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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 22 23 24 25 -26- 27 28 29 30 31 ... Next
September 29, 2021 at 4:25pm
September 29, 2021 at 4:25pm
*Leafy* *Leafy* *Leafbr* *Leafr* *Leafg* *Leafo* *Leafg* *Leafy*

29 septembre

I need to park this someplace more conspicuous. But any reminder will do.
36 Amateur Writers' Mistakes   (13+)
Aspects of story craft to work on if you want to pro-publish or to sell if self-published
#2245630 by A E Willcox

It's Wednesday and cool outside. Too warm inside for me. I took my temp. 96-point-something.

Forgot to take money to the grocery store so I only had $12 to spend. Bought grape juice and yogurt.

Kathy brought a pumpkin pie to lunch. I was a piggy; ate two pieces.

A bologna sandwich is calling me...

Appropriate at any hour:

Merit Badge in Coffee Award
[Click For More Info]

   A Ninja Monkey has joined me in celebrating National and International Coffee Day and asked me to send this MB especially for you! *^*Coffeeg*^* From an Anonymous, Coffee Chuggin' Ninja Monkey!!!
Coffee Award

30 septembre

End of September. 48 degrees at 11 a.m. and a beautiful blue-sky day. Early autumn. Many of the leaves have changed. Seems a bit early but we had some wicked hot dry smoky weather for two months and the trees may have suffered.

I took a bath at midnight. Soaked in the dark until the water went cold then filled it up again. I usually take showers but my feet welcomed the heat. Do I dare mention exfoliation? Kinda like the trees. *Smile* My body could really use a weekly soak and a massage. Especially my legs, feet and right shoulder.

I need to write today if I have the energy and focus. I'll be looking forward to October prompts. I can only hope they aren't just cliche... if so I should write what I want andignore thecontests. I need to catch up with PPC and should write something for Express it in 8.

Flopped contest-wise. No energy at the last minute and missed the deadline in two contests.

Finished all 13 episodes of "2gether the Series". I agree with the critics who loved the first few episodes before the side stories and shananigans took over.

I might skip the sequel unless it's more focused and rated higher.

Made banana-cheese biscuits from scratch improvising with the recipe. So-so but edible.

September 27, 2021 at 5:52pm
September 27, 2021 at 5:52pm

27 septembre

I've made some friends aware that I'm slipping. Very important for me to know that someone knows and can keep an eye on me. Whether this is temporary or not time will tell. A combination of age, old head injuries, depression and inactivity have brought me to this point.

The Breeze freshens at sunset as cooling air descends from the mountains in a race towards the sea. The worn-out Day cannot block its passage. Twilight lasts but a blink. Now dusty rose. Now grey. There are those who try to banish the night. There are those who embrace every bittersweet moment before all memory fades.

The Calm comes as light breaks through the blanket of dark, as pinprick holes pierce the Voice of the Void. It whispers in the language of starlight, twinkles at mortals bound by bone and flesh.

The Wind has caressed many a face, blowing away tears and ennui, yet useless against wrinkles and Time itself, it now bows to Eternity.

Maybe it was the lunch Laxmi gave me. Maybe it was the two maple bars that Kay didn't want to go to waste. They went to my waist instead. I don't think coffee was the culprit... this time.

My response;

1. Get traveling. If not now then very soon. If not one place then another.
2. Get moving. If not running to a bus then walking along the trails.
3. Exercise the brain. Some folks do crossword puzzles. I puzzle over language.
4. Eat better?
5. Supplements?

I'm not sure how much I care at this point. I'm weighing options.

~267 words
posted in "Blogville
September 25, 2021 at 1:31pm
September 25, 2021 at 1:31pm

25 septembre

Headline: "Millennials Say Only Baby Boomers Would Think These Things Are Cool"

Very looking-down-the-nose article. One example (paraphrased) would be "crocs are comfortable but ugly, why would you wear them?" My response: you answered yourself; they're comfortable; and by-the-way... who made you the fashion police?

66 degrees at 9:44 p.m. Went over 80 today so I have the fan running in hope that it cools down. Didn't feel well earlier. Temp was 98.2. I sat with a guest, Miss Jessie, on the landing and chatted for a long while. Felt much better.

Earlier, went to market, had a salted caramel milkshake, chatted with Henry about language and travel. Met his father David.

26 septembre

To Cubby: "I wanted to write yesterday. Nothing. I should try again today.

