks. You'd be there with your coffee-by-the-carload and donuts-by-the-dozen or enough soup and rice to feed an army. Of this I'm sure! *Care*" re "Hey, neighbor!

Petra: "Apondia wrote what hay cutting and baling is like. She can do that because she has first hand experience. *Smile* I can only observe what I saw in small farm communities I lived in long ago. Farmers are cooperative. Their enemy is the weather, not each other. City folks can be cooperative too. Like when me and my neighbors were stuck for days due to a blizzard." re "Helping a neighbor

Cappucine: "I've lived in combine country. It's used for wheat and other crops not hay. That said farmers always help each other in the MidWest. Apondia lives in the NorthEast near where I grew up. The folks there are not as friendly but I'm sure they help each other. My city was in the snow-belt so blizzards were common and neighbors always checked on each other." re "hey hey hey

Viv: "When I lived in Kansas there was no question that everyone would help. Elizabeth and Judith make valid points: people aren't as neighborly these days." re "KINDNESS

Kathie: "I saw how people came together in Kansas when a tornado let the hogs out. And I saw how folks responded to a blizzard back home. Kindness is not as uncommon as some people think. You would do what you could while others did what they could. " re "30 day Blogging-Nov 10, 2021


Cappucine: "Funny response. I didn't see any castle when I visited Australia. Must've gone to the wrong country." re "let down my hair

?Sonali "Yes, well worth the read. Thank you. This prompt triggered me which is why I posted my own. I didn't grow up with castles. Like your comment about hay... I had no clue how to answer. " re "An Old Folk Tale Retold - #30DBC

Kathie: "1963... when the poet was young. All I can say is that some people listened; all I can moan is that most of us didn't." re "Blog entry for Nov. 9, 2021

Sue "Yes, it does jump around like a dream. Well done. What did the Queen say by-the-way? Like... "On with your clothes or off with your head" perhaps?" re "Searching for lost memory

Mike: "Well ... are you sure you got to the right one? I mean... Igor...?" re "In the castle east [30 DBC entry]

Judith "Not a lot of castles in the US. I can see how open house tours would be interesting but I don't think we ever did that. My family didn't have much interest in moving or seeing other people's houses when I was growing up. One of the charms of the open air museum of Maihaugen in Lillehammer Norway were homes from various decades." re "Pricing the Ticket

Marvilla: "I would never find the prince or princess. I have nightmares where I look for a friend others are hiding. I couldn't deal with fantasy yesterday. Reality bites." re "The castle

Petra: "I believe a friend has moved to Wales. Possibly Swansea. I've never been. Future trip? I'd like to escape to the world for 2 years and then maybe to a city that has access to the country. American cities are notorious for sprawl and lack of transportation." re "A castle in Wales

Viv: "Hopefully the UTI has cleared up. In our family it makes people 'loopy'. Not everyone is prepared for change nor deals with it well. Castles can protect or become a 'prison'." re "DDOUBBLE TTROUBBLE

Ray: "Just within your grasp... *Cry* This can be worked on some time if you want to make it a story of its own. "He/I dreamed a dragon" could become flash, a short story, an intro to a longer work. You give the dragon a voice. This dragon is no mere object; he has dreams of stars and sparkly things ... and a few anger-management issues. Since dreams and nightmares can be a glimpse into someone's 'soul' this could be saved until it inspires you to work on it again." re "Flight of Fancy

QP "Yes, Lady Elizabeth. May I help you with anything else M'lady? IMHO, the last two lines weaken this passage. There are better ways to show angst. That said, it could be worked into a short story or a chapter in a longer work. Keep it until it speaks to you again. Then listen closely, M'lady; it may know what it wants." re "Entry To The Castle

MaryAnn "This is a fine castle , may I look around it.?" *Laugh* So disarming, like Agatha Christie. *Smile* Delightful."


?Marvilla: "Even a child can walk across the country with slow steady steps. Yeah... making new habits that are better than the old is a good beginning. Getting out of one's comfort zone is another. Getting out of bed (where I'm now sitting) would help me! Glad you mentioned mistakes. That's part of the process I really didn't understand as a child. Mistakes were not allowed in a place and time where perfection and product were valued over process. I wish you many more mistakes to help you along the way. *Care*" re "Now is my best decade

Mike "I have a kick-the-bucket-list. *Smile* (parse as you please) I think I'll do 2 year plans from now on. " re "The Year 2031: Status? [30 DBC entry]


Marvilla: "Harsh criticism crosses cultural boundaries. In the Thai TV series I watch the compassion or cruelty can be an important part of the story. 'Tough love' is merely tough is there is no love. Maya Angelou said, "when we know better, we do better."" re "Ruined with praise or saved by criticism

Darken: "I do think we need both. Praise can kill but so can criticism. I can take criticism when I know I'm loved unconditionally. " re "Invalid Entry

November 8, 2021 at 11:11am
November 8, 2021 at 11:11am
10 years from now? Possible. If so, I will be barely hanging on.

When I'm 64? That was afew exits ago, now fading in the rear view mirror.


Sandy: Lovely entry and lovely outlook. My life has been a roller-coaster of ups and down and ... I was thinking of the song Tapestry. You remind me that each moment was precious no matter how painful. embed:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FiR2Eb4NSM re "All Of My Decades Have Been the Best

Cappucine: "A thought flashed through my mind... I see you as a professor at Hogwarts with a room of her own and enough floo powder to flee. So... why not a room at your college. It may not be done ... but you're weird enough to suggest it without shocking anyone.

Or... and this I CAN see:

"Cappucine's Cottage"

Everyday lessons in Lit&Life at 10, 12 and 3.
Private mentoring arranged.
Sessions at _____ College every _____*

*(once per week). Less in-person, more virtual, but a room in your own cottage could be set up by friends who could turn it into a quasi TV studio (no technician needed). That would also allow you to reach out to all those quirky kids in Sydney, or Adelaide or Brizzie or who live in small towns who aren't blessed with their own resident teacher-of-weirdos (Alice Springs and Darwin have their own weirdos, while Melbourne might not know what I'm talking about and Canberra might consider it a threat to their own miserable Ministry of Magic). You could be Sybill Trelawney or Jane Austen for a day... or a semester... or a year! Harry Potter captivated young kids for a reason. It taught an entire generation how to read. By the magic of Zoom you could be visited by Professor Sonali of the House of Hufflepuff. Yes, I know this sounds silly; but... I was raised by Captain Kangaroo."
re "Changing my Genes

Petra: "Getting weight and smoking under control should help." re "In ten years' time

Annette: "I was a gardener most of my life. I'm reduced to jade trees and geraniums these days. Immortal... even long lived olive trees have a lifespan. Yeah, I'd kick the bucket list." re "Think Ahead

