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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

Previous ... 18 19 20 21 -22- 23 24 25 26 27 ... Next
November 22, 2021 at 12:22pm
November 22, 2021 at 12:22pm
Talented...again. We've seen this prompt before.

*Sue: "That look... hypnotic or not. *Smirk* I do like how you present this. It may be a power with limits but it'll work for me in Thailand in the sense that I'll be deferred to a bit due to age. Come to think of it... this has been happening more and more the last ten years. *Dead*" re "Super me!

?Sandy: "I do think you're on to something here. My prob? Apparently 20 year old Gen Z are having the same communication problems as teenagers. Not to forget their older siblings who won't speak to you unless you have an appointment and permission. And their parents? Too busy to just chat with anyone unless you're 'someone', have $$$, willing to buy whatever they're selling or are old friends from grade school. And old geezers like me? Paranoid of strangers. Terrified of immigrants. So... breaking through barriers is a great gift, an awesome super-power. *Care* It's in great demand and not only for talking to teenagers. *Hearto* " re "Deciphering Teenage Code

?Robert: "I remember hurt and pain but not necessarily anything useful. In high school over 50 years ago I walked home with Jim Schwartz. We lived 4 houses apart. He said something along the lines of, "You're a nice guy, but..." Stik's comment reminded me of that. Well written. Nice blend of facts, myths and experience." re "Powered Up

?Cappucine: "Funny. I had to look it up. The answer is 'yes' for a very small group of people. Flexibility, arm length and, apparently most importantly, the length of your tongue make this super-power possible. " re "Drum Roll

Apondia: "I remember comics and comic books but I seldom had access to comic books. I read encyclopedia. Ah... what childhood didn't teach me. " re "I Wonder

Kathie: "I don't think that the divisions will heal as long as folks don't believe in conversation. Many are fearful of what they don't understand and won't take the time to talk about it. One thing about the former president... he knew how to manipulate fears for political gain. Same with race and religion. Lots of fear. Tucker Carlson's "Legacy Americans" and Flynn's "Christian America" would be great topics but... better turkey on the plate than spit and anger." re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 22, 2021

Viv: "Even a kind word or hug can be a super power. *Hearto*" re "Special Ability

Sonali: "Ah... a descendant or disciple of that Great Hufflepuff, Scamander? I do think the animals protecting you is a nice idea. " re "Animals - #30DBC

Mike: "Well, at least it's doable and you have fun doing it. Can you twist "qoph" ... because the only not-a-word I can come up with is an alternative spelling of a WDC taboo word... just saying. *Smirk*" re "Try, rent, ten, net... [30 DBC ENTRY]

Sox: "I liked this but the ending was jarring. It ended with "it took me a little while to realize anger wasn't reliable." What followed could be on the next page where Raen works on her mind moving 'things' without the anger. As always, I'm intrigued." re "November 22, 2021

QP: "Being able to read people is a great gift. In Costa Rica I had to learn how to read faces, especially eyes because verbal responses weren't sufficient. Especially useful in the workplace." re "A Fictional Special Ability

Marvilla: "A smiling empath... a great combination. People prolly listen to your advice. I immediately thought of a Thai Buddhist monk who exhibits that in a TV series." re "Drum Roll " re "Super Power

November 21, 2021 at 1:11am
November 21, 2021 at 1:11am

Vicente Fernández - Volver, Volver: This was the song I absolutely hated before I left Costa Rica in 1974 (it was written in 1972). I never wanted to return.

Vicente Fernández (Cente, born 1940) fell in October and was hospitalized and put in ICU but seems to be recovering.

*sent* Tina "Invalid Entry "Glad this prompt brought back good memories. I think of Cente singing "Volver" and hearing it sung when I was about to leave Costa Rica. I said I would never return... and I didn't for 35 years. *HeartO* " Badge ID #315571

?Sandy: {c:}"I did like the song. The chemistry between Cente and Tony is palpable. Cente is Mexican from Guadalajara and that's reflected in the music video. Cente is now 81; Tony is 95. I didn't know the movie, but the Thai TV series "A Tale of 1000 Stars" handles the heart transplant differently and apparently better (8.6 rating vs 6.9). Tian (a young man) receives Torfun's (a young woman) heart and feeling guilt (his friend ran over her) tries to follow her footsteps. In the end he decides he must live his own life (with thanks to Torfun of course). Very moving movie, not American at all. Nicely written entry.
" re "Interpretive Listening

?QP: {c:}"Bittersweet ... yeah. There is definitely chemistry between the two and that I respond to. Cente is 81 and Tony now 95. Thanks for this entry. Most bloggers could not connect to this music. I suspect it's too Mexican and too old-fashioned. And thanks for commenting about the movie." re "A Sad Song

Robert: {c:}"I watched Cente sing "Volver volver" ... I hated it in 1974 but I don't have the same reaction now. I never wanted to return ('volver' or 'regresar') to CR before 2009. I prefer this song. Cente, age 81, has been ill (he fell) but doing okay and Tony is 95. May we be so blessed to be able to speak much less sing should we live so long. Music is very personal, imho." re "Facing the Music

Sue: {c:}"I agree. There's a certain connection between the two. Tony is now 95 and Cente 81. Time moves forward for sure." re "Nostalgia

Viv: {c:}"Yes, it's definitely soothing but also melancholic. I like the chemistry between Cente (now 81) and Tony (now 95)." re "Song

Sonali: {c:}"I love songs with a touch of sadness." re "Return to me - #30DBC

Cappucine: {c:}"Well... your post about Marigold closing reflects the melancholy aspect of the music. We had 2 closures and a relocation in our block this year. 4 empty storefronts and counting. Tony Bennett did an entire series of duets long past his peek popularity. He's 95 now. Cente is 81. This particular style is very Mexican and harkens to a different era." re "Regresa

Petra: {c:}"A different song of Cente "Volver volver" grates my nerves but that's because it was sung to me in Costa Rica when I didn't want to return." re "Not my music!

