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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 17 18 19 20 -21- 22 23 24 25 26 ... Next
November 30, 2021 at 6:46pm
November 30, 2021 at 6:46pm
December... the 1st is a sad day for me...

QP "Christmas Traditions: In Costa Rica 'servants' expect an 'aguinaldo', what you call 'Christmas money'. It does boost the economy. But... crazy time to shop. I remember cherry chocolates and pies (mince meat, pumpkin, apple) and... old music like 'Silver Bells'.

Sox "November 30, 2021: Yep. Holidays can be rough. For me these days it's mostly absence. Congratulations for getting through the month. Hope you come back sometime in the future. Perhaps Raen and Beaoul will spur you on. *HeartO*

Cappucine "about Christmas: Do your feasts include macademia nuts? I've been puzzled about Australians and their imported foods. For those who eat meat, what's wrong with rabbit or kangaroo Anyhoo... enjoy being with family. As for here... you got through another month... and that's always an accomplishment.

Petra: "Plans for the holidays: Thank you for making it through a very rough month; but, dare I say... you sound a bit better today. I hope the three of you have a great time together. *HeartO*

Sumojo "Same old: Back in my day, my friends were puzzled when I said I didn't enjoy parties. I gave quite a few... but I usually had a goal of bringing people together. "Having fun" was never a personal aspiration. Just like 30dbc... I am glad it's over, and will now take the time to assess what went right and what could've been better. I have no obligations whatsoever but after commenting on 99% of the entries I'll share my observations... after a coffee, tea or three (of each).

Robert "Try to November Me: I believe you last missed a blog day in December 2019... but I could be wrong. It's one thing to have a blue month... another to have a blue year. It becomes a bad habit. I do really like this entry. Facts and personal humor. Good mix.

Sonali "Merry Christmas! - #30DBC: Different country and culture. *Smile* Here, many go south and the students go home so it's a quiet time of year. Many people do decorate their homes. We have a local bar that tends to provide meals on holidays. Most places are closed. Congratulations on getting through 30 days of prompts. *Bigsmile* It's a bit of a marathon.

Jenn "Invalid Entry: I know a place that needs cleaning... just saying... Any idea yet what the theme of this year's ornament will be? I hope you enjoyed blogging this month. The 30dbc will be back January 1st. *Smile*

NormaJean "30 DBC - September 30 = Oops - Make that November 30th: I could do without the uber-commercialization. I'm surprised they don't offer a complete "Xmas" package on Amazon Prime. I'm sure local services exist in wealthier areas, an Xmas planner akin to wedding planner.

Viv "Tradition Has Changed: When I moved I made new friends in Oklahoma, but I was living with a family, and that made it easier. Actually did quite well in Oklahoma. Montana? Did okay at first but I've barely been outside the last two years; the 42 steps are daunting and there are fewer places to hang out than before. I have no plans so far for December.

?Sandy "Christmas: Hmm... y'know... some people accept delivery! Of course, these days sending anything anywhere is iffy and a pain. Thanks for a peek into generations of seasonal glow. As for the snow... enjoy. *Snow4*

Mike "Goodbye, 2021 [30 DBC entry]: Doing the can can? *Smirk* Enjoy your dinner if we don't chat before then. Congratulations on making it through the month... it's a marathon.
November 29, 2021 at 3:04am
November 29, 2021 at 3:04am
At first, I declined to read the responses to this prompt as the idea that we should even consider formulating a conspiracy is not acceptable to me.

Now, it is 11/29:

*sent* Sandy "Paranoia: "I really do like this take on the proverbial "Dust hath no beginning nor doth Dust end." Dust cannot be swept under the rug. Are OCDers denying their heritage? "All go to the same place, all come from dust, and all return to dust." Dust is family.

Sonali: "Conspiracy - #30DBC: Yes, it is a good take on the prompt. I don't think I knew any step-mothers at that age. Grandparents raising kids? That I knew.

Marvilla "A story I’ve been told: Funny. *Smile* Yes... children mix and match and reinvent the most interesting tales.

Kathie "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 20 The Fantastic Voyage: I don't remember the movie but wasn't there a children's show about a shrunken bus? In any case... technology isn't that far advanced. Maybe someday. Waltz' iProd is closer to reality. Privacy is a major concern but this conspiracy was sheer Q-stoked fear.

Mike "Reporting live from New Jersey... [30 DBC entry]: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Sox "November 20, 2021: I only care that it's there. *Delight* When traveling always wise to have some spare tp in the pocket.

Petra "The Bermuda Triangle excists: If it would turn my clock back 40 years I'd go there. *Smile*

Jenn: "Invalid Entry: Ouch. I'm glad I just read this today. I'm not as cynical about scientists and government in general. I believe in Maya Angelou's admonition, "when we know better we do better."

Sumojo "It’s a conspiracy : It's hard to sort things out. I've been to England so I'll zip my lips.

Cappucine "Platonic : Okay... step away from whatever Robert and Mike are slipping to you... My belief in a Cubic Earth is soundly, profoundly Platonic. Funny, punny.

Robert "People Eating Tasty Animals: I was near that volcano when the moon tried to hide that shameful ball of fire. Was able to view it safely. Any practice that creates problems for the little guy gives a boost to the big guy. What more can I say?

Viv "Truth/Lies: Those who are obsessed with finding conspiracies will find them. What's wrong is peddling lies. We've all been fed them.
November 29, 2021 at 1:06am
November 29, 2021 at 1:06am

*sent* Ray "Shuffling Off the Mortal Coil: Start now. I chose other paths when I was young. I now wish I would've chosen the one you depict. But then I wouldn't be sitting here in puddles. *HeartO* Everyone at WdC should read this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgl-VRdXr7I

*sent* Norma Jean "September 29 - 30 DBC - and this was Nov 29th: Yes, we are old. *Smile* The life I led will be remembered for a short time once I'm gone. I vaguely remember my Uncle Eddy, born 1874 in Sweden... it may take some time for you to be forgotten. Very lovely entry.