Sox: "I could do a couple books of poetry but a novel probably wouldn't work. As I said elsewhere, I'll be kicking the bucket list." re "November 8, 2021

Kathie: "I am torn between doing nothing and wanting to do everything. This is neither good nor sustainable for me. At least surfing the seas of 30dbc is keeping me busy. *Laugh* It's a beautiful sunshiny day outside and here I sit inside writing. I could sit here forever or travel. There's no travelling locally without a car so I've thought about moving somewhere where the train stops. Europe or Asia are enticing. I only have second hand stuff; little of note to pass on." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 8, 2021

Ray "I gardened for years. I had a plan I worked on. I would stay out in the garden working until I couldn't see. But my job? That wasn't fruitful. Still... I traveled thru 40 countries in the last ten years and that took planning. Went around the world. The next ten? with this old body? I need a new body! That said, I've left over 100 comments so far in my effort to cheerlead. It makes me focus everyday and I'm gettin it done. Might help get my blood back to circulating... and that might get me back traveling. Yes, a body in motion tends to stay in motion." re "Keep Them Blinders On

Charity: "Just commenting I've written a lot of words. If I had done NaNo instead? Maybe not. Different thinking process. But I'm getting more done by being busy than by doing nothing. *Rolleyes* I do like not working for someone else, but one must have an alternative. I started my blog when I was homeless. I have thousands of entries scattered around WDC but I'm more motivated to write than do something with them. Enjoy this burst of energy. *Bigsmile*" re "30DBC Day 8: A Decade of Writing Everyday = 109 Books

LeJen: "Montana has ganja shops all over the place. Getting rid of multiple prescriptions is good for many people. Me? I won't partake but it would be good for my anxiety. And... I've kept meds to a minimum; I'm fortunate. I spent the last 10 years traveling and writing. At my age it's better to do a TWO year plan and reassess. *Bigsmile* I've visited WDC friends. I recommend it." re "Best Decade Ever - 30DBC 11/8/21

Apondia: "In the "Autumn of my Life", I tend to make one of two choices. 1. this is my opinion based on my experience; it is not fictional, speculative nor conspirational. I stand by it and will shout it from the mountaintops!!! OR 2. why cast pearls before swine? Bless your heart. When I travel I meet all kinds of people, most of them young. Some teach me; some I teach. (Sometimes I just need to nap.)" re "Autumn Leaves

QP: private comment re "The Ten Year Plan

Robert: "I still haven't found nor replaced my glasses. Can't travel to a new place without them. I'm past the best years of 'doing' anything. I'll just shuffle into that dying sunset. I'm too worn out to rage." re "Decade Dance

Sonali: "My grandmother was a tailor. My mother had no clue; thankfully, my father knew how to sew. My father let things flow. I'm not calm. I need to understand the sources of my anger; I suspect that it's fear." re "My Time Starts NOW - #30DBC

Sue: "I'd like to be able sing again. It would take daily practice. Oh, how I hate heights! I'll go to all the low places. *Bigsmile* You could practice walking by going to Albany. How many days? And then... they are some great hikes. Some even feature heights. In the USA an 83 year old man just finished the Appalachian Trail. "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson (1997) is a good read about the trail." re "Great decade

Viv: Homesteading is a lot of work. I no longer want that! I had my gardens, a big house, and activities galore. Now? Travel and slower and slower travel, continue writing and learning. re "BEST 10 YEARS


*Cappucine: "Yep, as Harlow said. I needed certain skills re praise/cricism at an earlier age. I was the kid who ignored the teacher: 1. because I knew more and better and in some subjects I actually did! However, English was one of my weakest subjects. 2. because I just didn't care. Not in a mean way. I just wasn't there as in I wasn't 'all there'. I lived in my daydreams. 3. because 'tough love' is just tough without the love. And I didn't feel loved and teachers had no extra time to mentor someone who was unreachable. I do appreciate your depth of knowledge on this subject of praise/criticism. " re "praise is fattening

*Apondia: "And also with you. Peale appealed to black/white thinkers. The mental health field warned that his positivity could be toxic. He was a contemporary of Niebuhr. Both were very influential. Thank-you for this: You can't force salvation onto people. Remember the 'Jesus freaks' who went around asking "are you saved"? They really did Christianity a disservice. I still cringe when I hear echoes of those voices here and on other social media." re "Critical Critics

*Sandy: "I have issues with Peale. I've had friends take positivity to the toxic level. I couldn't share any of my sorrows. Since I couldn't deny them I felt shut out. Growing up I felt the criticism. I shut down. I was a bit like your cousin. I suspect I'm on the spectrum of autism. Again, Peale promoted a black/white vision of the world, much like Dominican nuns with rulers in their hands. I dreamed the world in color, still do. In school I needed mentors not jailers. I'm not participating in this challenge because I've been triggered too many times in the past. And it reminds me of high-school English class. I hated English and phys-ed. But... I can be a cheerleader and comment on everyone's entry. I wasn't sure that I could... but I am. No one could pay me for what I do. I'd quit. I blogged for years for the sheer joy of release, spilling forth thoughts I was never allowed to express. No participation trophy could ever compare to that." re "M.V.P.?

Petra: "I find Peale disturbing. Not loved by the mental health profession and for good reason. Positivity can be toxic. I need hugs as a person while coping with reality. My writings need to be sliced and diced though." re "Praise and criticism

Annette: "As long as the child knows he's loved then criticism can be taken with the love that comes with it. But many are beaten physically or emotionally and 'tough love' becomes just 'tough'. As for writing... "that's nice" said in a dismissive way is the second worse response; a personal attack on the writer is #1." re "Ruined by praise

Kathie: "I was always suspect of praise because I didn't feel loved. I was. I just didn't feel it. I cringed in school and mostly daydreamed, earning a mixture of Cs and As. I needed a mentor more than a teacher. Unless I feel loved I don't take advice well. The sometimes toxic positivity that Peale pushed doesn't sit well with me." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 7, 2021

Mike: "There are constructive and destructive ways to praise or criticise. Attack my writing constructively? Okay... Question my right to exist? Not s'okay. I never felt supported once I was a teenager so unfortunately I became withdrawn or prickly. I worked for a micro-manager; very devastating. It didn't go well." re "Not bad, although... [30 DBC entry]

Sue: "I think what one can judge the work, be it school-work, writing or a job; but judging a person as unworthy can be cruel There are other ways. Honest praise; honest helpful criticism is a Middle Way. That said everyone deserves unconditional love. " re "Criticism versus praise


Petra: "Reading blog comments is keeping me from sitting outside in the sunshine. My word count per day probably equals that needed for writing a novel." re "Absent Muse

Kathy: "I had an awful weekend at the end of March in 1974. Never drank after that. It wasn't bad in this way, just in other ways that lead to an out-of-body experience, April 1st?. I started smoking April 4th. It wasn't the best of times." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 6, 2021

November 7, 2021 at 12:01am
November 7, 2021 at 12:01am
Today's prompt is taken from a book I own. "Great Quotes From Great Leaders", published by Motorola, my employer. This one is from Norman Vincent Peale. "The trouble with most of us, is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism." Do you feel this is a valid statement? Tell us why you feel the way you do.