I need to write a poem to a postcard pic or painting and send it. May go to the coffee shop to just be around people. Long vomit chats with 2 unsuspecting victims humans yesterday.

Ah... my inner vampire teacher. *Vamp*"

Hurricane Sam is at least a Cat(egory) 4. Beautiful buzzsaw east of the Antilles. 145 mph winds?

Mostly calm warming day here. Yesterday was hot inside. Problems staying awake; problems sleeping.

Off to wash my clothes. I wrote a poem for Ireland. I should write another and another. I have 56+ postcards. Wrote a poem. We shall see.
September 23, 2021 at 11:36am
September 23, 2021 at 11:36am
23 septembre *Leaf2g**Leaf2y**Leaf2y**Leaf2O*

47 degrees will warm to 72. No rain, just some clouds.

My parents were married today... a long time ago.

I didna cross the river to meet friends on the northside. I didna pick up a fresh baguette at 2 and now that it's 4 there's no reason to go to the cafe that closes at 6.

Tomorrow is another day.

Billy Jo and I finished off the last of the orange-chicken she made a couple days ago. The evidence has been cleaned up. We will deny it ever happened.

Food tastes better when prepared by others. I can critique restaurants and my own cooking but if YOU make it? The response is "thank you" or "takk" or "merci" or "ขอบคุณ ครับ" (for a man speaking) or "ຂອບ​ໃຈ".

Good response to a "fine whine" I posted. I'm feeling less depressed than earlier but I must find a way forward. What I'm doing isn't working.

To Brian: "The problem isn't you. There's an audience here that doesn't respond and I can't fix that. Make sure nothing is rated over 13+; E is apparently preferred by the Gatekeepers of Poetry here. I have the same problem. Fantasy is preferred over Reality. Rhyme is preferred over reason.

I don't write just for myself. I do think writing daily helps but my poems aren't mere doggeral or writing exercises. Not my poems, not my stories, not my blog."

O 25 de abril de 1974, Lisboa

Shove a carnation down my barrel
          and share your joy
          as I refuse to spill our tears
          the color of poppies
          to disgrace this day or any day
          for the next fifty years.
May time record your courage,
          recount my humble response.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga, P.O. 22, [178.233] (23.septembre.2021)

A bit of energy now fading as the day fades as daylight dims these shortening days.

Meanwhile TS Dianmu is over Laos and will pass through Isan close to Maha Sarakham.

24 septembre *Leaf2g**Leaf2y**Leaf2y**Leaf2O*

At least I took a shower. I have a poem to write and send to Petra. Hope to get to it today.

56 degrees at 11:30. The weather has been cancelled today. Gently going up, no wind, no rain, gently going down.

I don't care for the adnauseum birthday prompt. Next it'll be adnauseum pumpkin pies. Maybe I should write a story where they celebrate a 'birthday' every day. But would a countdown to the autumn slaughter be approprite? I mean... this place can be so cliche! Or how many birthdays does a mayfly have? How about a doll... one made of black crepe paper?

To Beholden: "Yep. The boundary between prose and poetry is an ill-defined country. I cross it all the time. Poetry serves humanity in ways that trascend any monetary reward."

To Lilli: "Whine and brie? Because "whine and cheddar" sounds too stiff-upper-lip British. Plus, it'd be a cute way to work with 'wine' and 'breeze' or the name 'Bree'. Ah, a fine whine served with Bree."

To Cubby: "Personally, I don't like 'birthday' as a prompt. It tends to bring up unpleasant memories and around here it's usually dealt with in a cliche way. So...

1. A story about how many birthdays are left instead of how many behind us. I'll be celebrating #12 as my family expiration date is coming up. Easier to blow out fewer and fewer candles each year.
2. How did Benjamin Button celebrate his birthdays?
3. What if birthdays came out of order?
4. If you were a mayfly would you be celebrating the hours?
5. How many animals celebrate the seasons? If you have a pet, how many seasons have they survived?
6. Do dolls have birthdays? Or other toys? What if the toy is an heirloom much older than you?
7. Cultural differences. Some cultures don't celebrate birthdays, using name days instead... or just not celebrating at all.
8. Not all cultures start with zero. A child turning 1 is said to be turning 2. As in... entering their second year. They were 1 the day they were born.
9. What if your day is on a taboo date or shared with an important event? I have a friend whose birthday is 9/11, and named Merry whose birthday is the 25th of you-know-what.
10. What about conception date. Anyone who grew up on a farm might be able to explain that to urban folks."