Jenn "Invalid Entry: Make a living will with copies to your lawyer making it explicit what your wishes are. Dead is dead but this is about your relationship with family, and their respect while you are alive seems to be key. I'm not afraid of Death as I believe my soul returns to its Creator, but I'd rather that my family have nothing to do with my mortal remains. Burial is fine.

Viv "Accomplishments A Legacy: Animals are important family to the homeless. A foundation sounds great.

Sonali "How we remembered Mom - #30DBC: Very nice way of saying thank you by making others happy. Children can give so much joy. WdC: Schnujo can help with how to memorialize your account.

Marvilla "Life’s accomplishments : I want my life to be a reflection of God’s love... a worthy goal.

Robert "Future Perfect: A very rational approach. Am I surprised? *Smile* I, on the other hand, am too emotional for my own good. My nightmares indicate that my 'issues' are not resolved. Which would be good place to start as I'm a tad closer to the edge than you are.

Sumojo "It’s almost over: You have a good attitude. *HeartO* Many vibrant seniors here in their 90s. There's always new things to see and do if you are young at heart.

QP "Satisfaction: Finding a way to make something happen is a key. Time/job/health/timing/family/money ... all better or worse excuses dealt with by a change of perspective. Instead of making Ireland fit into your life, make your life fit around your dream of Ireland *Countryie*. You're half-ways there already. Send postcards. (not sent: Finding a way to make something happen is a key. Money is a common barrier many use as an excuse. Finding ways to spend less is only part of an answer. Time/job/health/timing/family ... all better or worse excuses dealt with by a change of attitude. Instead of making Ireland fit into your life, make your life fit around your dream of Ireland. // not posted: And yes... this applies to huser:cathartes02, huser:rig0rm0rtis, suser:kat47 and even huser:sumojo as well. I could sit down with any of you and figure it out (over coffee or tea), just as you could sit down with me and help me sort out my issues *Rolleyes* better than I can alone. Find that person who holds the key to your dream... and make it happen. [Free advice as I'm not good at following my own advice.]

Kathie "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 29, 2021: The stepsons each have a life. The two sons need to find one. Can they both move into your place while you and your husband take that trip around the world that includes Ireland? [well... it ends in Ireland because you're moving there but they don't have to know that... yet *Smirk2*] Or... you could just move to Ireland and have both sons visit. They can arrange a work-vacation from Ireland... many do. In the meantime those photos aren't going to upload themselves. Not a bad idea to think about nephews, nieces, grandkids ... one of them may be able to help and actually have an interest in preserving those albums themselves. Don't leave them to someone who will put them in the trash (there's always one in every family). Just my opinion... I need to straighten out end-of-life issues as well. It'll free me up to make decisions as to what I want to do with my life until then.

Petra "Just continue...: My friend and neighbor came through cancer with flying colors. But when it came back... she made the decision to not fight it. I still have a note from her on my door. We all have choices. There are no wrong decisions in the end, but some aren't easy. *Care*

Cappucine "moribund: New homes for kitties *HeartO*. A lovely idea.

Mike "Lebensende [30 DBC entry]: I've met a number of folks... a very worthy idea. I strongly suggest beginning in Australia, Malaysia and India as long distances seem longer with age. Even Europe can be a long flight. Find someone who can fill in for your family responsibilities ... and go. Meet QP in Ireland... I suggest late May.

Sox "November 29, 2021: I'm lousy at self promotion. Many people equate money with success and nothing else matters. Not me. Yes, I'm published. Yes, it has been awhile. No, I have no energy to put myself out there.
November 28, 2021 at 6:52pm
November 28, 2021 at 6:52pm
*sent* Ray: "Well written. Answer? Playing vaguebook*... there are paradigms out there wherein cooperation and a sense of unity with everything and everyone is paramount, and tribalism and consumption (read destruction) are not. Excellent take on yesterday's prompt. You mention 'power' and I think that's part of the equation but there is also a belief in 'magic' in the sense that a sorcerer with a magical wand will take care of it all without any effort on our part, as opposed to the notion that we have answers within our grasp if we seek them and then work on them. *Americanism is not the answer." re "Uncivilization

?QP: "It's good to share personal examples to make the intangible seem tangible. *HeartO* I'm a worrywart by-the-way; the upside is that I usually have a plan B. " re "My Faith

?Sonali: "But the voice in my head / Is on full time, my dear! Great insight and hope for a way forward. I was 'spoiled'. No maid... just no insistance that anything get done and little patience to teach the unreachable me. Unfortunately, I'm still that way. With minor editing there's probably a poetry contest for this. *HeartO* " re "Once Real, Now Intangible - #30DBC

Viv: "Congratulations on getting through this month (in spite of interruptions and obstacles)." re "Intangible

Robert: "Yes... I'll be keeping an eye out for your blog about freedom*. (here's a hole for you) *Why do I get the feeling that the definition is not the same as what is bantered about in public discourse? Hmm. " re "Life, The Universe, and Everything

Sumojo: "Back in the day I watched Project Runway... make an outfit out of car parts? Not a problem for some. " re "It’s magic

Jenn: "Northern European "Christmas" is mostly pagan imho. The Christian aspect is muted at best. In the West (America) it's just a transplanted cultural holiday that's been commercialized. Seasonal holidays: planting, harvesting, resting, make perfect sense... when they are freely celebrated... instead of 'owned'." re "Invalid Entry

?Cappucine: "I may seem deliberate (when I can focus or plan). I'm definitely emotional ... or am I? I may seem creative at times but I don't have great creative talents. Of the 4 skills you mentioned: problem-solving, critical thinking, making connections, finding patterns; I'm especially good at sensing connections and patterns." re "Create Me

Petra: "Yeah... sounds too much like my reality. *Sad* IF I ever get moving again (haven't checked my mail in a month) my situation may improve. I do binge watch at times but not much interest in even that some days. I keep my dishes clean and take a shower almost every day. Might not seem like much but better than doing neither. " re "Lack of energy

Marvilla: "It [faith] helps me to keep a better attitude. God blesses me abundantly so that I can give to others. See you after surgery. *HeartO*" re "Gotta Have Faith