Jenn: {c:}"I respectfully disagree! *Laugh* I had difficulty speaking Spanish because conversation wasn't emphasized. And yes, Spanish is hard to parse because of the constant vowels and because it's spoken in phrases not in words. That said, it's still much easier than English to pronounce.

I'll learn some Thai/Lao. Parsing written words is fairly easy but words must be learned with their inherent tone. Words are not separated by spaces (sentances are) but that's not a problem once one practices. Because most words are one 'syllable' it sounds like people are speaking fast. I need to retune my ears and brain.

Precision can also lead to inflexibility. And that is a major barrier to learning anything less precise. Attitude towards those who speak a less desirable dialect with a less desirable accent also gets in the way.

As children we learn to speak a language before we write it. Sight reading is an ass-backwards approach to learning most languages except for Chinese symbols which are used by related languages. Those symbols tell you nothing as to how to pronounce the words however.

Both Chinese and English are useful as trade languages; but, any beggar boy on the streets of Dakar has better basic language skills across languages than mono-lingual folks here at WDC." re "Invalid Entry

Sox: {c:}"It's interesting how music can provoke responses. I happen to love bittersweet songs because they allow me to weep. *Care*" re "November 21, 2021

Marvilla: {c:}"You may have a broken link. The movie was rated 6.9. The basic idea has been done better in other movies. Cente/Tony (Cente is now 81/ Tony is 95):

" re "Music in my ears

November 19, 2021 at 2:10am
November 19, 2021 at 2:10am
I believe in unpatented-unhyphenated-God who responds to whatever name is used. One of the entries rubbed me the wrong way and there are many religious people here at WDC, on other social media and IRL who rub me even worse. I decided to not mention that as a specific comment because it wouldn't have helped. Maybe one epiphany growing up was that I didn't believe in the White Jesus that was being marketed and merchandised.

*Sandy: "Double ouch. *Care* I think these experiences need to be shared, if only as a warning to others. I have been pissed and hurt by numerous people in my life and a couple I'd rather not see again; but, there's only one s.o.b. I really fear. He's charasmatic, psychopathic and dangerous." re "Eureka

*Kathie: "Life is too short to be unhappy. Triggers me a bit. I didn't leave a marriage but I did leave a life behind. Was it worth it? Am I happier? Rough questions. I seem to be entering a different stage of life. That may bring new challenges, new choices, or no choice at all." re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 18, 2021

?Viv: "I remember my move to Kansas and then 30 years later to Oklahoma. Both good moves, but the culture took some getting used to. The move to Montana led to me traveling abroad. That too was good. Covid forced me to stay home. That isn't good for me mentally, emotionally nor physically. But I'm having difficulty getting my rusty self back in gear." re "Changed View

Robert: "I have small epiphanies. I want to move from here because they do not value what is already here but have decided that whatever was and is isn't good enough. They must detroy to rebuild grander, bigger, more luxurious, because folks-they-value no longer want to live without a/c, a hot tub, a private parking spot. They value the creation of a new city, one that has no room for the likes of me. " re "Epiphany

Sue: "I was on someone else's roller-coaster. I had to get off. Then I had to stop looking at the wreck-in-progress. Not taking care of myself created severe issues... and still does." re "Eureka

Petra: "It is amazing how betrayal is deeply felt. Sonali mentioned this about not being told about her uncle's death for years. Lies => feeling of betrayal. " re "Invalid Entry

Cappucine: "Ouch. I wonder what moments from a childhood I can't remember molded me. There were many I'm sure but I tried for years to erase the pain. Looking back, it took years for me to realize I wasn't liked... and more years to understand that I was unlikeable. " re "ya cat died

?QP: "It's amazing what we refuse to discuss as a culture (sex is a major American taboo) and then expect young and old (dying is another taboo) to cope on their own (because individuality is glorified). *Care* I remember reacting to being called 'sir'. I wasn't ready to be old. Now it's nice to be 'seen'." re "My Changed Views

Sonali: "I remember having nightmares about dying in an auto accident... until I had one. Very bad, woke up in the hospital, friends told me I wasn't myself for months. But after... no more nightmares." re"Angiography - #30DBC