The land bleeding a river of red... just a thought about Iceland. I'll need to look at my poem "Kipuka" as it might apply to the Canarias.

"Agent Goat at YCC: "A collection of convection with no particular direction." Correction, conviction, articulate, discretion...?

Former President George W. Bush's words in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. "There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit. And it is our continuing duty to confront them."

September 21, 2021 at 10:17am
September 21, 2021 at 10:17am
21 septembre *Leaf2g* *Leaf2y*

Sun breaking through fog. 35 degrees at 08:13.

There are no counties without covid cases in Montana. The situation in Missoula is critical. 36% vaccinated in adjacent Sanders Cunty and the area is known for its resistence to any interference by government officials.


MISSOULA, Mont. — The public health officer in a politically conservative county in northwestern Montana has resigned his post to ease "the strife and conflict coming from a minority of people objecting" to his recommendations in dealing with the coronavirus.

Nick Lawyer resigned his post in Sanders County on Friday, two days after a member of the public blamed Lawyer for his wife's death.

Gerald "Frenchy" Cuvillier told county commissioners that Lawyer's rules of protocol cost his wife her life. He complained that she was not given ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or active antibodies. The health board does not make any decisions about the medical treatment people receive.

"The commissioners felt they were not able to execute the business of Sanders County with this distraction and disruption of me being the health officer, or at least that's how it was explained to me," said Lawyer. "My understanding was that they did not object to the work I was doing, it was just they wanted to be able to move on and put this behind us."

Lawyer says commissioners also expressed that they would prefer he run his outreach and support for masks, vaccines and better air ventilation to combat COVID-19 spread by board members before making recommendations.

What bothers me? A medical officer needs permission from politicians to promote health recommendations agreed on by scientists and health professionals worldwide. To me that's quasi-criminal.

Regarding hyphens: https://refreshmarketing.com.au/2021/08/01/major-grammar-conundrum-sorted-youre-...

22 septembre *Leaf2y* *Leaf2g*

Merit Badge in Every Moment Matters
[Click For More Info]

 A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.
―  Paul Cezanne 
Thanks for your participation in my 'art' challenge via my notebook feed. 
Keep on being inspired! *^*Bigsmile*^*
Every Moment Matters

For "Mourning gauze [232] [13+]

48 degrees at 10:03. I'm cold. But not the type of cold a blanket helps with. Am I running a low temp? Apparently I am. 97.1 is lower than my average 97.6.

My health has been slipping. My mind has been slipping. My spirit seeks to move on. If not in this world then in the next.

So I'm wrapped up in my blanket. I should take a shower put on clean clothes. Maybe a cashmere sweater, my suede jacket? It'll be dry today and Wednesday = groceries.

But I'm also trying to avoid people. Our hospitals can't handle any more covid cases. Still, half of the population refuses to get vaccinated. Many of us who've had our lives placed on hold resent this. I resent this.

51 degrees at 10:28. My coffee is whining for attention.


Banned are children’s picture books, K-5 books, middle and high school books, videos, webinars, and web links, including a memoir by Pakistani writer and activist Malala Yousafzai; a book by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor; an adaptation of “Hidden Figures,” about Black female mathematicans at NASA; “Sulwe” by actress Lupita Nyong’o, about a little girl who fears her skin is too dark, and CNN’s “Sesame Street Town Hall” about racism.

Are these books divisive... of course they are! They divide the White community into those who embrace all of humanity and those who wish to promulgate the lie that those outside that White community are lesser humans. A very typical divide between Multi-cultualism and White Identity advocates. But it doesn't divide members of marginalized or minority communities.

“These banned books cover topics like Eleanor Roosevelt, Rachel Carson, Neil Degrasse Tyson,” Hannah Shipley said. “The ban hits every marginalized group: Black, Asian American, Muslim, Latinx, Native American, LGBTQ, disability representation, autism representation. Anything not neurotypical, straight and white. This made me upset. I was welcome to read these books to students in private daycare, but a mile and a half away, students were not allowed to read these books in school.”

“You have an all-white school board and nearly every banned book is written by or about a person of color,” Brad Meltzer said. “Race is a hard subject, but nothing good comes out of not talking about hard subjects. If we’re saying we can’t discuss race, we’re doing our kids a disservice.”