Sandy: "Oh... you are asking far too much! Sleep? That's for the Dead. They have the spare time. I do write down snippets when I'm not overwhelmed. It helps if I'm depressed or bored. Or inspired. Not much ispiration around here recently." re "Creativity

Mike: "11th Chapter = Faith Chapter? I listened to both songs. I wasn't raised around either types of music in a very German Lutheran/Catholic town. I'm sure that in our town the Epistle of James was more in style in the 60s with its emphasis on deeds, rather than Twila Paris' sing and dance style of the 90s based on faith-only. My town was old-fashioned. The first song seems to be consistant with what you share about your beliefs." re "Faith [30 DBC entry]

Sox: "Magic... and the answer is ... the universe may not agree. Also, what seemed magical 50 years ago may be taken for granted today." re "November 28, 2021

November 27, 2021 at 5:36pm
November 27, 2021 at 5:36pm


Merit Badge in Color My World
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022547]

 Thank you for making it through a very rough month; but, dare I say... you sound a bit better today. I hope the three of you have a great time together. *^*HeartO*^*
to WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for making it through.

Merit Badge in Home Garden
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022533]

 You survived November! Daily blogging is a bit of a marathon. I'm usually crawling across that finish line. *^*Heart*^* You did it!  to dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG for crossing the finish line.


Merit Badge in Follow Your Dreams
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For: [Link to Book Entry #1022508]

Start now. I chose other paths when I was young. I now wish I would've chosen the one you depict. But then I wouldn't be sitting here in puddles. *^*HeartO*^* to Ray Scrivener for "Shuffling Off the Mortal Coil Evocative.

Merit Badge in Seasons Summer
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022477]

Sending you sunshine. *^*Sun*^*

Yes, we are old. *^*Smile*^*  The life I led will be remembered for a short time once I'm gone.  I vaguely remember my Uncle Eddy, born 1874 in Sweden... it may take some time for you to be forgotten. Very lovely entry. to QueenNormaJean gettinPomsready for "September 29 - 30 DBC - and this was Nov 29th Inspirational, personal


Merit Badge in RAOK
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022392]

I believe one answer that you mention that is doable for each individual is "random acts of kindness". to Ray Scrivener for "Uncivilization Opinion, plea for sanity.


Merit Badge in Refreshing
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022388]

You enter a room open, the windows and  air it out . You said it stronger than I ever could because this happened to you in recent past tense. You were proactive... kudos to you. Shame on the coworkers. to Charlie ~ for "Invalid Entry Assertive outrage, experience.


Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022337]

Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your personal world. A world that is distant in time and geography for many of us. to THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 for "Letting my fingers type - #30DBC Personal, insight.

Merit Badge in Three Word Thursday
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022371] 

"Nicely done. I vote for Josiecat, coffee, a snooze. I love the smell of rain, the sound of rain, the caress of rain on my face.  "Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three."  A quote by someone, from some time, found you-know-where." to Cappucine for "tricolonic Rhythm and grammar.

Merit Badge in Grace Under Pressure
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022380]

Blogs can be most powerful when the writer speaks from experience. This episode is recent and raw. No one dare argue with it. What you could've, should've or would've done is irrelevant. This is what transpired, this is how you dealt with it. Kudos on the appointments. Sounds like you were blessed. *^*Care*^* to Marvelous Friend for "My November Health issues. Eloquent.


Merit Badge in Variety
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022282]

So many things to be grateful for. 

"My go-to tea is oolong. *^*Hearto*^* I appreciate the use of this abcediary form. It gives structure, length, flexxxibility. Glad you are sleeping better. Now... if you just had a hot-spring (onsen) out the back." to Cappucine for "Gratitude, an Abcediary Rambling poem.


Merit Badge in Excellent
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022242] 

" They showed me how to survive but not how to live.  My words exactly. This is a prologue worthy of the genre Nordic Noir. Whether auto-biographical or fictional it's devastating, stark and evocative. Jo Nesbø and Henning Mankell would be proud of you." to Ray Scrivener for "Another Brick in the Wall Personal, very very dark.

Merit Badge in Wisdom
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022218]

A painful personal experience and the wisdom to not hate all teachers. *^*HeartO*^*
to THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 for "Don't let her cute plum looks fool you. - #30DBC Personal experience, hurt.

Merit Badge in You Are Stronger
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022234]

"Clear-as-a-bell memory, isn't it? *^*Care*^* Great details pulling us into these hurtful memories that you survived." to QPdoll for "Mean Ms. V Personal experience, hurt.

23 IT's A JOKE

Merit Badge in Work In Progress
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022199]

 "Gallows humor, but you make your point. In Thai/Lao culture it is mandatory to be polite (rudeness is ungrammatical). In Guatemala one always asks about the family first before business. In some cultures you make jokes about yourself but not about others. Humor like so many things is cultural. Thanks for insight into a world I know nothing about." to Writer_Mike for "Testing...testing... [30 DBC entry] Instructional, gallows humor.


Merit Badge in Rare
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022087] 

  "That look... hypnotic or not. *^*Smirk*^* I do like how you present this. It may be a power with limits but it'll work.   
to Sumojo for "Super me! Funny, fiction.


Merit Badge in Wisdom
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022015]

I really do like this take on the proverbial "Dust hath no beginning nor doth Dust end." Dust cannot be swept under the rug. Are OCDers denying their heritage? "All go to the same place, all come from dust, and all return to dust." Dust is family.
to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "Paranoia Dust, funny.


Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022061] 

Glad this 30dbc prompt brought back good memories. I think of Cente singing "Volver" and hearing it sung when I was about to leave Costa Rica. I said I would never return... and I didn't for 35 years. *^*Heart*^* to Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love "Invalid Entry Memoir, gentle.


Merit Badge in Growth
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021976]

"Double ouch. *^*Care*^* I think these experiences need to be shared, if only as a warning to others. I have been and hurt by numerous people in my life and a couple I'd rather not see again."
to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "Eureka Personal, devastating.