Jenn: "The problem with schooling, homeschooling, unschooling, is that the child will only learn what they are exposed to and taught. / Most folks/parents/schools focus on math, language, culture (history, social studies, geography) and maybe science (what isn't contrary to their world view). But what bothers me is the lack of experience with people who don't look and think like them and then continuing to live in this bubble until they look for a job expecting to apply their language, their culture, their religion on others. I'm tired of hearing "I respect you" in a superior tone of dismissal which translates as "I have no need to consider you". Understanding people/animals/trees is a skill that can be neglected to the detriment of society in general. / How many children/youth are forced to deal with anything outside of their comfort zone when parents/family/teachers/leaders are skeptical or literally frightened? " re "Invalid Entry

LeJenD: "Quite a bit of pain involved at various stages of life. And the healing process continues. *HeartO*" re "Life Epiphany - 30DBC 11/19

Marvilla: "New habits, better habits and light to guide your way." re "The Great Epiphany

Mike: "Wonderful, wasn't it. *HeartO* Unfortunately, in my opinion, there are still people who think that only the mother can/should bond with a child. Parental leave for fathers is slowly catching on in Europe, at least in Sweden (since 1974). You'd have been one of the latte daddies proudly pushing Christa in her pram. *Smile* In some parts of the world, child-raising has always been a family and village affair. Even some cultures in the US may have been... but got away from that. There's hope for future fathers though." re "Rock-a-My Baby [30 DBC entry]

Sox: "Yeah... and then you're tall enough to do the dishes and... that's all she wrote. *Smile*" re "November 19, 2021
November 18, 2021 at 4:24pm
November 18, 2021 at 4:24pm
?Charlie: "Opt out? Loan forgiveness would help but that would cost $$$ and there are societal forces unwilling to allow that. I choose to live on less, but that's not an easy option for those who are faced with barely getting by with food and shelter. I'd say move to Nebraska or Thailand and work remotely; but, even if that were your dream, reality bites. I'd say: "say no" but if you're merely a cog they can find a replacement; as in, you replaced someone, someone replaced you, you are replaceable. *Sad* Cheerful, aren't I. " re "Invalid Entry

?Cappucine: "I'm facing decisions as I start to fade. I day-dreamed as a child and never fully got out of the haze induced by depression and disappointment. Now I see the fog gathering around me, uncertain whether it's mist or morphine, not sure whether it matters. Thanks for sharing your real life. The prompts seldom encourage it." re "counsel

?Jenn: "Impressive organization of time. Good insight: "I don't do creative work when my kids are awake; I can become a massive asshole whenever I'm trying to do something creative but I keep getting interrupted." I do wonder about diet... adult and children have different needs. I loved rice as a child; still do. That will come handy when I visit Thailand some day. " re "Invalid Entry

LeJen: {c:}"Unplugged? Watt's that? I vaguely remember those days when I lived unplugged. How did I manage?" re "Down Time - 30DBC 11/18

Petra: {c:}"Good to live in a different time zone... sometimes. *Hearto*" re "Zzzzzz!

Marvilla: {c:}"Good to read that you are feeling better. *Hearto*" re "Great shutdown of 2021

Ray: {c:}"I am totally worn out. I still get ideas (those tend to annoy regardless) but my effort to deal with them ebbs and flows. My income is a gov't check, so writing isn't my income. I'm old so no one expects much, except for artists older than me (artists never retire). No obligations, no responsibilities... but it's important to get out of bed and do something... and some days it doesn't seem worth it. So I get things done on those days when I have the energy. I slog through the other days. It'll be good to have you back (thick skull *Headbang* and all *Bigsmile*)." re "Shutdown Blues

QP: {c:}"Somedays the mundane is helpful in getting through the day. *Smile*" re "Down Time

Sonali: {c:}"Time zones do have their up-sides. Thailand is 12 hours difference from WDC and when I do visit it'll seem quite odd... especially if I have to make a call." re "We are there! - #30DBC

NormaJean: {c:}"Hope your eyes improve. But having a doctor check your eyes is a good option; have someone else drive. Montana will be one of those quaint places stuck in 1889 or 1989 that the technologically advanced and wealthy Chinese and others will visit in 2189..." re "You Only Have 2

Sue: {c:}"There's a partial eclipse of the moon tonight here. Saw the moon last night, but what are the chances of clouds? Plus, it's not a convenient hour. Time zones... tricky. When I get to Thailand... *sigh* there's only one hours difference." re "Sleeping

Robert: {c:}"I don't know how to build a boat or fly a plane. But, I know enough not to pester those who do... at least not while moving. I neither swim nor fly." re "Experience

Tina: {c:}"Well, you're crafty, this makes sense. Hope the peace offerings with the neighbors calms them down. Some people need more 'hugs' than others. " re "Invalid Entry

Sandy: {c:}"If my mittens and gloves are ready and at hand, winter will assume it has been invited to visit. *Snow3* Idling is what I've been doing since I was grounded March 2020. And I'm still not in gear (cluttch may be broken). Give my regards to the dust bunnies." re "Idling

Mike: {c:}"Ah... the muse played hooky. 10 demerits to (of which Hogwarts House is your Muse a member?). But at least you got other important stuff done."
re "An off day on a day off [30 DBC entry]

Viv: {c:}"I went to bed early then looked at the moon last night... nice haze around it. But the partial eclipse is tonight. This is how my life goes."
re "I Did This During The WDC Server/Hosting Move

Sox: {c:}"An MOE by the name of Toni... there's a rap song somewhere in my thoughts... Heck yes, we want to see what Toni wants us to see! *Clap* Of course, we may not be capable of processing and understanding whatever that is. It does seem to fit the prompt though. A rip in our 'verse so to speak."
re "November18, 2021

November 17, 2021 at 1:09am
November 17, 2021 at 1:09am
Murder, they wrote.