I told Brian that today's 30dbc prompt was about praise and criticism. Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't if it isn't constructive.

Peale is also remembered in politics because of the Adlai Stevenson quote: "I find Saint Paul appealing and Saint Peale appalling." Was Peale a black/white thinker and fear-mongerer? Nixon liked him; Trump went to his church growing up and was married there. Food for thought.

The challenge continues unabated with some folks catching up and others plugging along. And as always a couple startling entries.


*Charity: "I'm HSP (highly sensitive) so meanness doesn't help me grow. I cringe and crawl back into my closet and slam the door. I told a fellow poet that today's 30dbc prompt was about praise and criticism. Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't. Kick my work but don't kick me. Peale was a bit of a black/white thinker. He has been called a fear-mongerer. Waltz and Stik have had a lot to say about toxic positivity. It's one of the criticisms of Peale. Thanx for sharing what wisdom you have learned while riding this roller-coaster we call life." re "30DBC Day 7: Praise Me, Don't Hate Me

*Sonali: "He was my age. I remember that year. I would've been devastated, as I was when Bob was killed in a motorcycle accident that same year. My parents realized that I wouldn't take it well, but they never realised how it affected me. One of the worst times of my life." re "Ruined by praise - #30DBC

Ray: "I told a couple folks already that it's okay to criticize what I write but not me. I needed more hugs and mentoring growing up. I've struggled to build self-esteem. Things can be made perfect but not people. Growing up I didn't like to be singled out for anything including praise. I won a contest this past week that I had little expectation of winning. I came up empty in another contest that I was sure that I'd place. So much for my pride. *splat*" re "Humility and Hubris

Robert: "I've witnessed melt downs over negative reviews and low ratings. Years ago I raged about a hate rate (no review), a 2.5 in retaliation of a 2.5 given. It's a factor in why I hate r/r here. I don't give out a 5.0 because I like someone. If I were to rate this entry I'd say it was so-so (based on hundreds of your entries that I've read). But yesterday's entry was chillingly brilliant. It wouldn't be honest of me to rate them the same. Yet, another person could feel the opposite." re "The Einstein Trap

Sox: "The worse review? "that was nice"... a dismissive voice. I told a fellow poet that today's 30dbc prompt was about praise and criticism. Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't. Kick my work but don't kick me." re "November 7, 2021

QP:I don't do well with certain types of criticism. "Tough love" just feels tough without the love. I had a boss I loved working for because he knew how to be supportive while 'tweaking' and guiding us. Trying to make something perfect is fine; trying to make a person perfect isn't. re "Praise and Criticism

LeJen: I speak from the annals of Blogville '07. No trophies were offered, no trophies were needed. We blogged for the joy and interactions. But things change. At WDC it's all about the pretty things. I mildly disagree about criticism. I didn't need criticism as a child. I needed mentoring. As a child there were attendance awards but hand in something brilliant a day late? Marked down a grade. As an adult I told Kathie (Sox): Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't. Kick my work but don't kick me. re "The Common Delusion

Viv: "Enemies can prove to be helpful by blocking the wrong way but I'd rather hug someone than kick them. I've been kicked a lot. Kick my poems but don't kick me." re "PRAISE/CRITICISM


*Sandy: I think Head Dust Bunny called the maid to make your bed. Nice reference to your Museum. *Bigsmile* No mother on earth has ever managed such a ginormous block of uninterrupted time to herself. As Viginia Woolf lamented in "A room of her own Familiarity breeds accidents. Should I laugh or give you a hug? Grab the first-aid kit The only activity that causes me to lose blocks of time is reading. I've always been grateful that breathing is a reflex. Oh, to live a thousand lives! So much wisdom but no answer to the question. *Laugh* Oh so much like life. re "8 Hours

Ray: I've met some of the old bloggers from years ago. Met them in England, Sweden, Romania and Australia and *gasp* Minnesota. I talked to one recently who wants to jump back in. I need to email her again. And I know for a fact that a couple do peek in. I miss them. Some of the posts this round have been hilarious, others inspiring, a couple chilling. Better than reading the headlines imho. And ... this challenge is good for those who need a daily prod. *Smirk* re "Confessions of a Slacker

QP: "Yes, I do like the image of sand in her shoes; it's a great title for a quiet piece. We could all use losing hours in this peaceful way. *HeartO*" re "Sand In Her Shoes

Sox: "Yes, a productive blur is appreciated. I remember one crazy night at the hospital I worked at. By morning we were all exhausted but the Head Nurse smiled (she rarely smiled) and praised us all." re "November 6, 2021

Viv: "Nicely done. If this were to happen to me I'd be stressed out ... even the promotion part. Covid Season has been really bad for me. I could use a vacation from it." re "VACATION. EIGHT HOURS, TOO MUCH WORK

LeJen: "Ah... the Dark Side summons... Some people get more done going back-and-forth. Not everyone can focus for hours like some of the Overlords demand (while they're conducting 'business' at the golf course)." "Losing Battle

Charity: "Yep. That's how it happens. If I don't put down thoughts my Muse will pout. That ain't pretty. I had to interrupt my reading a bit today to find an old poem and then Mary Ann wandered in and announced she had murdered her husband... on a Tuesday... of course. So... back to annoying people with my comments! It's getting dark. Seems a tad early. " re

Sonali: "I forgot about "obliviate" (pun intended and unfortunately true)." re "I recall but I forget - #30DBC

Richard: "Squirrels everywhere... yep. I had to drink and eat today but I didn't go out. I managed to write part of a story and a poem, so that doesn't count, does it? At 6 o'clock I noticed that the stars were out. Where did the time go." re "There are squirrels EVERYHERE!



Charity: "Love Sonali for dragging Lilli in. *Mugp* *Donut* There's a different energy this round and you're a part of it. I would go without like Darken but with a bit of a pout like Kathie." re "30DBC Day 5: Coffee & Donuts

Sandy: Yeah, show up with a box of a dozen donuts and a gallon of Joe-to-go. *Smile* Then bill the company. *Smirk* re "Resolution 101

November 6, 2021 at 12:02am
November 6, 2021 at 12:02am
I do like being an unofficial cheerleader to 30dbc. No responsibilities. No obligations. Little time for anything else. NormaJean did warn me.