Merit Badge in Growth
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021991]

" Life is too short to be unhappy.  Triggers me a bit. I didn't leave a marriage but I did leave a life behind. Was it worth it? Am I happier? Rough questions. I seem to be entering a different stage of life. That may bring new challenges, new choices, or no choice at all." to Redtowrite for "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 18, 2021 Personal, affirming.


Merit Badge in Organization
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021860] 

Impressive organization of time. Good insight: "I don't do creative work when my kids are awake; I can become a massive ... whenever I'm trying to do something creative but I keep getting interrupted." to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Personal, daily routines.

Merit Badge in Blessings
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021849]

"I'm facing decisions as I start to fade. I day-dreamed as a child and never fully got out of the haze induced by depression and disappointment. Now I see the fog gathering around me, uncertain whether it's mist or morphine, not sure whether it matters. Thanks for sharing your real life." to Cappucine for "counsel Personal, health details.

Merit Badge in Patience
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021843]

They say "Patience is a Virtue" but they never tell the truth that no one has seen her this century.

"Opt out? Loan forgiveness would help but there are societal forces unwilling to allow that. I choose to live on less, but that's not an easy option for those who are faced with barely getting by with food and shelter. 

I'd say: "say no" but if you're merely a cog they can find a replacement; as in, you replaced someone, someone replaced you, you are replaceable. to Charlie ~ for "Invalid Entry Personal lament.


Merit Badge in Crime Gangster
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021786]

"Death. Murder. And here we thought you were a writer who occasionally enjoys a Belgian brew. *^*Shock2*^* Who knew? ... i don't ... i swear i know nothing ... (excellent writing)." 
to Robert Waltz for "The Butler Did It Funny and unexpected.

16 EAT

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021748]

"Good insight into your eating habits over the years. *^*HeartO*^* A very simple diet growing up (me:yes), supplementing with homegrown foods (me:no), lots of self restraint (so not me). I was raised on leftovers so that's what it often is. I hate throwing out food. My diet isn't good. I'm often sluggish. I have less urge to eat when I travel."  to Apondia for "Walk Don't Eat Eating less.

Merit Badge in Positivity
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021723]

"I do like how you go into great detail. I can't quibble with the benefits of fasting. Good for counting one's blessings and flushing out toxins. I try to monitor what I eat by simply not buying certain things. I don't buy soda (no calories), bottled water (our tap water is very good), chocolate (because I'll eat it all *^*Laugh*^*). I do concur that brussel sprouts (and imho beets and parsnips) are best roasted." to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Intermittent fasting. How to.

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021765] 

" Cast-iron?  There are foods I don't like but not much will make me sick. *^*Smile*^* Me in Isan (NE Thailand): ไม่พริก (mai prik = no hot spice) I think... guess I'll find out! Quite amusing   as teaching usually is." to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "See Food Diet Asipirin cake. Funny.

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021729]

"Portions? I have problems with food going bad. As long as I have canned tuna (bought when it goes on sale) and pasta or rice I'm fine... but even then... portion control? Me? I'm a see-food eater and cheap-caffeine drinker. Nicely written." to Robert Waltz for "Thought for Food Eating single philosophy.

15 TRAVEL: a thrupling we will go

Merit Badge in Travel
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021651]

"'& it's not going to rain.' *^*Laugh*^* You are a dreamer! A funny one. '& turn blue, then build a fire, & steam.' Thanks for the images. This could be an outline of a larger work." 
to Cappucine for "around the apple isle Tasmanian fun.

Merit Badge in Encore! Encore!
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021709]

"A threesome teeter-totter-ing on heels? Why do I get this flashing image of the Brit-com Ab-Fab? *^*Rolling*^* 'we felt calories could not possibly catch us.' ... O Ye Deluded Nancy Drew Squared Plus One! You lie about heading straight home from Texas ... just saying. You actually were sighted in Puebla eating 'pollo en mole poblano'. And the pics taken at the market of you wallowing in chocolate sauce... Oh, I could go on-and-on... *^*Smirk*^*." to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "Our Sweet(s) Tour Chocoholic threesome.

Merit Badge in Follow Your Dreams
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021659]

"Three guides for a trip down Memory Lane. Totally awesome. This shouldn't be just a dream. You-three could start planning now!" 

to Redtowrite for "30 day Blogging-Nov 15, 2021 Dreamscape details.


Merit Badge in Family
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021609]. A place of refuge... "I want to know more about this place. It would have saved me personal grief if it had been available in 2003... just saying... and a couple times before and since. I'm good at the moment. Too bad I can't just call Mage or Bea. Too bad I'm not related. You describe a refuge I wish were real. *^*Heart*^*" to Apondia for "Hideaway Retreat. Awesome writing.

Merit Badge in Paranormal
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For  [Link to Book Entry #1021641] "Very nicely done. When the prompt said remote ... you went remote and a bit further. *^*Shock2*^*"
to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Riveting and spooky.


Merit Badge in Well Done
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021510] "You are so spot on about this one. And yes, this would be a dilemma on a spaceship. You don't want too many children enroute but infertility upon arrival would doom the colony." to Robert Waltz for "Procreation Pass Adoption. Personal experience.

Merit Badge in Parenting
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021486] "OMG... stay away, stay far far away... *^*Shock2*^*. I hope the readers understand the satire except... it is much more than that. It is chilling, dystopian... absolute  horror . Well played." 
to Cappucine for "Alpha's Letter Satire. Dystopian. Horror.


Merit Badge in Science Fiction
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021504] Good development and leaves us wanting to know more about Beaoul and Toni ... and that gruesome poison/venom. Well done. to Sox and Sandals for "November 12, 2021 Character. Hook.


Merit Badge in Drama
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021371]

"Some good ideas ... but poor Mildred. Who was more taken aback? *^*Laugh*^* A trash bag... oh the image... Your personal experience is also very enlightening. You  know  how easy it ain't. At least you have thought of this before you've grown old. Nice double response to the prompt." to Writer_Mike for "A toilet too far [30 DBC entry] Humor.