*Robert: murder death "... don't piss off ... *Shock2* And here we thought you were a writer who occasionally enjoys a Belgian brew. Who knew? ... i don't ... i swear i know nothing ... (excellent writing)" re "The Butler Did It

Viv: "You have the bones of a story. (pun intended) Now we just need to know more. Are all the body parts his/hers. Pictures of placement? Odor? Sounds, taste, touch. Red: blood, liptick, redruM? We wants to know." re "Murder Discovered

Sonali: "Love Clue! Don't know whether I've ever seen Scotland Yard. CluedoHP does add a couple quirks. I love how doors open and close and how fireplaces light up. Good response without answering the prompt directly. *Wink*" re "Not My Genre - #30DBC

QP: "PPD could be a defense; but,"Baby blues and postpartum depression, while medically recognized, would not meet the threshold of legal insanity in the majority of cases." Maybe Darcy can raise the child. Not ideal but... Be ready to visit Sophia in prison. *Sad*" re "Squaring Off With Storm

Sue: "Nice set-up. Believable? I'm sure it happens. Never go for a ride..." re "Cluedo

NormaJean: "I read hearse instead of horse. *Laugh* I replaced the lightbulb today so it can't be the hazard of reading in the dark... maybe the snowflakes this afternoon messed with my mind?" re "Missing Artists - November 17

Cappucine: "calm ourselves with the cellar wines of our hostess. Any bottles missing? Perhaps one with a pricey tag attached? I'd call in Elle - on hiatus to investigate. She'd have a clue whether it were a whine thief (she's not down with whiners at the moment). Of course if Waltz were there... all the brew accounted for? No friends... ouch. " re "not Nancy

LeJen: "Double murder? Did she plant evidence that one killed the other and then a suicide note? Did you witness this or harrass my client? Just asking... the wife's attorney. PS: And by-the-way... do you have an alibi? " re "Invalid Entry

Sandy: "A sisterly grudge? Yeah, thankfully most twins are very close. So the butler did it? *Smirk2* Nicely written." re "Widow Snooty's Demise

Marvilla: "Murder/suicide. It does happen all the time; although did she have some help with the rope? Just asking... it wasn't me... I swear... I have an alibi." re "murder mystery

Petra: "Yes, one looks at family. Motive and evidence... but a bit too 'convenient', n'est-ce pas? " re "WhoDunnit

Mike: "Like the child who is told 'don't touch that'. Poor kitty." re "Bad soup? [30 DBC entry]

Sox: "I wonder who at work was really out to get me... it's been over 10 years... but I still wonder. I bet I'd be surprised." re "November 17, 2021

November 16, 2021 at 3:59pm
November 16, 2021 at 3:59pm
?Apondia: memoir+ "Good insight into your eating habits over the years. *HeartO* A very simple diet growing up (yes), supplementing with homegrown foods (no), lots of self restraint (so not me). I do like fish (I prefer cod, flounder, crappie, whitefish), but today it'll be boneless porkchop filleted and stuffed and left over rice. I was raised on leftovers so that's what it is today. I hate throwing out food. My diet isn't good. I'm often sluggish. I have less urge to eat when I travel. " re "Walk Don't Eat

?Jenn: fasting. "I do like how you go into great detail. I can't quibble with the benefits of fasting. Good for counting one's blessings and flushing out toxins. I do point out to everyone I interact with though that healthy = the $$ to choose. Many cannot choose. Whether it's potatoes, bread from flour, or rice, cheap calories = survival. As an American who lives 6 walkable blocks from a grocery store I try to monitor what I eat by simply not buying certain things. I don't buy soda (no calories), bottled water (our tap water is very good), chocolate (because I'll eat it all *Laugh*). I do concur that brussel sprouts (and imho beets and parsnips) are best roasted." re "Invalid Entry

?Sandy: cast-iron "There are foods I don't like but not much will make me sick. *Smile* Me in Isan (NE Thailand): ไม่พริก (mai prik = no hot spice). I think... guess I'll find out!" "I commented before you completed the entry. Quite amusing — as teaching usually is." re "See Food Diet

?Robert: portions "I have problems with food going bad. Recently parsnips shriveled up on me (and they were good looking too), so I reduced them to powder to add to whatever... like potato flakes in a bag. *sigh* Those are just one serving for me unless I want leftovers (like today). One head of lettuce = I'm eating lettuce all week. I don't buy crackers or cookies for the same reason. They're all just one serving to me as why should I let them go stale? I have limited freezer space (room size freezers were designed for families who buy a side of beef at a time). As long as I have canned tuna (bought when it goes on sale) and pasta or rice I'm fine... but even then... portion control? Me? I'm a see-food eater and cheap-caffeine drinker. Nicely written by-the-way." re "Thought for Food

Sue: "Good luck with the diet. My weight loss is usually unplanned. I do cook, but there are days when a sandwich stuffed with whatever can't run away quick enough will suffice. I do not eat out except at a cafe and if I'm lucky that's once a week. Unfortunately, our local milkshakes include calories. When I travel I eat street food or at a local diner. I eat like a chicken, cheap cheap cheap." re "Food

QP: "Be thankful you have a talisman to hold that contains memories of past generations. *HeartO* I have a pumpkin that needs to be cooked. *Pumpkin*" re "My Bad Diet and My Good Baking

LeJen: "My mother took 'rat poison' to thin her blood. Goodbye fried cabbage... The trick though wasn't to totally eliminate it but eat it in very small portions. The blood needed to be not too thick, not too thin. (When am I thinking of Goldie-the-vampire *Vamp*?)" re "Food, Glorious Food!