Yes, UMontana won its game against NoColorado 35-0; I forgot to tune in. No, I didn't go out; yes, I saw the wet stuff treaking the windowpane. I did manage to get a poem entered before the deadline and received a merit badge for "Quail to the... [274] J5 [18+]:

Merit Badge in Drama
[Click For More Info]

Winner of  [Link To Item #dailypoem] 's Day 5 Nov 2021 challenge with your poem Quail to the...!

It may have been a wee bit overdramatic! *Laugh* But in my defense: it has rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and lots of sounds. "Quail to the... [274] J5 [18+] is an entry in my plog so it's begging for comments but not reviews. One doesn't "r/r" entries in the usual way.

I posted 8 of my favorite entries on the Newsfeed (more to come) and was heartened by the response. I left 21 additional comments today. I believe I'm done with Day 4 unless someone posts a late entry (life does intervene).

Anyhoo... I'm toast.


*Robert: "U r 3 minutes late in posting... deductdeductdeduct iProd has its uses."*Smirk2* re "A Productive Day

*Cappucine: "Exquisitely written. Poetic prose at times... and a poem! The literary allusions remind me of all the places that books transport one to. I'm gobsmacked." re "a few of the endless perhaps, maybe

Apondia: "Welcome to my brain! I made smoked-ham-garam-masala-chicken-broth soup I thicked with stale bread. I drank coffee with carob. It's rainy. I'm drying like a prune in my bed. Did I take a shower today? Should I? My football team won; my alma mater went down in flames. My skin really needs some lotion. Should I take a bath instead? And so my day goes. I truly understand *Care* but at least you accomplish more. Lovely read. *Bigsmile*" re "Blogging Storms

Darken: I prefer silence around me because my mind doesn't want/need the distraction. I prefer visiting an organized country like Taiwan because I don't have to over-think. I prefer assertive people like Norwegians because I'm warm enough for the two of us (if they let you get within 10 feet). I have enough internal chaos that I don't need chaos around me. I've met many people who are just the opposite. At times I envy them. When I go to Thailand I'll have to remember to smile... and breathe. re "Invalid Entry

Mike: "Yes, we can be triggered by something as unsuspecting as a flashing light. I know little about epilepsy but any memory gap disturbs me. My issue with light is that I need to have it dark to properly sleep. And I need quiet. A booming bass will make me scream! I may not lose 8 hours but I'm been through through this where I used to live." re "Don't blink [30 DBC entry]

Sue: "I just mentioned Abba's "Dancing Queen" on another post and now it's in my head. Maybe if I danced to it every night I'd turn the clock back (an American double-entendre for tonight). I'm starting to suffer memory loss and it's truly frightening. I cannot blame a beverage. " "Gaining Allies

Annette: I see how you snuck a donut and coffee into this. *Donut* So... do people know they aren't human or is this a shock to them as well? I will say... no use dealing with a new reality on an empty stomach. re "Performance Art?

Marvilla: Yeah... those corporate suits could be aliens. Would I trust them? re "Black Out! What happened?


Robert: "Ah... math... Cut up the donuts in pieces and put on a plate. Ask people to take one or two pieces. Pour the coffee in a jug. Place 6 cups and pour each half-full. Place jug and plate on the table and say nothing. Some will be hungry, some will be thirsty. Smile. It's not your problem anymore." re "Solutions

Darken: "Well, that was my original answer and I stick by it. I just told Robert another way but I've done what you suggested. More than once *Smile*" re "Invalid Entry

Kathie: "Ah ... sharing. What a concept! Still practiced some places by the way. Sonali was puzzled by the prompt because this would not be a proper prompt in India. It's a culture of sharing. I just read Darken's response. Very similar to yours and mine. Personally, I've "done this" before but I do understand the resentment. *Laugh* Grumble, grumble..." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 5, 2021

Mike:Yes. I agree. *Hearto* Nice quote. I wanted to add this... it's very hard for any of us to respond to prompts we know nothing about. It's why I encouraged NaNo-ers to have their fictional characters answer the prompts. (That's working by-the-way.) Every human/alien scenario is ... human somehow and relatable. But experience trumps fantasy. A few months ago you answered a difficult-for-some prompt with your family's experience when your daughter brought someone home for dinner. Your experience trumped everyone's lack of experience and any opinion they shared. Experience is that strong. Hard to argue against it. Even this prompt, as innocent as it may seem, drew interesting responses. Thank you for yours. re "Snack time! [30 DBC entry]

Lilli: "There's a donut place here but I was raised with cheap donuts and nothing is cheap in this town. Coffee? I know where I can get it cheap and if not? Instant. But... yes, why would you be stingy with donuts. Buy a dozen! (or two) One can buy coffee by the to-go carafe here." re "12 or nothing at all

Richard: "Exactly! I learned from hosting parties that it was essential to have enough food. Not everyone got that memo and I can imagine that if someone is truly poor or between paychecks that this might happen; but, even then there are simple solutions. I thought 'what a silly prompt' but the responses have been most interesting. ""Sharing Is Caring - Hypothetically!

Sue: I buy instant at $5.69/jar. It says 120 6 ounce servings... *Laugh*... that's a joke. 6 ounces isn't even a good gulp. So I self-caffeinate. I don't buy sodas or bottled water so I save money that way. I do get drip at $2/mug (12 ounce or more) if I'm in a cafe... even get a milkshake for $4.50 if I want to treat myself. But I digress. I'd just smile and drink water or whatever. However, if a donut...hell...half-a-donut goes uneaten I'd pounce. re "5th November 30DBC

Cappucine: "Yassssssssss. I'm Hufflepuff but that brought out my Slitherin. Don't bother talking to me before the coffee kicks in. *Smirk*" re "Do Not

Marvilla: "I was puzzled by the prompt but some of the responses were interesting. I'd go without but why not bring more?" re "Coffee shortage?

Apondia: "Love me some sugar... *Laugh*. Ray makes a good point. Some friends really don't understand other people's food choices. But, hey, more for me." re "Tea anyone?


Cappucine: "Yep. You both wrote about Cleo. Hopefully she won't suffer any trauma. Some kids are resilient (I wasn't) and if she isn't constantly made to relive it she should be fine as memories fade." re "My name is Cleo

Mike: And now for the rest of the story. I can't write in the detective genre ... but I do recognize a hanging hook. *Smirk2* re "Clyde who? [30 DBC entry]

Marvilla We had members of our family that ghosted others. Since my mother's family wasn't very warm I shouldn't be as surprised as I am. In many ways I take after my father's Swedish side of hard headed ne'er-do-wells that embraced each other regardless. re "Missing

November 5, 2021 at 2:03am
November 5, 2021 at 2:03am
Easy answer for me: I ordered. I brought enough for 5. I serve the five and not myself. I can drink water and I don't need a donut. That said, maybe everyone will share. I don't see the problem unless everyone is immature.