To Blimprider: "Hmm... is it time for a roadtrip to said location to bask in the vibes?

Inspiration comes and goes like an old flickering black/white TV set.

Because I want to visit Thailand I'm learning more about it. In watching Thai TV I noted how "1000 Stars" takes place in a mountain village beyond tourism. Since that's been done... I am drawn to another abandoned part of the country: Isan. It's poor like West Virginia and like Indiana of no interest to adventurers, travelers or tourists. It's people are more dark-skin ethnic Lao mix than light-skin Chinese mix and the spoken language which is more Lao than Thai used to use Tai Noi (Lao Buhan) script before it was banned. There are issues of identity and poverty.

I'm drawn to visit Maha Sarakham, a non-descript place large enough to have a university and decent accomodations. I will need to visit the villages and rice fields that surround it.

I have one story already in mind and should write it before going there. It has one quirky character from "Hometown's Embrace" in mind. I suspect that reality will be very different from what I can glean from reading and movies. But on-site feels best to me. I wonder what unexpected stories will bubble up from the recesses of my mind."

70 degrees at 2:22 ... perfect. Got groceries. Cooking a hot dog from last week sales; this week it's bologna. Bought butter. Drinking a coffee.

Bought a pocket book on Lao language. Similar to Thai. The block letters and vowel markings are very similar. I think I'm going to like writing my name in Thai Noi or Lao script. Someone said like the difference between Roman and Greek. I'd add Cyrillic.

Glysophate bans: Malawi, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bermuda, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Italy, The Netherlands. Spotty in California and other states.

To beholden: "Life was the first word that came to my mind before I saw your answer. It may seem harsh to younger people but aging is a process of letting go. Once one can let go of the notion of 'living forever' it becomes easier to live in the present and Death at some point becomes a friend instead of a foe. (A scene from "Seventh Seal" flashed before my eyes.)"

Mild headache at 6 pm. Temp 99.0; took two low-dose aspirin.

4999 views to date.
September 19, 2021 at 1:25pm
September 19, 2021 at 1:25pm
19 septembre *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leaf2y* *Leaf2g* *Leaf2g*

50 degrees at 10-ish. Rain today and some wind. Grumpy skies.

I'm thinking of changing my ratings for most of my items [4 are now 13+ including this one]. I've rated 18+ to keep the kiddies away but apparently it keeps away adults as well. There is the assumption that anything 18+ has 'bad' language. After thousands of entries I can assure people that that is not the case for me; but... people don't click on the entry and don't comment to the content of the entry, preferring to attack me or how I have set things up. So... I should change that if I expect my writings to be read.

I will use YA content for 13+. That means that topics like rape, incest, murder, suicide, assault may be dealt with, just like they are on the public library shelf. It also means that I will not up the rating when I question religious dogma, institutional racism, blatant xenophobia, nativist community-gating, aggressive nationalism. That that may offend someone is not-my-problem.

This is NOT bookface, twatter or ticky-tack. I don't need to call you names to call you out. When I share my opinions, that's what there are, opinions. I do not have the resources to delve into the facts like full time journalists. I do not have the mental prowess of Elisa: Middle Aged Stik nor the energy of Schnujo's in Alabama, the consistency of Robert Waltz nor the talent of iKïyå§ama, the creative chaos of Brian K Compton notes an echo~, the supportive gestures of Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love.

I'm very much an Eclectic. I glean and gather from personal experiences and the experiences of others. Since I daydream and dissociate, my writings have a sense of fantasy to them and since I hear what I see, my prose waxes poetic. I'm an orb-weaver weaving my autumn web. That said, I'll try to keep my blog entries real with 'I' statements and try not to second guess the intentions and thoughts of others. Which means... I have work to do.

Still, if I have mis-characterized someone, they should call-me-out. However, that means I can call-you-back. The result might be an actual conversation, something that many here on WDC try to avoid. That's not speculation, by-the-way. They have stated so directly. They follow the taboos: no drugs, no sex, no bad-language, no anger, no questioning. They characterize WDC as a place to avoid reality. This is their time-out site; how dare I drag them out of their comfort zone.

But some of us live in a Reality that is killing us, and thoughts-and-prayers ring hollow when we do not feel we can speak up, speak out and share what is bothering us. For some of us it's been a lifetime of silence as no place is ever safe.