Petra: "I immediately thought of eggplant and moussaka. And the potato I need to sacrifice very soon. The pasta can wait, as can the rice. I love both and eat them frequently. I seem to be 'allergic' to healthy foods; but... if someone would cook healthy for me I wouldn't mind at all. " re "Favorite food

Marvilla: "Get well *Care* soon. I'd eat better if someone else were cooking. I depend too much on bread, pasta, rice. If getting healthy is a priority then everything else may have to take a backseat and be handled by others." re "diet?

Cappucine: "I thought of Portugal, Taiwan, even Norway... could live on a seafood diet there. Not here. Lots of varied fruits, greens and vegetables in Taiwan. I prolly eat a lot of rubbish as well. Trick for me is not buying it, not bringing any home. " re "art of feeding

Kathie: "It's great that you-two cook together, sounds like fun. *HeartO* I actually used salt yesterday. Months can go by without me using it; of course, it's in most processed foods. I have water boiling with lavender (in a tea ball). I love the smell and then just use the water for tea or coffee. I do love fish, but other than polluck it's too expensive in Montana. But when I travel. *Smile*" re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 16, 2021

Mike: "Balkan = burek (with cheese, mushrooms, meat or whatever). Not to forget to mention the sausages or in Serbija: pljeskavica. Or the bean dish of Makedonia. *Smile* Now I'm thinking of all the glorious food I ate there. I know how to say no peppers in Thai. Will see whether that works. " re "Chow call! [30 DBC entry]

Viv: "Yes, great to be able, willing, and disciplined to eat properly. I don't. I do eat more fresh food when I travel. For me, poverty = whatever food had calories to sustain me." re "FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD

Sonali: "Some of my best friends are tomatoes. What am I? Chopped liver? *Laugh* Funny; but, no pineapple on pizza ... nope... never." re "Chat about Chaat - #30DBC

Tina: "For authentic Indian food I suggest you go visit THANKFUL SONALI HAPPY WDC 24. Flights IAH-BLR roundtrip are about $1200. Not a bad price to learn about chaat. I rarely add salt. Sugar is my downfall. Love me some grits and pork&clams (Portuguese style). *Laugh*" re "Invalid Entry

Sox: Actually... a decent response! A fried PB&J... a step above what I usually eat. My next bologna sandwich may be fried in Thai peanut sauce. I have a new addiction. I get panic attacks... but this must've been major. *Care* re "November 16, 2021
November 15, 2021 at 1:33am
November 15, 2021 at 1:33am
Thruple? 3 traveling...

*Cappucine: ""& it's not going to rain." *Laugh* You are a dreamer! A funny one. "& turn blue, then build a fire, & steam." Thanks for the images. Is the year 2000? I could've done this 20 years ago. I wouldn't have (because I was an uptight idiot, but I could've and should've). This could be an outline of a larger work "Avoiding Port Arthur" (as in avoiding blood and pain)." re "around the apple isle

*Nannamom: "A threesome teeter-totter-ing on heels? Why do I get this flashing image of the Brit-com Ab-Fab? *Rolling* "we felt calories could not possibly catch us." ... O Ye Deluded Nancy Squared Plus One. You lie about heading straight home from Texas ... just saying. You actually were sighted in Puebla eating 'pollo en mole poblano'. We have the pics to prove it. And you couldn't control yourself in Coyoacan after visiting Frida Kahlo's Blue House. Again, the pics taken at the market of you wallowing in chocolate sauce... Oh, I could go on-and-on... *Smirk*" re "Our Sweet(s) Tour

*Kathie: "Three guides. Totally awesome. My trip to England '11 was the best vacation I ever had because WDC friends took me around the places they knew. They weren't just 'places'. Ruins of this and that, a festival, longboats, train museum, a shop where they made ropes, a castle where Linda's mother had once worked in the guest shop, eccles cakes and yorkshire pudding, home-made scones from scratch, roasted parsnips, mushy peas. Best trip ever. This shouldn't be a dream. You-three should plan dates for Spring (start in the South) or Summer." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 15, 2021

Robert: {c:}"I tend to travel alone; but in 1975 three of us went from Kansas to Key West. Awesome trip. We didn't take much. Now? Passport... because it's my i.d. Camera and chargers... because I don't want to waste time shopping. Map. I usually travel with one week of underwear. However, if I were to be a flash-packer three would do. A phone or my chromebook would be wise. Pen. Notepad. Debit card, money. I'd just go down my list and simplify. Clothes can be worn, washed or bought. Where would I stuff my friends? Ah... maybe I'll just leave them behind. Last solar eclipse I was here. I was in Vienna for an awesome lunar eclipse with Mars." re "Dark Side of the Moon