There are basically four answers other than mine:

1. Make it fair (like in grade school)
2. Make it a competiton (like in Lord of the Flies)
3. Do it cooperatively (a more mature approach... the one I like)
4. Greed. THEY'RE ALL MINE! (the flip side of my answer)

I really loved the humorous answer by LeJenD' in Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5 from Dissociated Thoughts 


LeJen: "Ah... greed. Not competition. Not cooperation. Not even fairness. Just plain greed. *Smirk2* Now... a personal question... do you like donut holes?" re "Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5

QP: "Yeah, for me the problem is the prompt. Why would there be a problem? I'd drink water and lose weight (I wish). But... I do love coffee and donuts. *Smile*" re "Coffee and Donuts

Sox: That's a valid point! re "November 5, 2021

Petra: I'm on my __ cup. Oh, well. No donuts. I'm eating up left over rice because coffee on an empty stomach wouldn't be wise for me today. re "Sharing in the morning

Ray: So... macho...so... American... so... macho American! And juvenile! *sigh* I'm so... not! *Vamp* By-the-way, you left out the part where Lilli walks in, swoops up the coffee and donuts, gives them the evil eye... and vanishes. *Shock2* "Donut Get Upset

Sonali: "Yes. The prompt presents a 'problem' that in some cultures isn't a problem. Some here would try to make equal portions because that's how they are. "She got more than I did." is a common juvenile complaint that many never grow out of. In Thailand I'll have to understand 'only put a little on the plate at a time' until everyone has had a chance to try everything. I tend to do that anyways. Your side note: so that's why they cook enough to serve a village? Because the whole village may show up? " re "By Two Coffee - #30DBC

Viv: "All, all MINE. *Laugh* Ah... greed and making simple solutions difficult. Typical American corporate office... if you ask me. *Smirk* Yes, good answer to the prompt because I can see this." re "COFFEE AND DONUTS ANYONE?


LeJen: "Nothing like a personal story. Thanks for sharing. I don't remember whether I ever read a different point-of-view from someone 'inside'. 'Not all missing are lost' comes to mind. I can see why she stayed away. And I can vouch that once one has stayed away it becomes easier to just avoid or forget." re "Missing

Sonali: "Very nicely done. Here it applies to all the holidays. Some do make an effort. Like the bar Charlie B's (where everyone knows your name) that puts out a spread, invites everyone, asks no questions... except if it's turkey... "white meat or dark"." re "The Quest - #30DBC

Ray: 14 long lines with rhythm, a caesura at times. Rhyme: aabbccddeeffgg. You need to find a contest where you can enter it once you've edited! Nicely done. I was hoping to see a poem or two. There's more to life than NaNo. *Whistle* re "Missing Person

Sandy: The strength of this response is giving Melanie a voice. IRL so few live or living remember those moments. Recently, Winston Maxey III, who was 15 in 1971 was identified in Oregon after DNA matched a daughter he never knew about. An unsolved case now 'solved'. But what happened will most likely never be known. *Sad* re "Missing

QP: "Who-you-are matters. As do priorities. Amber alerts need to be rethought. At times I wonder whether we already live in a Twilight Zone. " re "Missing

Petra: "Ah... Being Black. And people wonder why BlackLivesMatter? Maybe because to them... they don't. 1983 was a long long time ago... but that family remembers. Grief has no expiration date." re "Missing

Sox: "Oh... something is definitely going on. It may be MenInBlack memory erasure; but, I wouldn't bet on it. Raen's surely in a heap of trouble. Keep writing; we'll keep reading." "November 4, 2021

Annette: "Yes, asking too many question can be dangerous. I liked the notion of nearly invisible "For one, their light-absorbing fur made it almost impossible to see them until they were right in front of someone, even in broad daylight." In fact... those who dare to ask... ah... maybe I just need more coffee or a donut." re "She's Not Missing

Viv: Caves... yes, people do disappear in them... which makes a good cover story for those who need to runaway... or those who never got the chance.{/} re "INTO THE CAVES NEVER SEEN AGAIN


LeJen: "I have mixed emotions. Big money has moved in here, razed housing put up luxury condos. Where the poor are going to go is beyond me. Or should I say... where am I going to go? I like cities. I like small towns; but, strip malls or drive-thru-coffee means you're becoming a suburb. I don't like suburbs." "When Visitors Won't Leave

Sonali: Makes me humble. I just hop on a plane, train, bus. People here find that amazing because they go nowhere without a car, even renting one when necessary. It's an expensive way to live life but very very American. They don't understand me.

Because I prefer staying in hostels I've met cyclists and walkers and world travelers who are just as likely to ride a donkey or a camel as ride in a limo.

I need to travel again soon and keep this in mind. *Care*
re "Self Driven - #30DBC

Sox: "One small detail... if Mira Black is a villain then all her minions could be shades of grey... but never black. There's only One Black. *Smirk* That said, Raen has a reason to be worried. But is she worried for the right reason or is something else going on as well? Could *gasp* Mira Black even end up being on the 'same' side... villain or not? Horrors!" re "November 3, 2021

Sandy: Whether fictional or real... this actually happens. Both the honor guard and the police. We've had the police out when the bikers show up because there's the assumption that there will always be trouble. That's sad in a way. Very sad. re "Sore Thumbs

Annette "Yep, I'm with Charity. Seems kinda normal like the annual Riverfest here. Until you mention the flower fairy setting up shop in your hair! *Bigsmile* I think some pixies got into mine. *Laugh*" re "Fairy Dance

Petra: "Yep, historically, the English have been bad fans. I was in Ireland when they had a friendly with England in 2015, first after 20 years. Solution? Game should've been cancelled and England should've been sent home and banned. I have nooooo patience with this type of misbehaviour." re "Hooligans

Viv: "I wasn't sure whether they were werewolves or dogs. But does it matter? A good pet will calm the inner beast... most of the time.""VISITORS WHO ...


November 4, 2021 at 2:51pm
November 4, 2021 at 2:51pm
So hard to write my own blog to today's 30dbc prompt... Other's said it more eloquently. Read those linked below.

To many I'm missing (and good riddance, some would say). Do people think of me; do they miss me? Most probably. But who I once was died long ago. You-all never knew him. Those who did don't know me now. No sense trying to resurrect what was buried and should remain so. At times I feel a zombie hand trying to touch me. No. Let me rest-in-peace. Let go. As I've had to let go.

I've commented on 62 entries and need to finish Day 3 before tackling Day 5. I'm a bit worn out at the moment.