~440 words to this point

Added at 3:42 EDT. My edited response to a gracious email: "A very lovely response. Thank-you. *HeartO*

Some of us in pain want validation. Some folks have difficulty even ackowledging my pain (my friend Joyce had that difficulty). If I think of ... as 'dear Joyce' it'll help me remember that pain is still there, ... just have a different "pain managemant plan".

Finding folks who want to converse is difficult. Many of my blogs have been just daily observations of life. But... no one reads those either. Back-in-the-day, they did! A bit like 30dbc but without prompts. I no longer officially participate there as half of the prompts don't apply to me and a few trigger traumas. But... I do read many of the responses and almost always comment. Most bloggers there and elsewhere do not reciprocate, haven't for years.

Y'know... I do write children's stories, but mostly poems, some short stories, and last year flash. Most of what I write is 13+ or lower. Most do not deal with taboos. I seldom use 'bad language'. Except when I blog. Blogging for me is not an exercise in fantasy. I do have two blogs where I stash most of my poetry and prose. But Blogville, like JAFBG, allows me to deal with ongoing 'emotional assault' by a culture that doesn't want me to exist. I feel it here as well. When I do speak up I'm shunned (it does no good to name names).

Maybe lowering the blog ratings to 13+ will help. Maybe making the ratings on every entry clear will help as well. Most are no more than 13+ as is. Maybe "depression alert" or "anger alert" will help. Shutting up is suicidal so I need to find other ways to connect."

20 septembre *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leaf2y* *Leaf2g* *Leaf2g*

46 degrees and rainy at midnight.

45 degrees and gloomy at 09:30. It may not get higher than 55 today. Possible frost overnight. Meanwhile... a bit fiery in the Canary Islands. And stormy in the Atlantic. Odette may reform; Peter may peter out, or not; Rose may get her petals plucked. Proto-Sam seems to be lurking and there's a flare up off of Georgia. Fun times!

49 degrees at 20:30. Patchy fog and frost forecast for morning. (mourning?)

I felt weak this afternoon and took a nap this afternoon. Still no energy. Need to find some to replant 4 rescued begonias.

September 17, 2021 at 9:03am
September 17, 2021 at 9:03am
17 septembre *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leafg* 36 degrees and 18 AQI at 0700.

JUST MY LIFE (like a diary or journal entry, usually this blog or "Hoarfrosts from Hell [GC] when I'm upset)

Managed to take a quick shower without our janitor David noticing. He can get grumpy if we get in the way. I do my best to not interfere.

Drying off. Drinking coffee.

I dug up some portulaca to bring inside. What remains will be abandoned to frost or freeze come Monday. I rescue plants each autumn. Last year it was a scarlet geranium. I'm eyeing some begonias...

Sauntered over to the Senior Center to meet friends and chat. I was gifted pudding, noodles... On my way back I gleaned some lavender I strip and keep in a cup. I'll use it when I boil water for coffee, cocoa, tea or just for fragrance.

I stopped in for fresh sourdough baguettes. I wrote a letter to Kit in the UK while waiting. Back home I buttered the still warm loaf.

MY WRITING (like my p-log "L'aura del Campo [13+] or story blog "Enga mellom fjella [13+])

I received a 1st place ribbon for

Winter Roses  (13+)
A door, a gift of roses , a couple, an old lady, a young man. How are they connected?
#2257513 by Kåre Enga in Montana

A poem for "EXPRESS IT IN EIGHT. The prompt was manicure.

"Pink", she answered.

She waits there with her trembling hands
afraid to spill the cup of coffee,
focusing on the flickering screen,
the same familiar faces laughing.

Yes, she's no longer sure of their names
but she knows she knew them once.
A soft voice interrupts her thoughts.
"What color shall I paint your nails today?"

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.230] {17.september.2021}

OPINIONATED ME (opinion blog, usually "Watt's Gnus [18+] or "O Pinions! [XGC] when I rant)

Which topic do I tackle first?

1. Unlike Emperor Hirohito who graciously accepted defeat, ending all hostilities between the US and Japan in 1945, President Trump refused to accept the will of the American public, creating havoc for two months culminating in the Insurrection of January 6th, 2021, the first attack on the Capitol since 1814. Notwithstanding the evidence he continues to stir up attacks on democracy months later, based on lies and hubris. Where is his Honor?

2. Pissing off France, our very first ally in our War for Independence. Was this wise or necessary? "France recalls ambassador from Washington 'without delay' as Macron rages at Biden" Washington Examiner headline.