Sonali : {c:}"I immediately thought of Japan. *Hearto* The Shikoku pilgrimage route (or Shikoku Henro) is one of the few circular-shaped pilgrimages in the world. It includes 88 “official” temples and numerous other sacred sites where the Buddhist priest Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi) is believed to have trained or have spent time during the 9th Century. It takes a month or two to walk so better pack for the sore feet and weather." re "Nature and Worship and Hand-made stuff - #30DBC

Ray: {c:}"Oh? Do tell us about that wild weekend! *Laugh* And now you owe us a story, "Tobacco Leaves"." re "Road Trip

Sox: {c:}"A headache is close; a hangover is close; hemorrhoids are close. How close did you say all-y'all were? *Rolling*"." re "November 15, 2021

Marvilla : {c:}"I guess most of us need our toys. I need to buy a cellphone. My chromebook must go with me. Pen and notebook? Yep." re "Pretend Roadtrip

Viv: {c:}"Traveling with a dog is doable, even by train, plane, bus and boat. *HeartO* " re "TRIPPING WITH BEST FRIENDS

Sue: {c:}"I went to non-famous historic places. One of my favorites was Lyme Hall. I must say that a slower trip is advisable. Covid really put me on hold. It's not going to be easy to get going again and I may have to stay in pricier lodgings." re "Action replay

Tina: {c:}"I butterflied a boneless porkchop, glazed it with peanut sauce, chopped cherries and cashews and then stuffed with pork-stuffing and baked it. All gone now! Should've taken a picture. As long as it all fits into one piece of luggage you haven't over-packed. (No, the prompt didn't say only three items *Bigsmile*.) The packing means prioritizing. One needs a camera to take photos; no one needs 10 different outfits (trust me on this)." re "Invalid Entry

QP: {c:}"We had a good book festival in our town for years... until they killed it. I only went to a writer's conference in Listowel, Ireland, May of 2015. You may want to put that on your bucket list. If you've been twice what did you-three do?" re "Writing Road Trip

?LeJen: {c:}"You may as well go the whole way... stop in Quebec City, go through New Brunswick, visit Anne of Green Gables in P.E.I. (Prince Edward Island) and end in Halifax. Or... visit Cape Breton (very Irish), St. Pierre & Miquelon (which is France), NewFoundLand (especially if either of you loves orchids). It would be quite a journey-of-a-lifetime, but well worth it." re "Journey Across Canada - 30DBC 11/15/21

Petra: {c:}"Well now that you have an idea, it's just a matter of filling in the details. Bus and train should suffice. There's lots to see along the way. Set aside two months (late summer into autumn September-October the way you have it set up or spring April-May if you do it in reverse) flights to Porto or Lisbon to/from Amsterdam are easy and reasonably cheap. However, if you are caravaning with your pup then I don't know... crossing into the UK may be an issue. I can imagine a circle trip coming back through Spain (the coast all the way to Barcelona), Southern France (Avignon/Arles, Nice/Monaco), Italy (Genoa, Turin, Milan), Switzerland, and then Luxembourg and/or Germany. The advantage of your own transportation would be the option to camp and the ability to take a bit more. And most everything you need can be bought along the way." re "Roadtrip

Jenn: {c:}"Books... I know when I'm flying back to Missoula because people are reading books. I don't take extra books because international flights don't allow much weight. Plus I read on my computer. Yeah, a rock in the ocean. Don't bother visiting the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen for that same reason. She sits on a rock." re "Invalid Entry

Mike: {c:}"I would get carsick as a child. My parents gave me m&ms. Did the chocolate help? I thought so. *Bigsmile* When I buy Reese's pieces I go for the biggest bag I can find. Target carries them. " re "An all enCOMPASSing trip [30 DBC entry]

Diane: {c:}"BACKROADS ONLY, NO FREEWAYS! *applaud* I remember spending a night in Munday, Texas. The room was Americana to the hilt. I was actually charmed by it. " re "Invalid Entry
November 14, 2021 at 2:05am
November 14, 2021 at 2:05am
Kamo`oalewa: a piece of something (the Moon?) where we gather every April.

*Judithd: "I want to know more about this place. It would have saved me personal grief if it had been available in 2003... just saying... and a couple times before and since. I'm good at the moment. Too bad I can't just call Mage or Bea. Too bad I'm not related. You describe a refuge I wish were real. *Heart*" re "Hideaway

*Alydria/Jenn: "Very nicely done. When the prompt said remote ... you went remote and a bit further. *Bigsmile*" re "Invalid Entry

?LeJen: {c:}"Oklahoma. There's a well-known Turner Falls in the Arbuckle mountains near Davis in Chicasaw Nation. Braggs reminded me of Briggs, just east of Tahlequah, a place along the Illinois with a swimming hole. Braggs was between Tahlequah and Muscogee, Mvskoke/Cherokee Nations. Both places are small. Would people go back to a place over generations? Yep. One goes with ones grandparents who went with their grandparents. Well written and believable (even truth is fictionalized over the generations). My family kept secrets that were not always acknowledged nor explained." re "The Waterfall and the Castle