Merit Badge in Drama
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021413]

"I think you captured this far too well ... almost as if you've had this experience sometime in your life. *^*Wink*^* I'm sure something similar happens all the time in a family situation. The last verse is  funny  tragic. Poetics: kudos on 'sprechens'; it fits perfectly. Overall, it's fun, it's relatable, it's a keeper."
to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "The Bully Bladder Humor. Poetry. Experience.

Merit Badge in Imagery
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021361]

"The poem is lovely, truly lovely. Good flow, choice of words and image. Definitely a keeper." to Cappucine for "make my chamber pot Poem.


Merit Badge in Nature
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021313]

"From the horses mouth... as they say *^*Bigsmile*^*. Thanks for the details and step by step description. In Kansas it was corn and combines and silage. No question that the whole community would step in. Cooperation was the key to survival. Everyone watched the weather. Harvested all night if they had the right equipment and a storm front was moving in. In any case, thanx for a peek into your world. Experience trumps opinion or fantasy when it comes to making hay."
to Apondia for "Make Hay When the Sun Shines Experience. Takes you there.


Merit Badge in Riveting
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021261]

"Gripping and far more than a blog post. We begin to get a clearer image of Raen and Beaoul and the relationship between them. Powder as a weapon makes perfect sense." to Sox and Sandals for "November 9, 2021 Story. Well written.

Merit Badge in Dark Fantasy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021233]

Chilling."She has called for me." No pleading, no need to elaborate, just a firm statement. I'd let you pass too! "Let us see what Hope needs from me now! Let us see what the light requires of the darkness." Again chilling. to LeJenD' for "Castle In My Dreams Story. Chilling.


Merit Badge in Today Is Your Day
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021205]

The Joy of Being Present. Truthfully, today is the only day one can change as you so wisely point out. to Marvelous Friend for "Now is my best decade I-statements. Present.


Merit Badge in Mentor
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021032]

"Yep, as Harlow said. I needed certain skills re praise/criticism at an earlier age. I was the kid who ignored the teacher. *^*Sad*^* I didn't feel loved and teachers had no extra time to mentor someone who was unreachable. I do appreciate your depth of knowledge on this subject of praise/criticism." to Cappucine for "praise is fattening Knowledge. Sincerity.

Merit Badge in Zodiac Libra
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021081]

"I couldn't find a badge to fit 'the balance' and 'the letting go'. I'm HSP (highly sensitive) so meanness doesn't help me grow. I cringe and crawl back into my closet and slam the door. Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't. Kick my work but don't kick me. Thanx for sharing what wisdom you have learned while riding this roller-coaster we call life." to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 7: Praise Me, Don't Hate Me Wisdom.

Merit Badge in Condolences
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021041]

 I send this for all the hugs you didn't get and all the mourning you were denied. 
Your uncle was my age. I remember that year. I would've been devastated, as I was when Bob was killed in a motorcycle accident that same year. My parents realized that I wouldn't take it well, but they never realised how it affected me. One of the worst times of my life. to THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 for "Ruined by praise - #30DBC Personal pain. Suicide.


Merit Badge in Love to Read
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021023]

I think Head Dust Bunny called the maid to make your bed  No mother on earth has ever managed such a ginormous block of uninterrupted time to herself.  As Viginia Woolf lamented in "A room of her own".  Familiarity breeds accidents.  Grab the first-aid kit.  The only activity that causes me to lose blocks of time is reading. I've always been grateful that breathing is a reflex.  So much wisdom but no answer to the question. *^*Laugh*^* Oh so much like life. to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "8 Hours Meanderings.

Merit Badge in Foresight
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020958] 

Dystopian...  "U r 3 minutes late in posting... deductdeductdeduct"  iProd has its uses.*^*Smirk2*^* to Robert Waltz for "A Productive Day Dystopian. iProd.

Merit Badge in Reach For The Stars
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020964]

"Exquisitely written. Poetic prose at times... and a poem! The literary allusions remind me of all the places that books transport one to. I'm gobsmacked." to Cappucine for "a few of the endless perhaps, maybe Poetic prose.


Merit Badge in Comedy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020891]

"Mine. *^*Donut*^**^*Donut8*^**^*Donut2*^**^*Donut7*^**^*Donut5*^* ALL mine. *^*Laugh*^*"
to LeJenD' for "Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5 Greed. Humor.


Merit Badge in Nonfiction
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020795]. A serious essay on MWWS: Missing White Women Sydrome. to Robert Waltz for "Hide-And-Seek Champions Missing White Woman Syndrome.

Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020816] Thank you for sharing this personal memoir of Rape and Loss. to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 4: For Maggie Rape and missing.


Merit Badge in Detective
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020756] Great at setting up the suspense. We want to know more. to Richard ~ Typing Left Handed for "New Comers - Z'llya's Voice Fantasy.

Merit Badge in Comedy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020701] Edgy! But with a twist at the end that may make you *^*Smile*^* or *^*Laugh*^*. to Ray Scrivener for "Ruminations Vivid. Hilarious.


Merit Badge in Selfless
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020602] Oh, the joy of special postal cancellations, and a lovely video of your father. *^*Care*^* to THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24 for "Marcophily - #30DBC detailed tour.

Merit Badge in Originality
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020665] Funny bunnies. Yes, I can relate. *^*Rolleyes*^* Ka-choo. to SandraLynn Team Florent! for "Dust Bunny Tableaus Dust doesn't descrminate.


Merit Badge in Philosophy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020553] The serenity of letting go and not being possessed by possessions is a powerful message. to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 1: Possessions Possessions do not own me.

I didn't rate the comments as I was reading them but I have now... The bolded/orange items were 4.8; bolded/red 4.9 in my opinion. Of course, most timely entries meet the overall criteria of the challenge, therefore I awarded merit badges based on excellence in writing. Excellence was often overlooked in my high-school growing up and it's my observation that it's overlooked at WdC as well, so I award it here.