3. The militaristic apocalyptic vision of those obsessed with the God-Wars of the Old Testament nations and the End of Times. How tightly is xenophobia, bigotry, pro-doom (and anti-science) intertwined in the psyche of some descendants of Abraham.

4. Bad words are taboo at WDC. If a G-rated poem is kept in my 18+ p-blog will it be read by contest owners? Will they be linked in the 13+ newsletters. I swear that they are NOT even being read or quickly dismissed. Do we need an 18+ newsletter for mature writers who are handcuffed by the policy of "we don't want to offend anyone" "think of the children". Is it time to give up and leave this website to Bible-school teachers? Class!

5. Blogging is perceived as high-school 6th period writing exercises. Why is it so difficult to get writers to write about what they experience, think, believe? Is sharing verboten? Is commenting too much trouble? Do people really want raffles, games, fantasy to the point that they abandon essays, non-fiction, biography, journalism, research. Can a multi-cultural blogging community be resurrected or is blogging and any semblance of reality passé among writers at WDC?

NATURE and TRAVEL "Nurture your Nature [13+] & "On The Write Path [13+]

I use these blogs sporadically these days as I'm not out much; however, does anyone even care about my travels internationally or walks around town unless I'm posting pictures?

~600 words

7 views and one comment. More on the Newsfeed but that's another story. Tomorrow I'll continue...

18 septembre *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2g*

Still before midnight in Montana, but I'm 'feeling the heat'. I'm getting flashbacks to a time when I felt destroyed by accusations and didn't receive enough support from friends. Perhaps I asked too much, or maybe asked too little. I'm watching something where the main character feels guilt and then when he speaks up feels abandoned. So maybe that's a factor.

It's 67 outside. It'll be 50 by morning and with rain possible in the afternoon it won't warm up much.

Went to market and snagged one of Irina's blueberry pastries. All gone to the tummy graveyard as I sip coffee at Butterfly Herbs.

Bought sweet crabapples, russet and barlett pears. Also buttercup squash.

Sunny beautiful day.

Just ate dried pear that a mutual friend sent to a friend here. Very nice. *Smile*

At home... not sure what to do so I'm wasting time... but not food, added cream of shiitake soup and ricotta to my rice, lentils, beans. Tasty.

Glad the Justice for J6 jamboree created no problems. I don't need drama.

Time for a shower than bed.
4980 views to date
September 15, 2021 at 4:32pm
September 15, 2021 at 4:32pm
15 septembre *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2g*

68 degrees more or less under gloomy skies, but no rain today, just dreary.

Saw Kathy, Bob, Dalton, Don, Phil.

Bought butter... but not on sale. *Sad* More cans of meat to stock up, lentils.

I can ease off restocking now. If I travel I'm good for awhile, if not, awhilex2.

Emperor Hirohito vs Emperor Don. The consequences of a gracious acceptance of defeat. Honor.

I do not have a vagina. I cannot get pregnant no matter how many times you cough on me.

In English you can refer to a dog as they but not a person as it. As in, "I see you have a new friend/dog. What's their name".


As underneath the canopy
a trail of leaves I spy
I bend my body, bow my head
to the parade that passes by

in obeisance to love of life,
in admiration I can't hide,
I applaud each ant that balances
a piece of green in stride.


To Cass (Keri...): " 'mah freedumbz' ... first time I've seen it spelled that way. I was invited to go to the symphony today but I'm not willing to be inside with lots of people.

I live surrounded by silence. I prefer that; although, distant chatter, traffic, or the train is comforting. Birdsong would be better, but I'm easily distracted. I jump at every loud noise.

I did put on the radio Saturday for awhile but that was the first time in months."

23 5 oz. cans of tuna/chicken/turkey/ham. 9 Progresso soups. 9 packets of potato flakes. I'm good for awhile.

Not in the mood to blog. I feel guilty.

16 septembre *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2y* *Leafg* *Leaf2g*

Ben gave me a slice of quiche. Willie, Kathi, Monte, David, Laxmi... nice to see folks. Kathi thought I looked pale; Willie asked if I was feeling okay. I'm not sure how to answer that.