Petra: {c:}"It may work better as a fantasy prompt for you. That said, if I were to visit your city we would probably meet in one of your favorite places. It just works that way. Habits and routines are strong, even over generations. Learning more from your uncles might be interesting." re "Holy place

Sox: {c:}"Ah... back story! Yeah, these characters must choose paths that cross... if only because they already have. *Smile* I'm going to assume that there's more to this than Seyona has told you so far. *Wink* She will in time." re "November 14, 2021

Sue: {c:}"We know about the past because someone cared enough to share. This goes for the everyday lives of common people as well. At the Egyptian Museum in Torino they have collected the graffiti of those who built the pyramids, some quite bawdy. So much didn't get recorded in the official history! People do revisit the places of their ancesters, if only to uderstand." re "Mystery

?Sonali: {c:}"Totally warped! I mean, who knows what they knew in 1556 and have since forgot. Of course, you could always go back and ask. There outta be a spell for that. But beware the side effects of time travel." re "At the King's Court, 11 February 1556. - #30DBC

?Robert: {c:}"I love that last line. *Smirk2* There's still time for Ted and his father... they ain't dead yet! I 'inherited' my father's hemorrhoids and smile. I suspect the smile was cultural and familial. Nice mixed non-fiction, personal and fiction response. " re "Past Tense

Viv: {c:}"Ah... the way was blocked. In a story I think your character might not give up, eventually finding out why the way was blocked but deciding it was more peaceful to leave the past buried under that ash... unless the way back was blocked as well. *Worry* " re "A PLACE CALLING THE PAST

Mike: {c:}"I knew about this history. That said, I never read about the people who actually lived there. History tends to leave common people out of the narrative, at best referring to them by numbers, not by name. And it was sparsely populated. I have visited areas where my forefathers lived and then fled." re "Nobody's fault [30 DBC entry]

QP: {c:}"I guess the problem is the word 'remote'. Works in a fictional prompt but not so much in real life. However, you live in a place that was remote for your forefathers. And going back to where they came from would seem remote as well. If aliens visited Earth long ago... perhaps you are a descendant." re "Remote Places

Cappucine: {c:}"Nice flow with wonderful repetitions of words and sounds. I think it's a keeper. Message? Not one #$%& useless royal among them. *Bigsmile*" re "ancestor fancy (poem)

Sandy: {c:}"Thieves do hide in plain sight. They're known as CEOs and CFOs. *Laugh* There are places of pilgrimage, usually of great pain, great joy, great hope. And then there's curiosity and $$. A good story will buy a few drinks, both then and now. " re "Joe / Nathaniel

November 13, 2021 at 8:06pm
November 13, 2021 at 8:06pm
*Cappucine: "OMG... stay away, stay far far away... *Shock2*. I hope the readers understand the satire except... it is much more than that. It is chilling, dystopian... absolute horror. Well played. " re "Alpha's Letter

*Robert: "Well, parenting for everyone long before age 15; like start at age 10; after 5 years they should have a clue what's involved. Support for children after they are born (even when you don't approve of the parents). Friends adopted an Afro-Korean son because they were interracial and interfaith. You are sooooo spot on about this one. And yes, this would be a dilemma on a spaceship. You don't want too many children enroute but infertility upon arrival would doom the colony." re "Procreation Pass

?Sonali: {c:}"I took people in. I'm quite aware that my parenting skills aren't stellar (even adults need to be parented). *Sad* I can be the wacko uncle or mentor... that's about it. " re "I opt out - #30DBC

Viv: {c:}"Couples who wish to adopt face this all the time, whether infertile, single parent, same-sex couple. The scrutiny and hurdles make many give up. In Costa Rica and many places a pregnant 15 year old faces no questions (fortunately most have supportive family). " re "PARENT, MAYBE

Sue: {c:}"I think the African proverb fits best: "it takes a village to raise a child". Many animals do quite well fostering babies, even cross species, even humans do. " re "Great idea

Kathie: {c:}"Yep. It is frightening that many of the same people who wanted the freedom to have a quiver-full were not particularily open to extending their love to others who didn't live up to their expectations. I think of all the Irish Catholics having a bakers-dozen while Asians, Africans and Jews were turned away ... and still are. The quest for a White Christian Nation was and is dependent on high birth-rates, incarceration of undisirables and the exclusion of any non-white immigrants. Oh, I could rant..." re "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 13, 2021

QP: {c:}"I don't think it would end well for you or most anyone we know. It would be like getting into Yale or getting out of jail. Only certain people would be valued. Sad, really." re "Parent Proof

Petra: {c:}"Hmm... the Dutch have a decent sex education program. Parenting could easily be dealt with as well. That said, we have neither in the USA. There are still kids that are shocked when they find out at age 13 that they're gonna be a mommy or daddy. " re "No, thanks

Marvilla: {c:}"I've taken people in and at times tried to support and help. I wasn't very good at it. I'm better off being the batty uncle. It's good thing to know... but others think they can't and then surprise themselves." re "Would I be a good caregiver? I am.