November 27, 2021 at 12:14am
November 27, 2021 at 12:14am
*sent* charlieabney "You said it stronger than I ever could because this happened to you in recent past tense. You were proactive... kudos to you. Shame on the others. " re "Invalid Entry

My response to Sox: When I was younger I might have let it slide or blown up; but, at this point I'd be tempted to tell my boss, give an ultimatum if necessary (why is Karly at work!), go to the boss' boss, check in with Human Resources, if not satisfied, send an email to the CEO, cc/ corporate lawyer, cc/personal lawyer, cc/union lawyer, cc/department of health (local, regional, state). They can fight among themselves as to who will pay when they're sued. I do feel for Karly, as I don't know what personal issues she's dealing with and what options she may have at her disposal. But, it's up to HR to figure that out. After 2 years of covid they should have protocols in place. If not... they need to be publicly rebuked. *Angry* "November 27, 2021

Sandy: My reality. I mouth breathe because my nose gets blocked; a mask is uncomfortable at times. I manage, others do too. // My opinion. The company has had over a year to implement policies regarding covid. Masks should be mandatory when you are coughing or sneezing. Period.
// Does Karly have covid? It doesn't matter. She should not be in the office sick. Everything else is an excuse. "Karly Cooties

Robert: "Yep. I don't care about why K is sneezing or coughing at this point. Wear a mask or go home. Does she/he want to argue? Go home or you're fired. Companies are assinine if they don't have policies by now." "Go Home Give Karly a fire, and she'll be warm for the rest of the day. Set Karly on fire, and she'll be warm for the rest of her life.

Cappucine: "Harlow Flick makes a valid point. This prompt may be pointless in other parts of the world where illness and disease are not politicized and individuality isn't a supreme virtue trumping other people's rights. I like your response because 1. it is direct. 2. it is based on your reality." "No Time for Karly

Sonali: "Yes, I hopefully would do likewise; however, I haven't worked for years. These days I might create quite a ruckus. Only one problem for many... and I know this has arisen in India and Thailand: "no work = no eat". *Sad*" "Co worker - #30DBC

Sumojo: "There are reasons why people work while ill. One is "no work = no eat". This became a problem in India and Thailand as well as in USA as the gig-economy collapsed. Artists, especially performing artists, were devastated. That said, Karly should be sent home. No excuses accepted during a pandemic. And maskless? Don't get me started..." "Leave the room

QP: "We get a lot of colds in the cold cold North. So, it isn't necessarily serious. But... But... I'm not as nice as you are. These days I might just start a ruckus... sick & no mask = attitude I shouldn't have to deal with. Too much is at risk." "Sick Karly

Jenn: "I so want to be in Thailand. Less covid. Or in Taiwan. Less bad attitude. In February 2020 everyone masked up before they were asked to do so. I was there. For some folks "no work = no eat". My friends in the gig-economy have been desperate. 40+ years ago when I first lived in Kansas people were kind and considerate. Perhaps no longer. People wonder why governments issue mandates; Karly is one of the reasons why. Some people cannot be cajoled; they have to be told. You are right about roads. Glad you can avoid most of the nonsense, not everyone can. *HeartO* " "Invalid Entry

Viv: Karly is sick. She should wear a mask because coughing and sneezing can make others ill. A mask will not kill her; her germs may kill others. It's called being considerate. She should probably have stayed home because she's sick (even a non-lethal cold is miserable)."Fear Or Lack Of

Petra: For most of the World masking and staying-home-while-sick is called being considerate. In much of the US you would be personally attacking her freedoms... "Home, immidiately!

Mike: Yes, there are plenty of people in Montana who would curse you; but, most would tell you to mind your own business. HR and Security gonna have a fun time with Karly. Montana is basically anti-mask and anti-vax, even here in Missoula. Quite anti-science with Q-supporters just north of here running the show. Yep... you better be looking for a new and safer job.
"Bless you? Maybe. [30 DBC entry]

Kat? It amazed me how quickly the government in Taiwan responded to the urgent need for masks as the populace demanded them before any mandate. Sick folks just wear masks... and no one wanted to get sick. But... I suspect that the people are just more compliant, more rational and much better grounded in science. Americans are more argumentative/defiant, emotional and ignorant. "30 day blogging-Nov 27, 2021

November 26, 2021 at 2:34am
November 26, 2021 at 2:34am

*Sonali: "I never quite thought of a maid that way; but, it makes perfect sense to have a maid who also likes flowers, pets, children... anything that needs that extra attention. Our culture tend to depict maids as 'hired help' or 'workers' from the adult perspective of too much to do, too few hands to do it. There is another paradigm which depicts maids as extended family... but never considers that they may have a family of their own. You provide a "child's view" of a maid-as-a-person taking care of you, including the emotional need to connect. There are very few Americans who could share this perspective. Thank you." re "Letting my fingers type - #30DBC

*Cappucine: "Nicely done. I vote for Josiecat, coffee, a snooze. I love the smell of rain, the sound of rain, the caress of rain on my face. "Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three." A quote by someone, from some time, found you-know-where." re "tricolonic

*Marvilla: "White flag? Only one? *Worry* You may have missed a prompt or two but not more than that. I can vouch for that. *HeartO* My health problems pale in comparison. My teeth are going but my body handles things differently in general. For me now, it's the slow-at-times decline into the Inevitable. Blogs can be most powerful when the writer speaks from experience. This episode is recent and raw. No one dare argue with it. What you could've, should've or would've done is irrelevant. This is what transpired, this is how you dealt with it. Kudos on the appointments. Sounds like you were blessed. *Care*" re "My November

QP: {c:}"I had no limit on credits *Sad* in either highschool or university. Graduated with far too many. *Bigsmile* One semester or two? I stayed for two semesters. I started to settle in the second semester. Not everyone adjusts in a week or two. I realize that times have changed but once in England she'll be close enough to Ireland and Scotland for long holidays even if Europe is 'closed' (although for her it shouldn't be). I was 'poor' and in many ways still am, in that I think in terms of stretching $$ that wealthier people don't have to. When I went around the world in 2015 it was cheaper for me to make one trip instead of two so I traveled for over 3 months and for my final flight had to buy a round trip ticket back to Norway because a one-way ticket cost the same... so I did that. Instead of bringing her back after a short visit (3 months = vacation; 10 months = the vacation is over) consider spending the money-saved on her traveling between semesters or having her dearly missed and deeply beloved mother come visit her... in Ireland... *HeartG**HeartW**HeartO*" re "Surprise!