Walking around the National Park: mimosa, vendors, bus stop, trains, rush hour walking, fountain spray, lamplight
Bridges of Buda and Pest: statues, cliffs, cats, boats, music fountain, chains
228 Peace Park: night heron, fountain, lit towers, silent bell, restrooms, turtle
Moon over Vienna. Frog legs and Polenta. The statues of Firenze. Outside of the fortress (Geneva, Brasov).

1950 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDWPNgRNdHI
1970 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0MzvQhl23U&t=778s
1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTjjS5nN7xM
1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOzmEgdQyc4
2000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3d3paNB8kU
2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WijwbIbjgO4

September 13, 2021 at 6:22am
September 13, 2021 at 6:22am
13 septembre *Leafg* *Leafg* *Leaf2Y* *Leaf2Y*

49 39 4:19 dark & silent

73 64 3:07 bright & quiet

So... I woke up at 4 a.m.-ish... I felt feverish so I took my temp. 97.0 which is lower than normal. I put the fan on anyways and managed to get back to sleep. Not too bad a rest; although, the sun is getting a bit tardy in getting out of bed.

Saw Willie, Don, Dalton, Phil, Laxmi. We can eat inside now so half did.

Cans of tuna, turkey, chicken and smoked ham were on sale so I moseyed off to market. Bought a bunch along with canned soup. I remembered to buy mouthwash! Forgot butter...

It felt warm on the way home in my orange long sleeve shirt. I had my orange backpack, my orange/black Baltimore Orioles cap on. I was orange. Unfortunately the Orioles gave up 22 runs... in one game to the Blue Jays yesterday. 22?

There is no further wisdom for now.

To Lilli: "I liked one particular Thai romance because viewers expect a boy-boy romance (the typical "when do they kiss" ... clue: in the last episode *Laugh*) but get roped into a supernatural romance (one's a ghost) who may not have died as believed (detective). One character is dealing with his sexuality (coming of age) all the while trying to introduce his ghostly friend to Bangkok 2017 (things have changed in 20 years) which gives the foreign viewer a look-see into the culture and the young Thai (most viewers are teens, 20s) a view of their parent's music, food, etc. (historical) Then... the mother... ah, another mystery! Yadayadayada... all wrapped into 8 episodes. Even the end has a couple twists. "He's coming to me" is worth a view by mystery/detective writers as the clues are there long before the characters put it all together. My advice? Pay attention to everything from the very beginning. The characters by-the-way are wonderful. Easy to really empathize with them."

I moved into this building 13 years ago. Happy happy. *Sad*

Read some blogs but I'm wiped out. I ate pasta, turkey, ricotta and now I'm drowsy. I need to lay down.

14 septembre *Leafg* *Leafg* *Leaf2Y* *Leaf2Y*

"How can the US protect Afghani women when they aren't willing to protect Texans?"

45 29 8:33 Bright and clear!

The days are definitely shorter, the nights cooler and leaves are turning. It'll be lovely if we are blessed with sun instead of smoke. Rain this coming weekend.

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Quarks Bar

PPC#15 "Write a poem about your neighborhood. Required Form: poet's choice. Line Count: minimum 12 lines, no max."

Ah... which one? Where the oval went round and round? The Hip Strip? The view of the Enchanted Mountains? Sugg and front porches? My first place in Costa Rica? My second? Sabetha and the cornfields? Crete and kolaches? The 5 ships? Brick, walnuts and waterfalls? Rose window and a view? Where 5 dirts paths met? Dog, cat, cow? Utica, Tenth street shuffle, Under the elms and orioles,

WNY, college, Kansas, Costa Rica, Nebraska, Ontario, WNY x 4, Oklahoma, Kansas, Montana.

[unfinished — untitled]

born confined behind stone walls / he looked up and saw the skies
he saw the ladder propped up there / and decided he could fly
but childhood dreams remain undone / when risks are never tried
so he never climbed and never crawled / he was dead before he died.

she saw the ladder propped up so / and decided she could climb
an answer to her dreams she thought / at ninety she still had time
she never feared that she would fall / life was to be lead full-time
and lo, beyond the crumbling walls / a heavenly view sublime

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.228] (14-15.septembre.2021)

Had over 50 notifications but most were just thumbs up or down. I mostly ignore those.

Out of circulation

I'm dying (we all are). But am I living?

What does being alive really mean? What is the point of staying alive past one's expiration date?

Are we-who-still-live willing to embrace our mortality and immortality?