Mike: {c:}"Actually... perhaps. Not everyone is as nice as people think; however, it's probably true most of the time. Do cats and dogs adore you? They aren't always right but do seem to be more perceptive than humans. You do adore those litle ones, don't you? *Delight*" re "Wanted: Pitter-patter of little feet [30 DBC entry]

Sox: {c:}"And... have you ever been around children and do they like you? I denote just a bit of sarcasm... *Smirk*" re "November 13, 2021

Apondia: {c:}"China has been working on 'social credit' scores and although it sounds dystopian we've been doing that for centuries with who gets fed, who gets neutered, who gets slaughtered on the spot. It's very human to think in dog-eat-dog terms. Fortunately there are those who also think in terms of cooperation and community where diversity is valued. And diversity is essential should we move to new real estate among the stars." re "Childhood Planned

Sandy: {c:}"Yep, you've been there. *Laugh* Present this to everyone ahead of you in line. See how many have 'better' things to do. I wouldn't volunteer unless I were forced to do so. We all have our talents. This may be one of yours... certainly not mine. *Sad* " re " Mamma Me-a?

LeJen: {c:}"Traditional black/white categorizing of good/evil. Very Spanish Inquisition. Very dystopian. A past and future that's disturbing to those who look at life differently. Waltz mentions SF's role of prevention; but, I also think of literature as propaganda and apology with the power of normalization." re "Alternate World

November 12, 2021 at 7:20pm
November 12, 2021 at 7:20pm
Soon, memories will flick across my eyelids like flashes of a movie scene. People and places I ought to remember; emotions preserved in amber, priceless, serene.

I told TBlum: I bring up my own experiences to connect. That can be a major issue as some folks do not desire any connection. When I blog I consider it a conversation not a mere writing exercise. That too is not always understood.


*Sox: "Chilling insight into this world and the choices Beaoul is faced with. It seems like Mira is using 'essence of hellhound'. Venom is venom... unless it's a cheap immitation... kinda like knock-off colognes. And then there's Toni..." re "November 12, 2021

?Viv: {c:}"I need to ask myself when I'm angry, what do I fear? as that is a frequent source of my anger. Denying my anger or fear only allows it to smolder and erupt later." re "RESPONDING TO?

?Sandy: {c:}"Parenting skills... they should be taught in grade school and above. This could be used as an example. The one-room school house concept had to deal with this all the time. I suspect that the segregation by age, class, religion, race does not bode well for understanding how to deal with outrage by 'them' in a tribal world of 'us versus them'. Yes, this too shall pass ... but only if I breathe. " re "This Too Shall Pass

Cappucine: {c:}"Sarcasm to the max; but, at times getting loud works (personal experience). In general this can lead to a violent escalation in America, as Harlow Flick aptly points out. Our former leader was an expert at using fear and anger to manipulate the masses." re "A gentle reminder

Tina: {c:}"I just blow! But your advice is far better. I should learn to breathe and be assertive but pleasant. When I calm down I need to ask myself what I'm afraid of." re "Invalid Entry

LeJenD: {c:}"Parenting skills... they should be taught in grade school and above. This could be used as an example. The one-room school house concept had to deal with this all the time. I suspect that the segregation by age, class, religion, race does not bode well for understanding how to deal with outrage by 'them' in a tribal world of 'us versus them'. Yes, this too shall pass ... but only if I breathe. " re "It Ain't Worth It - 30DBC

Judith: {c:}"Breathing, keep breathing, think quick and keep breathing..." re "Just an Instant Away

Marvilla: {c:}"I think the advice of James fits the prompt best, "let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath"." re "Reminders for self

Kathie: {c:}"I vote for the animals. En serio, every school, hospital, nursing home, residency, neighborhood, workplace should have a support dog and cat. There are many animals that are good listeners. People need to chill out and breathe before blowing a gasket; sadly, I speak from experience." re "30 day Blogging-Nov 12, 2021

Robert: {c:}"I tend to be avoidant. What may be better for me is a more assertive approach, deciding to confront pleasantly without fear nor anger or by just 'letting it go' and giving it no weight nor further thought. Of course, that means I'd have to understand where my fear and anger comes from and that may mean venting in private to 'do no harm'." re "Avoidance

Sue: {c:}"I need to just breathe... and think... and later ask myself where my fear comes from (because my anger comes either from fear or injustice)." re "Count to ten

Mike: {c:}"I'm not good at tact. I'm also not good at discerning when I should open my mouth and when to keep it shut." re "Be slow to speak [30 DBC entry]

Petra: {c:}"I am still passionate about many things but at my age it's more like embers. I've had to practice non-engagement on social media for my sanity. Sometimes I succeed." re "Walk away!

QP: {c:}"I have to ask myself 'what do I fear' when I get angry... that's if I breathe and think first. I'm a bit of a dragon. " re "Handling Anger and Fear

Sonali: {c:}"I'm not fatalistic so I don't look at life this way. For me God and all the Prophets provide guidance and understand the big picture; I'm but a small detail. Death is guaranteed but not much else. It does seem that your aunt tries to reach people where they're at and not where others expect them to be. And that's good." re "He has the answer. Trust Him. - #30DBC

We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source. To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by the fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good -- this is the secret of right living.

Shoghi Effendi, Bahá’í Funds: Contributions and Administration, p. 11


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