Viv: {c:}"I do not believe in two gods, so I don't blame everything on the devil-made-me/he/she/it-do-it. Americans have chosen to divide themselves into tribes and attach labels as if Life were a TV show called Survivor with a false-god-like-emperor hired to say 'you're fired'. I'm not being robbed of my freedoms by considering others as important as myself; I'm not being robbed of my community when I choose to avoid them when I'm not feeling well (like this past Monday); I do not consider my fellow human beings as being robbers because they don't look like me, talk like me or call God by another name. In a world where anyone can kill anyone and justify it because 'i was scaired' we all die. But... that's not the world I see out my window nor is it my vision of any world I wish to visit." re "On My Mind

Sue: {c:}"I should've done... but didn't... so... I had no plans on going out today so I forgot that it's Black Friday. Another (more valid) reason for not venturing out! *Bigsmile*" re "My day

Robert: {c:}"I only use debit card. It does seem to be true that banks don't care if someone steals your money; they're very picky about their own money however. Still, my bank went to bat for me. I may have to get a credit card however. Paying it off every month is an issue because I'm not good at keeping track of anything. " re "Busted

Petra: {c:}"This. Now I understand why you've been as quiet as a ghost around here. It's as if you have been numbed. I gently offer this as a joke: "Invite SandraLynn Team Florent! over to speak with those Dust Bunnies. She has a way with them, might be able to entice them to move over to her museum by setting up a special exhibit for Dusty Dutch Bunnies." En serio... I have similar issues. Other than reading blogs and commenting I've accomplished very little and barely have stepped outside the whole month of November. But... I have two Thai TV series that came out with new episodes this week and ... *sigh* ..." re "An awful month

Apondia: {c:}"I love short walks in a blizzard. Good old lake-effect. *Snow4* I still have lemon merengue pie to finish. Left-overs from friends tomorrow. I don't understand internet and computer issues when they happen, just how inconvenient that becomes. *Care*" re "Blizzards and Daily Doings

SandySnow: {c:}"Soooooooo Canadian. Chapeau... I've been wearing my hat-with-flaps every day when it's cold. I have pair of mittens in the coat/jackets/winter-wear. Even a short journey bothers my old hands in ways that it wouldn't have decades ago. I grew up in the snowbelt, usually off of Lake Erie, which pommeled Apondia today, but also Huron and occasionally Ontario. I did love the first snow and we seldom went a November without one. One year we got through to the 30th! Whomp. 18" where I lived, over 2 feet where Fivesixer grew up, clear blue sky golfing weather north of us. Nothing quite like lake effect. *Laugh* Reality bites... small icy numbing bites." re "Work or Die?

Sox: {c:}"Well, now we learn a bit more. I do wonder where in the chronology it fits. Early on? Earlier? It does show insight into her character and what is valued on this world: affiliation and reputation." re "November 26, 2021

Mike: {c:}"Something is always forgotten! *Smile* I had turkey-provolone sandwiches and lemon merengue pie. No cranberries or apple rings." re "Weighting game [30 DBC entry]

To Blimprider: I am NOT a judge for the 30dbc... but I decided to comment on all entries. There may be close to 500 by Monday. I recruited (not my job); I cheerleaded (not my job); I cajoled, reminded and even communicated to owners, judges, participants (not my job); I gave out badges (not my job) and need to give out over 40+ merit badges this weekend based on the quality of a particular entry (still NOT my job). I decided to make a difference; whether I have succeeded can be assessed come December. I will make suggestions before January. But on December 1st I can walk away (and keep walking and not look back) if that is my choice.

All that said, I will have made someone happy this November and whether that matters to anyone else or not... it matters to me.

November 25, 2021 at 12:40pm
November 25, 2021 at 12:40pm
I'm grateful that it's the 25th and November 30dbc is almost over. Also, that merit badges are half-off. Will give out a bunch.

*Cappucine: "My go-to tea is oolong. *Hearto* I appreciate the use of this abcediary form. It gives structure, length, flexxxibility. Glad you are sleeping better. Now... if you just had a hot-spring (onsen) out the back." re "Gratitude, an Abcediary

Viv: "Keeping it simple. Everything else is like icing on the cake." re "Thankful List

Robert: "I do what I want all the time at home, so it was a surprise when our janitor was cleaning at 11 a.m. ... on a Thursday! Holiday hours was all he could say. I did get to take my shower. Whew... Billie Jo and I ate our turkey-provolone sandwiches and lemon-merengue. It's hard living alone with nowhere much to go. Every place is closed. I did like the old poem.
re "Putting the Attitude Back in Gratitude

Sonali: "I loved the washing machine. I'd settle for a balcony to hang my wash outside. I also like that you point out your privilege. America is deeply divided into tribes with privilege... or with none. Americans will not even acknowledge this. " re "Gratitude - #30DBC

?QP: "You are blessed and willing to state that. Blogging allows writers to get to know each other. I see your comments spread around so thanks for building community." re "Thankfulness

Sue: "Many humans think that they are self-sufficient and that their personal freedom to do what they want when they want to do it is more important than the community's continued existence and welfare. Kudos to Western Australia." re "Grateful

Petra: "I'm glad he 'takes you out'. I don't get offers like that... " re "My companion

Sox: "I am grateful I had someone to share lunch with me." re "November 25, 2021

Sandy: "I have no family close... which is sad... and at the moment no close family... which is sadder." re "Grateful Pickings

Mike: "Yes, you are blessed with family and great memories. *HeartO*" re "Blessed beyond measure [30 DBC entry]

Jenn: "Well, I'm thankful that you're here as well! You were missed for a couple days. Maverick as in Mav? Ricky? Rick... or "Verick the Maver" when he grows up to be a goth prince... Neat name. Easy but not common. Covid is still raging here... I will only find out who has died when I emerge from my cocoon. *Butterflyo*" re "Invalid Entry