To Robert: "MWWS = really exists. Locally, we notice cats, dogs, even people missing. Some have disappeared for good reason. Others? We may never know. One friendly acquaintance reported his girlfriend and daughter missing this week. At some point I'll find out why. But it won't make national news regardless. On the other hand, smartphones and social media does help find people. "A" reported today that a clint of hers was murdered a couple Saturdays ago; she wasn't surprised. A classic case of ongoing domestic abuse. Her name was Lucille Synek, age 54. She should've ran away... but, in the end, he ran over her. I mention her name because 'victims' are more than numbers. The Pettito case became annoying. So much effort spent while much was ignored." re "Hide-And-Seek Champions

To Charity: "I remember Sheila's recount of how she was raped at age 13 and how that upset everyone in Blogville at the time. It affected her for years. This is hard to read; but these events aren't unicorns and bunnies. And it does help others even if they say nothing. *HeartO*" re "30DBC Day 4: For Maggie

To Judith: "What some people miss is that there would no need for Black Lives Matter #blacklivesmatter if in fact Black lives mattered. But it's not only race. Is there a sob story? A cute victim; a suspected evil villain? Does it sell. Yes, making money off of other people's misfortunes is a real thing. Fear and anger also sell... as basefook and twatter know so well! Veronica Reyes-Diaz could easily be forgotten... along with all the others who aren't famous or don't have loved ones with ka$$$ching." re "Missing Persons

To Sue: Yes, so few of these stories turn out well. It was headline news here. In the US it so common that who-you-are matters. Poor and Native? Maybe flyers but never a national concern nor outrage. Very common in Montana. As is murder... re "Missing me?

To Richard: "WDC was MIA for 3 ... three ... THREEEEE ... hours last night. Unfortunately that's the same time that our internet connection has been iffy here. Plus, I was in the middle of doing something. Elycia Lee ☮ stated it well, "The fact I don't even notice when FB and Insta are down but realise a WDC outage is proof that WDC is more important than any social media channels." So I lost my sanity while overwhelmed by the reality, WDC was MIA!. Common Sense told me not to worry; but I never listen to common sense. As for your response: well put. Certain algorithms picking up on fear and anger has lead to Headlines of Hate. I could blame memes... but they are the distillation of sound bites when we are no longer willing to take the time to have a conversation. Just my opinion. re "The Disappearance of Common Sense

To Darken: "We have mountains, forests, gorges, bears... those who choose death-by-bear are usually found. Well... what remains. But the others? Not always. A whole lot of emptiness as NormaJean can attest to. The bogs of Northern Europe have preserved many. The tar pits of California are the graveyards of many extinct (maybe not-so-bright) animals. So it comes to pass. In Montana, the number of missing young women of native backgounds is both heart-rendering and disturbing. " re "Invalid Entry

To Kathie: "I would hope that she just ran off with someone. Oddly, it's not impossible to keep secrets for decades... assuming she's still alive. But I see why it would affect you. Too many connections to the places where this all happened. " re "30 day Blogging-Nov 4, 2021


To Mike: "Folks visit Missoula during Fire Season, which is almost every year, and wonder why it's smoky. D'oh... did you really believe those tourism brochures? After the last UM Grizz it will quiet down here. I highly suspect that our covid outbrak is due to tourism... we are #1 vaxxed county in Montana... which ain't saying much... but we have counties under 30% vaxxed." re "Visit's over! [30 DBC entry]

To Sue: "Do they use Route 30 or paths parallel to it? Sorry, but I have no sympathy for those annoyed by cyclists or walkers. Here people complain because it cost them a whole 5 minutes of lost time on their essential trek to WalMart. Yes, people are an annoyance, but those cafes probably welcome the visit! There are cyclists who tranverse Taiwan. The tricky area is in the Northeast... very dangerous. Ofttimes they go in groups. It's safer. I stayed in a hostel for cyclists in Donggang and have stayed in hostels for pilgrims in Tui, Spain and Ringebu, Norway." re "Tourists

To Kathie: "painted with crimson, cinnamon, / simmering over scented coals. Lovely. The magic is all around us. *Care* Every autumn, every spring I remember other seasons of a child playing in mud or leaves. ... but my body doesn't feel young again! Ah... "Cocoon". But Jassica Tandy stayed behind." re "30 Day Blogging-Nov 3, 2021

To Charity: "Oh... be glad you don't write horror stories. *Laugh* A very nice read. Hope you enjoyed the dinner; hope Jonah enjoyed his anchovey paste." re "30DBC Day 3: Visitors

Judith: Interesting way to make some valid points. So many species are being displaced... ironically to grow bananas or oil palms or holiday trees. No nasty wildlife allowed. It mostly makes me sad. When I get to Thailand I will not feed the monkeys nor will I ride an elephant. Fortunately there's an increasing consciousness globally. re "Just a Few Words About Habitat


To Mike: "Yep. I love to touch but I'm aware that not everything is safe. Like leaning against certain trees in Costa Rica that are protected by ants. Never touch a pretty frog! Don't pet a snake, especially if it's golden. Don't = a word that some folks don't understand. We won't mention death-by-selfie. *Shock2*" re "Warning signs [30 DBC entry]

To Sue: "Will it have an exhibit of 1980s-90s toys? Those are already showing their age! *Laugh* It's amazing that anything made for children lasts through childhood. Maybe they were wealthy enough that each child had their own toys instead of shared or hand-me-downs. It would be nice if they had replicas the visitors could play with and a shop a well. Never can tell what a child will or will not play with, as many a parent has found out. It would be great to visit as it would be a glimpse into a different time and way of living." re "My corner of the museum

Charity: "Why not be an optimist? There's enough hurt and meanness out there that's well-funded. Healing needs to be supported too. I like the inclusiveness; although, it seems as much a clinic and a university. Still, anything to get folks through the front door raises awareness. You do need a catchier name though. *Bigsmile* St. Jude is taken (a non-profit model that should be looked into). St Dymphna, patron saint of mental health is available... her feast day is May 15th." re "30DBC Day 2: Mental Health Museum


November 3, 2021 at 11:53am
November 3, 2021 at 11:53am
It's been an up and down day. I won 1st and 3rd in the Song Contest:

1st Autumn Lullaby "Autumn Lullaby
3rd First Drum Set "First drum set

I saw friends. One friend who has been very concerned about covid and vaxxed to the max has tested positive for covid. Missoula is one of the hot spots. Don't ask what I think.

I've been cheerleading. Some success. Using characters is proving useful to NaNo-ers.

As for tourists... there weren't any until this summer and we thought we had dodged the bullet but this is an anti-vax state and the Gateway to Glacier Park is the epicenter of the outbreak and a White Nationalist Nativist hotbed of "Hate Everyone", especially the government. The Q folks are fighting over which one will represent WMT in Congress in 2022. Gonna make Greene look like a Georgia peach in comparison.