The coins minted the year I was born are scratched, discolored, worn, he copper tarnished, the nickel dulled and whatever was silver melted down long ago. Few bills remain that aren't tattered, torn. What was once of some use in exchange for a cookie or a glass of milk, now deemed worthless and tossed in a jar or abused like those pennies flattened on tracks as the train passed or stretched and remolded into trinkets at a hot tourist spot, now closed.

Is it my time to go. If so, why do I hang on.

I'm old. Not so much by the calender date. That's just a reminder that I've survived so far. So many haven't. Am I old because I remember when songs first came out — fifty years ago. Am I old because I remember, albeit vaguely, how things used to be done? No, I'm old because I can't zig and zag and zog like I used to. I can't keep up and my memories fade.

But I'm not dead yet. Just slowly dying. Like wasps in autumn, the final frenzy before a frost puts their sting to rest. Am I resting when I nap or merely practicing being prone before I'm layed out? In the morning, do I look like I've slept in a coffin. Some days it takes more than sunlight to get me up and more than coffee to wake me.

My expiration date cometh. Sooner if I don't take better care of myself and fall off the shelf. I'll have to embrace that reality now or later, like it or not. And I will. We all do at the end.

Until then, I may as well keep learning — and living.

But do I look beyond? Realize that my life was a gift not just to myself but to others. What kind words or wisdom will linger, what poem I wrote for someone will be stuck in a book and forgotten, to be read and bring forth smiles decades or centuries later. Beyond the Veil of Death will my actions still matter in the material world.

My Muse might know, but he remains as mute as the angels that pass overhead, those who will return at the proper hour to share the final poem.

September 9, 2021 at 2:40am
September 9, 2021 at 2:40am
9 septembre *LeafY* *Leafg* *Leafg*

62 degrees just after midnight but an AQI of 132 makes getting out in the morning iffy.

Back to choking? It's supposed to rain tomorrow. *sigh*

50 degrees and 117 AQI. I feel it inside my place. It's 9 a.m. Guess I'm not going anywhere.

Finished Boy for Rent ผู้ชายให้เช่า. I have mixed feelings towards the production. Parts didn't make much sense.

70 degrees and 117 AQI at 1:30. I didn't go out. It's a dark hazy pall shrouding the mountains and the day.

Made ditalini with chopped greenbeans, parmesan, garlic, toasted sesame seed and ricotta. It turned out very good.

SoonerShawn > Weather Jamaica re climate drimes: "Think it would be even funnier if it said "I NAM'd someone"

61 degrees and 144 AQI. I can't catch a break. It's 20 til 12.

I did work my butt off for this.
Merit Badge in MechGrammical
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Thank you for your work and possible frustration in helping  [Link To Item #mechgram]  celebrate WdC's twenty-first anniversary! *^*Heartt*^*

It wasn't 'hard'. It was just frustrating. In English, punctuation matters.

10 septembre *Leafg* *Leafy* *Leafg*

153 AQI. Saw a patch of blue... don't trust it. 68 degrees. Another day stuck inside wishing I were elsewhere.
AQI has stayed high all day. Over 150 is considered hazardous. Rain is supposed to move in by 8:30. I'll be thrilled if it cleanses the air. A second or third band moving through would be nice... just saying. I'm hoping to be able to go to the farmers market tomorrow. I've been housebound since Wednesday.

"A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes (from Jen)

My response: "Every time I moved or had new experiences I couldn't go entirely back to being
the old me. My friends were shocked when I came home from Costa Rica when I was 22... a friend told me that the old me was just fine. I wish I would've known that before... Now? I just want a new body so I can enjoy what I've learned. *Rolling* I wrote about being 21 yesterday but held back on the most hurtful details." Her response was kind.

I steamed some buttercup squash with pumpkin spice. It was very good. Instead of dumping the water I made a cup of coffee with it. Not as good. *Laugh* Squash water with pumpkin spice might go better with tea.

To Harlow: "As for 'mandrake' ... that's another issue. We poets should be writing about cellphones, IT, Uber Eats, the Great Die-Off (of cash, conversation and cafes), the thousand masks we wear, how fear consumes us.

Once I was a gardener. I doubt most urban young people know the names of flowers and trees. They are concrete objects, but unknown and thereby devoid of any emotional response. Even smells... how many can relate to eau-de-outhouse? Or even a rotten egg. Who buys eggs? Not those ordering out everyday for lunch.

Without shared experiences we have difficulty communicating across divides of geography, religion, social class or generation."


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