November 24, 2021 at 12:30am
November 24, 2021 at 12:30am

*Ray: nordic noir "They showed me how to survive but not how to live. My words exactly. This is a prologue to the genre Nordic Noir. Whether auto-biographical or fictional it's devastating, stark and evocative. Jo Nesbø and Henning Mankell would be proud of you. " re "Another Brick in the Wall

*Sonali: judged "Yeah, like QP pointed out... I feel my temp rising just reading this. Again, a personal experience and the wisdom to not hate all teachers. When I was in university, I excelled at geology; but, a friend's death just before midterms meant I couldn't focus and I got a C. I can't remember what I said to my prof but he told me that he knew that I knew the material and that he would give me an A if I aced the final. I was the only student, including geology majors, who got an A in that class. *HeartO*" re "Don't let her cute plum looks fool you. - #30DBC

*QP: bullying by classmates and a teacher "Clear-as-a-bell memory, isn't it? *Care* Great details pulling us into your memory. I don't have any experience to compare this to. But there were problems in university and I transfered out of Hell. Mean people suck; kind people heal. U Kansas was healing." re "Mean Ms. V

?Robert: personal "Kinda like Old White Men telling Young Black Women that their herstory doesn't matter as much as hisstory. Don't ever think that there aren't White Christian Nationalists and Nativists trying to wipe us out. When White Leaders talk about Legacy Americans... what do you think they're talking about? " re "I Did Nazi That

Viv: "I think 'meanness' matters as in 'dark-matter'. But kindness overcomes. That said, I wear black to perform poetry. *Smile*" "Dark Teacher

Sox: "I think Life and Death play good cop bad cop. Death is the kinder of the two." re "November 24, 2021

Sue: "Some teachers need to find another profession, but that's true for every job. I could've been a teacher of upper grades or university, never middle-school." re "That’s easy

Mike: "Yes... at a time when teachers weren't encouraged to know their students I suppose... I wonder how many times I didn't get into trouble because the teacher knew me well." re "Faculty foe [30 DBC entry]

Cappucine: "Oh... Psalm 137 verse 9. "Blessed is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." The OT of the Bible is cruel. I would say that Christians should know better, but many don't. The Wiblins of Lincolnshire go back a long ways (1200?). Hint: they weren't Buddhists. And like many, some came to Australia as convicts." re "Miss Wiblin

Sandy: "Teachers from hell. I do understand the wife-doppelganger thing; but, the dean should've understood that the problem belonged to the prof, not you." re "No Love Lost

Petra: "Yes. *Smile* Thanks for mentioning the flip side. There are awful students and *gasp* even awful parents. Does not sound like a nice place at all." re "Highschool teachers

Marvilla: "Well, the good news is that you have the self-control you didn't have growing up. *Bigsmile* " re "Darkest teacher

Kathie: religious diversity "I ran into both [groups] in small ways that I don't remember. The North was no more open than the South. " re "30 day Blogging-Nov 24, 2021

Jenn: "Oh... how our younger selves made mistakes, both of commission and omission. *Care* When I go to Thailand I'll make an effort to know more about the culture than I already do. BUT... I don't get the impression that they are a culture of mockery... at least not like the British and Her Majesty's colonies. I'm sure they will smile and/or laugh at my mispronunciations (tone is an integral part of the word, just like vowel length is in English e.g. shit/sheet.) And it's not like they are free of cruelty. Even the Thais point that out themselves. Othered... I don't think I'll get too much of that either as there's a certain amount of respect granted to the elderly... something I need to get used to. *sigh*" re "Invalid Entry

November 23, 2021 at 5:05pm
November 23, 2021 at 5:05pm
23 noviembre.

*Mike: "Gallows humor, but you make your point. In Thai/Lao culture it is mandatory to be polite (rudeness is ungrammatical). In Guatemala one always asks about the family first before business. In some cultures you make jokes about yourself but not about others. Humor like so many things is cultural. Thanks for insight into a world I know nothing about. " re "Testing...testing... [30 DBC entry]

?Cappucine: "I did enjoy these. They work best as a quip in normal conversation as there is no narrative. It's prolly Et-wœn Wut-wœn in Thai (d > t at the end of syllables; r > n). The first one is totally unexpected and gross and that's what makes it special. *Bigsmile*" re "Arf arf

Viv: "I don't watch American TV and when I watch programs from other countries I avoid mere juvenile silliness because I don't find it funny. So, I don't tell jokes. However, I do appreciate wit and anything that will make me smile. And there is plenty to smile about. *Smile* " re "Joke, Laugh, Live

Robert: "Did not know the word gelotology, so I learned something. And audience... totally in agreement. I don't have the same sense of humor as most folks at WDC so it should be no surprise that I don't care for these types of jokes." re "Gelotology

Sonali: "Re HP emoticons/merit badges I suspect that there might be copyright issues but I would like to see one of each house. *Wand* Although, what would an HP emoticon look like? "They wood" is perfect English in some dialects." re "Ha Ha Ha Harry - #30DBC

Sue: "Hmm... I find many young women here dismissive. So... it's funny to a point. Beyond that? It borders on hurtful mockery." re "Hilarious

QP: "Deer in headlights... very common. There will be another interview. *Care* Grandparents are special; nice that you remember." re "My Favorite Joke

Petra: "*Care* Neither do I when it comes to jokes." re "No humor!

Sox: "I travel... some things really aren't clear. But when in Barcelona ... learn a few words of Catalan." re "November 23, 2021

Sandy: "I grew up with those kind of jokes... which is why I'm not fond of jokes. Carrie collecting blond jokes sounds like fun fun though. Did she ever do the hair flip while telling them?" re "Just Kidding

Marvilla: "I have little sense of American humor. I don't tell jokes. *Rolleyes*" re "Favorite joke?

Ray: "Can you please hold my hand... *Shock2*" re "Dark Humor Is Like Food, Not Everyone Gets It


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