So... the governor is an antivaxxer (he blocked hospitals from mandating vaxxed health care workers). It's nice to read that it's getting better elsewhere. Sucks to be caught here. Reason doesn't work.

So visitors? All the antivaxxers and antimaskers decided to vacation here. Welcome to Hell.

Aliens have more common sense.

My comments from earlier when I wasn't so worked up.

To Robert: Oh, sure, I can pass as one of them, but if they got to know me, they would know I am the Enemy. Yep. Me too, albeit in different ways. Texas letter of sucession 1861 state quite clearly: “We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable."

Texas succession 1861: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_texsec.asp

Inconvenient truths? As for here... governor opened up the state to the maskless to promote tourism in Yellowstone and Glacier. We're caught in between, and even with the #1 % vaxxed we've had a severe covid outbreak. Ask me about tourists? Don't.
Re "Tourist Trap

To Marvilla: People used to dress differently in this town. Every day. In some ways the place is becoming less quirky as it gentrifies. Tourists? They tend to be the 'normal' looking ones. No lumbersexual, no Portland grunge, no left-over-hippie. And subdued due to covid. Halloween was a no-show this year. And market-season is over. *Sad* It'll soon be dress-like-a-bear season! And not just for Grizz football games. Re "Different tourists

To Lilli: "Football games. 25 thousand fans in the shadow of the mountain and nowhere to park and few ways in and out. But that's only a few autumn weekends. We used to have festivals. I try to visit places off-season. But Prague... not sure they have an off-season... that's why I wasn't charmed by it. We have lots of snowbirds here who winter in Arizona and Mexico." Re "Tourist Season

To Richard: "Absolutely loved this! There's enough tension building to make me want to continue. Yes, Z'llya is an assassin but... the B'rayians and the Vistors... related yet not related. I immediately thought of Serbians and Croatians. They speak the same language but don't tell them! Or Texans and Vermonters who don't quite look the same or speak the same and yet... I do believe that answering the prompt with a character is important, especially when IRL the prompt doesn't apply or triggers something not-so-good. And during NaNoWriMo? It can be perfect. Now we have a world that should seem familiar, yet isn't. Because I've worn glasses since age 6 I understand "glasses on, glasses off" and the usefulness of focusing and unfocusing. We'll see whether this poses a "problem" for your major/minor characters, but hopefully it adds to the work in some way. Like... are there assassins among the Newcomers? Or assassin hunters? Buffy-the-*Vamp*-slayer wants to know." re "New Comers - Z'llya's Voice

To Tina: "Those aliens were actually my neighbors. *Bigsmile* Here we keep bear spray in our pockets. *Shock* It's even been known to work on Texans. *Smirk2* Glad you knew how to appease them. " re "Invalid Entry

To Ray: "Got me to laugh too. No one suspects bloggers are wannabe assassins... oops. And failed drama-queens *Laugh*... now I've stepped over the line. Yes, I like this. A lot. I like the grittiness. I love the details and use of senses. I can smell it, see it, feel it. Gonna be a hoot when the buses pour out all those bloggers and their characters (some muzzled, some on leashes, some ... not). Surfs up! I'm not a swimmer, but if any blood is spilled... *Vamp*." re "Ruminations

To QP: "Yep. I'm with Judith. They could always pick up that accent by watching Brit-coms and Fox News out of Wichita Falls. Did Starbucks sound familiar to them? Or were they chuckling because one was just built on the far side of Europa... *Whistle*" re "Tall and Spindly

Cappucine: "Yep. Lots of tree haters. Need to build a house? Clear the land. 200 year old trees are in the way of widening the road? Chop, chop, chop. "But we'll plant new trees." These tree-haters are the most evil of all.""Visit of the Tree Haters


To Lilli: “penny universities” ... I love hanging out in cafes. Oddly, or not so oddly, that's why I want to visit Wellington, NZ. "Hanging out" has lessened with drive-by places we won't mention. If I want to drink alone I can stay home! Same with pubs, bars, etc. I do prefer the floral scents of Ethiopian or the earthiness of Kenyan. I'm sure you'll have a tasting room. *Bigsmile* re "What? You were expecting the Boston Tea Party?

To Richard: "As long as you include Swedish meatballs (and gadgets to make them) and fishballs. *FishO* And takoyaki (octopus) made in special cupped pans so the balls come out round. 🐙" re "Now That's Spicy

To QP: As long as there's room for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAdua8pGcE4
Strauss: hold my anvil and hammer
Tchaikovsky: hold my cannons
re "The History of Typewriters

To Cappucine: "This is strange... which is good but the surrealism surprised me. Part of me does want to visit. Would you suggest Paris? Shadow of the Pine... perhaps in a coastal town of Oregon or Tasmania? Where oh where are folks strange enough to embrace this? Hint: not in Melbourne.""Musee d’Ombeline

To Kathie: "I see where it would help. Even better if visitors didn't feel a need to be anonymous. Although on rereading, that may not be what you are inferring. Also, this info needs to be available and taught to men. And teenagers. The idea that we can't talk about these issues until it's too late really rankles me. The American denial about sex and gender has created havoc." "30 day Blogging-Nov 2, 2021


To QP: "I've used public transportation for years. So sad that Americans have to have a car. When I visited Torino I could walk to the store in 5 minutes. The walkability score was 99. (Here it was 94 but gentrification is shoving businesses out.) Plus, they have two train stations in Torino and they go most anywhere. Hop a train to the international airport in Milan and the world's your oyster. *Scallopr* Oh, I wish... I've been without glasses for over 6 months. I've had to wear them since age 6... but I keep forgetting that it would be nice to see clearly. En serio... I forget. *Shock2* I need to buy a smart-aleck phone. They've become a necessity." re "Necessary Possessions

To Cappucine: 1. Or a warning! *Laugh* 2. I listened to the Typewriter Song today does that count? 3. Home. Most Americans only think of a house as an investment. 4. Good vibrations. *Cat* I wish. *Cat* 5. Look up at the stars! I need to get rid of clutter; give most everything away. I'm entering a different stage of life. Hopefully there are cats wherever I go. re "possess me

November 2, 2021 at 12:47am
November 2, 2021 at 12:47am
Kåre is whining about being worn out from reading blogs and leaving poop comments on your entries. Well whine away! Until you've walked on cobblestone in stilettos cry-me-a-kumquat.

I'm Quentin Queen of the Kumquats *Crown*... deal with it... or not.

So I'm supposed to chat about a museum? Of what? If I'm not featured in my full length gown and tiara... now there's a thought...

Imperial Quintana of Kumquats

Kumquats here, kumquats there, kumquats, kumquats everywhere!

Until you've been to Kinkin you can Not imagine.

Quentin, Queen of the Kumquats  (13+)
Quentin finds himself in a land where his self-identity disappears.
#2172092 by Kåre Enga in Montana

As Queen I collected a few things:

Here are my teacups, my collection of jams and jellies, note the 27 varieties of quince jelly, my favorite. Over there we keep dried quats, loquats, highquats... we're out of fresh kumquats but I'm sure the citrus section of your grocery store will have some. We're a museum not a market.

Ah... my rings made of coral, necklaces of sea shells, an anklet of pearls and my mismatched kumquat earrings I was going to give as a gag gift for a friend. Their loss.

On the left, in a special temperature controlled room, we have my gown.

And my tiara... *Smile* the tiara I had to pawn *Sob*.

But I'm sure you-all are hungry by now? Sit down for some tea and toast. Have some kumquat comfits... as many as you like.

HRK Quentin.

Why Kåre is worn out:

Robert: "Beer Museum: Glasses, ingredients, processes, historical notes, vintage vessels, cauldrons, mandrake root. Will you serve Butterbeer in the Homage to Hogwarts Room? I'm sure Sonali can preside over the opening with a few vituous verses and a flick of her wand. Wonder whether she has any spare floo powder to get there and back! What part of the USA will it be it located in? I don't see any American town named Louvain. Hmm." In "Beer Necessities

For prompt #1 Mary Ann makes a valid point for seniors. I believe she is the eldest among us. A laptop is a godsend for those of us who live alone yet want/need to stay in touch. "With My Pen I'm Fearless

Sonali and the MofM Museum of Marcophily. *Smile* "I checked the envelope of a letter you sent to me. Yes, it's stamped with the Vidhana Soudha. *Smile* I would most likey love to visit Kokrebelur. If the animals/birds are not afraid of people then the people tend to be very nice. I've been to Istanbul and Dubai where cats are friendly and in general the dogs are friendly in the Balkans. Same here. Few nasty dogs. Costa Rica? Very nasty dogs." In "Marcophily - #30DBC

Viv: A circus exhibition? Happy cheerful music? Just a little dark in the DARK corner? *Laugh* I wonder what darkness therein hid in the Dark? In "MUSEUM EXHIBIT I LIKE

Annette: "There's a bit of an edge, isn't there? 7-8 years old? Kids that age can ask uneasy questions, much to the dismay of some adults. In second grade we went to the Zoo (capitalized because it was The Zoo to an 8 year old), although all I remember was the elephant squirting some of us including my mother. A zoo is a museum in a way. Anyway... I like that Tanicqua and Monique both have the letter 'q'. I'm intrigued as to where you'll take us. Of course we won't have a clue until the prompt is posted but that's the joy of the unexpected. Good stories unfold that way. And some writers (at least the pantsers) don't know until they write it. *Bigsmile* I really like how you're handling this." In "History is Scary
Petra: "Except on Mondays... so European! It does explain where Wolf got that book. I mean... why not an Auction Museum? I've never heard of one but it sounds delightful especially if there were a window display of quirky items. If there were an auction every Sunday and a new display put up on Tuesdays... Was the box a 'bargain basement bin' discount table, mystery box, yadayada? What else on display might prove to be a clue that reveals itself later in the story? Like... who set it up and why. In any case ... word count!" "An auction museum

To Tina: "You'd love the National Train Museum in York, England. Yep. Mixing a couple of those ideas might work. It needn't be a grand museum. It could be tiny "Open Mondays Only" because that's when all of the other museums are closed. Live plants take room and upkeep. Spices, herbs, especially local ones, blends like curry, those used to ease life (poison, no samples)... *Smirk* It could be The Potion Place. Slytherin? Or Hufflepuff? Could it be in a train car on a siding? Still mobile?" In "Invalid Entry

Sandy Day 2: Wonderful! I do agree that each Dust Bunny deserves a name. I can hear you the curator in a dry desiccated voice intoning, "Here are Sally Blue-eyes and Derek Dark-orbs, the parents of millions. Look around you at their minions and be awed". Such a joyful tongue-in-parched-cheek response. Love it. *HeartO* In "30 day Blogging-Nov 2, 2021

Nannarazzi (Sandy) Day 1: Yes, Nannarazzi Jetson... your grandgiggles' grands will giggle when they see pictures of you. *Bigsmile* I have a pile of cards and letters, mostly sent by WDC members. I disturbed them today looking for one Sonali sent me with special cancelation postmarks. Found it and told her. I belong to the Snail Mail Group but I'm not into birthday and holiday cards. I send letters and poems. Written in cursive. *Delight* By-the-way, I'm sneezing after reading about your (Nannarazzi's) Dust Bunny Museum... is that a bad sign? *Worry* In "Dust Bunny Tableaus

LeJen: "Are there cooperative records? Like, how many times can a disc be thrown back and forth? At 10 meters, 20 meters, 30. In a specific amount of time with penalties for dropping? Go Team Timor-Leste. Pictures are fine, but of course you'll include videos and how-to. And a resident expert could be on site (on certain days and times) to show newbies, oldies, children. The gift shop would carry all the brands (even cheap, even vintage). Toronto would be a nice location. Torino, Italy another. Both cities have good transportation and other museums. Did the Egyptians play frisbee? Am I being silly? No. All those lovely museums we now enjoy came about by someone with a 'whacky' idea, many much more whackier than yours. *Smile*" In "History of Flying Disc Sports, Now Known as Frisbee Sports

Judith:"I had an image of a flying saucer or Borg shaped shiny physical building sitting on a green hill in the middle of nowhere (sheep safely grazing). Inside one goes up a grand staircase or steps inside a glass tube to go up a floor where in all directions there are portals to all the places and experiences you have mentioned... and a few you didn't. Real? Holodecks? Below, the restaurant serves food from around this World. Above, the Galaxy's fares are offered. Again... sheep may safely graze... because they aren't on the menu. *Smile*
In "Travel log

Sox: Not from this omniverse... Are Raen and Beaoul amused or concerned? I'm glad to see you doing this. The Museum of the Middle of Everywhen would overwhelm a mere mortal like me. But then... are R&B mortal? Regardless, nice use of the museum prompt to give insight into the character Raen and the challenges that await (in the past, present, future). Re "November 2, 2021

November 1, 2021 at 2:23pm
November 1, 2021 at 2:23pm
Response to Charity Marie - <3 in entry "30DBC Day 1: Possessions

To possess or to be possessed.

Oddly, I feel possessed by my plants. They need nurturing and watering. It's a small miracle if I don't lose any when I travel.

When I travel... even that I'll have to give up some day.

The house, the car? History. A place to call home? *Sad* Do I become a digital nomad?

That catnapper though... I'd take it if it came with a cat. *HeartO*

Seriously though... my life is on loan. I rent this body.

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